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Messages - Thak

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Introduce Yourself / Greetings and Salutations
« on: March 12, 2007, 01:12:39 pm »
My name is Alex Peachey and I live in Las Vegas, NV. Before that I was in Seattle, WA and spent most of my life in the Pacific Northwest. I am currently the IT Manager at a very large trade show and as a supplement to my income and a recreational activity to boot, I play poker and have done so since before it was cool to do so.

I'm 32 and my handle here is vgn, which is what you get when you take the vowels out of the word vegan, which is a word that also describes me. I've been vegan now for about 6 or 7 years and vegetarian for 14 years.

I've been role playing in some fashion or another since I was in middle school, so I guess that makes it 20+ years. I found Layonara in the fall of 2004. I had played the single player campaigns and had never played an online role playing game of any sort. Browsing through the NWN sites I saw a blurb on Layonara and read everything on the forums. I decided it sounded like the kind of place I'd like to be and signed up. At one point I was encouraged by a GM to apply as a GM. I was accepted and spent quite a while helping the team as I could, running quests, administration, and project team. The scale that holds my work/life balance in it's hands started to change though and work drew heavier and heavier. I took a step down from the team and have enjoyed playing as time permits.
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Introduce Yourself / Kell's Puppeteer
« on: March 12, 2007, 11:53:16 am »
The man behind the man behind the mask is rather tired at the moment, and therefore uncreative.  Nevertheless, hello, all, and here's my intro.  (My lovely and talented girlfriend is insisting that I write this before she has to go to her workout so she can see what I'm going to say about her.)

My nom de plume is variously darkstorme or acroamatis, but in RL I go by Jamie.  'tis a proud Scottish name, and therefore I avoid playing dwarves like the plague.  Once one goes brogue, one never goes back.

I was exposed to D&D in Grade 5, though my first FR book was waaay back in Grade 2, Spellfire by Ed Greenwood.  The man cannot write romantic dialogue worth a darn, but it's still a good read and got me into the popcorn fantasy that is FR and Dragonlance.  Tolkein was Grade 3 (LoTR, after I finished Hobbit), so by the time D&D rolled 'round, I was pretty much indoctrinated already.  After brief flirtations with Rifts, Star Wars RPG, and the various Lovecraft-spawned gaming systems, I settled on D&D with its flexibility, fun, and... well, fun spells that made things go boom.  Or dissolve.  Or vanish from existence altogether.  (I used to play mages.  I've matured since then, but fireballs are still fun... hence Kell's considerable delight that he can now use Fire Bombs.)

I am a truly hardcore geek, being a computer science student at the lovely Universty of British Columbia.  When it's sunny up here, it's truly gorgeous.  Sadly, most of the time, it's like Layo.  Palden Lake, to be specific.  I can debate Trek, Star Wars, Sagan, OSes, languages, PnP and fantasy novels with the best of 'em.  Nevertheless, I must have some redeeming values, or the previously mentioned lovely girlfriend wouldn't have agreed to live with me. :)

If anyone got this far... well, I'm glad you're so interested in me.  I'm gainfully unemployed at the moment, though I hope that's soon to change, and if anyone is a Vancouver software employer, I have resumés....  If you're after further stalkerish information, I'm the Social Coordinator of the Computer Science Student Society (or CS-cubed).

Favourite book is likely Cryptonomicon, though anything by Pratchett is good.  Favourite food is probably spaghetti, but I make an assortment of dishes that I quite enjoy.  Favourite hobby is a tossup between my various computer activities (notably, Layo), reading, and swimming.  Et c'est assez pour l'au'jour-d'hui.

(Oh, and a picture, to better enhance the geeky image.  *grins*)

Edit:  Does anyone know how to get superscript on this thing?
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Introduce Yourself / Who? Me?
« on: March 12, 2007, 11:40:16 am »
What's there to say?

36 years old, father of three (all under age 2 at the time of this posting), professional software engineer.

I got NWN only about a year and a half ago, and have been playing online for just over a year, all of it here (after researching a few PW's, this one looked best, and it looks like I was right).

I've penned a few articles in the Roleplaying forum, mostly to show that despite playing Zug, I can put a coherent sentence or two together when I feel like it.

Also, I'm doing voice acting for Rogue Dao Studios' Planescape Trilogy for NWN2.  This is doubly ironic as a) I usually play with the sound off (see above about the three children), and b) I don't own NWN2 for the lack of a computer capable of running it.
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Introduce Yourself / The face behind Tallia/Dulan
« on: March 12, 2007, 11:31:44 am »
Hey all,
Decided to write about myself a bit...I'm 17 years old who lives near Manchester in England. I have two characters (stated in the subject title) and no, in real life I'm not a nervous reck like Tallia.

I attend to college, studying Psychology, Mathematics and philosophy (hence the log in name). At around september, I'm off to University...hope to get into to York. I'm charismatic and generally a warm person, with a cheeky and witty charm to match. Every monday evenings (GMT) I attend to Tae Kwon Doe lessons (Martial arts involve alot of arse kicking with the use of my long legs) and currently a yellow tag (2nd belt up) and got an examination for the next belt at the end of March. Currently learning to drive, but taking my test very soon on the 19th of March, then the next step is to take over the world.
I used to be a drama king with my twin sister (Obviously she's a queen) and participate in many plays to display my talents, but I can't sing for pennies. With the experience of drama I'm a confident guy who can get on with alot of people and approach anyone to ask anything. I matured very quick for my age holding down a job as a sales assistant. (I sell shoes, AND HANDBAGS) I can be imaginative and debatable when I'm in the mood.

That's the basics of me, nobody has to reply! :)
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Introduce Yourself / A Yap from Kirbiana
« on: March 12, 2007, 11:26:42 am »
Hi, guys!

Layo is my first and only online world, and I have found it to be a delightful way to spend the cold North American winter.  My only character so far is Mirrim Cade.   I am very new to all forms of gaming and RP, which is why I occasionally have 'running around like a decapitated chicken' moments in game.  

When not teaching or playing Layo, I am usually doing something with my dogs.  I have two Shelties and a Border Collie, and we compete in local obedience, agility and herding trials.  The dogs are usually romping around as my partner and I play in Layo, and those who travel with us in game have come to expect occasional dog-related interruptions.
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Introduce Yourself / Arr maties..
« on: March 12, 2007, 10:53:06 am »
Well I guess I might as well hop the introduction train and introduce myself... so here we go!
My name is Avner Kluger and I was born in.. (Shock horror) Jerusalem! I grew up in the states (Pitsburger! uh.. Pittsburgh) and moved back here (duh) eventually leading me to a small place called Zichron Yakoov (that is for some odd, unexplainable reason, full of Germans... and their German sausage)
Right, well, I got into gaming in general about... uh... 10 years ago (I'm 18 by the way!) when a friend introduced me to the famous Warhammer, I got hooked right away and played ever since (Fantasy mind you... and almost every army other than High Elves :rolleyes: )... That lead to a few D&D runups here and there and some others... but my first real interest in the game came up when I first laid my hands on the infamous "Baldurs Gate", I got hooked right away!
Baldurs Gate led to Baldurs Gate 2, that led to the internet and that eventually led me to Neverwinter Nights (which I've been playing for about 4 years)... my first server was Dysotopia and eventually when it was closed I found my way to Layonara which I've been playing on-off for roughly a year or so, been a blast.. yadda yadda yadda.
My real life interests are very narrow, I like eating... I like sleeping... I like waking up, eating something and going back to sleep... I don't have kids nor a wife... but I've been growing my very own German Sheperd (dog..) for 14 years now. I love music (a rather general statment, eh?) mainly metal/rock (Industrial, Goth, Glam, Death etc etc etc) but I'm open to all really.. other than that I really like the world! And I've been saving for a while now to go on a small tour around it and perhaps settle in England for a bit (I even got a citizenship, go me)... But really, beyond that I have no plans, no university in mind or anything of that sort... not for now at least :rolleyes:
Well that's me in a nutshell.. oh and here's a picture and my myspace cause that's the trend.

(Behold the 10AM glory that is me, sort of, kind of... with a pony tail...)
(And if anyones wondering... Yes, those are piercings on my lips, two of 'em)

[SIZE=16]Witch Hunta out.[/SIZE]
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Introduce Yourself / All about DMOE
« on: March 12, 2007, 10:41:04 am »
Well I'm a S.A.H.M (mostly) to my two kids..Natalya (5) and Gwilym (nearly 3).

Before I gave up working to have my kids I was a project secretary for a building company on a refurbishment/extension to a large local store.  I presently work part time at weekend evenings in a liquor store.  When the kids are old enough I'm toying with the idea of going back to school and maybe training to become a Midwife.

I've been playing PnP for a good 14 years now and about enjoyed playing NWN multi player with my partner until we decided around July 2005 to look for a persistent world.

Being lazy I tasked him with finding a good one and forgot about it till he found Layonara....First character submitted in August 2005 and been here ever since!

Recently I got involved with the testing of the LSPM module to give a little back to the place and I hope to continue to do that from time to time where I can.

I've played a wide variety of PnP systems being always happy to be experimented on by my DM's and one of the things I like about Layo is the PnP feel that the team bring to it where it's actually possible to.

I presently play Ireth Astendor (formerly Telrunya) and Muireann.

I like a wide variety of music and enjoying reading and cross-stitch when my kids and my cat let me.  I also enjoy the luxury of being able to play Layo on a laptop, crashed out in front of the TV watching DVD's.
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Introduce Yourself / The Man Behind the Karn (No Comments!)
« on: March 12, 2007, 10:11:51 am »
Hi all!

Well some of you (sometimes more people than I think) know Karn in game, and it seems even more of your characters have heard something about the crazy sailor/wooer of the lads.

But how many of you know about me, Dan? The player behind Karn, Elzhabehl and lately, Feana.

Well as I said, I'm Dan. Daniel Adam Kent to give my full title. I'm a student studying Psychology at the University of Gloucestershire in the UK. Currently I live between Cheltenham, Gloucester and Birmingham.

I travel a lot, usually between family and my boyfriend, Luke, when I'm not working on a research project/essay/or just playing on Layonara.

My main aim with my characters is usually to give a bit of colour, sometimes difference to what I see played. I try to veer away from stereotypes, but sometimes they are just to fun not to play up to!

My Characters

Karn - Well Karn is the idiotic/crazy/never down (at least not publicly) side of me. Ever the showman, just like I can be at times, he probably best represents me in RL though in a far more caracitured way, with everything magnified ten fold. Getting to play out a male-male romance here is something I have enjoyed tremendously, and has given no end of rp opportunities and I think added a little something not previously in Layonara. I originally planned him around a sailor type, Jack Sparrow-esque, lad who enjoyed a good time and the company of handsome lads, and I was also heavily influenced by the adventurous Zidane of FF9, though with less of an eye for the ladies and more for the gents! (Yes I do love Final Fantasy too! *ducks tomatoes*)

Elzhabhel Tyr'neldth - The eternal grouchy elven wizard. He was created after reading far too much OOTS and my adoration for Vaarsuvius! Though he is somewhat darker than his comical inspiration, favouring the school of necromancy and having lofty delusions/ambitions for power over life and death, mostly to feed his own ego. I enjoy playing an overly intelligent, proud and arrogant character in times when Karn's persistant grin annoys even me.

Deon Darklash - The sultry cleric of Xeen was created in reaction to an apparent lack of male Xeenites, at least among those Xeenites commonly known. I enjoy playing characters which strive to be, dare I say it, UNIQUE!
Having played Deon comparitavely little I have found his ways and suggestions to be disconcerting to most other characters, and as such Deon is a challenge. Then again he is never the type to have many friends in any case, so perhaps his mysterious, unnerving, yet intoxicating personality will keep only the most ardent of admirers from coming close enough to understand him. In fact I'm not so sure theres much to understand, other than his unusual obsession with pain.

Feana Pantherguard - My latest addition and therefore perhaps my judgement is clouded. Only time will tell whether she stays the course. She came about due to my love of druids and wemics, though the ECL always scared me away from the latter. Deciding to enjoy all the RP rather than consider her levels I jumped in and made her. She has really suprised me, and the amount of fun I have as her. The raw-ness of a primitive character gives a much stronger basis for her druidic path, something I had struggled to create with my previous druids. Her overall goodly attitude and friendly nature help her to get by in a land where she does not speak the native tongue, at least well. Feana also represents my own faith and beliefs somewhat. I would consider myself to be a spiritual person and her deep conection with nature is one I enjoy playing out.

Aside from that, theres not much more to say. I have varied music tastes, everything from Madonna to Marilyn Manson and a lot more between. Oh I'm 19, going on 35 sometimes. And when I grow up *Grins* I want to be a counciler/proffesional talker!

I will put a picture up as soon as I find one I dont look awful or very posed on!

If you would like to know more (oh go on!) heres my MySpace: (Please bare in mind this is an outside site and may not be for everyone)

^^^ And yes this is very posey but ah well! ^^^

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Introduce Yourself / Pseudonym
« on: March 12, 2007, 09:47:42 am »
Real name: Matt.
Real age: 33.
Real Location: Melbourne, Australia.

If any of you have ever met my character Ark in game, he's not a huge stretch for me to RP ... except he has got a goodly quantity of true in the bank and has a 23 dexterity.

RL, I currently own a retail business here in Melbourne, Australia but in 5 years i'd like to be retired and living in Barbados with my new wife named Candy. Actually, thinking about it, i'd like to be doing that right now.

Hope to see you soon!

This is not me, it's one of my kids. She has, however, borrowed my pink fairy top for the photo.
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Introduce Yourself / The Christine Behind the Character
« on: March 12, 2007, 09:34:51 am »
Okay, before I begin, just want to warn you, I hit Back just now, so I'm going to be a bit moodier in my introduction than I was in my first attempt. I hate it when that happens.

Anyhow, some of you may know me as Kinai Kinsei or Seidahn Xyvorn, maybe even by Khanschei Crystiin (but she's dead now so no one cares)... I've played here for roughly two months, the 15th of March marks the point. I'm still new, so I'm not sure if most of you know me...

So, player behind the character! Right! Hello, I'm Christine Adams, high school kid who doesn't quite fit in...But getting there. Ever so slowly. People still love me! I'm more into the creative arts (my muses!) than sports...I'm mostly called the Drama Kid at school. If there's a play or a musical, I'm bound to be a part of it somewhere. I also love to write, draw, play piano, and volunteer at the vet's when I've got nothing better to do.

I live in the state of Ohio, an only child born to my human and American father and a Japanese mother. So yes, I'm a hybrid with the Japanese language ear. That's about the only real unique thing about this girl.

There you go then. That's me. What you see is what you get. I'm on the right with my cousin Kaytie on the left. No, my hair isn't that short, it's up. Any more questions?

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Introduce Yourself / wuts happenin?
« on: March 12, 2007, 09:18:42 am »
ey, my name is Skyy (19) and i go to Central Washington University. I lvoe doing pretty much jsut about everything, been on Layo for a little of three months now i think? ya pretty sure, three months and little. i got a main char named Tath Zo'layum, as well as a couple alts, Jearick R H'gar and Caim Zyvorn.

um... i have a Myspace, feel free to add me if you want i love making new friends and getting along with mostly everyone. some big passions i have are creativity, snow boarding, and Music.

I love creativity in a raw and prue form, not what it has been concieved to be in mondern times as just randomness. Things should be classy in one way or another, it should all fit in even an obscure way, or it should all cllide in a way that makes sence. ep catchign myself before i ramble heh. but ya go Creativity!

Snow boarding has been in my life for ten years now, though the amount of time doesn't really matter to me. one thign i lvoe about Snow boarding is how it requries you to be in the now, cuz if your not you'll reck yourself =P. i also liek it cuz it's one thing that i actually excell in, cuz i put alot of time and effort (not to mention money =P) into it.

Though the other two are important Nothing to me is mroe important than Music. I alsoways got music around me, WHen i'm playing Layo i'm listening to music, when i have a test in a class i listen to music while i take the test, shor twlaks long walks got my music. doesn't matter. silence sux, and Music is the thing to fill the void it creates =D

and ya that's me pretty much wanna learn mroe feel free to sne dme a Tell ig, hit me up on MSN (ya i know lame but i was like 12 lol), aim Rynosnoborder  or ad me on Myspace =D.

ciao for now!
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Introduce Yourself / Hiya
« on: March 12, 2007, 08:50:01 am »

I guess I can get this started by stating my name.I am Andy.My screen name Force_of_Will_ is from one of my favorite cards in Magic the gathering.I live in the great city of Baltimore.Go Ravens.
I have played AD&D for many years. PNP style as well as many other PnP RP games.I first found Never winter Nights when a friend of mine lent me his copy after I had surgery on my Leg.The day after I installed it I got bored with the offline module and decided to play the online version.I puttered around with some action servers when I first started on line then one day I wanted more RP so I looked on the servers list and picked the one with the most people on it. I saw this place called Fraghaus Krynn which had 96 people on it.I had a blast there for over a year ,but that world kinda died off and during its last days when it was in a shambles I hunted about for a new home.I heard 8Bit and QuiZ talk about this new RP server that wanted you to submit a character before you could play on the fraghaus forums.I was intrigued and hunted it down. I have been on Layonara for almost 3 years I think.I started here back in the last Beta as Lam'lothane who surprisingly, is still around.
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Introduce Yourself / As requested by my fans: hawklen
« on: March 12, 2007, 08:28:54 am »
Lets see. Where shall I start? Hrmm, I guess all my adoring fans can have my real name, you know, something for them to cherish.  My name is *chika chika* My name is *chika chika* Jeff Christman. You may take that to heart now.  I live in Ontario Canada, and no I don't know . I do not live in an igloo. It doesn't snow here all year, so don't come up here in june with ski's on the roof, asking where the snow is (Its happened to me)  I love computers, fiddle around with linux, when I'm not playing layo. I first got nwn, when diamond was on sale at futureshop for $29.99, and quickly played through the SP campaigns. Then I wondered about the MP part of it, A fellow i knew in irc, pointed me towards layo, and my road to stardom was born.  I've been here for a little over ten months, my main character right now is hawklen. Everyone knows him. I bet he is one of the best known PC's on layo. You either love him to bits, or despise him with all your being. I wont let you  know about his ultimate trick, you'll just have to guess :D Just three people know of it, and its extremely fun. As he said to one character "Appearances lass *winks*"  Now you know a bit about me. If you need autographs, please send me a PM, I will provide an address for you to send a stamped self addressed evenlope, with $5. :D  Hugs and kisses to all  - hawk
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Introduce Yourself / Obligatory Introduction Thinggy
« on: March 12, 2007, 07:34:38 am »
Well Hey, This looks fun so I suppose I’ll write a little blurb up to.



Anyway, My name is Jessica, Lynn Juniper is a pen name from my middle name and the street I was born on, in case you’d like to know. I’m 18 as of last December and a freshmen (urg) in college studying Journalism as my major. I enjoy writing (anything really) editing ( I try not to do it unless asked), Reading/being read to (yes I’m childish in that aspect) , and hmm...Video games!

Well I started the whole RPG thing with Final Fantasy and liked those a whole lot up until around the time I got my first computer, then I decided to give MMORPGs a try at the prodding of a friend and downloaded Ragnarok Online. Well that was fun for a little while at least, in a cute little way. All the while I participated heavily in Text based rping with a small group of friends that would write 20 page posts in a round creating the story as we went along. Meanwhile NWN sits in a dusty corner of my room until one day around a year ago I decide to pick It up because I’ve heard of people using it to make their own RP worlds. I clicked on some random “NWN Prestige World Top 100” List, found Layonara , clicked and joined. And well, Here I am.

Well, I guess I should say that I’m online quite often and am always around to answer any questions the best I can. My main character, unless you don’t know already, is Rhynn, and if you don’t know her yet you will. A lot of people love her, a lot of people hate her. But I have lots of fun with her and hope that my RP experience with you, fun times, or conflict, is enjoyable. See you in game!

EDIT:  Fear the blurriness of my crappy camera.
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Introduce Yourself / Greetings from Polak76
« on: March 11, 2007, 10:55:23 pm »
Gday all! (yes thats the typical Aussie 'hello' coming from Sydney Australia)

I began life in Layo about three years ago.  It came about one day as I was fooling around NWN in single player and my mate asked me had i ever tried playing it online.  It tickled my  curiosity and until then the only online game i played was Diablo I & II.  Anyway I explored the multi-player option and previewed a couple of worlds and Layo just so happened to be the first world that appealed to me (not to mention the best after sampling many other worlds since).  

Anyway from that point I was hooked, much to my partners displeasure.  Since that time I've been married and now have our first child at 6 mths (yes, there are more to come).  I work for a large Chemical Company in Australia and live about 1/2hr northwest from Sydney itself.

Layo has been great for that much needed escape from the fast busy lifestyle. Other than Layo i enjoy soccer & fishing, a drink with the lads and most of all spending time with my wonderful family.

When people ask me what Layo is, the best way I can describe it is an ongoing, interactive online story that you as a character/player have an opportunity to shape.  That to me is it's greatest hook and what keeps me here to this day.

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Introduce Yourself / Hiya All
« on: March 11, 2007, 08:41:44 pm »
Well thought I would introduce myself.

My name is Tom, won't bother with the last name cause my first name is easier to remember and pronounce. Anyhow, I am nearly 40, well I will be 40 this year, and I have been rping for nearly 30 years.

The stories that introduced me to fantasy was The Lord of the Rings and the Chronicles of Narnia, I was hooked from there and have been reading fantasy novels since. I started rping with D&D when a few friends introduced me to it. I still remeber Thorin Tumblebelly my first dwarven warrior and his mishap of tripping and falling into a lava pit. I still have my second character ever rped though...a druid by the name of Qausar. Anyhow, I ventured into other arenas of rp such as GammaWorld, Bushido, Star Frontiers, Star Wars,Marvel, and multiple Palladium type games but have always gone back to D & D.

I was introduced to Layonara 2.5 years agao by a couple of co-workers and have been hooked since. This is the dismay of many friends though that still try and get me to go back to PnP, but after dming for so many years I truly enjoy rping my characters and interacting with a world of others that enjoy it as well.

I work for a national payroll comapny that calls for much of my time, actually I give alot of my time as I am working to attain my own branch but what I can spare I try and devote to Layo.

Leanthar and team, thank you to all your hard work and imagination.
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Introduce Yourself / Well Hello
« on: March 11, 2007, 07:24:22 pm »
Hi I'm Trevis and I have been addicted to Layo for almost a year now. My son got me hooked and we play together when ever we get a chance. I love the community here and what everyone has done to make it sooo good. I live in Petawawa, Canada and I'm married with 2 children ages 18 and 17.
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Introduce Yourself / Another "Hello."
« on: March 11, 2007, 06:18:20 pm »
*thinks a while* I still don't know what to begin with...

I guess I will begin by... um... saying that the information found on my user page is nearly everything I have chosen to share; aside from my signature, but that's also displayed there... Go figure.
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Introduce Yourself / well now :)
« on: March 11, 2007, 06:00:24 pm »
Hello. I have been wondering who I am and have not yet figured that one out. But I know the ingredients:

Father of a super little boy, he is 3.5 years old. He is the light of my life.
Husband to the greatest women I have ever met.
Software executive in the embedded software space (mobile phone stuff)
Martial artist (Kenpo)
Human being
Motorcycle enthusiast (Yamaha Road Warrior)
Geek (had to add two parts of that one)
Layo fan. This is the only online game I play (heck it is the only game I play at all)

Oh yeah I have a name too, John.
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Introduce Yourself / Hello by The Heretic
« on: March 11, 2007, 05:51:44 pm »
Hi all,

Where to start, where to start? At the beginning I guess.... I joined Layonara in September 2003, and it was my first online game ever.

And I never went anywhere else since then :)

In March 2004 I applied for a Quest GM spot and made it through the selection process. Then when running quests I dabbled a bit into writing some background stories.
This then progressed into writing how the dark elf society on Layonara works, including the creation of Vierdri'ira.

Then things got out of hand as Leanthar asked me if I wouldn't be interested in making a Campaign Handbook of sorts. "Sure, why not".

Then a couple of months later, this 200 page book was released. At the time I thought that was quite the monstrous amount, it was, however, only the beginning.

A year later we did a 'minor' update, and expanded the Handbook to a staggering 356 pages. I think around this time the nickname 'The Loremaster" started to take hold :)  Some even state that around this time items like The Loremaster's Whip (used to make people write stuff faster) or The Loremaster's Hammer (same function) were introduced....

Anyway, if you thought 356 pages was a lot, wait until our next release(s) :)

Of course this wouldn't be possible without the dedication of the Writer's Team, so I just want to take a brief moment to thank them, so... THANKS!

Let's see, what else... I'm twenty-nine years old and live in Amsterdam, The Netherlands :cool:

Oh, and my GM name is The Heretic.
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