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Messages - Thak

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Introduce Yourself / Coming back to Layo!
« on: December 31, 2008, 01:54:29 pm »
Hey guys! I'm trying to come on back to Layonara after a couple of years, you guys just keep making Layo more and more interesting!

My partner and I have been looking for a good MMO to play on lately and all I could think about was all the good times I've had RPing with you guys!

Anyone think they can PM me the password!? I can't wait to see what all has changed!
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General Discussion / Merry Christmas!
« on: December 22, 2008, 08:23:00 am »
I know it's two days early but I don't think even with the lovely layo-tolerant wife I have will I be allowed near the forums on Christmas day.

Curse your secular political correctness ...


... from the Pseudonym clan!
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General Discussion / The Troll King presents: The Explorer Series
« on: December 11, 2008, 11:36:39 am »
I'm introducing a new series for the rest of this month and the next month (and maybe longer) that highlights the dungeons of Layo, and especially the new content. Primarily, the purpose for the series is to allow for those that have yet been unable or simply won't be able to explore the various dungeons/adventure areas due to time constraints, since many of the dungeon areas require a significant time committment to visit.

This series is.....

.... regular adventuring but with added GM spice/help/porting in and out.
.... an effort to give our casual/family gamers who have a hard time committing five+ hours to adventuring a peek at what's out there to be explored.
.... an effort to help people develop new adventuring groups as well as play with their current one.
.... an effort to help new players become familiar with the world and with older players.
.... an effort to allow for slower and more directed, meaningful exploration, without the feeling that "if we don't rush through these areas, this will take ten hours instead of five."

This series is not.....

.... a set of conventional quests with plots and stories.
.... a way to gather CNR.

The format goes like this:

1) Name the area we'll visit and a starting location. Most locations will require multiple sessions, so often the session will end and start within the dungeon. Therefore, the primary duty of the GM is to port folks in and out for these short sessions.
2) Give level req's (I'll aim for high, mid, and low levels areas).
3) Each session runs for two hours, two and a half max.
4) No XP will be offered, save for maybe 500xp RP bonks. The payoff is the exploration and monster XP.
5) The party closes after it enters the dungeon. The party opens again when it's time to visit a new dungeon.
6) Gathering CNR during the trip is prohibited. However, dropped loot is kept and split by the party as usual. This doesn't mean that we can't go to places that have CNR, but gathering CNR is not the purpose. Exploration and PC interaction is the primary goal here.

The purpose of this thread, other than to explain the new series, is to allow for everyone to make requests on dungeons/areas people wish to explore. So, with that said, request away! You've got slightly less than a week to choose the first place to go.
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Introduce Yourself / Howdy!
« on: December 08, 2008, 04:04:15 pm »
Hey everyone, thought I'd go ahead and say hi :). It's been awhile since I played NWN besides the occasional mod. But I decided to come back and check out some of the servers since I missed good rp. Then I saw this server and went 'Ooooo'. So here I am! I've been IG a few times with my new character and wow its great. I've been having a blast!
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Just for Fun / Inaugural Australian Layonaran BBQ
« on: December 05, 2008, 06:54:14 pm »
Inaugural Layonaran BBQ - South Eastern Australian Division

I can confirm the inaugural Layonaran Xmas BBQ was a success and saw the gathering of such luminaries as Pseudonym, Script Wrecked, Incahootz, Angelic, Hood!um, Dezza and Polak76.

The great divide between cyber and real life has been crossed with no casualties!

I can also confirm Script Wrecked really is a 2' 6" woman who rolls her 'R's, Polak turned up in black robes spouting Corathite rhetoric and Pseudonym was far more handsome than any of his posted photos might suggest.
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General Discussion / A footnote in a dusty tome
« on: December 02, 2008, 01:50:06 pm »
Hello folks,

Layonara popped in to my head today out of the blue and here I am.  I just thought I would stop by, re-register to the forum and say hello to all.

Only those with very long extremely white beards or exceptional memories will probably have even an inclination of who I am.  Some may remember my forum name Aurhinius, others my character Quintayne Rosewyne.

It's good to find layonara is moving from strength to strength. Good to see old familiar names on the forum and new ones a like.

Sorry we never got that CDQ finished Ed but I believe we left it on hold so one day I might want an ending ;)

Dan you have worked so very hard my friend and should be an inspiration to future game developers. You've had some hard times but always found the light at the end of the tunnel.  You have the patience of a saint, or the stubborness of a bull.  Perhaps a bit of both.  I am sure you'll say it is the great team you have behind you. Every team needs good leadership though.  I am thrilled to see you have come so far and continue futher.  I'll do my best to keep an eye on things and be first in line to buy my copy of Layonara when you get there.

Well done Layonara team, well done indeed!
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Introduce Yourself / Hmm... wonder if anyone would notice...
« on: November 27, 2008, 03:29:34 pm »
if I just sneaked in and submitted a character without saying hello

//how come 'sneaked' seems to be a word, but 'snuck' is not? Who spell-checks the spellcheckers anyway?

Wow, anyway. It's time for my yearly attempt to get back into playing Layonara!

*trumpets; fanfare*

Hopefully this time my attempt won't be ruined by some life altering RL event that causes me to relocate, jobhunt, remain hopitalized, become incarcerated, contract a potentially deadly disease or spend 4 months in Iraq, again.

Some of you might remember me as one of the following characters
a) Bidwick Mandershanks - Fatally flawed human fighter multiclass alcoholic recluse.
b) Berdin Stonebrow - When someone makes reference to the stodgy, suspicious, abrasive, magic-user hating stereotypical dwarven priest of Vorax... this is the guy they were referring to.
c) Gork - Half-ogre fighter. He used to chase cats around Hlint, 'Heeere kitty!' eat garbage and say 'Gork' a lot.

I used to play a lot with Gulnyr, Doc-Holiday, Klaug and just about anyone else that wanted some company.

I'm gonna go make an effort to become familiar with the history since the war with Bloodstone, and submit a character while I install NwN and all the layo files on my brand new PC

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Introduce Yourself / Atonement
« on: November 03, 2008, 11:40:00 pm »
Dear Layonara,

I never thought I would be making this post, but as the years went by, I realize now that this is one of those things that deserves done. The idea was toyed with for some time, considered, and rejected, but now my conscience seems bent on keeping me awake until it's finally done.

Layonara, I once joined this server as a bright-eyed, uncertain girl of age 14 (or was it 13? 15?). My roleplaying style was awkward and shallow, and I myself was a person of arrogance. The legacy I created here need not be rewritten or restated, but I made a severe mistake that still reflects badly on me even today, and made a fool of me during my stay here.

I came here to apologize for it.

Those years ago, I met up with a man who went by the username Hawklen and took his side to the point that, on the day of his banning, I would join on a decision to make a mockery of Layonara. We made a website dedicating to the overall "fail" of this server, and I even went as far as to help him play here under a false identity to find more ammo towards ruining this server's public face. I honestly can't remember what that fake username was... I'll dig it up for you all if you really would care to know.

- I don't know what I was thinking. I thought I knew, I thought I was doing something right and that I was justified, but on hindsight, all I managed to do was make a complete fool of myself and wreck someone else's definition of fun. This was a game, I forgot that then, and I'm sorry for making this place, for some time, a personal act of revenge.

Dorganath, I don't know if you remember me, but I can still recall the kindness you showed me clearly. That goes for the rest of this server... Sallaron's player, Steel's player, Stephen_Zuckerman, Mike, Tiffany... It's been a while, but I'd like to think my memory's not completely failed me. I came here as a girl struggling with illness, depression, and trauma... and I left here bitter and hurt, lead on by a guy I probably should never had spoken to. What I forgot to remember is that I had fun on this server... I was taught maturity that never registered until years later, and I met people I still remember today.

That means something to me. Heavens above, I know I sound like a bloody freak saying that, but it means something to me.

Regardless, what's needed said was written... so I'll close this by saying that I would like to return, if you all would have me. I've made a lot of mistakes, but I would also like to believe I've learned a lot of lessons. A part of me wanted to write of who I am now and where I've gone, but it felt inappropriate to do so, at least here. This was an apology.

I'm sorry for doing you wrong, those who remember me. If you would have me back, perhaps I can do something to redeem myself for what I've done. If not, then I hope this post at least can be acknowledged so that I may leave with a cleaner state of mind.

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General Discussion / World Announcement! *claps*
« on: October 29, 2008, 03:46:12 pm »
[SIZE=16]May I present to you an announcement that will shake the foundations of countries all over the globe:

"The coolest person ever was born on Friday the of October! I present to you, my newly born daughter - Tilde!"[/SIZE]

This means that I will not be able to check the forums as often in the upcoming weeks. Nor will I be able to be present in-game a lot. I'll check my inbox as often as time allows it of course, but patience is a virtue.

[SIZE=10](pronounciation of 'Tilde' in English is awkward :))[/SIZE]
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General Discussion / A blast from the past
« on: October 25, 2008, 05:12:45 pm »
A certain commercial reminded me about Layonara today, so I decided to check out the place that took so much of my free time back in the day. :D Find out if it's still active and whether some of those I knew are still around.

I must say that it is rather scary. I began playing somewhere in the end of 2003, back then I was still in the 10th grade. It is now 2008, school has ended, even the university has ended, and I now have something that looks like the beginning of a career. If back then I used to play for, sometimes, over 8 hours a day, then now I often work for over 10 hours a day. (not the best switch if you ask me!)

It has been five years only, but these two times seem like decades apart. What I am now trying to blabber here, is that this website is like an old picture album, I look at it and memories come back. Playing Rufus, crafting, going on 5+ hour quests, doing the ECDQ (thanks Ed!), being awake the entire night simply because the party to raid east only played in PST. It was a happy time with no responsibilities whatsoever.

Did I just sound old? Because I felt old! And I am 22, sheeesh. Alright, not old, sentimental is a better word.

Sooooooo, anybody in this large online still remembers me? What has changed, what has happened? And why the hell do I have an inbox full of PMs with people looking for Rufus! *squints his eyes*

Does my mansion on the Barbarians islands still stand? It had a lot of stuff hidden in those chests *grins*
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Layonara Server / Donation Pooling - Community Drive
« on: October 05, 2008, 05:59:00 pm »
Alright as you may noticed there's a thermometer for donations on the front page and the Donate page now has a report of the last donors.  This is all maintained through a site who operates this sort of thing called Donations Tracker.

What I've tried to do is set this system up so I don't have to do anything.  Yes, programmers are lazy.  As much as I love Chongo, I don't want him nagging me to get some details on things when I'm busy.  

Secondly, I don't have access to Leanthar's PayPal account nor do I want it.  Never have, hopefully never will. When dealing with private financial affairs the last thing I want is communication of passwords from my system risking others.

What this system does, and it must be used for your donation to be tracked, is collect payment information from PayPal and form it into a report for me.  THEY DO NOT COLLECT CREDIT CARD INFORMATION.  They basically collect your username (or you can remain anonymous) and then they generate a neat image or report of the campaign's current numbers when PayPal reports back to them whether you did indeed go all the way through with a payment and for how much.

The report you now see on the Donate page will indicate a surplus for the month, so if you exceed the payments I will roll it forward. Please try to keep it to shorter periods for recurring payments.  I don't want people paying for 6 months and us not being here in 6 months for whatever reason, try to keep everything to 3 months or less.  You will also be able to account for it easily.

I thank you all for your exuberance, and I hope the tracker system will help you determine where you stand.  I know its a bit askew for this month, but I expect when it resets next month, things will start getting into a nice system.  We will work through any issues as they arise.

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General Discussion / Money Where Our Mouth Is
« on: October 02, 2008, 11:31:22 pm »
Orth has spelled it out more clearly then I've ever heard it before.
Sign up as per this thread below in the following format:


Monthly donation cap

How you could come up with that amount per month if needed

At the end of that, we'll see how many names actually sign on. And you have the caveat of your cap to fall back on if the division of 255 comes out above that. This is kinda where the rubber meets the road folks. I've been hesitant to donate ever since I heard NWN was going away someday, but Orth spelled it out clearly, and if there's some manner of visibility as expressed with the assurance that if we maintain the cost of NWN - I see no reason for us to be arses about it. That and for me, I don't think my servitude/ time investment rationale works any longer.

If we don't have enough gravity in this (i.e. 10 people sign up), then I'm guessing that says enough in study of the investment in NWN.
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General Discussion / Wanted to thank Plen
« on: September 27, 2008, 08:55:47 am »
Wanted to take a moment to thank Orth for the story telling event.  It was fun and imformative and his story telling abilities rival those of Ozzy.   The Lore stories are something I have missed greatly and Im glad he took the time to share them with us as a community.
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Just for Fun / Why work and play should never mix
« on: September 25, 2008, 12:27:11 pm »
Had a fairly messed up dream last night.  It began with a few of my friends telling me that they had gotten us a new house (currently househunting irl) so I figured, hey, great!  Went to visit them in this dimly lit run down building downtown, which for some strange reason had a produce store with vegetables on display and a cash register.  "Dude, this is a store, what are we selling produce now?"  "no no no man, the living space is in the back, come back here".  Ok, I thought, maybe not so bad.  Went to the back and there was this HUGE Home Depot sized warehouse which didnt seem to have any particular theme at all, it was like a massive eBay bonanza warehouse. (currently work in a home renovation warehouse).  Ok what gives man...  At this point I start realizing that before all of this I was just sitting in my room (before I went to sleep, heheh) and instead of just figuring out that I was dreaming, I started screaming at them, "what is all of this?  I don't even remember coming here!  what year is this?  It was just 09/23/08!"  I'm all thinking that I suffered some kind of amnesia, and they're telling me its been 2 years since then.  That we're now in the post apocalypse.

All of the sudden there some hard knocking on the front door and all of my friends scatter in the warehouse.  "Open the door, NOW!  Open up!"  Oh great, they tricked me into tresspassing or trying to steal something, now the police are here...  So I figure that the cops probably have the place surrounded already, and being an overweight smoker theres no way in heck I'm going to manage fleeing this place, and I'm already ticked off at my friends so I might as well rat them all out for a reduced sentence.  So I let the guy in, and it's Ronnie Cordova from the martial arts/comedy series.  He's all sweating bullets, freaking out and ranting about how we have to get out of here, now, with his hair slicked back dressed in his aviator sunglasses and leisure suit.  Huh?  What the heck is a P.I. doing here?  Shouldn't he be protecting the Sockbaby?  Where's Burger?

So Ronnie Cordova now sprints out the front exit of the store. *shrug* I go back into the warehouse to try and find out where those buggers are who even tricked me into coming here are, and why I don't remember anything for the past 2 years.  Now the warehouse is infested by rats and dire rats.  And not only that, they appear to be the NWN dire rats that for no good reason have demonic voices and scream "your soul is mine!" all echoey and stuff.  I look down and I'm completely naked and unarmed... eeep!

I run around the massive random item warehouse looking for ANYTHING that can be used as a weapon, a blunt object, anything, but the prospects look grim.  Baby-wets-herself dolls, placemats, pirated DVDs, and finally, aha!  Tiny 2 inch pocket knives!  "what the heck, 1d4 is 1d4" I distinctly remember saying aloud.  I sprint around stabbing the smallest of the rats with it, pinning them down and twisting as they go "eeee! eee! eeeee!".  I finally come across a pallete of concert T-shirts in the warehouse, Blind Guardian I think, and think to myself... "aha!  Now I just need some pants!" and scour the place until I find a pair of cargo shorts and a pair of sandals.  Not much, but at least the rats dont get a clean shot on my bum... I'm still wary about kicking them unless I find some decent shoes though, (rabies!) and that would be so much easier than getting on all fours and stabbing them with a 2 inch blade.  In fact, I dont even know why I wasnt just punching them.

N00bly equipped in the worst sense ever, I then stumble upon the motherload crate...  cheaply made swords!  The kind that say "made in china" on them, that you'd typically find in a spencers or RPG shop and you could likely sunder with a broomstick.  Ah well! better than the 2 inch pocket knife.  So I appropriately pocket the pocket knife and pick out the best flimsy, poorly constructed, unsharpened sword for myself in my main hand, and run around with another the same size in my offhand, not so much to use, but just in case I run into any allies in the warehouse, like my friends who were hiding.  The rest of the dream devolved into hacking apart dog-sized, demonic voiced dire rats.  I think I might have made level two.

The moral of the story?  Don't fall asleep right after playing NWN and watching sockbaby online while you're househunting, especially if you work in a warehouse for a living.  That combination just isn't good for your mental health.
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Introduce Yourself / Re-Introduction
« on: September 25, 2008, 09:58:05 am »
Hey, I just wanted to say Hi to all the people who've come into this place in the one year that I've been out of it. I'm back now and I look forward to meeting and making friends or atleast aquantences with as any of you guys as I can.
 My name's Jess, I'm gonna be 20 this December (oh gods Im OLD >.<), and I like...well ..Roleplay obviously. My other interests are music (singing, playing violin and viola), writing of any kind, and....I need some outdoor hobbies bad. :( I need a bike again *nodnod*
 As for who I played. I really just had one character: An Illusionist named Rhynnala Asantiani with an astounding hatred for the slave trade. She's actually in hiding from the remnents of the Silver Crescent, and where she is she hasn't yet gotten the news of Sallaron's victory, though if she did she'd be proud.
 Ill be playing a Mistite wizard as soon as she's approved.
 I'm a 3rd year magazine journalism student, and I want to wind up writing for videogame magazines. I actually hope to, sometime before my career is done, be able to interview some of the developers here on what they're doing >.> and get a peice out about them. Who knows, maybe I can pitch it to game informer or something.
 Whoah, tangent.
 Anyway, I also happen to work in gaming retail , its hell, but it can be fun. No, you can't have my discounts =P!
 Anyway, Ill put some contact information here, so if anyone wants to talk or anything feel free :D I don't shun anyone! =P
 PS: To L: Bummer about the whole server thing. That sucks. Hope you find a new host.
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General Discussion / A Happy farewell
« on: September 15, 2008, 01:35:54 pm »
I am stepping down from the GM team. It has been so much fun being a GM for all of you. Thank you all for the energy that you have brought to my quests. I am doing this now because I feel I dont have the time to commit to quests that it takes and needs to be a good GM. I will still be playing though and maybe more so ;).

Being a GM is not an easy task on Layo. Not only is there so much you need to know but the player base is very sophisticated and that means you had best be on your toes at all times as a GM. By the end of some of my quests I would just log and pass out from the amount of multi tasking it took. Please keep in mind that most of the time there is only one GM there and he or she is trying to track all text (many times in multi locations), use a plethora of tools to call forth this beast or that NPC, play the NPCs, turn area spawns on and off, balance and re balance encounters, and set the mood and stage. All of this is after a couple of hours of set up. Be nice to them they work really hard.

Thank you all,
Jrizz - Happy
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General Discussion / The Real Me!
« on: September 08, 2008, 03:04:22 pm »
Hey Layonarians!

I have a short film showing in a festival of one-minute silent films entitled, "The Toronto Urban Film Festival."  It is being shown on Toronto Subway Platforms, as well as online, and each catergory produces a winner by popular vote.  This shameless, but here I go:

Vote for Me!  Even if you watch the other movies and deem me to be a hack, vote for me!  None of the other people in the festival have ever heard of Layonara (maybe), but I have been here for years!  Vote for me!

Where you ask!  Good question!

Follow this link, and watch me in action! I am the dude with the shaggy hair.

This is a great festival (which I hope to win).  So I hope you watch a lot of the other movies, because there are some great ones.

Thanks for your time, and enjoy!

Best Regards, Robin Cunningham
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Just for Fun / Monsters you WON'T be seeing in Layo anytime soon...
« on: September 02, 2008, 11:29:07 am »
After I posted some spells that got cut from Bioware's Neverwinter Nights to the amusement of some, my source on all things nixed by the Bioware execs mysteriously dried up.  Recently, it's been in contact again, so here are a few monsters you won't be seeing anytime soon...

1.  Garden Slaad:  Made up principally of lettuce, this extra-planar creature was cut from Hordes of the Underdark due to some complaints that the magical item 'Decanter of Ranch Dressing' had also been cut.

2.  Dire LOLcat:  Remarkably prescient about how irritating the meme was going to be, Bioware pulled the plug on this monster concept after it got stuck on 'I Can Has Critical Hitz?"

3.  Plutonium Dragon:  The most powerful possible metallic dragon, it's a pity that this monster got pulled.  I'm sure it would have been the basis for some new, clear adventures...

4.  Heckhounds:  Like hellhounds, but less so.

5.  Grassy Gnolls:  A truly deadly foe, capable of ranged sneak attacks, these creatures were the bane of elected officials everywhere.  Bioware yanked them because the conspiracy theorists saw it coming.

6.  Ketchup Golem:  Easy to slay (particularly with +5 french fries of deliciousness), but you can never get the stain out if it hits you.

7.  Snake Elementals:  An elemental plane of snakes?  Snakes on a plane!  Bioware just couldn't get Samuel L. Jackson to record the monster's sound-bites cheaply, and the cost just addered up.

8.  Abominable Sno-Cones:  'Yeti' had already taken up the slot of 'irritating winter-terrain creature', and taking these beasts into warmer climates meant that they melted all down your hand into a sticky mess.  Sno cone?  Sno way.

9.  Groper:  A variation on the traditional D&D monster the 'Roper', this one just goosed adventurers as they walked by.  It was abandoned for being 'More creepy than frightening.'

10.  Bacardi 151 (tm) Zombie:  About the only type of zombie that Bioware FAILED to include, this was pulled from the pallet after it was discovered that the people 'designing' them had been spending the budgeted money on drinking them instead.
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General Discussion / Happy 10th Anniversary to Nehetsrev!!!
« on: August 11, 2008, 01:33:36 pm »
I just wanted to take a moment to say Happy 10th Wedding Anniversary to my Beloved, for those who don't know we are married...Shame on you, for those who do...Today is our 10th wonderful Wedding Anniversary!!!

[SIZE=48]Happy Anniversary Nehestrev, [/SIZE]

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General Discussion / Away from Layo for awhile.
« on: July 25, 2008, 05:13:56 am »
Hi everyone! I will try not to type too much, so you won't fall asleep on me, but just to say that Keppli won't be around for about a week, as i am going on holiday tomorrow.:D

It's really exciting, as you probably all know yourself, but it's even better for me, as i have never been abroad before! I will therefore be stuffing my face with croissants and french cheese... not to mention i might see the Tour de France coming back. ;) Well. Maybe.

I wish you all have a great holiday too, whenever you go on yours, and if you've been, i hope it -was- great!;)

I'm gonna miss Layo, so if you like, you can RP that Keppli went on a big wander and didn't stop with her wanderlust itching at her feet... or Rp that she decided to stay at WhiteHorn for awhile. Take your pick.

See you all soon!
*Keppli waves to all her good friends*
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