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Messages - Cinnabar

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General Discussion / The End of a Warrior
« on: April 05, 2010, 12:38:12 pm »
*Ty tombs home with Trenton's body and quickly brings it to the Hospital desperately seeking aid...but there is none to give*

A warrior's death was fitting, his life in the service of the mighty Vorax.  He lived to fight evil and he lived to teach others to be strong.  Hopefully his memory will be lasting, his contribution to the safety of good citizens across Layonara remembered.  

His victory cry "Feel the Axe of Vorax!" should be written on his gravestone and his fellow warriors in arms should be honored to continue the good work, to fight the good fight.

//I've had a blast playing Trenton and I feel lucky to have had the chance to play him as long as I did.  Thanks again to the team for instituting the Graceful Plea system that allowed him to come back from his first permanent death.  Thank you to all those who enjoyed Trenton's company and who made it so much fun for me to play with you.  Your roleplay is superb and you all make Layonara the exceptional experience that it is.
The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

The Dragon Storm Campaign / // Update!
« on: March 09, 2010, 06:32:45 am »
Hi guys,

As some of you may have noticed, I haven't been around much for some time. The reason for this is that I am relocating to Mumbai in India together with my family. My company offered me an exciting position in our Mumbai office and we have decided to take them up on the offer.

I just arrived here a little more than a week ago and am currently coming up and running on the job as well as finding an apartment and getting to know the place (whoa - its a lot different from Denmark!). I've started out solo, until I have a place for us, and am going back to fetch my family in April.

Yesterday I moved into an apartment that has a 256Kbit/sec connection, so needless to say I am somewhat restricted internet-wise. Nevertheless I intend to try to get online sooner or later and hopefully I can at least play a little.
Plot-wise this means that I will continue the mini-series that I started - and hopefully soon. I will give you a heads up on that as soon as I've found out whether I can GM or not with my current internet connection.

I hope that Steel and his homies are currently recruiting for the next quest episode... they better be! ;)

Over and out for now. I'll keep you updated.

Cheers, Harlas
The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

Hall of Heroes and Heroines / Benjamin Poetr Remembered
« on: February 22, 2010, 01:18:19 pm »
Benjamin Poetr
Third son of Arthur & Beatrice Poetr. Brother to Stephen Poetr and Daniel Poetr. Benjamin was married three times throughout his life. First to Tariana Poetr (Rofirien, Temple adoptee), with whom was born his first son Daniel Benjamin Poetr. Second to Natalie Poetr (Cooper) who bore him his sons Fianon Poetr and Stephan Poetr. Lastly, Aylana Poetr (Pandorn), with whom he adopted his two daughters Brianna Poetr and Katlyn Poetr.
Joining the prestigious Angels Guild in 1425, Benjamin Poetr soon made himself invaluable among his guildmates and was named the Guild Captain.
In the year 1451, Benjamin Poetr was among those counted as heroes for their valiant defense of Fort Hurix in Trelania, Mistone against the forces of  Drachs and cultists. A medal was subsequently awarded him for his service there.
The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

Fixed Bugs / Game crash in final level - dungeon of the eye
« on: February 06, 2010, 04:42:27 am »
I am not sure if this is a graphics bug or not, but I was in a party of 7 people and when we just entered the final level of the dungeon of the eye, off the Path to the Ire Mountains, over half of the players crashed out of the game.

I would have thought it bad luck, but as we arrived at the exit to leave the final level, about half of us crashed again.

The rest of the levels were okay, so we thought it a little strange that so many crashed on the entrance/exit of the last level.
The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

General Discussion / Scavenger Hunt - Again.
« on: January 31, 2010, 02:54:59 am »
First one was so much fun, I'm going to do this again on Feb 21
 This time I'm giving a tad more notice and trying for a neutral timezone so as many as possible can participate.
 1) Teams of 2-8 players - you make the teams, not me.  You can form them before the event or from whomever shows up.  My only request is that vetran players and novice players make an effort to team up together to share the Layonara experience and get to know one another.
 2) Teams must stay together.  No splitting in different directions to cover as much ground as possible.  The only exception would be if particular players were mechanically (ie less than level 10 needing to enter an advanced craft hall) or RP (paladin of Toran entering another temple) able to follow.  Those players would wait for their team at the most sensible spot, not wander off on their own.
 You may band together to accomplish a difficult task.
 3) You have four hours to gather as many of the items as possible. You must  return to the start point within the time allowed to qualify. In the event of a tie, the team with the most items in the shortest time wins.  Time is recorded when at least 75% of the team is back. Last time we had some lag issues that almost disqualified a team - pay attention but I will make some allowances for slower computer systems.
 4) Some items will have enough for all teams to collect and others will be limited.  Limited items are a first come, first served basis.  You can, as stategy take multiple items unless I have a sign or tag not to.  This can be part of your strategy if you wish.  I will do my best to make the location as unabigious as possible, however as brilliant as a I am :p  I do not know every spawn on the server.  If you are after bees knees and find a source that I was unaware of, you may be out of luck.  This happened last time, I will try not to let it happen again.
 5) If you are playing on the servers while I am setting up - please don't take the items from the scavenger teams.
 6) There will be items that will require killing an animals/creatures to obtain and others that could be obtained by passive means or gathering.  This will allow more passive characters the choice to participate in a non violent manner without direct GM intervention, but choices and RP within the group are part of the fun. Items will be tagged special for the scavenger hunt such that raiding of guild hall supplies and personal stores will not give an advantage.
 7) Besides bragging rights, the winning team will have an undetermined prize pot and a "really nice item" to roll for within the group.  Second place will have a consolation prize for team members.
 Please note - this is for all levels.  There will be items that only an epic party might obtain and those that players of any level may obtain.  It it more about knowing where things are on the server and exploration than levels.  Please don't feel intimidated if you are a lower level.  This is a great oppertunity to explore and get to know your fellow players.
The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

General Discussion / Note concerning the quest series, The Artist.
« on: January 27, 2010, 01:27:34 pm »
My boss decided I need to help with a recruiting seminar this Saturday, which means I have to bump the quest a week to the 6th. Let me know if that works for you guys. I'm willing to consider other times- Sundays, even some times on weekdays- though I suspect that weekends will remain what works for most folks.
The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

General Discussion / I'm not dead!
« on: December 10, 2009, 02:44:04 am »
I am, however, busy busy busy with a new job.

Know though, my thoughts are with you all[SIZE=10](1)[/SIZE].



[SIZE=10](1) occasionally ... when they're not engaging in some fantasy involving Megan Fox.[/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

Important Layonara Announcements / All Servers Back Online
« on: December 03, 2009, 08:47:52 am »
Greetings everyone!

After a bit of a struggle and a bad power supply, everything is back up and running across the entire Layonara domain. This includes LORE (which is doing a character update as I type this).

So, thank you to everyone for your patience and understanding during this time. It's sincerely appreciated.

-- The Management
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NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Hlint
« on: December 01, 2009, 01:45:42 am »
LOL, this probably will give Dorg a heart attack after the last prolonged discussions about tweaking Hlint, but I couldn't help myself. ;)

I was driving on the freeway today and was pining for the days when Hlint was a hub of activity and roleplay. I of course know the people of Hlint are more than happy to be rid of troublemaking adventurers and am familiar with all of the reasons behind those feelings. Anyway, I was just thinking it would be sort of cool considering all of the destruction caused by tidal forces if the opportunity was taken somehow to shift things in the direction of how they used to be with a little town having all of the craft halls and other things that would cause us to gather in one particular area more often. Perhaps some sort of additional plot twist in the campaign... It was a lot of fun logging on at any point and time and having several people waiting right there to RP, or putting together expeditions, etc. I guess this is a little more like grasping at some nostalgia than a real suggestion, but what the heck. :rolleyes: And yes, I know all the arguments for doing what was done before as well, which were, and in some ways still are valid.
The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

General Discussion / Balance caster/none caster
« on: November 20, 2009, 08:56:48 am »
Caster vs none caster, this is my view of balance between casters and none casters on Layonara, let me start of by saying that I don't think you can ever make them even in regards to soloing. Why? From the simple fact that soloing=crowd control.
 This is the casters tools for it LORE: Encyclopedia of Spells and this the melee's tool LORE: Knockdown

that is of course rather bluntly put. Yes I left out devastating critical, from the simple fact that there isn't a player that has achieved the feat yet, secondly you can't get the feat till level 28 as a half-orc and 32 for races with a starting strength of max 18 in short meaning your utterly depend on caster or quests from 15ish and up. Going for quest then you likely won't make it in the nwn version, if you're lucky enough to travel with a caster regularly then it won't matter, you're character have access to the wards needed to survive
Some time ago (V3 I think) there was a much needed revamp of the spells in layonara, in general making the evocation school useful on epic levels again, and thereby making it possible for casters (mostly arcane casters) to be useful in a group without the use of instant death magic. I think it's time the same happened to the none-casters. The trick is.. how to do it with the least amount of work? Because let's face it, the team already got their hands full with the mmo. :D  

So I put on my thinking cap, rework all spawns making them smaller as suggest hmm sure but would in my opinion make the world a boring place when you're in a group, and it sounds like a huge work load as well.
Even if I do agree that the mob spawns is the number one reasons none casters can't solo (or travel in groups without a caster). I'll give an example Angela my level 40 melee has a ac of 51 unbuffed and deals out hmm around 14d6+ enchantments and strength etc (when sneak attacking). so clearly one on one she can hold her own, against a mob.. no way. I can't even take her into the first area in the deep, dark elves and spiders at around CR 20, and that is even though I can raise her AC to 60ish put up a shadow shield to get 50% miss chance and immunity to necromantic spells and death magic as well as mind immunity (gear) and an improved evasion reflex save on 50+ all in all making her completely immune to their damage spells. The fact is that the 10 dark elf rogues will surround her and with 7 attacks per around from duel wield will roll enough 20ish to kill her. Not only that but the time and the items (scrolls, scales) is making the risk/cost vs. reward to great.

I don't want to see casters nerfed, the changes to the Screechings in the Great Forest was a good start, the amount of spells a caster has to use balance out the risk/cost vs. reward (In my opinion) but is only dealing with half of the problem, it balance out the spawns for the casters not the none caster. But if none-casters should be able to travel around without a caster (In my opinion they should be able to but leaving the decision in the hands of the team as I'm not the one that will have to dedicate the hours into it, that is needed) then there are really only two choices

1: redo all spawns made for level 17 and above
2: change items to reduce the difference between a buffed and unbuffed character.

The problem is that the current spawns on Layonara are all build for groups with a caster in them. Meaning a spawn build for level 20 is build assuming your none-caster have a +4 weapon, buffs on stats, immunities to mind spells and death wards (due to the lack of clerics, healing potions and so were made more potent reducing the need to travel with a cleric)
Since there already is items' adding to stats, granting immunities etc, then the logical step would be to up weapon and armors something like this.

Weapons (meaning melee range, gloves or whatever a none caster uses)
+0 raised to +1
+1 raised to +2
+2 raised to +4
+3 raised to +6

Armors (same here all types of armor)
+0 raised to +1
+1 raised to +2
+2 raised to +4
+3 raised to +6

This in effect completely removes the need for gwm/mv and makes the gear follow the curve that layonara's critters are assuming you have,  since we haven't touched stats or immunities then a spawn is still going to be at the very least a huge challenge to any none caster.  Now, for the people arguing that this won't make the problem of soloing better. Then you're completely right, on the other hand that is not what I'm trying to do, I'm trying to put balance between casters and none caster in regard to how the spawns are now on Layonara. Doing these changes will in my opinion give none-casters a fighting chance to do the same as casters can, Solo in a way where risk/cost is balance out with the reward or travel in a group without the need of a caster to ward them.
So for me balance comes down to this:
Should a player be able to solo?

if the balance between risk/cost vs. reward is fair yes

Should all classes at the very least have a fighting chance to do it then?

YES YES YES! Imo Layo's problem isn't that a caster can solo it's that a none caster can't

If your answer instead is no, players shouldn't be able to solo at all:

Added a few creatures to every spawn, give them 50+ in all saves, true sight, perm haste, immunity to mind spells and 1000+ hp. That will add a creatures your caster can't kill with spells but a buffed up melee can with the cost of a lot of healing

Another option is to do a complete remake of every single spawn, making them in a way that a none caster can deal with, but that will also mean you need to reduce their number or people who can group with a caster is going to fly though the xp chart at the speed of light.

In my opinion the best choice is to up gear as suggest in my post so it reflect the spawns as they are already build, it would also mean that your crafter no longer feels frustrated over the xxxxx hours he/she used perfecting a craft are in a mechanical sense useless since your fighter is better of getting a bronze weapon and have a gmw cast on it. It will push the balance between a caster and a none-caster closer to equal (casters would still hold the advantage)
Of course.. all this is assuming that the team have the time to make these changes :)
Feel free to comment, I'm looking forward to hearing it

The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

General Discussion / Lest We Forget
« on: November 11, 2009, 02:08:26 am »
YouTube - A Pittance of Time - Terry Kelly
 I hope at the 11th hour you take the time to pay respect.
The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

Poetic License / Song for Joyful Pandemonium
« on: November 08, 2009, 11:19:35 am »
Rockhead Howling Wolf, Dwarf and bard quickly spends the 20 true Joyful paid him for a song on ale.

"blast it all!  I should have asked fer a hunnerd" he grumbles.

he hastily composes, drafts it onto parchment and posts it in the tavern for all to see as he promised notoriety. The note says the young woman still owes 10 true . the figure is crossed out and it now says 30 true.

The song reads.

I Hear a whisper in the trees,
a wondrous sound upon the breeze,
my restless thoughts it does appease,
Its Joyful!

She runs through forest, hand on bow,
her tread as light as new fell snow,
and none can spot her, friend nor foe,
Its Joyful!

A mighty elf with heart aflame,
she hunts the goblin, hunts the game,
and all will shout with one acclaim,
It's Joyful.

He finishes the ale and looks about for another customer as his belly is a long way from full.
The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

Character Library / Welcome to the Character Library!
« on: November 03, 2009, 08:20:07 pm »
Welcome to the Character Library! This forum is a collection of player-written character ideas intended to be shared with the community. Here, players can leave character ideas they do not have the time to create themselves, or browse for inspiration and find character biographies in various stages of completion to submit to the Character Submission forums.

Warning! If you are looking for a prewritten character completely ready for approval, you want the Character Stable

Alright, warnings dispensed, if a place to write, read, share and borrow character biographies, player to player, sounds interesting to you, read on for more information ...

Purpose of the Character Library

Once the Character Stable got into full swing, it became obvious that there was an unanswered need in the Community.  We have players who have detailed/interesting/unusual character ideas, but no time to make a new character!

This, then, is the place to put these ideas, and also the place to find such ideas if you're looking.  If you have a great idea for a Dark Elf Druid, or a Deep Gnome cleric of Sulterio, or a wizard who can't cast fire spells because he's terrified of fire... or, really, any character idea in any stage of completion that does not meet the submission guidelines for the Character Stable, this is the place for you!

Donating to the Forum

If you are "donating" character ideas, simply post characters here in the same manner you would in the Character Stable or Character Submission forums.  It's that easy. If someone reads your biography or idea and would like to use it, they will post in the thread and you will grant permission. However, keep in mind that if you become inactive, we will assume tacit approval for requests for use not answered within ten days. Please don't post character discussion here, or posts that are not character biographies or descriptions.  As with the Stable, this forum is Character posts only.

Please do not PM GMs or CAs about these characters - this forum is (aside from abuse prevention) effectively GM-hands-off.  Which brings us to ...

Using Posted Characters

If you intend to use a character that has been posted to this forum, your negotiation is with the player who posted it.  Simply make a post to a character thread indicating your intention, and work out the use of the character with them.  If the player in question is no longer active, a request to use a character which remains unanswered for ten days is treated as a tacit authorization for use.

Once a character has been "released" into your care, it is your responsibility to get it ready for approval.  The approval process is in your hands; the GM/CA team will not be revising these submissions for auto-approval. Furthermore, the player who will actually be playing the character must meet any requirements for restricted alignments, etc. If you're looking for an automatic approval, that is what the Stable is for.

So, indulge your creativity here, or browse through the wonderful ideas of others from our community--and maybe your character ideas will be brought to life!
The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

Rumour Has It / One Fine Afternoon in Port Hempstead, A Man Comes Singing
« on: November 02, 2009, 12:56:07 pm »
*The tall and lean bard returns to the fountain some weeks later, his red velvet coat now slashed and re-stitched and still showing residual stains of deeper red despite clearly having been washed.  He hops up on a stone bench, much in the same place he was when he told his tale of the will-o-wisp, and begins to call to people out doing buisness or enjoying the day.*

Come one, come all - a tale of battle and blood, of foes vanquished, from an eyewitness! Come, come and hear!

*A slightly larger crowd gathers after a short while.  He clears this throat, sings a quick scale.*

I would dedicate this to the fierce spell-slingers and weapon-wielders who took me into battle with them, and let a bard of little power see what bravery really looks like.

*He then sings forth in a deep tenor, his voice echoing across the flagstones and off the walls of the city.*

This day beneath Bear Island hills,
Before my light-seared eyes,
The ground awash in bloody kills -
We march forth to the prize!

*He drops a register for the chorus*

Hold your ground give not an inch
Though lightning tear around thee
Hold your ground, do not flinch
Before us they will flee

Pressing on through fur and claw, *He makes slashing motions*
Bearing wounds aplenty, *He holds his side and sags*
We battle on with firm-set jaw -
Five and ten and twenty!

Hold your ground give not an inch
Though lightning tear around thee
Hold your ground, do not flinch
Before us they will flee

Bugbears fierce with gleaming tooth,
Gather by their altar,
Holding forth our hard-won truth -
Still we do not falter!

Hold your ground give not an inch
Though lightning tear around thee
Hold your ground, do not flinch
Before us they will flee

We drag our dead and battle out, *He bends wearily, arm extended behind*
Victory at hand,
Ahead a shout and falls our scout-
We make our final stand!

Hold your ground give not an inch
Though lightning tear around thee
Hold your ground, do not flinch
Before us they will flee

One last battle by the door,
My companions falling round me,
My clothing soaked in battle gore -
With battle-horn sounding east!

*He raises his voice an octave for the last chorus*

Flee your ground, get out alive
Before they gather more
Flee your ground, get out alive
So we'll live to the shore!

*He bows as the audience applauds, and bows again and once more before stepping down and strolling toward a food vendor, still humming the rousing tune.*
The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

Rumour Has It / After the Storytelling at the Crossroads...
« on: October 30, 2009, 11:27:50 am »
*A man strolls to the fountain on a windy evening in Port Hempstead.  He's tall, well over six feet, slender but not skinny with walnut-dark skin.  His long black hair rustles in the gathering breeze as he hops on a bench facing out toward the massive wooden gates.  His strong tenor carries over the stone-paved square.*

Ladies, Gentlemen, I bid you to sit so that I, Andrew Reid, might bring you a tale, both spoken and sung, from oceans away.  A tale of greed, murder, and comeuppance, but no less horrible for that.  This is the story of a Hi no Tana, what you call a will o' wisp.

*He gestures, and a small group of people gather -- a few shopkeepers and market women, heads cocked in skeptic anticipation; several giggling children; and two finely dressed elven men.*

I share this as I've just earned a prize in a contest *he holds aloft a lantern of a carved pumpkin, the cut-out smile either warm and vaguely frightening depending on the viewer* and I'm feeling rather good about it. So perhaps my simple joy will spread to you.

*He clears his throat softly*. Once, years before even you children of Voltrex *nods to the elves* were laid for the first time into your mother's arms, there was a bog, a little bog, skirting the shores near a port city far, far away.

The legends spoke of a chest fully as long as a man and twice as wide *he gestures a double-wide coffin shape with his hands*, full of stolen diamonds and emeralds, deep in the center of this little bog. A clever raider had supposedly stolen these gems from the dark elves of the Deep and buried them in the bog while under pursuit so he could get them when the commotion died down.

But that unnamed pirate of old never returned for them; at least, he was never seen or heard from again. *He bends a little toward the audience, gesturing as he speaks*

What that pirate didn't know?  That everyone avoided this place.  The bog trembled, shook as a sleeping man does when he's having a nightmare; little tremors, hither and thither *he quivers his hand across the air*.  The ground would feel solid as wood, make a confident tap-tap under one's boots, until it SUDDENLY *he ducks into a crouch* would give way, dousing one into the stinking muck, and sucking at boots, feet and legs as if it didn't want to let go.  And the bog was haunted -- haunted by the spirits of every man, woman, and child that had ever been sucked beneath the slimy surface.

Time passed, and by and by locals started speaking of a globe of light moving over the marshy ground and hearing a thready voice singing on bleak, dark nights in the haunted bog.  They spoke of a song of treasure untold...

*He begins to sing, his deep tenor restrained to a hoarse whisper.*

"Come see my treasure, come over here...buried 'neath the quaking earth...glimmer, glitter, sparkle, me and it's yours...

Search beneath, down, under...deep they came and deep you beyond your wildest me and it's yours..."

Well.  Word of this song got around town, spreading like only a rumor -- or a bad rash -- can.  Most sane folks continued to avoid the area.  Fear of spirits and the evil they can say and do is strong, and for good reason.

But.  There is always a but, isn't there? But, there were two men who were skeptical, desperate, and poor enough to start planning liberation of the captive gems.  They acquired shovels, rope, gaffes, prying bars, staves, planks, and lanterns *motions as if he were packing things*; and one chill winter night, under the black blanket of a new moon, they set off to lay claim to the reputed treasure.

It was not a long trek, but the walk left them numb with cold.  

The battered sand road that ran parallel to the beach seemed normal enough; but as they drew closer to the bog, icy tendrils of wind like cold little breaths came at them, whispering down their cloaks and around their gloves. *He shivers, rubbing his arms.*

After quite a time, lugging all their equipment, they reached the marshy area.  The two men immediately began to lay a path to the center with the planks.  When they reached the center of the bog, and only then, did they hear the singing.

*His voice once again drops, now an eerie whisper that still manages to echo in the square.*

"Seekers, brave, here you are, but only one will leave...riches great but greed is greater, one sets to deceive...who will win the prize, my seekers?  Who will set me free?...And who will bleed in this wet grave, to join the rotting debris?"

*He looks around, pantomiming fear*

Nervous though they were, still the desire for wealth without work won the day.  Giving each other suspicious glances, they set to probing for the chest.  The moment the gaffe dipped into the slime and muck, the song continued, and from behind them there was light...

"Who wishes to see someone dying, who wishes to sees someone dead?  Who has even now, a heavy wood bough, to crack over someone's ripe head?"

The men stopped, turned, and stared at each other.  One had the wooden-handled gaffe; the other held a wooden stave.  Behind them, a circular light about the size of a fist was darting back and forth.  *He reaches behind him, mumbling a spell, and brings his hands around -- there is a clear stone in his hand, surrounded by a nimbus of light.  He holds the stone, weaving it before him as if the light were bobbing about*  

But the men didn't seem to notice.

The men held up their weapons, eyes locked together.  Again the thin, reedy whisper *he swings the light-spelled rock in excited circles and again sings in a ghostly voice*:

"Only one can live, but two want riches...who will strike first?  Whose weapon twitches?"

The man holding the staff swung, but the gaffe hit first - dead center in the other man's chest.  *He falls back, clutching his chest*.  The man with the staff flew back into the mire, sinking ever so slowly as the light flared and throbbed.  *He murmurs some arcane words and the bobbing light bursts into a brief but eye-searing ball of light, streaks of it leaving trails in the eyes of the audience.*

The man with the gaffe turned and sunk deep in the center, sparing not a moment to look at his still-breathing former friend dying by degrees behind him.  His eyes gleamed, and still he did not seem to notice the light.  His gaffe hooked something -- he tugged, eager, leaning forward to hook whatever heavy object he'd found.  *The bard kneels on the bench and makes pulling motions.*

But the object was heavy -- and in his blind desire, he fell into the muck.  Struggling to hold the gaffe and his treasure, kicking and reaching for something solid, his panicked eyes finally alighted on the aura of light --

"Take hold now, grab on, and preserved you'll be -- reach for the light, reach for me..."

He thrust up his hand, but as his fingers touched the nimbus, he screamed, for the light now seemed to suck on his fingertips with a vampiric force. *He moans, holding out the glowing stone up toward the sky with a shaking hand.*  His eyes sunk back, his teeth rattled, and slowly the light shifted color -- the white lifting, dissipating, while a sickly yellow crept in.

And as the white light faded into the coal dark sky, one last song was heard...

"You preserved and I am free and bound no more because of now guard a treasure clutch of gems and baubles you may not touch..."

And the last sound heard was of soft, mad laughter drifting on the swamp breezes.

The ochre-yellow light remained, frantically dashing about, here, there, stopping to buzz over the dead companion, then returning to the single arm still reaching out of the bog water, fingers reaching skyward in a supplicating plea....

*He dashes the lighted stone around, here, there, as a scared child looking for its mother.*

But the bodies sank, both of them.  And children in the town of my birth know to stay away from that bog...and to keep avarice and greed from their hearts, so not to be seduced by the song of evil.

*He bows to scattered applause, more from the children than the adults, and juggles the glowing stone (badly) for the little knot of eager young faces. He then drops the stone into the hand of a girl no more than eight years old and closes her fingers over it.*  The light will fade in a few hours, lovely litte one, but until then...*She squeals her delight and the children run off after making sure he had no more glowing rocks, playing with the light-spelled stone and pretending to be wisps in the evening dusk.*
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General Discussion / Thank You
« on: October 25, 2009, 06:18:48 am »
A big Thank You to all the gm's who took the time and helped with The Becoming the Beast Party.  Helping with set-up, costumes, fireworks, and the dreaded clean up.  So thank you to Osxmallard, Carillon, Miltonyorkcastle, and Lord Cove.

And, Thank You to all the players that made the event fun and enjoyable.  Great costumes, great rp...and most were able to tolerate Essa's singing:D
The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Put in an "invisible" helmet...
« on: October 20, 2009, 01:41:00 pm »
These could symbolize tiaras, crowns, circlets, and other non-face obscuring features.
The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

General Discussion / Common Courtesy
« on: September 24, 2009, 08:13:08 am »
A few thoughts after having read this thread

While there is nothing wrong is asking question in order to better understand any event, then do please bear in mind what is ooc and what is ic. In this case the post was made IC in a IC forum, but out of the 25 posts so far only 2 of them are ic, and frankly most of them are completely unrelated to the event and deals with rules regarding magic dead areas, which should have been taken up in either or

Do please remember that there is a player who has taken time to make this, give him/her the same courtesy you would give a dm setting time aside to run a quest, or such events are sure to die out. And really, dont post links to different player events in the same thread, IMO that is extremely rude and belittles the effort the player put into the event. And read the event over before starting to ask questions a competition among fighters and those who think they can stand a fight in range of a melee weapon. Everyone is welcome for this even, may it be to attend as a fighter and prove ones skill with a weapon, or just to watch the combatants fight.[/i]

In this case I cant see how the player could have been more clear to his/hers intent, as already being said not every event is for every character, if the event dont fit you make one that does. All the more fun for us all, but please dont take it out on the person who actually bothered to try and make something fun
The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

The Dragon Storm Campaign / On The Way To Krandor
« on: September 15, 2009, 08:21:58 pm »
*While the group from Hlint is camped, Jennara explains more about what the Path is.*

About thirty-five years ago, I was made aware of an ancient book.  I should never have known of it, but it was taken by those who would misuse it and I was called upon to recover it by the Heavenly Servant.  With the help of many others, the book was recovered.

This book is the journal of Tuhral Araljan.  He was a general serving the dragons long, long ago, and fought against Sinthar Bloodstone in those ancient wars.  That was, of course, before Bloodstone was banished.  It is not simply a journal, though.  Tuhral Araljan was believed to have been killed several times, yet somehow always returned later on another battlefield.  By some magical means, the journal creates the Path of the Claw.  That is what we call it, anyway; it apparently has no real name.  The Path calls around the world, most strongly, I believe, to those who can change their shape by some more natural means, like the Druids.  It can attract anyone, however, and will pull more strongly on those who are closer.  The call is a lie, or perhaps it should be 'the calls are lies.'  The Path makes promises and offers...
*She shrugs.*  ... whatever is most desired by each, I suppose.  The stronger the mind, the easier the lies are ignored.  Perhaps certain personality types are more easily swayed, also.

Do not misunderstand.  The Path is not a fixed place.  You cannot simply go there the same way we are going to Krandor.  Decades ago, it was centered somewhere in the Mountains of Storms, most likely because the journal had been triggered nearby.  

The purpose of the Path is to create combatants.  Their description is similar to the description of Tuhral Araljan - especially strong and very dangerous in combat, almost impossible to overcome and kill.  Whole units of these skirmishers were fielded during those wars.  It also seems the Path will make a shapeshifter of any who are not.  It is a dangerous trial, though.  Only one person can emerge from the Path victorious, and many die trying.  I do not know if those caught in the lies are made to feel threatened and paranoid purposely by the Path, or if that is simply an unintended consequence that serves its purpose.

Much more recently...  
*She pauses and sighs, frowning.*  ... the journal was stolen by the Green Dragon Cult.  I can only guess how they knew of the journal, though that is not important.  A reasonable case can be made that the journal is what they came to Mistone for, but that is for another time.  A rather large gathering of adventurers and mercenaries gathered outside Fort Vehl...  Maybe you saw the postings several months ago on various message boards offering gold and danger.  This was an arrangement by another individual to prepare a... makeshift army to wait for some sign of the journal.  I had previously been informed by the Church that the journal had been stolen... again... and was then independently contacted by the individual and asked to address the gathered group, thus making this, in some way, my makeshift army.  *She shakes her head a little.*

We were too late, though.  The Path had been opened again.  Maybe some of you felt its pull.  We tracked it to the Hammerbound Peaks.  Near the foothills, an injured horseman was encountered and we learned of the Cultist army marching for Fort Hurix.  Our group divided, many going to help the city and the rest continuing into the mountains.  I will tell that story another day, and will tell this one much better, also.  For now, know that through great hardships... *She glances at Argali briefly.*  ... our group recovered the journal again, and that it has been taken elsewhere to be kept safely.

What is important from that untold story, for now, is that we were aware of three of our group and six Cultists entering the final trials of the Path.  I have spoken to two of the three from our group since then, neither of whom completed the Path.  I do not know how many others may have reached the final trials before we arrived.  We did not see the faces of all the Cultists, though most were clearly not shaped as this man.  
*She indicates 'Ben.'*  Two looked dwarven or deep dwarven, one was taller and broader than this man, one looked like a human or elven woman, and one was scaly, green, and winged.  If this man has been through the Path successfully, he could be the Cultist who spoke to us within the Path, or may be a druid or someone else who arrived before us.  He may, though, have come to have his current affliction without any experience of the Path.  Clearly, though, with the dangers inherent in one who has completed the Path, it would be good to know one way or the other, which is why so many have made so much mention of the Path so far.
The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

General Discussion / It's not that I don't -want- to play...
« on: August 19, 2009, 06:33:39 pm »
I have the feeling that I am going to get busy soon.

Tomorrow (ack! so soon!) I start my career as a PhD student. I was accepted into a communication disorders program, and while I think this is super cool, I don't know much about the field so far.

For those that I enjoy playing with (which is everyone I come in contact with), I just wanted to let y'all know it isn't you, it's me ;)
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