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Messages - jrizz

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General Discussion / One Last Time
« on: September 30, 2008, 06:11:45 pm »
[SIZE=16]" As we descended we  came upon the last dwarven tunnel, a hallway that led to a large natural cavern.  The hall was rough as though the cutters broke through into the cavern and left  their duties of perfecting the path for another time, one that never came. Thus  began a descent deeper and deeper, tunnels not dug by hands but burrowed or even  eaten from the solid core of the mountain high above us lead from cavern to  cavern. No more level rooms were to be found as we went down, further and  further into Layonara. The simple clans and beasts from above grew scarce as  deeper and fouler beasts, some that have never seen the sun, turned common and  our group now trekked slowly and carefully."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]---Harolgar, Frostblade  of the White Fox Clan---[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16] About a month or so ago I tendered my  resignation to Layonara team. I used to be able to crank out hours upon hours of  building on top of playing the game for hours on end. These days I can't really  find committed time to fulfill my duties as a full time quest GM on top of  growing our little garden of NWN Layonara. I thought about clinging onto the GM  seat, I really did. But all I'd end up doing is passing judgement or chiming in  my steady opinion from afar without an inkling or grasp of our community. So  it's time to call it quits.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]When I started off with the relic based  entry theme/ system, I built a good chunk of new material. It was closed and  locked off waiting for completion both in building and the scripting needed to  successfully implement it. Also, older material that had been converted was  locked off. Since Dorg finalized 1.69 several weeks ago, I picked up the modules  for one last swing and wrapped everything up that I was capable of handling on  my own, with a little help on puzzle scripting from ScriptWrecked (thanks  script).[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]The major new addition to the server is the  region of the Great Spikes of the Blinding Lands, implemented as closely to Ed's  team's new writings on it as I could muster knowing all the potentials of the  toolset... of course with ample spins and twists on it to appropriately get an  amused growl from Ed. The adventure of these northern realms is pretty neat.  It's an older and perhaps simpler vibe, one that I had a lot of fun working on.  And the GM who first picks up on the nature of the region and the number of  quests to be had here is lucky. All in all around 70 areas that were either  locked off or didn't yet exist are now in game and waiting for you. There are  also a couple of new quest areas to get things kicking on quests. Beyond that  it's the normal fixes here and there, trying to wrap the monster that was too  hard here, and the area that needed a bit of love there.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]I've had a great time working on this  module, and hope you guys liked what came of v3. I'll support fixes for the next  couple of weeks to make sure nothing is quirky, and after that I'll still be  around playing.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]So, I suppose I'll see you in there, and  remember - when you find a book, take the time to read it and talk about it. It  may save your life.[/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

General Discussion / Going to be gone for a while
« on: September 17, 2008, 04:50:15 pm »
I'm sorry to say that work is demanding more of my time. I can not play online as much as I would like. It looks like it will be like this till about Feb 09. I'll still troll the forums often, I just can not a lot much time to actual play.

The RP reason for Beli's absence is he needs to spend more time in the family mine and with his newly developed family. Buddy has gone as well to help in the mine and will surface when the time is right to strike.
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

General Discussion / ~~Happy Birthday~~
« on: September 05, 2008, 12:26:40 pm »
[SIZE=32]~~ Happy Birthday Jrizz!! ~~

[SIZE=32]:)[/SIZE][SIZE=32][SIZE=24]    Hope you have a good one!!   [/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][SIZE=32]:)[/SIZE]

The following users thanked this post: jrizz

General Discussion / This'll make a few folks smile.
« on: August 04, 2008, 06:17:39 pm »
But... Hopefully not too many. ;)

Over the past few weeks, I'm sure a few of you have noticed that I haven't been around much (if at all). There are a few reasons for this... My internet was sketchy for a few months, then I started working/looking for work, got REALLY into LARPing... And my attendance here has just waned.

I'd log in for a while, maybe run around with folks, or tell a tale or two... Then log off. I even made a new character! Only to rediscover the low-level blues - those lonely times when, if there were folks around, you could do bunches! But... There's noone really about, and it's REALLY hard to proactively seek folks when your character is horrifically antisocial.

Meanwhile, Pyyran has only one real goal left in life.

I mean to see that goal completed, and then, in all likelihood, our blue-clad Bard-in-training will retire to tell his tales with an N before his P and C. Of course, mayhap, such stirring events will inspire characters and players alike! But...

I've really just lost a lot of my love for - not Layonara - but Neverwinter Nights, and, really, MMOs in general. A few weekends running around, bopping people with foam-padded swords'll do that to a guy. *Chuckles.*

Layonara was a home, for me. A place I could find friends, fight felonous fiends, and perchance procude some... Er... Polished... Uh... Loot. A community which I still love, and an effort I still wholly support. I've made truer friends here than a guy could ask for, and learned a very great deal about myself in the process.

However, while I'm certainly not leaving, I'm not going to be around, much. I've got one more GCDQ - with an updated cast, sadly - and then, my goals are more or less met. I'd hoped to be a WL, a GM... But time and foul fortunes fair f- Er... Messed those ideas up. (Perhaps I should cut back on the alliteration...)

Maybe I'll see a few more of the great tales written. I hope so.

But this... It's your notification of the final push for Pyyran Rahth. One last shot for glory. :)

Planning stages, babe.
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

Rumour Has It / Posted for public viewing
« on: July 24, 2008, 12:02:46 am »
[SIZE=16]Febra 12, 1436[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Hearing for the Disposition of one Muhkuman [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]On Mulnari, Decilar 23, 1435 one known as Muhkuman did willfully murder two members of the city Silverguard while in the performance of their duty. [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]This hearing before the City of Port Hempstead Tribunal will determine the disposition of said individual. Concurrently there will be an inquiry into Muhkuman's affiliations and the willful flaunting of the city laws by those claiming to sponsor his character in a city chartered guild with the aim to determine the disposition of said guild charter.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]This hearing is open to the all citizens of Port Hempstead. Those providing evidence to the Tribunal will do so at the discretion of the Tribunal. No weapons will be allowed in the place of hearing. Any determined by the Tribunal to be impeding the hearing will be asked to leave and should they refuse, they face imprisonment.[/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

General Discussion / Everyone Read
« on: July 07, 2008, 04:19:25 pm »
Click This Link
 Important server announcement which could affect your inventory.
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

Introduce Yourself / Another belated introduction ~ Lynn1020
« on: June 30, 2008, 06:04:54 pm »
[SIZE=16]I finally caved in to do an intro myself. My real name is Tiffany. Lynn1020 comes from my middle name (Lynn), 1020 is from my wedding anniversary, October 20th. I am a southern girl and from what I have found out, I still have a very southern accent. I grew up in Kentucky until I married and moved with my husband. After moving to several different states (including a three year vacation in Hawaii) we now live in the Northwest, near Seattle. It never fails though; anytime I speak I am asked where am I from.

I have been a military wife for almost 18 years now, and also a stay at home mom to three kids (four if you count my husband). Two boys aged sixteen and thirteen, who both play Layo from time to time, and one girl age six. She plays the NWN single player version. I had to finally tell her she could start playing with us when her reading and writing improves. She will lecture me when she watches me play. "Mom do you want to keep playing Emie? Well stop going out alone and wait for your friends!"

I have to say I love that I get the chance to stay at home with the kids, even though you will often find me moaning and complaining. Especially now that I have been nursing a broken foot for the last couple of weeks, and the kids are out of school for the summer and I can't even drive! But at least it does give me an excuse to be in Layo even more.

My husband played Layo for two years before I started. In that time I have to say I hated Layonara. All I knew about it was that it was a game that kept my husband on the computer for hours!! Many times he tried to get me to watch him and try it out. I refused. I was happy with my scrapbooking and Zelda games. Then it got worse! He got our two sons playing it! It drove me nuts having to listen about it all the time. Well to make a very long story short, he finally got me to try it. Emie was born! That was almost two years ago so needless to say I was hooked and haven't left since. Now the whole family plays together at times. I never thought a game could make me laugh and cry as much as this one has.

I have never played any type of D&D game before Layonara. So there was so much I didn't understand and I am still learning. That being the reason Emie started out a lot like me...shy and quiet. Boy has she changed in the last two years!!
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

General Discussion / I would just like to say.
« on: June 25, 2008, 05:10:30 pm »
Hello everyone, I'm rather new here, infact..  I am still waiting on a character submission to be accepted and even though I haven't played yet I would like to commend everyone and anyone that had a hand in creating Layonara.

The amount of explicit detail that you guys put in to this world is astronomical.  The systems that are/were developed are amazing.. and the fact that you have gone to such lengths to ensure that everyone has a clear image of what Layonara is.. is mind blowing.  

Kudos to every single one of you, as well as to the GM's that work hard to maintain the level playing field and the environment.  You guys obviously work very hard at what you do, and don't ask anything from anyone.

Just my two Cents.
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

Wild Surge Inn / The Raven Trade Compagny Danger Adventure
« on: June 16, 2008, 04:20:54 am »
* A post is tacked up on the message boards across various Inns Taverns and otherwise visited places by adventures *
 The Raven Trade Compagny have decided to begin to host a series of gatherings, meant to illuminate and educate the infrequent adventurer in the dangers of the world. These gatherings will show and demonstrate the tenacity and sheer determination that all adventures are born with.
 We hope that these trips will serve as a breeding ground for new friendships across the races and beliefs.
 A such first gathering is held here: Raven Trade Compagny Danger Adventure
 Now a few small rules:
 Because of the destinations travelled, the Ravens will hold the right to deny people if they are acting reckless or if they are otherwise known to cause danger to people.
 As a result hereof, the experience of the person needs to be abit higher than we normally expect of the average adventurer. We expect you to be atleast of season 21 or greater.
 Resources and items of value will be determined by need before greed. No items gained from these trips, are allowed to be sold for profital use, and no resources will be given to people without a need for it.
 Lin'da Sul'kolindo on behalf of the Raven Trade Compagny.
 // These rules are in to protect you the player, against certain death and/or SS loss. We are not trying to limit anyones access to these events, but we can not with good conscience bring a level 20 with 9 SS lost. At level 21 you will atleast have had a chance to remedy this with the SMD feat.
 Also if RP is not initiated by the player either IG or with a letter, you will not be invited along, its as simple as that.
 If you have any questions, suggestions or comments, feel free to PM me.
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

Layonara Server / The Gauntlet: Quest Announcement
« on: June 11, 2008, 10:37:30 pm »
[INDENT]The Gauntlet - Quest Announcement.

Esteemed archaeologist and retired adventurer, Terrance Copper The Third, has spent most of his lifetime in and out of dungeons collecting artifacts of obscure, powerful, and rare nature for dealers, collectors, and artifact connoisseurs worldwide. But now days he is a "retired" adventurer who is purported to have felt the icy grasp of the soul mother one to many times. Meanwhile, something he has sought for years, the pinnacle of his career, and his magnum opus of finds is finally within his reach.... but simply out of grasp without aid.

His search goes out for adventures across the land. He solicits an agile, strong, and intelligent group who is willing and able to seek this item for him.

But.. there is a catch. Rather than risk the chance of a lifetime on any such group Terrance and his wife Jonina Copper have devised a trial to test the hopeful adventurers, since only the best of the best will do.


This timed quest pits individual teams of 6 (PC levels 4-17) against the clock, and consequently against one another. The winning team (The one who completes the trial with the best time) unanimously earns Terrance and Jonina's respect and The Contract to help him in completing his life's work. The Contract will be a summer quest series run by the two of us in the winning team's time zone. The Gauntlet is currently scheduled for five time slots*, spanning [strike]four[/strike] three different time zones between June 24th and July 8th as marked on the calendar by .  The time slots will be first come first serve (and yes, there is one for the Aussies!) and can be reserved by the team captain by PM-ing the two of us your 6 team member’s names. All sessions will be run on QUEST server unless otherwise noted.

So now for a few rules and helpful hints:

1. PC must be between levels 4-17** at the start of the quest.
2. There must be 6 PC’s in your party.
3. Your party is on a timer at the moment they start into the Gauntlet.  We will pause this for a short 10 minute AFK at an appropriate time if requested by your party.
4. Resting: Resting is not restricted*** but must be done, as a group, and it will cost you.  Each time your PC’s  “rest” it is considered a full nights rest and will add 1 RL hour to the clock (unless otherwise noted).
5. Skill checks should be put to silent (/o C toggle check_silent) at the start of the quest..
6. Emoting precisely what your PC is doing will get you furthest.  If you merely emote that your PC “Looks around the room.” We get to decide what they are looking at.
7. Think outside the box.  NWN has limitations that the mind does not. Don’t be afraid to get creative. If you have a question about the appropriateness of something, ask.
8. Please, do not spam the dm channel with skill rolls.  Most of the time if you do something that merits a roll, we will request it.  In some cases we may just take a peek at your character sheet and make the roll ourself.
9. Each player  can only have one character participate.  Nobody will be allowed to have one character on one team, and a different character on another.
10.  Keep it IC.  It is to your benefit as a player not to tell others who have yet to be tested what is on the test. (If we find out about you doing this OOC your team will be disqualified and the series is subject to being canceled). With that said however, If your PC does figure out through IC means the members of another team, feel free to mess with their heads, if your character would do so that is..
11. Your actions have consequences.
12. Finally, this is meant to be challenging, exciting, and above all.. fun.  

Interested parties please keep an eye out for in character posts, rumors,  and opportunities to roleplay into the quest, as well as more helpful hints.


[SIZE=16]Anank? & Pyro[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10]The fine print:[/SIZE]

* If the five time slots fill up we will try adding another at one of the same times listed.  Please show some initiative ~ and let us know if you have a group and still need a spot.

**We realize that in an improtu intro to the quest some parties were mis-informed that the level limit would be under 20.  After careful consideration we feel that this is a better balanced challenge for players below 17 and above 4.  We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and hope that those who this may affect have characters that will fit the level requirement as they are now.

***Resting still must be done in an RP appropriate place.  5 feet away from angry frost giants.. not a good idea.[/SIZE][/INDENT]


EDIT 6/15/08:  Due to certain circumstances and our summer/work schedules we had to remove the Sunday GMT time slot from the quest line up.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

EDIT 6/17/08
:  Forgot to mention that the quests will be on quest server.

EDIT 6/18/07
: Updated the fine print.
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

General Discussion / Locked Out!
« on: June 06, 2008, 01:52:08 am »
I am so sorry to everyone who signed up for my quest - here are the trials and tribulations of the past few hours.

I left work early, at 6:30, to allow plenty of time for setup.

I arrived at the apartment at about 7, to discover (to my chagrin) that I had left my keys in the apartment when I left this morning.  Unfortunately, Carillon is not here right now, so I couldn't buzz up to be let in.

No problem, thought I, I'll just ring the managers. They're always in.

As it turned out, this assumption was in error.  Earlier this afternoon, it appears that my landlady won a dinner cruise for her husband and herself.  So, at 6 PM, they had left the building.

Fortunately for me, they'd keyed the buzzer to their cell phone, so despite a poor connection, they recognized my voice and let me into the building proper.  This, however, did not get me into the apartment, nor to the computer at which I now sit.

I then proceeded to while away the intervening four hours reading magazines left by the laundry room, composing little ditties for my bard and cursing the luck that allowed all these events to coincide with the delightfully involved little quest I had planned for tonight.

So.  That's why I was a no-show.

Although the timing developed by my Rumours thread will now have to be stretched, slightly, I am relocating this quest to Saturday, same time, so as not to step on OsxMallard's toes with his fun-sounding Beetle Quest.

Once again, I apologize to those who signed up for my quest, and to Dorg, who doubtless loaded up Quest for me.  I ask your forbearance, and hope most (or all) who signed up for Thursday are equitable with the move.

The following users thanked this post: jrizz

General Discussion / Update coming soon! Download now...
« on: June 05, 2008, 03:51:31 pm »
There's an update coming soon, probably within a few hours.  For this update, there's been a HAK and TLK change, so you can go download them now to beat the rush:



Or just go to the Dowloads page.
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

General Discussion / The Thunder Peaks and the Impending Update.
« on: May 14, 2008, 10:13:20 pm »
As a direct result of the Essrantor's Veil quest series, the Thunder Peaks changed quite a bit. This change will be reflected in an update that is very soon in coming. (Thank Chongo, and wish him well. He's having his first child this week. The update will happen after he settles into that fact.)

Until the update, we ask that travel to the western Thunder Peaks be avoided. Really, traveling through the Peaks right now would be like your character is leaping backward in time to before Essrantor's Veil and its aftermath. We will place NPC reminders around the area, but even if you don't see them for some reason, please avoid the Thunder Peaks until we notify everyone that the update has happened.

Also, to clear up a few things in-character, new rumors and bard's tales are on their way. Hopefully this will help people get a better idea of what actually went on in each separate leg and how they connected in the end.

EDIT: The "Thunder Peaks" refers to a rather large mountain range. While we show off a bunch of areas in the western part of this range, Essrantor actually only rules a section of the mountains, and that is the part with which most seem to be familiar. I didn't want to say the whole mountain range is off-limits, because technically it's not. Only that part affected by Essrantor's rule, which is, in fact, the western half of the mountains. The Western half of the Thunder Peaks is also not to be confused with the Darkland Mountains. The Great Rift separates the two mountain ranges with the Thunder Peaks to the east and the Darkland Mountains to the West. Mechanically (what you see represented in-game) you can only reach the western half of the Thunder Peaks through Dalanthar, as ScriptWrecked pointed out. You can visit other parts of the Thunder Peaks, however, and again, they are not off-limits as they are not affected by Essrantor's Veil.

Feel free to comment and ask questions in this thread, so long as it stays civil and constructive (the usual requests).
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

General Discussion / All Call for Rangers
« on: May 11, 2008, 06:09:39 pm »
*A small notice is left at the best ranger camps around Layonara*
 It is that time again. I would like to get all the rangers/trackers together so we can greet each other and to give us all a chance to learn from each other.
 Feel free to bring your animal friends around. This is an event for them as well. And unlike the local towns, the camp welcomes such companions.
 I am also willing to take on two apprentices.
 We will meet at the Wolfswood Ranger Corps Camp on Jenra 9.
 Rodlin Serim
 Captain, Wolfswood Ranger Corps
 //Bring all your questions, comments, ideas, recommendations for future events, etc.
 //RP heavy with allowance for OOC discussion for mechanical issues. However, if we can talk mechanics IC, that will be the preference.
 //Please sign up on the calendar event so I can plan accordingly. ;)
 Calendar Event
 Time Conversion
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

General Discussion / Essrantor's Veil Quest Announced
« on: May 03, 2008, 01:44:15 am »

[SIZE=16]For the past several weeks, a group of several GM's have been working with the writing team and lore experts to develop a quest series that would impact the lands you travel on Layonara. This series contains 11 individual quests, which are tied intricately to each other, hinging on each other's success.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]The quest will begin with the High Boyer designating his esteemed counciler for war, Raker Estoum, to put forth the call of aid in a time of impending threat. The quest begins with that alone, an audience with one of the most highly respected individuals in the Boyer Kingdom at Boyer's Fort.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]This quest will impact the world around you. It will play upon developing plotlines, and at it's conclusion - the lands of the Boyer Kingdom will face the changes that have sprung from your own efforts. It will require wit, perseverance, teamwork, and sacrifice from all the players involved.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]So how does this work?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]There are 11 quests in this series. They will occur next week at varying times that allow for attendance in all timezones. The introductory quest will cause several groups with different tasks to split up. This feeds into the other quests.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]The separate quests will involve the groups designated to the task, and that group will be time bubbled in that lone plotline. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]You can not attend quests that are outside your designated group.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]There are three major branches to the quest, and in each below, you will see that the quests are each designated to a specific branch. This is the progression of each branch in all of it's quest segments.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]There are three Finale's to this series, all feeding time bubbled repercussions of each success or failure from the other branches. While some are oriented towards higher levels, and other lower levels... the nature of the series is that every quest branch is critical towards the success of the series. They are all tied together, and if one branch fails, dire consequence faces the others.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]So all participants be aware - your actions count.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Each GM will be posting their quests on the Calender shortly. There may be some minor changes to times or days, so be flexible with your GMs. Sign up accordingly, and find a series or branch that seems right for you, or strikes the right chord for you. They have some vague details attached, and we'll be working with all of you to assure that everyone finds a home.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]The introductory quest will create many of the groups, so prepare for flexibility in this as well. And yes, if you can't attend the introduction, there is opportunity to still join in.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]The GM's that can help answer questions are those running or helping run each segment of this series:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]- Chongo[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]- Miltonyorkcastle[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]- Osxmallard[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]- Jrizz[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]- Mixafix[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]- Makashi[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]- Darkstorme[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]- Tanman[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Good luck, and get ready.[/SIZE]




[SIZE=16]From afar, the High Boyer looks from his window to think upon the view his eyes behold. An anvil of cloud forms over the Thunder Peaks as the winds grow colder and pour forth in all directions. The wind pours through and onto his face, colder then ever before, colder then it should rightfully be. Such risk the heights above, but such risk to avoid them any longer. The time for a battle of ages has come.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Date: Sunday May 4th[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]GM: Chongo[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Time: 1300 MST / 1900 GMT[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Recommended Level Ranges: All[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Group Bracket Details: All[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Special Notes: This is the introduction into the quest. You are not required to attend in order to attend the other quests, but you are required to be knowledgeable of the basis for the quest groups you join if you skip the introduction.[/SIZE]




[SIZE=16]A group sets forth, their legs not unused to carrying the weight of consequence that heroes know all too well. The king must be reached, the reason must be known, an ally must be gained. Or they all shall perish.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Date: Monday May 5th[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]GM: Chongo[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Time: 1300 MST / 1900 GMT[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Recommended Level Ranges: 26+[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Group Bracket Details: Group A[/SIZE]




[SIZE=16]The Weeping Widow lies at wait, a reason unknown, and only feared. A fear that is wise to keep.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Date: Tuesday May 6th[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]GM: Chongo[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Time: 1300 MST /1900 GMT[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Recommended Level Ranges: 26+[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Group Bracket Details: Group A[/SIZE]




[SIZE=16]The party sets forth, to track the wisdom of ages past. They watch as their friends walk a separate path, towards the cold peaks above. A key must be found, a knowledge uncovered... or all efforts are for naught.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Date:Tuesday May 6th[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]GM: Mixafix[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Time: 1900 AEST[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Recommended Level Ranges: 12+[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Group Bracket Details: Group B[/SIZE]




[SIZE=16]The great glacier stirs, living somehow in the rippling clouds. A crack, a crumble, the spirits of the ice hint their existance. An ally must be found, though only through an enemy might this be. An ally must be awakened, for the time of war needs great beasts of war, and none is mightier then he who's wings spread more distant then the sky itself.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Date: Wednesday May 7th[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]GM: Osxmallard[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Time:1900 PST[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Recommended Level Ranges: All[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Group Bracket Details: Group C2[/SIZE]




[SIZE=16]Allegiance stirs amongst enemies, and silver tongues must prevail. A shadow moves, to be mirrored twice by it's own. To uncover the secret, one must look to the words within words.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Date:Wednesday May 7th[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]GM: jrizz[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Time: 2000 PST[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Recommended Level Ranges: 1-20[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Group Bracket Details: Group C1[/SIZE]




[SIZE=16]The greatest of giants sits atop the clouds themselves, though he knows the kings have kin, of friends and ancient enemies alike. Through the storm they must travel until they are lost. Only then will the most ancient of Essrantor's enemies be revealed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Date: Thursday May 8th[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]GM: Miltonyorkcastle[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Time: 1100 CDT[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Recommended Level Ranges: All[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Group Bracket Details: Group C2[/SIZE]




[SIZE=16]The others long distant in the peaks above, the group holds tightly to the hope they can muster. All weighs upon their shoulders, their minds, and their souls. They know the consequence of failure, they know that it will not be their blood that spills should they not succeed. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Date: Friday May 9th[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]GM: Mixafix[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Time: 1900 AEST[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Recommended Level Ranges: 12-20[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Group Bracket Details: Group B[/SIZE]




[SIZE=16]The stage of war set, a valley lies in full view. Ice and rock cling to the landscape, soon to be sewn with the blood of all races. The allies are known, the enemy approaches. The field of war sits before you all. They must not pass or the others are doomed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Date: TBD[/SIZE]


[SIZE=16]Time: TBD[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Recommended Level Ranges: All[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Group Bracket Details: Group C[/SIZE]




[SIZE=16]A howl carries on the wind, echoing upon echoes as it finds voice in the canyons surrounding. The people of the lands below suffer, and the sound chills all hearts as they have come to know it's meaning. The townships must be protected, and a key passage maintained.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Date: Saturday May 10th[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]GM: jrizz[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Time: 2000 PST[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Recommended Level Ranges: 1-20[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Group Bracket Details: Group C1[/SIZE]




[SIZE=16]Their fate hangs by strands they do not know nor can they see. Only faith guides their hand as the great halls loom around them. Essrantor waits.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Date: Sunday May 11th[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]GM: Chongo[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Time: 1300 MST/ 1900 GMT[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Recommended Level Ranges: 26+[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Group Bracket Details: Group A[/SIZE]
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Rumour Has It / 'Having to Let Go'
« on: February 10, 2008, 03:32:38 pm »
*Word comes from the Temple of Kithairien that a man named, Lance Coyle, brought his deceased wife and devoted follower of the Runner, Randi 'Tyyne' Coyle, into the temple tightly embraced in his arms to be laid to rest. He was followed by a fellow name 'Bear' and his future wife, Abigail.
 Randi was laid at the temple for her final visit where those present paid their last respects and said goodbye to a wife and friend. Her body was draped with a Kithairien flag that was carried by Lance.
 In honor of the Randi's last wishes and the ways of Kithairien, she will be cremated upon a wooded altar and her remains scattered by the winds. The location of the ceremony is only known by her husand and immediate family.*
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Roleplaying / Clarification on the Ring of True Love
« on: January 29, 2008, 12:48:52 am »
It's come to the attention of the GM Team that there are some misconceptions and misunderstandings about what RP value and special properties these rings may have.  

From the item's description:

The soulstone of your one true love glows brightly whenever you wear this beautiful ring on your finger.

"On its surface is engraved in flowing script: "Love Eternal"

Light Low (10m) Green

Now, RP-wise, these rings are constructed using imprinted Soul Stones from one's partner set into a gold band.  The rings can't actually be made in-game mechanically, but there are various ways to obtain them  with GM assistance.

Let me state: there is no objection to characters obtaining these rings for RP purposes.

However, it's come to our attention that players are RPing these rings as imparting additional properties upon the wearers. Most specifically is the ability for one to know or "sense" when their partner, the one who's bound to the stone in the ring, is killed, hurt or in some sort of distress.

This simply is not the case. It has never been the case, and anyone who is RPing this, or any other special properties of such things should not only cease doing so but retroactively remove it from their RP (i.e. Character Development threads).

RPing this kind of "sense" as being imparted through the rings, or more accurately the Soul Stones set into the rings, is dangerously close to telepathy, which was expressly forbidden from RP (and it doesn't exist for PCs anyway) a couple of years ago.  Beyond that, Soul Stones themselves simply do not have that sort of property at all.

Now, I'm pretty confident that no one was trying to skirt the rules or invent powers.  I'd guess, as most things like this, that someone along the line either assumed or got some incorrect information from somewhere.  These things have a way of snowballing, and I'm not going to blame anyone for this at all.  But I am asking, on behalf of the GM Team, that this not continue and that it is treated as if it never happened.

These rings are intended, in both IC and OOC senses, to be symbolic gestures for in-game couples.  From an IC standpoint, these rings contain an imprint of one's soul within the stone itself.  Symbolically, it is like giving a piece of oneself to another as a symbol of love and devotion.  This has tremendous RP value, but that is absolutely where it ends.

I do apologize if this impacts anyone's RP thus far. I normally don't like raising barriers, but this is a liberty that should never have been taken.  As I said, my purpose is not to point fingers, lay blame or take any sort of action against anyone as a result.  I'm simply asking that it stop.
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

Roleplaying / Impromptu Quests
« on: January 04, 2008, 11:13:07 am »
when a dm is running a impromptu,it is not the right thing to send out invites in tells to have your friends join.  Large parties can be fun, but 20 people with spells on, makes for a very laggy adventure. Some people also have issues with large parties and crash due to their computers, so please. Everyone likes to be part of the action, but have enough respect of your fellow players, and  let the ones being lucky enough to be in the right place enjoy the quest.
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

I have noticed that it is amazing just how many non-elves get taught elven by elven PCs...

I can’t help but wonder why?

Elves, even non-grey elves are by their very nature.....arrogant

Yes, you can argue that adventuring elves are much less so but they were STILL brought up as elves, they will have still been taught to look down on the 'lesser’ races during their childhoods.

So why are they happy to teach their musical and beautiful language to those lesser races?

Before some bright spark says...”so X can understand me” X being a friend, lover, husband, pet dog...

You BOTH speak already have a SHARED language....why do they need to learn elven to understand you?

I’m not saying that all those who have taught elven have done so for daft reasons, I’m just saying that elves are a little arrogant, so why the heck would they be sharing their language so much?

I mean, it’s kinda like the Jewish community teaching everyone Yiddish.

NB....I mean no offence to Jews or non-Jews, it was just the first example I could think of.

So basically.....if you’re thinking of teaching elven, for the love of chocolate can you stop, think and check it has a sound RP REASON for your character to do so.  Why is your elf happy to share their language with a non elf they can simply speak common to?

Now...I am not trying to have a go at anyone who has taught elven to others....I’m just trying to raise the point that the elven race is an arrogant one....I’m sure those on Ed The Ket’s present quest will back me up on this.  As such, people need to be remembering their heritage in situations like this.

It’s not quite the same as everyone loving Drow and Orc’s on sight, but it is something that should be considered.

I know, that each application has to be approved....But the Character approvers have to walk a fine line between ensuring the integrity of the world and that people have fun and let’s be honest, none of us (including myself) is above pointing at someone else’s submission and saying “How come they got it and I didn’t” as such, I just want people to think and take a little responsibility for the integrity of the world onto themselves for such things
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Introduce Yourself / Hello again!
« on: December 26, 2007, 01:30:47 pm »
Well.. You do not know how pleased I am to find Layonara still around.

I started back in March of 05 or there abouts playing here loved it! but.. family, and good ole USMC got in the road. Was bounced around and finally after finishing my tour made my way home.

Found the time to play again and found my way here. working on getting everything downloaded and set up.

But a little about me I suppose. Married, 3 kids, oldest 5, 2 and 1 two girls and a boy.

Honorable discharge twice from the Marine Corps. vet of current operations.

Work for the Wyoming Military Department with the Wyoming Youth Challenge Program as a CTL.

Enjoy history, airsoft, horses, and reading/writing.  Been RPing for a long time. Helped develop the Officers Corps guild here.
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