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Messages - RollinsCat

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General Discussion / Death of a *coughs* Maiden
« on: June 06, 2010, 03:28:52 pm »
*Durgen casually enters the tavern keeping his eye on the corners of the place as he usually does for signs that this may not be safest place to drink.

Picking a dead leaf out of his beard, he takes a seat at a table near the door.  As the not-so-pretty barmaid starts to near his table, he overhears two young, muscled looking fellows talking about a scantly dressed woman who called herself a Xeenite priestess.  After drinking round for round with these two louts, she stated she had her fill with them and was going to look for some real men to party with.  With a long kiss for each of them she sauntered out of the tavern and set a course for The Rolling Hills.

The next morning her body had been found, laying at a very awkward angle.  It appeared she had run into a band of madmen that roam around those parts.

"What was her name again?"
 The second replied, "It was Hedessa.  Man could she drink.  And those legs...."  The fellow just shook his head with a grin before changing to a somber look.

"Huh?" says Durgen.  The barmaid, not so patiently repeats "I said are ya just gonna sit there or do you want something to drink?"

"I be 'avin an ale" he says absently.  Then quickly states  "Naw, oi'll be 'avin one of dem Xeenite wines if ye 'ave somethin loike dat."  The barmaid looks at the dwarf curiously.  "I'll go find out."

After a fashion, the barmaid returns.  "Apparently some woman drank nearly everything we had.  I have this" she says as she sets a glass down "but I think it has turned."

Minutes pass after the barmaid leaves the table, the dwarf sniffs the glass and wrinkles his nose.  
"Well Essa, ye always be a pain in me rear.  Naw ya got me drinkin' dis nasty stuff."

"What kin oi say, ye loiked ta 'ave fun, party ta wee hours in da mornin' with sailors, an use dat whip of yers ta beat both enemy an' social acquaintance, from whot oi 'ere, in ta submission.  And, durn it, ye tended ta git da best of me in our verbal barbs.  Oi guess oi'm jus sorry oi could nah be der when ye died.  Ye must 'ave found fellas dat loiked ta party a bit too rough."

"All oi kin say naw is dat oi got da last word in", he pauses, "but dat do nah really feel loike a victory."  

Durgen raises his glass and to no one in particular says "to Hedessa Tanario, may ye be buried with a smile on yer face an' wine in yer flask."

Finishing the turned wine, the dwarf nearly chokes.  "By da gods, oi kin nah believe dis did nah get ya first."  He throws far too much true on the table and leaves out the front door.
The following users thanked this post: RollinsCat

Rumour Has It / Murder in Stormcrest
« on: June 05, 2010, 02:31:16 am »
*Griff Silversand makes his way to the Rofireinite temple in Vehl and reports witnessing the murder of Andrew Reid*

I was walkn me ox n heard some magics off by the big tee in Stormcrest.  I stopped n watchen n saw two folks magicn up.  I don't know what spells deh were castn.  One fella was in all black n deh oter fella, Andrew Reid, was in red.  Deh feller in black was doin most ov deh castn.  At one point Andrew came wandern round deh tree n looked loike he was dazed er sometin.  Dats wen deh feller in black started teh unleash on em wit oter spells n killed deh lad.  I tried teh make my way der, but me stupid ox trapped meh on deh bridge loike.  By deh toime I got der Andrew laid dead n my healer I trew went teh waste.

Deh feller in black claimed it was self defense, but den went down n collected soma Andrew's blood in a vial.  I don't believe em.  Den deh feller in black went invisible or disappeared loike.  Deh feller in black had a acid glowin one-handed sword, seemed teh be elf in posture, and had n all black robe on with spoike stuff near his head n neck....really creepy lookin evil magicer toype.

Andrew came back a bit after he visited his stone n said it was cold blooded murder.  I believe em.  Ye should put a watch out fer dat dark feller I'm telln ya and bring em in ifn ye can.  Meh buddy Zig came up just after Andrew was killed n can be a witness teh what he saw te.

*leaves his name and a way to reach him if he's needed as a witness or for further questioning*
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General Discussion / Krandor Hospital guild
« on: May 20, 2010, 02:13:23 pm »
We got our forum now and fair deal to discuss and plan.

To get access to the forum select the "my account menu" chose "edit options" and then at the bottom "group membership".

Krandor Hospital should then be listed under the user groups.

If you need the final version of the charter sent to Leanthar before joining, pm me and I will send it. It is essentially identical to the sent to all interested parties with a slight modification of "the Oath" concerning toranites.

And to all others:
The guild is open to all; that is to say its open to all who can accept the charter and can be accepted by the charter.

The following users thanked this post: RollinsCat

Rumour Has It / An angry half-orc washes up in Vehl
« on: May 04, 2010, 03:24:46 pm »
Reports are heard in Fort Vehl regarding a half-orc who has come in on a small fishing boat, the original crew who set sail on it now missing.

The half-orc heads towards the One-Eyed Harpy.  He is dressed in darker attire with some blood staining in the cloth and answers to the name Jericho.
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Roleplaying / GM challenge
« on: May 01, 2010, 05:26:42 pm »
I want to test myself as a GM and gather some inspirational ideas from the general population. This is my challenge.

I would like for you to make up a NPC character profile that I have to use in an adventure. All the NPCs that get PM'd to me will have an active part in the same adventure, as long as they meet lore standards. If I have a problem with your character I'll let you know so you can edit it.

-I ask that you send no more then two NPC character submissions from any single person.

-I reserve the right to rename the NPC. That way you do not know who it is if you are apart of the adventure.

-Do not post the profile in this thread. PM it to me.

-Same rules for PC generation should apply to these NPCs


P.S. if any GMs want to help collaborate on making this adventure just let me know.
The following users thanked this post: RollinsCat

General Discussion / I'm Back!
« on: April 23, 2010, 12:31:26 am »
I took a brief, informal, and consequently (and irresponsibly) unannounced hiatus from Layonara over the past couple of weeks, in an effort to recharge.

And I am recharged. *grins*

So PMs in my inbox, I will be getting to you shortly.

Before that, however, the conclusion to the latest installment of the Tradeskills Quests (Armorsmithing) will be running on Saturday morning, PST.  The event will be in the calendar shortly.  So too will a number of the subsequent Tradeskills Quests - check the calendar and sign your characters up! :)

I apologize for anyone I may have left hanging, but I needed the time to get my head back to working properly.  And now, let the games begin!
The following users thanked this post: RollinsCat

Rumour Has It / Mutterings and tavern talk in the Northern Gem
« on: April 07, 2010, 06:02:12 pm »
A few brave or slightly crazy souls tell of a woman, one of Leringard's local singers, that had in recent months revamped her wardrobe and added a body guard to her retinue. She, who once wore neat and colorful but plain clothes as she sang her way to a dinner and a bed, now appeared in foreign silk finery. Perfumes and daily bathing (because she could apparently now afford such) brought her renewed popularity, desired attention.

What caused her transformation is unknown. Known, however, is that she took to singing edgy new songs along with her old tunes, and that within weeks after her new found glory, she was seen with a black eye and without the silk dress, refusing her previous invitations to sing at popular taverns. And without her bodyguard.

Some speculate a noble made a pass at her and she refused him. Others think that perhaps her new songs were a bit too politically charged in the wrong direction. Most think she just got mugged.
The following users thanked this post: RollinsCat

Development Journals and Discussion / Will's Black Book of thoughts...
« on: April 03, 2010, 04:49:42 pm » (//Character Sub//)

*this little black book's cover is stained with ink blots and has various scuffs over it's front. Upon opening it looks just like a normal notebook, the blank pages however have a strange but unusually artistic sort of handwriting upon them.*

Willow lies back on her bunk, pulling out the book and she starts to write...

I did it. I got onto the boat, they think I am William. I tried hard to fit in with the other lads, which may sound impossible for someone like me, someone who doesn't fit in anywhere. I enjoyed disguising myself, pretending I was someone else. Somehow they accepted me as part of the crew. For once in my life, I actually felt I might belong...
I was looking forward to being aboard, ships always remind me of home .... I liked being on them. Although mainly, I really need the coin.
It was just going to be a cruise, I'd take some orders, I'd get some of the spoils.
But things are never that easy.

There was a big man, I hated him with a fury. His name was Jericho. When first boarding the ship, I asked a question and he moved my way staring down at me. I stared back up resolute, though I was shaking a little. I always got nervous around people, I was always shy around people, and I hated that. It made me look weak. He punched me soundly in the eye, and I fell to the ground with a thud like it was effortless for him.
I felt my anger raging inside...
Then I felt a hand at my shoulder.. looking to the side I saw no-one was next to me. Then I heard that amused chuckle again.
'My my, what a temper... Keep it in check dear, before they make you walk the plank...' Another manical laugh that slowly echoed away. I was glad it shut up already.

I got to know the rest of the recruits... there was Jimmy, another Tilmarian. I started to trust him a little at first but the way he keeps smiling my way... as if he knows something, knows my secret, that scared me... perhaps I wouldn't get far after all.
Then there was Purple, a dwarf with a ridiculously fancy outfit who ended up being the ship's cook. I don't think he could really harm a fly so I needn't be wary of him I don't feel.
Among the others were Kurn, who knew his stuff when it came to boats, the little mischievous Nonac, A big man with one eye, and the one they call "Naster." The two latter are the ones I trust least of all.

At one point Jimmy was ordered to have dinner with the captain although I did catch the First Mate mentioning there was a chance she'd slit his throat being the way she is. Whether he was joking or not, I kept to the shadows and slowly followed. I had a bad feeling about this Captain, and I intended on finding out the reasons for these things. Perhaps it was just my hopes that the other 'recruits' would 'understand' me and that I actually might make some friends. I was doubtful though, I have to say. Some of them had made me laugh harder than I had in years with their sea shanties... maybe they were misfits too. I'd soon find out ...I was sure.

While debating this in my head, hiding behind something and dropping eaves, I heard the Captain tell him to go and pick a fight with one of us.
My instincts were right, something was up.
I had a plan in my head already... I asked myself why I was helping this man.
I honestly don't know, only that I did.

I tried to whisper to him to fight me on the way up as I caught up. He looked surprised and I could tell he was about to argue but I explained I could act it out, let him win. That way he'd be completing the order without ending up a bloody corpse on the floor. That would certainly ruin my plans to have some allies for once instead of trying to do everything alone...
It was actually working pretty well. One of us would swing a punch and stop before it him them, then we'd pretend to react to the pain. I laughed a little and was enjoying the fighting and the competition so much I almost forgot I was supposed to be letting him win.. but the crew fell for our act the whole time and I pretended to be knocked out after some pummeling.

I lay still and held my breath as the wind blew lightly. Then I heard some stomping... it got louder. And louder.
Suddenly I was lifted off the ground like a feather and slung over a shoulder.
"Time to take out the trash." Jericho grunted. I opened one eye a crack. The last time he'd said that... he'd tossed one of the crew overboard...
What an idiot I was!
Maybe I really would have been better off alone, maybe I would have been stronger.
Anger is what makes you strong... I should have known that.
I panicked as death loomed before me.
Some of the other crew were talking, I couldn't make out what they were saying. I struggled but couldn't get free.
He started to move closer to the ships edge.
Was my life really over at nineteen?
Apparently not as I was tossed and my back slammed against the sides of the ship. I struggled to my feet, and he told me to jump. I drew my sword. He laughed in my face.

I wasn't going to go down without a fight!
With the rain beating down I gripped my blade and growled, and I noticed some of the others coming over, Nonac was hiding a trap near me.
Jericho stormed over and I managed to get in a blow, but he was too strong and I got beaten to the ground.
I never thought the others would help me.
But they did, they saved me.  
As I lay on the ground ... I thought... maybe they do care. Maybe I was wrong. Friends do make you stronger. I helped someone, and they helped me back. Is this what having a friend is like? I can't remember. I never thought the world was a very fair place. Maybe I was wrong...

Maybe I was wrong...

The book snaps shut.

Looking over at the others in their bunks, her hard features soften a little and she turns over pulling up the covers.

A small cackle 'Wiiillloooow...'

"Go away." I grumble.

'Now now, is that any way to treat me, how inconsiderate. And I have to say it looks like you're getting soft...!' The Voice scoffs.


'Willow! You can't just blank me like this!'

"Watch me." I pull the covers over my head to sleep, a smile spreading on my face.
The following users thanked this post: RollinsCat

Rumour Has It / Fort Vehl: Seeking Crewmen for Adventure
« on: March 26, 2010, 07:51:35 pm »
*A poster appears at the dock area of Fort Vehl *




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Layonara Server / Masterjack's Layonara team application
« on: March 08, 2010, 11:36:58 am »
This is being posted as per post # 15 from this thread.

1. What position are you applying for?


2. How long have you been a member of Layonara?

Since April 2006

3. Why do you want to be a GM or LORE team member in Layonara?

I love Layo and what everyone has done to it to make it so interesting. My current work position has given me a lot of free time away from my family.  So why not help out my Layo family when I can.

Secondly I find myself wanting to bring more of Layo to life then just my character. I think being a GM is the best way for me to do that.

Thirdly, I miss making adventures. My son and I have been working together to keep a campaign going for his friends for about two years now. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Sadly my son went off to college.

4. What characteristics make you well suited to the position of GM/LORE team member?

I'm patient, tolerant and work well with others. I also have an over active imagination.

5. Please read through the GM/LORE team duties and qualifications, if you have not already. In light of these obligations, what other responsibilities (either Layonara-related or real life) could affect your Team performance and how would you balance these?

I work for the Canadian military, that alone is a big responsibility. I can be called away at a moments notice to go any where to do almost anything. My current posting makes that extremely unlikely thought not impossible. Usually I get plenty of notice before I have to go somewhere so I should be able work around it or take a small sabbatical.

The second responsibility would be my family. I'm currently posted away from them till at least summer 2011, so that should not be a problem. Also my children are in college.

6. Are you a member of any other Layonara teams? If so and you are accepted as a GM/LORE team member, how do you plan to balance your new role and your current role?


7. Please describe any DM/GM experience, including any NWN GMing experience. Please note that GMing experience is not required for an application to be considered.

I have GM'd / DM'd plenty of games since the early 80s. To be honest most of them pale in comparison to Layo standards. Most of my experience comes from helping my son create an on going campaign for his friends for the last 2 years. I have not DM'd using NWN.

8. Are you applying as a part time or full time quest GM? (Please note the GMing time commitments as specified under GM duties.)

For the first year I can to do it full time but would have to go to part time after that. So I'll just apply for part time and do more then expected.

9. I'll PM my quest summary with in a day or so.
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Layonara Server / Please Welcome To The Team ...
« on: February 15, 2010, 07:13:42 pm »
The Layonara Team is pleased to welcome three new Gamemasters and four new Lore editors onto the Team!

Please join us in congratulating and welcoming our three new Gamemasters: Aerimor, thedagda and Lance Stargazer. We have every confidence they will succeed in their new positions and we will see some great quests from these individuals once they are finished their mentoring period! We are very excited to be inviting them on board.

Please also join us in welcoming and congratulating our new Lore Editors: Cinnabar, cbnicholson, Asmodean and Spike. We look forward to working with all four of you, and we are thankful for your help in making the LORE site as accessible and up-to-date as possible.

Thank you to all who applied. The Team was gratified by the enthusiasm from the community, and we feel fortunate to be a part of a community with so many membres who are eager to give back in any way they can.

The following users thanked this post: RollinsCat

Rumour Has It / Tales of the Heart
« on: February 14, 2010, 02:08:01 am »
In Hlint last year, I was privileged to attend a storytelling held by a number of Bards and adventurers upon the topic well known in the holy temple of Ilsare: Love.   What follows is my true and complete copy of the stories that were told.

Because these stories are not mine, I choose to remain anonymous.  So though I am certain certain members of the temple will recognize my pen, I ask for them not to unmask this devoted, yet humble, priestess.

The event was structured by the Master of Ceremonies as a contest.  Each had to be a tale of aspect of love, romance, or desire.  Each also had to present some sort of moral.

The best tale awarded a prize.   The contestants, in order, were:

Andrew Reid, a deliciously handsome bard
Laaren LeMeele, a nearly angelic blonde human woman
Timulty Keel, an ancient human wizard, pretenaturally young
Zarianna, an adventuring sorceress
Jaelle Thornwood, yes - the Jaelle - legendary Sorceress and Illusionist
Morunas Khan Val, a disciplined, yet oddly peaceful dwarven monk
Darthire Zhalberen, a beautiful, yet alien, silver-metal haired elf

Each story follows, as best as I was able to scribe them....
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Trade and Market Hall / Poster in the Vehl Tradehall
« on: February 08, 2010, 09:11:54 pm »
*posted in Vehl, a rather large poster*

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Layonara Server / Version 3.21.6 is online
« on: January 27, 2010, 05:52:52 pm »
[SIZE=24]Version 3.21.6 is online![/SIZE]
This is another small one, consisting mostly of quick fixes.
  • Tile fixes to recent remodel to 237 Haft Lake District
  • Angels Guild hall remodel
  • Fix facing directions on transitions into Prantz from adjacent areas
  • Fix descriptions on several beverages and other items to fix typos and lore issues
  • Fix typo in Marrent Aylomen's conversation
  • Fix seating in the Mithril Anvil
  • Horse speed selection works again
  • Staff in The Jhemina Inn in Sadinia no longer say "Unicorn"
  • Remove Stoneskin visual from Creekskipper's Defense
  • Adjust spawn points in a few Great Forest areas
  • Rename Near Fort Laer to Near Fort Rael
  • Some adjustments to the loot drop tables
  • Fix area tagging for 250 Prantz - Haft Lake District
  • Remove some too-happy music from the Deep
  • Area update for plot reasons
  • Fix some missing respawn timers
  • Adjustment of spawns in Sharawood
  • Rename West of Corax Lake to East of Corax Lake...because it is
  • Fix facing of Lor bank exit
  • Added some new plot-relevant creatures
There it is!  Thanks to those who supplied input to this, and also to Minerva for her plot areas and to Alatriel for her help with remodels.

There are no downloads required for this update.
The following users thanked this post: RollinsCat

Poetic License / Elijah Stick, Agent of the Twilight Society
« on: January 27, 2010, 12:35:21 am »
The nights are cold and dark, the wind howls, and until quite recently (in a sense), the sun never shone, but was concealed behind a bilious black cloud of volcanic ash.  Times are lean, and cheer is often far from the minds of those who have to work for a living.  Even as the world rebuilds itself, it tells comforting stories.

Stories of adventure!  Stories of Derring-Do!  Stories of a world ruled by secret societies and adventure!  (Poorly.)  Stories of...


Hark, for the bard shall soon begin to spin his tale..

((For complete clarity: this is a work of utter fan-fiction.  None of this should be taken as anything in-game, and this is just my attempt to mimic the style of a penny dreadful.  Feedback via PM, if sent, will be rewarded with nice thoughts and pie.  Pie not guaranteed.))
The following users thanked this post: RollinsCat

Roleplaying / Character Alignments! Woot!
« on: January 21, 2010, 10:59:35 pm »
Hey guys, I just found a website that has a whole series of pages on...  

Yeah, the Topic gave it away, Kittens!  *pauses to see if anyone gets confused*

No it's Alignments, you were right.  Character Alignment - Television Tropes & Idioms

What's cool about this site though, is that it not only describes the alignments, but gives "archetypes" or tropes for each, and examples of characters in Pop Culture.
The following users thanked this post: RollinsCat

Development Related Topics (DRT) / Points of Interest
« on: January 10, 2010, 09:36:41 am »
Would it be possible to have the Points of Interest be more desciptive ?

A bit of text perhaps at each one that conveys it's significance.

A further thought would be to reward a character with the completion of a 'series' of Ponits of Interest ( ie  Mistone Badge ?) with an increase in lore ability of 1 point.
 If this could not be done directly , perhaps  it could be accomplished via an item ( akin to an elemental resist) that the character could then add to an existing equipped item .
The following users thanked this post: RollinsCat

Poetic License / That's Layo! (A song.)
« on: January 05, 2010, 02:22:56 am »
*The crowd is chattering as the musicians - a group of archers on the strings (what with their skill with the bow), a group of fighters on percussion (because hitting things with other things is their schtick), a group of Toranites on brass (because they can occasionally be blowhards.. *innocently*), and a group of druids on woodwinds (because..  well..  wood.  And wind, for that matter) - take their seats.  A wizard wearing black robes made from malar hide, complete with the panther's slender tail, and a white tunic comes out with a slender wand in hand.  Resplendant in his tux with tails, he taps the podium, and begins to play.  The bardic vocalists begin to sing..*

When you wander across continents,
To fetch apples for a pie;
No self-preservation sense,
Just respawning if you die;
With your armour dinged with many dents,
And a twinkle in your eye;
And you then recall just why, my gents,  ("And ladies!" interposes one halfling bardess..  the crowd laughs.)
You first gave Layo a try!

Whether tanning hides,
Or slaying orcs,
Or finding old
Rusty pitchforks,
Or reinventing
Gnomish sporks,
Or whatever else you do...

As you gather treasure,
Gems and gold,
Or face those villains,
Brave and bold,
Or defeating some
Slime, ooze, or mold,
We put forward this as true...

That's Layonara!  Layonara!  Layonara!
Through and through!

*A bow.  Thundrous applause.  Enterprising food crafters sell slices of apple pie to the crowd, and are mobbed with a veritable swarm of halflings.  Much like pirrahna can skeletonize a cow in under a minute, the pie seems to vanish all but instantaneously, leaving the vendors bewhildered, and the poorer for the loss of pie.  Alas.  Now they have to walk halfway across the world if they want to make another...*
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Rumour Has It / Mechants Silver - Mixafix
« on: December 28, 2009, 09:05:50 pm »
Dear Merchant of Vehl,

Myself and my incredibly brave assistant have slain the evil-doing orc that has taken your silver in the Swamps.  We have it in our possession and await your generous reward!

You can find us in Vehl.  He is an average height human with tan skin and dressed as an Ilsarian bard.  I am just over 2 feet high with bright red hair, dark green bloodstained armor and a menacing pair of shortswords.

Freida the Barbarian Warrior
The following users thanked this post: RollinsCat

Just for Fun / A little addict fun
« on: December 25, 2009, 04:23:27 am »
Twas the night before the Giver, when all through the server
Not a creature was stirring, not even a char approver.

The dirt heaps were piled, in Port Hempstead with care
In hopes that donations of shield scrolls would soon be there.

The refugees were nestled, all snug in their tents,
And all the monsters slept, even the treants.

Zahid asked for balance; Argos, a knight of sorts,
Razeriem for more women, and for Steel, witty retorts.

When out on the battlefield there was a great clatter,
We looked to find the Dwarven Army out sorting the matter,

And then came the Angels, the Orc Bashers, too,
And all the other groups and guilds jumped into the stew.

They were saving the world, one day at a time,
From cults and cutthroats and gelatinous slime,

They were sorcs who cast, and bards who sing lyrical,
And fighters who want to de-nerf devastating critical,

There were druids who shift, and rogues who are shiftier,
They were wizards who solo, and whose pixies are thriftier,

They were gallant paladins, and rangers who track,
They were charging barbarians, and clerics had their back.

They were monks, so disciplined and so tame,
And they all rushed into action when the DM-run quest came.

The Narrator called out in his bright yellow text,
Roll me spot, listen, search, and hide checks.

The players obliged, and got ready to play,
The natural 20s could see Santa in the real-world, miles away,

They finished the quest, and used their remembering orbs,
And then logged off, and hit the forum boards.

Off Alazira, Hood!um, Off faedanz, and Gelooo
Off Hellblazer, Lord Dark, Off Andrew, and Tod Fellow.

They all got off to update their CDTs
And then time for bed, and a good night's sleep,

But wait, what's this? They've logged on again,
Just to finish up some crafting, for an hour or ten.

It's what makes them, and this server, dear to me,
Addiction, and then some, to the Layonara company.

Happy holidays!
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