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Messages - Atomsk

Pages: [1]
CNR Suggestions/Discussion / Re: Minerals and Camping
« on: February 13, 2006, 09:48:36 am »
Thanks for clearing that up.

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / Re: Minerals and Camping
« on: February 13, 2006, 12:02:33 am »
I was just clearing up some information on the cards because it seems you can't buy cards for all the crafts out there.

As far as the breaking of tools, it's pretty rare.  But I'd like someone to tell us if this is an error or not (breaking when you open a CNR device).  It's just an inconvenience yes but it would also be an inconvenience if 1% of your fights started off with you dying before you had a chance of attacking a monster.  If it's an error I'm pretty sure it will get fixed in time.  If it's not an error and on purpose I'd be interested to know why it was put in place.

Fixed Bugs / Re: Calise, Ilsare temple vendor
« on: February 12, 2006, 11:30:03 pm »
Yeah...that's why one of them doesn't cost more and the others do >.>

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / Re: Minerals and Camping
« on: February 12, 2006, 09:39:59 am »
And you can't always get the recipe cards, instruments for one does not have one available.  As far as I have adventured that is.  I believe farmer's press is another.

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / Re: Minerals and Camping
« on: February 12, 2006, 09:08:59 am »
I'm kind of at a lack of understanding, but I've also been annoyed by the same occurences of breaking a tool as I open a crafting device.  Why do tools break as you pull them out of your pocket?

Fixed Bugs / Re: Calise, Ilsare temple vendor
« on: February 11, 2006, 05:00:24 pm »
I've always liked gold/silver/copper maybe even platinum for money.  That'd be neat.

As far as the decimal, is there a way to just round it up?

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / Re: changing exp/resource system
« on: February 11, 2006, 08:49:43 am »
Just to toss in my .02, I really wish the crafting of instruments were easier.  There's only 1 class that uses them and the same class is the only one to craft them.  That being said, I understand you have to work and practice at making something before you're proficient at it, but a bard will make 20+ instruments, before he can advance the next one, that he can do nothing but pawn it off because there certainly aren't enough bards around to be bartering amongst eachother.

Yeah, so anyways.  I like the ideas discussed here, I hope we get to test it out soon.  

I've always liked the idea of the pawn shop keeping items sold to it and selling them for discounted prices while still buying the items at dirt cheap.  The pawn shop makes the profit, and the PCs are then in return able to buy all the throw aways of others so items aren't just destroyed.  And to not kill the player economy don't let the vendor sell the finished products, so that PCs can sell them...if that's possible of course.

General Discussion / Re: Last Goodbye, Goodnight and Sweet Dreams
« on: February 10, 2006, 02:17:45 pm »
Never fun to see someone go, take care :(

Fixed Bugs / Calise, Ilsare temple vendor
« on: February 11, 2006, 11:12:00 am »
The first number is the individual price, the second is the price of a stack, and third is the cost if you bought a stack by buying individuals.
Healing Kit +1 - 18g, 131g, 126g //stacks of 7
Healing Kit +3 - 46g, 327g, 322g //stacks of 7
Cure Light Wounds - 18g, 180g, 180g //stacks of 10
Cure Moderate Wounds - 60g, 608g, 600g //stacks of 10

I'm not one to say that Calise or the temple is trying to take advantage of people, but I thought it curious that the prices differ accordingly.  Either they're trying to make extra money on a stack, or the numbers are posted incorrectly because the Cure Light Wounds potion numbers work out, but none of the others do.  Just a strange occurance I noticed. *winks and walks off*

//thought I'd also mention my merchant reaction was unfavorable, but I wouldn't think that'd make a strange variance in numbers like this..maybe it would.

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