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Messages - Cinnabar

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[SIZE=24]High adventure, low adventure, who cares? As long as it's us adventurers showing some monsters what we're made of (which is mostly fluff).[/SIZE]

/// This is really an extension of Abiorn's old adventure thread, except that I'll be around earlier. I'll be in around 8pm EDT (5pm PDT, 12am GMT).

Starts in Leringard, and from there we could head north to Khalziras or the Deep, or we could head east to the broken halls, or we could sail to Dregar or Belinara. I have been meaning to go back to a certain dungeon on Belinara near a cave full of orcs....
The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

General Discussion / For My 31st Birthday
« on: August 02, 2009, 01:45:27 pm »
I'm going to cut the cord for helping develop the NWN server further.

So, with a fresh new posting style, I'm going to keep this short and sweet.

I've had a brilliant time with a great number of you, even the ones I've gotten really into it with.  I always thought I'd make a farewell post with the list of everything I built here, because it would feel like some sort of reminder to everyone.  It's a bit silly though, as for years and years I've tried to legitimize my efforts to this community, and overly so.  I think it stems back to my embarrassing beginnings here... but I'm no pyschologist heh.  I enjoyed building most everything I built, and I'm very proud of how V3 turned out.  That's enough for me this time.

I will always support the MMO team's efforts, and I look forward to the new game.

There are a lot of reasons for leaving, and I'd explain them... but the folks I'd really want to understand probably already get it.

So best of luck, I'll still be around now and then, in game and on the forums, and Dorg, I'll try not to troll your posts on balance too much.

And with one last challenge... the toolset is easy to learn.  It just takes time if you're going to make something come out right.  Time learning all of the placeables and tile options so you know the brushes and colors to use.  But it's not technically hard.  I challenge one of you, anyone, to step it up and legitimize all of your scrutinizing comments on the way the server should or could be.  Make 10 areas to a new theme, send them to Dorg.  Someone, anyone, impress Layonara with something new for others to enjoy.  Even if you know it's ending someday, soon or not so soon, who knows... build it because you care for the server today.  Take up the torch, as I know there are some people who have wanted to prove me wrong on some things - and there's no bigger crux to it then this.  Everything else is just forum posts.

Take care all.
The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

Layonara Server / Congratulations Ycleption
« on: July 27, 2009, 10:48:03 am »
As the world of Layonara continues to change, so to do our needs and methods. Something that has seen many changes over the years is the process of Character Approvals. While the policies, procedures and expectations have evolved, so too have our means of choosing who approves characters to play in this world. At first it was a position held only by GMs and only those who wished to take on the responsibility. At some point, we opened up the position to the greater community, and in that the application process also evolved over time. Having tried several methods thus far, we have decided to try yet another and directly approach a long-time member of the community for the purpose of having this individual join the Character Approver team, rather than open up a potentially lengthy application process to fill a rather immediate need.

Please join us in welcoming ycleption as Layonara's newest Character Approver. We believe ycleption's time, judgment, world experience and positive presence within the community will be an asset to the Character Approval team and, through this, the world as a whole.
The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

Rumour Has It / Super-Octogenarian Retires!
« on: July 23, 2009, 10:50:44 pm »
Let it be known that Earl Frogstomper, Red Ninja extraordinaire and tough old miserly sod is finally announcing his retirement from the adventuring/mercenary tradition.  At now quickly approaching his 89th birthday, he has this to say.  "Man, it's been a wild ride, more fun than I ever expected.  But with mah wife dead, my kids in thar 60s, my kid's kids in thar late 30s and THAR kids just about ready ter take up the trade and find wives of thar own, ah know ol father time comin for meh.  Gonna trade in all mah gear and profits and pay off em back-taxes on tha family ranch in Brech, so we all keep with the brewin and pipeweed trade.  Ter all meh friends out thar, please feel free ter drop by and give meh ah holler.  Ah still got mebbe ah decade left in meh, and my family is yer family.  We got the whiskey brewin and the pipes lit up fer ye!"

His will indicates the entirety of his wealth and items will be going towards his family members, and for paying off old debts.  He shall now be taking up "an honest job" brewing for the dwarves of Brech and farming hops & pipeweed in Prunilla's way.  With over 40 able bodied grandchildren and great grandchildren to take up the chores, his retirement years shall be spent most productively, seeing to it that the "XXX Whooparse Ninja Brew" label finds its way across the lands.  And so, one of Layonara's most eclectic and energetic adventurers finds his retirement years in comfort, with over half of his soul strands still intact.  If only we could all be so lucky!

//been fun, but playing a human past 90 entails heart attacks, hernias and adult diapers.  Would rather go out on a strong point than see him whither down into feebleness.  Please feel free to use him as an NPC in Brech, all ye GMs.  And for any players interested in playing a descendant, let me know.  Likely when the MMORPG comes out, I'll be playing his great-great-grandson, Earl Jr!
The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

Layonara Server / Update to text/chat parsing
« on: July 13, 2009, 08:58:40 am »
[SIZE=-1]Hello Layonara Community!

Just over a month ago, when I released the current module revision (3.21.3), I included this comment at the end of the list of updates:

Quote from: Dorganath
Version 3.21.3 is online!
  • One other secret but really cool thing that I'll tell you all about once I'm sure it's working and not causing other problems *grins mysteriously*

[SIZE=-1]At the time, I was not ready to announce the feature, as I wanted to get some real, in-game testing done on it, both myself and with the assistance of the GM Team. Testing went very well, and now, as the title of this tread suggests, I'd like to introduce everyone to some rather nice changes to the text and chat parsing system.

Anyway, on to it (and yes, I know it's a bit long)...
With Bioware's 1.69 update, they added an OnPlayerChat event handler, which essentially intercepts typed text from a game client and allows a module to process the text and take actions on the text. When we went to 3.2 (and beyond) orth utilized this event to process  and *emotes*, which has been significantly faster than processing through our existing listener system. However, it didn't apply to all features, specifically those using self-tells (/o) and those that resulted in replacing typed text with something else entirely (i.e. language parsing).
 The Result
So, I got curious and did some experimenting, and in the course of an evening that led to having an alternate system for handling commands, language parsing, speaking through animal companions/familiars/summons/etc. and that whole set of stuff that you use /o something-something-something to accomplish.
The self-tell (/o) is still managed and intercepted by the listener, so what I did was come up with an alternate way to enact a self-tell so that the listener could be bypassed, letting the OnPlayerChat handler process the contents of that equivalent self-tell. Whatever is typed would then be processed and altered in some way before being displayed, if it was to be displayed at all.
To accomplish this, I chose a single character that is not ever likely to start any text chat in-game in any way and I used this as the indicator for special text processing. The character I chose is the equal sign (=).
 So how does it work?
Well, it's simple. Any place you'd have used a /o use = instead
So instead of /o c sits type =c sits
/o e waves
 ->  =e waves
 /o L Say something in another language -> =L [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Say something in another language
[/SIZE][SIZE=-1](note, these are not case-sensitive, but I thought I'd use upper-case L in this example for clarity)[/SIZE]
The syntax is similar for familiars (=f), summons (=s), and so forth.
I hope that makes sense.
What else?
Part of my motivation for this was to see if the request for GM-spoken text to be highlighted could indeed be done.  Well, it can, and GMs now have the ability and option to highlight their spoken text, whether spoken directly or spoken through an NPC.  

I want to stress: This is an optional system.  A GM is in no way obligated or forced to use this highlighting, nor should anyone badger a GM to do so. Some GMs will use it, some will not.  There are compelling arguments on both sides, and in the end, I decided it would be best to have it be an option rather than "always on" sort of feature. The end decision as to whether or not to use the system and under what circumstances is entirely up to the GM.

When used, GM-spoken text will be highlighted in ORANGE.

It's worth noting that this only functions in the "Talk" and "Party" channels. DM and Whisper channels work as they have, and tells are still green.
 And finally, the extra added goodness
You may be wondering, why use the = method when the /o method is so ingrained and everyone knows it?
Well, there's two very good reasons.
1) It's faster....much faster.
2) It can handle longer strings of text than the /o method.
On the latter, yes, this means that the limit of approximately 100 characters on a typed text string, whether for language processing or speaking through a summons or familiar, simply does not apply using this new method.
To put this another way, gone are the days when you type out some well-written comment through a summons, hit ENTER and have nothing show up in the window because it's 3 characters too long. Gone is the need to limit your phrases when speaking in an alternate language to a shorter message so that the listener can handle it.
And did I mention it's faster?
So there it is.  It may take some retraining of everyone's habits, but I think in the end, you'll all be quite a bit happier with how it works than the prior self-tell (/o) system.  Self-tells are still going to be an option, at least for now, and both systems work just fine together, but once you use this one, you'll see a significant difference.
So enjoy!  And of course, if there are any questions, just ask.
The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

General Discussion / Honesty and Objectivity
« on: July 08, 2009, 11:10:16 pm »
Instead of responding to the sender, it sounds as though it would be best directed to everyone on the server.  This unfortunately degrades Milty's efforts of actually running something in a secretive IC fashion... but the reality is that if I'm actually to enjoy myself still on Layonara, this needs to be cleared up.  Otherwise, and I mean this very bluntly - the numerous individuals who seek to degrade someone's efforts, successes, and hours in game - by PM's, rumor spreading, and finding solace in the private exchange of assumptions... well, they continue to progress without actually doing anything in game.

The sender's very frank consolidation of the current questions is below.  I'll answer them in turn afterwards.

There are questions regarding the origin of these items.

There are questions regarding who gets the money and why.

This is where it goes downhill...

For those who know who is supplying the items, there are questions about the methods used to obtain them.

Based on already formed suspicions of how they were obtained, further questions speculate as to whether the GM is looking the other way just to appease you (Chongo) so you'll keep working on the modules.

People are wondering if you (Chongo) are just doing what you want without any oversight or having to answer to anyone. This ties into the whole recently-raised oxing issue too, which is unfortunately bleeding over into the event as well.

One thing feeds another, and the apparent secrecy isn't helping matters, and to be quite frank, whether these things are 100% unfounded or not, it's threatening to cast a pretty dark shadow over the whole event.

I probably don't have to tell you all that jaws are dropping so hard and fast at the screen shots that they're bouncing off the floor.

[SIZE=16]So, in turn:[/SIZE]

There are questions regarding the origin of these items.

1) Creatures.  A lot of them.  I'll get into this later.
2) Unique drop chests.  I seldom visit these unless I have other people with me.  They are smattered around the server in areas of 30+ CR, often much harder.  Maybe 5 of these things come from them, and if I wanted - it could be hundreds more.  Stop assuming.
3) These do not come from the fabled 'only the builder knows where it is' item shops.  I've made one shop mistake in my past.  I took an existing idea of the 'hidden shop', and made it with high-drop rated items.  This by itself bears no mistake.  What does is that I went there before others, or rather - with others of my own choosing.  I didn't go to buy myself things - I went to buy things for friends and players that were weak builds and I felt needed a boost before they DT'd out.  The mistake is in that a) it was done in a way that unfairly distributed aid, and 2) as the only person building areas, items, and creatures for NWN, it is my general, but recent to 3.2, contract with Leanthar that whenever something new goes in - I ensure that others find it first.  In hindsight, he shouldn't have had to advise me on the fairness of this - I should've figured it out on my own prior to 3.2 (which this was).  Now - all that said, it's moot to this raffle - there's nothing in there from that chunk, and as stated, any items purchased are in hands other then my own.  On shops in general, they are all fair, they are all balanced, and they are all well positioned.  Ask PC's in game - they are not well guarded secrets.

There are questions regarding who gets the money and why.

This is a good question that Milty and I have been figuring out.  Since it's a public debate over the virtue of such an event, I'm going to spell it out.  The original agreement was that Steel would run the event in a manner where I (Abiorn) would be completely hands-off since RL is busy.  I would pay his guild, and a significant percentage would go to charity - it just wasn't yet determined which one.  Now, Milty came up with a lot of clever ideas which the questioning folks haven't been patient enough to wait for.  Ultimately this ended up yielding a much higher amount of gold then we had initially projected.  The resulting idea for where gold would go was that his costs, which are significant with all the ideas going into this and the creative leveraging of multiple players in the community, would be covered... and then some.  The raffle proceeds, which with math you can see are quite high (and they're still changing IC folks so simmer down if you're still fired up about them) would be split between the benefactor of the event, and a single existing charity, mistone defense.

So, what I'd like people to consider is if they have enough knowledge of things to objectively speak of or criticize such an event.  The initial agreement was that my PC would walk with 2.8 million gold for an IC project he's working on.  2.8 million gold you say!!!  Gods!  What greed!

Now, as I've said rather harshly and reactively to the first person to come forward with this concern... this is whole thing is a gesture of altruism.  If I wanted gold I'd just auction off 5 items and have the same proceeds I would get from these 175 or whatever it ends up being raffled.  I could even name the it the 'Rich get richer' auction as it would have no opportunity for entry by all but the folks who have played long enough, and with the intended direction, to amass such wealth.

It's interesting to me because milty's very interesting delivery in marketing should've created a lot of IC hype.... but instead it's created a lot of OOC whispering and assumptions.  And I think the reason he or I did not expect this - is because we know the rest of what's going on for this... and probably found it unfathomable for such opinions to be formed.  Looking back at what information was available - it makes sense, and confirms one of the things I dislike most about internet communities.

This is where it goes downhill...
For those who know who is supplying the items, there are questions about the methods used to obtain them.

Right.  I addressed where they came from save for the creatures segment of it.  So let's be brief on the age old argument.  First, I'm sticking with a major point of disgust I have with the dynamic of our forum culture on RP.  

I feel that the merits and judging of roleplay and playstyle have always been corrupted by the ego of individuals who realized that the ability to degrade someone's fair efforts in-game on the forums or via PM channels would allow them perceived progression by itself.

Reread that.  

A lot of people have fallen into this methodology by which they need not actually put forth effort in game - they simply must comment on, degrade other's efforts despite ignorance in 99% of the cases, and provide legislation by means of the loudest and most persistant or echoed voice.  This allows people to find relative power, voice, and authority - without actually ever doing anything at all.  And if they are doing anything - this is allowing them a way to bring everything back to the scale their ego is comfortable with, where they feel good about themselves, and they are still a 'presence'.  I feel, that from the grass roots beginnings, the difficult bumps and bruises of learning to manage the 'good' and the 'bad' of large internet communities has bred a culture by which forum voice and politics are the only real efforts that yield approved power.  And this is an atrocity - it is a deformed contortion of original intent.

Reread that too.  Last time I'll ask it in this post - I promise.

So, the methodology of gaining these items.  Playstyle.  My playstyle has been criticized by a lot of folks, even folks that are my peers or superiors on Layonara.  And I'll be blunt, it's uninformed for the majority, and it's idiotic for the informed.

I've made so many posts about this sort of thing that it's ridiculous to entertain the same old arguments.

Roleplay is a role that you play.  It is a character.  Not a single person on this server can legitimately denounce my roleplay.

Playstyle, and it's definition, needs to be narrowed down.  I will call it what you enjoy doing when you come home from a long day at work or school or whatever it is you do outside of this.  Are there harmful playstyles?  Absolutely.  Sadistic and meanspirited behavior, and playstyles which betray your character roleplay.  I'm pretty sure this is it.  I think most arguments to include other things belong to the body of what I just criticized above.

Abilities, both for your character and within your own playing - are not applicable to judgement of playstyle.

When I built Abiorn it began from of an argument with a Layo staffer about the lacking balance between casters and non-casters.  I was shut down in my arguments.  So I at first built him to show the fault in these arguments.  I put a lot of thought into the actual roleplayed character - because otherwise it'd be a silly waste of time.  I figured it would be somewhat temporary though as I tend to believe in the one-character per player ideal (and I don't think there's anything right or wrong with that - it's just me, I like single focuses).  I'd have fun with him for a while, it was a quirky character, and yeah - I'd point out some mechanical realities.  And I ended up really coming to enjoy the actual character behind it.  I got involved in a lot of events that actually had some gravity behind them, and moreover I found a better character medium to develop IC relationships where the conversations ended up holding more depth then I'd ever had in a game.  3+ years later - it's the character through which I've had the best roleplayed experiences in my life.  And that's the goal of everything Layo should be.

And yes - the original build is apparent mechanically.  I can talk to any one of you, all of you at once - whatever you'd like - on how things end up working out mechanically.  And in this case it's not rocket science.  You have a 600+ HP, 75% concealed, hugely damage reduced, DC 44 caster.  Things are going to die and it's rarely him, even if I do play a bit reckless.

And the question I pose: ... does this by itself represent something wrong?  Is it malicious?  Is it not roleplayed as the character?  Do I not have fun with others playing it, and they with me?  And moreover, should these facts detract from the perception of the character? Far far far too many people on this server - they do.  And I think you should be embarrassed.

And moreover - should one be motivated to intentionally take 'weak' feats to temper some balance of mechanic?  Should this be a legitmate form of peer pressure in a roleplay server?  Should your mechanical power go into the overall equation of your worth as a player and/or degrade from it?  Is there an actual power median to which one should shoot for?

My response is... as long as the decisions on stats, skills, feats... etc - as long as they remain true to your character - everything else is a load of bologne for argument towards playstyle or roleplay 'worth'.  

And while we will all lose focus to our character, be it to a bad day at work where you just don't want to have to really dig your emotional RP teeth into things or just a situation where you can't focus enough to feel it anything more then half-arsed in effort... as long as you're keeping character at the core of your intent - everyone has different days.

And maybe the community as a whole disagrees with this despite what's offered above, in what should be quite thought provoking for many of you.  If so... well, I think Layo as a whole needs to do some thinking on what it wants to be.

Based on already formed suspicions of how they were obtained, further questions speculate as to whether the GM is looking the other way just to appease you (Chongo) so you'll keep working on the modules.

Well, to be honest, I've had a hard time working on the modules for the past three months - so you guys can all stop holding your breath.

So, reinforcing how they were obtained, I am not using inside information - nor am I abusing any mechanic.  The notion of inside information is difficult, because yeah - I have an easier time figuring out things like what items will work best for my character - because I've been through the lists a hundred times over trying to do everything from removing darn FR-lore items.. to rejiggering overall balance.  And yeah, when you build the creatures, you know how to fight them.  But I am laughing at two aspects of this.  First - I've made so darn many between this server and my last, over such a long period of time - that my memory is just plain scattered.  I can't tell you how many times I've seen the 'do we need deathwards here?' PM followed by the response 'heck if I remember... '.  I don't remember skins, I don't remember vulnerabilities - and I sure as poop don't build things to be weak for me.  Nor do I do the opposite in making them hard for me especially.  I build to the middle ground, with variance to give perks to every end... and that's that.

The things I do remember are spawn points, and things like 'this is how this thing killed me last time', or 'this thing always trumps my spells'.  And you've all got the same shot as I do on those things.

I'm not ignorant enough to think that building it doesn't provide a little advantage - but if I'm not acting on it in a negative manner, and I'm not actively trying to remember mechanical things (read: supersupersuper boring for me at 7 years into this game)... I dunno - what would you have me do?  Anyone want to build some areas?

So onto the last silly point.  Appeasing me.  I haven't built in months.  I don't know what they're appeasing.  I can tell you all with almost disturbing certainty that the last thing people on the Layo staff do in how they respond to my playing and working here is 'appease me'.  Staffers - I don't say that to be mean... but come on - let's go through the posts and emails.

No blind eyes, and nothing to be blind of.

People are wondering if you (Chongo) are just doing what you want without any oversight or having to answer to anyone. This ties into the whole recently-raised oxing issue too, which is unfortunately bleeding over into the event as well.

I answer to Dorg in such an annoying way that any 'freelancing' ends up causing dialogues that I find so demotivating that it's a wonder I still keep trucking on with this server.  No offense Dorg - it's the only way I can explain that one in no uncertain terms to the community.  And this goes beyond the steady pings from everyone on mechanical 'problems'.  It gets into themes and stories I've tried on my own, or stories I've tried adapting from the writing team forums.  One of you try pouring that much time into what you deem a work of 'limited-graphics-available' art and having it retconned.  Now, the writing team has to do what it has to do - but I'm just saying, don't you dare say I don't deal with oversight.  Everyone on our team deals with that, from all different angles.  There are no people on the staff that just get their way, least of all me.  Heck, not even Leanthar I'd contend.  Everyone has to deal with it.

And ox'ing.  You know what...  I once had a player test ox'ing an item I'd recycled into a new item in the toolset with new attributes.  I thought changing the tag would keep it separate.  I was wrong, and the person had a pretty good item in their hands all of a sudden.  And I said 'ugh... don't throw it out - just don't let that out before the next update so I have a chance to fix it'.  Was it wrong to let them keep it?  I dunno.  They'd just lost an item I could no longer replace.  Was it wrong to not go talk to the whole GM team about the possibility of an exploit?  In my mind - heck no.  It's like shutting down congress for an hour due to a scare.  It becomes a two month ordeal.

And that there is the extent of my 'ox'ing' abuses.  I've ox'ed altered items - almost all of which went into lesser forms folks.  And this whole notion just leaves me furious.  I don't need the 'help' that your conspiracy brains are hatching.  Just because I wiped the floor with you in the arena doesn't mean I'm cheating (and in that example I exclude Alantha as we're each batting 500 heh).  Sure, that's not the most tactful sentence right there - but you do know how that ends up making me feel right?  You deserve to hear it.

One thing feeds another, and the apparent secrecy isn't helping matters, and to be quite frank, whether these things are 100% unfounded or not, it's threatening to cast a pretty dark shadow over the whole event.

 I probably don't have to tell you all that jaws are dropping so hard and fast at the screen shots that they're bouncing off the floor.

I want to address the anonymous sender individually here on this, and I'd prefer that she/he not respond here and instead just think about it: "
whether these things are 100% unfounded or not"  ... this is where you and I get into it, every single time.  Either get to the point on what facts you have before you that are bugging you, or stop speaking with even-tempered indifference towards things that are very personal.  Either trust someone or come up with why you don't.

Back on point - It's sad that people are being negative about this whole thing.  You (limited) people need to wake up.  This isn't about personal gain, this is about breaking down the same junk system of 'only the wealthy' auctions and spreading out the uniques to folks that just aren't part of that crowd for one reason or another.  I don't care what reason is keeping you from that crowd - it makes no difference - the end result is that I'm sitting here and giving you a chance instead of just auctioning things off and buying an island.

And your astute observations have figured out the overall amount of gold?  Well... did you think about the economy and how finding a means to distribute non-gold wealth by way of items people need to survive better while draining the economy of a gold surplus achieves a bit more then you at first considered?  Did you consider the actual worth of the items in there?  Do you know one darn thing about the other events and perks of the event?

It's unfortunate on a whole lot of levels.  Milty's presentation opened the doors to the wolves of everything I have regarded above as the broken model of power in this community.  It's not his fault.  He was doing it IC and he had some neat marketing ideas to maintain interest over an extended period of time.

But then one of you had to start your PM's before he actually got around to speaking of the rest of it...
The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

Ask A Gamemaster / Crafting; Exceptional; Trivial
« on: July 02, 2009, 08:48:29 pm »
Question about making "Exceptional Items": If you are crafting (say tailoring and trying to make a belt of cunning), and your chance of success is "trivial", do you still have the possibility of making an "exceptional item"?  Or does the trivial aspect make it so you don't roll and therefore have no shot of hitting a natural 20?


The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

Just for Fun / Proud to be...
« on: June 27, 2009, 02:42:40 pm »
For those of you who haven't seen this, its one of the funniest song/videos ever.

YouTube - "Weird Al" Yankovic - White & Nerdy

Its a little scary how many thing in this video I can identify with.

The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

General Discussion / Joining the rank and file :)
« on: June 25, 2009, 09:28:00 am »
Hi everybody!

This is the post to inform I am stepping down as GM. I'm not disappearing from Layo, in fact I hope, RL and remaining DTs permitting, to step up my involvement with Ark as an active and roleplay-enhancing World Leader.

About two years ago I applied for a GM position in order to enhance people's Layo experience, primarily in the AEST timeslot given poor old Dezza was shouldering a lot of that burden on his lonesome.

The main goal of my quests has always been to get players to really think long and hard about their characters. To put roleplay flesh on their mechanics bones. To make players really think about what their characters would do in a given situation, a given moral dilemma. To put them in a place, not always comfortable, not always where they want to be and then see what they would do and where they go. Often my quests have a simple enough premise but I tried to have them involve something that had folks exploring the depths of their character's psyche.

As I write this, I remember one of my quests, early on, that had people magicked into behaving in a manner the polar opposite to their 'normal' sex, class and alignment. This stands out in my memory as a very 'typical me' quest. Hopefully fun. A touch of madness. A strange situation. Minimal set-up ;) A quest that (hopefully) by getting you to do something the opposite of what was normal, made you think more deeply about what was normal. By playing Lawful Evil for an evening, it made you think about what it really meant to be Chaotic Good the other 364 nights of the year.

Anyways, hopefully after two years there are some players who have a better picture of their characters as a result of my quests.

As to why I am resigning, no deep and dark discontent or disparaging remarks against any individual or the GM team as a whole to be found here! Of course there are decisions made which, as an individual, one might not 100% agree. Directions taken that might not have been the direction I would have taken were it my sandbox. Little niggles here and there etc yada yada but I can tell you there are no light decisions ever made by the GM team. No personal grudges. No favourites. No bias. Just a bunch of people that really do strive to provide the best server to be found.

Anyways, see you in game!
The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

[SIZE=18]A Traveler’s Guide to Mistone[/SIZE]
  Dear Reader,
If you have just been given this guide by a merchant who is distributing it because of my recommendations of their store, please do not discard it immediately. I assure you that the information contained herein is of utmost importance, and may prevent your untimely death.
  You are interested in living, aren’t you?   Good.    Then read on.   I promise not to waste your time.
  -Lady Z

  [SIZE=16]General Ways to Enhance Your Survival While Traveling[/SIZE]
Travel is dangerous. Layonara may have always been a desperate place, but it is absurdly so now. Likely due to magics from various Gods of entropic predation, all that you meet attacks with suicidal mania. Nothing ever flees, even if badly wounded, and pursues until either you or it are dead. So prepare for travel as you would for war, expecting assaults from the most unlikely quarters: hawks, skunks, rats, deer, shrubbery. See the pretty little butterfly? It’s trying to lick you to death.
  To deal with this fact of life, please consider the following suggestions:
  • Befriend an experienced companion. Guides can point out dangers better than any book, even this one. Locals can point out who is trustworthy in this regard.
  • When traveling alone, stick to the roads. Thanks in large part to the Law Of The Roads, roads are safe. But do not veer off them even the slightest bit. And if a road peters out, so usually does the safety.
  • Your greatest advantage is your superior eyesight. When traveling to unfamiliar regions alone, walk slowly and scan the horizon constantly. You will likely see hostile creatures before they see you.
  • When doing the above, walk with stealth, even if you believe yourself not to be stealthy. Distance aids your abilities. But do not depend on stealth either: believing yourself undetectable and learning otherwise when too close, is a way many curious travelers die.
  • Invisibility is even better than hiding, but it too is not perfect. Spells and potions are time limited, and many actions can cause you to be seen. Further, even being Invisible does not make you undetectable. Highly sensitive enemies can become aware of you, and once they do, they will not lose sight of you. To combat this, you can walk stealthily while invisible, which makes you nearly impossible to detect.
  • To help your scanning, stay close to impassable areas: rock walls, tree lines, rivers, etc. That way, as you walk, you need not scan those areas. Work from the edges of a region, in to the center.
  • If you encounter a lone beast and it charges you, do not charge in return, for it may have friends in the distance who would welcome your sudden appearance.
  • Fleeing is always an option, especially if you are very fleet of foot, but often all this does is give you time to prepare. Sometimes, however, the time to drink an emergency healing potion, is all you need.   However, also remember that by bringing trouble to civilized regions you may be breaking the Law Of The Roads.
  • Although they are expensive, a single Potion of Invisibility is often all one needs to successfully flee.   Consider this if you are rich.
  • You may think to flee long distances between entire regions, pitting your endurance against that of your pursuers. But often, as you are usually already badly wounded, tracking you is easy, and you will be ambushed as you arrive. Note that this nearly always breaks the Law Of The Roads, and you will be held accountable.
  • For inexperienced travelers, purchase an ox as soon as possible. Oxen are not merely useful as pack animals. They can also be a critical distraction while you flee. And do not be surprised when sneaking back to the place of your ambuscade (in vain search for your ox’s pack), you find your animal grazing happily beside the corpses of the creatures that overwhelmed you. Oxen are not to be trifled with. Mine has killed panthers. Please note that ox cannot fight while tied down, and they will charge anything, preventing stealth in retreat as an option.
  • If you become injured, heal yourself quickly. Do not be cheap, because you never know where your next blow is coming from, or how hard it will be. Rest often as well, in safe areas.   And purchase healing-essence drenched bandages.   Even by the bundle they are cheap, especially considering that death is the alternative.
  • Take care not to assume that simply because you killed some creatures in an area, that more of the same will not arrive unexpectedly. If you have decided to explore a place, remember to account for the difficulty of retreat when judging how far to go.
  • Remember, finally, that no one plans to die. Death nearly always comes via underestimation and surprise. So remember: arrogance is entertaining, but it is also a weakness and hallmark of inferiority. Do not be weak, or inferior, and you will be allowed to survive.
[SIZE=16]The Law Of The Roads
[/SIZE]The Law of the Roads, a tradition that stretches back to antiquity, states that no traveler shall ever bring trouble on another, or more generally, upon civilization.  You are a beneficiary of this Law, for it means that you are not subject to sudden ambuscade as you travel.

Many willingly break this law.   But even those who are not predators on civilization may find themselves unintentionally in violation, by fleeing for their lives from some horror which follows them into potential contact with the traveling public.  And, may I say, how dare you consider your own worthless life in higher regard than the law!    Certainly, death is a painful experience, and having a bite taken out of you by the "Soul Mother" even worse, but it is your duty as a Rolfereinite paladin to stand and die, stand and die, repeatedly, so that you may leave a particularly young and good looking corpse, if your manner of death actually allows for it.

In case you are not a Rolferenite paladin, and have cravenly fled towards a civilized area, you are a lawbreaker subject to jailing.   That is, if you don't manage to undo the harm you have done by removing the danger you brought with you.   In this situation (which I assure you is entirely theoretical), you should first and foremost stay nearby to warn travelers.    In addition, consider sending a homing bird to a friend who is known for their battle prowress (and discretion in reporting things to the authorities).   Together, you may be able to clear the danger, or at least lure it away.  I, Lady Z, offer myself as a recipient of such birds, as the case may arise.

I must finally point out that the Law Of The Roads does not only apply where there are large roads, but also to any trail between regions.   If you leave a creature where it might ambush a traveller just arriving to a place, and do so with no warning, then you will be subject to harsh penalties if you are caught.

A Listing of Mistone’s Regions and their Relative Safety
[to be continued]
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Rumour Has It / Prisoner Transport in Nel
« on: April 30, 2009, 05:23:53 am »
A high profile prisoner involved in banditry, murder and kidnapping has recently been escorted from Nel to a currently undisclosed location within the Sun Kingdom.

This comes after a near-tragic kidnapping and ransom attempt on a local and well-loved businessman from the Purple Worm trading company within Nel.

Thanks to a small group of astute and daring adventurer's, the man was rescued and due to local outrage at the event, authorities have removed the prisoner from Nel to await trial.

Member's of a little known Guild "The White Lily", originally responsible for the capture of the bandit leader, are also known to be responsible for the rescue of the kidnapped and the forcing of the prisoners relocation.[/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

Just for Fun / Rocky's Guide ter goremay- Part the first
« on: April 28, 2009, 02:32:59 pm »
( in homage to fastshow but here goes)

You lot don't know a good meal when yer see one. Here's me guide loike...

This week I have been mostly eating Badger Pie and blueberries washed down with Wizard wheat ale.

and my life story so far......

This week I have mostly killed by Giants, Gnolls, Bears and cows.

(please feel free to report on your own deaths, sort of straw pole?)

Rockhead Howling Wolf, bard and connorsurre loike.
The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

While personally I try to keep my character's birthdate in their in-game journal for easier reference when I need to think about how old they are, I was thinking it would be a nifty addition for the community as a whole if LORE could be coded to calculate a character's age and display it on their LORE profile page.

LORE already shows us how old a character was at creation, so I would guess the big problem in getting this to work would be finding a way to tell LORE exactly when, in terms of the in-game date, that the character was created.

Once we can give LORE the in-game creation date we'd just have to subtract that date from the current in-game date and then add the age of the character at creation to get the sum of their current age.

Current Date - Creation Date = Years in-play
Years in-play + Age at creation = Current Age

*shrugs*  I know it'd be low priority, but it's a thought anyhow.
The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

Layonara Server / Layonara 3.21.2 Patch Release
« on: April 17, 2009, 08:41:49 pm »
  • Improve player logging in a bit more to not spike the server with lag
  • Updated some creatures
  • Fix mining picks never breaking
  • Removed circle kick from shield guardians
  • Ignore sitting when the player does a *hesitate(s)*
  • Respect tool feedback flag setting
  • Fix looting corpses not reporting to the party
  • Couple more performance improvements
A Note on Player Inventory

There's still quite a few people who hurt the other community members by carrying so many items.  This is even more critical when you yourself crash mid combat with a party, because when you log back in, your party members in combat are suddenly going to spike in lag.

I find it interesting that the problem is joked about in some circles and we've increasingly attempt to improve it, but the simplest way is to just ask players to not carry so much.  Do you really need seven dragon scales? Do you really need a box of aloe on your player? A bag of something is no improvement just in case you thought it helped. There are plenty of storage options.

I'm starting to consider per item surcharges on portals to help promote leaner inventories, any other suggestions are quite welcome.

The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

Layonara Server / Layonara 3.21.0 Release notes:
« on: April 10, 2009, 09:49:01 pm »
[SIZE=18]Version 3.21.0 is online![/SIZE]

 Persistent Storage is once again ENABLED
 It's back, it's faster and it's better than ever!  Check out the new features:
  • Migrated from     the Bioware DB to MySQL
  • Storage     placeables can now hold either bags/boxes or loose items, but not     both types
  • Storage     capacity is 36 items (a full box of 1x1s or 5 boxes of 6 nuggets for     example) for all storage, including bank chests
  • Contents of furniture containers     are displayed in that object's description
  • Transaction log of additions and     removals from the containers are displayed on the object's     description
  • Players can now name and describe     the crates
  • Bank chest security more solid
  • West and Central merged into full world bank chest holding 36 items like all other containers
  • Logging is much more detailed
  • Extra protection from loss during     server crashes
  • Failsafe mechanism to not mess up     even if the crates get stuck, the container is still saved and     changes are logged and changed on the db
  • LORE ready if hobby work desired     later
Various Bug Fixes
  • Changed Carpenter's Tools to be     flagged as identified in the palette.  Updated craft vendors to sell     the correct version.
  • Attempted fix on Acacea's WLDQ     “Knock” power
  • Fix Driggle to show updated store     with correct healing goods
  • Fix unintentional ambush spawn in     The Great Forest
  • Unlock interior doors in Ozlo's     tower
  • Various area fixes on West
  • Various area fixes on Central
  • Updated/rebalanced a few creatures
  • Adjust XP code so that the     creature CR is always the minimum XP given rather than only when the     XP would be 1 or less
  • Add missing conversation for NPC     in Krellin's Tents.
  • Make Skald Wail respect Death     immunity
  • Restore Creedo interiors (craft     halls, merchant hall and bank)
  • Update loot drop lists with new     heal kits and potions. Also update for missile shaft CNR quantity
  • Adjust Greater Sanctuary to     hopefully reduce problems with PCs being detected and problems     casting spells even after the Greater Sanctuary effect is removed
  • Fixes to GM voice function
Other enhancements
  • Added weapons to Shapechange Balor     and Fire Giant forms
  • Make the differential in prices at     the high, medium and low town temple vendors to not be so drastic
  • Sand and Clay deposits should     return at least one unit of CNR before the shovel breaks
  • Housing furniture placeables can     be named with the quill system
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Layonara Server / Layonara 3.2 Release Notes
« on: April 06, 2009, 12:51:59 am »

I know while you wait you really want to see what's in store, and I have comments on this update that I'd rather not have you wait for me to think out. The same goes for the credits, so for now I'll let you read these release notes and follow up a little later with a few more thoughts.  [/SIZE]
New Systems
 AFK System
  • /o C afk /o C back now create/cancel a custom fx around the player indicating so
  • If the player performs any actions or moves it gets cancelled
Generic Donation Tracking
  • Characters can now donate gold and items directly to specific, non-deity causes in-game at general donation centers without GM intervention
  • Generic donations still utilize the Temple Donation Box containers
  • Donation centers are located in Port Hempstead, Spellgard, Katherian, North Point, Dalanthar, Lor and Huangjin
Titling Your Weapon
  • Paladins/Weapon Masters/Duelists/Fighters can name their blades with the quill and the ~~title command
  • If a weapon is titled there's a small chance that you will get a special kill message and bonus XP
  • You can name weapons for others, but they will only get an XP bonus if they are one of the classes listed above.
Unlimited Ammunition Training
  • Instead of shooting arrows, if you train 10,000 of the same type of arrows/bolts/bullets, you will receive Unlimited Ammo for the weapon you train with
  • Training is done by typing /o C train or
  • You must be wielding the ranged weapon you wish to train and the ammunition that you are training for in the proper slot
  • Each training attempts requires an Enchanting Oil, so it's better to save up to 500 then train (since you can now stack up to 500 ammunition)
  • Only Hickory and Mahogany Bolts and Arrows or Light and Serious Bullets can be used.
  • Players must be near a ranged target (the bullseye archery target) to train
  • Your ranged weapon's description gets updated with a count of how many times you have trained a particular ammo
  • Darkfire and Flame Weapon will not work on Unlimited Ammunition ranged weapons
  • It is okay to accidentally train with the wrong ammo, it won't reset your attempts. But basically the first ammo type to get 10,000 training run throughs will give the item property
[SIZE=18]Updated Systems[/SIZE]

  • Players can now use Appraise, Bluff, Persuade or Intimidate at merchants
  • Players roll d100 + Skill Ranks vs Vendor's d100
  • For every 7 point difference between your roll and the vendor's roll, you will get a mark up or mark down depending on if you beat the merchant or not
  • The markup/discount will be in effect with that merchant for 1 hour
  • At Temple Vendors if you have donated to that church, you will get a percentage discount based upon how much you have donated
Hunger and Thirst
  • Canteens now store 20 drinks, please don't feel the need to carry 12 canteens with you
  • All liquids are more quenching
  • Hunger and thirst timers have been upped a bit so usually a good meal and a couple drinks will set you for 6 hours
  • Food now gives you HP based upon their food score, except for the items bought at the Inn
Pipeweed Smoking
  • Placed a few more plants here and there
  • Tobacco is now 0.1lbs
  • Pipeweed smoking now gives small regenerative properties and skill bonuses if you use the Herbal Flint and Stone to dry your leaf.
    • The rarer the pipeweed, the stronger it is
    • Skill bonuses will have to be discovered ;)
    • The regenerative process will be broken if entering combat, it's an after combat/social bonus
    • The effect lasts 1 Turn for Hickory, 2 for Oak, 3 for Mahogany, 4 for Yew
    • Pipeweed smoking causes your thirst to drop a little bit faster
    Healing Supplies
    • All potions and healkits except the top crafted ones can be bought at Temple Vendors
    • Convenient stacks of 10 & 50 for faster purchasing
    • Weights for kits and potions have been dropped to 0.1 and 0 respectively
    • Potions and healkits are much more powerful
      • Cure Light = 4d4
      • Cure Moderate = 8d8
      • Cure Serious = 12d12
      • Cure Critical = 16d16
      • Heal Potion = 20d20
      • Healkits now give you more of a modifier on your Heal skill, DC on poison/disease have not changed
        • Cure Light Healkit = 4d4 + (Heal Skill * 1.25)
        • Cure Moderate Healkit = 8d8 + (Heal Skill * 1.5)
        • Cure Serious Healkit = 12d12 + (Heal Skill * 1.75)
        • Cure Critical Healkit = 16d16 + (Heal Skill * 2)
        • Change required reflections to 5 RL minutes per character level for respawning
        • Cap required reflections at one RL hour
        • Reflection time is now based off of time stamps and not a count of reflection cycles, so reflection time passes equally whether the character is online or offline
        • Reflection countdown messages report time remaining in minutes, not reflections
        • Pale, ghostly glow will fade away completely after 2 minutes
        Persistent Storage
        • Crates autosave when contents are disturbed
        • Crates will not get stuck open
        • Updated the capacities of all the container furnitures to 25
        • Updated the capacity of the large crate to 35
        • Bank chest holds 20 items instead of 10
        • Two players may not look in the same storage container at the same time, was necessary for security and system logic
        Ranged Weaponry
        • Elemental enchantments can now be used 10 times on ammunition, once you use it on ammunition once, its only good for ammunition after that
        • Ammunition stacks to 500
        • You can't use elemental enchantments on unlimited ammo
        • Added bullets on par with arrows and bolts, requires enchanted metals, enchanted gems and mushrooms, done through Infusing
        • Intermediate crafting products for making arrows and bolts now produce quantities of 100 (up from 20, applies to shafts and arrowheads)
        • Arrow/bolt/bullet recipes produce a stack of 100 of their respective object (up from 20)
        [SIZE=18]Lore Related[/SIZE]
        • Fix some references to Fort Velensk instead of Fort Vehl
        • Fix some references to Point Harbor instead of Mariner's Hold
        • Fix some references to Karthy instead of Katherian
        • Fix some references to Sielwood instead of Silkwood
        • Update all the deity relationships on the statues at temples
        • Updated Jukebox songs to fit new places/names
        • Change some references of Weave to Al'Noth
        [SIZE=18]Bugs Fixed[/SIZE]
        • Items may not be removed while customizing to prevent an exploit, if this causes you problems, please report it
        • Metamagic was improperly affecting item use spell casts if the items were used directly after a Metamagic cast spell
        • Fix Weird Immunity to Fear issue
        • Fixed broken custom animations, *urge* *poise* *cross arms* etc..
        • Speech processing should not happen on // messages
        • Remove Draconic as the default language for reptilian humanoids. Use Goblin as the default language instead.
        • Fix some backwards chairs in the Hlint courthouse
        • Fixed some duplicate area tags
        • Disable default Bioware horse mount/dismount functions in favor of our system
        • Many more here and there

        • Add Tinker's Furnace to the Hlint, Xin Smithy
        • Remove gate to farming area in Hlint
        • Give one of the cows in Krandor a name
        • Fix a broken AT in Blackford Castle
        • Add some fish in Fort Wayfare
        • Fix description of beetle and boar in the ox pen in hempstead
        • Fix Temple to Grannoch fundraiser
        • Silkwood Spider Cave:
          • Adjusted from feedback
          • Other adjustments for those brave enough to test them.
          • Layonara Quest Areas revamped.
          • Dragonstorm Campaign Quest Areas Introduced.
          • New Areas in the north.  Lots.  We're not saying where!
          • The Deep revamped.  CNR overhauls in addition to new regions.
          • New areas on west.  Go find them!
          • Camp Zones introduced in key areas.
          • Crafthall adjustments. Lighting, ambiance, and finally... jukeboxes.
          • New Regions on Belinara.  Go find them!
          • Area plotlines progressed accordingly.  I'm not saying where.
          • Remapped areas with 'invisible' zones.
          • Other areas added for general travel and plot specific quests.  As ever, have fun finding them.
          • Lots of things that will blow your hair back. Find them!
          • The minimum XP gained is now the CR level of the kill, not just 1xp if the creature killed is of a lower level
          • Deer, white stags and wild chickens won't attack on sight
          • Birchbark is stackable
          • Up the DC on the Horn of Sounding's spell
          • Player chat parsing is much faster when using normal channels (not the self tell /o)
          • Carpenters tools on branches of wood can make tinder
          • Add Shiff Dragonheart to Tomb of Lost Heroes
          • Add Axodeth Stonecutter to Tomb of Lost Heroes
          • The darkness that happens at rest may be causing the UV bug, took it out anyway as it was only 12 seconds and once you get in higher levels, you rest a lot longer then that
          • Don't load Lor when coming into Central, just load a quick area for redirection
          • Trash cans don't destroy items until the trash is closed
          • Tower shields are a little lighter
          • Allow for wands and a few missed weapon types to be customized
          • Gradual change from dusk to dawn and back
          • Give the player a message at each dawn telling them what day it is
          • Emptying Bags of Sand produce all the bits in one usage
          • Added pecans somewhere on West
          • Remove some of default Bioware loading screen hints that don't make sense for Layonara
          • Familiars/Companions can die in the Arena without time limitations for recall
          • The breakage rate for crafting and harvesting tools is now much closer to their designed specifications, making them effectively more durable than they have been but about as durable as they should have been
          • When a harvesting tool breaks from use, the tree or deposit will yield at least one bit of CNR before the tool breaks
          [SIZE=18]Class Specific Changes
          • Feat updates
          • Bards can choose Epic Spells
          • Bards get 6 skill points not 4 (no relevelling, sorry)
          • Spell updates
          • Holy Word visual effects now have the deity symbol centered in the middle
          • Spell updates
          • Acrobatic Attack no longer loses DEX
          • Acrobatic Attack cancels invis
          • Acrobatic Attack no longer does crazy criticals
          • Acrobatic Attack can't target party member
          • Precise Strike does not overwrite weapon enhancement bonuses
          • Precise Strike shows violet simple glow on the rapier
          • Weapon Titling
          • Weapon Titling
          • Monks can slow their movement speed down with /o C slow <0-99> (or ) -- 0 cancels it, 99 is the slowest
          • Holy Word visual effects now have the deity symbol centered in the middle
          • Spell updates
          • Weapon Titling
          • Add 1 caster level for every 2 levels in Palemaster.
          • HiPS in Wilderness free at 21, requires a a couple relevels or bic edits
          • Rangers can cast any spells with Eschew 1
          • Spell updates
          • Bonus Feat selection is more varied
          • Give the medusa wild shape a bow with unlimited ammo, oak platinum raven for 1d4 bludge, 2d4 vs Magical Beasts
          • Spell updates
          • Added Persuade as a class skill
          • Update the duration and give two usages a day for imbue
          • Imbue III DC is 22 at Level 20-29, 24 at Level 30-39 and 26 at Level 40.
          • Weapon Titling
          • Spell updates
          • Planar Turning now requires 20 Cha and 20 Wisdom dropped from 25 for both
          • Blinding speed now lasts your Dex score (not modifier) in rounds.
          Greater Rage

           Type of Feat: Class Prerequisite: Barbarian. Specifics: The barbarian may rage, gaining a +4 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution and +2 to all Will saving throws, in exchange for a -2 penalty to Armor Class. The barbarian may use this ability once per day at first level, +1 use per day at level 4, and every 4 levels thereafter, extending into epic levels.
           At 15th level, the rage ability becomes greater rage, giving the barbarian +6 to Strength and Consitution, 1d4 Sonic damage on all attacks and +3 to Will saves (the -2 penalty to Armor Class still applies).
            Each Rage lasts as long as your Barbarian + Bear Warrior + Battle Rager levels in Rounds.        

           Thundering Rage

           Type of Feat: General Prerequisite: Epic Barbarian, Strength 25. Specifics: Any weapon the barbarian wields while in a rage does an additional 2d10 points of sonic damage on a critical hit. There is a 50% chance for a creature hit by one of the barbarian's weapons to be deafened for 3 rounds.
            Use: Automatic


           Shield of Faith

            Caster Level(s): Cleric 1
          Innate Level: 1
          School: Abjuration
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic, Material
          Range: Touch
          Area of Effect / Target: Single
          Duration: 1 turn / level
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: None
          Spell Resistance: No
          Material Component: A Bit of Holy Text

            The target gains a +1 deflection bonus to their armor class, with an additional +1 bonus for every six levels of the caster.
            Note: No more cap

           Ice Dagger

            Caster Level(s): Sorcerer / Wizard 1
          Innate Level: 1
          School: Evocation
          Descriptor(s): Cold Component(s): Verbal, Somatic, Material
          Range: Short
          Area of Effect / Target: One creature
          Duration: Instantaneous
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Reflex 1/2
          Spell Resistance: Yes
          Material Component: A Few Drops of Water

           You create a piece of ice that flies toward the target and deals 1d4 points of cold damage per level for the first 5 levels plus an additional 1d4 points per 4 levels thereafter.
            Note: Spell continues to scale

           Negative Energy Ray

            Caster Level(s): Cleric 2, Wizard / Sorcerer 1
          Innate Level: 1
          School: Necromancy
          Descriptor(s): Negative
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic, Material
          Range: Medium
          Area of Effect / Target: Single
          Duration: Instant
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Will 1/2
          Spell Resistance: Yes
          Material Component: Small Mirror

           A ray of negative energy slams into the target creature, doing 1d6 points of damage. After level 1, the spell does an additional 1d6 points of damage for every 2 caster levels, to a maximum of 5d6 at level 9. An additional 1d6 points of damage is gained for every 3 caster levels thereafter. Negative energy spells have a reverse effect on undead, healing instead of harming them.
            Note: Spell continues to scale

           Horizikaul's Boom

            Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 1
          Innate Level: 1
          School: Evocation
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Short
          Area of Effect / Target: One creature
          Duration: Instantaneous
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Will partial
          Spell Resistance: Yes

            You blast the target with loud and high-pitched sounds. The target takes 1d4 points of sonic damage per two caster levels for the first ten levels plus an additional 1d4 per five levels thereafter and must make a Will save or be deafened for 1d4 rounds.
            Note: Spell continues to scale

           Burning Hands

            Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 1
          Innate Level: 1
          School: Transmutation
          Descriptor(s): Fire
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: 30 ft
          Area of Effect / Target: Spell Cone
          Duration: Instant
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Reflex 1/2
          Spell Resistance: Yes

           A cone of fire shoots forth from the caster's hands, burning all those within its area of effect for 1d4 damage per caster level for the first five levels then 1d4 bonus per each four levels thereafter.
            Note: Spell continues to scale

           Entropic Shield

            Caster Level(s): Cleric 1
          Innate Level: 1
          School: Abjuration
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Medium
          Area of Effect / Target: Single
          Duration: 1 turn / level
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: None
          Spell Resistance: No

            A magical field appears around the target, causing any nearby enemies a 20% chance to miss on ranged attacks.
            Note: Target no longer just caster

           Acid Arrow

            Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 2
          Innate Level: 2
          School: Conjuration
          Descriptor(s): Acid
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic, Material
          Range: Long
          Area of Effect / Target: Single
          Duration: 1 Round + 1 Round / 3 Levels
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: None
          Spell Resistance: Yes
          Material Component: Rhubarb Leaf

           The caster targets a single creature with an acid bolt. The initial damage from the spell is 3d6, then 1d6+1 per three caster levels every round until the spell expires.
            Note: Spell continues to scale

           Gedlee's Electric Loop

            Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 2
          Innate Level: 2
          School: Evocation
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic, Material
          Range: Short
          Area of Effect / Target: Small
          Duration: Instantaneous
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Reflex 1/2 (See Below)
          Spell Resistance: Yes
          Material Component: Copper Wire

           You create a small stroke of lightning that cycles through all creatures in the area of effect. The spell deals 1d6 points of damage per 2 caster levels up to level 10 plus an additional 1d6 points per 5 caster levels thereafter. Those who fail their Reflex saves must succeed at a Will save or be stunned for 1 round.
            Note: Spell continues to scale


            Caster Level(s): Bard 2, Cleric 2
          Innate Level: 2
          School: Evocation
          Descriptor(s): Sonic
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Short
          Area of Effect / Target: Medium
          Duration: Instant
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Will Special
          Spell Resistance: Yes

           All creatures within the area of effect take 1d8 points of damage per 5 caster levels and must make a Will save or be stunned for 2 rounds.
            Note: Spell continues to scale

           Woodland Sheath

            Caster Level(s): Ranger 2
          Innate Level: 2
          School: Transmutation
          Descriptor(s): None
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic, Material
          Range: Touch
          Area of Effect / Target: Single
          Duration: 1 Hour / Level
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Harmless
          Spell Resistance: No
          Material Component: A piece of Birch Bark

            Woodland Sheath hardens the target creature's skin, granting a natural armor bonus to Armor Class based on the caster's level: Level 8-10: +3
          Level 11-14: +4
          Levels 15-29: +5
          Levels 30-34: +6
          Levels 35+: +7        

            Note: Spell continues to scale


            Caster Level(s): Druid 2
          Innate Level: 2
          School: Transmutation
          Descriptor(s): None
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic, Material
          Range: Touch
          Area of Effect / Target: Single
          Duration: 1 Hour / Level
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Harmless
          Spell Resistance: No
          Material Component: A Holy Symbol which must be worn

            Barkskin hardens the target creature's skin, granting a natural armor bonus to Armor Class based on the caster's level: Level 1-6: +3
          Level 7-12: +4
          Levels 13-29: +5
          Levels 30-34: +6
          Levels 35+: +7

            Note: Spell continues to scale

           Flame Weapon

            Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 2
          Innate Level: 2
          School: Evocation
          Descriptor(s): Weapon Enchantment
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Touch Area of Effect / Target: Creature, Weapon or Gloves Duration: 1 Turn / Level
          Additional Counter Spells:
           Save: None
          Spell Resistance: No
            A successful hit will do 1d4 points of damage, +1 per five caster levels ( maximum of +8 ) of fire damage. The caster can either target a specific weapon or gloves in his inventory or a creature to enchant the weapon the creature is wielding or gloves if they are not wielding anything. If a ranged weapon is targeted or the target creature is wielding a ranged weapon all equipped ammunition will have the fire damage property.
            Note: Now works on ranged and gloves


            Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 3
          Innate Level: 3
          School: Evocation
          Descriptor(s): Fire
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic, Material
          Range: Large
          Area of Effect / Target: Huge
          Duration: Instant
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Reflex 1/2
          Spell Resistance: Yes
          Material Component: Bat Guano

           The caster unleashes a fiery projectile that explodes upon all within the area of effect for 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level up to level 10 plus an additional 1d6 points of damage per 2 caster levels thereafter.
            Note: Spell continues to scale

           Blade Thirst

            Caster Level(s): Ranger 3
          Innate Level: 3
          School: Transmutation
          Descriptor(s): Weapon Enchantment
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Touch
          Area of Effect / Target: Creature or slashing or piercing weapon.
          Duration: 1 round / level
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: None
          Spell Resistance: No

           You grant a slashing weapon an enhancement bonus and a vampiric effect that will heal you as you deal damage. If targeted on a creature, the spell will enchant the weapon in the primary hand of the target. The enhancement bonus and vampiric effect are +3 up to level 19, +4 up to level 24 and +5 thereafter.
            Note: Spell continues to scale

           Glyph of Warding

            Caster Level(s): Cleric 3
          Innate Level: 3
          School: Abjuration
          Descriptor(s): Sonic
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Short
          Area of Effect / Target: Large
          Duration: 1 Turn / 2 Level
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Reflex 1/2
          Spell Resistance: Yes

           The caster creates a small, magical zone that can detect the passage of enemy creatures. When the field is activated, it explodes, doing 1d8 points of sonic damage per 2 caster levels to all creatures within the area of effect up to caster level 10 and then an additional 1d8 points of sonic damage per 4 caster levels thereafter. After being triggered, the glyph dissipates.
            Note: Spell continues to scale

           Searing Light

            Caster Level(s): Cleric 3
          Innate Level: 3
          School: Evocation
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Medium
          Area of Effect / Target: Single
          Duration: Instant
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: None
          Spell Resistance: Yes

            The caster directs a beam of white-hot light at a single target. The damage is based on the target's racial type: Undead: 1d8 per caster level up to level 10, an additional 1d8 per 4 caster levels thereafter. Construct: 1d6 for every 2 caster levels up to level 10, an additional 1d6 per 6 caster levels thereafter. Other: 1d8 per 2 caster levels up to level 10, an additional 1d8 per 6 caster levels thereafter.
            Note: Spell continues to scale


            Caster Level(s): Druid 3
          Innate Level: 3
          School: Transmutation
          Descriptor(s): Poison
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Short
          Area of Effect / Target: Single
          Duration: Instant
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Fortitude Negates (poison only)
          Spell Resistance: No

           The caster throws poisonous quills at a target, doing 1d8 points of damage +1 per 2 caster levels in addition to inflicting Scorpion Venom on the target if they fail a Fortitude save.
            Note: Spell continues to scale

           Wounding Whispers

            Caster Level(s): Bard 3
          Innate Level: 3
          School: Abjuration
          Descriptor(s): Sonic
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Personal
          Area of Effect / Target: Caster
          Duration: 1 round / level
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: None
          Spell Resistance: No

           The caster is surrounded with whispers that injure any creature that hits the caster for 1d6 + 1 / level points of sonic damage (maximum 15 points of damage).
            Note: Max increased back from 10 to 15

           Lightning Bolt

            Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 3
          Innate Level: 3
          School: Evocation
          Descriptor(s): Electricity
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic, Material
          Range: Medium
          Area of Effect / Target: Chain of targets in a straight line
          Duration: Instant
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Reflex 1/2
          Spell Resistance: Yes
          Material Component: A Glass Rod

           The caster fires a bolt of lightning that passes through all creatures in a straight line from the caster. The bolt does 1d6 points of electricity damage per caster level up to level 10 plus an additional 1d6 per 2 caster levels thereafter.
            Note: Spell continues to scale

           Acid Breath

            Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 3
          Innate Level: 3
          School: Conjuration
          Descriptor(s): Acid
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Short
          Area of Effect / Target: Cone
          Duration: Instantaneous
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Reflex 1/2
          Spell Resistance: Yes

            You breathe forth a cone of acidic droplets. The cone inflicts 1d6 points of acid damage per caster level up to level 10 plus an additional 1d6 points per 2 caster levels thereafter.
            Note: Spell continues to scale

           Negative Energy Burst

            Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 3
          Innate Level: 3
          School: Necromancy
          Descriptor(s): Negative
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Medium
          Area of Effect / Target: Huge
          Duration: Instant
          Additional Counter Spells: Negative Energy Protection
          Save: Will 1/2
          Spell Resistance: Yes

           All creatures caught in the area of effect take 1d8 points of negative energy damage plus 1d8 per 4 caster levels. All creatures caught in the area also lose 1 point of strength per 4 caster levels. Negative energy spells have a reverse effect on undead, healing instead of harming them.
            Note: Spell continues to scale

           Scintillating Sphere

            Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 3
          Innate Level: 3
          School: Evocation
          Descriptor(s): Electricity
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic, Material
          Range: Medium
          Area of Effect / Target: Huge
          Duration: Instantaneous
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Reflex 1/2
          Spell Resistance: Yes
          Material Component: A Glass Bead

           The caster unleashes a crackling electric projectile that explodes upon all within the area of effect for 1d6 points of electric damage per caster level up to level 10 plus an additional 1d6 per 2 caster levels thereafter.
            Note: Spell continues to scale

           Call Lightning

            Caster Level(s): Druid 3
          Innate Level: 3
          School: Evocation
          Descriptor(s): Electricity
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Long
          Area of Effect / Target: Large
          Duration: Instant
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Reflex 1/2
          Spell Resistance: Yes

           All enemies within the area of effect take 1d6 points of electrical damage per caster level up to level 10, an additional 1d6 per 3 caster levels thereafter.
            Note: Spell continues to scale

           Magic Vestment

            Caster Level(s): Cleric 3
          Innate Level: 3
          School: Transmutation
          Descriptor(s): Armor Enchantment
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic, Material
          Range: Touch
          Area of Effect / Target: Creature, Armor or Shield
          Duration: 1 Turn / Level
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: None
          Spell Resistance: No
          Material Component: A Holy Symbol which must be worn

            You empower the touched armor or shield with a +1 AC bonus per 5 caster levels to a maximum of +7.
            Note: No cap

           Greater Magic Weapon

            Caster Level(s): Bard 3, Cleric 4, Paladin 3, Wizard / Sorcerer 3 Innate Level: 3 School: Transmutation Descriptor(s): Weapon Enchantment Component(s): Verbal, Somatic, Material Range: Short Area of Effect / Target: Creature, Weapon or Gloves Duration: 1 Turn / Level Additional Counter Spells:  Save: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: Powdered Carbon
            You empower the touched weapon with a +1 enhancement bonus per 5 caster levels (maximum of +5). The caster can either target a specific weapon or gloves in his inventory or a creature to enchant the weapon the creature is wielding or gloves if they are not wielding anything. If a ranged weapon is targeted or the target creature is wielding a ranged weapon all equipped ammunition will have the enhancement.
            Note: Works on bows and gloves

           Improved Invisibility

            Caster Level(s): Bard 4, Wizard / Sorcerer 4
          Innate Level: 4
          School: Illusion
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic, Material
          Range: Touch
          Area of Effect / Target: Single
          Duration: 1 Turn + 1 Round Per Level.
          Additional Counter Spells: Invisibility Purge
          Save: Harmless
          Spell Resistance: No
          Material Component: Gum Arabic

           The target creature becomes invisible and impossible to detect using normal vision. After attacking or casting spells the target creature will become partially visible and detectable by enemies, but still retain a concealment bonus equal to 20+1 per caster level to a maximum of 50. The target also gains a bonus +2 to Dodge AC.
            Note: Change in concealment calculation and +2 Dodge

           Wall of Fire

            Caster Level(s): Druid 5, Wizard / Sorcerer 4
          Innate Level: 4
          School: Evocation
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Medium
          Area of Effect / Target: Wall 30 ft Long
          Duration: 1 Round / 2 Levels
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Reflex 1/2
          Spell Resistance: Yes

           This spell creates a curtain of fire that deals 4d6 plus 1d4 per 3 caster levels fire damage to any creature that attempts to pass through it.
            Note: Spell continues to scale

           Hammer of the Gods

            Caster Level(s): Cleric 4
          Innate Level: 4
          School: Evocation
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Medium
          Area of Effect / Target: Huge
          Duration: Instant
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Will Partial
          Spell Resistance: Yes

           The caster smites a group of enemies with divine light for 1d8 points of damage for every two caster levels for the first 10 levels plus an additional 1d8 points of damage per every 5 levels thereafter. Enemies that make a Will save take half damage and avoid being dazed for 1 to 6 rounds.
            Note: Spell continues to scale


            Caster Level(s): Cleric 5, Druid 4
          Innate Level: 4
          School: Evocation
          Descriptor(s): Fire
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic, Material
          Range: Medium
          Area of Effect / Target: Medium
          Duration: Instant
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Reflex 1/2
          Spell Resistance: Yes
          Material Component: A Holy Symbol which must be worn

           A pillar of flame engulfs all within the area of effect, inflicting 1d6 points of damage per caster level up to level 15, plus an additional 1d6 points of damage per 3 caster levels thereafter. Half of the damage caused by the spell is divine and the other half is fire-based. Enemies are struck by both damage types, while allies are struck only by the fire damage.
            Note: Spell continues to scale


            Caster Level(s): Druid 4, Ranger 4, Wizard / Sorcerer 4
          Innate Level: 4
          School: Abjuration
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic, Material
          Range: Touch
          Area of Effect / Target: Single
          Duration: 1 Hour / Level
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Harmless
          Spell Resistance: No
          Material Component: Dust of Topaz

            This spell grants the target creature damage reduction as such:
            Level 9 or below: DR 5/+1
          Level 10 to 14: DR 5/+2
          Level 15: DR 5/+3
          Level 16 to 19: DR 10/+3
          Level 20 to 24: DR 10/+4
          Level 25+: DR 10/+5

            The spell absorbs 10 points of melee damage per caster level, to a maximum of 150, before collapsing.
            Note: Max damage increased from 100 to 150


            Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 5
          Innate Level: 5
          School: Evocation
          Descriptor(s): Fire
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic, Material
          Range: Medium
          Area of Effect / Target: Colossal
          Duration: Instant
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Reflex 1/2
          Spell Resistance: Yes
          Material Component: Alchemist's Fire

           Masses of flame (one per caster level to a maximum of 15) appear and randomly target and hit any hostile creature in the area of effect. If there are more creatures than balls of flame, only the closest targets will be damaged. If there are more balls of flame than creatures, the excess balls of flame disappear. Each ball of flame explodes for 1d6 points of damage per caster level up to level 10 plus an additional 1d6 per 3 caster levels thereafter.
            Note: Spell continues to scale

           Ball Lightning

            Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 5
          Innate Level: 5
          School: Evocation
          Descriptor(s): Electricity
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic, Material
          Range: Medium
          Area of Effect / Target: Colossal
          Duration: Instant
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Reflex 1/2
          Spell Resistance: Yes
          Material Component: Small Metal Pellet

            Balls of lightning (one per caster level to a maximum of 15) appear and randomly target and hit any hostile creature in the area of effect. If there are more creatures than balls of lightning, only the closest targets will be damaged. If there are more balls of lightning than creatures, the excess balls of lightning disappear. Each ball of lightning explodes for 1d6 points of damage per caster level up to level 10 plus an additional 1d6 per 3 levels thereafter.
            Note: Spell continues to scale


            Caster Level(s): Druid 5
          Innate Level: 5
          School: Transmutation
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic, Material
          Range: Short
          Area of Effect / Target: Single
          Duration: 1 round / level
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: None
          Spell Resistance: Yes
          Material Component: Bee's Wax

           The caster causes a target to ignite into flame. Each round the target will suffer 1d6 +1/level. A reflex save is permitted each round to avoid damage, making the save does not put out the flames, only enables damage to be skipped for that round.
            Note: Spell continues to scale


            Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 5
          Innate Level: 5
          School: Conjuration
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Long
          Area of Effect / Target: Large
          Duration: 1 Round / 2 Levels
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Fortitude Special
          Spell Resistance: Yes

            A billowing cloud of noxious vapors settles over the area. Its effects vary according to the Hit Dice of the affected creatures: 1-3 HD: Instant death
          4-6 HD: Fortitude save or death
          Over 6 HD: 1d10 damage/round per 5 caster levels
            Note: Spell continues to scale

           Cone of Cold

            Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 5
          Innate Level: 5
          School: Evocation
          Descriptor(s): Cold
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic, Material
          Range: Cone, 30ft
          Area of Effect / Target: Spell Cone
          Duration: Instant
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Reflex 1/2
          Spell Resistance: Yes
          Material Component: A Glass Rod

           A cone of frost and snow shoots forth from the caster's hands, doing 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level up to level 15 plus an additional 1d6 per 2 caster levels thereafter to all those within the area of effect.
            Note: Spell continues to scale


            Caster Level(s): Bard 6
          Innate Level: 6
          School: Evocation
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Personal
          Area of Effect / Target: Large
          Duration: 1 Turn + 1 Round / level
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Will negates
          Spell Resistance: Yes

           The caster's song draws the energies of death and destruction. Any enemies in the area of effect suffer 2 points of Strength and Dexterity ability score damage each round. If the enemy leaves the area of effect, their Strength and Dexterity are restored.
            Note: Duration and change to Will Save

           Blade Barrier

            Caster Level(s): Cleric 6
          Innate Level: 6
          School: Evocation
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Medium
          Area of Effect / Target: Wall 30 ft Long
          Duration: 1 Round / Level
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Reflex 1/2
          Spell Resistance: Yes

           Blade Barrier brings into being a 30-ft long and 3-ft wide wall of stabbing blades. All those passing through the wall take 1d6 points of damage per caster level up to level 15 plus an additional 1d6 per 4 levels thereafter.
            Note: Spell continues to scale

           Acid Fog

            Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 6
          Innate Level: 6
          School: Conjuration
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Long
          Area of Effect / Target: Large
          Duration: 1 Round / 2 Level
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Fortitude
          Spell Resistance: Yes

           Acid Fog creates a thick, clinging, greenish cloud. Creatures entering the cloud take 4d6 acid damage. Creatures entering the cloud must make a Fortitude save or have their movement reduced by 50%. Every round a creature spends in the cloud, it suffers 2d6+1 point per caster level acid damage.
            Note: Spell continues to scale

           Chain Lightning

            Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 6
          Innate Level: 6
          School: Evocation
          Descriptor(s): Electricity
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic, Material
          Range: Long
          Area of Effect / Target: Colossal, 1 Target / Level
          Duration: Instant
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Reflex 1/2
          Spell Resistance: Yes
          Material Component: A Glass Rod

           A bolt of electricity arcs through the caster's enemies for 1d6 points of electrical damage per caster level up to level 20 plus 1d6 points per 2 caster levels thereafter to the initial target and half that amount to all secondary targets.
            Note: Spell continues to scale


            Caster Level(s): Cleric 6, Wizard / Sorcerer 7
          Innate Level: 6
          School: Abjuration
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Short
          Area of Effect / Target: Colossal
          Duration: Instant
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Will negates
          Spell Resistance: Yes

           The caster is able to cause all summoned creatures, familiars, animal companions, and Outsiders in the area of effect to be destroyed. A number of creatures equal to four times the caster's level in HD can be banished.
            Note: Bumped from 2 times to 4 times


            Caster Level(s): Druid 6
          Innate Level: 6
          School: Transmutation
          Descriptor(s): Sonic
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Medium
          Area of Effect / Target: One Construct
          Duration: Instantaneous
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: No
          Spell Resistance: No

           This spell inflicts 1d6 points of damage per caster level up to level 15 plus an additional 1d6 points for each 3 caster levels thereafter to a selected Construct. This spell does not affect living creatures.
            Note: Spell continues to scale

           Greater Stoneskin

            Caster Level(s): Druid 6, Wizard / Sorcerer 6
          Innate Level: 6
          School: Abjuration
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic, Material
          Range: Personal
          Area of Effect / Target: Caster
          Duration: 1 Hour / Level
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Harmless
          Spell Resistance: No
          Material Component: Dust of Diamond

           Grants the caster a damage reduction of 20/+5. The spell absorbs 10 points of melee damage per caster level, to a maximum of 200, before fading.
            Note: Max damage upped from 150 to 200

           Power Word, Stun

            Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 7
          Innate Level: 7
          School: Divination
          Component(s): Verbal
          Range: Medium
          Area of Effect / Target: Colossal
          Duration: Instant
          Additional Counter Spells: Clarity
          Save: Will Special
          Spell Resistance: Yes

           Those in the area of effect take 1d4 per 2 caster levels Sonic damage and must make a Will save or be stunned for 2d4 rounds. A successful Will save stuns the target for 1 round. The maximum creatures affected in the area are 1d4+1 per 5 caster levels. The spell does not affect those immune to Mind spells.
            Note: Area of Effect now

           Delayed Blast Fireball

            Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 7
          Innate Level: 7
          School: Evocation
          Descriptor(s): Fire
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Medium
          Area of Effect / Target: Huge
          Duration: 1 Round / 3 Levels
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Reflex 1/2
          Spell Resistance: Yes

           The caster creates a small, magical zone that can detect the passage of enemy creatures. When the field is activated, it explodes, doing 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level to all within the area of effect up to level 20, plus an additional 1d6 points per 2 caster levels thereafter.
            Note: Spell continues to scale


            Caster Level(s): Cleric 8, Druid 7
          Innate Level: 7
          School: Evocation
          Descriptor(s): Fire
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Personal
          Area of Effect / Target: Colossal
          Duration: Instant
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Reflex 1/2
          Spell Resistance: Yes
          Spell Component: Holy Symbol must be worn

           Everyone within this spell's area of effect are inundated with a rain of fire and take 1d6 points of damage per caster level up to level 20 plus an additional 1d6 points of damage per 2 caster levels thereafter. Half of the damage is divine and the other half is fire-based. Allies are not subject to divine damage.
            Note: Spell continues to scale

           Nature's Flow

            Caster Level(s): Druid 8
          Innate Level: 8
          School: Conjuration
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Personal
          Area of Effect / Target: Gargantuan
          Duration: Concentration, 1 Round / Level
          Spell Resistance: No
          Spell Component: Holy Symbol must be worn
          Area Limitation: Natural

           The druid focuses all his natural will to project an expansive aura around himself. This aura flows from Nature through the druid and out to her or his allies. After the aura blankets the area, and for 1 round per level while the druid maintains her or his meditative focus, all allies regenerate 12 hit points per round. If the druid's concentration is broken, either by his own volition, such as attacking or casting, or by taking damage, the regenerative flow of nature is broken as well. To assist with keeping focus, the caster is also surrounded in a protective layer when the spell is first cast.
            Note: The protective layer now includes all damage types.

           Mass Disorientation

            Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 8
          Innate Level: 8
          School: Enchantment
          Component(s): Verbal
          Range: Short
          Area of Effect / Target: Colossal
          Duration: 1d8 Rounds
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Will Negates
          Spell Resistance: Yes

           Non allied creatures of most racial types in the area of effect who fail a Will save are clouded with one of the following afflictions:
          • Charm
          • Slow
          • Stun
          • Sleep
          • Confusion
          • Dazed
          • Paralyzed
          Note: Replaces Mass Charm

           Bracar's Fascinating Elemental Storm

            Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 8
          Innate Level: 8
          School: Evocation
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Long
          Area of Effect / Target: Gargantuan
          Duration: Instant
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: None
          Spell Resistance: Yes

           Developed after years of study of the ancient Rhun Zharr Tome, this fascinating spell is one of Brac’ar Fireface Kilring’s finest creations. When cast, a storm of elemental missiles shoots forth towards the target, stopping them in their tracks as they stare in fascination at their impending doom.
            This spell is a testament to the skill and mastery of woven magic of this dwarven wizard, tailor and scribe.
           A number of elemental missiles (one per caster level to a maximum of 20) appear and randomly target and hit any hostile creature in the area of effect. The missiles will have an even spread among the target(s) as possible, with a maximum of 8 per target. Random elements pour forth from the casters hands into the missiles, giving an unpredictable result in what type of elemental damage the target(s) will take. The possibilities include 2d8+1 per 2 caster levels of fire, lightning, cold, or acid damage. Additionally, each missile in the colorful spectrum has a dazzling effect on the target(s) and the target struck with the blast of elemental energy must make a will save or be dazed for 1d4 rounds.
            Note: Spell continues to scale


            Caster Level(s): Cleric 8, Druid 8
          Innate Level: 8
          School: Evocation
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Medium
          Area of Effect / Target: Colossal
          Duration: 3 Rounds
          Additional Counter Spells: Create Greater Undead
          Save: Reflex Negates
          Spell Resistance: Yes
          Material Component: Holy Symbol

           The caster summons a globe of divine radiance to blind and burn those within the area of effect. Undead take 1d6 points of divine damage per caster level to a maximum of 25d6. All other monster types take 1d6 points of divine damage per 3 caster levels and are blinded for 3 rounds. A successful Reflex save halves the damage and voids blindness. Any shadows or vampires caught in the area of effect will be instantly slain if they do not make a successful Fortitude save.
            Note: Spell continues to scale


            Caster Level(s): Cleric 8, Druid 9
          Innate Level: 8
          School: Evocation
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic, Material
          Range: Personal
          Area of Effect / Target: Colossal
          Duration: Instant
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Reflex 1/2
          Spell Resistance: No
          Material Component: A Holy Symbol which must be worn

           The caster causes a massive earthquake around himself, causing 1d6 points of damage per caster level up to level 20, plus an additional 1d6 points of damage per 2 levels thereafter to all creatures in the area of effect. The caster is not affected by the earthquake.
            Note: Spell continues to scale

           Horrid Wilting

            Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 8
          Innate Level: 8
          School: Necromancy
          Descriptor(s): Death
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic, Material
          Range: Long
          Area of Effect / Target: Colossal
          Duration: Instant
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Fortitude 1/2
          Spell Resistance: Yes
          Material Component: A Piece of Sponge

           All creatures within the area of effect take 1d8 points of withering energy damage per caster level up to level 20 plus 1d8 per 2 caster levels thereafter.
            Note: Spell continues to scale

           Incendiary Cloud

            Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 8
          Innate Level: 8
          School: Evocation
          Descriptor(s): Fire
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Long
          Area of Effect / Target: Large
          Duration: 1 Round / Level
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Reflex 1/2
          Spell Resistance: Yes

           The caster creates a cloud of smoke and embers that causes 4d6+1 per caster level points of fire damage each round to all creatures within the area of effect.
            Note: Spell continues to scale


            Caster Level(s): Druid 8
          Innate Level: 8
          School: Conjuration
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic, Material
          Range: Long
          Area of Effect / Target: Huge
          Duration: Instant
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Reflex 1/2
          Spell Resistance: Yes
          Material Component: Quartz Crystal

           Rocks fall from the sky, causing 10d8+1d8 per 3 caster levels above level 10 points of damage to all enemies in the area.
            Note: Spell continues to scale


            Caster Level(s): Druid 8, Wizard / Sorcerer 8
          Innate Level: 8
          School: Evocation
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Medium
          Area of Effect / Target: Huge
          Duration: Instant
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Reflex
          Spell Resistance: Yes

            A brilliant explosion occurs where the caster directs causing 1d6 points of damage per caster level (to a maximum of 25d6) to all undead. Non-undead creatures suffer 1d6 damage per 4 caster levels. Vampires are destroyed instantly if they fail a Reflex saving throw. All enemies in the area of effect must also make a successful Reflex saving throw or be blinded permanently (the blindness can only be magically removed).
            Note: Spell continues to scale

           Nature's Balance

            Caster Level(s): Druid 9
          Innate Level: 9
          School: Transmutation
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Personal
          Area of Effect / Target: Colossal
          Duration: Instant
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Fortitude Negates
          Spell Resistance: No

           Focusing your link with nature, you are able to channel essential life forces to balance yourself and those around you. Performing this great sacrifice will tax your body tremendously, effectively setting your current hit point value to 50% of your maximum. This act of attunement then grants you the ability to tip the scales to those who surround you. The primal equilibrium reached within will then allow you redistribute life energies to both friend and foe in a similar balance. The spell will set all your allies to 75% of their maximum hit point value and enemy creatures surrounding you to 25% of their maximum hit point value if they fail the fortitude save.
            Note: Size change

           Power Word, Kill

            Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 9
          Innate Level: 9
          School: Divination
           Death, Mind
          Component(s): Verbal
          Range: Short
          Area of Effect / Target: Colossal
          Duration: Instant
          Additional Counter Spells: Death Ward
          Save: Will
          Spell Resistance: Yes

           1d4+1 per 5 caster level creatures in the area of effect must make a Will save or die. A successful Will save will cause 1d6 Sonic damage per 2 caster levels.
            Note: Area of Effect spell with damage

           Howling Hurricane

            Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 9
          Innate Level: 9
          School: Conjuration
           Cold, Sonic
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Long
          Area of Effect / Target: Large
          Duration: Round / 5 Levels
          Save: Fortitude Special
          Spell Resistance: Yes

           On entrance, targets are stricken with a blast of Cold air dealing 1d6 points of damage per 5 caster levels. Every round in the hurricane will then continue to deal 3d6 Sonic damage and render the target Deaf. In addition if the target fails a Fortitude save, they will take 5d6 points of Cold damage and be blinded for 1 Round.

           Mass Flesh to Stone

            Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 9
          Innate Level: 9
          School: Transmutation
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Medium
          Area of Effect / Target: Colossal
          Duration: Special
          Save: Fortitude
          Immunity: Freedom Special
          Spell Resistance: Yes

            Those in the area of effect are petrified, encased in stone forever. Targets failing a Fortitude save but have Freedom of Movement are encased in rock for 1d4 rounds. The caster can petrify 1d4+1 per 10 levels of creatures. PCs who fail the save and do not have Freedom of Movement are petrified for 3 Rounds.

           Meteor Swarm

            Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 9
          Innate Level: 9
          School: Evocation
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Personal
          Area of Effect / Target: Colossal
          Duration: Instant
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Reflex 1/2
          Spell Resistance: Yes

           The spell causes everything within the area of effect to be pummeled by incoming meteors. All those caught in the destruction take 20d6 points of damage plus 1d6 per 2 caster levels thereafter and then are set on fire which deals 1d6 fire damage for 5 rounds or until a reflex save is made. All creatures within 7 feet of the caster are protected from the spell's effect.
            Note: Spell continues to scale


            Caster Level(s): Cleric 9
          Innate Level: 9
          School: Evocation
          Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
          Range: Short
          Area of Effect / Target: Up to 4 Targets
          Duration: Special
          Additional Counter Spells:
          Save: Fortitude Negates
          Spell Resistance: Yes

            The caster creates a vortex of destruction that tears asunder the first creature found within its area of effect, killing them instantly unless they make their saving throw. It then targets another creature for the next round for up to 4 rounds. The caster may not perform any other actions while focusing on Implosion.
            Note: Redone

          The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

          General Discussion / Layonara 3.2 Is Coming Soon!
          « on: April 01, 2009, 01:38:13 pm »
          [SIZE=18]No Fooling!

          You folks won't believe the load of changes we've packed into this update.  Many suggestions were implemented, many annoyances corrected and a boat load of new functionality was tossed in.  Combine that with the sweet new areas built by Chongo and you're all in for a big treat!

          Our scheduled release is pending some playtesting but we're targeting the weekend.  Maybe as early as the quiet hours of Saturday morning, but no guarantees. :)

          More then your game experience, your community experience is going through a bit of an overhaul as well.  I eluded to this in an earlier post but we felt most of the policy, procedure and rule changes are now all intertwined, so to release partial changes would have been confusing without the full picture.

          [SIZE=18]Stay tuned for a few teasers and added details![/SIZE]
          The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

          Layonara Server / Rules, Policies and Procedure Review
          « on: March 16, 2009, 03:06:24 pm »
          Over the past few weeks the teams have been spending time analyzing all of our rules and procedures.  

          Some have needlessly languished as archaic solutions to problems that we experienced as a very active community.  

          Some have always been difficult situations where making everyone happy was not possible.

          Some were even probably mistakes on our part to institute, harming the majority of the innocent players for minimal actions of the guilty.

          Some bog down time for GMs to police and thus hurt their ability to create meaningful moments for the players.

          Some bog down our teams with administrative overhead that could be better spent on making the world more fun.

          To this end, as we reach definitive conclusions on our reviews, we will be announcing and rolling out these changes.  This may take some time yet still, but there are some that we have quickly agreed can be adjusted and there's no reason we should not implement them right away.

          As always, we will listen to your feedback. I can tell you right now that threads and posts on these forums by community members are continually referenced in our discussions.

          As a final note, our focus on these adjustments have tried to aim particularly at having the existing community enjoy Layonara more and welcoming new members to have as much fun as they can.
          The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

          Layonara Server / LORE Character Updates
          « on: January 29, 2009, 04:23:16 am »
          While working on some web server backup maintenance, with the help of orth we made some changes to LORE. The two most notable differences are:

          • Character pages are now updating again
          • The antiquated header logo has been changed

          The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

          General Discussion / A Happy farewell
          « on: September 15, 2008, 01:35:54 pm »
          I am stepping down from the GM team. It has been so much fun being a GM for all of you. Thank you all for the energy that you have brought to my quests. I am doing this now because I feel I dont have the time to commit to quests that it takes and needs to be a good GM. I will still be playing though and maybe more so ;).

          Being a GM is not an easy task on Layo. Not only is there so much you need to know but the player base is very sophisticated and that means you had best be on your toes at all times as a GM. By the end of some of my quests I would just log and pass out from the amount of multi tasking it took. Please keep in mind that most of the time there is only one GM there and he or she is trying to track all text (many times in multi locations), use a plethora of tools to call forth this beast or that NPC, play the NPCs, turn area spawns on and off, balance and re balance encounters, and set the mood and stage. All of this is after a couple of hours of set up. Be nice to them they work really hard.

          Thank you all,
          Jrizz - Happy
          The following users thanked this post: Cinnabar

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