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Messages - Dorax Windsmith

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Rumour Has It / Pimp Slap
« on: November 07, 2015, 11:44:10 pm »

A thin woman is thrown into the Vehl street through the open doorway of the “Sheets in the Wind” tavern. A burly half orc grins at her as he follows through the swinging doorway. “Youse wants to beez out on your ownz darling? You not lasted long withoutz the Fat Man’s good grazes.” He ownz youse.” As the sound of a child crying through an open upstairs window reaches them he grins and two broken tusks protrude over his lower lips and he chuckles dryly. “You wantz youse meat sack back? Then dooz youse job. Giveze the client lovez and getz the item…. or I be eating goodze. *He jerks his thumb towards the window suggestively and licks his lips. He draws closer, slaps her hard, and goes back into the tavern. The woman drags herself to a streetlamp in tears.//This will be going to calendar for in-game quest very soon. No forum work required. All investigation and roleplay will be in game for this one. If you are inclined to do so, you may post to set yourself up for the ingame session and extra quest reward will be granted for posting.

The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

General Discussion / Daylight Saving's Time!
« on: November 01, 2015, 09:03:20 am »
In our infinite wisdom, we have decided to allot the entire world one extra hour to sleep in this morning.  Sadly, the patch must be manually downloaded to your personal watches and alarm clocks, so set those dials back by one hour today!  Please note that you may need to adjust the gamma levels in your video settings while driving to work for the next few months.
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

General Discussion / Haunting Quest Monday
« on: October 25, 2015, 06:30:18 pm »
Hey folks.  I'm pushing this one up to Monday the 26th, 8pm EST as my sleeping schedule is a bit wonky right now.  Will also try to have another similar spooky quest later on this week in honor of Halloween!
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Rumour Has It / Taverns of the world
« on: October 17, 2015, 08:55:18 am »
"The Silver Buckle ! a fine place to start. " Arfur concludes as he props himself at the bar and makes ready for a suitable stay. "The sort of place my many talents might be appreciated." He apends a notice behind the bar. Naturally the artwork is of a suitable standard the inks and paper well chosen. He explains to the bar staff "I will make use of the time while I wait for my many business ventures to come good in the fullness of least thats what I think he said....another ale please." The notice reads.In 1454 a drunken quartet was sent to work by an Uncle who did not understand them. These men promptly escaped from endlessly scribing scrolls to the Layonarian Ale-houses. Today - still wanted by the Uncle - they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them... Maybe you can hire the D Team ! /currently Arfur Dumas only will make himself available Sunday evening GMT 10 pm onwards..if he likes your tale you may have his assistance.
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Trade and Market Hall / Storage space wanted for lease
« on: October 02, 2015, 12:38:29 am »
*Food stained, smudgy notes in small, tidy script are posted in smithies, kitchens and crafthalls at various locales around central Mistone*Storage space wanted for lease for a tidy, employed, conscientious tenant. I wish to store metalurgical products, resources and equipment as well as food and liquor. I have no pets and am only a moderate drinker. Post a reply here if you are interested. Slagil Bellows,Sledge of Dorand 
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Just for Fun / Daniel is accosted by ruffians in the bad streets of Vehl.
« on: October 01, 2015, 01:38:59 pm »
It looked bad, some twenty street thugs had him cornered behind the Harpy.  Daniel drew his sword and put his back to the outer stone wall looking for the guards, of course,  they never were around when you needed one, eyeing the bravest five as they too drew and moved closer. "Put down your arms now and walk away and you will not receive the rewards promised by the Gods ." He said grimly, hefting his giant shield up to block most of his left side.The lead ruffian laughed, "That's why we're here, Rofie." he said snidely spitting at Daniel's feet.  "We want those double fortune points."  
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Rumour Has It / Deja vu?
« on: October 01, 2015, 12:35:20 am »
Connor looks up from the book he was reading and lays it on the long couch resting in front of his fireplace. His eyes seem to be looking into the distance, unfocused and unblinking, looking at something only he can see. He senses a familiar presence walking into Layonara through a portal that opens and closes within seconds… a very powerful Pit Creature named Dalianavera. She is somewhere in the vicinity of Center.-------Close to midnight in an outlying section of Center, white lines of pure Al’Noth spider web out from a point on the ground. There is a sharp shockwave and thunderclap, then a well formed and apportioned female in green scale armor appears in a crouched position with her right hand on the ground. A long barbed tail swings back and forth, small bat-like wings peek out of her cloak, and small horns protrude through her raven colored hair. Nobody sees her as she quickly disappears into the darkness and shadows. She knew she had to move fast… the one who walked the planes in this world would know she was here.-------Vincent was fast asleep after a long night of drinking and boasting at the Bullseye. Like most nights he was haunted by dreams of the Pit Creature. His body still felt the ache of her touch... and his heart of her absence. He tossed and turned… sweating. He dreamed that she was caressing his skin, breathing whispered words into his ear. He suddenly sat up in bed, jerked awake by some premonition of something amiss. In his dark room he could see white curtains illuminated by moonlight and fluttering in a light breeze. The window was wide open. He was sure it was closed and locked when he went to bed. For some reason his back was now very sore… as if he had pulled several muscles. He tells himself he was probably sleeping at a bad angle and quickly forgets it. He hears a short thunderclap in the distance and thinks it strange, as the night sky is clear and full of stars.-------Connor notes that the portal opens and closes again near Center not long after the first event. He cannot sense anything further after this.
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Trade and Market Hall / Looking For A Teacher
« on: September 29, 2015, 04:42:45 pm »
*you see a very neat piece of white paper hanging up in a few of the inns around Center. The handwriting is very neat, the script flows maybe not so much as an elf would but close.*Greetings,I am Ceviran Thangahat'azllah and I am seeking other Aerdinites, Undead Slayers, or anyone who has vast knowledge of the Undead. I have come to this area to train at the Krandor hospital. However, as I have discovered recently that there is dark magic around this area. That the undead are here, and I believe that I can be a light in the dark. I want to try to cleanse these land of the undead. I am seeking a teacher, so one who has great knowledge of the undead. Someone who could teach me thier strength and their weaknesses. I am not rich in true, but I would be willing to try and pay or trade for lessons about the vial creatures. If you are interested please leave word for me at the hospital at Krandor.-Ceviran,Safe Travels and may the Light always shine.
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Rumour Has It / Anomaly in the Al’Noth - Near Vale
« on: September 29, 2015, 11:37:08 am »
Continued from  Anomaly in the Al’Noth - Falls ForestAs Lola paces the perimeter, she is sickened by the absences of her gift. She cannot sense anything. The irregular throbbing and pulsing of the anomaly quickens her heartbeat. Although she is pretty sure it is just her imagination, she feels as if there is some type of vacuum sucking the Al’Noth from everything. The nearby plant life even looks less vibrant, dull almost. As she walks around a tree and the anomaly is out of sight for a few seconds, things become… *Dramatic pause* interesting.There is a deafening crack of lightning and thunder, and as she peeks around the tree shards of wood fly in all directions as dozens of lightning bolts emit from the disturbance in all directions. Trees are ripped in half by the energy. A wave of salty water erupts from the core of the pulsating field accompanied by a strong gust of wind as it suddenly expands and winks out of existence with an abrupt sucking sound. Lola is nearly swept away by this sudden flash flood, but manages to grab a small sapling and haul herself partway up its shaking trunk. A few minutes later the waters have subsided and a large armored fish with sharp teeth, a species never before seen on Layonara flops helplessly on the now muddy forest floor. She can feel a rush of Al’Noth back into the void as her gift returns. She shakes her head in astonishment at the event and spits out some salt water. She thought she glimpsed a ropelike extension from the disturbance just as it disappeared. She cannot be sure though.
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Layonara Server / Plot News - September 26th 2015
« on: September 26, 2015, 03:47:44 pm »
Hello Everyone!The GM Team just wanted to touch base with you regarding Plot progressing and the like. While we are not completely done tying off the previous plot, we are already hard at work on the next one. We would like to see it started November sometime but at this time we do not have a schedule in place. We're mostly writing to let you know that something is in the works though, there are hints and shadows already happening IG.Holding the anticipation over your heads.....~GM Team~
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

General Discussion / GM Team Soliciting Some Assistance
« on: September 23, 2015, 02:56:54 pm »
As you well know, the GM team is currently stretched a little thin. We are in the process of updating and fixing bad or missing information in LORE. This is important to keep the world current and relevant... especially for new players.If any of you have the time or inclination we could use your help in finding things that need to be worked on. (A hundred eyes are better than just a few) This will assist greatly in cataloging what needs to be addressed and will assist in prioritizing our efforts.Perhaps we need to discuss making this a contest to see who can find the most issues?? ;-)Please use this thread to respond and post in the following format: Title of the page or subjectWeb page addressShort description of what needs to be fixed Thanks,-Rave
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

General Discussion / Check the Calendar!
« on: September 20, 2015, 12:53:45 am »
TWO Brewmaster quests this week!  Egads!
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Everyone, this is just a quick notice!GM Tanman is running an event tonight. He is one of our time zone challenged GM's due to location in the real world in relation to the majority of the player base. Although I cannot make it myself due to spending my alotted Layo time in quest earlier today (Wife Enforced)... I want to take this opportunity to reach out to all of you and personally urge you to take a little time out of your busy RL, if you have it available, to take part. He is talented and you will not be disappointed.The more GM's we can keep active and engaged, the more there is for all of you to experience in this beautiful role-playing world. We are making an attempt to put many more events on the calendar, and player involvement is the largest motivator for us on the GM side of things. We need you as much as you need us! :-)-Rave
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

The Silver Buckle / Heard through the stone walls of the Buckle...
« on: September 16, 2015, 12:49:46 pm »
...a woman's voice, husky even at full volume. "EIGHT. YEARS!" A hand slap punctuates each word, flesh on solid wood, echoing in the dining hall. A dwarf slurping soup at a nearby table lowers his shoulders and slurps more quietly."Elaina. It's not the first time he's gone on sabbatical.""SABBATICAL." "...retreat? I don't know. It's his way.""Michael, eight YEARS. With NO. NOTICE." The dwarf slides his bowl across the table and takes a chair against a wall, eyeing the tall, furious ebony-skinned woman. Leeks, barley and broth dribble over his beard as he tries to feed himself without looking down."I never said he was sane. You knew that when you married me."Her voice drops an octave. "Gods in heaven. If his skinny rear says even ONE thing about anything you, I, or anyone else who has kept this place running for nearly a decade while he was off - off - COMMUNING with ILSARE, or whatever he was doing, it better be good - I swear to - ONE THING. Just let him complain ONCE." Two children, nearly teenagers with dusky skin and dark hair and eyes that favor their mother, are watching from behind the bar. The boy polishes glasses, the girl stacks plates. Neither seem fearful of the large woman's fury, although they do not interrupt. The tall blonde man facing her is similarly unruffled though his manner hints at long practice. "If he does, my wife, you and I will have to draw straws to see who gets to go first." One black eyebrow on her anger-darkened face rises a flea's girth. Her lips twitch, twitch again, then compress into a quivering line. She tips her chin up, cheeks betraying a held-back smile."Something we can agree on. Very well. I'll let the others know." As she heads to the Residence Hall, her muttering is clear to anyone within ten feet. "And if Elly doesn't rip his happy stick off for this stunt, I WILL." The dwarf slumps down as she passes, tossing a sympathetic look to the blonde man when she's gone."Daddy." The girl speaks as her mother strides out of earshot."Yes, Cassie?"She rolls her eyes at the nickname. "Should we clean our toys and things out of his office then?""That's a good idea." She nods, placing a Reid pottery plate down with a clink. "...but..." Her brother turns an ear to listen. "...but...leave some surprises. I'll let you decide what, and where."
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith



We are not closed, however...


All wood items must be picked up at the Angels Guild Hall in Port Hempstead. Please contact any Angel Guild member to make arrangements. We appreciate your continued patronage during this latest trouble.

People with information about the disturbance in Hempstead Fields are encouraged to find an Angels Guild representative. Adventuring types doubly so.


Thank you, 

The Angels Guild


//Visitors to the shop will note that most of the wood appears to be rotting or in bad repair, including the floors, doors, and walls. The wooden chests have been swept empty of instruments, bows, staves, arrows, books, and all other wood-based items; metal and cloth items are on metal racks. Expensive and magical items have been removed or relocated to solid metal chests. The rear entry and door to the back room are in the process of being replaced with metal, but as the surrounding framework is wood, it's a patchwork radiating protections to the magic-sensitive.

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Rumour Has It / 'Strutting' Down the Cat-walk -Meoww!
« on: September 09, 2015, 01:20:10 pm »
Sally Jayne Frufru, a modeling recruiter from Port Hempstead, will be hosting an amateur fashion show in Center at the Bullseye hoping to "score" new and upcoming talent. Can you shake your hips? Do you have mad tailoring skills? Do you have full, beautiful, puffy lips screaming for the newest shade of red? Then enter and see if you can win! Drinks are half price for ladies.... perhaps even for feminine looking men! //Judges will cast ballots by dice roll for fairness. Winner will receive a pretty hefty lump of coin. Lots of RP potential... and quest reward!
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

General Discussion / (Yet another) returning player
« on: September 06, 2015, 04:25:22 pm »

Hi folks,

I've been kicking around here on and off for a number of years now and despite extended absences there's something about this place that always draws me back. There's a real appeal about being able to step into a persistent d&d campaign that no other game can seem to match, and once again I felt the call. I'm hoping to finish up a potentially consequential cdq, and get back into exploring the world and its stories again. So if anyone is around on gmt evenings and feels like a little murder and mayhem, give me a shout! Just a couple of questions as well as I've noticed a few changes.

I see that a world campaign has just drawn to a close and I have no idea what happened. Is there a thread somewhere that covers the story?

I saw as well that in game, the player list now reads everyone as 'someone'. I like the new system, but I'm not sure how it works. Is there somewhere I can read up on how to use it?

Thanks all,


The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Ancients Legacy / Ancients Legacy -- Epilogue, Part IV
« on: September 05, 2015, 04:11:29 pm »
Time passes with most of the world being blissfully unaware of anything that happened in the Mountains of Madness or its significance. Across the world, Fastrot is considered to no longer be a danger, and quarantines are lifted. Leveraging rumors of some sort of confrontation or activity in Milara's domain, Rael declares Fastrot to have been the work of Milara himself, who sought to create a plague to afflict upon the people of the world. He further claims to have discovered its nature and was thus able to defend the residents of Rael against it most effectively, though he stops just short of taking credit for discovering a “cure”.Of note, a collection of similar stories begin to circulate through the world involving a confrontation between a dragon and the people of a town. The details vary depending on the teller and the region. Sometimes the village in question is nameless, or it is a small place on another continent. Sometimes the “hero” of the story is a farmer, a seamstress, a shopkeeper or a teenaged girl (though often braggards will insert themselves into the protagonist role). Sometimes the dragon is stunned, sometimes it is burned, shocked or otherwise sent away. In all cases, the dragon leaves and bothers the town no more.A full two years, give or take, from the recovery of the Conduit, the people of Layonara look up into the night sky to see another change. Of the seven deities who converged in the sky several years prior, all had returned to their usual places in the Heavens. There was no movement, no shifting and no warning. Simply, one night, they were back where they “should” be. Grannoch too and retaken her place. Only Toran, Rofirein and Pyrtechon remained displaced, but these only for a few additional nights. All was now as it was to be.
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General Discussion / Stepping Down
« on: September 03, 2015, 09:31:15 pm »
Hey there everyone,For personal reasons, I have decided to step down from GMing.  It's been a good ride, but it's time I focus on other things that have been occupying most of my time anyways.  I wish you all the best of luck.  Thank you for the good times and memories.~Alatriel/Diva
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General Discussion / Community Update - Ravemore
« on: September 01, 2015, 10:20:10 pm »
Just an FYI... We had a large windstorm in the Seattle area over the weekend and I'm swamped at work... so there may be some delay in responses, ongoing IRC RP, etc. I do not anticipate having to reschedule anything though. So, if you're waiting for a reply, I'll get to you as soon as I can. Thanks for your patience.-Rave
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