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Messages - Lynn1020

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General Discussion / What would you like from a world leader?
« on: September 10, 2009, 04:28:10 am »
As my playtime has sadly been decreasing over the course of the last few months and doesn't really seem to be changing right away I find myself wondering what people would want from me as a world leader, or just from a world leader in general.
The reason is of course that with limited playtime I would like to make as much of the time I have as possible, and traveling with the same people all the time isn't really the best way of getting people in touch with Storold as a world leader.
The requirements listen in the forums and on LORE wont really be a problem for me to fulfil, unless I loose my internet connection or something like that I will probably still be above five hours a week, and nowhere close to the five hours a month.
But... I would like to know what the player base would like to see more of and try to focus my efforts on those things when I have the time to play rather than spending my time idling or grinding when I am online.
So I hope that people will speak up about their view of what a world leader should spend his or her time on.
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Just another player.
« on: August 26, 2009, 11:22:23 am »
Wasn't going to make a public post about this because I didn't think it was really that necessary, but I guess I should make people aware that I have stepped down from the GM team and will no longer be running any quests etc.

I will still be here as a player, as much as I can spare the time for, but sadly it's best I step down as I can't dedicate the time I used to be able to writing/running quests, it has been a lot of fun and a big thanks to the team for letting me a part of it.

The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

Rumour Has It / Hlint
« on: August 24, 2009, 03:22:59 am »
Four Dark Elves have been reported in the vicinity of Hlint by a local clergy-woman who is trusted and well regarded within the community.

Local guards were dispatched to investigate the sighting which was reported to have taken place at the wayside campfire often used by many travelers not far outside the town's walls. Upon ariving at the scene the patrol found the reported darkelves, and the others reported to be in their company to have fled the area.

Testimony states that at least one of these Dark Elves has been said to frequent within the walls of Port Hempstead as well. Citizens across Mistone are advised to be on the lookout for shady persons who hide their faces and report suspicious characters to their local authorities.

Descriptions of the Dark Elves sighted near Hlint are as follows:

'duchess' - Last seen dressed completely in red clothing, this female Dark Elf speaks with an unusual accented drawl that can be hard to understand, but which have a sweet, almost silky tone at times. *The description continues to give details about the approximate height, weight, and build of body of Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn*

'Eriis' - This male Dark Elf wears a face wrap of 'bandages' to cover his skin. *The description continues to give details about the approximate height, weight, and build of body of Mearden Fereir*

'Iradril' - This male Dark Elf may claim to follow Az'atta, citizens are urged not to be taken in by such claims. *The description continues to give details about the approximate height, weight, and build of body of Iradril Arkenrahel*

'Tyillaan' - Like the male Darke elf mentioned previously, this female Dark Elf may also make claims of following Az'atta. Again, citizens are urged not to fall prey to what may be a well practiced lie and not to be fooled by this Dark Elf's timid and quiet act. *The description continues to give details about the approximate height, weight, and build of body of Tyillaan Selaama*

Also seen in the company of the Dark Elves and now persons of interest in this inquiry, are the following individuals:

Verideth Lightbringer - A druid *a description of Verideth Lightbringer follows*
Layl - A musician *a description of Layl Maaw follows*
Alazira - A priestess of Ilsare *a description of Alazira follows*
Elivyan Silverthorn - A Wild Elf, oft seen in the company of a large bear named, "Yogi". *a description of Elivyan Silverthorn follows*
Razeriem - A follower of Ilsare and sculptor of stone statuary *a description of Razeriem follows*
'J' - A man called 'J' by one of the Dark Elves. *a description of Jehoram follows*
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / It's not that I don't -want- to play...
« on: August 19, 2009, 06:33:39 pm »
I have the feeling that I am going to get busy soon.

Tomorrow (ack! so soon!) I start my career as a PhD student. I was accepted into a communication disorders program, and while I think this is super cool, I don't know much about the field so far.

For those that I enjoy playing with (which is everyone I come in contact with), I just wanted to let y'all know it isn't you, it's me ;)
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

Just for Fun / Layonara Pirates who Don't do anything
« on: August 17, 2009, 12:37:41 pm »
As I was making the long trek from San Diego to San Francisco the kids and I were listening to music and one of our favorite songs shuffled to the front called "Pirates who don't do anything" and as I listened to the song three faces came to mind who I thought represented the trio singing just nicely.

YouTube - VeggieTales Pirates Who Don't Do Anything

I can see Sall as Mr. Lunt the Gourd, Ark as Pa Grape, and Cardin as Larry the Cucumber.. *grinning* of course you can pop in whatever names you feel best fits.
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Quest next week
« on: August 15, 2009, 08:22:58 am »
I was going to moan and complain about the dearth of AEST quests on the calendar but thought i'd try to attempt something positive instead!

Player event next week.

Starts in Fort Vehl, come prepared to RP. I will be doing my best to add interesting twists and turns to make a party gathering and adventure more 'quest-like'.

Hope you can make it!
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

Just for Fun / Second Skin
« on: August 12, 2009, 12:08:05 am »
Okay...I just watched second skin the movie...its the one where they talk to people who are addicted to MMOs, fell in love with other players playing MMos, MMO gamers gathering for fun at meet and greets, etc. Mostly they are from WoW or Evercrack...but anyway, wasnt someone form Layo supposed to be interviewed for the movie or something?

I seem to recall someone mentioning it alooong time ago.

It was an interesting movie, albeit a bit slow. It actually reminded me of my old roomie and her boyfriend slacker that she met while playing EQ then invited to move in with us (i didnt know that until he showed up with his uhaul)...that didnt end so well. BUt i digress...

I was actually hoping to see who it was from our little community that was supposed to be in it, but was sad when i didnt.

Cheers :D

Oh yeah...and when is Layo-con by the way? :D I vote next week at big L's house. Nothing like a surprise convention at an undisclosed location....well..its disclosed now. ;) Im sure his wife wouldnt mind housing a few hundre...ahem..a few guests of his for the weekend! :o
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

Rumour Has It / Heralds Ride Out in Trelania
« on: August 01, 2009, 04:43:34 pm »
Mulnari, Jular 16, 1451 //July 6th 2009 apologies for the delay!

 This Crown has learned the details of our stricken fort, Hurix. It grieves Us to know so many lives were lost, so many of our brothers, husbands an sons lay beneath the soil of Our fair kingdom. We honor those lost, all names collected will be recorded in the History for all time.  
 We honor those, too, that stood by our innocents and devoted. Brave knights of Toran, of Rofirien and of Vorax arrived to drive off and hunt down Our attackers. For this We are ever grateful. It is, though, our highest praise that we wish to offer to the following, whom stood by the People of Hurix in their darkest hour, defending and enduring.
Benjamin Poetr
Tod Fellow

Rodlin Serim
Galathea Arnaduillae
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir
Shiff Dragonheart
Daniella Stormhaven
Aesthir Stargazer
Angela Swann

Storold Doesscha

Maelverik Reznar

  Trelania offers a day of celebration to honor all of those who fought for Our People.
 *the stamp and seal of Trelania follows as well as the complex signature of Queen Mouring. The announcement is also read over the kingdom by traveling heralds under the banner of Trelania for the few months it takes to travel to all Trelania's major cities (and stopping at the small ones along the way)*
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

Layonara Server / Congratulations Ycleption
« on: July 27, 2009, 10:48:03 am »
As the world of Layonara continues to change, so to do our needs and methods. Something that has seen many changes over the years is the process of Character Approvals. While the policies, procedures and expectations have evolved, so too have our means of choosing who approves characters to play in this world. At first it was a position held only by GMs and only those who wished to take on the responsibility. At some point, we opened up the position to the greater community, and in that the application process also evolved over time. Having tried several methods thus far, we have decided to try yet another and directly approach a long-time member of the community for the purpose of having this individual join the Character Approver team, rather than open up a potentially lengthy application process to fill a rather immediate need.

Please join us in welcoming ycleption as Layonara's newest Character Approver. We believe ycleption's time, judgment, world experience and positive presence within the community will be an asset to the Character Approval team and, through this, the world as a whole.
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

Rumour Has It / Something Screwy
« on: July 10, 2009, 10:45:01 pm »
**Ami hops up to the Ilsare temple in Hlint.*
 Hey, girls, have you heard of anything screwy going on with the Al'Noth in Sharawood? I was headed to Miritrix and I entered the forest from the the docks nearby. I think they call that place, Myth, Biff, Cliff...something or other and all of a sudden...*she throws her arms up in the air* WHAMMO! All my wards are gone. I had my sword out and everything. Which means it got heavy. Well, you see, I tried to cast some strength, but nope! It wouldn't work. I guess I tried it eight times or so with the same result. Nothing! So, I headed on to Miritrix and sat at the fire and read for a while before coming back here to see what you girls were up to. What are you two up to anyways?
 *Ami sits down and has a LONG girl talk session with people at the temple.*
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

Rumour Has It / Into the Great Forest
« on: June 28, 2009, 03:55:38 pm »
Aerimor leaves word around that he will be going into the Great Forest very soon.  If any wish to accompany him, meet in Hilm.  Word is that the plan is to work at the Giant defenses and numbers.  Resistance willing possibly a long strike into the forest.

//Last minute thing.  After the Lost Lore quest wraps up I'll head to Hilm.  Anyone wishing to join feel free to come.  Will head into the Great Forest, possible collect some Yew while we are at it.  Will depend on the resistance of the Giants.

Meet at 7-7:30 EST. Abotu 3-3.5 hours form this posting.
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Joining the rank and file :)
« on: June 25, 2009, 09:28:00 am »
Hi everybody!

This is the post to inform I am stepping down as GM. I'm not disappearing from Layo, in fact I hope, RL and remaining DTs permitting, to step up my involvement with Ark as an active and roleplay-enhancing World Leader.

About two years ago I applied for a GM position in order to enhance people's Layo experience, primarily in the AEST timeslot given poor old Dezza was shouldering a lot of that burden on his lonesome.

The main goal of my quests has always been to get players to really think long and hard about their characters. To put roleplay flesh on their mechanics bones. To make players really think about what their characters would do in a given situation, a given moral dilemma. To put them in a place, not always comfortable, not always where they want to be and then see what they would do and where they go. Often my quests have a simple enough premise but I tried to have them involve something that had folks exploring the depths of their character's psyche.

As I write this, I remember one of my quests, early on, that had people magicked into behaving in a manner the polar opposite to their 'normal' sex, class and alignment. This stands out in my memory as a very 'typical me' quest. Hopefully fun. A touch of madness. A strange situation. Minimal set-up ;) A quest that (hopefully) by getting you to do something the opposite of what was normal, made you think more deeply about what was normal. By playing Lawful Evil for an evening, it made you think about what it really meant to be Chaotic Good the other 364 nights of the year.

Anyways, hopefully after two years there are some players who have a better picture of their characters as a result of my quests.

As to why I am resigning, no deep and dark discontent or disparaging remarks against any individual or the GM team as a whole to be found here! Of course there are decisions made which, as an individual, one might not 100% agree. Directions taken that might not have been the direction I would have taken were it my sandbox. Little niggles here and there etc yada yada but I can tell you there are no light decisions ever made by the GM team. No personal grudges. No favourites. No bias. Just a bunch of people that really do strive to provide the best server to be found.

Anyways, see you in game!
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

Implemented Ideas / The Color Of DM Text/Speech
« on: June 09, 2009, 09:22:55 am »
Is it possible to have the color of DM text/speech to be something other than the default white (I'm thinking something along the lines of yellow)?

Too many times it seems I miss information because I have to look down at the keyboard to type, and when I look up again, I may or may not be able to pick all the points that have been said since I looked down. For PC conversations and emotes, its bad enough, but when you miss something critical by the DM, you can be left scratching your head for the rest of the session.


Script Wrecked.
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

Guilds and Councils /
« on: May 29, 2009, 02:04:47 am »
I recently stole some stuff on my rogue Telini... I was addressed by a DM and told to take care of this issue.. The guild I stole from is The Orc Bashers... I plan to make progress in addressing this issue on Monday or Tuesday when I have time from college and work...  Thanks in advance for your patience in this issue if in fact it is given....

The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Kudos to...
« on: May 28, 2009, 01:55:15 pm »
well, First off, to the whole Team for making a great server to Play on, and to L for this entire world we call Layonara.

But I'd like to give kudos to Minerva for bringing in other forms of media and giving the RP a whole new dimension. *points at this thread ==> *

It also shows some dedication to take some time and effort, and give to the community.


The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

Just for Fun / May be a layo first!
« on: May 28, 2009, 01:46:45 pm »
I am playing layo while on an air plane :)
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

Fixed Bugs / Spawn in the Deep
« on: May 17, 2009, 10:06:02 am »
Description and reasoning:

I would first like to point out that I in no way dispute that it was fair that we died when we tried to take on this massive spawn but I do have a request regarding it.

The problem being that there are 30+ monsters spawning in such a small area plus they all use visual heavy auras, spells and buffs as you engage them. The problem here becomes that no matter your hardware everything will start locking up. Plus I believe it isn't really healthy for the server either to have such a huge amount of things spawn.

I am pretty sure I don't know why the spawn is placed as it is, but I don't know why it couldn't be replaced with a couple of tough spawns in the way leading there and then some server message when you get to the actual cave about some awesome power lying ahead or something similar, then have three-five really impossible foes spawn which would kill the adventurer who dares going too close. The three-five being of magnitude with the spectral dragon/Rofi king/Lich thing or more for each of them, maybe even just make them immortal so that there will be no doubt about the outcome.

My main issue with the fight is really that you can never have a fair our battle where you loose against them, no matter what it would be a laggy kind of death where you not only die because you are overpowered, but also because you can't do anything while you are being overpowered. Furthermore I am not sure that triggering this spawn or fighting it would not impact other people on the server severely, especially if they are also fighting a relatively large spawn.

I hope that this request made some sense.
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Having Fun?
« on: May 16, 2009, 09:51:24 pm »
I hope everyone is having fun exploring and adventuring together with friends this weekend. One of the things I hope to see from this weekend is that players (you) find new friends to adventure with in Layonara, or that some players return to regain the enjoyment of the world. I challenge each of you to go find new players or encourage players to return and enjoy the world. Layonara is built for you, the player/gamer--something we never forget.
 We really do have a fantastic GM team that dedicates a whole heck of a lot of time (for 7!! years now folks) to the community.
 Not to mention all of the "lowly" programmers and module builders that dedicate their time to grow the world and community *ducks for cover behind the content team....then realizes his mistake...* :)  I really do enjoy dogging on them the very few times I get the chance!!
 Hope all are having a good time.
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Awesome work from Lord Cove/Vincent!
« on: May 14, 2009, 12:57:11 am »
Had to chime in here to say that your last two chapters of the Dawn of Heroes series has been absolutely incredible.  The NPC interactions, plots, traps, encounters, everything has been top notch.  I particularly enjoyed how you set the scenes up in Hlint with the battles already in progress.  It Gave a nice sense of urgency to the whole experience.

Major, major kudos man!
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020

General Discussion / Happy Mother's Day!
« on: May 09, 2009, 08:43:52 pm »
To all the long suffering mums (moms) of Layonara and beyond, have a great day!
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