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Messages - jrizz

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Layonara Server / Version 3.30.6 is online!
« on: July 08, 2011, 10:32:46 am »
[SIZE=32]Version 3.30.6 is online![/SIZE]

 You will need to download and extract a new HAK file for this update.

 New stuff:
  • Leisa's WLDQ reward
  • Interior added to Hilm Castle
  • Added visible (though    inaccessible) portals in Blackford and Hilm to reflect plot events
  • Added NPCs to the Vault guild hall

  • Caverns of the Menace have been    collapsed due to plot-level events
  • Fix a bug in the XP adjustment    database code *
  • Jukebox conversation should be    private now, appearing only to the person using the device
  • Foundation guild hall door now    gives the correct guild name
  • Underground/interior tagging fixed    in Misted Village caves and related underground areas
  • Adjustments to the Citadel of    Toran in Huangjin
  • A few updated book and armor    appearances
  • Placement and facing of some of    the kitchen crafting stations in the Bull's Eye have been adjusted    to (hopefully) be easier to use

  • [SIZE=10]No    need to worry. No one was shorted XP as a result of this.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]Thanks again go to Alatriel and Script Wrecked for their contributions to this update.[/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

General Discussion / Axe-ing a question
« on: July 03, 2011, 10:40:04 am » I check server status on a whim and on Central I see...


and because he has to be different, one Bolderanvil.

That made me laugh.  Out loud.  Do you get a bonus stamp on your Dwarven Army membership card if you have "axe" in you name somewhere?  Can I make an Axe "The Axe" Axesson for a free toaster?
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Battlehelm Moors
« on: June 28, 2011, 02:02:43 am »
Every time I go to the Battlehem Moores I have to change all my video settings or crash repeatedly. Sometimes that does not even work. I crashed at least a dozen times tonight and had weird triangular images the size of half the tileset rotating around me. I've seen a plethora of other issues with other players with that tile set since it was introduced. Therefore, I'd like to request some consideration in a future update to ditch it and use the Sooth Moore tileset instead. There is a high demand for the CNR in those areas, and the risk of crashing and loosing a soul strand to a swampkin at my level is almost funny. The eye candy is not worth the headache it is causing. Anyway... just my two cents. ;)
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

General Discussion / What a great ride
« on: June 25, 2011, 08:04:30 pm »
Well as eveyone can see, I have chosen to delete my characters.  I'm gonna miss them for sure and all the memories that they hold. Thanks each and evey one of you who touched their lives and helped shape and mold them into who they were. It's time to move on and I leave this place of imagination to all of you.  I always said that layo was a book that never ends. A story that continues to be written every day. I'll put my bookmark here and check back every now and then to read the next chapter.
Take care everyone...and as Peanut always said...pass on the butterfly kisses.  Everyone needs one.  And that goes for you too Nym..*winks*

If anyone wants to say hi...I'll leave you with my gmail address

The following users thanked this post: jrizz

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Retaking Hilm
« on: June 24, 2011, 10:28:12 pm »
Within three weeks of Molvarens departure from Hilm thousands line the still rubble strewn streets of Hilm city to watch line after line of soldiers, cavalry, pikes, shields and a various assortment of supplies and auxilery as they wend their way out of the castle and surrounding city and into the lands surrounding them heading south. Their ultimate destination being Briardusk.

At their lead is several hundred mixed cavalry and a shining figure bearing a Toranite standard. Behind Lady Daniella Stormhaven rode a score of hand picked Toranite shock cavalry and then came the various functionaries and army commanders from Hilm as well and so on and so forth. Long lines of rejuvenated and eager soldiers marching to reclaim their lost lands.

The only dark side to mar the leaving of the fifteen thousand strong army was the announcement that the legions of Rael troops will soon be recalled from Hilm unless Lord Rael is invited by the leaders to continue to support the war effort in its new phase.

Sir Lance, Queen Langovale, Lord Alexander and many others watched from the castle walls as the army led by Lady Daniella flowed south along the main road. Sir lance knew that if Rael withdrew it would leave Hilm Castle vulnerable again with many of its soldiers travelling with Lady Daniella to reclaim the lands south of Hilm Castle. He also know he had to work hard to prevent others from deciding their job wsa done and taking their soldiers away as well. The war was far from done yet.

As he stood on the wall Lance looked around the horizon, dark clouds still hung in the air to the north and the south west over the Orsgaunt mountains. While to the north west the sky was dark speckled with black and orange as even from this vast distance the fires and smoke from the erupting volcano's of Molten Isle cast a dark shadow over the entire northern regions of the world.

He worried that soon Boyer would also recall their troops since their country had been affected to a large degree by the fallout of ash and fires sparked by lava balls thrown hundreds of miles from the volcanos of Molten Isle that had truck their northern regions.

Work had arrived that morning that Ractrafiorez had been back to the renmants of Fort of last Hope and that the Jaedon Siphe's Siphe garra had now reached the five or six thousand mark and continued to grow everyday as highly trained man and women of the Drach Garra abandoned their Cult Masters in favour of the former General.

So too word had finally arrived of the Cult defeat at Zolinar and the horror stories that came with them of demons and devils, of the Risen Storan and the complete and utter destruction of Zolinar so that every building, every stone, every blade of grass had been reduced to nothing. Zolinar no longer existed but a barren and scorched area of forest that once housed a bustling and thriving city. Queen Langovale had wept when she heard what had happened and deputations had already been sent to Nesar to protest at what had occured.  Lance worried about Sundance and the Nesar army there doing the same thing but was reassured due to it being under Razeriem and Gork's control for the moment with no Corathites present. he knew one day there would have to be a reckoning for the leaders of the army that assaulted Zolinar, that this man who called himself the Mad Doctor would have to be found and dealt with...and Storan..well, that was a new worry for the future.

As Lance watched the army depart he considered his own departure in two days time. With Rael potentially withdrawing it was not going to give him anywhere near the 20,000 soldiers he was hoping to take to Sundance. In fact he and Lord Alexander had engaged in stern words he day before over just how many Lance would be able to take. Lord Alexander wanted at least ten thousand soldiers left to protect Castle Hilm and the north as well as the supply route to Alhon. That meant Lance could only field five to ten thousand able soldiers to go south. The plans had changed slightly in that he would give Daniella a head start then advance south and bypass the engagement at Briardusk. If Daniella looked like she was going to have problems the advance to Sundance would be given up and lance would join her at Briardusk, but for now he would go to Sundances aid.

As Daniella's large army slowly moved south her scouts spread far and wide. At regular intervals groups made up of about three scores would move off to resecure border posts to the west while other hunting parties ranged to the east towards the Orsgaunt mountains to flush out any remaining pockets of Cult soldiers or wayward Myr'drachs. Eerily however their advance south meet no resistance and within days the army was a hundred miles south of Castle Hilm and not far from the remains of Wallach's crypt.

Here the army settled for several more days while Daniella confirmed through arriving scouts who reported to Jillseponie that their rear was clear, the border posts reinstated and Lances army was on the move. Daniella knew the next week and a half would be unpleasant for the army following her, a journey through the Withered lands was hard enough at the best of times but when you faced the possibility of being attacked by hostile forces as well as the hostile natural creatures that lived there it was going to be unplesant indeed. She knew at some point she would branch off and head to Fort of last Hope while Captain Argali, Captain Vrebel, Captain Kromlek, Captain Gunder, Captain Daniel and others could continue on to Briardusk and settle the army and begin to gather intell on what they faced until she returned, she still worried at every detail and prayed regularly for strength and guidance.

Days later the army packed up and moved into the Withered Lands and within days they met their first resistance. Drach Tesak had set up a myriad of traps and deadfalls throughout different areas and it seemed Drach ori had also set up magical traps as well. Daniella lost a number of soldiers to the deadly traps before slowly the advance and asking some of the more seasoned adventurers to move forward with Jills scouts and support the recovery of the traps. For perhaps the first time in her life she would have liked Lord Arkolio to be present to deal with the traps since he seemed to have a knack for them but then she thought she'd have to put up with his own self aggrandizement for the entire journey. In that moment she was glad he decided his Katherian soldiers and he would stay in Hilm and help with the clean up. Mind you she was a bit concerned about hearing they were looting the bodies as opposed to cleaning them up.

Their movement slowed to a crawl through the ravines and it took more than a week to reach the other side and be within a few days march of Briardusk itself. Here Daniella stopped the army again and prepared to take a small group to the east to hopefully meet and speak with the former Cult General, Jaedon Siphe. It was here she heard some disturbing news. A Toranite patrol had failed to return from a sweep in the Withered Lands. Almost a score of solid dependable Toranites unnacounted for. Daniella waited another day while Ferrit was sent out with Jill to look at the area they were supposed to be and when they returned they reported finding no trace of the patrol.

Concerned but unable to do much about the incident, Daniella gave her Captains their instructions and left with a score of Toranite Cavalry as well as Drexia and Ferrit and set off for the remains of Fort of last Hope.
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

General Discussion / Wemics in Center/ Adventuring group!
« on: June 20, 2011, 04:46:07 pm »
Hi all. I recently returned to one of my alts, a Wemic - Feana Pantherguard and was wandering about a few things since it's been a long time since I RPed this unusual character:

Firstly, what is the likely reaction to a Wemic in Center? Obviously individual people would react differently so I'm looking more for a general "pitchforks at dusk" or "have some cake" type generic response, if anyone has any ideas? At the moment I tend to keep Feana to the outskirts of any major settlements but that can limit RP quite a bit.

On the second note, it seems to me that Wemics and other "monstrous" races might make likely travelling companions given their general removal from the traditional races and their settlements, so I also wanted to give a shout out to any players of the more odd looking races for groups which want to RP, run around and generally adventure. Please feel free to PM me, or send a tell in game if your monstrous humanoid would like a lion lady to wander around Layonara with!

Thanks all!
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

Layonara Server / Now Taking Gamemaster Applications!!
« on: June 10, 2011, 03:19:01 am »
Hello Layonara Community!
 It has come around to that time again, where we look around for interested individuals to help grow the Layonaran experience for the community as a whole. If you are interested in giving back to the community that has provided you with countless hours of entertainment, this is one way to make that happen! Below are listed the qualifications, the required duties and the list of questions that we'll need answered so that we can evaluate if you are a good match for the world. Please take some time to consider all of these if you are interested in becoming a Gamemaster for Layonara.
Gamemaster Qualifications:
You qualify for GM application if you meet the following:
• If you have been a community member in good standing for at least four (4) months
• If you can work well on a team but can also take independent initiative
• If you act responsibly both individually and within teams
• If you understand both the rules and the spirit of the server
• If you enforce the spirit and rules of the server when necessary
• If you communicate well in text in an online environment.
• If you can commit to perform GM Duties as either a part time or full time GM
Gamemaster Duties:

 You will need to be able to commit to ALL the following:
  •   Commit to the Author-Publisher Agreement. This means the rights to what you write, run as a quest or otherwise provide in your time as GM belongs to Layonara. You will be required to sign off on this and supply the document to Layonara. This is required to protect Layonara Studios and all of our community members.
  • Run impromptus, CDQs and quests, reward RP, assist players in game, or otherwise be active in game with your GM avatar (Part time: 1 hour/week ; Full time: 2 hours/week)
  •   Properly research and include world lore for events that require it. This can require that certain kinds of quests be written up and approved by head team members (such as EdtheKet and Leanthar) prior to running them.
  •   Communicate any long term absences from the world to the team, ahead of time if possible. “Long term absences” is defined as more than two weeks consecutive where you will not be able to reached for any reason. (We certainly understand that emergencies happen and for our enlisted members, you don't always get that opportunity. In case of the latter, please make us aware in your application that this is a possibility.)
  •  Write up quests after they are completed with detailed information for tracking.
  • Check the forums regularly for GM specific content. (Part time: at least 2 times/week ; Full time: at least 5 times/week)
  •  Spend at least 2 hours per month working to help the team and community on IRC or forums (e.g. Character approvals, disputes and grievances, answering questions, moderating forums or IRC, providing other assistance to GMs or Players).
  • Participate in GM team discussions (these are largely forum based). Examples include discussion of changes to policy, weighing in on World Leader eligibility, and communicating various issues to the staff as a whole.
  • Keep appropriate records of character profiling, player interactions, etc.
  • Communicate with individual players who may need help understanding the rules or spirit of the server.
Application Questions
(please answer in a response in this thread)
1. How long have you been a member of Layonara?  (The minimum is four (4) months of active time in the community.)

2. Are you applying as a part time or full time quest GM?

3. Why do you want to be a GM team member in Layonara?

4. Please describe any GM experience, including any NWN GMing experience. GMing experience, digitally or PnP style is not a prerequisite for a GM position!

5. Please read carefully through the GM team duties and qualifications, if you have not already. This community has always supported the ethic of 'real life comes first' but we will need to know, realistically, if your real life can support your interest and commitment to the world. Please describe, either Layonaran or real life, responsibilities that may conflict with your Gamemaster commitments. Membership to other teams such as LORE or Character Approvals are examples of Layonaran commitments.

6. Please submit an example quest in a PM (addressed to EdtheKet, Rowana and Dorganath). Your quest should be a brief outline of the set up and expected important events during your quest. Please include a few foreseeable side paths players might take and your intentions for working with players on those initiatives. This should be a quest you could run if you are accepted as a GM, though it is by no means required. Your sample quest summary should be between 300 and 500 words in length. Summaries less than 300 or more than 500 words will not be considered and you will be asked to submit again with the proper word length. Applicants without a quest submitted to the Team by the deadline will not be considered during this pass.

The applications will close on June 30th, 2011, Midnight Eastern Daylight Time. All qualified applicants will be contacted for an interview by July 5th, 2011. Interviews will take place either in game or via IRC. Interviews must be final by July 20th, 2011, in order to offer invites to new GMs in a timely manner.  
 We look forward to hearing from you all!
 The GM Team
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

Rumour Has It / Moonlight terror
« on: June 09, 2011, 04:35:51 pm »
A pair of reports circulate in Point Dart of theft on wing.

The first was from a shepherd.

It was like any other day but it was too quiet.  I had this tingle and knew something was wrong so I went out to my flock.  As I crested the rise my stomach dropped.  There was what little remained of my flock, a splash of blood here and there.  I counted maybe 3 identifiable kills and found 4 of my flock still alive elsewhere.  They were scared, I could tell. I couldn't find trace of the other 22 sheep, they were just gone.  In the middle of it all were huge tracks, looked like clawed feet digging heavy into the ground.  It must of been huge!  It must of ate my whole flock.  There were no traces of it coming in or leaving on foot.  I must of flown!

I'm ruined, what good is a shepherd without a flock? And worse yet, it must of ate my dog! My poor girl loved that dog.

The second from a nearby farm.

I tell you, I heard my goat bleating in the night and I ran out to see to her as fast as a whippersnap.  I ran out the door just in time to see a dragon carrying off my only cow! It was titanic! To carry off Bertha like that.  The cursed thing, it killed both my goats. All it left was one bloody stump of a leg. What do you think it means?  You think the Cult is coming?  Are they sending their dragons to kill us?  They weren't suppose to come here, not here!
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

* After some weeks of aiding in rebuilding efforts at Hilm Castle, helping to clear rubble and relocating those poor citizens who lost their homes in the battle, the Runic Anvil dwarves have slowly begun packing their few belongings and are taking down their camp.

Kobal surveys the busy dwarves for a while before making his way to a meeting with Alexander Fortain, Lance Stargazer and Daniella Stormhaven (and whoever else wishes to participate).

Kobal makes a brief report about the efforts of his clan, both at Audiria, the Fort of Last Hope and in the final battle at Hilm Castle. He pays his respect to the leaders of the allied forces and lets them know that he admires the courage and resolve that was shown against this overwhelming foe.

Afterwards, he asks that it be recorded what the Runic Anvil did in this war and how many troops were sent to the aid of foreign kingdoms. He asks that diplomatic ties be established between the Hilm Protectorate and the Runic Anvil, perhaps enabled through the creation of a portal between Hilm Castle and the Runic Anvil. Kobal does not say it plainly, but makes it known that should the Runic Anvil ever be in need of allies, he trusts that Hilm will be there.

Lastly, he makes his personal goodbyes and asks whether anything more is asked from him or his clan. *
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

Wait what? A submission for something other than a Soulstrand Reimbursement? O.o

WLCDQ Application: Hardragh
Character Name: Hardragh
Current Level: 35

Original Submission
Skald Prc Submission

Chaotic Tides
Backroom Chatter
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

Ask A Gamemaster / Staus of Hlint
« on: June 03, 2011, 07:19:39 pm »
Could anyone give a small description of the status of Hlint. Meaning if someone traveled and stopped in the middle of the town what would they see? The mood of the town? And possibly what is the movement of restoring the town to its original state or better.

The following users thanked this post: jrizz

Rumour Has It / Voltrex Reeling from Eruptions
« on: May 31, 2011, 07:09:22 pm »
More and more of the skies across the world are filled with dust and debris, soot and ash from the numerous volcanos erupting in various parts of the world and the mountains of the Molten Isles spewing much of the great coulds of noxious vapours into the air over Layonara.

Already Priests and servants of Pyrtechon have come forth to claim responsibility for the volcano's claiming it as a sign of the Great Dragon God's impending return to mortal form to blanket the world with fire and chaos.

In the midst of the wars raging in Belinara, the uncertainty of the future of nations who have lost hundreds if not thousands of lives in the war against the Cult and the cold certainty that its not over yet comes this message.

It arrives in Blackford Castle, to Castle Hilm, to most of the civilised nations around the world and purportedly comes from the Aesmil Isim, or the Council of Elves on the nation of Voltrex.

"Relevant introductions....

Let it be known, that in a historic sitting of the Aesmil Isim, under guidance of the Iselian and witnessed by the Speakers of the Five Towers. By Isim Eliwanilae or in your terms, unanimous decree, we have declared a state of emergency within Voltrex.

Any and all attempts by those outside our realm to return or gain entry to our lands is now expressly forbidden pending future deliberations of the Aesmil Isim and determinations of the threats to our lands and those of our people.

A state of natural unrest has destroyed much of the forests to the north and upheavals have created a new landmass of cooling magma. A land of black jagged stone, fiery pits of lava and unstable earth.

The people of Voltrex will brook no interference as we try to recover and determine the extent of the damage and loss of life over the next few years.

We ask that all nations of this world respect our wishes in this matter."
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

General Discussion / Resigning as GM
« on: May 31, 2011, 04:40:17 am »
It is time for me to hand my GM batch to another.

The plot is nearing its end and the remaining parts are in very capable hands. ;)

So, after more years than I care to count I am resigning from my position as GM in Layonara's amazing Team of GMs.

Before I move on to being 'just' a player I have one thing I would like to ask all you players out there:

At times on quests where you feel wronged or feel that the outcome was not fair, please try to remember why the GMs are here. They are here to make this world around your characters a living and breathing entity that provides you with entertainment and fun. That is the basic idea.

So, instead of taking the fight to the GM and/or the Team, try to consider whether the incident in question is one that your character might deal with in an IC fashion - perhaps that was the intent of the GM in the first place.

Like you, GMs are people and people will walk away if you rattle them enough. After all, they are not acting GMs for their own sake, but for the sake of others.

This was not based on a recent episode or a current situation in game. Please consider this a plea that you might consider in the future. I have seen it happen too many times over the years and it simply burns people out, which ends up making this place less colourful and alive.

Finally, I wish you all the very best of luck and hope that many of you will continue to contribute to this magical place that is Layonara. For me the time has come to move on, although I will probably be around with Kobal now and then.

Kind regards,

The following users thanked this post: jrizz

Layonara Server / World Plot Item Handout
« on: May 30, 2011, 07:28:00 pm »
Hello all,

Pulling the three threads down into one thread so I can stop artificially raising my post and thanks counts.

I will be on tomorrow 31st  May 6pPDT/8pCDT/9pEDT/ 1st June 1aGMT/12pAEDT for about an hour. IF necessary and IF feasible with RL goings on I will linger longer than an hour. I can't promise it so please don't count on it. If this time does not work for you I will need you to set up a special appointment with me. That is, you PM me with the time(s) that you will be available to get online and I will do my best to meet that need.

I still need the following to meet with me:

Hilm rewardees:

Hlint rewardees:
Cherry Sherry

Donations rewardees:
Remaining members unawarded Angel's guild members from February: Tod, Alazira, Steel

The following users thanked this post: jrizz

Rumour Has It / Last Stranger standing
« on: May 26, 2011, 06:43:36 pm »
//An ongoing game (no gm required) while the server is up. a chance to rp across the servers get in groups and do team like questing adventuring things.
 Here Ye, Here ye, The last of the Soeakoans clan has fallen in the Blackwood forest on Corsain and lies dying. In a meeting of deals, double deals and court intrigue the last of his line fell when all gathered and many more lying in hiding fell upon each other. A dynasty of warriors ended that day in the forest.
 Thier 40 pages of family honours gained in service of many causes was torn asunder on the field of negotiations. 40 pages torn from the dead by those who survived and fled from the field in pursuit of each other.
 With his dying breath Noomur Soeakoan promised the legacy of his clan to the faction that brought back to his servants (gm mix) the most honour pages from the family book.
 No easy task for such may be scattered across the islands and in the hands of desperate people.
 Game on....
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

General Discussion / Another Dezza enters the world
« on: May 23, 2011, 05:50:41 am »
It's with honour and great privilege that I get to announce the arrival of little Dylan, son of Dezza/Michbr.
This is their fourth son out of as many children.  I am now absolutely convinced that they're aiming to create their own football team.

From what I hear all are doing exceptionally well.  He's a 4.27kg whoppa and I'd like to wish them all the very best of health and happiness.

So if anyone is wondering where Dezza now know.

The following users thanked this post: jrizz

General Discussion / Dragon Storm Campaign Finale
« on: May 21, 2011, 09:36:46 am »
I know it's been said several times, but once again I think it needs saying.  Thank you very much to the GMs that put their time and effort into making such an incredible series.  It may have taken a lot of unexpected turns and probably went on way longer than anyone had ever anticipated.  But that's how things go when dealing with so many pieces.  Now that we stand at the close, I can honestly say I am looking forward to what comes next.  It may be the close of the campaign, but it's just an incredible chapter of the story.  I feel very lucky to have been able to have had such an active role in it, and I urge those who felt like they didn't feel as involved as they may have liked to put in the extra effort in the next thing that comes along.  It's incredible rp.  People talk about how they want to have their characters become world leaders by taking on WLDQs but I tell you the truth- plot quests are world changing events and will turn your character into a truly epic character in all senses of the word if you let them.  It's the experiences that your character lives through that will make it so that you are one of those "old veteran characters" with the stories of epic battles to share with the generations to come.

So thank you Plot team for helping me change my character from a Toranite Leader to a World Leader.  For the heart-wrenching loss, and the stomach twisting anxiety and nerves, for the times my heart skipped a beat, and the mistakes I made and almost made, and for the triumphs that we all shared together, thank you.  Thank you for giving us the opportunities to find greatness.  I can't wait for more.
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Plot Finale --- Stormcry Hollows
« on: May 11, 2011, 12:15:57 am »
// My dear players :)

The finale quest, where a strike force is aiming an attack on the hidden Cult base at the Stormcry Hollows will be ran by myself. Preparations have been ongoing for said event, but I still feel the need to stress a few things before the quest on the 21st of May.

1. Come prepared. There will be no time for hourly planning sessions before the quest takes off for real. If that should happen the quest will fail. There will be a timer on the quest that is triggered by certain events. So, please, for everybody's sake, meet to plan in game or use the forums to plan a strategy before the 21st of May.
The strategy should include proposed answers to questions like: What is the scope of this mission? How do we get there? How do we plan to get in? What do we do once we're inside? Do we have all that we need to complete our mission? Which scenarios are we likely to face? What are the risks? Etc.

2. Danger level. Due to its nature this quest will be both dificult and dangerous. I suggest that only levels above 15 participate in said event (that means if you have a good reason to be there and your character is not lvl 15, then please PM me). This is open for discussion, however, and depends on the number of people that sign up for this event.

3. At some point in the quest, the party will be within the sphere of influence of a bloodpool, meaning Soul Strand loss is assured if death occurs.

4. Calendar event has been added - please sign up if you plan on joining:

5. ...
The following users thanked this post: jrizz

Layonara Server / Version 3.30.4 is online!
« on: May 10, 2011, 10:36:40 pm »
[SIZE=32]Version 3.30.4 is online![/SIZE]
NOTE: There is a new HAK file for this update.  Download it here.
  • Slight tweaks to Brech Mountain cave
  • Adjust Awakened spawn appearances to better match lore
  • Fix description on Xeen statue in Katherian to properly reflect lore
  • Better destruction of furniture inside player housing when the house is sold
  • Fix a furniture duplication error under specific circumstances in multi-area player houses
  • Update Angel's guild hall to add a new statue
  • Fix laggy display cases in Angel's guild hall (hopefully)
  • Mist added to Warrior Falls to reflect quest outcome
  • Fix silk quests in Center
  • Fix price coding on some West Blackford houses
  • Fix (hopefully) inconsistent issue where combat dummy appears as a music stand
  • Fixes to the Silver Buckle Inn
  • NPC changes in Kelin's Inn in Krandor
Assist credits go to Alatriel and thanks go to those who reported bugs.

The following users thanked this post: jrizz

Just for Fun / What a natural 20 should be
« on: May 05, 2011, 12:15:24 pm »
Just found this on a random forum post.

-Roll to climb
-"You launch yourself up with such incredible force that you end up in the stratosphere, roll for falling damage."

-Roll to hide
-"You can't find yourself anymore. Make another character"

-Roll to Pickpocket
-"You now hold the man's heart. He dies and the guards are aware you just murdered someone."

-Roll to use a rope to tie up a prisoner
-"It can never be removed by any means. You're a horrible person for doing this to someone. When the prisoner dies, the rope continues to bind their soul, resulting in some kind of freaky incorporeal undead that hates you."

-Roll escape artist check
-"You find yourself in the astral plane."

-Roll to bluff guard that you're taking over his shift
-"You've convinced yourself. You spend the rest of your life as a guard."
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