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Messages - Corthus

Pages: [1]
Roleplaying / RE: Unfriendly deitys and Paladins
« on: February 04, 2006, 10:08:38 am »
The RP on this might depend also on wisdom and charisma of your character.  If your paladin has terrible charisma he would probable start preaching right there and with a sharp wit about what particularly is wrong with the opposing deity (kind of like a "holier than thou" sort of speach).  If you have both wisdom and charisma the pally would probably have is mind set of talking about it at the right time so as to displace what might be a reaction of distain.  A pally with a low wisdom might not really think about it being only able to tell friend from foe in extreme cases ( like direct opposion).  That is how I might decide what the character would do at any rate, but it really depends on how you.  If you feel you character might have a strong attatchment you will really have to kind of play it by ear.

the things like this that you don't expect usually turn into some of the best RP experiences

Roleplaying / Troubles of a Deep Gnome
« on: February 18, 2006, 03:10:11 am »
On the first day of my Deep Gnome coming into Layonara i walked around town in very flashy follower of Beryl clothing (making eveything as colorful as possible).  Upon meeting a dwarf he told me that it was not really safe to walk above ground as such.  I know that if i am traveling (ie. Out side of town) i am to be go as unnoticed as I can, but what about in town?  I am above ground this is true, but are towns considered a reletively safe place so that I can wear the colorful and bright clothing or would to be unsafe to all Svirfneblin above ground no matter where they are?  Been walking around in my travel garb for the last few days.

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