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Messages - Xiaobeibi

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Rumour Has It / News from Kuhl
« on: January 23, 2010, 06:20:25 pm »
Word has reached the lands of Hilm from Southern Kuhl of a blitz by the Cult in controlling the city of Amaria. Houses have been searched, citizens seized, goods secured and curfews put in place for several weeks now.

Investigation suggests that the Cult are responding to an attack within its borders and the killing of a camp of Drachs, cultists and one of their precious Dragons. The Great Mottled Gold Dragon that once flew patrols over the southern lands of Kuhl has not been seen for some time although several scouts do report seeing the presence of a massive red Dragon circling high above the area once or twice since that time.
The following users thanked this post: Xiaobeibi

Rumour Has It / In loving memory
« on: January 13, 2010, 06:46:14 pm »
~In loving memory of my dear wife, Amanda Doesscha~

Whose life was cut unfortunately short by Trollocs.
May the Lady of Spells forever watch over her soul.

Amanda's Layonaran remains are being transported to her home town on Voltrex where it will be buried according to the wishes of her family there.

~Storold Doesscha

The following users thanked this post: Xiaobeibi

Development Journals and Discussion / How to make a living?
« on: January 09, 2010, 02:33:18 pm »
The dwarf bard Rockhead Howling Wolf sits in front of his fire as the last embers burn out and the cold sets in.  He fingers his purse and feels the small coin stuck in its corner and begins to ponder lack of fortune, wealth, fame and power.

"mmmmmmm"      *he strokes his moustache and a huge grin forms on his face*

* he dashes off to a large chest in the corner and finds a small bag filled with colured pastels, theatre wax and a variety of odd clothing*

Sometime later in downtown Leringard............................

,,,,?????????  POW! BANG!   THUD!

The merchant Barnaby Pickles, purveyor of fine spices, potions and tonics steps of the boat in Leringard. He makes his way to the fountain and sets up a stall.

He sings a ballad of the days of old when thing were better for all and prices were low and people had no cares for the world or its hardship.

A crowd gathers.....................

"Now then my dears, ave i got a surprise for you today. Look upon me tables here. There be wonders to behold before yous. At a price yer can buy yer wildest dreams all nicely parcelled up or contained in the smallest drops of liquid.

Yerve sufered hardships yer have but I'm here ter help yer. Dont go them churches of Toran or them Rofies, what'll they give yer but laws and pain. Doe sthey ease yer woes on a daily basis........i ask yer does they?......I cant hear yer.....does they?   the answer is no!

*holds up a bottle of brown liquid*

Now this here is Barnaby Pickles' famous Health Restorative and Tonic. Its all the rage in Western gate but I've managed ter hold on ter a few bottles for the folk of Leringard. Now it retails at a hunnerd true at Western Gate but I aint asking yer fer a hunnerd true"

*gasps around the crowd*

" I aint asking yer fer eighty true and i aint asking yer fer seventy can i do better than that missus i hear you asking.....well i'm here to say i can.....just fer you....just today.....i'm not asking fer sixty true, im not asking fer sixty-five true, fer you just today yer can this cure all for the measly sum of fourty nine true and whatever coppers yer have in yer pockets. Now i cant say fairer than that can ? 'm practically given um away today, me wife will kill me when she hears!

 Now who's gonner be first, just line up here and I'll get right ter yer...

*perform check equals 62*

* they form and queue and an hour later he packs up his empty stall and runs*


attached are a few shot of this newcomer to Leringard,  please ignore any illusions of names that you may see floating above his head, you've had to much of his tonic!

The following users thanked this post: Xiaobeibi

General Discussion / Gone for a while
« on: January 07, 2010, 09:22:56 pm »
I have to go away again because of work. I got my lap top to play NWN but not good enough to do anything outside of RP. I can not even get Buddy to enter his house without it crashing. I'll be away starting this Monday till about mid March.

On another note. Anyone here live near Vancouver and want to meet because that is where I'll be. Just send me a PM and we can make some arrangements from there.

The following users thanked this post: Xiaobeibi

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Remove Pixies as Familiars
« on: December 17, 2009, 12:19:15 pm »
I personally play mages exclusively, and believe that pixies should be removed as familiars in the game world. They take away from the need to have rogues along on outings and unfairly take away RP opportunities from both rogues and the player base. The only purpose they serve is to open locks. Some may argue RP potential, but I believe none of those that do can honestly say they have never used their pixie to open a lock. ;)

I sincerely hope this will be seriously considered. One of many quotes I have heard in and out of game:

Quote from: cbnicholson
Thank you, Gal..Ben despises pixies for that very reason..they want his job! :p
The following users thanked this post: Xiaobeibi

General Discussion / I'm not dead!
« on: December 10, 2009, 02:44:04 am »
I am, however, busy busy busy with a new job.

Know though, my thoughts are with you all[SIZE=10](1)[/SIZE].



[SIZE=10](1) occasionally ... when they're not engaging in some fantasy involving Megan Fox.[/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: Xiaobeibi

Just for Fun / Funny RP Thread
« on: July 24, 2009, 07:54:46 am »
Hi guys.

I'm not sure if you guys have seen this site, however I was at a mates house sinking some beers when he showed me this.  Had me in stitches.

YouTube - The Gamers (Part 1 of 5)

If you haven't seen this one i'm sure you'll enjoy it.

The following users thanked this post: Xiaobeibi

Rumour Has It / A Dawn of new Heroes
« on: May 21, 2009, 05:41:47 am »
A recent attack on the small town of Nel in the Sun Kingdom was thwarted, thanks to the prompt arrival of a group of adventurer's, and the increasingly popular White Lily.

The attempted attack came without warning or reason, as hosts of armoured constructs came in waves at the town.

Thankfully, this was averted... and the constructs never came within reach of the town, due in no small part to the adventurer's that arrived in the nick of time.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18]Losses were felt in the small village of Fenberry, just outside of Nel. Though thanks to quick evacuation plans, most of the civilians were able to escape to Nel with minimum loss of life.

Still no word explains what provoked this attack, or what its purpose was, though links lead to the recently escaped bandit Sashka, who escaped from Hlint with aid and made her way back to Alindor.

But Nel was thankful last night, and welcomed the adventurers that arrived to defend them, claiming them as heroes of the town.[/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: Xiaobeibi

Layonara Server / Updated Deity Entries
« on: May 16, 2009, 02:59:55 pm »
Hello everyone,

The last few weeks, several volunteers have helped in creating summaries of the new deity texts.

These summaries will be around 2 pages long, so approximately 56 pages of new deity information will be put on LORE in the near future.

We do, however, have far more, this is less than a third of the information that will be in "Layonara: The Pantheon". We're not clear on when this will be released yet, but with our recent endeavors of a version online and the policy refactoring we thought it a good idea to also release part of the new lore.

We'll update you as we go along and the information is put on LORE.

A few words of caution:
- some dogmas have had an overhaul so will look a bit different, some will be broader in scope, others will have a narrower scope.
- some deity texts that are in the current Pantheon book (2006 version) have been completely re-written as their initial authors did not allow us to use the texts. This also means some sects or parts of some churches will no longer exist, and will in fact never have existed.
All of these however, should find a new home inside the new church organization. I'll take questions on these once they've been released.

Note that no new entries have been posted yet, we'll let you know when we start and how we progress so that you don't click through LORE needlessly!
Once they're there, I will be taking questions on the new entries in the "Ask a Gamemaster" forums.

Last but not least, some words of thanks:
Thanks to all the writers for writing the new deity texts!
Thanks to rowana, Dezza, ycleption, Minerva for the summarizing.
Thanks go to OneST8 and orth for setting up the Trac system to manage this.
Thanks in advance to our LORE volunteers to put it all on LORE in the desired format!

Thank you for reading this, let me know if you have questions,

The following users thanked this post: Xiaobeibi

General Discussion / Taking a leave of absence
« on: May 16, 2009, 02:02:56 pm »
I wish you all to have a lot of fun, even more so with the double xp weekend. But I need to take time off to review somethings in my life.

I may be on sporadically to play with my two real life brothers, but as for the rest. I don't know yet.
The following users thanked this post: Xiaobeibi

Rumour Has It / Prisoner Transport in Nel
« on: April 30, 2009, 05:23:53 am »
A high profile prisoner involved in banditry, murder and kidnapping has recently been escorted from Nel to a currently undisclosed location within the Sun Kingdom.

This comes after a near-tragic kidnapping and ransom attempt on a local and well-loved businessman from the Purple Worm trading company within Nel.

Thanks to a small group of astute and daring adventurer's, the man was rescued and due to local outrage at the event, authorities have removed the prisoner from Nel to await trial.

Member's of a little known Guild "The White Lily", originally responsible for the capture of the bandit leader, are also known to be responsible for the rescue of the kidnapped and the forcing of the prisoners relocation.[/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: Xiaobeibi

Just for Fun / Rocky's Guide ter goremay- Part the first
« on: April 28, 2009, 02:32:59 pm »
( in homage to fastshow but here goes)

You lot don't know a good meal when yer see one. Here's me guide loike...

This week I have been mostly eating Badger Pie and blueberries washed down with Wizard wheat ale.

and my life story so far......

This week I have mostly killed by Giants, Gnolls, Bears and cows.

(please feel free to report on your own deaths, sort of straw pole?)

Rockhead Howling Wolf, bard and connorsurre loike.
The following users thanked this post: Xiaobeibi

General Discussion / New Character/Player Quests!
« on: April 25, 2009, 03:48:33 am »
New Character/Player Quests

Starting in two weeks time ( Dependant) , a series of ongoing quests will be run.
Rules and information are stated below.

-- Your character should ideally be "brand new" at level 1...but I will allow up to Level 4. You can of course log in to equip with basic weapons and armour, and customise clothing.. buy healing potions and bandages... supplies... ect

-- Level requirements will ascend as the group level ascends. For the end of the first quest... I would expect everyone who started at Level 1 to be at least level 3 or 4. Therefore, the following quest will have a level Requirement of 1 -5... then 1 - 7... 1 - 8.... ect.

-- Your character should only be played on these quest's until the conclusion of the series. This will last for a minimum of two weeks, with 2-3 quests run per week. ( You "can" play your character outside of the quests if you wish, but should you exceed the next quests level requirements you will not be allowed to participate )

-- Equipment, armour and weapons can be found or purchased during these quests.

-- If you happen to miss a quest one day, you can still attend the next. Although level requirements will ascend, the minimum will remain at Level 1.

-- Quests will be Wensdays at 7pm GMT ( 8pm BST) and Saturdays 8am GMT ( 9am BST ). An additional quest "may" be run on occassions on Monday 7pm GMT ( 8pm BST )

This would be a perfect opportunity to create that new character you had been thinking about, or for those new to the server to get a good start and meet new people.

This is of course dependant on the amount of interest shown here.

Please remember your character needs to be submitted and approved before you can login and join these quests!
The following users thanked this post: Xiaobeibi

Layonara Server / Important: House Cleanup
« on: April 19, 2009, 07:31:05 pm »
The following houses are slated to be put back on the market in two weeks unless any players use these homes for valid reasons and would like to purchase the home themselves.  There may be a few that I've mistaken as being vacant, so please pipe up if you use these houses and we'll try to clear up ownership on a case by case basis.

I will not accept absent players asking to not sell the house if they do not play here any more on the possibility that they might come back. These homes need to be used by current players.

I will not accept convenient teleports in vacant homes as a reason to keep them in the current owner's possession.

171 - Still in use
251 - To be returned to market once Script Wrecked gets possessions
260 - Transfer ownership to Wren

I will return the homes to the market on a sporadic random basis over the course of a week after the two weeks are up.
The following users thanked this post: Xiaobeibi

Layonara Server / Implosion Usage
« on: April 07, 2009, 01:21:45 pm »
I just wanted to clarify how Implosion works with it's recent changes.

You cast the spell and it find the first hostile creature within 10m and begins focussing on that creature after a slight delay.  Once the round is complete with your focusing, the hostile creature will then make the save and die or not.  At this point the system then looks for the next hostile creature within the 10m radius to focus upon for the next round. It does this for a total of 4 rounds, 4 creatures.  It will not attempt the implosion on the same creature if it passes their save.

You can move around while this is happening! You can also take damage, but you can not attack or cast another spell or it breaks.

I've put together a video, it's kind of big (32MB), you can download it here to watch it: - You might want to right click, save as, then run it from your computer, rather then watching it directly from my site, as it might be too big to buffer properly.

You will notice when I'm focusing on the third gnoll, I realize the fourth gnoll will be out of my radius by the time the round is done so I move closer to him so I'll be sure to focus the implosion on him the next round.

Hope that helps with the new spell, cheers!
The following users thanked this post: Xiaobeibi

Hello all,

We're sorry to do this, but we have temporarily disabled persistent storage.  This applies to all chests, crates and other containers in player housing and guild halls, as well as bank chests.

Do not worry! Your items are not lost. They will simply be inaccessible for a time while we work out the best way to address these issues.

At this time, we do not have an ETA on when persistent storage will be available again.  We understand that this may be an inconvenience for you, but we assure everyone it will be relatively short-lived. Please bear with us as we seek to improve the situation.
The following users thanked this post: Xiaobeibi

Fixed Bugs / Pale Master Caster Level - FIXED
« on: March 29, 2009, 07:28:38 am »
From the [LORE]Pale Master[/LORE] Lore page, it states:

[INDENT]"Warning: the pale master's caster level only increases by 1 every 2 levels, so a level 10 wizard/ level 30 pale master would have caster level 25 (10 + 30/2), compared to caster level 40 for a level 40 wizard. This is sometimes a considerable disadvantage."[/INDENT]

However, in stock standard NWN, the Pale Master level does not contribute to the caster level(1), as attested to by this post:

[INDENT]"Pale master levels augment spell slots, but otherwise do not affect spellcasting. Thus, a level 10 sorcerer / 19 pale master has the same spells per day as a level 20 sorcerer, but has a caster level of only 10 and only knows as many spells as a level 10 sorcerer."[/INDENT]

This is borne out by the (quick) testing I have done of the GetCasterLevel() function.

So, my question is, has there been any Layonara specific modifications to somehow incorporate the Pale Master level into the caster level, or does the Lore entry require updating?


Script Wrecked.

[SIZE=10](1) This seems to be a misconception confused with the fact the Spellcaster gets new spells every other Pale Master level.[/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: Xiaobeibi

General Discussion / Gala's birthday tommorrow
« on: March 27, 2009, 03:59:10 pm »
I'm mining gems all tommorrow so here's an early happy skinnydipping in the nearest pond day to Gala ( tickets available at 100 true each from Rockhead but can't promise she would show), or is that hippy birdday ( lost in translation)

also Happy Pieday from Keppli!

...couldnt leave it without a song ( eleanor rigby may come to mind)

                        Galathea Arnaduillae

Gala Arnaduillae,
picks up the rice near the crypt where the undead have been,
lives in a dream.

Looks out the window,
holding a mace that she keeps not too far from the door,
what is it for?

All the Layo people,
where do they all come from?
All the Layo people,
I'll sing their tales in song.

Gala the cleric,
writing her thoughts 'bout the things in the dark that have caused her to fear,
they come too near.
look at her working,
healing the sick in the night when there's nobody there,
Why does she care?

All the Layo people,
where do they all come from?
All the Layo people,
I'll sing their tales in song.
Arghhhhhhh look at all the boney people,
Arghhhhhhh look at all the boney people.

Rockhead Howling Wolf

hippy birddday lass!
The following users thanked this post: Xiaobeibi

Rumour Has It / The Lucindites are in league with Pyrtechon!
« on: November 25, 2008, 04:43:55 pm »
Rumor has it that two nights ago, a group of commoners defiled a shrine of Lucinda in Port Hempstead in the dead of night. They called the few Lucindites present dragonlovers, collaborators and traitors.

Merchants out of Port Hempstead spread a tale of the church of Lucinda being in league with the legendary dragon Fisterion, and are bent on destroying all cities on Mistone, like the white dragon did with Leringard.
When these merchants are asked about how they come by this, they state it was stated by somebody dressed in Lucinda's colors, in the middle of Port Hempstead in broad daylight. Many a passer-by had heard it.

The rumor spreads like wildfire across Brelin and into Trelania.

Most common folk nod their heads when hearing the story "Always said them magickers cannot be trusted! Now they're in league with the Destroyer! We're all going to die!"
The following users thanked this post: Xiaobeibi

Rumour Has It / Journey's End
« on: October 25, 2008, 10:11:01 am »
*Two forlorn figures lead a small cart to Folian's Temple in the depths of the Forst of Fog. Wordlessly, the older of the two figures, a lean man of middle years, takes from the cart the linen-wrapped body of his fallen friend and companion. Nearby, at the shoulder of the second figure, she a lithe younger woman who watches the scene through reddened eyes, a white-faced Belinaran monkey chitters and fidgets, distress and confusion written large in all-too-human expressions.

Moving slowly under the weight of his lifeless burden, the man approaches the High Priest of the Temple of the Longstrider. Carefully, gently, he lays the corpse to the sward at his feet.*

A fallen son of the Prince of Wolves.


Rest well nephew.

*With a nod towards his lady companion, the man quickly and quietly departs the temple to find the fallen's father and mother and tell them of life's greatest curse .. to outlive one's child.*

[size=-3]// The end of Trouble Tempest //[/size]
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