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Messages - jrizz

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General Discussion / Happy and abigails cdq
« on: December 23, 2007, 05:09:39 am »
Just wanted to give big thanks to Happy for a great impromptu finish to abigails quest to become spellsword.

Completely unexpected!

I was expecting a few minutes to try and discover more information on her search when i asked if he had the time. Instead he went nuts and in a short amount of time and put together an awesome finish.

He has been doing it in small bits over the last few weeks and it culminated in one great time. He really let abis actions help develop the cdq and have fun with it over the course of time.

He really did a great job with it. :D

Thanks again!
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

General Discussion / Vendar's leave of abscence
« on: December 18, 2007, 12:02:44 am »
Hey GM team and players,
Just wanted to let everyone know I love the RP world here and would spend much more time in Layo if I possibly could. Trouble is, I received orders to deploy to Iraq for one year and will be leaving the beginning of January '08. I'll be taking my laptop (which has NWN and Layo haks of course!) overseas with me, but I have no idea if I'll be able to login and play during my time there.

So if you don't see Vendar following you around with his trusty quill and parchment, he is on an extended quest for Knowledge in unexplored lands and hopes to return next year. It's been great playing with you all.
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

General Discussion / is it just me
« on: December 14, 2007, 11:42:26 am »
or is seeing the children of those you travelled with whether you have permed that character or not, picking up their swords and staves and wandering about, not give you a wierd sense of time progression

like when you go to a family reunion and you havent seen your little cousin since he was 8 and now hes twenty

you know what i mean?
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

General Discussion / Did I Say the Final Stroke of V3 Before?
« on: December 12, 2007, 06:22:53 pm »

I again find pictures a good snare for you unfortunate readers.  Thanks to the work by numerous developers on the Layonara Team, there's another update coming soon.  So I suppose that last update was not the final stroke after all!

I'll leave it to Dorganath to give you the full update on what's new when the time comes.  Until then, a few screenshots to let you know what's coming.

See you in these regions soon enough.
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

Rumour Has It / A last goodbye...
« on: December 12, 2007, 05:05:09 pm »
* Three dwarves are seen by many as they pass from Hlint to Spellguard carrying an old man in blue robes reverently on a shield, held high on their shoulders. The dwarves are recognized by some as Varka Cleaveson, Gravas Hrendhamar and Kobal Bluntaxe, while the lifeless body on the tower shield is that of the well known wizard Godim Harjumaa.

His long silvery-white beard looks to have been carefully groomed and his robes repaired in many places. Even so, clear evidence remains of the sword or spear thrusts that must have killed the old wizard.

One last time Godim Harjunaa enters the splendid city of magic - Spellguard. His retinue consisting of the three dwarves and others who knew him, follow the train as it moves towards the temple of Lucinda.

The clergy here were already notified because a priest stands at the entrance, seemingly waiting to accept the old man into the loving embrace of the Lady of Spells. Two acolytes step forward to accept the burden and carry the shield into the temple grounds, where the body is to be prepared for burial.

The adventurers and dragon-called remain to pay Godim their last respect before his body is returned to the earth. *
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

Ask A Gamemaster / Are Law Enforcers Stupid?
« on: December 03, 2007, 06:46:24 pm »
I ask the question that is the subject of this thread because of thoughts that flowed from reading [post=724662]this post[/post].  I don't mean any offense to Falonthas in asking this stuff.

In a world where magic is real, and it is not especially uncommon that people will change size and shape, would anyone who had that potential really be held in a room with a window or behind a simple set of bars?  Would there really be no cells designed for holding mages or suppressing magic in general?

I understand that smaller towns and villages might have a simple jail, or even just a nice corner of a barn where they can chain people, but a big city like Port Hempstead should have a prison that fits the reality of a magical world.  Even if they don't have fancy cells, I really don't think the city guard as a whole is so incompetent as to give prisoners easy and obvious ways out.
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

Here is how I set it up on my computer and it is working fine.

1- once you downloaded the program and started the install, make sure to install the log rotator to your main nwn folder like so

2: once the program is installing it will launch the configuration tools. I personally choose the text mode with the date and time.

3: I then check the ask for text

4: I save and exit the configuration tool

5: You will now see on your desktop an icon that will be called NwN.

6: You have to take that Icon and put it in your main folder of NWN where the exe is. It will ask you if you want to replace the previous exe with that file. Select Yes.

7: Once that is done, create a shortcut of the new exe that you just placed in the Nwn folder.

8: Always start the game with the new shortcut. It will make a dos application start. DO not close that else your logs will not save. Once you close the game, it will pop you a box where you can enter the name of the log. Voila! tested and has been working for me for over a year.


You can then change the icon image to one that fits more the NWN icons. Also if the game crash use debug to be able to save your logs
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

General Discussion / Fun quest
« on: December 01, 2007, 05:14:36 am »
just want to say kudos to happy on a really fun quest "colder than hell"

great ambiance...i think he had everyone on the edge of their seats
fun fights...not too hard or too easy
continuing didn't end, some characters still affected for a short time

great fun
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

Rumour Has It / Bugbear Chieftain Deposed by Strange Crew
« on: November 18, 2007, 04:07:38 am »
Guardsmen and townsfolk are scratching their heads in Mariner's Hold over recent developments in which the dreaded warlord of the bugbear island was apparantly killed by a team of drunken goblins and their massively huge giantkin champion.  Upon returning his head for the sizeable sum of 600 true each, they did a happy dance and stormed the local tavern to throw a 20 keg party to brag and boast of their accomplishments.  

When reached for comment, the large one was mostly incoherent, speaking between huge chugs of ale from a cask held high above his head, laughing hysterically and describing the many ways he smashed the bugbear skulls, making beautiful abstract art on the walls of the dungeon.  One of the wee ones appeared to have some talent in showmanship, as he spun the tales and played the harpsichord fluently for the crowd, rousing them to sing along.  "We show bugbears they not gonna push us around no more!" said another, "Taller than them now we cut off legs, haha!"  

Crowd reactions were mixed, varying between awe, revelry, caution and hysterical laughter as the 4 proceeded to dish out enough ale to quench an army.  "I always knew this place was goin crazy when I saw that orc fellah in the crafthall, but now goblin hoardes?  Think its time to invest in that farmland near Thalos, this can't be good for property taxes!" said one bystander, a dwarven craftsman.  "Thems just havin ah good time, real good folk." said another, a tavern local huntsman.  "It ain't every day somebody even buy ye ah beer, and these uns treat the whole town, with a dead warlord to boot!  Ah reckon they better folk than most of us"  

In light of their contribution to the bounty commision, the local guards chose not to interfere with the revelry, ignoring more than a few noise ordinances for the night.  "I have to admit, I was alarmed when I first saw them, but a head is a head... and these four seemed to accomplish by themselves what regiments of over a dozen bounty hunters often die attempting.  We look forward to any further help they may offer in the region." stated a local clerk. "It's very rare that people accept those higher risk missions... and these boys deliver."

Farros Galdor Reporting
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General Discussion / Great job Happy
« on: September 03, 2007, 02:28:45 am »
Tonights quest was a great quest Happy.  You kepted me very interrested, and guessing.  I had a great time, and I belive everyone else did too.  Keep up the quests.

The following users thanked this post: jrizz

Layonara Server / I Think of You Often!
« on: September 02, 2007, 07:17:23 pm »
I have been so swamped over the last three months with med school and now the start of football (I do my part in the local community as a volunteer Head Coach for ages 12-13). I just wanted to let everyone know I miss you and often find myself laughing when I think about the times I have shared with some of you in game. I hope everyone is doing well and send my best wishes to you.

I know a lot of you might not even know me and will probably scan over this without a seconds thought...but be warned, Daralith will be back soon!!! Daralith still has been plans for the herd! =)

The Ever Polite,
Daralith Del'Mar

P.S. I know it is late, but congratulations to the last round of DMs. I knew you would make it and I can only imagine how much you have added to the community. I look forward to seeing some of your quests in the very near future.
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

Just for Fun / World Leader Application: Squishy
« on: August 31, 2007, 07:41:02 pm »
New World Leader Application: Squishy
 [FONT="] [/FONT]
  [FONT="] [/FONT]
  [FONT="]Name: [/FONT][FONT="]“Squishy” Kuala’shtus Mela’fulumus[/FONT]
  [FONT="]Translation:[/FONT][FONT="] Deep Eye of Immanent Doom; a common beholder name[/FONT]
  [FONT="]Original Submission:[/FONT][FONT="] See Rhynn’s CDQ[/FONT]
  [FONT="]Character Development Threads:[/FONT][FONT="] Squishy has no hands and therefore can not write. Occasionally he has been known to use telekinetic power to balance a pencil, or dictate to Rhynn, Saru, or the Lim Lim. However thus far, nothing has occurred, because two of the three can not write, and Rhynn either thinks its cute and hugs him or at times, obliges to which excerpts such as the following occur.[/FONT]
  [FONT="] [/FONT]
  Floobar Kelleboots Oggitama Rhynnykins Kelleboots Oggar Gloofo Floog Flog Ohhhbarbarbarbarbarbar Kelleboots
  [FONT="] [/FONT]
  [FONT="] [/FONT]

  [FONT="]          [/FONT][FONT="]Squishy began his life, as a below average beholderkin, at the bottom rung in the treacherous hives of the beholder; after all someone must be at the bottom. This was, unfortunately Squishy’s lot in life. Yet in the face, of upmost despair, everyone must have hope. [/FONT]
  [FONT="]            And so, within this normally mild and timid eyeball, after years of abuse by his larger, smarter and simply stronger kin, something finally broke. He went spare. The madness that he embraced was not of the ‘froth at the mouth’ every day manor. It was, instead of religious hysteria.  This was unfortunate. He began to rave and rant about a time of great pain, followed by the promised one, who would lead all beholderkin to a time of equality and power where they would take control of great soaves of the surface lands. [/FONT]
  [FONT="]            As with any society, especially in the highly xenophobic clans of the beholder, anyone whom decides to go against common convention, especially based off religion, would soon find themselves either banished or killed. [/FONT]
  [FONT="]            And so, before either of those two things could happen, Squishy begun his long flights into the deepening darks of the underworld. Being at this point at best, only mildly connected to the commonly accepted reality of the sane it is unknown how long Squishy wandered the tunnels, jibbering out his prophetic visions of a better tomorrow.  However his wanderings in the deep would take him once again into what he knows as the time of pain.[/FONT]
  [FONT="]            He would stumble across Deep dwarf slavers, who found him both harmless and hilariously amusing, something to throw around, punt with a stick and in general make even more miserable. [/FONT]
  [FONT="]They would loose their favorite ball quite swiftly when it fled directly into the hands of a group of half orc slavers during a pitched melee in a dispute about wages. This would continue Squishy’s time of pain, the orcs thought that the Deep Dwarves had the right idea, and proceeded to use this small eyeball as their favorite throwing object. [/FONT]
  [FONT="]All the blows to his head must have continued to deteriorate what little sanity he may have had. As he began to rave to himself more and more about the time of pain soon being over and the Great One leading him to his destiny, some strange luck occurred. This came within a years time.[/FONT]
  [FONT="]            When the half orc seriously underestimated one of their latest torturing victims. Having witnessed her cast such miracles as ‘crawling out of her own form’ , defeating the Wicked Ones, and helping release him from The Time of Pain, he began his new life, as the first and only prophet of his idol of worship: Rhynnykins[/FONT]
  [FONT="] [/FONT]
  [FONT="]It is still assumed that he has suffered one too many blows to the head, and now spends his days , wandering while following her and raving about the beginning of his new order dedicated to the greatness of the one who rescued him from the time of pain, and her offspring, which he views, as a sacred child, or mayhaps just a follower.[/FONT]
  [FONT="] [/FONT]
  [FONT="]            [/FONT]
[FONT="] [/FONT]
 [FONT="]The Slaying Of The Primal Water Elemental [/FONT][/B][FONT="]– It was a dark return to the underworld and squishy was determined to locate a beholder clan and bring them the great news of his religion and its growth although he still wasn’t certain about all the details.  However determined, the Squishy was taken aback to see the one that brought him from the Time of Pain into the Time of Whatever This Time Is Now (once again it is stressed that he has not quite figured out what he is doing) being attacked by a giant moving wall of water. Which he promptly attacked with all his small globular might. It was apparently enough.[/FONT]
  [FONT="] [/FONT]
  [FONT="]The squishy is worthy of World leader not just because of his ability to slay such things as a primal water elemental; that would be powergaming. He is also worthy because of his ability to befriend and successfully travel with noteworthy heroes; and accomplishment few creatures as supposedly ‘evil’ as he , could ever dream of doing.[/FONT]
  [FONT="] [/FONT]
  [FONT="]Furthermore, he would like to take a moment to explain in his own words, how he has repeatedly assured the success of all adventures and quest that succeeded in his presence. [/FONT]
  [FONT="] [/FONT]
  [FONT="]            Kelleboots Floogy Mormormor Veneleotu Gabby Bops Angula Baldor Kelleboots Kelleboots Bimbo Kelleboots Rhynnykins AVENTUR FLOOG![/FONT]
[FONT="] [/FONT]
 [FONT="] [/FONT][/B]
[FONT="] [/FONT]
[FONT="]Future Development As World Leader[/FONT]
[FONT="] [/FONT]
 [FONT="]            It is not entirely certain of what Squishy’s true goals may be. This is because they have changed on average once every half hour for the past years. However, it can be considered the overall goal of the Squishy to unite the beholderkin under his new beliefs. If successful, he will indeed unite them, underneath the concepts of equality for all eyeball kin, under the teachings and examples of the one idol….As soon as he figures out exactly what these teachings are.[/FONT]

[SIZE=10]now be certain to double check which forum you're looking at[/SIZE]
[FONT="] [/FONT]
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

Roleplaying / Looting Etiquette
« on: August 30, 2007, 07:33:45 am »
Yeah, this seems like a weird thing to post on Layonara, I feel like I’m three seconds away from saying “Roll Greed on Green unless you need it then take it, and pass on all special Bind on Pickup Blues so we can discuss who needs it most”. Funnily enough, that’s really close to what I want to say:


  1)Designate one looter: Since NWN Has no way of making loot go right into the bag of a master looter, or in a round robin fashion, its probably best to just designate one person to do it, and hope they are good at math and have a lot of weight reduction bags and/or can carry a lot.  

  2) Don’t Leave the Looter Behind: They are doing a service to YOU , the rest of the party, and therefore it’s not really nice to leave them behind. They could have a really bad directional sense, get ambushed by a spawn, or simply loose out on the XP The rest of the party receives while going forward. It won’t slow you down that much to wait for the looter.
  3) Save Discussing Loot for the End: And pay attention to the task(s) at hand
  4) Need Before Greed: When rolling, if someone or more than one person needs the item more than you do, I think it is only fair to let them roll for it. Of course, it may not be in your character’s nature but sometimes this can impend on the fun of others. If no one needs it , feel free to roll for it.
  5) Do Not Roll To Sell!: Don’t roll on an item just to sell it unless no one , even in the slightest, needs it or could put it to better use. It does a disservice to the rest of the party to just turn around and sell something someone else was going to use. If you do plan on selling it if no one needed the item, make your intentions clear and discuss it with your party. Sometimes its only right for the gold from the sale to be divided and sometimes its just the luck of the role..

PS: Refer to:
LORE: Handling of Loot
  ~That’s really All I had to say. Thanks.
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General Discussion / For all DM's out there
« on: August 22, 2007, 02:22:23 pm »
...well, a thread was here recently closed before I was able to answer it and it was not my plan start to flame or a discussion.
I just wanted to say:
"Good job!" All GM's I met were kind and creative. Everytime I met one I had fun and a good time!
I normaly send a tell after that like thanks for your time you invest here to make this world for the players even more enjoyable.
Now I wanted to put this in a place where every GM can read it.
Thanks you do  a good job. A good job for free and I wanted to thank you for doing this for the players. Just that you know there are players that appreciate this.

Thanks for reading
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

Layonara Server / The state of southern Dregar, Prantz and Broegar.
« on: July 28, 2007, 01:32:31 pm »
Hello everyone,

Due to the withdrawal of permission to use certain written texts, we were forced to rewrite history for the kingdom of Rael, its ruler Broegar and several other links to it (like all other kingdoms on Dregar).

This has caused a delay in handbook release.

In the Lore/History section, you will find a new history of Prantz.
Major changes are:
1) The new ruler is known only as Lord Rael, it was him who lead the army that conquered Prantz.
2) a different form of government there, as well as a changed set of laws.
3) religion is still outlawed, except for the worship of Sulterio

I do want to point out that things like the battle for Prantz, the proclamation of the laws, and the recent agreement with the Rofirein church did happen, it’s just different NPCs and an overhaul of text because of the withdrawal of permission.

We will put an updated version of Prantz in game with the next update.

I would like to thank Honora for her time invested in this rewrite (and the other ones), she continues to amaze me with her creativity. Thank you.

If there are any questions related to the change above, please post them here and Honora or myself will try to answer (Honora knows Rael better than I do, hehe).

Thank you for your understanding, follow this link for the text.
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

Introduce Yourself / *cough cough*
« on: July 24, 2007, 09:12:21 pm »
Heya Folks,

Not sure how many old timers that I know are still around, but I thought I'd drop in and hit the Forum with a quick thread anyway. Life sorta took off without me a while ago and I'm trying to track it down... bugger's pretty elusive though. ;) Just thought I'd give props to whoever is keeping things going on the GM and Content side of things now adays. It's a very large and demanding job and one that I always respected.

I also wanted to say that out of all the entertainment and media (music, movies, TV, or literature) that I've ever come in contact with, Layonara has had the most profoundly positive effect on my life. I started playing here when I was thirteen. I'm seventeen now and two of the most important things I've learned in life, that I attribue to Layonara, are moderation and the power of dreams. I was always allowed, even encouraged to let my imagination run away with me here. It's allowed me to drift off to places I didn't know existed, to keep my sanity in real life, and to approach everything from a different angle. It was good for me.

Layonara's a peaceful oasis in a busy and harsh world. That's not to say that it can shelter you from it. But, as it did for me, it can refresh you, maybe even teach you something, and ready you to face it again. I miss all of the friends I left behind with I stopped playing, I wanted to say that, and I wish everyone who's still here the best of luck with everything. Keep it going guys; maybe you'll affect someone else like me.

Long Live Layonara!
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

Roleplaying / Dangers of soloing
« on: July 12, 2007, 06:30:13 pm »
I want to make a friendly reminder and open some discussion on the topic of soloing.  What I have observed is that some soloing is ok.  If you solo gathering a common CNR in a place that is not too difficult, then no one seems to care.  On the other hand, when a player solos areas to farm large amount of XP, or rare items and CNRs, then it is not only frowned upon, but it also can have sever negative impacts on other players.

I remember a player that would solo the rift.  He would gather the CNR there and was selling many.  What happened was that the rift was made harder.  Then parties of un-expecting adventures would get wiped out because of these changes.  Some times, a power built character can be so good and defeating spawns, that areas that areas are made too dangerous for balanced parties that once hunted there, and the party level balance goes up.  So what a balanced party of 15th level characters once handled, now the party has to be more like 18+.

What I am asking...  Is that the players who like to solo difficult areas take some time and reflect about how the actions of one individual, can and will impact the enjoyment of everyone else that plays in this game world.

The following users thanked this post: jrizz

General Discussion / Harry Potter
« on: July 11, 2007, 02:40:15 am »
Just got back from seeing Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix. Have to say, very very good. Go see it. People laughed, and at one point it got real quiet in the theater (not giving things away) and then you could hear crying from some viewers. Was a good flick, like all the HP movies so may be biased but thought this one was really really good.
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

Introduce Yourself / *the hood is lowered*
« on: June 09, 2007, 06:42:44 am »
I am the player behind Rodlin Serim and Ami (my two favorite characters that I play).
 My name is Mike. I currently live in Honolulu, Hawaii with my wife, two sons and a daughter. My sons are 15 and 12 and my daughter is 5 (which we all play with the exception of our 5 year old, but she knows about DTs).
 I started playing paper D&D with my cousin, friends and only brother when I was in Junior High (I was always a ranger, go figure; I was outside from sun up to sun down roaming the country side). My brother was the brain and was always the DM. He was not always very nice, either. But now, he is a Naval pilot, ex-test pilot, with hundreds of carrier landings and a few missions in the gulf (never saw that one coming when we were growing up...I even broke his big toe once...and laughed about it).
 Once the computer age started, I played some of the texted adventure games and then...The Bard's Tale. Since then, some of my favorites were/are the Ultima series (IV, VI and VII my favorite), Might and Magic and the Magic Candle.
 I found Layonara from a co-worker (the player behind Rawkwin Valerius), actually, in October of 2004. I had just gotten to my second shore tour and we started to get to know one another and talking about online gaming. I had never played an online game so I was a bit hesitant. But one thing lead to another and before we knew it, six to eight of us bought the NWN game, registered in the forums and started playing. BAM! We were all hooked. We talked every morning about the events that happened the night before and what we were oing to do that night. As new people came in, we advertised Layo and got them addicted, HAHA. Then, it spread to the families. Great times! There are only a handful of days that I have not logged into the game since then (even if it was for 20 minutes to realize I was too tired to play).
 When I graduated from high school, I left for Navy boot camp. I volunteered for Submarine Service, became an electronic technician. And now, as this shore tour wraps up, going back to sea. There goes all my Layo time.
 In my off time, I coach little league baseball for the 11-12 year olds. Other hobbies include: SCUBA diving (which my oldest son is now my normal dive buddy), camping, computer gaming, hiking, and teaching/training/coaching firearms.
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

General Discussion / The Final Stroke of V3
« on: June 05, 2007, 12:00:53 am »
 [SIZE=16]I've always found pictures to be a good snare for you unfortunate readers.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]I've been on three servers where they announced plans to at some point end their module progress. What I've found is a typical response from the playerbase, including myself. Interest in progression of your own character lessens, and the sudden reminder of the server mortality usually hits me for about a two week depression.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]There's a lot of major differences here however. First, the timeline put on NWN is of our own making. The new medium for Layonara is a massive effort very good people are working on. But it is going to take time since it is such a massive effort. And it's not two months, or six months... it's a long time. I hope the team working on it doesn't mind me saying that. NWN truly is in the hands of the players here. And this brings me to the second major difference. Layonara is continuing. The campaign and histories are continuing. The histories your characters are creating and helping to build are continuing. Characters of your own making are going into the very written history of Layonara. Look around. We *are* Layonara. This is not a plug pulled.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]What is going to keep us going is simply the continuation of motivation. Any way you slice it you're playing Layonara, be it this generation or the next. Had you found out that v3 would've been a character wipe, would you have fled? How many of us have started new characters since that discussion and found them in late stages of their life, engrained in the server, fulfilled. A lot of us I'd say. This is absolutely the same thing. I mean, Ketil is barely over a year old. I think of the time I've had playing him, and sure I want more, but that was a really really good year I've had with him. The same opportunity is in front of each of your characters right now. People just tend to get down when they see some finality to a character, it's something we don't like to admit as being possible. But we're talking about a *long* time here. Get over that sense of impending closure and realize it's not changing the game for you whatsoever.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]We play here for the community and that is what we must retain. Levels, progression, everything tangible to a single character ends up falling back on your interest in the community when it's said and done. When you've seen it all, when you have no more surprises around the corner, it is the surprise from a trusted and dynamic community that you will find your interest has been in this whole time.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]I know what the pessimists will pick out of the big announcement post, as they like whispering it in my ear now and then. Timelines, character closure, last update... things of that nature. [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]So let me shed some light on some realities on the update side of it that you haven't been able to see yet. For you players playing here in the years of 2004-2006, think of the updates you witnessed. The new scenery, it wasn't all that major. Mind you, a lot was going on, the game was being refined, scripting was allowing greater diversity and variation of gameplay, on the whole the NWN engine was being perfected for Layonara. Then came the V3 announcement. The initial update for V3 is what you have seen so far. It seemed like a significant change for some, the pessimists did their pessimism thing and probably complained about rangers or barbarians or bards *winks*. Some were blown away by the change in appearance. Most were merely excited about the newfound source of motivation.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]I usually stick to that middle crowd, complaining. That said, this "final" update, this conclusion to the major push for V3 of NWN, it's been worked on for several months. Several months where wives, husbands, coworkers or bosses of those working on it narrowed their eyes at the bags under eyes or the far away looks. I know for a fact that my wife is plotting a detailed sabotage of the server machines, bioware, Leanthar's house, and the developer of our computer to top it off. It's a big update that took a lot of work.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]This update is more substantial then what you're used to. It's quite likely the most substantial percentage change of material in NWN Layo to this point. And that's what I'm mostly going to be talking about here.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Updates come and go, and with version changes they hit surges. We didn't hit all the changes proposed for the V3 vision. That's clear to everyone. Kingdoms, farming, etc.... they never hit home. But updates also hit lulls. Lulls where there's not a ton to do. I can say with confidence that in the grand scheme of what V3 was realized as, this is the typical final stroke before the standard lull. We've made the important stuff hit home, we've made the core of V3 hit home. So to hit the stuff we should be concentrating on...[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=18]The Scope of the Final V3 Update[/SIZE][/U][/B]
 [SIZE=16]What's new, what's different, and why should I be excited? Well Leanthar detailed the percentage changes on the servers. Bear in mind that this is a massive amount when compared to other updates you've seen. I don't want to go into the unknowns and mysteries that are in there waiting, it ruins most of the fun, but I can detail what they mean for you as players.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Belinara and Dregar[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]These have been merged. I actually view this as a plus because communication and grouping will be on the rise. Green tells or not, being a server apart limits grouping, and I'm glad to see the merge. More importantly, you are looking at huge rebuilds and added material. The first time you travel to Arnax you are going to immediately be hit with the changes with some impressiveness. Travelling north, you will be lost. It's a good thing. Dregar has likewise seen some major changes, I'm not going to tell you much about them. I can just say that the adventure is going to be new, exciting, and if you thought the new Firesteep was something... you ain' seen anything yet.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Obviously new material is great, but a lot more has been done. Traffic has been funneled in ways that will pool people for roleplay and roleplay adventure. Thematic environments have been added, those places that naturally attract people for myriad reasons, and promote that magnet for roleplay.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]A few ambassadors for lore that we have all grown accustomed to listening to over the years have been made aware of the specific histories and themes of some of these grand new schemes on Dregar and Belinara. Look to them, you know who they are. Follow them to the new focal points for roleplay and adventure, prepare for the new adventures, and better yet the new campfires and places we'll come to know and love and gather at.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]The New Balance[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]The balance of the world has not shifted in any wild manner. What has been done is the empowering of particular classes that until now have been left wondering why they are so unable to deal with the world around them. It's not a matter of changing a class, or limiting another. It's a matter of creating environments that foster certain character types that may have been limited before. Where and how? You'll figure that out quite fast I'm guessing. To what scale are we talking here? A massive scale. I'm fully aware of the woes of melees, the fact that a party of one class can do all while the party of all another class can do naught. You'll see role reversals in this regard, without taking anything away from a certain class. But it will be a new and dynamic set of environments that will let all characters have their shining moments instead of being left in the dark on all occasions. Additionally, a slight shift in magic level will be realized. It's not profound, since anything profound would be a true mistake. But some class characteristics have met with limitations given magic levels, and the bar has been slightly raised. Be patient, meet the adventure head on, and look forward to a big smile here and there. Even you rangers. I am very proud of what people have come together to achieve on this front, and all I can say is that I'll see you all at the crossroads.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Epic Themes and Adventures[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Creating themes for epic characters has always been a problem, everywhere in NWN, whatever roleplay-based server you might be on. There seem to be only two speeds in epic adventure and challenge: 1) Everyone in your group dies ultra fast, or 2) Everything you're fighting dies ultra fast. NWN is what it is and it's hard to combat the tempo of adventure in epic levels. Roleplay is limited due to the tempo of epic grouping. [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]But there are themes, hidden themes here and there, that will bring new dynamic to epic adventure. Thought process, lore, decision making, the demands of what roleplay servers should be. It's the best possible that people can do with NWN and I'll say that in full confidence. Look forward to those massively epic adventures, and enjoy the new style of play. That said, good luck finding them.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Oh, and additionally, the bar has been raised all you epics. Every CR abounds, finally. Have fun, and don't be hasty or the soul mother will steal your company from the rest of us.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Leanthar's courtesy in informing the community of plans in motion that will not be seen by us for a long time I deem a gesture of faith in the playerbase here. Our server here is made by the motivation of the playerbase and the higher standard of gameplay that continues to grow. Realize that Layonara is here to continue, in two ways. In one, NWN will keep going for some time to come, Leanthar was just gracious enough to share the full picture of things. A long time! Don't get down because the doc just told you that people typically don't live past 100. Appreciate your time and the people you're sharing it with. And in the other way, Layonara persists. It has blown through the roof of being held by a single game engine, and the histories we have all come to be a part of look as though they will continue far beyond the lifespan of a single engine. And this is something we should all be grateful for.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]I'll see you at the crossroads soon. There's a lot of new adventure for us to enjoy. Oh, that's right, and it's coming in the next few days.[/SIZE]
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