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Messages - Jilseponie Wyndon

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General Discussion / Chirp Chirp
« on: October 21, 2011, 10:05:09 pm »
Due to poor health and an exhausting week, I have decided not to run Part II of Chirp Chirp this Sat and it will run next Sat (9pm Eastern until its conclusion 1-3 h).

Sorry for any inconvenience for the late notice
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

Rumour Has It / Special Lecture at the Tower Academy
« on: October 04, 2011, 10:16:43 pm »

The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

General Discussion / University and Layonara.
« on: September 27, 2011, 12:39:26 pm »
Well, to get to the point of the matter.
It seems some aspect of the web service provided in the halls here does not get along with things like Steam, X-Chat 2, Gamespy Arcade for whatever reason.

I believe it was saying intranet services, when I visited a site online, are switched off and short of speaking with the IT people (which I will be doing); Enabling intranet access seems to be the last thing I can try to allow me to do anything online that isnt Internet Explorer-based.

If the crew here can't sort something out, I'll either need to get my own internet wireless thingy and set it up here which I don't have the money for atm or you guys won't be seeing me until next year. :/
Will let you know whats what for those interested.
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

Layonara Server / World Policy Update -- Sept. 19, 2011
« on: September 19, 2011, 10:39:48 pm »
Greetings Layonara Community,
As we have done now and then through the years, we are bringing some changes to Layonara.  Some of these are significant. Others are simple clarifications of what already exists.  Regardless of the case, from this point forward, a new set of policies and conventions will be in place for all, from the new player on up to the GM team.  These changes have come after a good deal of consideration, proposal, discussion and refinement over the course of several months.  They take into account those things that we, as a community, do well and those things that we, as a community, could do better.  The full details of all these things are too much to list here, but they will either be covered with some detail elsewhere or be evident in the way things are done by the GM team.  Don't worry; the changes are all aimed at a more positive experience for everyone.
What I will do here is summarize these changes and then offer an agreement between the community-at-large and the GM team. The latter is offered because in order for this all to work, it requires cooperation between everyone, whether one is “just a player” or our most experienced GM. Afterall, we're all working toward the same goal: a rich and enjoyable experience for everyone.  
[SIZE=18]Summary of Changes:[/SIZE]
 As mentioned above, the details of all the changes are too numerous to list here, and much of them get into administrative details.  To list the major changes in summary:
  • We are creating a world lore     publication fork. This is different from diverging NWN lore from MMO     lore, but it will still allow for some greater freedoms for GMs and     players while protecting those players who eventually wish to     achieve World Leader status or undertake a similar effort.  There     will still be opportunities to “change the world”, leave one's     mark and the the like. World lore is still important, but there will     also be flexibility.  This fork is considered to begin with the     conclusion of the last lingering matters after the world plot finale     quests held in May, 2011.  As things stand, this will coincide with     the wrap-up of Briardusk.
  • This publication fork also opens     up possibilities for GMs to run events which may not fit into world     lore.  Such events will be considered “unofficial” and     unsuitable for character development.  They are intended for player     entertainment and education...and perhaps GM entertainment as well.     GMs will clearly state when such an event occurs, so there is no     confusion on the part of players.
  • CDQs (and     GCDQs) are getting a significant change in terms of things like     waiting periods and other policies, with individual GMs being     allowed to set their own policies for the most part. They will also     be the domain of lore-friendliness, meaning a CDQ need not directly     deal with world lore, but neither should it violate it or conflict     with it. Everyone should read the updated CDQ policy, found here.
  • The world plot     will be handled in a different, more “organic” way. With the     wrap-up of Briardusk, we're taking a small break to get organized.     We will put out a “state of the world” description so everyone     knows the setting for moving forward. From that point forward, we     will be operating on a new methodology.  There will be opportunities     for world-level involvement on many levels, even when something     isn't marked as a “plot” event. To a large degree, what happens     moving forward will be up to the community.  More details will come     out over time.
  • The Character     Approval process is undergoing a shift, and we will be clarifying     some things as well. It is important for everyone to read and     understand this new policy, as it will affect all character     submissions from this point forward. Everyone should read the     updated CA policy, found here.
[SIZE=18]Agreement Between Players and GMs:[/SIZE]
  In order for everything to work well, we all need a reminder that there is a need for cooperation between both players and GMs.  Without it, there is nothing but difficulty, and anyone who has been around here long enough has probably witnessed the occasional period of problems and tension.  We recognize these will never be truly eradicated, but we can all take steps to minimize them and work more constructively when problems do arise. In that spirit, I offer the following agreement to be held between players and GMs.
 Players agree to...
  •     ...have fun, but never at someone else's expense.
  •     ...engage in RP as much as possible. Encourage the same in those     around you.
  •     ...keep in mind that GMs are your partners in RP here, not your     enemies.
  •     ...not spread rumors about favoritism or unfair treatment. If     there's a concern, bring it to Leanthar, EdTheKet, Dorganath, Rowana     or a Lead GM.
  •     ...try not to use words like “bother” or “inconvenience” (or     some form thereof) when approaching members of our various teams.      We choose to do this.  It's OK. It's not a bother or an     inconvenience.
  •     ...never be the reason for another player leaving the world or     abandoning a character. This has happened, generally through     behavior that has made a person feel uncomfortable or threatened. We     know it has happened.  It is unacceptable.
  •     ...avoid telling other players how to play their characters,     alignments, classes deity/dogma, race or some other significant     defining characteristic, which also includes concepts like the     Heartsong or the Al'Noth.  If there is a concern, bring it to a GM.     Otherwise, unless a player specifically asks for advice, let it be.
  • toward a better level of communication between everyone     here, whether it is with one of our various teams or with general     members of the community.
  •     ...remember that GMs and especially the lead staff have a lot     invested in Layonara.  We sometimes want to participate in     discussions. Our words, unless specifically stated, are not     generally the end of the conversation.
  •     ...understand that at times, the GM team must say “no” but this     should be respected rather than gossiped about, back-talked or     flamed.  “No” is rarely given without a reason, though if it is     (such as cases where we cannot immediately give one), it is not an     arbitrary decision.
  •     ...join the GM team in our respect for and observance of world lore.     As part of this, keep in mind that if we approach players with     matters or concerns about lore, we are only seeking to encourage and     maintain a consistent environment for everyone here.
  •     ...remember that GMs are players too.  Sometimes we just want to     enjoy ourselves just like everyone else.
  •     ...maintain respect for everyone here, from the newest player on up     to Leanthar.  This applies equally whether in-game, on IRC or on the     forums. We're all people. We're all gamers. We're here for the same     reason. Do not hide behind anonymity.
In return, the GM team will...
  •     ...provide a fair, open and enjoyable experience for everyone.
  •     ...provide a rich and interesting environment to support, encourage,     inspire and reward RP for everyone.
  •     ...attempt to communicate clearly and accurately with the community     on various matters.
  • open and available, as our time permits, for questions,     concerns and ideas. We may not be able to accommodate all requests,     but we will make reasonable efforts where it is appropriate to do     so.
  • as fair as possible. We are still people. We will make     mistakes, but the goal remains.
  •     ...try to communicate as clearly as possible at all times.
  •     ...respect, support and enforce world lore as appropriate. In doing     so, we may bring forward concerns or problems to players that are     intended in the spirit of our established world lore. Please give     these due consideration and respect our comments and the reason     behind them.
  •     ...provide a “clean slate” for all players moving forward from     this point (more on this below).
The above agreement is offered in the spirit that we're all here trying to play the same game.  We're all people. Many of us, whether player or GM, have a lot invested in this game world. Some arguably have much more invested than others, but for the most part we all have a significant emotional attachment to this place.  With such attachments often comes a sense of ownership, and with that sense sometimes there is a sense of entitlement or a way of doing things that is “better”.  It is usually these sorts of things that cause the most problems. We're all different.  We all have different ideas and perspectives.  These things are truly great, but we also need to remember that we're all here trying to get enjoyment from the same place, and this place has its set of rules and guidelines that everyone needs to follow. One person should not take their fun at the expense of another's.
  In understanding our various differences, let us also remember that each of us is only human.  The above agreement is a goal, and regardless of which side we're on, no one expects perfection. We do, however, request that everyone keeps these things in mind when playing here. Most of us here are adults. Let's remember to act like adults.  Speak to other players. Work out differences person-to-person, and ask for help if there are problems doing so.
 [SIZE=18]The “Clean Slate”[/SIZE]
  Under the GM section of the agreement, the concept of a “clean slate” was mentioned.  By way of explaining this, it is necessary to mention the oft-misunderstood “Player Watch List”.  Many players may not know if this list, while others may have the wrong idea of it.  
  The Player Watch list is simply that...a list of players to watch. A player may get onto the list in several ways, which can be summarized as bad or questionable behavior. Such behavior can take many forms, whether it is a complaint by another player, minor rule violations or any matter that seems of concern. We use this as a communication tool between the entire GM team, such that we may all know of issues that may require a closer eye on a player in order that they do not cause problems for others through such behavior as we may document. A player will remain on the watch list for a period of six (6) months, after which time, the thread will be moved to an “inactive” archive, assuming no further issues during that time. If necessary, an archived thread may be made active again if there are repeated issues for a given player. These threads help us determine when administrative action or more direct intervention may be necessary, and they serve as long term documentation.
 It bears stating, unequivocally, that the Player Watch List is not a list of people that the GM team “does not like.” This is actually quite far from the truth. It should also be said that just because someone is on the watch list does not mean the player is in trouble. In order to illustrate a little better what the list is and isn't, here are a few examples of why someone might appear on the list:
  •     Player A is seen repeatedly luring or using terrain features to     trick creature AI or is otherwise abusing creature AI to     disproportionately lower the challenge posed by a creature or set of     creatures.
  •     Player B is observed camping CNR or creatures in excess of what     rules allow.
  •     Player C is reported by Player D for some inter-personal matters     that make Player D uncomfortable or which impact Player D's     enjoyment of the game.  In this case, both players might receive     posts for tracking purposes.
  •     A GM comes across something that brings questions to mind about     Player E.  The player in question is not available at the time to     speak to about the find, and there are no other GMs around who might     be able to offer clarity. The GM posts a thread seeking attention     and comment from other GMs regarding the find. (Note: in such a     case, the post may be removed if it is determined that there is     ultimately nothing wrong or questionable.)
There are surely other reasons for appearing on the watch list, but these are among the most common.  In most cases, a GM should make contact with the player who is being listed to discuss the problem and request an adjustment in behavior.  However, whether due to time constraints, RL obligations or the player logging off of the server before such an opportunity arises, a GM may not be able to do so in a timely way. In such cases, the GM may still post in order to mark the incident for other eyes. A GM may also post to raise a player concern with the rest of the team in the absence of available information. Again, it should be stressed that someone being on this list is not automatically in trouble with the team.
  To enact the “clean slate”, from this point forward, any and all active Player Watch List threads are now archived permanently. Any past incidents or disciplinary actions, except for permanent bannings of course, are hereby forgiven and completely in the past.  If a player who has been the subject of one or more Player Watch List posts in the past has a new incident worthy of the Player Watch List, such incidents will be considered new, and past incidents will not be taken into account.  Repeated incidents after this point will, of course, be handled as we have in the past, with each thread serving as a historical record for future reference.
  This gives everyone who may have come in conflict with server rules in the past or who may have caused difficulties for other players to start fresh and without bias. It is our hope that in this environment, people will seize this opportunity to be better members of the community as a whole and remember that this is not just a single-player game and that our actions affect other players, either directly or indirectly.
 [SIZE=18]So let's get started![/SIZE]
  Without further ceremony or description, let's all start moving forward and continue making Layonara the best environment for RP and enjoyment it can be. For good or ill, we've all contributed to what Layonara is today.  As we go on, we will continue to shape it. Let's make it good!
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

General Discussion / Apologies
« on: September 18, 2011, 05:52:26 am »
Hey everyone,

I want to apologise for my relative inactivity on the quest calendar. I see my role as GM as 99.9% as that of quest provider and I have been below par in this role for the last few weeks.

Want to hear my excuse? Probably not, it's nothing too exciting anyway. Just work, work and more work. If people would just stop assaulting each other, selling drugs, stealing things and generally treat others as they themselves would want to be treated, I would have heaps more time to run quests!!

That said, I have one more week of work craziness before things return to normal and I hope I shall be able to run a scheduled open-to-all quest every week.


The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

Introduce Yourself / *Bounces around*
« on: September 08, 2011, 09:46:21 pm »
[SIZE=13]Ello! My name is Jennifer but I go by Jen or Jenny usually. I live in an EST time zone though I was born in Scotland and I'm now in my early 20s. I'm a little hyper so ignore the title, it seemed appropriate at the time and I couldn't think of anything better.

Last night about this time I was sitting around on a different Neverwinter Night's RP server that my boyfriend and I had discovered only 3 days ago. Despite the fact it hadn't been long enough for the feeling of novelty to wear off we were already growing tired of it. Not because we disliked the people or the setup and I wont name the server for posterity sake. Lets just that they are very grind heavy and we don't have the time to dedicate to grinds which keep us from role playing anywhere but 1-2 low level zones.

So I started googling other possibilities using my amazingly awesome google skills!... he did most of the searching. :p  

Eventually we found the main page for this community, Lyonara, which roped us in almost immediately. The further we dug the more excited we became over Layonara and the prospect of the role play that could await us here. About 2 hours into our informative research frenzy (which consisted of one of us going to the other every 2-5 minutes and exclaiming "Look at this!" or "Oh wow they have ---- here!" sometimes "dcbhd,mv,.ifdf" but that only happened when the cat walked over my keyboard) my boyfriend discovered you had an IRC chat.

He then proceeded to join it without telling me and started magically answering all the questions we had not been able to find direct answers to or at all. Of course I refused to be out-done and nearly sent myself into a tizzy trying to find answers before he could spout them to me. That is until he casually informed me he was asking people in a Layonara IRC chat all his questions.

She was not amused. >:/

So we both spent the next 15 minutes getting me set up and connected to the IRC chat where upon joining I had the delight of meeting several Layonara members. I have to say thus far you all seem like a very friendly and welcoming group. Further more I think the world you have created with meticulous detail and care is simply exquisite and I cannot wait to join it as soon as possible with boyfriend in tow.

I'm pretty sociable on most days so feel free to ask me any questions and just poke me to chat if the mood strikes you. :D [/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

The Silver Buckle / Results of the Angels Guild famine food drive
« on: September 07, 2011, 11:51:41 am »
Food donated for famine relief was rewarded by 475,609 trues worth of credit with the Angels Guild.

 During the Angels Guild's recent food drive, adventurers donated 475,609 trues worth  of food at our credit values.  Starving families in the Rohdem Alliance  and the Boyer Kingdom received a total of 232 boxes through the Angels Guild offer:
59 boxes of grain,
44 boxes of preserved meat and/or fish,
42 boxes of mixed foodstuffs,
31 boxes of honey and other sweeteners,
23 boxes of fruit,
16 boxes of salt for food preservation,
13 boxes of nuts,
3 boxes of spices,
1 box of eggs.
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

General Discussion / TO ALL WL Quest event participators:
« on: September 04, 2011, 12:52:12 pm »
I have posted this and emailed and PMed this in other places, but I am going to make a general announcement.

I had to put the WL Quest on hold. I have something pending for Layonara that is taking up ALL of my available time at the moment. Until that is absolved I CANNOT deal with the WL event. Please stop pushing each other for information that I have not had the chance to pass out to anyone because it's causing a bunch of people to get annoyed and worse. Since people are getting so bent out of shape over this, I am putting an 'until further notice' flag on this.  

It's really fabulous that people are wanting to be involved and are playing it up between quests but it needs to be scaled back due to the GM not being able to participate. You don't have to pretend like it's not happening but please stop irritating each other as that doesn't help anyone, most especially me, get anything done faster. Feel welcome to wrack up a ton of questions for me to answer but please don't expect an answer back (from anyone) until such time that I say I'm answering questions again.

Just remember, it's fine (as far as I'm concerned) to take this development seriously but it is not okay to upset other people, especially when the problem is completely out of the control of the player. You are welcome to be as irritated at me as you like, as long as it's up front and you are accepting that I have only so many hours in a day. Rest assured that I am taking notes about all of this as I move forward with this experiment and if anything like it is attempted again, and that's a big if at this point, these things will be taken into account. This kind of project takes a huge time investment and it's probably just not something any GM will have the capacity for in the future. Please, please be patient with us and your fellows.

The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

The Silver Buckle / Announcing: The Silver Buckle Food Not Trues Duex
« on: September 01, 2011, 10:36:54 am »
As there were items that were not bid on at the last auction, and more donations were made, there will be one more - and only one more - food auction, held at a time to be more agreeable with those on the other side of the world*.  Having learned valuable lessons from the previous auction, the following are the rules:

-Coin of the realm is one donation RECEIPT for a box of food.  Food must be donated before the auction.  One receipt is one unit of bidding.

-No True will be bid at this auction.  FOOD ONLY.

-Boxes must be full.  Definition of full:  grains, fruits, herbs and spices, nuts, cooked meat and fish, edible mushrooms, butter, meals, flours; thirty-five.  Honey, maple syrup, sugarcane, milk, juices - fourteen.  Breads, fourteen.  Roasts, pies; six.

-IMPORTANT RULE:  Fill boxes by food type.  A box of grains may be mixed grains but it must be grains.  Ditto fruit and nuts.  Please do not mix fruits, nuts, and grains in a box because it is very painful to count hundreds of receipts that way.  Lesson learned...

-Salt, sugar, pepper and raw meat are not valid items.  No vendor-bought food will be honored.

-No pre-bidding; all bids will be live in the Buckle. Proxies will be honored if arrangements are made beforehand from the absent party.

-Fifty percent down and fifty percent promised will be honored if the bidding goes high; however you must clearly state when you owe boxes to the receipt master or mistress before collecting your item.

FOOD MAY BE DONATED TO ANY FAMINE RELIEF FUND OR TO THE FOUNDATION.  Currently, Rohden and Boyer have famine relief funds set up.

//*Sat. Sept. 24, at six-thirty in the morning eastern time.


Items to be bid on at the Food Not True Duex auction:

Donated from sponsor the Silver Buckle Inn:

Squire's Defense
Base Armor Class 2 (Light Armor)
Armor Bonus +2
Enhancement Bonus Strength +3
Lvl 21

Yew Quarterstaff
Enhancement Bonus +3
Damage Bonus Fire 1d8
Light Bright Red
Lvl 20

Emerald Ring of Wisdom
Wisdom +3
Lvl 18

Robes of the Broken Hope
Base Armor Class 0
Armor Bonus +2 (AC Armor Modifier)
On Hit: Slow Level 8
Skill Bonus: Tumble +4
Use: Fear (5) 1 Use/Day
Lvl 18

Adamantium Bascinet
Armor Bonus +3 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Skill Bonus: Concentration +3
Skill Bonus: Discipline +3
Lvl 14

Alaamiathela's Slippers
Armor Class +1 (AC Dodge Modifier)
Cold Resistance 5/-
Light Bright (20m) Blue
Skill Bonus: Heal +4
Skill Bonus: Spellcraft +4
Lvl 9

2 - Sapphire Set in a Mithril Ring
Skill Bonus: Concentration +6
Skill Bonus: Spellcraft +6
Lvl 8

2 - Lesser Mage's Armor

Base Armor Class 0
Armor Bonus +2 (AC Armor Modifier)
Armor Bonus +1 (AC Armor Modifier)
Skill Bonus: Lore +1
Skill Bonus: Spellcraft +2
Only Useable By: Sorcerer
Only Useable By: Wizard
Lvl 8

Sapphire Set in a Mithril Amulet
Skill Bonus: Concentration +6
Skill Bonus: Spellcraft +6
Lvl 7

Donated from sponsor the Angel's Guild:

Exceptional Ring of Bull's Strength
+1 Strength
Cast: Bull's Strength 1x/day
Lvl 10

Donated from sponsor Enzo's Bow Shop:

Compound Oak Longbow
Attack Bonus +1
Extra Ranged Damage: Piercing
Low Light (Red)
Lvl 9

Donated from sponsor the Orc Bashers:

Electrical Resistance II
10/ Electrical Damage
Lvl 13

Adamantium Longsword
Enhancement Bonus +2
Lvl 10

Oak Shortbow
Attack Bonus +1
Lvl 5

Donated from sponsor the Stargazer Family:

Ring of Divinity III
Three - Bonus Spell Slot Cleric Level 3
Lvl 12

Donated from sponsor Chakar El'Mujahir:

Belt of the Watchers
Damage Reduction +5 Soak 5 Damage
Improved Saving Throws:  Will +2
Only Usable By: Chaotic
Only Usable By: Good
Only Usable By: Lawful
Only Usable By: Neutral
Lvl 22

Death's Visor
Damage Immunity: Negative Energy 5% Immunity Bonus
Bonus Feat: Darkvision
Immunity: Death Magic
Improved Saving Throws: Fortitude +1
Reduced Saving Throws: Will -2
Only Usable By: Chaotic Evil
Only Usable By: Chaotic Neutral
Only Usable By: Lawful Evil
Only Usable By: Neutral Evil
Only Usable By: True Neutral
Lvl 21

Stag Cloak
Damage Resistance: Bludgeoning Resist 5/
Damage Resistance: Magical Resist 5/
Improved Saving Throws: Disease +5
Improved Saving Throws: Fortitude +2
Low Light White
Lvl 18

Nighteyes Cloak

Armor Bonus +2 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Bonus Feat: Darkvision
Skill Bonus: Hide +10
Cast Spell: Ultravision (6) 2 Uses/Day
Lvl 15

Shield of the Old Guard
Base Armor Class +2
Armor Bonus +2 (AC Shield Modifier)
Improved Saving Throws: Will +2
Skill Bonus: Discipline +4
Lvl 15

Wand of Fear
Cast: Fear 50 Charges
Use Fear (5) 3 Charges/Use
Only Usable By: Bard
Only Usable By: Sorcerer
Only Usable By: Wizard
Lvl 9

Donated by an anonymous but dashing sponsor:

Enchanted Mithril Half-Plate - MINIMUM TEN RECEIPT OPENING BID
Base Armor Class 7
Armor Bonus +4 (AC Armor Modifier)
Damage Immunity: Magical 25% Immunity Bonus
Damage Resistance: Bludgeoning Resist 5/
Damage Resistance: Piercing Resist 5/
Damage Resistance: Slashing Resist 5/
Light Bright White
Spell Resistance 20
Weight Reduction: 60% of Weight
Lvl 31

Armor Bonus: +2 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Damage Immunity: Electrical 25%
Enhancement Bonus: Strength +2
Improved Saving Throws: Electrical +2
Improved Saving Throws: Sonic +2
Lvl 24

Enhancement Bonus: Dexterity +2
Lvl 21

Dragonscale Bracers
Damage Immunity: Fire 5% Immunity Bonus
Enhancement Bonus: Charisma +1
Enhancement Bonus: Intelligence +1
Skill Bonus: Concentration +4
Skill Bonus: Spellcraft +2
Lvl 21

Bidder's Choice* of One of Three Emerald Rings - MINIMUM TEN RECEIPT OPENING BID
Attribute +3
Lvl 18
*First two winners in order get first pick: last winner may not get ring of choice, depending

Silver Foil Rapier
Base Damage 1d6
Enhancement Bonus +2
Skill Bonus: Parry +5
Use: Cat's Grace (10) 1 Use/Day
Use: Freedom of Movement (7) 1 Use/Day
Lvl 18

Boots of Hardiness

Armor Bonus: +2 (AC Dodge Modifier)
Damage Resistance: Acid Resist 10/
Enhancement Bonus: Constitution +2
Lvl 15

Blue Dragon Scale

Use: Protection from Spells (20) 3 Charges/Use
Lvl 14

Athus' Touch Gloves
+1 Wisdom
+6 Heal
+4 Tumble
Cure Critical Wounds 1x/day
Core Moderate Wounds 3x/day
Lvl 13

Healer's Hug
Skill Bonus: Heal +3
Use: Cure Critical Wounds (7) 1 Use/Day
Lvl 12

Two - Potions of Heal
Use: Heal Single Use
Auctioned as a pair
Lvl 11

One - Star Dust of Beryl
Lvl 10

Three - Scrolls of Raise Dead
To be auctioned off individually
Lvl 8

Six - Untanned Malar Pelts
To be auctioned off in groups of two
Lvl 1

Three - Uncut Mineral Diamonds
To be auctioned off individually
Lvl 1

Ten - Diamond Dusts
To be auctioned off in two bundles of five each
Lvl 1

Eight - Emerald Dusts
To be auctioned off in two bundles of four each - to be made into resists at the bidder's request
Lvl 1

Donated by the priestess Alazira, on behalf of Her most inspirational presence Ilsare and in conjunction with the Angel's Guild:

Adamantium Reinforced Clothing
Base AC 0
Armor Bonus: +3
Lvl 15

Two - Vouchers for Diamond Rings of Bidder's Choice
(Attribute) +2
Lvl 12

One - Voucher for Diamond Amulet of Bidder's Choice
(Attribute) +2
Lvl 11

Noble Suit of Comfort
Base AC 0
Enhancement Bonus: Wisdom +1
Skill Bonus: Persuade +4
Skill Bonus: Appraise +4
Lvl 10

Royal Ball Gown
Base AC 0
Enhancement Bonus: Charisma +1
Skill Bonus: Perform +2
Skill Bonus: Persuade +2
Lvl 10

Voucher for Adamantium Weapon of Bidder's Choice
Enhancement Bonus: +2
Lvl 10

Voucher for Adamantium Shield of Bidder's Choice
+2 (AC Shield Modifier)
Lvl 10

Voucher for Mahogany Bow of Bidder's Choice

Attack Bonus: +2
Lvl 10

One EACH - Fire, Electrical, and Cold Resists I
(Elemental Damage Resistance) 5/
To be auctioned off individually
Lvl 10

Three - Lion Leather Bags
60% Weight Reduction
To be auctioned off individually
Lvl 9

One EACH - Electrical, Fire, and Cold II Enchantments
(Elemental Damage) +1d4
To be auctioned off individually
Lvl 9

One - Silver Enhancement II

Damage vs. Undead/Werebeasts +1d4
Lvl 9

Two - Vouchers for Alexandrite Rings of Bidder's Choice

(Attribute) +1
To be auctioned as a set
Lvl 6

One - Voucher for Alexandrite Amulet of Bidder's Choice
(Attribute) +1
To be auctioned as a set along with the rings
Lvl 5

Boots of the Arachnea
Immunity to Web
Lvl 2

//please note item levels are determined from lens, and may be incorrect in some cases
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

Layonara Server / Status of mixafix
« on: August 18, 2011, 07:16:23 pm »
Dear Community,
It is my duty to inform you that as of June 28, 2011, mixafix has been  removed from the GM team. The reason for this is due to some repeated rule  violations which were not considered serious enough to ban him  permanently but which were significant enough to warrant his dismissal  as a GM. To be clear, he is still welcome to play here as a player, and  he is still in full possession of all his characters.
Out of deference to mixafix, I will not discuss the details of his  transgressions here in public. To you all, I ask simply that you do not  spread rumors that may or may not be accurate. If you wish to know if a  rumor is true or not, please ask me or another GM directly.
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

Introduce Yourself / Hello Layonara again,
« on: August 16, 2011, 02:05:02 am »
Hello folks,

This isn't an I'm back thread... but its not NOT that either. Logged in and ran around on Bris for a while. My how things have changed. In a nut shell, Im not sure that I'm back and I don't want to make one of those posts where I claim that I am then I never login again so I'm just saying Hi to everyone I've known, missed, those I don't know yet and even those I didn't really miss at all ;).

The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

Just for Fun / When Quest-Givers get Greedy!
« on: July 27, 2011, 04:26:34 pm »
When I read this, I suddenly got the image in my head of Ragrian swimming through a sea of necklaces like Scrooge McDuck.

The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

Layonara Server / Annoucement: Please Welcome...
« on: July 25, 2011, 10:35:20 pm »
... Our newest GMs to the world.





They are going to be jumping in very soon and learning their tools and tricks. In the next few months they'll be getting their feet wet in the world of running quests for you all.

Thanks again to everyone who applied and interviewed or even entertained the idea of applying for the position.


The GM Team

[SIZE=10]p.s. Please do not haze the new GMs until they have been in their new bunks for at least three weeks. Thank you.[/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Retaking Hilm
« on: June 24, 2011, 10:28:12 pm »
Within three weeks of Molvarens departure from Hilm thousands line the still rubble strewn streets of Hilm city to watch line after line of soldiers, cavalry, pikes, shields and a various assortment of supplies and auxilery as they wend their way out of the castle and surrounding city and into the lands surrounding them heading south. Their ultimate destination being Briardusk.

At their lead is several hundred mixed cavalry and a shining figure bearing a Toranite standard. Behind Lady Daniella Stormhaven rode a score of hand picked Toranite shock cavalry and then came the various functionaries and army commanders from Hilm as well and so on and so forth. Long lines of rejuvenated and eager soldiers marching to reclaim their lost lands.

The only dark side to mar the leaving of the fifteen thousand strong army was the announcement that the legions of Rael troops will soon be recalled from Hilm unless Lord Rael is invited by the leaders to continue to support the war effort in its new phase.

Sir Lance, Queen Langovale, Lord Alexander and many others watched from the castle walls as the army led by Lady Daniella flowed south along the main road. Sir lance knew that if Rael withdrew it would leave Hilm Castle vulnerable again with many of its soldiers travelling with Lady Daniella to reclaim the lands south of Hilm Castle. He also know he had to work hard to prevent others from deciding their job wsa done and taking their soldiers away as well. The war was far from done yet.

As he stood on the wall Lance looked around the horizon, dark clouds still hung in the air to the north and the south west over the Orsgaunt mountains. While to the north west the sky was dark speckled with black and orange as even from this vast distance the fires and smoke from the erupting volcano's of Molten Isle cast a dark shadow over the entire northern regions of the world.

He worried that soon Boyer would also recall their troops since their country had been affected to a large degree by the fallout of ash and fires sparked by lava balls thrown hundreds of miles from the volcanos of Molten Isle that had truck their northern regions.

Work had arrived that morning that Ractrafiorez had been back to the renmants of Fort of last Hope and that the Jaedon Siphe's Siphe garra had now reached the five or six thousand mark and continued to grow everyday as highly trained man and women of the Drach Garra abandoned their Cult Masters in favour of the former General.

So too word had finally arrived of the Cult defeat at Zolinar and the horror stories that came with them of demons and devils, of the Risen Storan and the complete and utter destruction of Zolinar so that every building, every stone, every blade of grass had been reduced to nothing. Zolinar no longer existed but a barren and scorched area of forest that once housed a bustling and thriving city. Queen Langovale had wept when she heard what had happened and deputations had already been sent to Nesar to protest at what had occured.  Lance worried about Sundance and the Nesar army there doing the same thing but was reassured due to it being under Razeriem and Gork's control for the moment with no Corathites present. he knew one day there would have to be a reckoning for the leaders of the army that assaulted Zolinar, that this man who called himself the Mad Doctor would have to be found and dealt with...and Storan..well, that was a new worry for the future.

As Lance watched the army depart he considered his own departure in two days time. With Rael potentially withdrawing it was not going to give him anywhere near the 20,000 soldiers he was hoping to take to Sundance. In fact he and Lord Alexander had engaged in stern words he day before over just how many Lance would be able to take. Lord Alexander wanted at least ten thousand soldiers left to protect Castle Hilm and the north as well as the supply route to Alhon. That meant Lance could only field five to ten thousand able soldiers to go south. The plans had changed slightly in that he would give Daniella a head start then advance south and bypass the engagement at Briardusk. If Daniella looked like she was going to have problems the advance to Sundance would be given up and lance would join her at Briardusk, but for now he would go to Sundances aid.

As Daniella's large army slowly moved south her scouts spread far and wide. At regular intervals groups made up of about three scores would move off to resecure border posts to the west while other hunting parties ranged to the east towards the Orsgaunt mountains to flush out any remaining pockets of Cult soldiers or wayward Myr'drachs. Eerily however their advance south meet no resistance and within days the army was a hundred miles south of Castle Hilm and not far from the remains of Wallach's crypt.

Here the army settled for several more days while Daniella confirmed through arriving scouts who reported to Jillseponie that their rear was clear, the border posts reinstated and Lances army was on the move. Daniella knew the next week and a half would be unpleasant for the army following her, a journey through the Withered lands was hard enough at the best of times but when you faced the possibility of being attacked by hostile forces as well as the hostile natural creatures that lived there it was going to be unplesant indeed. She knew at some point she would branch off and head to Fort of last Hope while Captain Argali, Captain Vrebel, Captain Kromlek, Captain Gunder, Captain Daniel and others could continue on to Briardusk and settle the army and begin to gather intell on what they faced until she returned, she still worried at every detail and prayed regularly for strength and guidance.

Days later the army packed up and moved into the Withered Lands and within days they met their first resistance. Drach Tesak had set up a myriad of traps and deadfalls throughout different areas and it seemed Drach ori had also set up magical traps as well. Daniella lost a number of soldiers to the deadly traps before slowly the advance and asking some of the more seasoned adventurers to move forward with Jills scouts and support the recovery of the traps. For perhaps the first time in her life she would have liked Lord Arkolio to be present to deal with the traps since he seemed to have a knack for them but then she thought she'd have to put up with his own self aggrandizement for the entire journey. In that moment she was glad he decided his Katherian soldiers and he would stay in Hilm and help with the clean up. Mind you she was a bit concerned about hearing they were looting the bodies as opposed to cleaning them up.

Their movement slowed to a crawl through the ravines and it took more than a week to reach the other side and be within a few days march of Briardusk itself. Here Daniella stopped the army again and prepared to take a small group to the east to hopefully meet and speak with the former Cult General, Jaedon Siphe. It was here she heard some disturbing news. A Toranite patrol had failed to return from a sweep in the Withered Lands. Almost a score of solid dependable Toranites unnacounted for. Daniella waited another day while Ferrit was sent out with Jill to look at the area they were supposed to be and when they returned they reported finding no trace of the patrol.

Concerned but unable to do much about the incident, Daniella gave her Captains their instructions and left with a score of Toranite Cavalry as well as Drexia and Ferrit and set off for the remains of Fort of last Hope.
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

Rumour Has It / Azattans return
« on: May 31, 2011, 07:19:54 pm »
Across the world in places where Azattans normally gather or have small and dedicated temples they begin to return in dribs and drabs.

The sudden exodus of Azattans from the war against the Cult stunned many as they did an about face and withdrew hundreds of healers and others from the war.

The last known sighting of a large host of them occured near North Fort in Sederra just prior to the ground war there against the Cult. They then disappeared and have not been seen for many months.

Now it appears some are returning but what is noticable is that many are not. When asked about their mysterious disappearance and the missing Azattans the only responses people receive is either stony silence or comments about the coming terror on the surface for them and their kin, and that most likely no one will be safe from the scourge that is now rising.
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

General Discussion / Resigning as GM
« on: May 31, 2011, 04:40:17 am »
It is time for me to hand my GM batch to another.

The plot is nearing its end and the remaining parts are in very capable hands. ;)

So, after more years than I care to count I am resigning from my position as GM in Layonara's amazing Team of GMs.

Before I move on to being 'just' a player I have one thing I would like to ask all you players out there:

At times on quests where you feel wronged or feel that the outcome was not fair, please try to remember why the GMs are here. They are here to make this world around your characters a living and breathing entity that provides you with entertainment and fun. That is the basic idea.

So, instead of taking the fight to the GM and/or the Team, try to consider whether the incident in question is one that your character might deal with in an IC fashion - perhaps that was the intent of the GM in the first place.

Like you, GMs are people and people will walk away if you rattle them enough. After all, they are not acting GMs for their own sake, but for the sake of others.

This was not based on a recent episode or a current situation in game. Please consider this a plea that you might consider in the future. I have seen it happen too many times over the years and it simply burns people out, which ends up making this place less colourful and alive.

Finally, I wish you all the very best of luck and hope that many of you will continue to contribute to this magical place that is Layonara. For me the time has come to move on, although I will probably be around with Kobal now and then.

Kind regards,

The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

General Discussion / Big thanks to Dezza
« on: April 26, 2011, 02:47:31 pm »
I know when the plot quest concludes that we will all stand up a applaud Dezza for his works. I want to stand up in the middle of the chaos and say that the job he is currently doing is nothing short of amazing. He seems tireless in this effort. Dezza not only creates engaging write ups but he incorporates the endless stream of PC actions into every write up, which tells me he is also reading and replying to what must be a mountain of PMs. One of the great things that Dezza is doing with these write up is in how he portrays each PC so true to how they are played.

My deepest thanks go out to you Dezza for your work, creativity, and the energy you are putting into this effort.
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Nesar-Hilm
« on: April 24, 2011, 09:10:23 pm »
// This takes place the day that Ractrafiorez breaks the southern wall of Fort of Last Hope.

"What do you think?" Razeriem frowned as he passed the looking glass back to Hardragh.

Hardragh took a look, scanning the areas of the town visible from the small farmhouse they had moved up into to get a better look at what lay ahead.

"I can't see much, a few towns folk moving around. Wait, there they are. Looks like some Cult regulars walking around the town, probably a patrol. We could send in some of the peasant enlistments, they can probably blend better and maybe speak to a few of the locals and find out what numbers we have to deal with."

Razeriem took the eyeglass back and looked once again. Slowly a smile spread across his face.

Hardragh grinned, "Or maybe not."

Razeriem snapped the looking glass shut, "Nothing like a brisk attack against unknown odds."

The two men withdrew from the house to where their horses and a half a dozen guards waited for them. Razeriem spoke to three of them.

"Herrin, go back to Sergeant Alkis tell him to bring his peasant regulars marching up the main road straight towards Prim. Make as much noise as you can, wave the banners around, whatever it takes. But loud."

"Loyd, you ride over to Lieutenant Jarnon and get him to take the cavalry round to the southern side of the city into those trees over there and wait for my signal. Then he is to charge into the town from that side."

"Jayk, I want you to tell Corporal Hayden to break the remaining infantry into units of forty men and march them in formations across the fields towards Prim behind the peasant enlistments."

The three men saluted casually, since Razeriem was not the type for many of the typical military accoutrements.

"So what are we doing?" Hardragh asked.

Razeriem gave him a cheeky grin, "We? We're going to go and knock on the door."

Together, followed by the remaining four guards their small group allowed their horses to walk forward along the main road to the city. As they drew closer they could see small guard posts set at many of the street entrances to the city with figures moving about in them.

As they drew even closer, to within a hundred metres of the first guard post a loud din began to arise down the road further back. Razeriem glanced behind him to see the several hundred peasants of his thousand strong army marching in columns, banners held high, voices yelling at the top of their lungs. Furthern back spread out in ten groups and advancing across the fields and dishevelled farms in outlying Prim came his Nesar regular infantrymen. He also trusted that the small cavalry force was now moving into position amongst the trees.

The noise of the peasants stirred Prim into action. The few townsfolk on the streets fled into their homes and suddenly Drachs and Cult regulars began rushing around to take their positions to defend the large town. One man, a tall Drach stepped forward commanding them to stop about 30 metres from the Cult lines into the town.

"This is a city of Kuhl, you are not welcome here, turn your army around and leave or we will slaughter you all."

Razeriem stepped down from his horse and walked towards the man hands out to show he held no weapon. The Drach appeared confident in his own abilities and only told Raz to halt when he was several feet from him.

With a flourish Raz bowed to the man and gave him his most winning smile.

"My good man, I'm simply here to rescue many damsels in distress. I was well informed that you people might know where I can find some."

The Drach looked momentarily off guard then resumed his tough stance.
"My commands stand, you will not have this town. It belongs to Kuhl. leave or die."

"My good man, I'm afraid we can't do that." His voice took on a harder tone. "You see I will rescue those damsels with or without your help. I really dont care if you die here I'm sure by the time I finish with your men at least one of them will give me what I want."

"Why you.." The Drach drew a large blade and moved to strike Raz down then stumbled and glanced down in suprise as the tip of Raz's rapier, pushed through his boiled leather armour and penetrated his heart with deadly speed and accuracy.

The area exploded into movement as Hardragh shouted a warning then leapt off his own saddle to face a group of crossbowers levelling their bows at Razeriem. His voice burst forth and the entire group fell to the ground blood pouring from their eyes and ears, their nose and mouths. Each one of them dead.

One of Raz's guards suddenly sounded a loud horn and the attack began.

The peasants started to run towards the city, the infantry jogged in formations towards it as well. More and more drach soldiers converged on the western edge of the town to face the incoming Nesar soldiers and as they did so the Cavalry swept in from the south driving up the narrower southern road and overrunning the cult positions, trampling the soldiers into the ground with the hooves of their warhorses and driving towards the heart of the town.

Razeriem and Hardragh lashed out with magic, voice and blades as they cut their way through the forward defences of the Cult. It seemed that the Cult had left merely a holding force at the town, a handful of Drachs and a larger handful of general Kuhl soldiers. By the time the peasant army reached the entrance to the town they fell upon those wounded or had somehow managed to escape Hardragh and Raz's dramatic advance.

Soon the infantry hit the western edge of the town, groups of forty men and women advancing through every street, encountering fleeing Cult soldiers here and there and other pockets of resistance.

The Cavalry narrowed their columns into the town and pushed to wards the main square. Driving smaller elements of the Cult forces before them and crushing those who fell in the street.

Within an hour Hardragh and Razeriem stood in the centre square of the large town. The cavalry were arrayed around the southern edge of the courtyard and infantrymen stood guard over two hundred Kuhl soldiers who had surrendered while the peasant enlisted folk began going door to door to let the townsfolk know they were safe.

Soon after Razeriem met with the Mayor of the town and learn't the news that every women and girl child in the town had been taken north soon after the Cult had captured the town.

The only good news was that a dozen women and children had been able to be kept hidden during the occupation.

As their men secured each part of the city and hunted for any remaining cult soldiers Razeriem and Hardragh interrogated several of the prisoners before making plans for their next move.  (PM sent)
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

General Discussion / Happy Easter!
« on: April 23, 2011, 08:15:15 pm »
God, I can't believe I'm the first to say this but Happy Easter everyone.  Other than Tanman over in NZ beating us by 2 hours, us Ozzies wake up first to the world.
My son's already found 20+ eggs in the garden and eaten half of them.  My daughter also got her first taste of Easter, knocking down a couple as well.  I'm living on vapours after midnight mass but how can anyone feel down on such a great day.  Plus it's a cracking Autumn day here, wall to wall blue sky.

I hope you all get to share the fun safely, with family and friends.

The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

Layonara Server / Update coming tonight
« on: March 16, 2011, 08:47:03 am »
Hey all,

I have a small update ready to load in tonight. Unfortunately it does require a HAK update, so I thought I'd give you all the link now so you can prepare.

As usual, this goes in your "hak" subfolder under your NWN installation. You can download and extract this at any time. It will not interfere with your ability to play before the update, and it is required for the new version.
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