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Messages - gimli

Pages: [1]
Rumour Has It / Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« on: August 11, 2011, 06:17:42 pm »
Gimli quickly finishes packing his gear and reaches for his axe. He overheard an excited conversation between a couple of rofirein scum concerning drow in the silkwood and a reward in true for they're heads. Hell the truth of the matter was he would not need a reward, the very thought of catching them darkies topside and exposed brought a little spittle to his lips. He quickly washes it down with a large gulp of ale. Stopping in mid step he bursts into laughter...suppose he comes across a pitched battle between the darkies and the rofies. Who would he side with? Grinning he steps into the portal.....

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Gimlis Revenge
« on: June 05, 2010, 01:03:13 pm »

A skeletal looking raven landed near the cave entrance and dropped a rolled up parchment on the ground. It flapped away leaving dirty feathers floating in the air. Gimli knew it was from Stygian. He detested the sickly looking servants the mage often used to carry out his menial tasks, but he was been a good business partner, so Gimli tended to tolerate them.

Gimli unrolled the parchment and quickly scanned the document.

"Gim, the first individual you asked to be brought to justice has fallen to the executioner. I am proceeding to make arrangements for the next criminal. I will meet with our middle man soon to discuss the details."


Gimli pursed his lips in satisfaction. The first punishment had been dealt. Having been treated so unfairly, with a Rofirein present, was nearly more then he could bear. The humiliation and disregard for law and order was sickening. If he had been put on trial he was assured of exoneration. Hunting an evil necromancer was no crime. Over time though, the balance would be made whole again, he was sure of that. An eye for an eye...

He leaned back and propped his feet up on one of the stones encircling the small fire in front of him and let his thoughts drift. Stygian was mysterious, even after all of the many years they had been in business together. He was sure the mage was involved in some type of shadowy organization, and it might be time for Ol' Gim to dig into it a little more. The endless supplies of weapons, armors, and enchantments they manufactured were going somewhere, and Gimli was sure being put to use. The coin was good, but it might be prudent to make sure they were not upsetting the balance...

Just for Fun / Re: The wrong way to conjure a Fireball!
« on: May 25, 2010, 02:40:30 pm »
LOL...reminds me of stygian as a child.:D

Trade and Market Hall / Re: In need of a new axe
« on: December 30, 2009, 02:16:47 pm »
(scribbled) I can supply you with axe you request.I have the addi and will get started on it today.  Gimli Stonecutter

General Discussion / Re: A series of happy birthday
« on: July 29, 2009, 10:22:03 pm »
Happy birthday sister!!!    LEROY JENKINS!!!!!!!!

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Lanif Glass & Crystal
« on: July 20, 2009, 12:46:23 pm »
Pencil me in for 5 chests of that glass! *Splashes some ale on the parchment by accident*

Gimli Stonecutter

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Chakar's Stuffs for Sale
« on: July 13, 2009, 10:31:14 pm »
sorry i see it has already been spoken fer..  gimli

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Chakar's Stuffs for Sale
« on: July 13, 2009, 10:30:29 pm »
nymph cloak please..gimli stone cutter

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Wanted Adamantium...
« on: July 02, 2009, 05:14:35 pm »
wren and vrebel, any amount gets me closer to me goal and will be greatly appreceated...your kindness will be repayed in trues. most of the time i can be found around the dalanthar area minein and such.*mutters* as me pick is the best weapon i have fer now.. look forward to seein you lads..gimli stonecutter

Development Journals and Discussion / Gimlis Revenge
« on: May 20, 2010, 11:38:15 am »
Gimli takes a long pull of ale then checks the rest of his oxen.The last couple days had been a drunken blur.His hand absently strokes the fresh scar on his neck.His eyes narrow with rage as the events of that cursed night unfold in his mind.The hunt for the necromancer and the villagers that hid him.The vein in his cheek almost explodes when he thinks of the rofierion monk and her party of thugs who all but helped that linch mob put the arrow in his neck.They were in leage with the necromancer as well.A small smile comes to his lips as his mind shifts to the task at hand,he rechecks the  four oxen that carry the true,revenge is an expensive endeavor.He takes another long pull of ale and then in the dead of night heads for the shelter of high mountains knowing it will be a long while if ever befor he returns.

Trade and Market Hall / Seeking Services From Arm Of The Ram
« on: May 19, 2010, 03:03:39 pm »
I'm seeking a proffesional to preform some wet work.Coin is not an issue.Send word for contact to receive details on the target to Gimli Stonecutter.

Trade and Market Hall / Wanted Adamantium...
« on: July 01, 2009, 08:39:38 pm »
I need two more ingots to replace me axe.*wipes tears from his eye*i am willing to pay top dollar to get im.    *gimli stonecutters name is smeared on the now dry parchment*

Trade and Market Hall / dwarvin war axe
« on: June 30, 2009, 01:20:50 pm »
looking for addi dwarvin war axe.  some slinkir ah shadows stole mine off me ox..i pray fer there soul if i find out who it was....if you can help me send a bird to gimli stonecutter..i will promply respond with trues

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