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Messages - Filatus

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LORE Ideas, Suggestions and Requests / Suggestion
« on: June 06, 2009, 06:08:14 pm »
Just a suggestion for consideration. The LORE messenger birds are awesome and present a super cool method for sending IC messages, however, they are rather expensive. Would it be possible to talk about lowering the price from 50 and 100 to something like 5 and 10? It seems like it would promote their use more, add more to the game, and I cannot really think of any balance or economic issues at the moment that would make it a bad idea. I know I would be sending 3 to 4 a day if they were a little cheaper...
The following users thanked this post: Filatus

Fixed Bugs / [Strike] command not working around 4
« on: February 28, 2009, 02:47:15 pm »

For some reason, I tried to strike out the number 4 after Small copper Shields, and it won't work...  Any chance this could be looked into?

Here, I'll show it here too...

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Just for Fun / Inaugural Australian Layonaran BBQ
« on: December 05, 2008, 06:54:14 pm »
Inaugural Layonaran BBQ - South Eastern Australian Division

I can confirm the inaugural Layonaran Xmas BBQ was a success and saw the gathering of such luminaries as Pseudonym, Script Wrecked, Incahootz, Angelic, Hood!um, Dezza and Polak76.

The great divide between cyber and real life has been crossed with no casualties!

I can also confirm Script Wrecked really is a 2' 6" woman who rolls her 'R's, Polak turned up in black robes spouting Corathite rhetoric and Pseudonym was far more handsome than any of his posted photos might suggest.
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Just for Fun / Why work and play should never mix
« on: September 25, 2008, 12:27:11 pm »
Had a fairly messed up dream last night.  It began with a few of my friends telling me that they had gotten us a new house (currently househunting irl) so I figured, hey, great!  Went to visit them in this dimly lit run down building downtown, which for some strange reason had a produce store with vegetables on display and a cash register.  "Dude, this is a store, what are we selling produce now?"  "no no no man, the living space is in the back, come back here".  Ok, I thought, maybe not so bad.  Went to the back and there was this HUGE Home Depot sized warehouse which didnt seem to have any particular theme at all, it was like a massive eBay bonanza warehouse. (currently work in a home renovation warehouse).  Ok what gives man...  At this point I start realizing that before all of this I was just sitting in my room (before I went to sleep, heheh) and instead of just figuring out that I was dreaming, I started screaming at them, "what is all of this?  I don't even remember coming here!  what year is this?  It was just 09/23/08!"  I'm all thinking that I suffered some kind of amnesia, and they're telling me its been 2 years since then.  That we're now in the post apocalypse.

All of the sudden there some hard knocking on the front door and all of my friends scatter in the warehouse.  "Open the door, NOW!  Open up!"  Oh great, they tricked me into tresspassing or trying to steal something, now the police are here...  So I figure that the cops probably have the place surrounded already, and being an overweight smoker theres no way in heck I'm going to manage fleeing this place, and I'm already ticked off at my friends so I might as well rat them all out for a reduced sentence.  So I let the guy in, and it's Ronnie Cordova from the martial arts/comedy series.  He's all sweating bullets, freaking out and ranting about how we have to get out of here, now, with his hair slicked back dressed in his aviator sunglasses and leisure suit.  Huh?  What the heck is a P.I. doing here?  Shouldn't he be protecting the Sockbaby?  Where's Burger?

So Ronnie Cordova now sprints out the front exit of the store. *shrug* I go back into the warehouse to try and find out where those buggers are who even tricked me into coming here are, and why I don't remember anything for the past 2 years.  Now the warehouse is infested by rats and dire rats.  And not only that, they appear to be the NWN dire rats that for no good reason have demonic voices and scream "your soul is mine!" all echoey and stuff.  I look down and I'm completely naked and unarmed... eeep!

I run around the massive random item warehouse looking for ANYTHING that can be used as a weapon, a blunt object, anything, but the prospects look grim.  Baby-wets-herself dolls, placemats, pirated DVDs, and finally, aha!  Tiny 2 inch pocket knives!  "what the heck, 1d4 is 1d4" I distinctly remember saying aloud.  I sprint around stabbing the smallest of the rats with it, pinning them down and twisting as they go "eeee! eee! eeeee!".  I finally come across a pallete of concert T-shirts in the warehouse, Blind Guardian I think, and think to myself... "aha!  Now I just need some pants!" and scour the place until I find a pair of cargo shorts and a pair of sandals.  Not much, but at least the rats dont get a clean shot on my bum... I'm still wary about kicking them unless I find some decent shoes though, (rabies!) and that would be so much easier than getting on all fours and stabbing them with a 2 inch blade.  In fact, I dont even know why I wasnt just punching them.

N00bly equipped in the worst sense ever, I then stumble upon the motherload crate...  cheaply made swords!  The kind that say "made in china" on them, that you'd typically find in a spencers or RPG shop and you could likely sunder with a broomstick.  Ah well! better than the 2 inch pocket knife.  So I appropriately pocket the pocket knife and pick out the best flimsy, poorly constructed, unsharpened sword for myself in my main hand, and run around with another the same size in my offhand, not so much to use, but just in case I run into any allies in the warehouse, like my friends who were hiding.  The rest of the dream devolved into hacking apart dog-sized, demonic voiced dire rats.  I think I might have made level two.

The moral of the story?  Don't fall asleep right after playing NWN and watching sockbaby online while you're househunting, especially if you work in a warehouse for a living.  That combination just isn't good for your mental health.
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General Discussion / Happy -belated- Birthday, Filatus.
« on: August 21, 2008, 10:47:29 am »
It dawned on me today, that there is a Leo in our midst that I don't recall seeing a birthday thread for.  I was out of town on the 16th, but, better late than never? So..

[SIZE=13](belated) [/SIZE][SIZE=24]Birthday, Filatus![/SIZE].[/INDENT]

Been through 'a lot' in the last couple years, Thijs, so I couldn't let this slip by totally unannounced ;).   I'm sorry I missed it, but I hope your day was special.

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Roleplaying / Great Guides to Roleplay
« on: May 13, 2008, 04:27:10 am »
The brilliant DivisionByZero from the City of Arabel NWN RP-PW has written some EXCELLENT guides to roleplaying. Both people who have never roleplayed before and old timers who've been at it for years can use these guides.

The Art of Roleplaying
Mostly for newbies, this guide contains:
  • Roleplaying and In Character Defined
  • Rolling with the Punches
  • Balancing Realism and Fun
  • What is OOC Consideration, really?
  • Retiring a Character
  • Respectful Disagreement
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General Discussion / Day off remembrance
« on: May 04, 2008, 12:57:56 pm »
Today at 6 PM GMT+2 , we in The Netherlands take time to remember with respect and gratitude those that have fallen in the fights for our freedom .

In this post i want to thank every family-member and every one that has in any way fought for freedom around the world , for their efforts and dedication .

With gratitude and respect ,

Jan .
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General Discussion / Hello and goodbye :(
« on: April 12, 2008, 11:49:16 am »
Those of my old friends, those i will not meet, hello, I am the insane mind behind Celgar magnus.

 I have been away for a long long long time, and it warms my heart to see that this place is still running, with the passion I saw years ago when I first joined. It is with a said and very broken heart that i must make the dreaded farewell post.
     I have to leave this fine family and yes to those of you who are still wet behind the ears as my persona puts it is a family in whole. The GMs are like your fathers and mothers while the rest of the player base is your brothers and sisters, they watch your char grow with joy and cry with you when your char falls for the last time. :D
       As for the reason i am leaving. I have been overly busy with 2 of my life long friends running a star wars sim on a very infamous and rather misconceived game known as second life. before the flames come up and let loose unholy salvos of lag, sex, and other deprived things. I know, I have known and I try to ignore the bad and look at the good in it.Our sim has a very high ruling but is running at a mature rating for its guns, its a stupid little thing that has to be done in most if not all sims. (IE if you use guns on the sim you gotta give it a M rating, don't ask me why i didn't make Second life)
 Its a full on role play sim that was created for the geeks of Star wars and if you want to swing by there, take a look or see what the old bugger Celgar would look like as a mandalorian Twi'lek let me know drop me a line under my name Celgar Hax and the sim name can be searched for as Manaan. Yes we do have people that play Selkath.

  I have been here for 6+ years before there was an eastern server and the only way to get on was Pester Big L to open it or during an event.

I wish the holy machine spirits of of the servers that they run strong and long with out lag.

To my old friends I wish you the best of luck. to those i haven't met. Keep a good cleric by you at all times.

I think i shall make a nice RP reason why Celgar is gone here so keep an eye out.
The following users thanked this post: Filatus

Poetic License / An Ode to the Leringard Arms
« on: April 04, 2008, 02:10:58 pm »
* a friendly and kind dwarf with a big smile and already half empty tankard of ale in his hand*

An Ode to the Leringard Arms

When I need to get an ale
or maybe a story or tale
der only be un place to go
and dey prices der always be low
oi only go to dey Arms
It might jist be Kali's charm
For the ale there is always sweet
and dey pie's are also a nice treat
The ales come in tankards or jugs
and sometimes big ol' forsty mugs
So if you want to wet ye lips
and den leave a the brewer a tip
Go down to the Arms for a gud time
and maybe ye can listen to a few more of me rhymes

-Suds Alebrew
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General Discussion / Seasonal Reminder: Inventory Lag
« on: March 30, 2008, 10:16:12 pm »
Hey folks, many of you have been causing impressive lag when you log into the server.  Upon looking in some folk's inventories, the 300 boxes filled to the brim is not a good idea.
 Let's do some personal house cleaning for the betterment of the server.
 I'm going to begin pulling folks aside that are above and beyond on the jam-packed inventories pretty soon, and I'll encourage the rest of the GM staff to do so as well to try and help with server lag.  We have exceptional servers that Leanthar and company have established for this world.  They are far and away beyond what most gameworlds will offer and we ought to all do our part in helping their performance.
 Just because that aloe leaf is there waiting to be plucked... or that 7th iron shortsword is sitting on the dead creature - it doesn't mean you *have* to pick it up and store it away for eight months before realizing that you've outgrown it.  Or realizing that you are perpetuating your own problems in an economy where you won't ever be able to sell it due to supersaturation.
 Thanks folks.
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Forum Discussion / Using Layonara RSS with Feedreader
« on: March 26, 2008, 06:24:26 pm »
The forums are equipped with RSS capabilities now for registered users.  It used to be only the forums that were guest viewable were accessible, but I've changed it so you must pass in your login details.  This way you will get notification of new posts in all the forums in which you have access.

Here are some steps for feeding new posts with the popular RSS reader called Feedreader.

  • Download and install FeedReader.
  • Press F12 to bring up the Options dialog.
  • Under Behaviour on the General tab, set When I click a weblink to Open link in default browser.
    (Optionally set any other preferences you like.)
  • Press OK on the Options dialog.
  • Press F3 to add a new feed.
  • At the top of the application window should be a text entry line, copy and paste the following URL into it:

  • Press the Ok button to the right of the text entry field.
  • You will be prompted for your username and password, which are your forum credentials.
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Just for Fun / everyone with a vault account prior to feb 1
« on: March 07, 2008, 09:08:28 am »
if you liked undead overrides
and colored spell icons
and open hands
and various other clientside downloads the vault provided and you did so before feb 1 of this year it means you can vote

what are we voting for

the single player module teams module up for module of the year

it gives those not in the community a little taste of what is layo

so lets get to the links and cast our vote and show our support people to the single player mod team
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General Discussion / Update
« on: February 27, 2008, 04:09:01 pm »

Soon the canyons of isles once only seen on the horizon will close in around you, the steady breeze from a channeled and ancient wind pressing against your face.

And soon, you'll find why no ships sailed there before...

As the chittering of cunning foes echoes in the high cliffed forests around you...

And only passing moments of peace are found to admire what you've naught seen before.

Soon old enemies will take new forms.

And perhaps a few new tricks they'll have learned just like you...

You'll seek out their new domains with much wonder..

And perhaps... you will learn again to run...

And then run faster...

And yet faster....

Until you can no longer run.

I'll see you all in there soon enough.  Look for Dorg's big announcement!  Look for the new spells bursting in the air around you, the new monsters thundering towards you, the flicker of an unseen relic on the ground, and ever the expanding horizon of new lands.

:)Be careful out there folks.:o

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General Discussion / A Slice of Life
« on: February 26, 2008, 12:12:09 pm »
I've always thought of Layonara as a never ending movie where we the players get to puppeteer the stars, but what does puppeteer really mean? Well, I believe that when one plays a character, regardless of how much effort is put in, we are exhibiting characteristics of our own mind, personality and soul. There is so much depth to every single one of us that is often left completely undiscovered. Some people prefer to not explore themselves and so we only get to witness a sliver of their true self but the ones that do explore are often the ones that pour themselves into their RP and do so over the course of more than one character.

While we all tend to act differently in RL than our characters IG, even in RL we are playing the role of our real lives with real stakes at hand. This is why RL Always Comes First.

While Layonara is Just a Game there is none-the-less a bond that's seeded, nurtured and grown through the life we breathe into our characters. I like to think of this bond being represented by the 10 Soul Strands. When a character is first created, the bond is fresh, new and full. As we explore the world through the shoes of the character we're able to learn about ourselves in ways not available to RL. We are given the opportunity to explore the truth and consequences of our actions in a setting where when it really boils down to it, there's absolutely nothing to loose and everything to gain because it really is Just a Game.

As the strands wilt over time [be it short or long] we are all hit personally with that pang in the chest and burning of the heart. We are tangibly loosing a slice of that bond between our heart and our alternate self; the character. Having that bond broken by a permanent death will inevitably impact the RL self to some degree. Sometimes the break can be so extreme as to bring one to the point of rejecting the mere thought of allowing one's self to grow another bond. This is natural, we are only human and our hearts can bleed in more ways than one.

However, we must always remember that with each and every permanent death; a void is born in the world and a new chapter in the history of Layonara is waiting to be opened. Regardless of how big or small the chapter is, there is a new slice of your self just waiting to be given the chance to see the first light of a new Layonaran day. Rejoice in the accomplishments of the past slices, learn from their mistakes... where there was an avenue blocked from your exploration due to alignment or other RP restrictions, perhaps now that avenue can be explored through a new slice of life in Layonara.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with maintaining the characteristics of a past slice in the new personality. In fact, I'd highly encourage it. Take the best aspects of every character you've ever played and imbue them into a new one. Inevitably this will cause a new mix of experiences which bring out new traits you'd never even thought of before.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm speaking for myself and I'm not trying to hype Layonara up or push anyone to continue playing when they in fact do not wish to do so. All that I want to do with this posting is to share with you all how I feel about the inherent impermanence within the realm of Layonara. It forces us to come to terms with emotional transitions in-game that mimic similar emotional cycles and transitions found in real life but in such a way that allows us to adapt [and / or harden] ourselves to the realities of real life in a positive and relatively risk-free environment. I've always loved D&D of old for this and in our modern day D&D has given way to learning opportunities on a massive scale with the advent of multiplayer RP games.

Hoping this made sense to someone out there,
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Rumour Has It / The Mark of True Love (aka: a shovel to the head)
« on: February 06, 2008, 09:23:51 pm »
Gods...what has miss Grenna started.

The whole shovel in the head story is that it is a dwarven tradition! At least of the Rockbasher clans before they fell. Though dwarfs being dwarfs, it very well may have spread amongst other clans from the Rockbashers. Or possibly even have been from a far older tradition amongst the dwarfen nation and just finally written down into Rockbasher clan lore at that particular time in the their history.

The women would whack their men over the head with a shovel when they were least expecting it, thus claiming the male as their own. Dwarfen territoriality at its finest! :D

The bigger the lump, the better the bragging rights! It also was an indicator of the females strength of character, or madness...depending on how you look at it. ;)

When the tradition started is lost in the mists of time, but according to the Rockbasher lore, the official start of the tradition seems to have been shortly after the fall of Gerontonimus Rockbasher (formerly Kliffcarver). At the end of a gloriously brutal war with some dark elfs.

It seems his son, one Gamling Rockbasher, decided to head to war before marrying his sweetheart Hildagar Rockbasher (his 5th cousin twice removed).

Well..she was known to be quite vicious, especially after swilling her fair share of the clans ale. And single dwarfs being single dwarfs on campaign, Gamling had quite the reputation. So, to on the night before he was to head to war, there was a grand celebration. Gamling and Hildagar each drank their fair share of ale and somehow comments were spoken, as they oft are after that much ale is drunk. Hildagar took a shovel that was lying around the hall for some reason and gave a mighty whack to Gamlings head! She then stood up on the table, and in a loud booming voice (although some accounts from those brave enough, differ on how slurred it sounded) she claimed Gamling as her own and that no other dwarf female was to touch him!

Now the rockbasher clan being infamously known kuldarjh, and Hildagar also having been well known for her especially nasty temper as well as for her tasty ale. No dwarfen female who had heard the tale (and seen his lump) would come near him with a 12 foot spear! Poor Gamlings days as a ladies man on campaign came to an end.

As a caveat to poor Gamling, he finally regained consciousness some 2 days later lying on a rock. His poor comrades having to carry him on the campaign trail to Ulgrids. Woke up to a hearty meal, his beard still full of soup from where he went face down into the bowl he was drinking from.

From that time onwards, its said that if a rockbasher woman whacked a male with a shovel, no other dwarf women would go near him for fear of being attacked by a mad kuldarjh.

Now, kuldarjh being kuldarjh, of course there were the poor dwarfs who had been whacked on the head by more than one clan female. the issue was settled after much, fighting, drinking and the occasional death of the dwarf male.

Another tradition is the passing of the shovel from one generation to the next.  Providing it wasnt broken from either the hit to the head, or over use.

The modern tradition, as seen recently among the non dwarfen races seems to have started when one Miss Grenna Rockbasher decided to help a friend. Her friend, one Sharhar Cu'laire (she spoke dwarf so Grenna had a soft spot for her). Was tryingot figure out a way to tell her boyfriend how much she loved him. Well..Miss Grenna being Miss Grenna, and also being a bit drunk, related the story of her clans courtship rituals. And after much cajoling and egging, it seems miss sharhar did jsut that. She pulled out a shovel and knocked her male out with a good clean whack to the back of his head in front of her friends and declared him hers! They were married shortly after.

It has also been said, that Miss Grenna also whacked one Dalan Stoneaxe over the head with her shovel on multiple occasions showing her true devotion to him. In one case, making a young elf woman who witnessed the event to faint! Miss Grenna supposedly declared that hit a a most excellent omen, the blow being strong enough that it took out more than one person. O.o

Later, Miss Grenna having drank much ale. And again, having a soft spot for her mans neice (one Abigail Firesteed)who also spoke dwarfen, offered her the same advice. After said niece, being obviously a bit nervous about whacking her man with a shovel, sought the advice of a Miss Tegan. Well, it seems miss Grenna and Dalan got to her first, and should the lass decide to do it, miss Grenna gave the shovel to Tegan who then encouraged and gave the shovel to said niece. ;)

After a successful trip to help a family recover their baby from some goblins, Miss Firesteed pulled out her shovel and promptly gave her boyfriend Bear a solid whack on the back of his head! He still bears the lump to this day! Another sign from the gods that the match was a good one. :D
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Introduce Yourself / I guess it's about time
« on: February 03, 2008, 11:15:54 pm »
Well this will be more of an introduce "ourselves" than my self.  My family and I have been playing Layo for over about three years and we have made it our home in cyberspace and brought cyberspace into our home through Layo.  I have attached a picture of the four of us that play in our "Command Center".  From left to right we are Angela (Peanut, Clover, Keela), Mike (Clarissa, Josslyn), Ariel (Rose, Dalila, Mellana), and Jon (Kalin).  There are two other members of our clan that are not shown but they are working on their reading and typing skills so they can join us as soon as possible.  They are Tim and Christy.  So all together we are 6 of us.  We live on Oahu, HI where I an finishing my Navy career and getting ready to get a real job.  Angela is a stay at home, home schooling mom, Ariel and Jon are seniors in highschool and believe it or not still get good grades and play Layo too.  See everyone in game.
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Ask A Gamemaster / Children of mixed subraces
« on: January 24, 2008, 05:53:08 pm »
Say a regular (lightfoot?) halfling had a child with a strongheart halfling.  Would this child be a lightfoot halfling, or a strongheart halfling?  

I'm assuming they're not so incompatible (like elves and humans are now) that they can't even have children... but if so, my question still stands as said child would have been born before the loss of Aeridin's blessing.

As long as we're answering this question, as an academic interest, what would the result be in general for all the halfling, elf, and dwarf subraces?
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General Discussion / Strike Text Out!
« on: December 30, 2007, 10:40:09 pm »
This isn't anything special, just a quick fix for a missing BB Code tag. As you can plainly see, [strike]this text[/strike] has been crossed-out. To start crossing out your own text, see our forum's vB code page.

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General Discussion / Did I Say the Final Stroke of V3 Before?
« on: December 12, 2007, 06:22:53 pm »

I again find pictures a good snare for you unfortunate readers.  Thanks to the work by numerous developers on the Layonara Team, there's another update coming soon.  So I suppose that last update was not the final stroke after all!

I'll leave it to Dorganath to give you the full update on what's new when the time comes.  Until then, a few screenshots to let you know what's coming.

See you in these regions soon enough.
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General Discussion / Apologies for Drae's CDQ this morning
« on: December 11, 2007, 06:25:38 pm »
My sincere apologies to the following players/ characters regarding Draes second session for her CDQ this morning.

The last 24 hours have been mayhem and I had a sick child this morning and just plumb forgot until an hour after it was supposed to start.

Sala Stonehill
Sallaron Tempest
Drae Llewelyn

I will contact Black Raven to reschedule, once again my deepest apologies!
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