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Messages - RouterBlade

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 17
Introduce Yourself / Re: Hi Everybody
« on: July 22, 2008, 12:21:49 pm »
just you wait till you meet Bruenor x.x, looking forward to seeing you ingame mate :)

General Discussion / Re: CDQ short notice
« on: July 20, 2008, 02:36:56 pm »
The event is set on "monday" on the calendar but will occur tonight just to dispell any confusion

General Discussion / Re: CDQ short notice
« on: July 20, 2008, 12:13:51 pm »
just a bump and abit more information, This event will be added to the calendar today and will start outside the vehl gates

Trade and Market Hall / Re: In Need of Aloe Gathering
« on: July 18, 2008, 02:29:35 am »
Box of aloe, contact brue

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday lonnarin
« on: July 08, 2008, 01:25:48 pm »
Happy B-day mate been a pleasure playing with you since the day i saw bjornigar running around in studded leather armor, and now Brue and bjorn are blood brothers! thats gotta guarantee some trouble in coming days.

General Discussion / Re: Sand Krows
« on: July 08, 2008, 01:26:36 am »
Quote from: Acacea
What do you want to talk to a guy in a flowery dress for??


because thats how i roll man, i love guys in flowery dresses :P

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: A Question
« on: July 05, 2008, 02:03:48 pm »
a day or two, read the lore section and learn about layo :), you'll need it.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Life of Bruenor Wildbeard
« on: July 04, 2008, 12:31:08 am »
HAH, Bjorn and i go way back. Were both reaching our older ages, but we still pack more punch than any of these new adventurers swinging weapons, THAT WE TOUGHT THEM HOW TO SWING! hahha, Tonight me and bjorn boxed in the arena ring till one of us dropped to the floor without moving. After getting some punches in on both of us we decided to go mine some copper, while massacring all the things in our way. After looting the cave of all ore and minerals we went to hempstead and i began to relearn smelting and gem work, and then after that we went to the forge so i could learn to make weapons like i used to. Soon we'll be off to kill some trolls to scrub the rust from my muscles and become what i was once. I taught Bjorn everything i knew, and now he's repaying everything. Tonight, i bonded my blood with Bjorn, we are now blood brothers till we die, and then more. Unseperable and overly destructive the two of us once were, and will be again soon.

General Discussion / Re: You're HOW old?!
« on: July 01, 2008, 10:41:16 pm »
Brue is around 150 or so

General Discussion / Re: Hook, Line, and Sinker - The Chase
« on: June 27, 2008, 11:36:21 pm »
Bruenor is definately going to be questioning all the guards possible on the whereabouts or direction Oskill was last seen heading.

General Discussion / Re: God its been a long time
« on: June 24, 2008, 01:41:35 pm »
DUDEEE its the crazy palemaster thingy thing :), nice to see you back

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Life of Bruenor Wildbeard
« on: June 23, 2008, 05:49:39 pm »
BAH!, bloody investigation missions.....NOT MY STYLE, had to spice some things up by throwing the furniture around, that was the only excitement there at the bloody castle, *sighs* ah well, atleast now it seems like were gonna be able to kill this Oskill guy,...i call first bashing!

Just for Fun / Re: Character theme songs
« on: June 23, 2008, 05:44:04 pm »
hahaha! wow i actually had to decide through some songs, and i reached a decision on...


YouTube - Battery - Metallica (Live 1989)

General Discussion / Re: A belated farewell
« on: June 15, 2008, 11:46:45 pm »
Take care man, was nice knowing you through the good and bad :)

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Life of Bruenor Wildbeard
« on: June 14, 2008, 02:15:28 pm »
once a kuldjargh ALWAYS a kuldjargh is what Grenna says, HAR me and that lass were the only two in the frontline with  4 times the amount of people behind us trying to keep up! NO ONE IS BETTER THAN KULDJARGHS WHEN IT COMES TO TRUE PROWESS. Me and Grenna were unstoppable! The two of us were weapons ! Even our shields smashed into the gnoll's faces, sending them to the floor to be finished off by the slowpokes behind us. We cleared the entire haven mine, even with enough time to get some ore. Which i have yet to have smelted and sold. *makes a mental note*. HAH and today! was by far the best! damned insects buzzin' about, when it first began all i remember was running, fighting, then i got poked at till i woke up at some temple of mist. I guess she liked me fer bein more  destructive than any one of her servants. So, we continued the search for some crazy lass, and we did pretty well enough till we found some house. I have a slight problem with being mocked at though, so i kicked open the door and the house exploded. I lost my eyebrows, beard, and damaged my armor......alot. My companions took abit of hits but theyll be fine. hahahahah, Blowing up a house with my boot! HAH now that is what i call STRENGTH!

*eyes a hoard of giants all charging him*

[you are feeling hungry]

uhps! a mans gotta eat when hes gotta eat

hehe im all for keeping it, Raw meat for the win!, easy,free and filling!

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Life of Bruenor Wildbeard
« on: June 04, 2008, 03:46:40 pm »
GIANT KILLINGS THE BUSINESS AND BUSINESS IS GOOD! HAHAHAHAH!! I remember that place, me and Sand Krows laid waste to that forest of mist, atleast thats what it was called back in the day, now its Forest of Fog.... morons changing the names of forests for no reason. NOT THAT THE NAMES MATTER! HAHAH! We killed so many giants I felt like i was in my younger days again, ofcourse in my younger days i killed as many giants as we did not too long ago by my bloody self. Not to worry, Ill become what i was once again, and BETTER i'll look back in time at myself and scoff at wanting to just become what i was, i will become better, I -will- the one who charges first into battle, i will be the one who inspires others in battle, I will have my enemies dread the first sight of me as my spiked armor shines in the sun! THEY WILL KNOW BRUENOR WILDBEARD

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Life of Bruenor Wildbeard
« on: June 02, 2008, 08:02:46 pm »
Well, lesson learned tonight, Arke packs a punch! haha well... him...and his little bloody friend who was poking at my back while i fended off arkes huge halberd thingy. He ran off to go heal but i dont know if he was gonna heal himself and come back at me, so i chopped at his leg. The poor lad fell to the floor and as i warded off the mephit i told his partymembers to heal arke before he bled out fully, they were too late, and so arke died. He died honorably, and with my respect*

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Life of Bruenor Wildbeard
« on: June 01, 2008, 11:15:42 pm »
HAR! AHHH THE ADRENALINE! haahahahaha those moors were one hell of an adventure! smackin out a few deposits of tin to smelt down, smacking down some lizardmen, and ofcourse CHARGING DEAD INTO THE WARLORDS MAIN ROOM! HAHAH! ohh if only more people were there to see it! TO BE THERE! As i rushed into the room, Arkenon took a barrage of arrows into his chest, dieing instantly, I leapt over his freshly expired corspe as the large man collapsed and tackled a lizardman, using my armor as a weapon, the spikes of my right arm piercing the lizardmans chest, as i straighted my back, i lifted the lizardman up, still attached to my shoulder by the large spikes he served as a good enough bodyguard for right and top side while my kite shield and left pauldron completed the inpenetrable wall, my axe struck home on another lizardman, cleaving his skull into two pieces, at that moment i felt a slight pain in my back but i ignored it, PAIN MEANT IM ALIVE HAHAHAHAH, i went on for the third lizardman while the rest of my party was at my flank, atleast i thought, i felt another sting in my back, this time not so ignorable. I looked over my shoulder and realized i was the only one alive in the room, my arse was a pincushion for crossbow bolts. I punched out the lizardman in the groin and cut off his head as he bent over , exposing his fragile neck. I turned and begun to retreat to more covered area but all i remember was hot....REALLY HOT....then i awoke in a dark place, a feminine voice whispering to me for my soul...wishing for me to stay. I told the  that ill do what i want and i awoke near the wild surge inn. HAHAHAHAHA this night needs to happen again, except... well i really didnt want to see my party mates die, but whats done is done. *Farts and closes the journal*

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Life of Bruenor Wildbeard
« on: June 01, 2008, 03:52:04 pm »
HAR! I GOT HIM! THAT BLOODY ELF BOY TASTED MY AXE! AND I HOPE HE LIKED IT!, aye...aye...he got me in the end but hahaha!! he actually thought after almost killing me that i would stop!? HAHAHAHAHAHA! A duel to the death is something i will never NEVER deny! and i WILL FINISH IT! Death does not scare me! I harbor death just how i harbor my axe! My life will be a short one, BUT IT WILL BE GLORIOUS! AND THATS JUST BLOODY FINE! *punches himself in the head with a gauntleted fist*

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