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Messages - Thak

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Introduce Yourself / Hi Everybody
« on: March 11, 2007, 04:38:34 pm »
My name is Robin, I am twenty-nine years old and living in Toronto, Canada.  I started playing D & D when I was four and my father read the Lord of the Rings to me when I was five.  This has lead to a life long love affair with RPG's and a tremendous pride at being a geek of all shapes.  When I am not unemployed I am an actor, and have a tremendously beautiful and loving wife that I married this year.  I came across Layo from a Bioware Wednesday, and it became my first online RP experience.  So far it has been amazing and I feel that as I learn more and more (and there is still so much more) about RPing that this community continues to unfold in an inspiring, friendly and creative way.  So happy to have found it and I will see you in game!
The following users thanked this post: Thak

Introduce Yourself / Hello All
« on: March 11, 2007, 03:05:14 pm »
Well, since my husband just posted, seems reasonable to follow.
I'm Jill, 39, mother of one, chemist, half-orc monk and total geek. You'll see me in game occasionally but lately I've been caught up in the Writing Team for Layo :) .
I've been playing PnP since I was 14 (I had Keep on the Borderlands...yes I did...) and GM'd as well. Layo is a fantastic community, I welcome you who are new and urge you to read all the material available to you! The Writing Team works hard to continually add depth to the world along with those who quest and the GMs, so be sure to check out the Handbook along with the FAQs and Server Rules.
*waves and goes back to writing*
The following users thanked this post: Thak

Introduce Yourself / Howdy
« on: March 11, 2007, 02:38:02 pm »
Just wanting to say hello (and twiddle with the interface).
Name is Derek, 34 years old, never had any experience with RP or D&D, short of mocking it. Wife got me involved last year and I rolled a character that I had created in EQ. Turns out, I couldn't RP him and it was just not fun. Add to that a rather unpleasant experience with a GM and I left for other games.
After seeing my wife continue to have fun, I decided to create Galen and he's a much better fit. Much more enjoyable. Enough of me that I can be him, different enough that he's a challenge. Still learning, and stillmaking mistakes. Fortunately, I have met a group of people that I enjoy playing with and that are positive role-play role models.
Looking forward to meeting more people here and hopefully learning enough to be a role model myself.
The following users thanked this post: Thak

Introduce Yourself / Hello from Leanthar
« on: March 11, 2007, 10:20:40 am »
Hello Everybody!
Who am I? Hmm....just a normal every day guy that had a fantastic group of Pen and Paper players that were enjoying a tiny place called Layonara. Then I brought it online....what a difference and what growth!
I am a father of four wonderful children (18 (Heather), 17 (Skyler), 15 (Sierra), and 4 (Raylynn)) who are so very talented and smart in thier own ways. *smiles* Yes, those are the words of a proud father.
I also have the best wife in the world. Beverly is just fantastic! She supports me in all I do, she encourages me and she helps out when and where she can. Brilliant, talented, and beautiful, she is a great lady!
I like in Oakhurst California, just 10 miles south of Yosemite National Park, in the Sierra Mountains. Essentially right smack in the middle of the state if you are ever looking for it on a map.
I can't say enough about the teams that support Layonara. We have all been blessed to have found so much talent, quality, genuine friends, and intelligence here at Layonara. Without them (all of the teams) we would not be what we are now and where we are going.
Layonara is the third world that I created as a Game Master for my Pen and Paper players. It actually combines parts of all of the other worlds and all that I learned as I was creating things from before. I enjoy the creation process if one didn't realize that by those statements. *smiles*
Remember: If it feels off or wrong it probably is and you should think before doing it. Help us to help the community, do what is right in all you do.
Enjoy the community and the world!
The following users thanked this post: Thak

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