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Messages - Filatus

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Ask A Gamemaster / A jukebox in Hempstead
« on: December 10, 2007, 04:14:06 am »
How much would it cost to outright buy a jukebox for Hempstead's Scamps Mug Tavern?  Surely not much more than buying one for one's own house, aye?  Farros, Being a man of the people, would gladly buy a jukebox from the realtor's shop and equip the Scamps Mug with its own Jukebox for the pleasure of all, all royalties of the tune changing going straight to the house!

I use that kitchen often, and so do many people, so I would like to know how much I can pull out of my pocket and benefit the many cooks of its kitchen and the local populace.  I so do like those custom songs from the planescape soundtrack to do my 15-25 minutes of crafting daily.

As a bard of drunken delight, I feel downright negligent for not making this investment for the masses sooner!
The following users thanked this post: Filatus

General Discussion / Annoying, ain't it?
« on: November 28, 2007, 09:36:43 am »
The Error Reporting screen on crashes for Windows users. That asks you if you want to send an error report to Microsoft of the program that crashed.

This is useless for products that ain't Microsoft's own, as they most likely ignore the whole error report if it says something like nwmain.exe on it.

So, when you crash, you can have a quicker crash, and not wait for minutes on end, if you disable the dumprep.exe (which is the error reporting "tool"), like the help on this link walkthroughs you to: Eddie On Everything
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General Discussion / Dedicated to Lynn
« on: November 19, 2007, 09:16:30 am »
This is for you Lynn, and I hope his patrol moves quickly for you. I know during that time for me, the sweetest saddest smell was the boat smell. It was sad because I knew he would be going away, and sweet when I smelled it again because he was home.

When God Created the Military Wife

When the Lord was creating a military wife He ran into His sixth day of overtime. An angel appeared and said, "You're having a lot of trouble with this one. What's wrong with the standard model?"

The Lord replied, "Have you seen the specs on this order? It has to be completely independent but must always be sponsored to get on a military installation. It must have the qualities of both mother and father during deployments, be a perfect host to 4 or 40, handle emergencies without an instruction manual, cope with flu and moves all around the world, have a kiss that cures anything from a child's bruised knee to a husband's weary days, have the patience of a saint when waiting for its mate to come home and, have six pairs of hands."

The angel shook her head slowly and said, "Six pairs of hands? No way." The Lord answered, "Don't worry; we will make other military wives to help. Besides, it's not the hands that are causing the problem, it's the heart. It must swell with pride, sustain the ache of numerous separations while remaining true, beat soundly even when it feels too tired to do so, be large enough to say 'I understand' when it doesn't, and say 'I love you', regardless.

"Lord," said the angel, gently touching His sleeve. "Go to bed. You can finish it tomorrow." "I can't," said the Lord. "I'm so close to creating something quite unique. Already it can heal itself when sick, on a moment's notice it will willingly embrace and feed total strangers who have been stranded during a PCS move and it can wave goodbye to its husband understanding why he had to leave."

The angel circled the model of the military wife very slowly. "It's too soft," she sighed."But tough," the Lord said excitedly. "You cannot imagine what this being can do or endure.""Can it think?" asked the angel. "Can it think?! It can convert 1400 to 2 p.m.," replied the Lord.

Finally the angel bent over and ran her finger across the cheek. "There's a leak," she said. "I told you that you were trying to put too much into this model." It's not a leak," said the Lord. "It's a tear." "What's it for?" asked the angel. "It's for joy, sadness, pain, loneliness and pride." "You're a genius," said the angel.

Looking at her somberly, the Lord replied, "I didn't put it there."
The following users thanked this post: Filatus

General Discussion / Kudos to MiltonYorkCastle.
« on: November 02, 2007, 01:53:08 am »
Just browsing LORE and I saw that Milty's been editing, from all appearances, each and every spell in LORE for more crosslinking and clarification.


(Noone ever said it had to be a thankless task.)
The following users thanked this post: Filatus

Quests Ideas and Discussion / CR Modified Quest XP
« on: October 25, 2007, 01:04:32 am »
To get straight to the point - I think quest XP should work like combat, to some degree. I don't feel that epic level characters should continue to aspire to crazy levels by going on many quests targeted for lower level characters. I think that rather than a flat time-based XP amount doled out, whether it is level 30 characters attending an "open level" quest dealing with kobold persuasion or a level 2 character thrown into dealings way over his head in the planes and matters of gods, that there be a time-based XP modified by a predefined CR of the quest, by session if necessary depending on its contents.

Sometimes quests are non-combat and don't have a level limit, but skill DCs should not be raised on a mundane event simply because an epic character can do it with his eyes closed. Just like in many cases it doesn't make any sense to raise the challenge of combat because epics attend. I think sometimes (maybe even a lot of times) people attend quests solely because it is a guaranteed source of large XP. But think about it, does a level 20 character get any XP from a kobold? No? Then why should he get epic level XP for advancing his abilities, when just sitting around an inn passing DC 20 persuade checks and such things? Likewise, someone with 5 SC can't identify a disjunction and learn from it, it's over their heads.

I think that if one wants to keep progressing in their abilities, one should have to seek out challenges at their level. That is the way it works for creatures, and I think ideally it should be that way for quests as well. You need to be challenged to progress.

A helpful side effect of this might be encouraging more natural level limits.

For the record, I actually don't like OOC level limits on quests - low or high. After sampling quests from every DM on the team at the time I started questing, I settled mostly on those from World Quest GMs because I really loved being able to contribute even at a lower level than the target goal of the quests, which were epic in scope and combat difficulty. It's easier to quest up than down, but still in the event that low level characters attend World Quests for XP or epics attend quests "aimed" much lower for XP, they should be receiving less experience than if they had found a challenge near their level.

It's not just 'powergamers' or anything that go on quests for XP that they wouldn't otherwise... haven't you ever been in the middle of a quest someone nicely let you attend, only to feel kind of like a 5th wheel, knowing that if your character's abilities are respected, you'll break the plot and overshadow other characters, but if they're not it's not really fair and you just get demoted after all your work, and maybe if you weren't going to get several hours of quest XP you might give them some advice and wards and let them go on their way as you're honestly a little bored?

Or felt that way because you were surrounded by people so much more powerful than you talking about things way over your head that neither you nor your character can really help much with? Sometimes you go because you're genuinely interested and get involved and want to help in whatever way you can - and anyone of any level can contribute to just about anything, don't get me wrong - but other times you just stick it out silently because of the XP.

Is it not IC to realize a quest is not in your field or level of expertise in situations like the latter? I would never have dropped out of Angels' Tear, yet Acacea should probably have gotten less XP than others because much of the going ons were so far over her head. I would have kept going, because I loved the story and she was heavily involved and could contribute in other ways, but on the whole, it was not a challenge at her lower level, when she started. Later, in epic levels, there were lower level quests I would not have dropped out of for the same reasons, yet should not really have received full XP for, either, because of being above the challenge level instead.

The higher you go, the harder it is to find challenges. Should you get the same amount of XP running errands for mercenaries as you did for killing Bloodstone, just because the quest was the same length of time?

CR based quest xp, in this incarnation or the next. Get rewarded for using your abilities where it actually matters.
The following users thanked this post: Filatus

General Discussion / My car's been stolen.
« on: October 22, 2007, 08:39:18 am »
So, life is really ironic. Like, really really.

My car's been having a lot of trouble, lately; I can't tell you what any of it is, but that's because I know way less about cars than I know about the shamanistic rituals of Grandish orcs (which is a bit scary). However, it would barely run, stalled out any time it wanted, vibrated more than I can describe, mis- and back-fired constantly, the air filter cover came off repeatedly, it wouldn't accelerate, wouldn't even increase in RPMs when you put your foot down...

The list goes on.

However, to make matters worse, we owe a fair bit of money on this car, in past-due payments. Our loan-people have been after us for a while, and we briefly joked about having the car stolen. After all, then we wouldn't be responsible for the loan, right? Well...

Fast forward a bit.

We've spoken with J.D. Byrider, who promises us several thousand dollars in trade-in value for the car (enough to nearly axe that loan from the other guys), I'm planning to continue job-hunting today, and my girlfriend has an interview with Taco Bell to be hired on as a manager (to start).

We wake up, she hops in the shower, yells at me to clean out the car, and I head outside.

What do I find?

No car.

Yeah. Apparently (and this is pure speculation at this point, my only evidence is a missing set of spare keys and a slightly-open back door) my roommate or her boyfriend forgot to lock the back door after their last smoke-break, and someone came in, found a set of spare keys, and stole the car.

JUST when we needed it.

I find the situation bleakly hilarious.
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Introduce Yourself / Partaking of the Goddess' Gift
« on: October 21, 2007, 10:58:26 pm »
Howdy All, My Name is Jim

Location : Minnesota
Age : 30
NWN experience : got it some years ago.. not much multiplayer/pw experience yet

PnP experience : Wow, played almost all of them since time began.. Dungeons and Dragons 1st Ed, Palladium games (Where I think I noticed the description of alignments came from), Sky Realms Of Jorune, Gamma World, Yadda yadda yadda.. Now Pretty much mostly playing NWN and Warhammer 40k & Fantasy battle..

Looking forward to bring Caalish Hashimball into the world of Layonara as one of the devout worshippers of the mistress of pleasure Xeen.. Can't wait to share a bottle with y'all! ;)
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Just for Fun / M&M Wars
« on: October 12, 2007, 12:16:05 pm »
Sometimes, people have to much time on there hands.

M and M's Combat
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Just for Fun / Hehe, remember these?
« on: October 09, 2007, 01:24:20 pm »
Being the youtuber i am, i spotted these old clips, hehe so funny, mr. T is the best!

YouTube - Mr. T Treat your mother right

YouTube - Mr. T on 80's Fashion

YouTube - Mr T Snickers commercial

YouTube - Mr T gets down with the kids

YouTube - Mr. T's BE SOMEBODY!

YouTube - The All New Adventures of Mr. T

YouTube - Mr T's commandments

Ahh, his cartoon one is the best :P hehe, thats my T fix for the day.
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General Discussion / Wide Eyes and Grabby Hands
« on: August 26, 2007, 11:22:36 pm »
Folks, I know that new stuff is pretty exciting.  I also know that the fact that there's been a slight shift in magic level is a rather enticing proposition for adventure.

There's nothing wrong with this.  The excitement is a good thing and the increase in adventure is a good thing.

But, let's keep the spirit of things going.  And hey, I get wide eyes too, so don't think I'm declaring myself the official angel of Layonara.  Yet there seems to be some pretty mindless interactions going on, and I know that everyone that's a part of them can do better.

An example of this would be when a GM initiates a fairly significant plot level impromptu... don't kill the creature and continue in debating the loot drops, what was found, and getting out your dice.  On a scale of 1 to 10 on improper playstyle, I call this an 8.  "Whoa, a rift has opened and a shadow of reality has emerged... and we killed it... 1d100 for the boots then guys?"

I understand situational levels of roleplay: someone has to go, you're tired, it's bedtime, whatever...

But let's not make this the trend.

You are 100% wasting your life if you let the wide eyes dictate your time on Layonara.  When it's all said and done, at some point you've seen it all, you're level 40, you've seen and had every item, you've seen and killed every creature... what do you have left?  The community, and good conversation.

"Less is more." (HB)

I struggle to fully embrace this concept at times myself, but it's certainly something that we should all be trying at with some vigor.

Fun fun, see you in there.
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Layonara Server / The state of southern Dregar, Prantz and Broegar.
« on: July 28, 2007, 01:32:31 pm »
Hello everyone,

Due to the withdrawal of permission to use certain written texts, we were forced to rewrite history for the kingdom of Rael, its ruler Broegar and several other links to it (like all other kingdoms on Dregar).

This has caused a delay in handbook release.

In the Lore/History section, you will find a new history of Prantz.
Major changes are:
1) The new ruler is known only as Lord Rael, it was him who lead the army that conquered Prantz.
2) a different form of government there, as well as a changed set of laws.
3) religion is still outlawed, except for the worship of Sulterio

I do want to point out that things like the battle for Prantz, the proclamation of the laws, and the recent agreement with the Rofirein church did happen, it’s just different NPCs and an overhaul of text because of the withdrawal of permission.

We will put an updated version of Prantz in game with the next update.

I would like to thank Honora for her time invested in this rewrite (and the other ones), she continues to amaze me with her creativity. Thank you.

If there are any questions related to the change above, please post them here and Honora or myself will try to answer (Honora knows Rael better than I do, hehe).

Thank you for your understanding, follow this link for the text.
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General Discussion / Weary of Friendly Fire
« on: July 20, 2007, 11:51:10 pm »
I hope you folks find this constructive.
 I'm getting a little weary of the blind pokes from the wings.  And it's towards one thing in particular: That roleplay has depreciated on this server.  I don't care who's saying it or whether they have more or less experience on this server then I do, I'm just a bit weary of that sentiment.
 Now, I haven't been here as long as a few of you, but I've been playing NWN since it came out and Layo for the majority of it.  Here's what I've noticed of what goes on in any module:
 - There are new players
 - There are old players
 - There are plenty of players in the middle
 - There are young people
 - There are old people
 - There are those suffering from college omniscience
 - There are snotty people
 - There are brown-nosers
 - There are anti-establishment ranters
 - There are quiet people
 - There are nice people
 - There are people that rp more then adventure
 - There are people that adventure more then rp
 - There are people that think adventure can not be rp
 - There are anti-progressionists or those edging towards it
 - There are powermongers or those edging towards it
 - There are people who play 10 hours a day
 - There are people who play 1 hour a week
 - There are people who get along
 - There are people who don't get along
 There are people you end up loving, likewise there are those that rub you like rough grain sandpaper.
 There are all sorts of personalities and people and varying tenures and maturities that have been on Layonara at any given point in its online existance.  Same goes for every other server.  These roles and this variety has never changed in it's overall percentages from what I've seen, it's always a true mixed bag.
 Likewise, there are the all too common sentiments always bouncing around:
 - We don't roleplay enough
 - We are too harsh on rules
 - The cliques are unbearable
 - There isn't enough community
 - Things aren't balanced
 - Devs need to be more open
 - Devs need to use more discretion
 - XXX gets preferential treatment
 - XXX shouldn't be where they are
 - XXX dev(s) are out to get me
 - And of course:  Us versus them, in any of it's myriad forms
 - And finally: Times have changed for the worse
 If I spent more then 5 minutes hatching this I'm sure I could list a hundred more, all bouncing back and forth against each other in the ongoing pendulums of opinion and emotion.  The same themes passing by, generation after generation of players and devs alike.  It's the last one that usually makes me chuckle, but as of late is growing tiresome on my ears.
 "Times have changed for the worse".  I've heard this many times, and it comes in generation-based waves usually.  The thing that always irks me is not so much the ignorance or self-righteous tone it usually takes, but the contradiction it typically puts on their grievance.  Whatever their issue, most often depreciation of roleplay or playerbase, they usually voice this before or during their departure from the server, which is usually just proving themselves quitters who never quite got it.  And here's why.
 Generations come and go.  They attain server lore, they participate in events changing the server.  On a server like Layonara where there is so much player impact, the server shapes itself around them.  Usually it's a particular era of players, people that became their own little adventuring company during those times.  They become the center of roleplay focus, not based so much on their *ability* in roleplay, but by the fact that they are so engrained in things and happenings on the server.  And in these little era's coming and going, there seem to be a few trends.
 Many head towards development for the server since they've helped shaped it during their era.  Some get sucked into development so far that they don't re-emerge.  Slowly the adventuring companies of 'old' wither, "this dev doesn't log onto play enough, this guy got bored and left, this guy started playing another game, we can't do anything without the people who don't play as much anymore," etc etc... while there's still a core group struggling to hold on.  Some adapt, some leave.  And I honestly can't forgive the excuses of 'the server has changed for the worse' before departure.  
 The correct response has luckily happened for the majority, and can be summed up  as:
 What did XXX player do when his favorite RP and adventuring buddies left or moved onto pure development?  He picked up new players, gave them a chance, brought in new generations of server shapers, and continued to have fun.
 Generations come and go.  Eras of lore come and go.  It is not an easy thing.  It is not easy to find your favorite individuals moving on.  But get off the high horse, roleplay is not depreciating, the server is not changing for the worse.  The excuse of roleplay caliber is age old inaccuracy.  If you simply let new people in they find their ground, probably at the same pace you did.  
 People saying this have just lost their immediate reminders of identity.  There are always going to be the different types of players coming and going;  good, bad, experienced or inexperienced.  There is always going to be the same percentages of those types of players coming in.  These sentiments are a pretty simple matter, you think the community has lost it's sense but it's you that has lost your sense of community.
 Community is always going to be changing.  To be a long standing player on any server, you need to accept this.  Community is bigger then just one generation, just look at the progression of Layonara.
 Now, in all of this I will make one concession.  A significant chunk of the Bloodstone era generation, the people that shaped a lot of the lore we have grown to know... they are gone.  Some left around or immediately after the fall of Bloodstone, Reventage for example.  Some have just recently not so much left, but have moved into development of the new Layonara, Rhizome or Orth for example.  They log in now and then, but not like it used to be.  And hey, I get it.  It's a downer, those are the people I really miss adventuring with.  And they do hold a lot of the server lore for their eras of gameplay that we currently regard as Layonara history.  Our personal sense of lore has definitely hit a struggling point due to this change.  And yes, it's a downer.
 And in this concession I will say that we could in fact use some change, that some of the "let-down" complainers may have some footing, however poor their delivery.  Plot quests need to be reinvigorated, perhaps redelegated to bring forth new and motivated blood.  Generations of players need to be fostered through a server-wide cause.  Once it was Bloodstone, the mainstay of plotlines to maintain that community gathering point.  I will conceed this, that things could be worked on in this sense to bring forth some cause.  There are so so many players just waiting in the wings, waiting to find some cause to get back in there.  For some it's the update.  Fair enough, I can't say I can criticize that heh.   For others it's apparently roleplay, and the simple solution to that folks is to just log in and try it.  But yeah, I'll go with it, we could use some plotline cause, so however misguided this roleplay sentiment may be, I can somewhat see an issue in it all.
 But the community is still there.  The caliber is the same as it's always been and there are a lot more individuals waiting in the wings to surprise you with their roleplay.  It's not like the people sticking with NWN after all this time are the click-happy powermongers looking for more.  More graphics, more monsters, more killing!   No, it's the people looking for community.  To any of you calling out the depreciation of roleplay, wake up.  Find your sense of community instead of needing the last generation of players to hold your hand through it.  Honestly, step it up.   Instead of floating on the outskirts proving yourselves not of the caliber you preach... step it up.  Talk to the new player, the younger generation, do what the generation we hold in such high regard did before us and continue to help the Layonara community find new roots.
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General Discussion / Why I still visit the Forums
« on: July 18, 2007, 07:59:49 pm »
Some days you read the forums and you get a bit discouraged right?

This person not happy about this, this person not happy about that. One gets tempted to leave the forums pages well alone and just play the game. I get enough negativity at work, I don't need to get it in my play as well. I'll just remove from my bookmarks, I think i'll just enjoy the game for what it is ...

Which prompts my question to myself, Why do I still visit the forums every single day?

My answer,

The community.
I love knowing the player behind the character. I love knowing the names of DMOE's kids. I love knowing how different Polak is in RL to how his character is in game. I love knowing that Dorg, despite every reason to have lost it during his long reign as dispute handler, retains a great sense of humour. I honestly care about people's wellbeing here, Interia, Solarina ... I hope Nibor is okay. Maybe he's run off with Minnie Driver? How do I know we share an unrequited love for Minnie? The PM system in these forums. I like knowing that LordCove and I could be friends in RL, Sall's sense of humour and flawed nobility has to come from somewhere.

I love reading each and every one of lonnarin's posts, no matter what the subject. The guy is irrefutably a legend. I cannot wait to see Darkstorme's and jrizz's and Acacea's perspectives on new submissions. I love a submission where the player has invested the time and thought. I love Lynnjuniper's CDT for Rhynn, Fatherchaos' for Durthak, Scriptwrecked's for Vlanin, Dezza's for Leisa, too many to name. I love writing in mine. I purposely write provocative Trade Hall advertisements because I enjoy reading the responses OOC as much as I write them that way for any IC reason. I think it's great that Filatus and I agree on so much in these forums and yet our characters are on the verge of PvP every time they meet in game. I voraciously digest any discussion on RPing alignments and attributes. I was more educated by a forum discussion on global warming that took place on a thread here a little while ago than my accumulated knowedge on this subject from any other media. I love reading posts written in dwarven accents.

I think Honora is one of Layo's greatest assets. Everything she writes, I enjoy reading, and believe me, I know it ain't easy to write this stuff. Much harder than it seems. I put my hand up maybe 6 months ago to write some stuff and in that time have maybe generated 10 pages? This woman is amazing. I cannot wait for the handbooks. Which leads me on to her hubby, every post he writes I feel like clicking on the thanks button.

The owners/administrators, Orth, OneST8, Thak, the big L. They all have a bigger capacity for copping ungratefulness on the chin with a smile than I do. Thanks to you.

I love being involved in the various faith forums. I play one Corathite ne'er-do-well and, amusingly, one less well known Aeridinite priest. I enjoy questions of faith interpretation for both of these from people that have invested a lot of thought on the matter. I admire and respect Ed for holding and organising this huge store of lore in that head of his.

The Just for Fun thread. A little bit of flippancy never hurt.

Why do I still visit the forums every single day?

Maybe you have some of your own reasons, these are some of mine. Focus on the positive!
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Roleplaying / Dangers of soloing
« on: July 12, 2007, 06:30:13 pm »
I want to make a friendly reminder and open some discussion on the topic of soloing.  What I have observed is that some soloing is ok.  If you solo gathering a common CNR in a place that is not too difficult, then no one seems to care.  On the other hand, when a player solos areas to farm large amount of XP, or rare items and CNRs, then it is not only frowned upon, but it also can have sever negative impacts on other players.

I remember a player that would solo the rift.  He would gather the CNR there and was selling many.  What happened was that the rift was made harder.  Then parties of un-expecting adventures would get wiped out because of these changes.  Some times, a power built character can be so good and defeating spawns, that areas that areas are made too dangerous for balanced parties that once hunted there, and the party level balance goes up.  So what a balanced party of 15th level characters once handled, now the party has to be more like 18+.

What I am asking...  Is that the players who like to solo difficult areas take some time and reflect about how the actions of one individual, can and will impact the enjoyment of everyone else that plays in this game world.

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General Discussion / I'm still here and having fun!
« on: July 08, 2007, 07:05:33 pm »
I've been here for what....4 years now on Layo, ever since Beta 4.  To see how Layo has developed over time still fascinates me!  Back then it was a north and south server and the south server still had some rough edges on it but even then it was fun because of the people who play here.

To see how far it has come since then is just awesome and I am always grateful to L and the team for having Layo up and running and constantly being refined.

In fact now I'm getting a chance to group up with people who I haven't tried to group up with and having a good time!  Of course I am sorry about that strand you lost the other day Rose on East and the one that Shiff lost in the desert.  :(

News of the development by the team of a new game engine has not deterred me in the least.  I'm here to have fun and escape from the dreaded real world which for some strange reason keeps knocking on the window.

To L and the team, keep up the great work, I'm going to continue to have fun on Layo.:)
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General Discussion / Enjoy Everyday
« on: June 22, 2007, 06:32:48 pm »
I write this with a heavy heart.

A good friend of mine died yesterday.  He was 40 years old, had three children 18, 7 and 3.  He was going through security to get on a flight to go and spend a weekend in Las Vegas and dropped dead from a brain anuerism in the security line.

I write this, well, to remind everyone that what you do everyday should be precious.  

Hug your children.  Kiss your wife or husband.  Tell your parents you love them.  Pet a dog.  Look at nature and revel in it's beauty.  Give a beggar a dollar.  Make the world a better place, somehow, even if it's just your small slice of it. And don't let petty   stuff overwhelm you. See the beauty in life, and contribute to it.

It seems to me that we never know when we have nine soul strands lost, and the next one is the last.

Spread Joy, Happiness, and Love,

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*when one takes a closer look, they can see the sign at the front that says "open"*

((okay, I guess I'll explain ooc now.  I'll be opening the inn up atleast 3 days a week for atleast 2 hours each day (not counting special opening events, with entertainment, Lalaith may plan).  These openings are simply to have the Leringard Arms act as a normal inn; a place to eat, drink, relax and tell your tales amongst others.

With that said, I can only garauntee opening it atleast 3 days a week for atleast 2 hours a day.  My life is never planned and I will always take presidence in RL events then Layonara and I will not be able to say in advance what days I can open it... However, if you see this thread updated, it will mean that I've opened the Leringard Arms at that moment (makes sure you check the hours I posted it of course).  Then send me a quick "tell" in game to open the door for you.  Most likely, if you see me in game, it will mean, I'm either crafting, doing a quest that suits my character, or opening the inn.  So you can send me a tell asking me if its open as well if you see me online, I wont mind.

It will also allow my character to hear about adventures and on whats going on in the world without having to exactly go on them.  She has quite the opinion on adventuring right now and I have it so she only goes on them if she feels they will help her with her studies to wizardry.))
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General Discussion / The Final Stroke of V3
« on: June 05, 2007, 12:00:53 am »
 [SIZE=16]I've always found pictures to be a good snare for you unfortunate readers.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]I've been on three servers where they announced plans to at some point end their module progress. What I've found is a typical response from the playerbase, including myself. Interest in progression of your own character lessens, and the sudden reminder of the server mortality usually hits me for about a two week depression.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]There's a lot of major differences here however. First, the timeline put on NWN is of our own making. The new medium for Layonara is a massive effort very good people are working on. But it is going to take time since it is such a massive effort. And it's not two months, or six months... it's a long time. I hope the team working on it doesn't mind me saying that. NWN truly is in the hands of the players here. And this brings me to the second major difference. Layonara is continuing. The campaign and histories are continuing. The histories your characters are creating and helping to build are continuing. Characters of your own making are going into the very written history of Layonara. Look around. We *are* Layonara. This is not a plug pulled.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]What is going to keep us going is simply the continuation of motivation. Any way you slice it you're playing Layonara, be it this generation or the next. Had you found out that v3 would've been a character wipe, would you have fled? How many of us have started new characters since that discussion and found them in late stages of their life, engrained in the server, fulfilled. A lot of us I'd say. This is absolutely the same thing. I mean, Ketil is barely over a year old. I think of the time I've had playing him, and sure I want more, but that was a really really good year I've had with him. The same opportunity is in front of each of your characters right now. People just tend to get down when they see some finality to a character, it's something we don't like to admit as being possible. But we're talking about a *long* time here. Get over that sense of impending closure and realize it's not changing the game for you whatsoever.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]We play here for the community and that is what we must retain. Levels, progression, everything tangible to a single character ends up falling back on your interest in the community when it's said and done. When you've seen it all, when you have no more surprises around the corner, it is the surprise from a trusted and dynamic community that you will find your interest has been in this whole time.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]I know what the pessimists will pick out of the big announcement post, as they like whispering it in my ear now and then. Timelines, character closure, last update... things of that nature. [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]So let me shed some light on some realities on the update side of it that you haven't been able to see yet. For you players playing here in the years of 2004-2006, think of the updates you witnessed. The new scenery, it wasn't all that major. Mind you, a lot was going on, the game was being refined, scripting was allowing greater diversity and variation of gameplay, on the whole the NWN engine was being perfected for Layonara. Then came the V3 announcement. The initial update for V3 is what you have seen so far. It seemed like a significant change for some, the pessimists did their pessimism thing and probably complained about rangers or barbarians or bards *winks*. Some were blown away by the change in appearance. Most were merely excited about the newfound source of motivation.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]I usually stick to that middle crowd, complaining. That said, this "final" update, this conclusion to the major push for V3 of NWN, it's been worked on for several months. Several months where wives, husbands, coworkers or bosses of those working on it narrowed their eyes at the bags under eyes or the far away looks. I know for a fact that my wife is plotting a detailed sabotage of the server machines, bioware, Leanthar's house, and the developer of our computer to top it off. It's a big update that took a lot of work.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]This update is more substantial then what you're used to. It's quite likely the most substantial percentage change of material in NWN Layo to this point. And that's what I'm mostly going to be talking about here.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Updates come and go, and with version changes they hit surges. We didn't hit all the changes proposed for the V3 vision. That's clear to everyone. Kingdoms, farming, etc.... they never hit home. But updates also hit lulls. Lulls where there's not a ton to do. I can say with confidence that in the grand scheme of what V3 was realized as, this is the typical final stroke before the standard lull. We've made the important stuff hit home, we've made the core of V3 hit home. So to hit the stuff we should be concentrating on...[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=18]The Scope of the Final V3 Update[/SIZE][/U][/B]
 [SIZE=16]What's new, what's different, and why should I be excited? Well Leanthar detailed the percentage changes on the servers. Bear in mind that this is a massive amount when compared to other updates you've seen. I don't want to go into the unknowns and mysteries that are in there waiting, it ruins most of the fun, but I can detail what they mean for you as players.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Belinara and Dregar[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]These have been merged. I actually view this as a plus because communication and grouping will be on the rise. Green tells or not, being a server apart limits grouping, and I'm glad to see the merge. More importantly, you are looking at huge rebuilds and added material. The first time you travel to Arnax you are going to immediately be hit with the changes with some impressiveness. Travelling north, you will be lost. It's a good thing. Dregar has likewise seen some major changes, I'm not going to tell you much about them. I can just say that the adventure is going to be new, exciting, and if you thought the new Firesteep was something... you ain' seen anything yet.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Obviously new material is great, but a lot more has been done. Traffic has been funneled in ways that will pool people for roleplay and roleplay adventure. Thematic environments have been added, those places that naturally attract people for myriad reasons, and promote that magnet for roleplay.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]A few ambassadors for lore that we have all grown accustomed to listening to over the years have been made aware of the specific histories and themes of some of these grand new schemes on Dregar and Belinara. Look to them, you know who they are. Follow them to the new focal points for roleplay and adventure, prepare for the new adventures, and better yet the new campfires and places we'll come to know and love and gather at.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]The New Balance[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]The balance of the world has not shifted in any wild manner. What has been done is the empowering of particular classes that until now have been left wondering why they are so unable to deal with the world around them. It's not a matter of changing a class, or limiting another. It's a matter of creating environments that foster certain character types that may have been limited before. Where and how? You'll figure that out quite fast I'm guessing. To what scale are we talking here? A massive scale. I'm fully aware of the woes of melees, the fact that a party of one class can do all while the party of all another class can do naught. You'll see role reversals in this regard, without taking anything away from a certain class. But it will be a new and dynamic set of environments that will let all characters have their shining moments instead of being left in the dark on all occasions. Additionally, a slight shift in magic level will be realized. It's not profound, since anything profound would be a true mistake. But some class characteristics have met with limitations given magic levels, and the bar has been slightly raised. Be patient, meet the adventure head on, and look forward to a big smile here and there. Even you rangers. I am very proud of what people have come together to achieve on this front, and all I can say is that I'll see you all at the crossroads.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Epic Themes and Adventures[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Creating themes for epic characters has always been a problem, everywhere in NWN, whatever roleplay-based server you might be on. There seem to be only two speeds in epic adventure and challenge: 1) Everyone in your group dies ultra fast, or 2) Everything you're fighting dies ultra fast. NWN is what it is and it's hard to combat the tempo of adventure in epic levels. Roleplay is limited due to the tempo of epic grouping. [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]But there are themes, hidden themes here and there, that will bring new dynamic to epic adventure. Thought process, lore, decision making, the demands of what roleplay servers should be. It's the best possible that people can do with NWN and I'll say that in full confidence. Look forward to those massively epic adventures, and enjoy the new style of play. That said, good luck finding them.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Oh, and additionally, the bar has been raised all you epics. Every CR abounds, finally. Have fun, and don't be hasty or the soul mother will steal your company from the rest of us.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Leanthar's courtesy in informing the community of plans in motion that will not be seen by us for a long time I deem a gesture of faith in the playerbase here. Our server here is made by the motivation of the playerbase and the higher standard of gameplay that continues to grow. Realize that Layonara is here to continue, in two ways. In one, NWN will keep going for some time to come, Leanthar was just gracious enough to share the full picture of things. A long time! Don't get down because the doc just told you that people typically don't live past 100. Appreciate your time and the people you're sharing it with. And in the other way, Layonara persists. It has blown through the roof of being held by a single game engine, and the histories we have all come to be a part of look as though they will continue far beyond the lifespan of a single engine. And this is something we should all be grateful for.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]I'll see you at the crossroads soon. There's a lot of new adventure for us to enjoy. Oh, that's right, and it's coming in the next few days.[/SIZE]
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General Discussion / A few new long-overdue CNR recipes
« on: June 01, 2007, 12:16:32 am »
After what seems an age, delays, reworking, more delays and just more time spent buried under other things than I care to admit, I'd like to announce a few new recipes that I have just put into the database.  These will be available as soon as the servers reset, so please no bug reports until then. ;)

Before I continue though, these items were the result of a lot of work from members of the Project Team, most notably Talan, Lalaith and Aragon.  They did a lot of work on these things and I'll admit, they're far too long overdue on inclusion. Please direct your thanks to them, and if I'd inadvertently left anyone off the list above, thank them too!

So you're probably wondering what they are. :)

Some of you may have picked up an odd horn here or there off a creature of some kind. You may have wonderd what they're for, as they seem to have little use.  Well, they can now be used to make special horns:
  • Fey Horn -- Casts Woodland Frolic 1/day
  • Horn of the North -- Summons a Krashin barbarian 1/day
  • Horn of Sounding -- Dolomar's Force Wave 1/day
  • Horn of Abyssmal Sounding -- Summons a lesser demon 1/day
The final horns are made on the Musical Instrument bench in the craft halls, and are, you guessed it, Bard-only recipes.  They depend on certain enchanted products, including the horns themselves, and those can be made on the Enchanting Bowl devices. I won't give away any more so I don't ruin the mystery and excitement of discovery.

As I said, these recipes should be available once the servers are reset.

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Implemented Ideas / Bard skill points boost.
« on: April 14, 2007, 01:31:19 am »
Bards are supposedly THE jacks-of-all-trades. Moreso than rogue, even - after all, what are bards but a bit of rogue with a bit of sorc with a dash of healing, right?

They definitely have the class skills to show it.

Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Listen, Lore, Perform, Persuade, Pick Pocket, Spellcraft, Taunt, Tumble, Use Magic Device, plus the three standard Craft skills, one of which is Gather Information in Layo. Did I forget anything? Doesn't matter...clearly they have many. Jacks of all trades!

But they only have 4 skill points + INT modifier. Woo... less than rangers, even.

It's been suggested several times that this be bumped up to the 3.5 version of 6 skill points and I've not seen it meet any resistance... It's a tiny 2da edit and requires no rebuilds for existing characters - they just wouldn't have the benefit of the extra points. Is it possible that this could be considered again?
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