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Messages - Lynn1020

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Introduce Yourself / Hi from a complete newbie to Layonara...
« on: January 14, 2009, 01:38:41 am »
Hi everyone,

My name is Steve Maurer, as you might have already noticed by my account, unimaginatively named "Steve Maurer".  I am a compete newbie to Layonara, and a nearly complete newbie to Neverwinter Nights, having missed the PC game while off having a life(*).

(*) Which among other things means having a smart and beautiful wife, who I love dearly, but is not intensely enamored with RPGs.

My story:

A long time ago, I was very much into role playing games.   When I was a teen, the California Bay Area was a Mecca of Roleplaying game companies. Combining my natural pushiness and writing skills, I became involved with a number of them.   I playtested Gloronthan Runequest with Greg Stafford, Call of Cthulhu with Sandy Peterson (before he made his money with Doom), convinced George MacDonald to put some new powers into Champions (which became the Hero System) and wrote scenarios for Hero Games, played Cyberpunk with Mike Pondsmith in Berkley, and wrote up some Secret Societies that got into Paranoia (I met the West End games staff at a Con).   Tiring of the Chaosium never delivering HeroQuest, I went and wrote my own and published it on the usenet; you can still find it out there.

The only D&D stuff I ever did was generic.  I wrote a single article, called "Pitfalls of GMing", that got published in the Dragon.  But that was about it.   (And a long time ago - I don't expect anybody is going to recognize any of these old games or gaming companies.)

I already told you the end.  I got married, became a dad, moved away to clean, rainy, wild, Oregon.  What little gaming I did was not pen and paper, but by myself on console systems.   I'm probably older than a lot of you, but if you don't hold that against me, I promise I'm a pretty good gamer, all in all, and a lot of fun to play with.   I'm hoping to just be a player here.   At least in the real world, I always ended up being roped into being the GM for some reason.

Some time in a week or so, I'll submit a character with a long background.  (Warning: I do like to write.)

Anyway, thanks for your time and attention.    :)
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / A Sailors Christmas
« on: December 24, 2008, 11:46:30 pm »
Merry Christmas to those who are home and abroad, who serve and keep our land free. Merry Christmas to the service members who serve on ships, boats or serve on land you're in our hearts and prayers.

A Sailor's Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas, the ship was out steaming, Sailors stood watch while others were dreaming.
They lived in a crowd with racks tight and small, In a 80-man berthing, cramped one and all.
I had come down the stack with presents to give, And to see inside just who might perhaps live.
I looked all about, a strange sight did I see, No tinsel, no presents, not even a tree.
No stockings were hung, shined boots close at hand, On the bulkhead hung pictures of a far distant land.
They had medals and badges and awards of all kind, And a sober thought came into my mind.
For this place was different, so dark and so dreary, I had found the house of a Sailor, once I saw clearly.
A sailor lay sleeping, silent and alone, Curled up in a rack and dreaming of home. The face was so gentle, the room squared away, This was the United States Sailor today. This was the hero I saw on TV, Defending our country so we could be free.
I realized the families that I would visit this night, Owed their lives to these Sailors lay willing to fight.
Soon round the world, the children would play, And grownups would celebrate on Christmas Day. They all enjoyed freedom each day of the year, Because of the
Sailor, like the one lying here.
I couldn't help wonder how many lay alone, On a cold Christmas Eve on a sea, far from home.
The very thought brought a tear to my eye, I dropped to my knees and started to cry.
The Sailor awakened and I heard a calm voice, "Santa, don't cry, this life is my choice."
"Defending the seas all days of the year, So others may live and be free with no fear."
I thought for a moment, what a difficult road, To live a life guided by honor and code.
After all it's Christmas Eve and the ship's underway! But freedom isn't free and it's sailors who pay.
The Sailor say's to our country "be free and sleep tight, No harm will
come, not on my watch and not on this night."
The Sailor rolled over and drifted to sleep, I couldn't control it, I continued to weep.
I kept watch for hours, so silent, so still, I watched as the Sailor shivered from the night's cold chill.
I didn't want to leave on that cold dark night, This guardian of honor so willing to fight.
The Sailor rolled over and with a voice strong and sure, Commanded, "Carry on Santa, It's Christmas, and All is Secure!"
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Merry Christmas!
« on: December 22, 2008, 08:23:00 am »
I know it's two days early but I don't think even with the lovely layo-tolerant wife I have will I be allowed near the forums on Christmas day.

Curse your secular political correctness ...


... from the Pseudonym clan!
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Oh My Gosh...
« on: December 20, 2008, 02:16:14 pm »
[SIZE=32]It's Lynn1020's Birthday!!![/SIZE]
[SIZE=24]Happy Birthday, Sweety!![/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / The Troll King presents: The Explorer Series
« on: December 11, 2008, 11:36:39 am »
I'm introducing a new series for the rest of this month and the next month (and maybe longer) that highlights the dungeons of Layo, and especially the new content. Primarily, the purpose for the series is to allow for those that have yet been unable or simply won't be able to explore the various dungeons/adventure areas due to time constraints, since many of the dungeon areas require a significant time committment to visit.

This series is.....

.... regular adventuring but with added GM spice/help/porting in and out.
.... an effort to give our casual/family gamers who have a hard time committing five+ hours to adventuring a peek at what's out there to be explored.
.... an effort to help people develop new adventuring groups as well as play with their current one.
.... an effort to help new players become familiar with the world and with older players.
.... an effort to allow for slower and more directed, meaningful exploration, without the feeling that "if we don't rush through these areas, this will take ten hours instead of five."

This series is not.....

.... a set of conventional quests with plots and stories.
.... a way to gather CNR.

The format goes like this:

1) Name the area we'll visit and a starting location. Most locations will require multiple sessions, so often the session will end and start within the dungeon. Therefore, the primary duty of the GM is to port folks in and out for these short sessions.
2) Give level req's (I'll aim for high, mid, and low levels areas).
3) Each session runs for two hours, two and a half max.
4) No XP will be offered, save for maybe 500xp RP bonks. The payoff is the exploration and monster XP.
5) The party closes after it enters the dungeon. The party opens again when it's time to visit a new dungeon.
6) Gathering CNR during the trip is prohibited. However, dropped loot is kept and split by the party as usual. This doesn't mean that we can't go to places that have CNR, but gathering CNR is not the purpose. Exploration and PC interaction is the primary goal here.

The purpose of this thread, other than to explain the new series, is to allow for everyone to make requests on dungeons/areas people wish to explore. So, with that said, request away! You've got slightly less than a week to choose the first place to go.
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

Just for Fun / Inaugural Australian Layonaran BBQ
« on: December 05, 2008, 06:54:14 pm »
Inaugural Layonaran BBQ - South Eastern Australian Division

I can confirm the inaugural Layonaran Xmas BBQ was a success and saw the gathering of such luminaries as Pseudonym, Script Wrecked, Incahootz, Angelic, Hood!um, Dezza and Polak76.

The great divide between cyber and real life has been crossed with no casualties!

I can also confirm Script Wrecked really is a 2' 6" woman who rolls her 'R's, Polak turned up in black robes spouting Corathite rhetoric and Pseudonym was far more handsome than any of his posted photos might suggest.
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / To Harlas and the Main Plot Team
« on: November 22, 2008, 09:11:23 pm »
I've only been on three of these now, but I just wanted to say - it makes the server feel different and I really appreciate your efforts.  When you bring in a plot that has the authority to dictate world events, it really makes everybody's heads turn in the same direction.  And it's neat to have that community-wide direction.

Even if we end up killing each other.  O.o

Haven't felt like this in-game for a while.  Pretty neat stuff.  Thanks.
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Thankyou
« on: November 13, 2008, 10:18:12 pm »
Id like to say thankyou , to all that took a few hours of your time tonight and came unexpectdly and off the cuff to explore a new area (to me anyways never been there) It was the most challanging area ive been to for our group which was suprising well balanced , The RolePlay all thought in such a dangerous area was top Notch and i thought id mention it here for everyone to see .

i was sceptical about heading down in that dungeon from the first moment we set off to it . But it was worth every moment of , not know what lies next , Not know where might be safe to sleep without been jumped by the next bugs /Deamons


Chak , Ell , Amanda , Aerimor , Lance ... Hahaha and most of all Pyyran (Because your crazy for going down there on 9 dts And all the way through i was praying you didnt Permie there and then)

Thanks Again everyone
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Happy Veteran's Day!!!
« on: November 11, 2008, 07:58:35 pm »
I have been in meetings all day but I wanted to make this post all day. I wanted to thank all of our members who have served in the armed forces here in layo for their time and duty to our country in the US.

A shout goes out to the wives and husbands of Veterans as well. You do a lot in the back ground for us during our time away from home. We love you and thank you, even if we don't say it enough.

CTR2 Hall USN (1995-1999)
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / long time and update
« on: November 11, 2008, 02:50:29 pm »
Hi guys,

Just thoughti would let you all know im still alive and kicking and im lurking around abit again.

I lost my home internet awhile ago, but now i have a small laptop with a wireless connection so i can check things out and maybe try and at least post some misadventures in the forums once andawhile.

I finally got my license a coupleof months ago so now im a full fledged acupuncturist/ massage therapist and am trying to get my business going. Its taking alot of my time right now, but thats a good thing. It keeps me out of trouble...well sortof, butthatsanotherstory. :p

Miss you all and all the trouble grenna was causing.

The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month
« on: November 11, 2008, 12:40:59 am »
That time again:
 A Pittance of Time
 In Flanders fields the poppies blow
 Between the crosses, row on row,
 That mark our place; and in the sky
 The larks, still bravely singing, fly
 Scarce heard amid the guns below.
 We are the dead. Short days ago
 We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
 Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
 In Flanders fields.
 Take up our quarrel with the foe:
 To you from failing hands we throw
 The torch; be yours to hold it high.
 If ye break faith with us who die
 We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
 In Flanders fields.
 Lt.-Col. John McCrae
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / World Announcement! *claps*
« on: October 29, 2008, 03:46:12 pm »
[SIZE=16]May I present to you an announcement that will shake the foundations of countries all over the globe:

"The coolest person ever was born on Friday the of October! I present to you, my newly born daughter - Tilde!"[/SIZE]

This means that I will not be able to check the forums as often in the upcoming weeks. Nor will I be able to be present in-game a lot. I'll check my inbox as often as time allows it of course, but patience is a virtue.

[SIZE=10](pronounciation of 'Tilde' in English is awkward :))[/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

Rumour Has It / Journey's End
« on: October 25, 2008, 10:11:01 am »
*Two forlorn figures lead a small cart to Folian's Temple in the depths of the Forst of Fog. Wordlessly, the older of the two figures, a lean man of middle years, takes from the cart the linen-wrapped body of his fallen friend and companion. Nearby, at the shoulder of the second figure, she a lithe younger woman who watches the scene through reddened eyes, a white-faced Belinaran monkey chitters and fidgets, distress and confusion written large in all-too-human expressions.

Moving slowly under the weight of his lifeless burden, the man approaches the High Priest of the Temple of the Longstrider. Carefully, gently, he lays the corpse to the sward at his feet.*

A fallen son of the Prince of Wolves.


Rest well nephew.

*With a nod towards his lady companion, the man quickly and quietly departs the temple to find the fallen's father and mother and tell them of life's greatest curse .. to outlive one's child.*

[size=-3]// The end of Trouble Tempest //[/size]
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Plot Quest - Descending
« on: October 17, 2008, 05:57:08 pm »
Calendar link:


People not already initiated in the motive for and goal of the quest should talk to Steel before the quest. I believe that we may be in for a long session and therefore we should not spend time on things that could easily be handled before the quest starts.

Another option is to meet for a discussion an hour or two before the starting time.

Looking forward to seeing you there ;D

The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

Rumour Has It / Goldwin Blacknight - Life of a Hero
« on: October 16, 2008, 01:43:46 pm »
It is with the greatest of sadness that I write this letter to inform all those who knew Goldwin Blacknight, of his passing. He died as he lived protecting the innocent and less fortunate. He died saving the life of a child. There can be no greater sacrifice given, than a life given to save another.
 I write to tell you of his courageous spririt, of his giving heart. Of a friend who will be missed and never forgotten. He always offered to help where he could, and protect those he loved with a understanding that his life was lived for more than just the trivial possesions, but to help those who needed him to become better people.
 I am one of those who became better for knowing him and I will never forget my treasured friend.
 Goldwin Blacknight will be sorely missed, walk always in the light Goldwin Blacknight.
 With a deep respect and fond friendship,
 ~Elohanna Dawnstar
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Layo fanart
« on: October 08, 2008, 11:06:35 am »
Okay not sure if anyone else has done any Layo art but... if not then here is some! I was a bit bored when the server was down, so I decided to draw the troupe 'Two halves and a Pint'. I know it's not very good, but I was just trying to see if I could get the characters across by doing a mixture of :
a- looking at the portraits
b- remembering the clothes worn in-game
c- some.. err... imagination?

Anyways, sorry in advance if I haven't done them well, but I hope you all like it anyway... even if you don't, as long as this makes you laugh! :D

P.S. looks a bit blurry at first, but click on the pic for 'full-view' and you can see it better.
Thanks ;)
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

Layonara Server / Donation Pooling - Community Drive
« on: October 05, 2008, 05:59:00 pm »
Alright as you may noticed there's a thermometer for donations on the front page and the Donate page now has a report of the last donors.  This is all maintained through a site who operates this sort of thing called Donations Tracker.

What I've tried to do is set this system up so I don't have to do anything.  Yes, programmers are lazy.  As much as I love Chongo, I don't want him nagging me to get some details on things when I'm busy.  

Secondly, I don't have access to Leanthar's PayPal account nor do I want it.  Never have, hopefully never will. When dealing with private financial affairs the last thing I want is communication of passwords from my system risking others.

What this system does, and it must be used for your donation to be tracked, is collect payment information from PayPal and form it into a report for me.  THEY DO NOT COLLECT CREDIT CARD INFORMATION.  They basically collect your username (or you can remain anonymous) and then they generate a neat image or report of the campaign's current numbers when PayPal reports back to them whether you did indeed go all the way through with a payment and for how much.

The report you now see on the Donate page will indicate a surplus for the month, so if you exceed the payments I will roll it forward. Please try to keep it to shorter periods for recurring payments.  I don't want people paying for 6 months and us not being here in 6 months for whatever reason, try to keep everything to 3 months or less.  You will also be able to account for it easily.

I thank you all for your exuberance, and I hope the tracker system will help you determine where you stand.  I know its a bit askew for this month, but I expect when it resets next month, things will start getting into a nice system.  We will work through any issues as they arise.

The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Out of Town on Business
« on: October 02, 2008, 09:48:28 am »
Just incase anyone was wondering. This has turned into a mess of a trip and I am stuck up here for atleast another 2 weeks (Oct 15th).

The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

Layonara Server / Donations & The Future of NWN
« on: October 01, 2008, 11:36:47 pm »
Hello again,

I've received a couple queries to the status of donations which I wanted to address with the upcoming changes to the servers.

Essentially what we've always hoped for in terms of donations was enough to offset the costs to host NWN.  That was five servers and their bandwidth.  At its peak, Leanthar was paying over $500 a month for these servers.  Over the summer it was closer to $300, but the charges were going to be over $1000 a month with the new billing structure.  An impossible price.

The donations always helped and each of us was always afraid of the potential of Leanthar just really not being able to cut it any more.  I lost sleep when he told me of the new pricing and the inevitability of the downtime.  In the end Leanthar and I both had many reasons for finding every way possible to keep NWN going.  Despite the financial weight which could be better spent, the occasional stress, the time lost better spent on future development, we really want NWN to keep serving our world.

There are a lot of people who help right now, the developers, the gamemasters, the character approvers, the lore team, the writers, the mmo team who have all helped us in the direction we seek and to continue to serve Layonara as a magnificent world realized in the form of a video game.  To not bridge the time from now until the release of the mmo with a video game entity of Layonara would in our minds have been a disservice to everyone who helps out.  Then there's the rest of the community, those who have been here for long times and those of you who have just fallen in love with Layonara.  Despite the very limited amount of rotten apples in the orchard, we really enjoy hearing about the great times you've had.  Your creative outlets both in game and in the forums.  Your community spirit and support.  

It is also no secret, we are hoping each of you will see NWN to the other side, and give us a chance in our future generation. Having even a fairly small starting community will be a boon to attracting more folks.  Especially those very well versed in roleplay and its potential for enjoyment.  And I certainly know the benefits in terms of seeking beta testers with technical aptitude.  I truly hope we can carry this weight that NWN can sometimes be across the bridge.  There are still concerns beyond the financial strain.  The most important being time dealing with the inevitable issues that serving the world brings up.

Finally on a personal note, where would I be without having some Plenarius time?  I'm not ready to just write him off in a story, I want to play it out where it all started.

So we have taken quite a downsize, we've lost 7 servers, 5 for NWN which will be combined into 2 in Montreal. 1 for DB and fileshare, and 1 to run West and Central. We'll probably have to do without a Quest server unless we can run a third module on the one server, which Dorganath and I doubt.  We also lost 2 of our development servers.   All of our hosting, 5 servers, is now in Montreal. 4 of these are paid by OneST8, one of them is piggy backed with some of our (him and I) other personal pages.  The 5th one we're getting tomorrow/Friday will be paid by me.  The tasks the 2 development servers from San Jose handled are now squeezed into the 3 remaining servers in Montreal. We have assurances from EdTheKet, Dorganath and Thak that they can help the financial strain if necessary.

So here's the deal, if you want to keep helping out to say thanks for fronting the cost of the bandwidth and server for NWN, keep donating.  With that said, the truth is that we will continue to eat the costs ourselves regardless if you donate or not as the servers will be used for our future whether they host NWN or not.  NWN Layonara is in good hands for now, but be willing to accept its inevitable departure, hopefully with fair warning.

If you want to say thanks to Leanthar for all he's paid in the past until now then donate.  (Expenses incurred are over $20,000, that is minus all past donations.)
If you want to help OneST8 and I foot the bill, hey thanks... donate. (Average monthly bill for the two NWN servers will be $200)
If you're excited about our future and wish to help us in that regard, donations are welcome.

To recap, you owe us nothing but continuing to enjoy the world, or if you have the time, continuing to volunteer as you can and hopefully you will give us a chance with the future generation of Layonara.  

If for whatever reason you just can't donate.  It's cool, don't feel bad, we'll do our best to stay alive. Alas, all good things eventually come to an end, but we're pretty confident we'll have a phoenix rising from the ashes.  Hope to see you there to witness it!

The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / (Small version by request)
« on: September 30, 2008, 09:50:53 pm »
[SIZE=16]" As we descended we came upon the last dwarven tunnel, a hallway that led to a large natural cavern. The hall was rough as though the cutters broke through into the cavern and left their duties of perfecting the path for another time, one that never came. Thus began a descent deeper and deeper, tunnels not dug by hands but burrowed or even eaten from the solid core of the mountain high above us lead from cavern to cavern. No more level rooms were to be found as we went down, further and further into Layonara. The simple clans and beasts from above grew scarce as deeper and fouler beasts, some that have never seen the sun, turned common and our group now trekked slowly and carefully."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]---Harolgar, Frostblade  of the White Fox Clan---[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16] About a month or so ago I tendered my resignation to Layonara team. I used to be able to crank out hours upon hours of building on top of playing the game for hours on end. These days I can't really find committed time to fulfill my duties as a full time quest GM on top of growing our little garden of NWN Layonara. I thought about clinging onto the GM seat, I really did. But all I'd end up doing is passing judgement or chiming in my steady opinion from afar without an inkling or grasp of our community. So it's time to call it quits.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=16] [/SIZE]    
[SIZE=16]When I started off with the relic based entry theme/ system, I built a good chunk of new material. It was closed and locked off waiting for completion both in building and the scripting needed to successfully implement it. Also, older material that had been converted was locked off. Since Dorg finalized 1.69 several weeks ago, I picked up the modules for one last swing and wrapped everything up that I was capable of handling on my own, with a little help on puzzle scripting from ScriptWrecked (thanks script).[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]The major new addition to the server is the region of the Great Spikes of the Blinding Lands, implemented as closely to Ed's team's new writings on it as I could muster knowing all the potentials of the toolset... of course with ample spins and twists on it to appropriately get an amused growl from Ed. The adventure of these northern realms is pretty neat. It's an older and perhaps simpler vibe, one that I had a lot of fun working on. And the GM who first picks up on the nature of the region and the number of quests to be had here is lucky. All in all around 70 areas that were either locked off or didn't yet exist are now in game and waiting for you. There are also a couple of new quest areas to get things kicking on quests. Beyond that it's the normal fixes here and there, trying to wrap the monster that was too hard here, and the area that needed a bit of love there.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]I've had a great time working on this module, and hope you guys liked what came of v3. I'll support fixes for the next couple of weeks to make sure nothing is quirky, and after that I'll still be around playing.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]So, I suppose I'll see you in there, and remember - when you find a book, take the time to read it and talk about it. It may save your life.[/SIZE]

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