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Messages - Thak

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Introduce Yourself / talk about lazy...
« on: February 06, 2008, 04:27:00 pm »
Well, I am inspired by the other members of the LAZY club...
 Name is Nathan, 33 years old and I live in Fort Collins, CO.
 Graduated from Colorado State in 1997 with a history degree and went to work for the government. Unfortunatly I couldn't take the incompetance in the ranks of the Federal Government and quit and went back to CSU for a second bachelors degree in political science, and am in the process of getting admitted to the economics grad school here. No idea what I'm going to do with all these degrees, but it beats work I suppose.
 I have one son, who is seven, deffinatly a fun age. Much better than babyhood, when all he wanted was mommy... Now he actually thinks I'm fun! But I have to keep him away from the computer when I'm playing, I died once when he was watching and he started crying...
 Been playing here for two years now, and have enjoyed it immensly, perhaps too much at times...
 Anyhow *waves* carry on!
The following users thanked this post: Thak

Introduce Yourself / Grudgingly
« on: February 06, 2008, 12:25:03 pm »
i have to admit: I´m lazy! Playing for some time now and enjoying the fantastic community, i almost forgot to say hello.
Well, hello there!  :)
It´s getting more and more like coming home and having a nice PnP session with lots of friends, which i actually did, many years ago.

All the builders, DMs and everybody involded in creating this world have done a tremendous job. Thank you all!

What else to say...?
Well, i´m the german guy who´s a real slowpoke typingwise, cause i actually have to think what i want to say, so have mercy and a little patience with me, will you?  ;)

Anything left ? Ah yes, 42 years old, freelancing musician, that´s why i have lots of free time to spend on the server.

Ok, let´s finish this. Heya and hello, see ya in Layo!
The following users thanked this post: Thak

Introduce Yourself / Hey there
« on: February 04, 2008, 01:57:19 am »

Just wanted to say hey to all you nice folks out there. The name's John, and I'm 24. I've had a bit of experience playing DnD before with some buddies from college, and the site looks awesome. (Lot of reading, though!)

Just about to submit my first character, so if it gets approved I might be seeing some of you in game soon!

Peace out.
The following users thanked this post: Thak

Introduce Yourself / I guess it's about time
« on: February 03, 2008, 11:15:54 pm »
Well this will be more of an introduce "ourselves" than my self.  My family and I have been playing Layo for over about three years and we have made it our home in cyberspace and brought cyberspace into our home through Layo.  I have attached a picture of the four of us that play in our "Command Center".  From left to right we are Angela (Peanut, Clover, Keela), Mike (Clarissa, Josslyn), Ariel (Rose, Dalila, Mellana), and Jon (Kalin).  There are two other members of our clan that are not shown but they are working on their reading and typing skills so they can join us as soon as possible.  They are Tim and Christy.  So all together we are 6 of us.  We live on Oahu, HI where I an finishing my Navy career and getting ready to get a real job.  Angela is a stay at home, home schooling mom, Ariel and Jon are seniors in highschool and believe it or not still get good grades and play Layo too.  See everyone in game.
The following users thanked this post: Thak

Introduce Yourself / New Guy
« on: January 26, 2008, 01:02:49 am »
I just got activated and wanted to say Hello.


I just submitted a character to the server, and am anxiously waiting for approval. I have a TON of RP experience (both tabletop and online), and have played DnD (forever), NWN (off and on over the years), EQ (6 years and gave it up), Guild Wars (2 years), and most recently back to NWN online. The work that's gone into this game world looks amazing, and I hope to join the community Very Soon Now. Hope to see you around!    ;)
The following users thanked this post: Thak

Just for Fun / Something Inane
« on: January 25, 2008, 10:30:38 pm »
In a world
where nothing survives,
my left eye
floats. Mindlessly sneezing,
and exploding three
words at a
time. My right
eye, listens blindly
seeing only what
it can hear.
The following users thanked this post: Thak

Introduce Yourself / Questions from a new player :)
« on: January 25, 2008, 02:44:46 pm »
Hi, I've just returned to NWN after a 3 or 4 year hiatus. Back in those days I noticed Layonara but didn't really think I would have the time... well now years later I've come back.

My question(s) I suppose are deer-in-the-headlights style: I've downloaded everything (including the manual do-hickey) I haven't finished reading the history, but I'm a little eeked out by the amount of it. So my question goes like this how much of the world's history should I know before jumping on in?

The other question I had I seem to have forgotten.

The following users thanked this post: Thak

Layonara Server / Welcome to the New LORE Team Members!
« on: January 23, 2008, 01:10:54 pm »
After all the interviews, we are pleased to announce the following additions to the LORE team:

  • Carillon
  • s0ulz
  • Stephen_Zuckerman
  • ycleption

A big thank-you to everyone who interviewed, and congratulations to the new team members!
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Introduce Yourself / (Yet another) Newbie Intro thread
« on: January 22, 2008, 08:41:18 pm »
Title speaks for itself O.o
I've played both NWN and PnP dungeons and dragons for while, and recently discovered this on the source code lookup on Mmoworkshop, so I googled it, and found this!
By no means and I "good" at roleplaying, so I apologize in advance for any people who have to deal with my...less than average...skills.

Anyway, I have enjoyed what I have seen in my few days a visitor, and plan to stay :)

The following users thanked this post: Thak

Just for Fun / Everything I Need to Know in Life, I Learned from Layo
« on: January 15, 2008, 08:18:46 pm »
(With apologies to Robert Fulghum)

~Violence Never solves anything~
- Those kobolds will always just get another stick.  Monsters respawn, and everyone else goes back to their bindstone. -

~Don't Talk to Strangers.  At Least the ones who refuse to remove their hoods.~
- They're evil.  Four times out of five. -

~If things seem too good to be true, they probably are.~
- Gee, I get ALL THAT GOLD, and all I have to do is beat up a couple of goblins?  Sweet! -

~Good things come in small packages.~
- Halflings, gnomes, and dwarfs can be really fun to RP with, when they're not trying to chop your kneecaps off. -

~Money can't buy happiness.~
- It can buy platinum full-plate and mithril swords however.  Ask yourself how much happiness is worth. -

~With age comes wisdom and experience.~
- See that old man over there?  He's a level thirty barbarian.  SURE he's a tailor, but all the best tailors tend to be tougher than all of the sailors in the Docks -

~Pie is good for you.~
- Insufficient quantities of pie may lead to reduced attack and damage rolls.  You do the math. -
The following users thanked this post: Thak

General Discussion / Kalin Sundar/Halfwit Genious
« on: January 10, 2008, 08:33:39 am »
On the quest I was running last saturday, Kalin explained that he needed to log due to certain reason OOC.
Sadly he was also asking me to post a good bye on his behalf to the community, I hope this isn't the case, but due to reasons outside of Layo I don't think he will be about for a while atleast.

If anyone can contact him, please send my regards and hope all is well.

Looking forward to seeing you back here Kalin, and I'm sure there are a lot of others that are thinking the same.
The following users thanked this post: Thak

Introduce Yourself / 36 weeks later
« on: January 01, 2008, 05:30:08 am »
Well, I've been on Layo for about 9 months so I guess I should introduce myself.

First of all, My name is Stacy.....(pauses for everyone to go "oh my god...he's a girl), I'm not a girl.

I live in the SF bay area.
I'm an avid scifi/horror fan and still, at 40, love comic books.
I have 3 fantastic kids :
boy 8
girl 5
girl 3

and a wonderful wife of 16 years who thinks I'm a total geek for playing this game. But I played PnP when we met so she knew what she was getting in to.
....married 16 years, not 16 years old.....that sounded a bit distrubing for a minute.

I am in construction and spend way too much time playing layo, but it is my only vice......*ponders* is it a vice? *shrugs*
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Introduce Yourself / Hello again!
« on: December 26, 2007, 01:30:47 pm »
Well.. You do not know how pleased I am to find Layonara still around.

I started back in March of 05 or there abouts playing here loved it! but.. family, and good ole USMC got in the road. Was bounced around and finally after finishing my tour made my way home.

Found the time to play again and found my way here. working on getting everything downloaded and set up.

But a little about me I suppose. Married, 3 kids, oldest 5, 2 and 1 two girls and a boy.

Honorable discharge twice from the Marine Corps. vet of current operations.

Work for the Wyoming Military Department with the Wyoming Youth Challenge Program as a CTL.

Enjoy history, airsoft, horses, and reading/writing.  Been RPing for a long time. Helped develop the Officers Corps guild here.
The following users thanked this post: Thak

Just for Fun / a little piece of myself
« on: December 22, 2007, 03:50:14 am »
well after many new thread deletes, new deletes and so on.. I'm just gonna go for it and hope that you enjoy what I am sharing with you guys. A few of you know I'm a musician/ composer so here it goes *crosses fingers and tries to figure out when is the last time he was so nervous. And runs for cover*:D

some are finished some are not and one you hear a scratch of my voice for my band under a cold.

Index of /song

ps. if its jittery, right click and save link as is (firefox)
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General Discussion / Merry Christmas All!
« on: December 20, 2007, 06:27:56 pm »
It's been another fun year as usual.

Thanks to the GM team, the builders, the forum administrators, the players, the factions, my enemies IG, my comrads as well, all the people who took time to RP with my characters and even to the well spoken gnoll NPC merchant in the Corath Temple.

You've all made this year enjoyable.  Layonara has always been the nice escape from my busy life and even though I only get on a mere two nights a week it certainly is worth it.

So once again have a nice safe and healthy christmas everyone and we'll meet again next year I am certain.

Best Regards,
The following users thanked this post: Thak

General Discussion / Vendar's leave of abscence
« on: December 18, 2007, 12:02:44 am »
Hey GM team and players,
Just wanted to let everyone know I love the RP world here and would spend much more time in Layo if I possibly could. Trouble is, I received orders to deploy to Iraq for one year and will be leaving the beginning of January '08. I'll be taking my laptop (which has NWN and Layo haks of course!) overseas with me, but I have no idea if I'll be able to login and play during my time there.

So if you don't see Vendar following you around with his trusty quill and parchment, he is on an extended quest for Knowledge in unexplored lands and hopes to return next year. It's been great playing with you all.
The following users thanked this post: Thak

General Discussion / Proud Dad
« on: December 14, 2007, 07:06:14 pm »
My four year old son is sitting next to me playing his first PC game :) I go to help him and he says "no daddy I can do it myself" then he takes the mouse and starts playing :) HE ROCKS!
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General Discussion / Did I Say the Final Stroke of V3 Before?
« on: December 12, 2007, 06:22:53 pm »

I again find pictures a good snare for you unfortunate readers.  Thanks to the work by numerous developers on the Layonara Team, there's another update coming soon.  So I suppose that last update was not the final stroke after all!

I'll leave it to Dorganath to give you the full update on what's new when the time comes.  Until then, a few screenshots to let you know what's coming.

See you in these regions soon enough.
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General Discussion / I am back
« on: December 08, 2007, 11:18:14 am »
Sorry about my sudden depature all, just yeah sometimes you have to stop everything you are doing and focus on fixing one part of your life, otherwise you may lose something very dear to you :(.

Regardless everything has worked out in a pleasing way and im looking forward to playing again with you all :).
The following users thanked this post: Thak

It has come to our attention that the spawned enemies of the server have been abusing the magic system in such a way which is not in the spirit of the server.  This has got to stop.

Firstly, it is poor sportsmanship and metagaming to exploit the system and not harm your own allies with area of effect spells which should be damaging to oneself when cast in small quarters.  Clearly if a mage player's fireball immolates his own party when cast, it is just poor form to cast it at point blank when being attacked, knowing full well that if it weren't for the bioware hardcoding, you and your own allies would be so immolated.  Hellball and meteor swarm were never meant to be cast upon the self or the allies.  A succubus should never dance around in her own black tentacles!

We have also heard numerous reports about NPC mages casting large litanies of spells without the appropriate spell components or the corresponding eschew feats.  This is clearly abusing the system, and we would ask that in the future all you NPC mages would either please plan your spells per day around a non-componented selection, aquire the eschew feats at the earliest opportunity or invest in material components.

Furthermore, we would ask that your bodyguards would cease and desist all attempts to lure the player characters by wandering around corners, into other spawn points or fleeing past other species of critters to assault the party.  It is clearly metagaming for a frightened ogre to flee behind an ancient dire bear which would, if not for the hardcoded bioware factions, maul the ogre without another thought.  The same goes for ogres and cockatrices, worgs and jaguars, goblins and falcons, and all other mismatched pairs of opposition.  Please at least RP your interactions and provide a CDT detailing *why* an ogrillon would not be eaten by a wild bear, and we may consider it.

In conclusion, we would kindly ask that the gnoll shamans, ogre mages, succubi, balor, raksasha, fire giant shamans, the giant shamans on east, the thundering shamans, the dark druids, the dark spiders and their treant-friendly webs, the troll shamans and all other NPC casters please report to the GM area for mandatory flogging.  This means you, Caustic Bones of Krandor!  Clearly acid sheath mixed with acid clouds that you are immune to are an "I-win" card!
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