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Messages - Lynn1020

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General Discussion / A post to the community regarding DM encounters
« on: June 21, 2007, 05:02:45 pm »
Hello all,

Please note that this post is the opinion of me alone and does not represent what others on the team. This post is just to clarify something that I have noted while I have been on as GM especially when I have been providing custom encounters to the party. I would like to state that to me being a DM means providing an entertainment for players. This is either by quests or providing dynamic encounters through challenge.

I don’t have an issue of people requesting a Soul Strand. Nor do I have a problem with people thinking that "perhaps this encounter has unfair". That is in your player’s right to make a request or to have thoughts like that. What I have a problem with is when players have the mindset that because they have faced a losing situation or your character has died that the DM is out to punish them. I hear things like "What did we do wrong?" "Oh we must have got someone out there angry".

For me I would normally never use spawns or even overpowered spawns to police a situation or because I am angry at the players. Instead you are going to receive a tell saying that we need to have a little chat. Getting a GMs attention for 20 minutes filled with creatures encounters and mayhem or more at a time is a privilege  and not a punishment.

It is sad to see that the playerbase view the DMs in this way. I want to say that as far as I am concerned, getting a custom (harder) encounter from me is because I want to spice up an experience or because I feel happy of what is happening in regard to RP. You will also find that the encounter will be suited in for your tastes. If you are at the inn, during a player event, you aren't going to see monsters instead perhaps you are going to talk to the bartender or the waitresses or make the experience better.

That is also why after each encounter where you are safe I will spawn in just to let you know that I hope everyone had fun *regardless* of the outcome and that is because I did it for your enjoyment. There are however times when we as DMs spawn things to keep things in the Lore of the World. But in those circumstances I will notify you about that too.
Much Respect,
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

Introduce Yourself / Stragen
« on: June 18, 2007, 03:52:13 am »
I live in Adelaide Australia.  I found NWN in December 2005 when I was looking for a roleplaying game to play with my friends on a visit to Perth.  The idea of role-playing without needing Pen/Paper and rulebook appealed to me as something different.  I found NWN and then began looking into online roleplaying.  After a few non-RPG servers I found Layonara and was impressed.  I have played Layonara full-time since Jan 2006.  

My roleplaying background is mainly using GURPS, with various worlds, campaigns and characters.   I haven’t done much table-top roleplaying in the last decade, usually once every two years or so.

For the last eight and a half years I have worked as a research engineer for a large organization.  I have a pretty good job with lots of travel, and every project is different.  However, like Dilbert I sit in a cubicle.

I play basketball socially 3 times a week.  I occasionally go to the gym to keep my ageing body fit enough to keep playing basketball.  However I am one year younger then Scotcar.

I am married with one child.  My greatest achievement is my one year old daughter.

You may have met my current characters in game; Jin Lun Lee, Jake Saltpetre, or Jacrum Shieldbreaker.   Both Jin and Jake are now 18 months old.  Jacrum is the baby at 6 months.

There is a running theme in all my current and past Layonara characters.  Try and guess it.

I am really enjoying this game.  There is a small but great collection of Aussie roleplayers and gamemasters.  

I plan to stick around as long as possible.
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / For those wondering
« on: June 11, 2007, 02:14:03 pm »
For those wondering, i have decided that most off my time is better used somewhere else.
Off the three years i have played here till now , i fully enjoyed the first two .

Due to ( in my eyes ) ic and ooc actions off some ( and things i have written and the way i handled certain things that probably seemed wrong in the eyes off others ) my fun on this world has diminished to point -nearly- zero.

My irritation points ranging from ic deliberate trying to make my char look bad by using emotes ( cant react to those ) to put my character down in front off other players , from meta-gaming out off my journals , to ooc tells to people playing with my char telling that they better leave my char alone because "You are running with the wrong crowd now ".

Using one of the favorite lines you get when complaining : " Since there is no proof we cant do a thing about it "

I will not be coming to any quests that i was on and i would like to advice the dm's that are running quests that i was part off over the years , to stop ignoring characters that are not played by your friends .

The character i have created will pop on from time to time ( if not banned )to work for the guild he is a member off and to finish what is started in my rp and my cdt.

To the 10 % or so that still treats me and my character normally : see you from time to time in game .

To the 30% that i didn't have the privilege to rp with : Keep doing what you like and have fun.

To the rest : Seems finally even i , as last off a group , are giving up and giving in . I hope the treatment that you have dished out will not be returned to you or your characters and that you all are glad that finally the last that was working on your nerves is slowly going to disappear from this world.

I will be in game a few days a week ( if not banned ) and during those times i will be available for rp with those that i like to rp with and will completely ignore those that are for me the cause ( s ) that are driving me away.

Disclaimer: i have made sure to refrain from naming people , but if people feel that this is about them *shrugs* they are probably right .The percentages i use may be off and only are about the people on line in my playing times and more show the feeling i have , then are actual calculated percentages.

( if this post is reason to ban me : i would like to request 1 ) that the house in haven i posses will be turned over to scifibarbie for the character Abigail Firesteed that she will create soon. 2 ) my house in Prantz to be sold  and the funds gotten from it to be donated to a fund that will help the Dwarves in Bloody Gate to food and things they need . 3 ) the items i leave in our guildhall to become property off The Orc Bashers )

*tips his hat and walks off *

The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / LORE Messaging and Parchment Folder Usage Returns
« on: February 29, 2016, 10:56:23 am »
LORE Messaging should be functional. Please be advised that you only get messages when considered in a Natural, Above Ground setting. In some cases some of the newer areas may not be flagged appropriately, but for the most part they are. Read more about the messaging system if you do not know about it, here: The Parchment Folder system is back online as well. Since we upgraded the nwn database to the same encoding as our web sites, this may solve some of the weirdness with the parchment injection, but this is not a certainty. Hopefully the combination of the web and the in game system will help alleviate any bugs. We will not focus much development on the system, hopefully it will satisfy some of the needs. Read more about the parchment folder system if you do not know about it, here: We still need to update the character updater, so newer characters may not show up on LORE until this is done. -o
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

I was thinking (which usually gets me into trouble) since all the characters will eventually be gone, can the Soul Mother take a vacation to allow the players the opportunity to enjoy this last update without the fear of losing their characters.
 It is likely most poeple will NOT develope their characters much further, or even make the transition to the new Layo, this will allow them the opportunity to go out into new areas, adventure with people that have been on the back burner due to having 9 or 14 SS' lost, and to have fun whiling exploring instead of fearing every transition due to spawns being inadvertantly set too close to the transition and spawn times (which some are still around from V3).
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / The Final Stroke of V3
« on: June 05, 2007, 12:00:53 am »
 [SIZE=16]I've always found pictures to be a good snare for you unfortunate readers.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]I've been on three servers where they announced plans to at some point end their module progress. What I've found is a typical response from the playerbase, including myself. Interest in progression of your own character lessens, and the sudden reminder of the server mortality usually hits me for about a two week depression.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]There's a lot of major differences here however. First, the timeline put on NWN is of our own making. The new medium for Layonara is a massive effort very good people are working on. But it is going to take time since it is such a massive effort. And it's not two months, or six months... it's a long time. I hope the team working on it doesn't mind me saying that. NWN truly is in the hands of the players here. And this brings me to the second major difference. Layonara is continuing. The campaign and histories are continuing. The histories your characters are creating and helping to build are continuing. Characters of your own making are going into the very written history of Layonara. Look around. We *are* Layonara. This is not a plug pulled.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]What is going to keep us going is simply the continuation of motivation. Any way you slice it you're playing Layonara, be it this generation or the next. Had you found out that v3 would've been a character wipe, would you have fled? How many of us have started new characters since that discussion and found them in late stages of their life, engrained in the server, fulfilled. A lot of us I'd say. This is absolutely the same thing. I mean, Ketil is barely over a year old. I think of the time I've had playing him, and sure I want more, but that was a really really good year I've had with him. The same opportunity is in front of each of your characters right now. People just tend to get down when they see some finality to a character, it's something we don't like to admit as being possible. But we're talking about a *long* time here. Get over that sense of impending closure and realize it's not changing the game for you whatsoever.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]We play here for the community and that is what we must retain. Levels, progression, everything tangible to a single character ends up falling back on your interest in the community when it's said and done. When you've seen it all, when you have no more surprises around the corner, it is the surprise from a trusted and dynamic community that you will find your interest has been in this whole time.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]I know what the pessimists will pick out of the big announcement post, as they like whispering it in my ear now and then. Timelines, character closure, last update... things of that nature. [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]So let me shed some light on some realities on the update side of it that you haven't been able to see yet. For you players playing here in the years of 2004-2006, think of the updates you witnessed. The new scenery, it wasn't all that major. Mind you, a lot was going on, the game was being refined, scripting was allowing greater diversity and variation of gameplay, on the whole the NWN engine was being perfected for Layonara. Then came the V3 announcement. The initial update for V3 is what you have seen so far. It seemed like a significant change for some, the pessimists did their pessimism thing and probably complained about rangers or barbarians or bards *winks*. Some were blown away by the change in appearance. Most were merely excited about the newfound source of motivation.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]I usually stick to that middle crowd, complaining. That said, this "final" update, this conclusion to the major push for V3 of NWN, it's been worked on for several months. Several months where wives, husbands, coworkers or bosses of those working on it narrowed their eyes at the bags under eyes or the far away looks. I know for a fact that my wife is plotting a detailed sabotage of the server machines, bioware, Leanthar's house, and the developer of our computer to top it off. It's a big update that took a lot of work.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]This update is more substantial then what you're used to. It's quite likely the most substantial percentage change of material in NWN Layo to this point. And that's what I'm mostly going to be talking about here.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Updates come and go, and with version changes they hit surges. We didn't hit all the changes proposed for the V3 vision. That's clear to everyone. Kingdoms, farming, etc.... they never hit home. But updates also hit lulls. Lulls where there's not a ton to do. I can say with confidence that in the grand scheme of what V3 was realized as, this is the typical final stroke before the standard lull. We've made the important stuff hit home, we've made the core of V3 hit home. So to hit the stuff we should be concentrating on...[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=18]The Scope of the Final V3 Update[/SIZE][/U][/B]
 [SIZE=16]What's new, what's different, and why should I be excited? Well Leanthar detailed the percentage changes on the servers. Bear in mind that this is a massive amount when compared to other updates you've seen. I don't want to go into the unknowns and mysteries that are in there waiting, it ruins most of the fun, but I can detail what they mean for you as players.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Belinara and Dregar[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]These have been merged. I actually view this as a plus because communication and grouping will be on the rise. Green tells or not, being a server apart limits grouping, and I'm glad to see the merge. More importantly, you are looking at huge rebuilds and added material. The first time you travel to Arnax you are going to immediately be hit with the changes with some impressiveness. Travelling north, you will be lost. It's a good thing. Dregar has likewise seen some major changes, I'm not going to tell you much about them. I can just say that the adventure is going to be new, exciting, and if you thought the new Firesteep was something... you ain' seen anything yet.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Obviously new material is great, but a lot more has been done. Traffic has been funneled in ways that will pool people for roleplay and roleplay adventure. Thematic environments have been added, those places that naturally attract people for myriad reasons, and promote that magnet for roleplay.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]A few ambassadors for lore that we have all grown accustomed to listening to over the years have been made aware of the specific histories and themes of some of these grand new schemes on Dregar and Belinara. Look to them, you know who they are. Follow them to the new focal points for roleplay and adventure, prepare for the new adventures, and better yet the new campfires and places we'll come to know and love and gather at.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]The New Balance[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]The balance of the world has not shifted in any wild manner. What has been done is the empowering of particular classes that until now have been left wondering why they are so unable to deal with the world around them. It's not a matter of changing a class, or limiting another. It's a matter of creating environments that foster certain character types that may have been limited before. Where and how? You'll figure that out quite fast I'm guessing. To what scale are we talking here? A massive scale. I'm fully aware of the woes of melees, the fact that a party of one class can do all while the party of all another class can do naught. You'll see role reversals in this regard, without taking anything away from a certain class. But it will be a new and dynamic set of environments that will let all characters have their shining moments instead of being left in the dark on all occasions. Additionally, a slight shift in magic level will be realized. It's not profound, since anything profound would be a true mistake. But some class characteristics have met with limitations given magic levels, and the bar has been slightly raised. Be patient, meet the adventure head on, and look forward to a big smile here and there. Even you rangers. I am very proud of what people have come together to achieve on this front, and all I can say is that I'll see you all at the crossroads.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Epic Themes and Adventures[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Creating themes for epic characters has always been a problem, everywhere in NWN, whatever roleplay-based server you might be on. There seem to be only two speeds in epic adventure and challenge: 1) Everyone in your group dies ultra fast, or 2) Everything you're fighting dies ultra fast. NWN is what it is and it's hard to combat the tempo of adventure in epic levels. Roleplay is limited due to the tempo of epic grouping. [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]But there are themes, hidden themes here and there, that will bring new dynamic to epic adventure. Thought process, lore, decision making, the demands of what roleplay servers should be. It's the best possible that people can do with NWN and I'll say that in full confidence. Look forward to those massively epic adventures, and enjoy the new style of play. That said, good luck finding them.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Oh, and additionally, the bar has been raised all you epics. Every CR abounds, finally. Have fun, and don't be hasty or the soul mother will steal your company from the rest of us.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Leanthar's courtesy in informing the community of plans in motion that will not be seen by us for a long time I deem a gesture of faith in the playerbase here. Our server here is made by the motivation of the playerbase and the higher standard of gameplay that continues to grow. Realize that Layonara is here to continue, in two ways. In one, NWN will keep going for some time to come, Leanthar was just gracious enough to share the full picture of things. A long time! Don't get down because the doc just told you that people typically don't live past 100. Appreciate your time and the people you're sharing it with. And in the other way, Layonara persists. It has blown through the roof of being held by a single game engine, and the histories we have all come to be a part of look as though they will continue far beyond the lifespan of a single engine. And this is something we should all be grateful for.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]I'll see you at the crossroads soon. There's a lot of new adventure for us to enjoy. Oh, that's right, and it's coming in the next few days.[/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Goodnight, Tonight...Goodbye
« on: June 04, 2007, 11:06:57 pm »
Normally, it is considered quite tactful, and in most cases respectful to post something like this in a private forum first before making it public.

At this time however, I feel that I need no such restraint and have no desire to show such propriety.  

This can be considered my resignation as a DM, community member, player and contributor to Layonara.  All those who have requested me to act in a DM capacity for a CDQ, or WLDQ must find another DM.  All other projects, will stay on my hard drive and an alternate version should be used if any are even desired at this point.
I ask at this time that all contributions I have made to this point, up to and including all writings and stories I have composted related to and resulting from DM quests, Character Development Threads concerning the following:
  • Branderback
  • Miko Millspaugh
  • Xeen
  • The Vine
  • Ranalea
  • Boo
  • Prantz
  • The Administration
  • Broegar
  • Caliessa
  • Odlithaner (a.k.a. The Mouth of Broegar)
  • Oom Kaayrk
  • Dregar
  • Orc’s Watch
  • Fort Rael
  • The beginnings of Prantz
  • Sunset’s Dawn
be withdrawn from the handbook before it’s publication and not be used in any current or future works published by Layonara Studios or any of it's affiliates.  They are not part of the Layonara Intellectual Property, nor do I wish them to be any longer.

I myself heartily disagree with this migration/subscription, and I do not want a part of it.  I was not asked, nor approached in any way shape or form by any member of the staff regarding this project until I found out about it during a forum crawl on June the 3rd. I was told that I had to give written consent to use my writings as per the copyright notice for Layonara Intellectual Property found in several places throughout the various staff forums.  I did not respond to that post, although my silence was taken as consent, which at the time I was fine with.  Recently, I have been sent a release form to be filled out, signed, and then sent back to the Layonara offices, I have not, and will not do so.  I find it reprehensible and underhanded that I was not told that what I write may or may not be used in a proprietary endevour started in secret by select members of the Layonara team.
Yes, the possibility existed for me to have gotten paid for this, that does not placate me, nor should it make it morally right. I did not become a DM, or a writer for the possibility of royalties, fame (infamy), or to have my name on a cover.  I did this for fun, to share, to meet new people.  The prosepect of money and paying customers changes all of this, and makes it unpure to me and I no longer wish to participate.

But why did I give my initial (albeit silent) consent?  I did this thinking that I was writing for this incarnation (meaning, the free to play one) of Layonara, and for the next edition handbook which I did know was going to be published, and for which I would receive royalties for.  I didn’t really like the idea of monetary compensation, but I rationalized that it’s for a book that nearly everybody will, in some way shape or form (My DM quests, random RP with either my PC’s or NPC’s, etc) be able to benefit from.  I planned on framing my first royalty check, and then donating the remaining ones to the server.  Now however, being the person that I am, I heartily dislike being deceived and having the true purposes of my labors unknown to me..  I refuse to be anybody’s mushroom (second definition), I deserve better treatment then this, not as a DM, or community member, or contributor, but as a human being, and therefore, I desire no further part in this moronic mess.

I have watched this community go into a slow decay, longtime players and friends have been leaving at a consistent rate.  Veteran players are constantly overshadowed and left wanting in favor of those who go against what I thought the spirit of this server was (You all know who they are).  My online experience has slowly degraded until it has been a chore to log on as either a player or DM. I’ve watched the player base go from a small close knit group of friends and cliques into a huge group of quest whoring, XP hungry, selfish, inconsiderate, unruly, disrespectful people.  I’ve seen DM’s become scared to run events the way they wish because of the whiny poor attitudes of players.  What was deemed as an RP-Action server, has basically lost the RP and is now left with –Action.  That’s minus Action, like minus world from Super Mario Brothers.

Although this migration may be deemed as necessary, and I can even barely see where it is desirable, I do not see where it will improve the “quality of life” for those participating in the server.  The problems in the community cannot be fixed by a magic wand of a new system design.  My experiences in mechanical engineering, systems design, programming, and game development, a system (or machine) designed to accommodate everyone cannot, by nature of it’s shear breadth and scope, excel in every area if it even manages to excel in any one area at all.  It is the nature of the people that made this community great, and they are now in a small minority, to cater to them cuts off the larger portion of the players (customers, whatever).  To acquiesce to the majority alienates the minority.  To add compromises sullies your original purpose, to force the majority to act like the minority by rewarding the minority for doing what you perceive is “right”, will be deemed as “unfair”.  All of these things will only narrow the small niche market for this product further.  This doesn’t begin to address the issue of those great players who cannot afford to pay a reoccurring subscription fee at all or the increased stress of a staff that now has to deal with customers instead of players.

As a last caution as you venture bravely into this new world.  Remember, this not an enterprise, it is not the be all end all of your existence.  You get no rewards at the end of the month (unless you’re one of the select few being paid), and nobody will knock at your door to congratulate you for killing that balor prince in 5 rounds, so please, have fun, it is just a game after all.
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / A few new long-overdue CNR recipes
« on: June 01, 2007, 12:16:32 am »
After what seems an age, delays, reworking, more delays and just more time spent buried under other things than I care to admit, I'd like to announce a few new recipes that I have just put into the database.  These will be available as soon as the servers reset, so please no bug reports until then. ;)

Before I continue though, these items were the result of a lot of work from members of the Project Team, most notably Talan, Lalaith and Aragon.  They did a lot of work on these things and I'll admit, they're far too long overdue on inclusion. Please direct your thanks to them, and if I'd inadvertently left anyone off the list above, thank them too!

So you're probably wondering what they are. :)

Some of you may have picked up an odd horn here or there off a creature of some kind. You may have wonderd what they're for, as they seem to have little use.  Well, they can now be used to make special horns:
  • Fey Horn -- Casts Woodland Frolic 1/day
  • Horn of the North -- Summons a Krashin barbarian 1/day
  • Horn of Sounding -- Dolomar's Force Wave 1/day
  • Horn of Abyssmal Sounding -- Summons a lesser demon 1/day
The final horns are made on the Musical Instrument bench in the craft halls, and are, you guessed it, Bard-only recipes.  They depend on certain enchanted products, including the horns themselves, and those can be made on the Enchanting Bowl devices. I won't give away any more so I don't ruin the mystery and excitement of discovery.

As I said, these recipes should be available once the servers are reset.

The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

Roleplaying / Holy Pools and Deity Relations
« on: May 31, 2007, 02:36:22 am »
Hello all! I just wanted to drop this friendly reminder (and notification to some who may not be aware).

When creating Holy waters, please consider what holy pool you use carefully. The rule of thumb is using only pools that are friendly or better (friendly, ally or the actual character's temple). When using a temple not of your own faith, please look at the prospective god/ess' pool and make sure they are also of friendly or better relation to your own, elsewise they will most likely toss out your PC for desecrating their holy pool. For ease of usage, at the bottom of all deity descriptions there is a listing of status from the perspective of that deity, and they are linked so that you can check the other side of that coin as well.

Thanks and have fun RPing!
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

Posted on the bullentin board in the cleanly flowing script of a someone who appears to scribe for a living to those who take time to notice the neat script, an announcement is made.
 For those of you who are not familiar with me, I am Elohanna Min A'Litae.
 If you are interested in any wizarding scrolls to increase your knowledge of the Al'noth, please feel free to contact me.
 I come to offer my scribing services to those in need of them, While, I will normally charge the following prices for my talents
 [SIZE=18]Prices Soon to Be Updated - September 27, 2010[/SIZE]
 First Circle Scroll - 100
 Second Circle Scrolls - 250
 Third Circle Scrolls - 500
 Forth Circle Scrolls - 1000
 Fifth Circle Scrolls - 5000
 Sixth Circle Scroll - 10000
 Anything Seventh Circle or Above require special ingredients which can be extremely costly and difficult to acquire and increase in cost more dramatically then those Sixth circle and below. See me if you wish to inquire about those or send me a letter.
 Fair offers will be considered. Supplies are encouraged for discounts that are required for the scrolls requested and will be accepted. Fair offers will be considered based upon what I may need at the moment.
 Return Customers with multiple request in an order will recieve a 20% discount. Return Customers recieve a 15% discount automatically.
 Below is a list of scrolls that I can currently Scribe, and is subject to change so check back often.
 All wizarding spells are current available to be scribed if needed.
 Seventh Circle Thur Ninth Circle require more components than I currently have access to, in very limited supplies, so I am offering them at this time, with the understanding that there is some risk involved with trying to make one of these caliber.
 Please feel free to post here any requests or to send me a letter if you do not wish to post here.
 [SIZE=16]Elohanna Min A'Litae[/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Just a Thanks to Dorg
« on: May 27, 2007, 12:33:31 am »
I wanted to say thanks to Dorg for taking the time to change my character's name and description and doing all that jazz :) Really, it's great that a person is willing to go through and do all that for another, and I just wanted to say it's appreciated.

Thanks for taking the time to fix or change or reimburse each person/character that requires it :)
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Donate Your Level Day
« on: May 18, 2007, 04:01:46 pm »
As I have mentioned before, these are an excellent idea for supporting Layonara Online. I am scheduling our next Donate Your Level Day for this coming 16 June.
 I am hoping we can hold these events quarterly. So I have scheduled Level Days for later in the year, September and December.
 Please join me in supporting our wonderful on line world!
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Why Do You Play on Layonara?
« on: May 11, 2007, 01:25:41 am »
[SIZE=16]Maybe you play on Layonara because you love the unknown...[/SIZE][/U][/B]
 [SIZE=16]Or perhaps the adventure draws you in...[/SIZE][/U][/B]
 [SIZE=16]Maybe you're looking for peace and quiet...[/SIZE][/U][/B]
 [SIZE=16]Or perhaps just a pleasant place to call home....[/SIZE][/U][/B]
 [SIZE=16]Or simply a place to meet some friends...[/SIZE][/U][/B]
 [SIZE=16]Perhaps you enjoy the majesty of civilization...[/SIZE][/U][/B]
 [SIZE=16]Or maybe just the majesty the lands offer...[/SIZE][/U][/B]
 [SIZE=16]Maybe you love the thrill of great battles...[/SIZE][/U][/B]
 [SIZE=16]Or just maybe... a glutton for punishment?....[/SIZE][/U][/B]
 [SIZE=16]Whatever the case may be... one thing is clear.  Layonara is the world for all imaginations, and it is on us to live those dreams.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]V3.  Still on the rise....[/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Hannah Cole
« on: May 09, 2007, 08:07:37 pm »
In case any of you were wondering where ole' Milty's been the last few days...

Monday, 05/07/2007, at 4:41 pm CDT, Hannah Cole Gilchrest was born. She weighed 8 lbs and 7 oz (not sure what that translates to in kilograms), and she was 20 1/2 inches long.

Two days later, we're both wiped out. And neither of us did the pushing.

Hannah's the little bulge of blankets sleeping on top of me in the attached photo.
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Greensburg, KS
« on: May 06, 2007, 11:24:00 pm »
I am not sure if any of our community members live there or know people there, but I send my best wishes to the people of Kansas, who have had their lives up-rooted by recent tornadoes.
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / A thought on PvP
« on: April 29, 2007, 06:02:06 pm »
As the title says, a random thought on PvP.

This is a RP server. I believe the (relatively) new limited PvP rule was brought in to enhance the RP experience, not detract. Player vs Player should, in my opinion, be at the end of RP interaction, not as the 'port of first call'.

Respect those that, for reasons IC or OOC, do not wish to engage in PvP.

'That's what my character would do' only carries so much weight with me. Enjoy your character and 'do' what you think they would up unto the point where it may detract from another player's enjoyment of their character.

The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Emotes
« on: April 19, 2007, 09:24:05 pm »
I remember when I first came onto Layonara there was the emotes such as "point" "fold" and "curl", where the characters would do something

Since the update they have mysteriously disappeared. Is this hardcoded into the NWN patch...?

Would be nice to have them back in game if at all possible.
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

Development Journals and Discussion / Private Forum For Development Threads
« on: December 14, 2014, 02:16:03 pm »
Hi everybody, I've added a new forum for you to post your development threads privately. They will only be able to be viewed by yourself, Administrators, Gamemasters and Character Approvers. If you wish your existing thread to be moved to that section, please reply here. Yes you can have both a public and private CDT, one in this forum and one in the other. Cheers, orth
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

Introduce Yourself / The Chaos that is Canyonman
« on: March 27, 2007, 03:54:24 pm »
Greetings, *he bows low and gracefully to all*
 My name is Travis...most know me as Aeryn Tahlaer.  I am 36 years old, a husband and a father of two beautiful little girls.  My girls are the love of my life, in this present world anyway, and are the main reasons you see Aeryn on only from time to time *sighs slightly, but with resolve*.  I live in a little town in the corner of Northwest Arkansas, the home of corporations such as Wal-Mart, Tyson's, and many big trucking firms such as J.B. Hunt *sighs again, knowing that the Arkansas jokes are coming, but is to be expected*.
 I am a teacher and a coach at the Junior High School level.  I teach a subject called Career Orientation, trying to get eighth graders to understand the meaning of real-life.  I coach football and track.  Football is my third passion, behind my faith and family, but coaching can definitely take away my free-time to play on Layonara especially during the season *sighs again deeply this time, as if contemplating something deeply, then shakes his head and continues*.  I really have a good life and feel I am blessed beyond all measure.
 As for my one and only character Aeryn...he is what I am and what I would like to be.  Sometimes I get way to wrapped up into him and have a hard time removing my emotions from him.  But, I believe I could play him no other way.  As for how he and I are a lot alike; the strength in his faith, although he may not always show it, his loyalty to his friends even to the point of dying for them, and his desire to please everyone even though he feels completely helpless to do so.  And as for what I would like to become; more faithful to his god, more confident in my relationships with people, and a better singer *sighs...wishing he could have been a rockstar...and then grins ruefully*  Oh, and one other thing I wish I could have from Aeryn is his hair...*grins once again*
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

Forum Discussion / How To Use The Calendar For Proper Times
« on: March 25, 2007, 07:00:27 am »
Okay, I hope this is helpful for everyone.  This is how to set up a calendar event so the time is displayed properly for every one of our community members.

[SIZE=24]Step 1. Set Your Correct Timezone[/SIZE]

First off, make sure you yourself have the correct timezone set!  Edit Your Options and set your timezone to the proper timezone, and select Automatically detect DST settings.

[SIZE=10]Figure 1. orth's Time Zone settings[/SIZE]

[SIZE=24]Step 2.  Add Your Event[/SIZE]

Once you're done that, you're now ready to set up an event.  Go to the Player Calendar. GMs can use GM Calendar, either way doesn't matter.

Now in the top right under the navigation bar click the Add New Event then select Ranged Event.

[SIZE=18]Okay now here's the tricky part. [SIZE=13]

[SIZE=18] If you are currently in Daylight Saving Time wherever you are, then put your star[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=18][SIZE=13][SIZE=24] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=18][SIZE=13][SIZE=18]t time at one hour before you want it started.[/SIZE] For example if you plan on starting a quest at 10:00am, then put it for 9:00am.  Once Daylight Saving Time is over you need not set it one hour before.

The Time Zone should be your Time Zone.


The end time isn't very relevant as we all know how some quests you just don't know how long they will be, but putting an approximation of length does no harm.

In my example below I wanted the quest to start at 6:30am my time and since it's currently Daylight Saving Time here, I set it to start at 5:30am.

[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=10]Figure 2. Example Event[/SIZE]

[SIZE=24]Step 3. Verify The Time Is Correct[/SIZE]

Okay, now make sure when you save the event, the start time appears correctly for you. This ensures it will display properly for everyone else.  As long as they've set their time zone that is :\\  If the time is not correct then please verify you've done all the correct actions in the first two steps.  You can edit your calendar event by selecting :: Edit Event from the Event Options dropdown in the bottom right corner of your event.

[SIZE=10]Figure 3.  Event time verification[/SIZE]

Hope that helps, please comment for revisions or clarifications.

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