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Messages - jrizz

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Just for Fun / Warchild's Motivational Posters
« on: September 02, 2010, 09:42:06 pm »
When "LFG" really works out to your advantage....

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Rumour Has It / Giant activity outside of Audira
« on: August 25, 2010, 06:49:09 pm »
Rumors abound of organized giant patrols escorting some caravans into and out of Audira.  They are demanding fair payment for services but not allowing the option of refusing.  Rumors are that those that agree to the escort fees are protected and arrive unharmed.   Those that wish to fight are met with organized and brutally effective attacks.  Those that are attacked but not killed during the assualts are set free without their goods.  The surivors report that they declined the giant's insistance of being their escorts and then came under attack by those same giants in the following day or two.  All goods in those caravans were taken, but many reports state no more life is taken then required to defeat the guards and take the goods.

Authorities in Audira are rumored to be in discusions on how to proceed.
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General Discussion / GM assisted trip to the Deep
« on: July 15, 2010, 10:47:49 am »
I'm available to do a DM assisted trip to the Deep 19-29 July.

How this will work is you have 10 days to explore the deep and get out again. You can do the trip in as many sessions as you want, just remember you only have 10 RL days. At the end of each session I will port everyone back to safety and take any mined ores or gems at the same time. At the start of the next session I will give the group back all the mined items and port them to their former location in the Deep.

The times I will be available to port a group is 19 to 29 July from 5pm EDT to 10pm EDT.
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General Discussion / Answering the Questions
« on: July 15, 2010, 05:04:17 am »
I have been asked by a lot of people to please come back over the last year. I am considering it. Recently I even received a txt and call. Thank you for the conversation and kind words. I have been asked to air a few things and this post finally made me do it...

I know exactly what pimbmendan means. I miss this server and the friends I made here deeply. I miss the effects and consequences someone's actions had, both positive and negative. The ever evolving world of Layonara has always been amazing and kept so many playing coming back throughout the years.

I played from 2003 to 2010. For 7 years I enjoyed Layonara and cherished all the time I put in. Even more importantly I cherish the time others put in to make the world so special. I have the utmost respect and appreciation for the staff and the players. I have always tried to show that respect and appreciation to everyone here through both my in game and out of game actions.

However, it feels like my efforts meant absolutely nothing when it came time for my WL attempt. My WL quest is one of the single most botched things I have ever seen happen by the Staff in 7 years.  

I was failed before ever being given a chance. My WL quest was shelved for almost 2 years and once it eventually started, it then took almost a year to run the quest. It took so long to get the WL quest running, that the people who would have played in it a year prior, were simply no longer active. I couldn't find evil PCs out there anymore, ESPECIALLY dark elves. I had to relay on PCs ranging from levels 7-15 for a WL quest, because that is all we had to work with. Now this is not the staffs fault, nor is it anyone's fault. However this should have been taken into consideration when running a Dark Elf WL quest. Rather than throwing insane amounts of purple instant kills at the low level party. I was told that the level of the party would be taken into consideration.

Few know that I was actually failed at the start of the quest, due to a misunderstanding. I thought we were in a time bubble and not supposed to be active in game. Thank you Dorg for helping handle that situation as a mediator of sorts and making it possible to continue from that point. I however feel I was failed from there. Perception.

Layo staff, you got that one wrong and nothing was ever done to even come close to trying to resolve it. I know it may sound like I'm faulting the failure of the WL, but I am not trying to. I fault the failed attempt to fix the botch.
I also feel the staff has done so many things right, i guess they deserve a free pass on my WL =)

This has torn at me in many ways and I have simply avoided talking about it or coming here to explain. I didn't want to seem ungrateful for the approval and time put into my WL. I knew failure could be an option and I would have loved another shot at the WL quest knowing I could fail. I was just honored to be considered and accepted for the WL. As a player, it meant everything. It represented the 7 years I put into Layonara. Seven years is a long time to put into something.

However, as Pibmanden said, where are the consequences? I fully expect big results from the success of a WL...but absolutely nothing for the failed attempt? The only consequences for my PC's actions during the WL quest are the ooc administrative failed results.

I should have listened to everyone who warned me. So many told me that I would fail my quest because I would run out of time. Even DMs warned me from the start. I should have stayed with the first DM who took my WL and waited my turn behind Jenara. After all I waited almost a year behind Jenara before I found another DM. I knew how Rowana ran her quests and what to expect from them. I had never been on a quest ran by Minerva where I was an actually part of the quest.

Minerva, despite the way this quest was handled and the way I was treated in the end, or should I say not treated...={ I still appreciate all the time and effort you put in. You stepped up to the plate when no one else had time. You tried the best you could and I saw that and appreciated it. I take full responsibility for not having gone on any of your regular quests prior to selecting you to run my WL quest. I learned a lot from that quest, both good and bad. For your time and hard work, thank you.

I never wanted any kind of hand out. I also do not feel entitled at all. I have always felt that my entitlements (if you want to call them that) came in the form of the enjoyment of playing the game with great friends and seeing the results of those actions throughout the world of Layonara. I miss you guys and I am sorry if this offends anyone in anyway. It is how I saw the events unfold.

I miss Layonara, I miss you, and I hope I have not been forgotten.

Thank you,

Magus Del'Mar
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General Discussion / Negativity
« on: July 01, 2010, 10:40:44 pm »
Sorry if I seem negative, ever.  I don't try to be negative, just realistic.  I don't think yes-men accomplish anything, so someone has to be willing to bring up differing views and point out potential problems.  

Here's the weird thing: I actually think I'm rather optimistic.  I know.  I said it was weird.  I think we humans have so much more in us than we give.  We could do so much better in every aspect of life if we'd stop being so selfish.  I'm just not idealistic.  I don't think people as a whole will do better without being more or less forced into it.  Yeah, that sucks.  I'd like to think differently, but my inner scientist constantly reminds me that the evidence is completely against it.  The people who are acting on that great potential are overshadowed by the rest of us.
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The Dragon Storm Campaign / Watchers Of Kuhl
« on: June 30, 2010, 08:22:59 pm »
Subsequent to the release of a certain [THREAD=278772]missive[/THREAD], a message is sent to all the former [THREAD=218052]Watchers[/THREAD] of Mistone requesting volunteers to proceed into the Kingdom of Kuhl to ascertain the current strength and disposition of all the forces within. Of particular interest is the breakdown between regular soldiers (i.e., natives of Kuhl) and Dragon Cult forces.

This will mean visits to Sulkin, Ash, Phal, Tammil, Tulam, Westgate, Zolinar, Amaria, and Vilsa, and a thorough scouting of their surrounding areas. It is suggested that each watcher travels alone, and visits only one of the above towns/cities so as not to arouse suspicion. They are warned that the Green Dragon Cult may be in possession of mind reading magics, so the emphasis is on blending in and being unobtrusive.

The message is signed,

Yours in vigilance,

~Argali Trueaxe

*a simply drawn bird with a plain crown follows*
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The Dragon Storm Campaign / A meeting called for military force
« on: June 30, 2010, 11:52:16 am »
Daniella Stormhaven sends out missives to the temples of Vorax and Rofirein as well as to leaders within the Toran church and heads of various military forces and nations across Layonara to meet and discuss an offensive push against the lands overtaken by the Dragonstealers.

As part of the missive she states:

"We cannot sit by and attempt merely to survive, it is only ensuring that they have the time and resources to destroy us all.  We retook Hurix, we can do this again.  It's our turn to make a move."

//If a GM wishes to be present for this please let me know, otherwise, I will try to pick a time that accommodates as many timezones as possible and put an event on the player calendar.  I think we've put up with the Cult long enough, don't you?
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CNR Suggestions/Discussion / CNR Gathering
« on: June 17, 2010, 05:01:46 pm »
I started this thread based on CNR gathering discussion origionally posted here:

I'm still trying to get a better feel for what the Team wants the end result to be for CNR gathering.  However, from what I've read it looks like there is both a "time spent over a CNR area component" and a "number of times you harvest CNR component".  From my reading, it seems that it is not out of the question that a particular CNR area (emeralds is what I'm really thinking of right now) can by harvested at least twice within the current 30 minute rule.  Granted you'd have to be very precise about when and where you rested, you'd have to kill creatures as quick as possible, work crazy fast to chip at the CNR, and God forbid you try to add some RP into that.

So, my point is then if two passes is possible for the ultra skilled and quick, why not just say the rule is 2 (two) passes for all CNR?  That way you don't have people looking at their watches and worrying all about some 30 minute timer which is not condusive to RP and can really take you out of the immersion.

I would propose the following rule then:

2 (two) passes for all CNR, and keep the 60 minute looping rule in place.  CNR not falling within the 2 (two) pass rule would be plants and sand type CNR (aloe, wheat, barley, sand, clay, etc); these would fall only under the 60 min looping rule.
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Server Rules / CNR Harvesting/Camping
« on: June 11, 2010, 11:28:28 am »
I recently had questions brought to me about how many times can CNR be gathered from an area.  It seems there is a lot of confusion currently on this topic and people think there is a "Rule of Three" passes.

Here is Layonara's rules on camping and looping:
LORE: Player Rules

The rule for harvesting CNR -is- a timer limit of Thirty Minutes.  

Depending on the difficulty of defeating any guards, the time spent choping, chiseling or mining and the inclusion of any rest break, once may be in effect our limit.
Hopefully this helps those who asked or were mistaken about the rules.  If anyone has any questions, as always feel free to ask them.  Don't fret over anything in the past, just focus on doing things right heading forward.

Enjoy and have fun
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Layonara Server / Congratulations Gilshem Ironstone
« on: May 02, 2010, 02:50:08 pm »
I would like to let you all know that Gilshem Ironstone will be joining the Character Approvals Team. Prior to his leave taking from the world he had an interest in joining the team but real life prevented him from doing this in the end. However, he has returned to Layonara and we are pleased to offer him this position.
 He will soon be graciously donating some of his spare time to working on your applications and guiding them through the approval process. Please join me in thanking him for agreeing to donate this time and effort to making our world a better (and smoother running) place.  
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General Discussion / Ideas to spark interest.
« on: May 01, 2010, 09:08:14 pm »
I know Dorg said some changes are comming in a recent thread. But I thought I would toss out some other ideas to see if we can spark some interest in the ole place. Some of these have been talked about in other threads, but I wanted to put them into this one as well. Some of these ideas are probably not even possible for the NwN version of Layo... but I wish to bring them up all the same.

1. Double XP week(end) (some % of a boost in XP) I missed the last one of these... how was the reception?

2. Increased loot or coin drops (say for a weekend)

3. Put +4 (and maybe +5) items into the loot table. Perhaps they are already.

4. New items to the loot tables. Id like to even see a sort of cycling loot table if that were possible.. say every so many months what was dropping would change. Kinda like how Disney "locks up" movies for so many years then releases them for sale again.

5. Adding a "Call Home" type ability to all. More than likley a consumable item with some cost to it.

6. Attuneable equipment....this would get those crafters back playing and crafting since that Iron Longsword they made 4 years ago isnt being handed down from player to player anymore.

7. Increase the numbers of characters we can play from 6 to.... ?

8. Adding an "LFG" (Looking For Group) feature to the game, to the forums, etc. A place we can check and see who is wanting to play and not just see that empty server or server of people out of our level range etc.

I would like to see others add what they think in the way of other ideas. But take discussion of an individual ideas to its own thread. Lets keep this just for ideas, not so much the discussion of them. My idea is to stay on topic and give the powers that be a clear view of what the player base beleives may help make this world even better!!! :)



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General Discussion / Reality to what extent in a fantasy realm?
« on: April 28, 2010, 01:08:05 pm »
I read some posts here and there lately that made me want to reply to them... but it was not the right thing to do so I'm going to rant here a bit.

We all know this is a Fantasy world where not every rule of our world should apply. I think both sides of this world (Players and Staff) need to keep this in the back of their minds.

If you want the reality you strive for then more changes need to be made across the entire world, Not just to the people trying to creat new characters in it. I read in a post about someones horse not being able to support the character in full armor and garb. Well thats fine and dandy... but why then do we kill fairies that have Halberds... or Plate armor? Snakes that have swallowed hundreds of coins? See where im going here? Why not just accept that in this realm things work just a bit differently horses can carry more than IRL in said example.

I know this isnt my world, but I have a voice in it (just as everyone else here does). And on this issue of using our world rules and applying them to things in a fantasy world it tends to urk me sometimes. Just cut some slack I think within reason of course.

*EDIT* If you wish to be so strict with horses I reccomend a look at the ones in game. How can they support a person carrying hundreds of pounds sometimes over a thousand pounds? Can a real horse do this?

I am not trying to attack anyone person, or point fingers. I just wanted to say my peace. :)

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General Discussion / Where I've Been
« on: April 09, 2010, 05:22:18 pm »
I just wanted to reach out to all the players that have been looking for the best roleplaying outlet available.  It is my duty as a human being.

Click Here
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Rumour Has It / Death of a Voraxian
« on: April 05, 2010, 12:43:25 pm »
*Razeriem visits the shrine to Vorax in Port Hempstead and reports that the Adventurer, Trenton ahh Bart something, died his final death while in battle against the trollocs of the Great Forest. (Raz will confirm the name as Trenton Bartholomew if someone mentions it correctly.)

The battle was won, and with his efforts, Trenton's allies were able to finish the skirmish and not be driven from the battlefield.  Trenton was overcome by superior numbers and was singled out by the Trolloc's attacks.  He fell before Vorax's blessings or potions could be put to use, axe in hand.

His body and possessions are in temporary rest in Krandor's hospital, where they await their final resting place as decreed by next of kin, church or friends.*
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General Discussion / The End of a Warrior
« on: April 05, 2010, 12:38:12 pm »
*Ty tombs home with Trenton's body and quickly brings it to the Hospital desperately seeking aid...but there is none to give*

A warrior's death was fitting, his life in the service of the mighty Vorax.  He lived to fight evil and he lived to teach others to be strong.  Hopefully his memory will be lasting, his contribution to the safety of good citizens across Layonara remembered.  

His victory cry "Feel the Axe of Vorax!" should be written on his gravestone and his fellow warriors in arms should be honored to continue the good work, to fight the good fight.

//I've had a blast playing Trenton and I feel lucky to have had the chance to play him as long as I did.  Thanks again to the team for instituting the Graceful Plea system that allowed him to come back from his first permanent death.  Thank you to all those who enjoyed Trenton's company and who made it so much fun for me to play with you.  Your roleplay is superb and you all make Layonara the exceptional experience that it is.
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Roleplaying / Accents
« on: March 31, 2010, 06:28:10 am »
I just want to let everyone know that I'll not be using my normal dwarven accent any more when I play my Buddy or Beli. I have come to the conclusion that it has effected my RL typing in a bad way. So until my typing gets back to where I think it should, typos and the like. I'll refrain from using them.

So just imagine that they are talking in a dwarven way.

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General Discussion / Something odd....
« on: March 17, 2010, 10:13:02 am »
Bags of Loot and chests of treasure...
 In honor of St Paddy's Day, several very nice "Pots of Gold" have been scattered around the lands both above and below.
 Have fun finding them.  When the server resets their gone.  First come basis, they will not refill.
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General Discussion / You Will Be Missed
« on: March 16, 2010, 08:09:54 pm »
Jonathan Selmek aka Daren Valhaikor aka poohbear383340 died this morning in a fatal car crash.  

He was a great roleplayer and really knew how to throw you a curve. His characters were well known and quite diverse from each other.

You will be sorely missed.
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Just for Fun / Fantasy Racial Terminology
« on: March 10, 2010, 06:50:21 pm »
Some fantasy slurs and terms I have come to love...  feel free to add more!

Garden Gnome: Forest Gnome who spends too much time in the city, rock gnome who spends too much time in the woods

Leprechaun: Brownie who worships Deliar

Quarterling: Brownie or short halfling

Knife Ears: Elf (from dragon age)

Turnipmonger: Gnome

Gutter Gnome: Goblin or uncouth halfling

Civie: those who live in cities

Grubber: Goblin

Spiderkisser: Dark Elf

Baby Muncher: Gobbo, Giantkin, Orc

Stink Elf: Wood or Wild Elf

Halfer: halfling or halfblood

Tiefer: Tiefling

Spawnbaby: Tiefling

Gremlin: Inventor Goblin or Mischevous Gnome

Gremlock: trapsmithing gremlin

Daisy Eater: elf

Stunty: dwarf

Pigface: Orcblood

Smoothface: elfblood or human who shaves

Smoothskin: greenskin term for the common races

Pinkskin: same as above, but omitting deep races

Greenskin: orc or gobbo

Bearded Gnome: Dwarf

Forgefarter: obese crafting Dwarf

Demon Dwarf: term used by Grandites as an alternative to "he who shall not be named"

Blood Dwarf: Term used by orcs for Voraxian zealots

Stumpy: dwarven slur against Grand

Stumpslingers: Grandite Priests

War Singer: goblin, orc or giant bard

Rockbiter: giantkin

Lichleech/leechlich: vampire

Dwarfpet: forging human

Trog: orc, goblin, troll, giant

Treehugger/tree worshipper: nature elf or druid

Pie-Goblin: Halfling

Bum Nibbler: Gnome, halfling or goblin

Frogstomper: sea elves or those with webbed toes like some kinda fishboy

Spellsinger: bard

Gortsmorfer: a ravenous gnome who viciously assaults snack trays at social functions.  There is no such term for halflings, as such is already expected of them

Gremlock: Deep gnome with low charisma

Goober: goblin

Boogergnome: goblin

Bloodbaby: generation directly following the fall of Bloodstone and the initial strife of the dark ages.  They get together, drink and talk of the olden times before all these spoiled wee whippersnappers when they had to walk uphill both ways over the still warm bodies of demons to get a good scotch, and it was always out of stock.

Lichlover: necromancer

Guildbaby: 2nd generation guildsman

Snotling: Goblin

Dockporker: Half-Orc kicked out of Hempstead

Mole King: Gnome Druid

Rotmugger: Greenskin, or very ugly

Wrist-Fisher: pirate with a hook

Cyclops: one-eyed man

Griffonguts: a poor fool too brave to know when to stop drinking

Fishboy: sea elf
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The Dragon Storm Campaign / // Update!
« on: March 09, 2010, 06:32:45 am »
Hi guys,

As some of you may have noticed, I haven't been around much for some time. The reason for this is that I am relocating to Mumbai in India together with my family. My company offered me an exciting position in our Mumbai office and we have decided to take them up on the offer.

I just arrived here a little more than a week ago and am currently coming up and running on the job as well as finding an apartment and getting to know the place (whoa - its a lot different from Denmark!). I've started out solo, until I have a place for us, and am going back to fetch my family in April.

Yesterday I moved into an apartment that has a 256Kbit/sec connection, so needless to say I am somewhat restricted internet-wise. Nevertheless I intend to try to get online sooner or later and hopefully I can at least play a little.
Plot-wise this means that I will continue the mini-series that I started - and hopefully soon. I will give you a heads up on that as soon as I've found out whether I can GM or not with my current internet connection.

I hope that Steel and his homies are currently recruiting for the next quest episode... they better be! ;)

Over and out for now. I'll keep you updated.

Cheers, Harlas
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