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Messages - Lynn1020

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Introduce Yourself / 36 weeks later
« on: January 01, 2008, 05:30:08 am »
Well, I've been on Layo for about 9 months so I guess I should introduce myself.

First of all, My name is Stacy.....(pauses for everyone to go "oh my god...he's a girl), I'm not a girl.

I live in the SF bay area.
I'm an avid scifi/horror fan and still, at 40, love comic books.
I have 3 fantastic kids :
boy 8
girl 5
girl 3

and a wonderful wife of 16 years who thinks I'm a total geek for playing this game. But I played PnP when we met so she knew what she was getting in to.
....married 16 years, not 16 years old.....that sounded a bit distrubing for a minute.

I am in construction and spend way too much time playing layo, but it is my only vice......*ponders* is it a vice? *shrugs*
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Happy and abigails cdq
« on: December 23, 2007, 05:09:39 am »
Just wanted to give big thanks to Happy for a great impromptu finish to abigails quest to become spellsword.

Completely unexpected!

I was expecting a few minutes to try and discover more information on her search when i asked if he had the time. Instead he went nuts and in a short amount of time and put together an awesome finish.

He has been doing it in small bits over the last few weeks and it culminated in one great time. He really let abis actions help develop the cdq and have fun with it over the course of time.

He really did a great job with it. :D

Thanks again!
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / hey...
« on: December 22, 2007, 04:44:04 pm »
[SIZE=24]...just popping in to say hi and to wish you all merry christmas and a happy new year![/SIZE]

The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Happy Birthday Lynn1020!
« on: December 19, 2007, 05:00:43 pm »
I'll be the first to start off with saying "Happy Birthday"!
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Vendar's leave of abscence
« on: December 18, 2007, 12:02:44 am »
Hey GM team and players,
Just wanted to let everyone know I love the RP world here and would spend much more time in Layo if I possibly could. Trouble is, I received orders to deploy to Iraq for one year and will be leaving the beginning of January '08. I'll be taking my laptop (which has NWN and Layo haks of course!) overseas with me, but I have no idea if I'll be able to login and play during my time there.

So if you don't see Vendar following you around with his trusty quill and parchment, he is on an extended quest for Knowledge in unexplored lands and hopes to return next year. It's been great playing with you all.
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Proud Dad
« on: December 14, 2007, 07:06:14 pm »
My four year old son is sitting next to me playing his first PC game :) I go to help him and he says "no daddy I can do it myself" then he takes the mouse and starts playing :) HE ROCKS!
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

Here is how I set it up on my computer and it is working fine.

1- once you downloaded the program and started the install, make sure to install the log rotator to your main nwn folder like so

2: once the program is installing it will launch the configuration tools. I personally choose the text mode with the date and time.

3: I then check the ask for text

4: I save and exit the configuration tool

5: You will now see on your desktop an icon that will be called NwN.

6: You have to take that Icon and put it in your main folder of NWN where the exe is. It will ask you if you want to replace the previous exe with that file. Select Yes.

7: Once that is done, create a shortcut of the new exe that you just placed in the Nwn folder.

8: Always start the game with the new shortcut. It will make a dos application start. DO not close that else your logs will not save. Once you close the game, it will pop you a box where you can enter the name of the log. Voila! tested and has been working for me for over a year.


You can then change the icon image to one that fits more the NWN icons. Also if the game crash use debug to be able to save your logs
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

Introduce Yourself / A Much Belated Hello
« on: December 02, 2007, 03:43:12 am »
Dear Layonara ...

Or something like that. How do you introduce yourself to a community you've been part of for a year? That's the question I've been pondering and grappling with for a while now, and up until this point it's been much easier to just postpone creating this introduction than actually find an answer.

So why now, you ask? Well, today, as I calculate it, is my Layonara birthday—the one year anniversary of the approval of my first character—and as such is probably the most appropriate day I can think of to do this. So here goes, confession number one:

Until joining Layonara, I had never roleplayed a day in my life. In fact, had someone inquired as to my roleplaying abilities in casual conversation, my likely response would have been to blush and change the subject. I also hacked and slashed my way through the original campaign module and its offspring, pillaging, looting, and acting with a deep sense amorality that quite horrified my partner, who had given me the game to try. My first character may sound familiar to a few of you: a half-elven neutral good ranger who used a longbow and longsword. (Isn't it amazing how you can remain neutral good and still steal family heirlooms and do horrible things when they hand good points out like candy?)

My partner was the one who discovered Layonara, and after watching him enjoy it for a few months I was eventually goaded by him into submitting a character, Arynne Liadon, who basically became a much more moral version of my OC character, since unlike her predecessor, Arynne's actions had consequences. Well, one turned into four, as Eruanna Glorandir, Chiara Laecelam'lela and Jaelle Thornwood were all born into the world. And my partner? Yes, he still plays, though more rarely now. He's since discovered a myriad of other ways to torment the playerbase. Many of you know him, either as Darkstorme or Ouroboros. (I suppose he's my second big confession. :D Try not to hold him against me!)

What else? I'm twenty-two, five-foot-eight, green eyed and brown haired, and lest this start to sound like a personal ad, I will refrain from commenting on my thoughts on candlelit dinners and long walks on deserted beaches. I'm a student, though the end of my university days draw nearer with each December final. I'm crazy enough to stay at university even once I finish my biology major and English minor though, and will soon be entering my university's education program. Which, it occurred to me one night, means I'm going to spend almost the rest of my life going to school. Oh well. :) I'll manage somehow.

How much more should I divulge? After a year of silence, I suppose I owe you all more than that. Well, I've never lived more than a few minutes from the ocean, and honestly can't imagine living away from the sea. I've known how to swim almost my entire life, worked as a lifeguard, a swimming instructor, learned to sail, kayak, and row. I've played rugby, soccer, and field hockey, and a handful of musical instruments. I love tea, coffee, and chocolate, and not just because each go extremely well with a good book. I was always a precocious reader, though now I am merely a voracious one, and my tastes range from the Romantic poets to the Victorians, to American modernism and noir, to the fantasy classics ... I could go on forever, but as this is already lengthy I'll refrain from listing my favourites right now.

Well, I've said a bit about me, but I suppose I should say a little about my characters as well. I suppose it is true that we all sculpt from the clay of our own lives, and this is almost certainly the case with me as well. However, I am as unlike my characters as they are unlike each other. I can see myself reflected in all of them, but they have their own lives to live and I am content to watch them develop in the world you have all helped shape. So let me conclude with thanking you all, for taking me into your world and letting me explore it, and for helping spin the stories we weave together for our characters. I cannot say how much I have enjoyed and continue to treasure the time I spend with you all.

The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Fun quest
« on: December 01, 2007, 05:14:36 am »
just want to say kudos to happy on a really fun quest "colder than hell"

great ambiance...i think he had everyone on the edge of their seats
fun fights...not too hard or too easy
continuing didn't end, some characters still affected for a short time

great fun
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Dedicated to Lynn
« on: November 19, 2007, 09:16:30 am »
This is for you Lynn, and I hope his patrol moves quickly for you. I know during that time for me, the sweetest saddest smell was the boat smell. It was sad because I knew he would be going away, and sweet when I smelled it again because he was home.

When God Created the Military Wife

When the Lord was creating a military wife He ran into His sixth day of overtime. An angel appeared and said, "You're having a lot of trouble with this one. What's wrong with the standard model?"

The Lord replied, "Have you seen the specs on this order? It has to be completely independent but must always be sponsored to get on a military installation. It must have the qualities of both mother and father during deployments, be a perfect host to 4 or 40, handle emergencies without an instruction manual, cope with flu and moves all around the world, have a kiss that cures anything from a child's bruised knee to a husband's weary days, have the patience of a saint when waiting for its mate to come home and, have six pairs of hands."

The angel shook her head slowly and said, "Six pairs of hands? No way." The Lord answered, "Don't worry; we will make other military wives to help. Besides, it's not the hands that are causing the problem, it's the heart. It must swell with pride, sustain the ache of numerous separations while remaining true, beat soundly even when it feels too tired to do so, be large enough to say 'I understand' when it doesn't, and say 'I love you', regardless.

"Lord," said the angel, gently touching His sleeve. "Go to bed. You can finish it tomorrow." "I can't," said the Lord. "I'm so close to creating something quite unique. Already it can heal itself when sick, on a moment's notice it will willingly embrace and feed total strangers who have been stranded during a PCS move and it can wave goodbye to its husband understanding why he had to leave."

The angel circled the model of the military wife very slowly. "It's too soft," she sighed."But tough," the Lord said excitedly. "You cannot imagine what this being can do or endure.""Can it think?" asked the angel. "Can it think?! It can convert 1400 to 2 p.m.," replied the Lord.

Finally the angel bent over and ran her finger across the cheek. "There's a leak," she said. "I told you that you were trying to put too much into this model." It's not a leak," said the Lord. "It's a tear." "What's it for?" asked the angel. "It's for joy, sadness, pain, loneliness and pride." "You're a genius," said the angel.

Looking at her somberly, the Lord replied, "I didn't put it there."
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Rememberance day
« on: November 11, 2007, 05:37:02 am »
Today is the day we remember those lost in the wars.
Have a 2 minute silence at 11am for them.
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Berak's player
« on: November 08, 2007, 06:03:11 pm »
He will be out for a bit as his internet connection is off during his move. He said he will be back on Monday or so.
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Life is Short
« on: November 04, 2007, 11:39:00 am »
I was woken up to a phone call this morring from my mother.  It was a phone call you never here want to hear.  There was a huge car pile up comming out of Selma on 99.  Caused by a drunk driver (not sure if the fogg was bad but usuall is).  Something like 108 cars.  A child was killed, but a young man was killed also.  This young man was a family friend.  

My best friend that usual goes to work on saturdays that travles that same road, he desided to stay home.  I am thankfull for that.

Life is to short.  Bad things happen to good people all the time.  I say no, not this time.  Drinking and driving was the cause.  I begg any of you, if you go out to a party, dinner, or just out with friends and have any drinks at all.  Call a cab, have a sober driver take you home, call someone.  

Dont think just becouse I had two or three drinks I am fine to dirve.  I am sorry to tell you, you are not ok to drive.  I am not perfect by anymeans.  I learned the hard way many times over.  This is not the first friend to die becouse of drinking and driving.  I wish it would be the last, but in all reality it wont be.
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Happy 17th Wedding Anniversary!
« on: October 20, 2007, 02:20:26 pm »
Happy anniversary, Lynn1020!
 It has been the best adventure and quest I have ever been on. I look forward to the rest of it.
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / About Interia...
« on: October 16, 2007, 09:39:06 pm »
Just so everyone knows, Interia/Kinai/Chrissy will not be able to play layo for an undetermined amount of time.  I can't really say why, but I felt I should let you all know.

The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Artwork of Plenarius
« on: September 04, 2007, 02:18:19 pm »
I had a commission done for Plen, I just thought I'd share the result with the community.

I'm glad I'll always have this piece to remember where it all started, a big thank you to everyone who has shaped him along the way...

The artist is Carol Phillips, I discovered her work while I was doing research for the t-shirt web site and we have been working slowly over the last year to come up with something for Plen. I'm very happy with it :)


P.S. No he is not done yet ;)

The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

Roleplaying / Looting Etiquette
« on: August 30, 2007, 07:33:45 am »
Yeah, this seems like a weird thing to post on Layonara, I feel like I’m three seconds away from saying “Roll Greed on Green unless you need it then take it, and pass on all special Bind on Pickup Blues so we can discuss who needs it most”. Funnily enough, that’s really close to what I want to say:


  1)Designate one looter: Since NWN Has no way of making loot go right into the bag of a master looter, or in a round robin fashion, its probably best to just designate one person to do it, and hope they are good at math and have a lot of weight reduction bags and/or can carry a lot.  

  2) Don’t Leave the Looter Behind: They are doing a service to YOU , the rest of the party, and therefore it’s not really nice to leave them behind. They could have a really bad directional sense, get ambushed by a spawn, or simply loose out on the XP The rest of the party receives while going forward. It won’t slow you down that much to wait for the looter.
  3) Save Discussing Loot for the End: And pay attention to the task(s) at hand
  4) Need Before Greed: When rolling, if someone or more than one person needs the item more than you do, I think it is only fair to let them roll for it. Of course, it may not be in your character’s nature but sometimes this can impend on the fun of others. If no one needs it , feel free to roll for it.
  5) Do Not Roll To Sell!: Don’t roll on an item just to sell it unless no one , even in the slightest, needs it or could put it to better use. It does a disservice to the rest of the party to just turn around and sell something someone else was going to use. If you do plan on selling it if no one needed the item, make your intentions clear and discuss it with your party. Sometimes its only right for the gold from the sale to be divided and sometimes its just the luck of the role..

PS: Refer to:
LORE: Handling of Loot
  ~That’s really All I had to say. Thanks.
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

Introduce Yourself / Inny
« on: December 08, 2016, 04:02:21 pm »
Hello, Welcome or 'Hellas’ as I use to say... I thought it is about time to introduce myself here. Yes I know some were asking me to introduce myself so well I have no other choice. Before they start poking me again, please let me go on. I wonder why they want some details about me though as there is little interesting about me, really... *eyes the people behind him, sighs slightly and goes on* . As far as I know I always had a fable for fantasy, started by books over movies and now I ended up in front of my comp playing mostly RPGs. So what are my hobbies? Well I guess you always figured one out. I spend most of my time playing Layo (oh wonder) or some other games like Morrowind or Valkyrie Profile, whereas I don’t even possess a PS2 but the game is just great, better than FF imo. If I am not around at my comp there are most likely three other possibilities where to find me. I am either playing PnP with my friends, currently DMing two groups which is a lot of fun and usually makes my day. Also is a source of inspiration for my character on Layo or for my quests. So if I am not around for PnP you can find me in the Gym or outside playing either Volleyball or Beach-Volleyball, depending on the weather of course. No I won’t mention that I already played Volleyball outside while it was raining and thunderstorm was coming closer. I am both, player as well as coach. Yeah you got it right, I am a coach as well, believe it or not. Currently I am coaching a youth-team and they are only a few years younger than I am. As for my own team I am playing for we were kinda successful last season as we won in our league. So when I am not around I am usually found relaxing on the coach or either in front of my computer watching a nice anime. Yes I know I am an anime addict and I don’t regret it. I am used to that my friends call me either Freak or Otaku, heh, so no worries, I’ll live! Besides that I can be found reading, drawing, hanging out with friends or listening to music as well. Music’s mostly metal or classical music like Wagner. Even though I am German I never attended to his “Der Ring des Nibelungen” but I really should as it sounds interesting and already got some good feedback about it. So what else do I have to do in my spare time? At the moment not much as I just finished school and am on my summer break right now. August 1st starts my life again with a job. It has something to do with computers and I will work at an university. I never figured out how my job is called in English but in German it is called “Fachinformatiker – Fachrichtung Systemintegration”. Now something about Layo itself. I joined February 6th 2005, the day of my mother’s birthday so I will never forget about this date. So who am I? Well I am the player behind Dorena, Valaria and even Liasanya. As a GM you might know me as Valkyrie, Flame Haze, Lenneth or even Innocence. Yes I know, some even call her INNYYYYYYYY! So well, these are the basics about me. Hmm picture of me? I doubt there is anyone existing, at least not a good one. But feel free to figure out how I look from this thread. *winks* Anyway, I will see you around then *he bows slightly in front of the audience and slowly fades away from sight.*
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / i know some people have been quiet of late
« on: June 23, 2007, 06:12:08 pm »
after L with the future announcement

but what we are all forgetting is we have a wonderful world still open to us and there isnt any need to panic thinking its going to leave us anytime soon

they made the announcement to give us a hey gang this is whats going on behind the scenes

not a heres whats going on the rest is dead now till then

yes some people didnt care for not be told
but as a whole this will only be much better

the announcement let us as a community know why maybe we havent seen some faces for a bit
and now its understandable

i know everyone is still reading the forums i have seen 25 to 50 people online from time to time when the server counters read 7

dont get sad
look at the new as ascension from the old
a layo without someone else saying what layo can be

but until thats ready and L and the teams have said it
we have many months ahead of ourselves to play just as we always have been

so go log in remember why you love layo so much
you love it because you can escape from the real world into the realm L has layed down at our feet to wander roam and help shape

so throw off your meloncholy and go log in
go see your friends
and remember
even after the switch  its the people you log in to interact with inside the big sand box
not just to play alone in the sand
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Enjoy Everyday
« on: June 22, 2007, 06:32:48 pm »
I write this with a heavy heart.

A good friend of mine died yesterday.  He was 40 years old, had three children 18, 7 and 3.  He was going through security to get on a flight to go and spend a weekend in Las Vegas and dropped dead from a brain anuerism in the security line.

I write this, well, to remind everyone that what you do everyday should be precious.  

Hug your children.  Kiss your wife or husband.  Tell your parents you love them.  Pet a dog.  Look at nature and revel in it's beauty.  Give a beggar a dollar.  Make the world a better place, somehow, even if it's just your small slice of it. And don't let petty   stuff overwhelm you. See the beauty in life, and contribute to it.

It seems to me that we never know when we have nine soul strands lost, and the next one is the last.

Spread Joy, Happiness, and Love,

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