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Messages - Dorax Windsmith

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Layonara Server / Pankoki out until further notice
« on: November 17, 2009, 01:07:13 pm »
Hello everyone,

Due to RL reasons, Pankoki won't be around for the next few days.

Any PMs will therefore remain unanswered, as will posts in the various Quest forums. His scheduled quests will be cancelled.

When he's back, we'll let you know (or he will).
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Wild Surge Inn / RP Event for Charity
« on: November 15, 2009, 07:54:18 am »
[SIZE=18]A baking competetion and bake sale will be held on Freas, April 27, 1458 (//December 5th at 6:30p.m. EST) at the Twin Dragon Inn in Leringard to benefit the Harmony's House for the Young which is an orphanage in Hempstead.

We are on a search for the best pie in the lands and will be naming a winner. The famous Tod Fellow will be one of our judges. We all know he knows pie!

The idea is that every chef will bring at least three pies. One will be given to our judges, the other two will be put up for sale. All money and left over pie goes to the orphanage.

Not a baker? That is ok! All people need to eat. Come out and support the children by buying a pie.. or 5.

New adventurer who can't afford an expensive pie? Well this is for charity folks. Pay what you can and get a pie made by one of the best chefs in the lands.

So come one, come all and help feed the children.

If you have any questions, seek out Alazira.[/SIZE]

//If you are a chef intending to enter your pie into the competition, please write up a description of what your pie might taste/smell/look like and get it ready on a piece of parchment/paper to turn into our judges.
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

General Discussion / First sunday trip move
« on: November 15, 2009, 12:39:20 am »
It's kind of cheesy to move the first thing in a series of things, but, for those who didn't notice, there is a Summons to Blackford for someone that also allows an open, if courteous, audience. Considering that I was going to start doing these every Sunday, I figured there was no harm in skipping the first so that we could all spy on the Queen's business... ;) There is just a certain number of time chunks that can be assigned, is all.

That would make the first regular one next Sunday instead of tomorrow, and others just kind of random in the week.
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Layonara Server / Version 3.21.5 is online
« on: November 12, 2009, 08:54:10 pm »
Version 3.21.5 is online!

This is a small one, consisting mostly of area-related updates, but worth putting in.
  • Remodel to 237 Haft Lake District
  • Tweak Great Forest spawns a bit (Giants and Trollocs)
  • Adjustments to Natural Cavern for balance reasons
  • Temporary plot-relevant areas added to Central
  • Increased mithril spawns slightly
  • Fixed exploitable terrain in a high-level CNR area
  • Fixed broken transition in the Broken Halls
  • Fixed Temple of Vierdri'ira vendor to sell the right flag
  • Renamed the Unicorn Inn to the Jhemina Inn
  • Update Leringard to reflect the recent Arms fire
  • added command toggle combat_xp to toggle the gaining of XP from combat *
  • Skald Make Them Bleed ability should now properly cancel invisibility and Greater Sanctuary
  • Fixed order of dialog options in ox conversation
  • Added Chair - Decor deed to furniture vendor
  • Fixed Kit's reference to Ogres to say Gnolls instead
* toggle combat_xp can be used by those people who are waiting for CDQs for PrCs and other reasons and wish to halt their progression without having to ask GMs for XP removal during the waiting period.  Note that there is no accounting or tracking of XP that would have been gained when this setting is "off".  Use this at your own responsibility.  The GM Team will not hand back XP for inadvertent use.

There it is!  Thanks to those who supplied input to this, and also to Minerva for her plot areas.  

The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Character Library / Welcome to the Character Library!
« on: November 03, 2009, 08:20:07 pm »
Welcome to the Character Library! This forum is a collection of player-written character ideas intended to be shared with the community. Here, players can leave character ideas they do not have the time to create themselves, or browse for inspiration and find character biographies in various stages of completion to submit to the Character Submission forums.

Warning! If you are looking for a prewritten character completely ready for approval, you want the Character Stable

Alright, warnings dispensed, if a place to write, read, share and borrow character biographies, player to player, sounds interesting to you, read on for more information ...

Purpose of the Character Library

Once the Character Stable got into full swing, it became obvious that there was an unanswered need in the Community.  We have players who have detailed/interesting/unusual character ideas, but no time to make a new character!

This, then, is the place to put these ideas, and also the place to find such ideas if you're looking.  If you have a great idea for a Dark Elf Druid, or a Deep Gnome cleric of Sulterio, or a wizard who can't cast fire spells because he's terrified of fire... or, really, any character idea in any stage of completion that does not meet the submission guidelines for the Character Stable, this is the place for you!

Donating to the Forum

If you are "donating" character ideas, simply post characters here in the same manner you would in the Character Stable or Character Submission forums.  It's that easy. If someone reads your biography or idea and would like to use it, they will post in the thread and you will grant permission. However, keep in mind that if you become inactive, we will assume tacit approval for requests for use not answered within ten days. Please don't post character discussion here, or posts that are not character biographies or descriptions.  As with the Stable, this forum is Character posts only.

Please do not PM GMs or CAs about these characters - this forum is (aside from abuse prevention) effectively GM-hands-off.  Which brings us to ...

Using Posted Characters

If you intend to use a character that has been posted to this forum, your negotiation is with the player who posted it.  Simply make a post to a character thread indicating your intention, and work out the use of the character with them.  If the player in question is no longer active, a request to use a character which remains unanswered for ten days is treated as a tacit authorization for use.

Once a character has been "released" into your care, it is your responsibility to get it ready for approval.  The approval process is in your hands; the GM/CA team will not be revising these submissions for auto-approval. Furthermore, the player who will actually be playing the character must meet any requirements for restricted alignments, etc. If you're looking for an automatic approval, that is what the Stable is for.

So, indulge your creativity here, or browse through the wonderful ideas of others from our community--and maybe your character ideas will be brought to life!
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Rumour Has It / After the Storytelling at the Crossroads...
« on: October 30, 2009, 11:27:50 am »
*A man strolls to the fountain on a windy evening in Port Hempstead.  He's tall, well over six feet, slender but not skinny with walnut-dark skin.  His long black hair rustles in the gathering breeze as he hops on a bench facing out toward the massive wooden gates.  His strong tenor carries over the stone-paved square.*

Ladies, Gentlemen, I bid you to sit so that I, Andrew Reid, might bring you a tale, both spoken and sung, from oceans away.  A tale of greed, murder, and comeuppance, but no less horrible for that.  This is the story of a Hi no Tana, what you call a will o' wisp.

*He gestures, and a small group of people gather -- a few shopkeepers and market women, heads cocked in skeptic anticipation; several giggling children; and two finely dressed elven men.*

I share this as I've just earned a prize in a contest *he holds aloft a lantern of a carved pumpkin, the cut-out smile either warm and vaguely frightening depending on the viewer* and I'm feeling rather good about it. So perhaps my simple joy will spread to you.

*He clears his throat softly*. Once, years before even you children of Voltrex *nods to the elves* were laid for the first time into your mother's arms, there was a bog, a little bog, skirting the shores near a port city far, far away.

The legends spoke of a chest fully as long as a man and twice as wide *he gestures a double-wide coffin shape with his hands*, full of stolen diamonds and emeralds, deep in the center of this little bog. A clever raider had supposedly stolen these gems from the dark elves of the Deep and buried them in the bog while under pursuit so he could get them when the commotion died down.

But that unnamed pirate of old never returned for them; at least, he was never seen or heard from again. *He bends a little toward the audience, gesturing as he speaks*

What that pirate didn't know?  That everyone avoided this place.  The bog trembled, shook as a sleeping man does when he's having a nightmare; little tremors, hither and thither *he quivers his hand across the air*.  The ground would feel solid as wood, make a confident tap-tap under one's boots, until it SUDDENLY *he ducks into a crouch* would give way, dousing one into the stinking muck, and sucking at boots, feet and legs as if it didn't want to let go.  And the bog was haunted -- haunted by the spirits of every man, woman, and child that had ever been sucked beneath the slimy surface.

Time passed, and by and by locals started speaking of a globe of light moving over the marshy ground and hearing a thready voice singing on bleak, dark nights in the haunted bog.  They spoke of a song of treasure untold...

*He begins to sing, his deep tenor restrained to a hoarse whisper.*

"Come see my treasure, come over here...buried 'neath the quaking earth...glimmer, glitter, sparkle, me and it's yours...

Search beneath, down, under...deep they came and deep you beyond your wildest me and it's yours..."

Well.  Word of this song got around town, spreading like only a rumor -- or a bad rash -- can.  Most sane folks continued to avoid the area.  Fear of spirits and the evil they can say and do is strong, and for good reason.

But.  There is always a but, isn't there? But, there were two men who were skeptical, desperate, and poor enough to start planning liberation of the captive gems.  They acquired shovels, rope, gaffes, prying bars, staves, planks, and lanterns *motions as if he were packing things*; and one chill winter night, under the black blanket of a new moon, they set off to lay claim to the reputed treasure.

It was not a long trek, but the walk left them numb with cold.  

The battered sand road that ran parallel to the beach seemed normal enough; but as they drew closer to the bog, icy tendrils of wind like cold little breaths came at them, whispering down their cloaks and around their gloves. *He shivers, rubbing his arms.*

After quite a time, lugging all their equipment, they reached the marshy area.  The two men immediately began to lay a path to the center with the planks.  When they reached the center of the bog, and only then, did they hear the singing.

*His voice once again drops, now an eerie whisper that still manages to echo in the square.*

"Seekers, brave, here you are, but only one will leave...riches great but greed is greater, one sets to deceive...who will win the prize, my seekers?  Who will set me free?...And who will bleed in this wet grave, to join the rotting debris?"

*He looks around, pantomiming fear*

Nervous though they were, still the desire for wealth without work won the day.  Giving each other suspicious glances, they set to probing for the chest.  The moment the gaffe dipped into the slime and muck, the song continued, and from behind them there was light...

"Who wishes to see someone dying, who wishes to sees someone dead?  Who has even now, a heavy wood bough, to crack over someone's ripe head?"

The men stopped, turned, and stared at each other.  One had the wooden-handled gaffe; the other held a wooden stave.  Behind them, a circular light about the size of a fist was darting back and forth.  *He reaches behind him, mumbling a spell, and brings his hands around -- there is a clear stone in his hand, surrounded by a nimbus of light.  He holds the stone, weaving it before him as if the light were bobbing about*  

But the men didn't seem to notice.

The men held up their weapons, eyes locked together.  Again the thin, reedy whisper *he swings the light-spelled rock in excited circles and again sings in a ghostly voice*:

"Only one can live, but two want riches...who will strike first?  Whose weapon twitches?"

The man holding the staff swung, but the gaffe hit first - dead center in the other man's chest.  *He falls back, clutching his chest*.  The man with the staff flew back into the mire, sinking ever so slowly as the light flared and throbbed.  *He murmurs some arcane words and the bobbing light bursts into a brief but eye-searing ball of light, streaks of it leaving trails in the eyes of the audience.*

The man with the gaffe turned and sunk deep in the center, sparing not a moment to look at his still-breathing former friend dying by degrees behind him.  His eyes gleamed, and still he did not seem to notice the light.  His gaffe hooked something -- he tugged, eager, leaning forward to hook whatever heavy object he'd found.  *The bard kneels on the bench and makes pulling motions.*

But the object was heavy -- and in his blind desire, he fell into the muck.  Struggling to hold the gaffe and his treasure, kicking and reaching for something solid, his panicked eyes finally alighted on the aura of light --

"Take hold now, grab on, and preserved you'll be -- reach for the light, reach for me..."

He thrust up his hand, but as his fingers touched the nimbus, he screamed, for the light now seemed to suck on his fingertips with a vampiric force. *He moans, holding out the glowing stone up toward the sky with a shaking hand.*  His eyes sunk back, his teeth rattled, and slowly the light shifted color -- the white lifting, dissipating, while a sickly yellow crept in.

And as the white light faded into the coal dark sky, one last song was heard...

"You preserved and I am free and bound no more because of now guard a treasure clutch of gems and baubles you may not touch..."

And the last sound heard was of soft, mad laughter drifting on the swamp breezes.

The ochre-yellow light remained, frantically dashing about, here, there, stopping to buzz over the dead companion, then returning to the single arm still reaching out of the bog water, fingers reaching skyward in a supplicating plea....

*He dashes the lighted stone around, here, there, as a scared child looking for its mother.*

But the bodies sank, both of them.  And children in the town of my birth know to stay away from that bog...and to keep avarice and greed from their hearts, so not to be seduced by the song of evil.

*He bows to scattered applause, more from the children than the adults, and juggles the glowing stone (badly) for the little knot of eager young faces. He then drops the stone into the hand of a girl no more than eight years old and closes her fingers over it.*  The light will fade in a few hours, lovely litte one, but until then...*She squeals her delight and the children run off after making sure he had no more glowing rocks, playing with the light-spelled stone and pretending to be wisps in the evening dusk.*
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

General Discussion / I'm back
« on: October 13, 2009, 08:23:06 am »
Hey everyone.  It's been a while but I think it's time for Clarissa to return to the world of Layonara.  Just wanted to give a shout out to let everyone know I was back.  Hope to see you all in game.
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

[SIZE=16]*A finely scribed notice on an elegantly scroll of mahogany is seen posted in various Inn's and magic houses around the land. *[/SIZE]  
[SIZE=18]I am so excited to announce that creator of the Fascinating Missile
Brac'ar Fireface has kind enough agreed to come and
 demonstrate his spell to me as well as others that have interest.  Even
 though you may have studied his spell from a parchment I believe
 that having the chance to listen and watch the man that created it
 will give us a more understanding.

[SIZE=18]I really encourage mages  to come out take of advantage of this learning experience  [/SIZE][/I]
[SIZE=18]We will meet outside my home in Haven then move outside the city to watch the demonstration.[/SIZE][/I]
[SIZE=18]Mulnari, Jular 16, 1455[/SIZE][/I]
[SIZE=18]~ Amanda Doesscha~[/SIZE][/I]

The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Layonara Server / Update coming soon! New HAK required
« on: September 20, 2009, 11:15:24 pm »
Hello all.

Sometime in the next few days (I hope) there will be an update to the modules, and some of the changes require an updated "control" HAK file.  You can download it now and unpack it into your "hak" folder, so that you're prepared when the update comes online.

The download link is:

The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern / Regarding recent events around Nel...
« on: August 27, 2009, 05:56:38 pm »
Regarding the recent events especially around Nel and Lake Freis on Alindor...

I think it is rather common knowledge these days that there are some things going on which should not naturally take place. Mostly there were fiends seen around the Lake Freis and the city Nel on Alindor. Also these have been reported in a spider invested cave on Belinara and also close to the shack at the Dun Lake. The fiends were described as either big, evil looking creatures with horns, burning wings and an almost black to red skin, or as some burning creatures. Please see the following sketch for more detailed information regarding their physical appearance:

It was reported that these pit dwellers sometimes ask about where they showed up. Apparently they are looking for someone or something and mostly end up in the wrong location. What they are really after is still unclear, but it won’t likely be something that will make us all warm and fuzzy.  Please be very cautious about them. They tend to ask where they ended up and will likely attack you afterwards.

It is like they are summoned into this realm or they teleportate themselves. During that process they leave scorch marks on the ground. There seems to be nothing special about them. There is nothing you can see on it, unless you try and read the Al’Noth around it, you will feel there is something utterly wrong about them.

However, there are still many questions about these events and it will take some effort to investigate into this matter. To discuss what was already found out and how to proceed and to coordinate the investigations I invite everyone who is interested in solving these events. Those who are interested please meet me in Mariner’s Hold at the docks on Tunar, Febra 17, 1454 around 4:59:45.

On behalf of the Council of Nel and the White Lily,

-Phyress Sylphide

//The event will occur on September 2nd, 18:00 GMT/UTC. You find more information about it here.
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

General Discussion / Just another player.
« on: August 26, 2009, 11:22:23 am »
Wasn't going to make a public post about this because I didn't think it was really that necessary, but I guess I should make people aware that I have stepped down from the GM team and will no longer be running any quests etc.

I will still be here as a player, as much as I can spare the time for, but sadly it's best I step down as I can't dedicate the time I used to be able to writing/running quests, it has been a lot of fun and a big thanks to the team for letting me a part of it.

The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Hall of Heroes and Heroines / Lueanne Lightfinger - One Last Farewell
« on: August 20, 2009, 06:38:24 pm »

[INDENT] Razeriem:  *looks around and spots Triba*
Razeriem:  Triba?
Triba Gues:  Uh huh...
Razeriem:  Lets go for a walk please.
Triba Gues:  *She waves a little to Raz* Sure..

Outside as they walk the streets of Port Hempstead

Razeriem: *grins very slightly*
Razeriem:  So how long have you known Lue?
Triba Gues: How old are you?
Razeriem: Young
Razeriem:  *winks*
Triba Gues:  Then probably just as long as you've been alive, what's this about?
Razeriem:  She have family around?
Triba Gues:  No.
Razeriem:  *slows his pace*
Razeriem:  Hedessa, Lue and I were off exporing the dwarven ruins in the Spirit Dunes desert.
Triba Gues:  *She listens to him carefully*
Razeriem:  We got deep into the ruin and Lue feel.

The pair finds themselves near the Port Hempstead mortuary.

Razeriem: I have seen death before, come for me and others.
Razeriem:  But this was different.
Razeriem:  I *pauses for just a moment*
Razeriem: I think She took the last of her.
Razeriem: If you have not seen her in the last week.  *swallows*  
Razeriem: Then Lue is dead.  I am sorry.
Razeriem:  *points the last half block ahead to the building*
Triba Gues: *She blinks and remains quiet for a moment, the color on her tanned cheeks retreating and looking a little paler than usual*
Razeriem: I carried her all the way to here.
Razeriem: We couldn't leave her.
Razeriem:  *looks at Triba uneasily and then at the ground*
Triba Gues:  *She rubs her face and looks around, when she answers her voice comes low and choked* Lueanne? Little halfling, red hair?
Razeriem:  *nods slowly*
Razeriem: *tears are seen in his eyes and his voice is rough*  Yes I am sure it was Lue.
Razeriem: But I thought .. you might... have to see.  You know, ..for yourself. Triba Gues: *She swallows hard and cracks her neck once, then rubs her face as tears begin to freely move down her cheeks*
Razeriem:  *closes the distance with his arms slightly open*
Triba Gues:  *She eventually adds as her golden eyes well in tears* Her body is there...?
Razeriem:  *nods* They said they could , you know, keep it right for a week.
Razeriem: But she needs to be buried or whatever you think is right soon.
Triba Gues: *She winces at that and closes her eyes*
Razeriem:  *puts an arm over her shoulder and across her back unless she stop him or moves*
Razeriem:I am sorry. I did not know she was at ends with the Soul Mother.
Triba Gues:  *She lets a long shaky sigh and leans her head on his chest, not hugging him but holding her hands against her chest. Her forehead leaning on his chest and whimpering softly*
Razeriem:  *comforts her as best as he can, rubbing her upper back*
Razeriem:  I wish I got to know her better, she had a light about her.
Triba Gues:  *She shivers again and moves back a little. Her eyes tear stained and just looking generally miserably* She was that and more...
Triba Gues: *She glances over to the building* Thank you Razeriem...
Razeriem: *looks to her but doesn't make eye contact unless she does*
Razeriem: If you need anything.  I owe it to her.
Razeriem: I will help with anything you need done.
Triba Gues:  *She shakes her head* I will take care of it... If you were a friend, then keep an eye out for *she waves a hand* whatever that might be called... I will handle the rest. Razeriem:  *nods and swallows*  
Razeriem:  Its a standing offer, if you ever need to know where or how.  I am sorry Triba.
Triba Gues:  *She nods to him and looks to the building* Me too... *She is obviously holding back a storm*
Triba Gues:  Thank you again...
Razeriem:  *shakes his head a little*
Razeriem:  *frowns and walks half way off*
Triba Gues:  *She nods to him and with a strained step she heads to the building*
Triba Gues: *She spend some time inside, getting all the paperwork done and arranging for Lueanne's body to be freed from custody*
Triba Gues: *She hires a simple carriage and under much discretion she takes the body with her after paying good money to extend the preservation of it just a little longer*
Triba Gues: *Hooded and minding just the horse, keeping herself busy she carries the body in discretion*
Triba Gues: *She seems stuck in her world and doesn't notice anyone as she walks the busy streets of Port Hempstead and books a private vessel to Leringard*

Triba arrives to the city of Leringard some time after. Gathering her items and her now forever silent friend, she makes a quiet trip to Palden lake.

Triba Gues: *She looks around and sighs, soft tears streaming freely down her eyes*
Triba Gues: *She picks a shovel and fighting the onslaught of tears, she begins the grizzly job of digging up a grave. Uncaring of the rain she toughens through it and digs through the night*
Triba Gues:  *Half way through the whole thing, the tears assault her and she is now whimpering violently as the hole is dug deeper and deeper against a tree full of memories*
Triba Gues:  *She tosses the shovel aside after the hole is dug and wiping her face from the tears she takes the body nearby and opens the blankets just enough to retrieve Lue's locket, which she then places around her neck. She kisses the halflings cold forehead and wraps the blanket around her once more*
Triba Gues: *Carefully she moves the body down into the hole and once the whole deed is done she leans against the edge of the grave, looking down, whimpering and crying for her*
Triba Gues:  *She whispers down at the open grave* I ever did love you. I dreamt of a life with you. A life I never had. I am sorry you had to go so soon, and I am even more sorry now that we never had a chance to find out.
Triba Gues:  *She murmurs down the grave* Have a safe trip, heart thief... It's just another journey... *She sniffles as she says that, her shoulders shaking and another set of tears begins to flow as she is unable to finish the thought*
Triba Gues:  *She sobs and then looks down at her twined necklaces, opening the latch on one she takes a seed and tosses it into the open grave. She wipes her nose and whispers* Its from the forest... Just a little piece of me that you will always have...
Triba Gues:  *She takes a long deep breath as she shudders in tears and picking up the shovel again she begins to draw the soil that was dug out back into the grave. A whole miserably and whimpering view*

The never-quiet approach of another halfling is only silenced by the heavy rain.
  Acacea Thistletounge:  *She hesitates for a moment as though unsure what to say or do,  the rain coursing off an invisible form, then reaches a hand, pulls it back with the sound of chimes, then finally rests it on Triba's shoulder*
Triba Gues:  *She shivers and turns all of a sudden, unsure if a ghost has decided to visit her, her tear stained eyes refocus quickly as she recognizes Acacea's sounds and smells. She looks towards the invisible figure and her lower lip shakes as she tries to form words that do not come*
Acacea Thistletounge: *She passes a hand over her invisible face as if in indecision and then finally waves it aside, looking hesitantly between Triba and the newly dug grave*
Triba Gues: *She sniffles and holds the shovel in her hand. Clearly she has been suffering for a while now. She whispers barely audible and in a shaky manner* Lue... *it seems that is all she can get out*
Acacea Thistletounge:  *again the uncertain pause, and she glances again between Triba and the grave, her hand still on her shoulder*
Acacea Thistletounge:  *A moment passes silent in the rain, an awkwardness or uncertainty more present now than in other places or times, as though she is left with utterly no idea of what to do; another moment, and she finally offers a hug*
Triba Gues: *She takes the hug gladly, ignoring the original awkwardness, she simply wraps her arms around Acacea and wimpers quietly against her. The comfort offered seems to be of great help as she calms significantly in the old friend's arms*
Acacea Thistletounge:  Znihi? *She finally asks*
Acacea Thistletounge:  *She leaves her arms where they are, and looks past Triba into the darkness with her cheek close to her former second's*
Triba Gues: [Tell]  Spirit Dunes ruins... *She whispers to her, now calmer in Acacea's arms. She takes a long deep breath and rests her head against her old Sandcaller* Magically dehydrated...
Triba Gues:  Mbuhud Torim hourm... *She whispers to her, now calmer in Acacea's arms. She takes a long deep breath and rests her head against her old Sandcaller* Lekusecca tinathedit...
Acacea Thistletounge:  *There is a yet longer pause, and she blinks once at the location*

The light steps of another halfling can be heard down the road.

Jennara Creekskipper:  *waves*
Triba Gues:  *The two halflings are hugging each other next to an open grave*
Triba Gues:  *A shovel nearby and clearly Acacea consoling the other*
Jennara Creekskipper:  *keeps her distance and stays quiet*
Acacea Thistletounge:  *She finally speaks, still a little awkwardly, after the long pause* U el myhha.  
Triba Gues:  *She nods against Acacea. She presses her forehead against hers in an endearing acceptance before moving back and looking to Jennara*
Acacea Thistletounge:  *She furrows her brow, of course not having heard the approach, and glances over her shoulder*
Triba Gues:  *Her sad face quirks in a small sad smile*  
Triba Gues: [Tell]  *she looks to the grave* The halfling council came to say goodbye... it seems.
Triba Gues:  *she looks to the grave* Dni necwcurk syorsuc seli dy mea kyytpai... ud miilm.
Acacea Thistletounge:  *She giggles a little at that, the sound clashing with the setting*
Acacea Thistletounge:  U zem vomd dnurgurk dned.
Triba Gues:  *There is sadness as she picks up the shovel once more, but she seems strengthened by the company and begins to cover the grave*
Jennara Creekskipper:  *lowers her head*
Acacea Thistletounge:  *The uncertainty returns as Triba begins to cover the grave, and perhaps a touch of unsettledness; after a moment she leans over to help, though the unsettled expression remains*
Triba Gues:  *She nods to Acacea gratefully as she helps her. She looks confused, sad, and mournful, but most importantly unsure as to what to do. The grave slowly gets covered with the dirt*
Acacea Thistletounge:  *She discreetly sabotages the burial as if in an attempt to leave air holes*
Triba Gues:  *She glances at Acacea's attempt and then covers her face* Of course...
Triba Gues:  *She sighs a little and shakes her head amused, changing it a little to give the grave some breathing room*
Triba Gues:  *Eventually once its done she sits next to it and lets the shovel fall at her side*
Acacea Thistletounge:  *She plops down in the mud, staff across lap*
Jennara Creekskipper:  *reaches into her hood*

A lily is placed over the fresh grave.

Triba Gues:  **She nods a little to Jennara and smiles as she places the flower over the grave*
Acacea Thistletounge:  *She simply sits there for a few moments in the rain, looking tired and unsure; after a time she lifts the pipes Jennara had made for her and begins to play instead*
Triba Gues:  *She leans back on the little incline of the hill to listen to Acacea's song, glad to have her music and company. Remaining quiet there while they say goodbye*
Acacea Thistletounge: *There are no words and no stories of the fallen, no real memories woven through music; it is a simple melody played with bare feet pressing together here and there, a presence instead of a tale*
Triba Gues:  *She lets a small sigh out, her hands coming to rub her eyes and look down at the grave, then up at Jennara*
Triba Gues:  Lueanne... *She says simply, in case there is any doubt*
Acacea Thistletounge: *Small hurts and bruises from travel heal over slowly and are forgotten, the uncertainty lost somewhere in the process; she doesn't reach out to Triba or truly acknowledge Jennara beyond the watching, but is simply there, until she is no longer*  
Acacea Thistletounge:  *Her eyes shift briefly to Triba at the word and then wander upwards again without a pause in the melody*
Jennara Creekskipper:  *frowns more than she was*

As if by odd chance, Razeriem on his horse can be heard trotting down the road.

Razeriem:  *skids to a stop*
Razeriem:  Heya ladies.
Razeriem: *eyes never quite make it to Triba*
Triba Gues:  *The halflings stand quietly as Acacea plays a song on her flute and they sit before a freshly dug grave*
Razeriem: *eyes catch upon the grave*
Razeriem:  *raz let his horse out slowly towards the road and says something softly*
Acacea Thistletounge:  *Her wandering black eyes pause on Razeriem briefly, then continue onward; there is a strange music in the air from her pipes, a melody that is not quite a song*
Razeriem: *a deep sigh may be heard as he allows his horse to go to a slow trot*
Acacea Thistletounge:  *She finally lowers the pipes again after the breath of them fades into the rain and the trees and echoes around them for a time after she's ceased playing them*
Triba Gues:  *She gives some time for the silence to find its way back around them before she says anything*
Triba Gues: *Eventually she passes a hand over the soil and stands*
Acacea Thistletounge: *She sits there in the rain and cranes her head back to look at Triba*
Triba Gues:  *She whispers down, a great deal of melancholy and sadness in her voice* Goodbye heart thief... You'll be missed...
Acacea Thistletounge:  *She pushes herself to her feet and after another pause, lays her hand on Triba's shoulder again*
Triba Gues:  *She glances towards Acacea and gives her a very grateful smile when she does that. She brushes her hand against Acacea's as well and nods to her*
Acacea Thistletounge:  U ser'd mdea.  
Acacea Thistletounge:  *The words take a moment to work their way out*
Triba Gues: [Tell]  *She nods* Be well, Wind Spirit...  
Triba Gues:  *She nods* Pi zicc, Zurt Mbuhud...  
Triba Gues: [Tell]  Thank you.. *she adds in a murmur*
Triba Gues: Dnerg ayo.. *she adds in a murmur*
Acacea Thistletounge:  *she lingers there a moment longer, glancing to the grave, but mostly to Triba, her expression a muddle of things not said or sorted*
Acacea Thistletounge: *She finally leaves it at that*
Jennara Creekskipper:  *nods once*

The little halfling bard sings a ward of magic around the other two halflings.

Triba Gues:  *She smiles slightly at her magic and that seems to be the best farewell and the most understanding one that Acacea can give her*
Acacea Thistletounge:  *After only a few steps, she sings herself from sight, rain coursing off an invisible form as she makes her way out*
Triba Gues: *She picks up her shovel and glances at Jennara*
Jennara Creekskipper: [Whisper]  I have...
Jennara Creekskipper:  *swallows hard*
Triba Gues: *She rests a hand on Jennara's shoulder and looks at her*
Jennara Creekskipper: [Whisper]  I have... done... this...
Jennara Creekskipper:  *waves her hand a bit*
Jennara Creekskipper: [Whisper]  ... too many times, but not as much for people I know.
Triba Gues:  *She nods softly as tears mingle with the rain traveling down her cheeks*
Jennara Creekskipper: [Whisper]  Does she have no family?
Triba Gues:  *She shakes her head slightly* Her brother has never appeared... She never found him after many years seeking.
Jennara Creekskipper: *takes in a short, noisy breath and sighs it out*
Triba Gues: *She nods slightly* I think as far as family went, I was the closest she ever came to...
Jennara Creekskipper: [Whisper]  I am glad you are here.
Triba Gues: *She shoulders the shovel and looks around, then nods to her words* So many things unsaid... *She sighs and looks to Jennara* It seems indeed destiny that the halfling council is all here. Thank you for letting your feet guide you here.
Jennara Creekskipper:  *furrows her brow a little*
Jennara Creekskipper:  *then just nods*
Triba Gues:  *She nods to her, squeezing her shoulder slightly and moving back towards the ox nearby*
Triba Gues:  *She takes another deep breath* I need time... Thank you again.
Jennara Creekskipper:  *nods once*
Triba Gues:  *She tugs on the ox, glances to the grave as a tear drops down her cheek and then wanders off*

[/INDENT][SIZE=10]((The sad and strange thing is, we didn't even plan to get together at the burial site. A little eerie.))[/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Ask A Gamemaster / RP or quality of RP?
« on: August 04, 2009, 12:22:36 pm »
A conversation with another player got me curious about this.  They said that they can sit and rp for hours and never get bonus RP XP from GM's.  

 So that brings me to this...

 This is an RP server so we should encourage those that RP right?  I know it may sound silly for wanting a reward for something you should be doing.  But most go bashing these days to get those rewards.  Seems that we may want to go out of our way to encourage RP these days and not only on quest.  

 I know I used to get XP several times a week for sitting and RPing. There were a few GM's that would seem to make their rounds and hand out XP for those were RPing.  I think most of those are no long GMing for whatever reason.  So this question is really for the active GM's...

 When do you give XP for those RPing and what brings you to do it?

 Do you give it to everyone that is RPing?  Only those that are showing good quality of RP?  

 If it is only the those showing what you think is good xp... what do you consider 'good' RP?
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

General Discussion / For My 31st Birthday
« on: August 02, 2009, 01:45:27 pm »
I'm going to cut the cord for helping develop the NWN server further.

So, with a fresh new posting style, I'm going to keep this short and sweet.

I've had a brilliant time with a great number of you, even the ones I've gotten really into it with.  I always thought I'd make a farewell post with the list of everything I built here, because it would feel like some sort of reminder to everyone.  It's a bit silly though, as for years and years I've tried to legitimize my efforts to this community, and overly so.  I think it stems back to my embarrassing beginnings here... but I'm no pyschologist heh.  I enjoyed building most everything I built, and I'm very proud of how V3 turned out.  That's enough for me this time.

I will always support the MMO team's efforts, and I look forward to the new game.

There are a lot of reasons for leaving, and I'd explain them... but the folks I'd really want to understand probably already get it.

So best of luck, I'll still be around now and then, in game and on the forums, and Dorg, I'll try not to troll your posts on balance too much.

And with one last challenge... the toolset is easy to learn.  It just takes time if you're going to make something come out right.  Time learning all of the placeables and tile options so you know the brushes and colors to use.  But it's not technically hard.  I challenge one of you, anyone, to step it up and legitimize all of your scrutinizing comments on the way the server should or could be.  Make 10 areas to a new theme, send them to Dorg.  Someone, anyone, impress Layonara with something new for others to enjoy.  Even if you know it's ending someday, soon or not so soon, who knows... build it because you care for the server today.  Take up the torch, as I know there are some people who have wanted to prove me wrong on some things - and there's no bigger crux to it then this.  Everything else is just forum posts.

Take care all.
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Layonara Server / Update to text/chat parsing
« on: July 13, 2009, 08:58:40 am »
[SIZE=-1]Hello Layonara Community!

Just over a month ago, when I released the current module revision (3.21.3), I included this comment at the end of the list of updates:

Quote from: Dorganath
Version 3.21.3 is online!
  • One other secret but really cool thing that I'll tell you all about once I'm sure it's working and not causing other problems *grins mysteriously*

[SIZE=-1]At the time, I was not ready to announce the feature, as I wanted to get some real, in-game testing done on it, both myself and with the assistance of the GM Team. Testing went very well, and now, as the title of this tread suggests, I'd like to introduce everyone to some rather nice changes to the text and chat parsing system.

Anyway, on to it (and yes, I know it's a bit long)...
With Bioware's 1.69 update, they added an OnPlayerChat event handler, which essentially intercepts typed text from a game client and allows a module to process the text and take actions on the text. When we went to 3.2 (and beyond) orth utilized this event to process  and *emotes*, which has been significantly faster than processing through our existing listener system. However, it didn't apply to all features, specifically those using self-tells (/o) and those that resulted in replacing typed text with something else entirely (i.e. language parsing).
 The Result
So, I got curious and did some experimenting, and in the course of an evening that led to having an alternate system for handling commands, language parsing, speaking through animal companions/familiars/summons/etc. and that whole set of stuff that you use /o something-something-something to accomplish.
The self-tell (/o) is still managed and intercepted by the listener, so what I did was come up with an alternate way to enact a self-tell so that the listener could be bypassed, letting the OnPlayerChat handler process the contents of that equivalent self-tell. Whatever is typed would then be processed and altered in some way before being displayed, if it was to be displayed at all.
To accomplish this, I chose a single character that is not ever likely to start any text chat in-game in any way and I used this as the indicator for special text processing. The character I chose is the equal sign (=).
 So how does it work?
Well, it's simple. Any place you'd have used a /o use = instead
So instead of /o c sits type =c sits
/o e waves
 ->  =e waves
 /o L Say something in another language -> =L [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Say something in another language
[/SIZE][SIZE=-1](note, these are not case-sensitive, but I thought I'd use upper-case L in this example for clarity)[/SIZE]
The syntax is similar for familiars (=f), summons (=s), and so forth.
I hope that makes sense.
What else?
Part of my motivation for this was to see if the request for GM-spoken text to be highlighted could indeed be done.  Well, it can, and GMs now have the ability and option to highlight their spoken text, whether spoken directly or spoken through an NPC.  

I want to stress: This is an optional system.  A GM is in no way obligated or forced to use this highlighting, nor should anyone badger a GM to do so. Some GMs will use it, some will not.  There are compelling arguments on both sides, and in the end, I decided it would be best to have it be an option rather than "always on" sort of feature. The end decision as to whether or not to use the system and under what circumstances is entirely up to the GM.

When used, GM-spoken text will be highlighted in ORANGE.

It's worth noting that this only functions in the "Talk" and "Party" channels. DM and Whisper channels work as they have, and tells are still green.
 And finally, the extra added goodness
You may be wondering, why use the = method when the /o method is so ingrained and everyone knows it?
Well, there's two very good reasons.
1) It's faster....much faster.
2) It can handle longer strings of text than the /o method.
On the latter, yes, this means that the limit of approximately 100 characters on a typed text string, whether for language processing or speaking through a summons or familiar, simply does not apply using this new method.
To put this another way, gone are the days when you type out some well-written comment through a summons, hit ENTER and have nothing show up in the window because it's 3 characters too long. Gone is the need to limit your phrases when speaking in an alternate language to a shorter message so that the listener can handle it.
And did I mention it's faster?
So there it is.  It may take some retraining of everyone's habits, but I think in the end, you'll all be quite a bit happier with how it works than the prior self-tell (/o) system.  Self-tells are still going to be an option, at least for now, and both systems work just fine together, but once you use this one, you'll see a significant difference.
So enjoy!  And of course, if there are any questions, just ask.
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

General Discussion / Joining the rank and file :)
« on: June 25, 2009, 09:28:00 am »
Hi everybody!

This is the post to inform I am stepping down as GM. I'm not disappearing from Layo, in fact I hope, RL and remaining DTs permitting, to step up my involvement with Ark as an active and roleplay-enhancing World Leader.

About two years ago I applied for a GM position in order to enhance people's Layo experience, primarily in the AEST timeslot given poor old Dezza was shouldering a lot of that burden on his lonesome.

The main goal of my quests has always been to get players to really think long and hard about their characters. To put roleplay flesh on their mechanics bones. To make players really think about what their characters would do in a given situation, a given moral dilemma. To put them in a place, not always comfortable, not always where they want to be and then see what they would do and where they go. Often my quests have a simple enough premise but I tried to have them involve something that had folks exploring the depths of their character's psyche.

As I write this, I remember one of my quests, early on, that had people magicked into behaving in a manner the polar opposite to their 'normal' sex, class and alignment. This stands out in my memory as a very 'typical me' quest. Hopefully fun. A touch of madness. A strange situation. Minimal set-up ;) A quest that (hopefully) by getting you to do something the opposite of what was normal, made you think more deeply about what was normal. By playing Lawful Evil for an evening, it made you think about what it really meant to be Chaotic Good the other 364 nights of the year.

Anyways, hopefully after two years there are some players who have a better picture of their characters as a result of my quests.

As to why I am resigning, no deep and dark discontent or disparaging remarks against any individual or the GM team as a whole to be found here! Of course there are decisions made which, as an individual, one might not 100% agree. Directions taken that might not have been the direction I would have taken were it my sandbox. Little niggles here and there etc yada yada but I can tell you there are no light decisions ever made by the GM team. No personal grudges. No favourites. No bias. Just a bunch of people that really do strive to provide the best server to be found.

Anyways, see you in game!
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

General Discussion / To the Daddies
« on: June 21, 2009, 12:16:21 pm »

[SIZE=32]Happy Fathers Day![/SIZE][/I][/FONT]
[SIZE=18]Hope you get a day of relaxation.[/SIZE][/I][/COLOR]

To be a successful father, there's  one absolute rule: when you have a kid, don't look at it for the first two  years. ~ Ernest Hemingway

The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Upcoming quest series
« on: June 20, 2009, 04:26:38 pm »
Hello everyone,

I hope you are all doing well and are enjoying the beginning of the summer holiday season.

It is time for new episodes of the current plot, the dragon storm campaign setting. Many of you know about it, but likely even more of you do not. So I ask the knowing of you to share in the upcoming weeks, so that newcomers and those who just weren't able to make previous episodes get a chance to get involved.

Sharpen your pencils, take notes, compare your notes with those of others... the plot has developed a lot since it started. Much info has been passed out - some has been gathered, some has been lost and some has probably been misinterpreted. :)

The upcoming quest series will likely be divided into 3-7 episodes, depending on success and/or failures along the way. Some episodes will be action packed, others will be mostly story-telling, and others will be a mix and have other elements as well. It will get dangerous as the series progresses, but we will not limit the quests to high level characters. All are welcome to join.

I have put tentative dates and times on the calendar. Others will be added by other GMs and I will likely remove some. The quests will be ran by different GMs and we need to coordinate where and when. So I ask you to bare with us, if we move or cancel dates during the next week or two.

More information will be revealed once the plot GM team has coordinated the last bits and pieces.

I hope to see many of you there!

The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Wild Surge Inn / Heard around the Wild Surge
« on: June 10, 2009, 05:47:08 pm »
On a recent Freas afternoon, the heir of Tobur Xin can be overheard enjoying a few pints with his friends and peers.

 “So it seems me nephew fancies 'imself a bit of tinker, ya see...likes to work with th' small stuff, and he wants me ta get one o' dem tinkers thingamabobs for the shop. Well what could I say, ya know? Mah sis was standin' right there and the lad's ne'er asked me fer a thing in 'is life.”  He takes a long pull of his ale and sighs. “So that contraption finally got 'ere taday and I guess I'll be puttin' it in o'er th' weekend, like I ain' got nothin' better ta do, ya know?”
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Layonara Server / Version 3.21.3 is online
« on: June 10, 2009, 05:46:37 pm »
Version 3.21.3 is online!

  • Systems and support for Storold's WLDQ reward
  • Tweak pipe smoking code to apply skill bonuses even if at    full health
  • Recently-added spells now included in crafting code
  • Remove rust monster spawns from Arindor's
  • Fix Daze duration on Acacea's WLDQ reward to be properly    short.
  • Wizard and Druid teleports will no longer work in wild or    dead magic zones
  • Umberhulks should no longer daze each other
  • Update Rock Spiders slightly
  • Fix North Point bank chest
  • Fix facing when transitioning from Dalos Lake to Prantz Main    Gate
  • Slight fix to Shindaleria donation center in Creedo
  • Bank chests in Creedo now use new system and are once again    persistent
  • Remove the “Huangjin only” sign from the bank chest in    Huangjin
  • Added temple donation center to Katia's temple in Vale
  • Fix some Great Forest locations to be properly tagged as    “natural” and “above ground”
  • Added new GM utility tool
  • New perma-death sequence that should not lag out or lock up    people
  • Mass Disorientation should no longer affect non-hostile    creatures and party members
  • Illusion fading rune tweaked to adjust handling of    Invisibility Sphere
  • Tweak the reflection timer message to more accurately    represent the remaining time in both minutes and seconds.
  • Rebalanced Understraits Scavenger creature
  • Minor spelling fixes
  • Add Tinker's Device to the Xin Smithy *
  • Fix a house door tag that referenced Leilon instead of    Leringard
  • Visual tweak to an area in the Spirit Dunes
  • Add an additional code path for loading a house's furniture    through the door.
  • Adjust encounter trigger in Wandering Dunes cave
  • Added second warning to the old emerald cave
  • Added another spawn of Spinning Bebiliths as CNR creatures    somewhere **
  • Housing remodels for 125, 170, 173 and 189
  • Adjust bullet recipes to make more sense with adjusted arrow    recipes
  • Pawn merchants fixed in Krellin's tents. (OK, one fixed, one removed)
  • One other secret but really cool thing that I'll tell you all about once I'm sure it's working and not causing other problems *grins mysteriously*
* As this has been the effort of some forum RP, I personally thought it was a good idea a add.  See the Rumors post for what got the device added in an IC sense.  Thanks to all who contributed to the RP.
 ** I added this in response to feedback that people thought places to get Bebilith Silk didn't exist in-game. The original location for Spinning Bebiliths is still where it's always been for the last couple of years is still there.  It is perhaps not the most traveled or explored place, though in my opinion, that's kind of a shame. The only clue I'll give is that they exist in an “old” set of areas that used to be home to something very large before it was killed in the last campaign. Both the old location and the new one I've added are actually rather conveniently located to prominent cities.  So put on your explorer's caps and go some place you've never been!

 Thanks go to orth, Chongo and Script Wrecked for their contributions, as well as Alatriel and Nehetsrev for their remodel submissions.
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