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Messages - Lord Dark

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Rumour Has It / Journey's End
« on: October 25, 2008, 10:11:01 am »
*Two forlorn figures lead a small cart to Folian's Temple in the depths of the Forst of Fog. Wordlessly, the older of the two figures, a lean man of middle years, takes from the cart the linen-wrapped body of his fallen friend and companion. Nearby, at the shoulder of the second figure, she a lithe younger woman who watches the scene through reddened eyes, a white-faced Belinaran monkey chitters and fidgets, distress and confusion written large in all-too-human expressions.

Moving slowly under the weight of his lifeless burden, the man approaches the High Priest of the Temple of the Longstrider. Carefully, gently, he lays the corpse to the sward at his feet.*

A fallen son of the Prince of Wolves.


Rest well nephew.

*With a nod towards his lady companion, the man quickly and quietly departs the temple to find the fallen's father and mother and tell them of life's greatest curse .. to outlive one's child.*

[size=-3]// The end of Trouble Tempest //[/size]
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Rumour Has It / Word out of Willows Weep
« on: October 22, 2008, 10:50:07 pm »
Throughout the chaos of the war against Sinthar Bloodstone, and beyond the end of the war and the Dark Ages that descended upon Layonara, the Tomb of Lost Heroes has remained a largely quiet and dormant place. The very place meant to ensure that the Lost are not forgotten was itself forgotten amongst the greater concerns of the age.  The news of new and foul plots in the world, the prospect of another war and further hardship for the world seem to dominate the talks where people gathered. The minds of most are on their futures, not on the fate of heroes who have passed from mortal life.

Yet in recent weeks, whispers then rumors begin to float through towns and cities, speaking of the Tomb in Willows Weep and of how it has been cleared of the neglect of decades.  Rumors speak of an anonymous benefactor who wishes the past not be forgotten. Still other rumors say it is the work of locals who felt the Tomb deserved to live up to its name.  Whatever the real story may be, one thing is consistent throughout all reports:

The Tomb of Lost Heroes is "alive" with new monuments to the fallen.

Which heroes past have been enshrined?  The tales and stories of such are as varied as those who tell them.  There's only one way to know for sure...
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Rumour Has It / Goldwin Blacknight - Life of a Hero
« on: October 16, 2008, 01:43:46 pm »
It is with the greatest of sadness that I write this letter to inform all those who knew Goldwin Blacknight, of his passing. He died as he lived protecting the innocent and less fortunate. He died saving the life of a child. There can be no greater sacrifice given, than a life given to save another.
 I write to tell you of his courageous spririt, of his giving heart. Of a friend who will be missed and never forgotten. He always offered to help where he could, and protect those he loved with a understanding that his life was lived for more than just the trivial possesions, but to help those who needed him to become better people.
 I am one of those who became better for knowing him and I will never forget my treasured friend.
 Goldwin Blacknight will be sorely missed, walk always in the light Goldwin Blacknight.
 With a deep respect and fond friendship,
 ~Elohanna Dawnstar
The following users thanked this post: Lord Dark

General Discussion / Layo fanart
« on: October 08, 2008, 11:06:35 am »
Okay not sure if anyone else has done any Layo art but... if not then here is some! I was a bit bored when the server was down, so I decided to draw the troupe 'Two halves and a Pint'. I know it's not very good, but I was just trying to see if I could get the characters across by doing a mixture of :
a- looking at the portraits
b- remembering the clothes worn in-game
c- some.. err... imagination?

Anyways, sorry in advance if I haven't done them well, but I hope you all like it anyway... even if you don't, as long as this makes you laugh! :D

P.S. looks a bit blurry at first, but click on the pic for 'full-view' and you can see it better.
Thanks ;)
The following users thanked this post: Lord Dark

Layonara Server / Donations & The Future of NWN
« on: October 01, 2008, 11:36:47 pm »
Hello again,

I've received a couple queries to the status of donations which I wanted to address with the upcoming changes to the servers.

Essentially what we've always hoped for in terms of donations was enough to offset the costs to host NWN.  That was five servers and their bandwidth.  At its peak, Leanthar was paying over $500 a month for these servers.  Over the summer it was closer to $300, but the charges were going to be over $1000 a month with the new billing structure.  An impossible price.

The donations always helped and each of us was always afraid of the potential of Leanthar just really not being able to cut it any more.  I lost sleep when he told me of the new pricing and the inevitability of the downtime.  In the end Leanthar and I both had many reasons for finding every way possible to keep NWN going.  Despite the financial weight which could be better spent, the occasional stress, the time lost better spent on future development, we really want NWN to keep serving our world.

There are a lot of people who help right now, the developers, the gamemasters, the character approvers, the lore team, the writers, the mmo team who have all helped us in the direction we seek and to continue to serve Layonara as a magnificent world realized in the form of a video game.  To not bridge the time from now until the release of the mmo with a video game entity of Layonara would in our minds have been a disservice to everyone who helps out.  Then there's the rest of the community, those who have been here for long times and those of you who have just fallen in love with Layonara.  Despite the very limited amount of rotten apples in the orchard, we really enjoy hearing about the great times you've had.  Your creative outlets both in game and in the forums.  Your community spirit and support.  

It is also no secret, we are hoping each of you will see NWN to the other side, and give us a chance in our future generation. Having even a fairly small starting community will be a boon to attracting more folks.  Especially those very well versed in roleplay and its potential for enjoyment.  And I certainly know the benefits in terms of seeking beta testers with technical aptitude.  I truly hope we can carry this weight that NWN can sometimes be across the bridge.  There are still concerns beyond the financial strain.  The most important being time dealing with the inevitable issues that serving the world brings up.

Finally on a personal note, where would I be without having some Plenarius time?  I'm not ready to just write him off in a story, I want to play it out where it all started.

So we have taken quite a downsize, we've lost 7 servers, 5 for NWN which will be combined into 2 in Montreal. 1 for DB and fileshare, and 1 to run West and Central. We'll probably have to do without a Quest server unless we can run a third module on the one server, which Dorganath and I doubt.  We also lost 2 of our development servers.   All of our hosting, 5 servers, is now in Montreal. 4 of these are paid by OneST8, one of them is piggy backed with some of our (him and I) other personal pages.  The 5th one we're getting tomorrow/Friday will be paid by me.  The tasks the 2 development servers from San Jose handled are now squeezed into the 3 remaining servers in Montreal. We have assurances from EdTheKet, Dorganath and Thak that they can help the financial strain if necessary.

So here's the deal, if you want to keep helping out to say thanks for fronting the cost of the bandwidth and server for NWN, keep donating.  With that said, the truth is that we will continue to eat the costs ourselves regardless if you donate or not as the servers will be used for our future whether they host NWN or not.  NWN Layonara is in good hands for now, but be willing to accept its inevitable departure, hopefully with fair warning.

If you want to say thanks to Leanthar for all he's paid in the past until now then donate.  (Expenses incurred are over $20,000, that is minus all past donations.)
If you want to help OneST8 and I foot the bill, hey thanks... donate. (Average monthly bill for the two NWN servers will be $200)
If you're excited about our future and wish to help us in that regard, donations are welcome.

To recap, you owe us nothing but continuing to enjoy the world, or if you have the time, continuing to volunteer as you can and hopefully you will give us a chance with the future generation of Layonara.  

If for whatever reason you just can't donate.  It's cool, don't feel bad, we'll do our best to stay alive. Alas, all good things eventually come to an end, but we're pretty confident we'll have a phoenix rising from the ashes.  Hope to see you there to witness it!

The following users thanked this post: Lord Dark

General Discussion / Notice: A New Hope...
« on: September 29, 2008, 10:13:29 am »
... has a good chance of not happening this week due to the server issues. So, if the servers are up, it's likely a go, but if not, well, we just have to wait. For that reason, I'm not putting it on the calender just yet. I'll post in this thread if/when I find out for sure.
The following users thanked this post: Lord Dark

General Discussion / Wanted to thank Plen
« on: September 27, 2008, 08:55:47 am »
Wanted to take a moment to thank Orth for the story telling event.  It was fun and imformative and his story telling abilities rival those of Ozzy.   The Lore stories are something I have missed greatly and Im glad he took the time to share them with us as a community.
The following users thanked this post: Lord Dark

Roleplaying / IC effecting OOC... and Vice Versa
« on: September 18, 2008, 03:34:08 am »
Some people support football ( or Soccer if I have to use it) or baseball.
Some collect stamps or stick little wodden ships in big glass bottles.
Others play Online Games.
With either of the above, you are bound to get some kind of emotional attachment to your chosen preference. I personally recall seeing my brother sob like a little girl when England failed to qualify for the European cup.
It's really not that much different here.

Some of us invest a lot of time in the character's we've created here, and as it is a Roleplay world, there's no telling what could happen to your creation when you log in. Some of it could be good, some of it could be bad.
Some of it will make us laugh... and yet some of it may... just may, make us curse.

Events ingame may occur against your character, or situations may arise you really did not want to but have no control over. Tensions may rise, and you may find yourself angry, agitated or annoyed.
That is fine. And it's to be expected considering what we put into some of our characters, or how things can occur ingame.

Some of the things Im hinting at are things like:

 Deity relations - " I will not travel with this person. Leave now... or we will "make" you leave!"  ... at which point someone finds themselves kicked from a group.
Sure... it may have been RP'd fairly enough and had RP reasons to be done, but that doesn't stop the player who now finds himself alone from being mildly miffed about the whole situation.

PvP - This can vary. But often enough I've seen is when two characters dont mesh well and it comes to blows. RP'd is fine... but it usually results in said people no longer travelling with each other, refusing or being unable to join groups because their opponent is traveling in said group.
Again, fine reasons and good RP. But it still may result in one person being left out of a circle or group they were accustomed to traveling in, or once again, find themselves all alone.

Broken Relations - A change in the routine. Your IG partner may dump you... or people you used to travel and RP with frequently suddenly no longer seem to be around, or are busy doing other things. One thing with the above to remember is.... simply because you may be dating/married to a certain person Ingame, or have the most fun RPing with a certain person, does not mean you need to go to and be with that same person everytime they log in.

There are likely more I cant think of, but the above tend to leave Player's with negative feelings. That "can" be understandable and unavoidable, since RP is Roleplaying out the Good and Bad times of your Character's life.
But the important thing is to ensure that that same negativity doesn't affect you and flow back into the game.
If your angry because a certain RP situation caused X or Y to happen, caused that evil Corath to kill your character in less than two rounds, or because your InGame love ran off with the Tailor from Hempstead, and you know it's affected you, it's perhaps time to log-off, roll back your chair and remember this is a game.

We're all here to enjoy a game. If this game no longer becomes fun and annoys us... it's time to sit back and take a break, get some perspective.
And those spending their few spare hours coming here to enjoy this game, shouldn't need to deal with any form of negativity we push out because an InGame situation didn't go the way we wanted it to.

Hmm.... I've rambled quite a lot.
Basically, all I'm saying in my long-winded way is, dont let IC things effect your OOC mood... and thus let your OOC mood effect your IC mood... and so on and so forth.
The following users thanked this post: Lord Dark

General Discussion / A Happy farewell
« on: September 15, 2008, 01:35:54 pm »
I am stepping down from the GM team. It has been so much fun being a GM for all of you. Thank you all for the energy that you have brought to my quests. I am doing this now because I feel I dont have the time to commit to quests that it takes and needs to be a good GM. I will still be playing though and maybe more so ;).

Being a GM is not an easy task on Layo. Not only is there so much you need to know but the player base is very sophisticated and that means you had best be on your toes at all times as a GM. By the end of some of my quests I would just log and pass out from the amount of multi tasking it took. Please keep in mind that most of the time there is only one GM there and he or she is trying to track all text (many times in multi locations), use a plethora of tools to call forth this beast or that NPC, play the NPCs, turn area spawns on and off, balance and re balance encounters, and set the mood and stage. All of this is after a couple of hours of set up. Be nice to them they work really hard.

Thank you all,
Jrizz - Happy
The following users thanked this post: Lord Dark

General Discussion / New web IRC interface
« on: September 15, 2008, 09:33:07 am »
Hi all,

I've integrated a new web based irc widget which is provided for free by .  It seems to be a bit more featured then our existing one, specifically being able to handle private conversations.

For those who use IRC via web, please give it a try and let me know what you think.

The following users thanked this post: Lord Dark

Roleplaying / Playing Another Character's Class
« on: August 25, 2008, 02:36:22 am »
Please be aware (and mindful and considerate) that when subsuming knowledge of another character's class (or race or alignment for that matter), that the other player is being denied the opportunity to play those components of their own character.

Certain things about the different classes/races/alignments are common (character) knowledge, but when their own doctrines/dogmas/creeds/racial outlooks are quoted at them, well, that component of that character has just been rendered superfluous and impotent.


Script Wrecked.
The following users thanked this post: Lord Dark

In Memory of Shiff Dragonheart
Loving Father, Faithful Husband,
Loyal Friend, Stubborn Protector,
Master Swordsman, Honorable Man.
[SIZE=13]May his spirit forever watch over [/SIZE][SIZE=13]the people he spent so much of [/SIZE]
[SIZE=13]his life trying to protect.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]Shiff Dragonheart was born Jular 29, 1390 during Sinthar's War to a pair of apple farmers living on the outskirts of Prantz. There Shiff lived with his father, Drakus, and his mother, Saria, in peace, enjoying the simple comforts of farm life. Shiff would often be told stories by his father, who had recently joined the volunteer corps of the Prantz army, of the great heroes of this time, but seemed to love the stories about a man his father called the Norseman. Many a night Shiff would lay in bed thinking about being a great warrior, wielding a mighty sword and slaying monsters. Shiff would even spar with his father, chasing his father around with sticks with a bucket on his head.

Everything changed, however, when Shiff was eight years old. While riding into town to sell some apples, a man jumped them from the trees knocking them off their Wagon. Shiff hit his head in the fall and could barely stand, but his father and mother were trapped by the thief. Wanting all their gold, Shiff's father stood rooted in fear, until the thief snatched Saria from her husband’s side. It was then Drakus, fueled by anger, attacked the bandit unarmed. All three fell to the ground, Saria landing on the thief knife, Drakus' throat slit in the ensuing struggle. Standing, the thief tore through the clothes of Shiff's parents, robbing their dead bodies of all they had. Two days past until someone found them. Shiff was still sitting in the same spot, staring at the bodies of his parents....

Shiff was taken in by the Citadel of Toran in Prantz as an orphan. There he learned of Toran and his Ways, taught how to count and use arithmetic, how to read and write, and most importantly, how to fight. Shiff would spend hours in the Temple's training room being shown how to use the long sword by the Paladins, but he had a special interest in something... greater. By the age of ten, Shiff had become so proficient with a great sword that none of the other young men and women at the temple wanted to spar with him, and even a few of the youngest Paladins were intimidated (though they could still best him). By age eleven people could be heard around the Temple wondering if Shiff would join the ranks of the All Watching's Paladins, but life in the Temple was about to come to an end.

In 1402, Prantz came under siege by the forces of Bloodstone's Deep Dwarf General Rael. As the invading army made it's way into the city, it attacked and destroyed the Citadel of Toran, but the Paladins and Clerics did what they could to hold back the hordes for as long as possible, giving the clergy the chance to round up as many of those unable to fight. Shiff however, got separated from the rest, and found himself standing before a Deep Dwarf ready to break him to pieces, but just as he rose up his mighty war hammer to smite the poor boy, an arrow flies over Shiff's head striking the dwarf dead, the fletching poking out of an eye socket. Turning to look where the arrow came from as the dwarf fell dead Shiff saw a man in blue, armed with a bow and rapier, running deeper into the city, before being scooped up by more refugees and led from the city.

In the aftermath of the War Shiff, now twelve years of age, found himself in a boarding house in Lor. With Prantz fallen the Toranite Church acquired a small but respectable place for worship, but Shiff's faith in Toran had now begun to waver. The God whom his father and mother and even the Priests had told him cared so much about protecting the people whom had faith in him seemed to have failed. Toran's Paladins had not rallied the people of Prantz to victory. Instead they died, filled with arrows, bludgeoned with hammers, hewn with axes, at the hand of heartless followers of the Deep Lord. Shiff slowly spent less and less time with other Toranites, often joining merchant caravans to visit Castle Mask and spend time among the crop fields like he did when he was young.

Then a moment came were Shiff, now eight-teen, felt strongly for Toran again. A few Toranites who knew of the Murder of Shiff's parents had somehow found the man, based on a description given to them from Shiff. Shiff, whom they told immediately, went with them to the local courthouse to press charges against the man. A court date was set for the next week.

When the day came, Shiff sat behind the defendants bench, fists clenched, burning a hole in the back of the man's head with his eyes. His thoughts were filled with justice, seeing the man hanging from the gallows as crows pecked out his eyes. But then something snapped him back to the court room. Not an hour had passed when he heard the gavel, but instead of the word "Guilty" coming from the Judge, he heard "Acquitted." The Toranite lawman pleaded for the judge to reconsider, but apparently a description of a man a child say ten years ago was hardly evidence. Shiff became enraged, yelling that the he could never forget the eyes of the man who killed his parents, pointing his finger at the now grinning man in the defendant’s chair. The Judge yelled back, letting him to sit down or be arrested, but Shiff didn't care anymore. He jumped over the small fence between him and the man, and before he could be stopped, smote the man across the face with his fist.

Shiff spent the next night in jail, while the man was taken to the local temple to rest from Shiff's assault. When Shiff was let free the following night, he went to the Toranite temple, cleared out his things, and headed to the docks, looking for a ship to take him away from there. Standing there on the docks, seemingly waiting for him was the man, with a knife in his hand. Shiff charged him, dropping his things on the dock. The man swung at him and missed, Shiff wrestled him for the knife, but the man was not as lucky as he was last time. Shiff won the knife, stabbed it into the man's stomach, and lifted it up into his ribcage. The man died with barely a sound.

Shiff dumped the man into the sea, knife left in his chest, before running about a ship bound for Hurm. There Shiff became a member of a pirate ship for three years, until he tried to take over the ship of a Sun Elf Pirate from Voltrex, earning him the nickname, "The Damned Mercenary." Despite having the Ship, Shiff was chased all the way to Port Hempstead, where he eventually abandoned the ship, running along the roads as fast as he could.

He eventually found Hlint, and by that we mean Shiff ran head first into the walls of Hlint after being chased by a deer. Since arriving in Hlint, Shiff’s always had been bouncing between troubles of different sorts. Whether it was strange things in the Red Light Caves, the rats in the Hlint sewers, undead in the crypts, or dark elves attacking the town, Gnolls taking over the Haven Mines, Pirate Lords searching for ancient relics, Shiff always seemed to be there somewhere in the background, messing around with something he shouldn’t have been touching.

That, though, wasn’t all the self proclaimed “Damned mercenary” was up to. He had made several good friends in the years in Hlint. Tegan the Sorceress, Tath the Islander, Talia the cleric, just to name a few, but he also met the woman he would one day marry: the tall, brave, strong-willed, and tough Valmara Dormin. He’d be seen with her almost as much as the great sword he’d become well known for wielding and the two would become a team known for standing back to back in the midst of great dangers (despite Shiff’s usually protest that she should be someplace safer).

However, there came an event in Haven that changed Shiff’s life for ever. Not long after the old Haven Mines were taken over by gnolls, Shiff led a group of misfits down there on a mining Expedition in an attempt to collect some of the gems and ores unique to those mines. The trip itself went well, but upon leaving, they found a little girl following them. She had lost something inside the mine. Shiff found it, but soon after a Gnoll followed Shiff out and attacked the girl, killing her instantly. This changed Shiff forever. Once a man always boisterous and wild, charging enemies without a care became a wreck of a man.

For an entire year Shiff was little more then a drunken bum; unkempt, dirty, haggard, and haunted by nightmares of blood, dead friends, and gnolls. It was the love of his friends, as well as the love of the woman he loved, and their encouragement that kept him going. During this time he found some faith in the Goddess Beryl, and the friendship of some of her Priests.

His first chance at peace came at the end of that year. A letter came to him from two people from Prantz. They were his God Parents, and they brought him somewhere he had never been before, the graves of his mother and father. He broke down then, crying and hugging their grave stone and promising never to let anything like that happen again. He got the chance not long after. His God Parents where soon after Kidnapped by Dwarven bandits, and though he managed to rescue them, it nearly cost them their lives, as well as the lives of the friends who helped him. Afterwards Shiff vowed never to pick up a sword again unless he had to.

Shiff married his sweetheart, Valmara Dormin, not long after that in the newly rebuilt Temple of Beryl, and soon after moved to Fort Llast. For a while Shiff repaid Beryl for what he thought was the blessing of a loving wife by helping the Emerald Quillwem gather resources for the rebuilding of the once razed city of Stone, and later helped mine into the caved in Temple of Beryl that was still there.

After a time Shiff and Valmara had their first child, a young daughter named Tyra. Though still plagued by the nightmares, he was now able to fight them, having a family that loves him greatly. But his family would soon grow, and an old vow would have to be broken...

One day, while Shiff was in Port Hempstead minding his own business, he noticed a man trying to convince an old farmer to sit at the bottom of a pond and hold is breath until he couldn’t any more in exchange for a wish. The mere idea angered Shiff, and with the help of some other attentive people drove the man off and brought the old farmer home, but soon trouble started. Shiff, and the few with him, were set upon by diseased rats and snakes, then decaying undead and lastly vile demons. Shiff and his companions fought all off as best as they could, but in the end Shiff was defeated by the power of a demon, thrown aside as the demon broke into the farmers home and took him. Shiff, feeling as if he had failed the man, began to investigate, but the man found him first. Shiff was exploring the mountains to the North East of Port Hempstead with a colleague when the Man killed his colleague before appearing before Shiff. He warned Shiff not to meddle in his affairs or he would regret it, before disappearing just as he appeared. Shiff feared the worst. Shiff rushed home gathered up his family and had them travel to Stone. Asking a favor of his Berylite friends there he had his family hidden deep below Stone in a Gnomish City. He knew he couldn’t protect his family from such a powerful Sorcerer. But he wasn’t going to just run and hide either. Leaving his family to the protection of Beryl’s faithful, Shiff returned to Port Hempstead, determined to stop the Sorcerer. Spending near all his time in and around the lands adjacent to Hempstead, Shiff fought off numerous attacks against those living and traveling through the fields, until Shiff managed to gather a group of like-minded adventurers and eventually discovered the Sorcerer’s lair and destroyed him.

Not long after Shiff returned to Stone to fetch his family, and discover to his joy and surprise that Valmara had been pregnant with their next child. Months passed and Shiff began to move the family to a new home in Haven, while preparing for their next child. Not long before moving to Haven, Valmara gave birth to a son, whom they named Drakus Voran.

Shiff was now even more determined to make sure he could always protect his family, and though Haven was a reminder of the shadow of his past, the Family moved into their new home there. Still, Shiff’s drive to protect those around him kept him always from home and always in search of ways to protect those who cannot protect themselves, regardless of what it took to do so, and would ultimately result in his death at the hands of an ambushing vampire.

That would become the legacy of Shiff Dragonheart. Always ready for a fight, but always in the service of protecting the people. Shiff would one day save and change the lives of a Port Hempstead family, standing up for them and bring them back from the brink of ruin. They would live with Shiff and his family, even beyond the death of the Hero. Shiff is now laid to rest on a hill overlooking the city of Haven, the place that he would have died to defend. A master swordsman, Shiff always sought to use his skill in the service of others. Hopefully his spirit will not be forgotten, and may yet inspire another to take up his mantle, and continue fighting for those who cannot protect themselves.

The following users thanked this post: Lord Dark

General Discussion / Done.
« on: May 10, 2008, 01:24:21 pm »
I have a master's degree. Got the piece of paper yesterday, after sitting very bored through a two hour ceremony in a robe with sleeve-wings.

I think my family was more happy than I was.

And now it's back to an 8-5.

On the upside, I'll be more consistent with Layo time now. :p

P.S. To those on the "Reveal the Storm" quest, see the layo server forums. I finally got a post in there, and yes, I pretty much just woke up.
The following users thanked this post: Lord Dark

Ask A Gamemaster / Ask the Loremaster: Cosmology
« on: August 05, 2007, 10:32:30 am »
Please post any questions on the new cosmology here. I will make this a running thread and update questions/answers.

1) considering how much shadow has been dealt with, including one of our World Leaders, an entire branch of the the Bloodstone plot quests, a complete shadow language, and the shadow dancer class in general, can you please fill us in on where Shadow fits in to the new Cosmology?

Shadows come from a lower/lowest energy world (so the low frequency worlds, see Mortal Coil description). Hence why their touch drains energy from creatures from a higher energy world. Their opposites are the Radiances from higher frequency worlds.

The shadow language is actually the language of the Lumbral, which those who went on that plot series received. So a more proper name would be the Lumbral language.

The shadowdancer does not travel to other lower frequencies when hiding in shadow, they're just very adept at using darkness and light. The summon shadow is something like summoning (so magic) and we're stuck with the D&D way of doing things there for NWN. The new planes structure was not made to accommodate all D&D specifics of course, as we're moving away. Some things will fit, others will not.

2) On the time section, does that mean that time passes more slowly for the negative energy realms than for the positive energy realms or is the frequency you're talking about there something different than the frequency of the realm itself?

The former.

3) How does Greater Sanctuary work now, as in D&D you walk the ethereal plane?

This is one of the things the new cosmology and D&D differ greatly as there is no ethereal plane. You can consider it as some kind of better invisibility, you not walking another frequency for example.
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Character Submissions / Evil Character Bio Descriptions
« on: April 23, 2007, 11:22:39 am »
I am surprised I am having to type this but after five years of doing this I suppose I shouldn't be suprised.
 I want everybody to keep in mind the server and the community when they are submitting an evil aligned character. This is a family server and as such young adults and in some cases children may be reading these submissions. There is no reason to get graphic or gruesome on the submissions, none at all. There are multiple ways to get around the "need" of writing graphic details in a character submission, just use your head and a little common sense and you will figure out a way.
 I do not want to see the graphic descirptions in submissions any more, they are unacceptable. If we continue to see them evil aligned character will once again be removed from the world.
 Thank you.
The following users thanked this post: Lord Dark

Development Journals and Discussion / Private Forum For Development Threads
« on: December 14, 2014, 02:16:03 pm »
Hi everybody, I've added a new forum for you to post your development threads privately. They will only be able to be viewed by yourself, Administrators, Gamemasters and Character Approvers. If you wish your existing thread to be moved to that section, please reply here. Yes you can have both a public and private CDT, one in this forum and one in the other. Cheers, orth
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