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Messages - Jilseponie Wyndon

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Rumour Has It / The Hit.
« on: March 03, 2011, 05:05:04 pm »
Sederan refugees pour into the bordering kingdoms. Tales of death, dragons, and lost loved ones fill the eyes and roll off the tongues of the scattered desert people. Each story is more devastating than the last. Some question the truth of the stories, but then, the refugees just keep pouring in and officials don't seem to be taking the situation lightly. Troops from around the world shuffle around villages that have never seen a real army, not even in the days of Bloodstone. That something is happening cannot be denied.

The refugees' stories of loss spread like wildfire, the latest gossip in those places untouched by the GDC, fuel to the fire of those that are. Amidst the stories, the gossip, the tales of people swallowed whole by dragons, a song is heard, cropping up in as many taverns across the world as the rumors bleeding out of Sedera and Hilm and Nesar. The song has been heard before, but when it first appeared, the war had only barely begun, the atrocities not yet real. But now people take notice, the melody as subtly haunting as the words. Now the refugees carry the song like a banner, singing themselves to sleep with it.

It is a song of the massacre, and the wanton taking of life is so heavily laid upon the listener as to cause a discomfort, a desire to bring an end to the source of the slaughter. Despite this, the request for the song grows, and it has of late become a regular sound at the end of the day.

Various musicians and bardic talents take credit for the material, but a few admit that they learned the song from a worn bard called Willie.

[SIZE=18]"Say, Petey, you hear that new song Ugly Bart's been singing down in Hurm?"

"That the one all sad-like, bleeding and fading and whatnot?"

"Aye, that's the one. You hear what that song is supposed to be about?"

"Well, no, but I imagine you're about to tell me, eh?"

"Pits, Petey. Now I ain't, not if you don't want to hear it."

"Bah, you old fart. Don't be like that, Jake. I want to hear it, okay?"

"That's what I thought. So there's this Cult with dragons and dragon-men, and-"

"The song mentions both a Cult and dragons. I thought you were going to tell me something about the song I didn't know."

"Gods blast it! If you already got it all figured out, why am I even talkin' to ye? Ye cut me off. I was prefacing."

"Alright, alright, my fault. Go on."

"Right, where was I?"


"Dragons! I heard that the song was first sung by a fellow who survived one of them dragon attacks we always hear about out of Sedera. He was havin' this concert in the oasis, and them dragon-people came in and killed everybody! Women, children, too. Bart says he could see it in the eyes of the man taught him the song. Real visions of death."


"No lie! A real eye-witness to a dragon massacre."

"If it was a massacre, how is it he survived?"

"I dunno! Maybe he's one of them stonebound."

"Or maybe it was all made up. They're called 'storytellers' for a reason."

"Well ain't you just the cynic of all cynics. You gonna tell me all them things we hearing about from Sedera and Boyer and Sucession- all sides- be just made up?"

"I'm sure some are true, and I'm sure there are many an entertainer looking to make a coin or two off the plight of dead men."

"Bah, you got no faith, Petey. None at all. Bart told me this fellow was willing to pay Bart to teach the song, not the other way around. Bart said that after hearing the song, the truly haunting melody, he just couldn't take the poor man's money."

"It is well written, I'll say that much. I just don't like all this talk of doom and gloom. Are things really that bad?"

"Maybe not for you and me, what with the likes of the Sabre and Morgensen and Red Bear around, but I tell ye, if the stories are true, them Cultists don't care who ye are or what yer doing. We could be sitting here drinking a pint and them dragons just swoop in and make us crispies for the fun of it, I tell ye. I don't know about you, Petey, but that song makes me want to pick up an axe and have a go at the rotten creatures what done such a thing and would do such a thing to any old person just having themselves a normal day."[/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Rise of the Long Storm
« on: March 03, 2011, 02:00:16 am »
Above the skies of Audiria, not even a day after the Cult dragons attacked the walls and main gates of the beleagured city the alarm bells ring yet again. Black smoke drifts above the desert sands creating long thin trails into the upper atmosphere in the clear bright morning sun from buildings still burning from the attacks the day before.

The bells ring loud and clear, those brave enough to venture out on the streets that morning run quickly for underground shelters in various buildings around the city that still stand. Once again pikemen, nervous and sweating already from worry and stress move to positions designated around the city to mount what minimal resistance they can offer against the sheer power and brute force of the Cult dragons that have brought their nation to a standstill and killed or made refugees of thousands of their countrymen.

A Synod Cabalist, one considered to be amongst an esteemed order of the elite of the Sand Sea Synods forces waits beneath the overhang of a building with thirty pikemen at his back. He waits with his hand shadowing his dark eyes against the already burning morning sun as he seeks the tell tale specks in the sky that will signal the position of the attacking dragons.

Soon he has them, coming from the west. He watches as they descend from up high a number of miles out from the city over the desert itself. He watches as they gather momentum tucking their wings into their bodies for greater speed generation. In that moment he cannot help but admire the sheer natural power and grace of the beasts but nor can he ignore their potential for destruction. Glancing back at the men behind him he can smell the fear in them. Many had not eaten properly for days, some had lost family and friends already and most were simply not trained for war such as this. Motioning for them to wait and stay hidden he continued to watch the west soon losing sight of the Dragons behind the city walls. At the speed they were coming he estimated it would only be minutes before they would reach the city walls and the attacks would resume.

Closing his eyes the Cabalist called on his ancestors to be with him and prayed as he had done so every day for the last few weeks as if it would be his last day on this world. Touching a sacred relic of his family to his forehead and his lips he walked from the place in which he had hidden and stood to the middle of the dusty street. He signalled his men to stay hidden. There, alone in the middle of the street he called on the Al'noth, words of power that wrapped and twisted around him in currents of energy and the flow of magic that he believed came from his ancestors.

Deep into his castings he heard the first roar and glimpsed the flash of a dark shape as one dragon hit the western wall and rock and debris, men and dust exploded into the air. Fire filled the air in the street ahead and more buildings burst into flame. Then there was a second flash as the other dragon landed on top of the temple to Azatta and breathed fire into the streets around it setting more buildings alight.

Within moments the morning had been shattered in a cacophany of bells, dragon roars, flying debris, fire and the sounds of the wounded or dying.

The Cabalist spoke words of power and ice fell from the skies striking the dragon breaking through the cities western wall. That wall held the gate to the desert road that led to North Fort. Then, more words and harsh crackling lightning arced out in raging blue tendrils to wrap around the creatures neck and wing.

The dragon roared its fury and launched heavy boulders torn from the walls itself at its attacker. The rocks thundered into buildings around the Cabalist and he glimpsed quickly that one struck the place where his men were waiting. He could hear their screams in the dust that now filled the street but forcing his mind to the task at hand their cries become just part of the background noise as he released himself to the magic and cast everything he could summon at the dragon.

Some attacks fizzled and brushed off the dragon, others ran like rain down its skin while others seemed to cause the creature harm. Enraged it advanced on the Cabalist down the street taking time to tear down and destroy everything around it, buildings were smashed into pieces, people who ran into its path were torn apart, the road was clawed into jagged chunks, and clouds of dust and sand were raised by the massive wings as the creature slowly advanced.

At the same time in another part of the city the other dragon that had caused destruction from atop the temple had moved into the streets and was systematically hunting for any people it could find, buildings were either torn down or turned into raging torrents of fire in its rampage.

All the while far into the desert to the west a storm was rising. Winds picked up across the desert and slowly formed a maestrom that rose slowly and gradually until far in the west the sky was filled with a tall whirling tornado of sand particles. All around it hot winds sucked cold air from far above, drawing it down into the spinning vortex at its centre. The sudden condensation causing an intense build up of electrical energy within its core that was realised by sharp and jagged flashes of lighting and deep peals of thunder. The storm gathered strength building higher and higher, wider and wider and then it began to move eastwards.

Oblivious to the rising storm the Cabalist watched his death advancing on him. The massive enraged Cult dragon had allmost reached him and been able to shrug off most of the energy he had thrown at it leaving him nothing in reserve. Waiting for the inevitable he closed his eyes as the dragons claw moved towards him and its violent roars filled his years.

Then...far above the storm from the desert broke over the city, the sky darkened all at once and the spinning vortex of sand enveloped the city. The violent wind blown sand cut vision to no more than a few feet, and the winds howled through the streets, lighting lashed out and struck at any object that rose above the main level of the city and thunder roared within its depths.

Blown off his feet the Cabalist was flung against a building by the force of the sudden wind, sand lashed at his exposed skin and forced its way into his eyes and mouth. The Dragon that had been about to strike him tried to leap into the whirling maelstrom to escape and was all at once smashed into the ground as two smaller forms tore into it. The Cabalist fought to blink away sand and fix his gaze on the confused images, his mind barely able to adapt to the sudden change in the air around him and the battle before him. Awe and shock filled him, disbelief rose in his heart and then the thought that his prayers to his ancestors had saved his life filled his mind.

Struggling to see or even move in the vicious sand storm he could barely make out the shapes tearing and ripping into the larger dragon, blood splattered on the ground as the larger dragon tried desperately to escape its attackers and gain some height. The combat was ferocious between the three combatants but it was clear the two smaller foes had gained the element of suprise over the larger. The Cabalist fought to regain his feet fighting against the fierce winds as the larger dragon managed to break away from its attackers and leap into the air. There, a massive discharge of lightning thundered into the creature and with a stench of burning flesh and a loud thump its lifeless form hit the ground. The shockwave from the blast sent the Cabalist back against the wall again where he collapsed unconscious.

Meanwhile the other dragon had noticed the approaching storm and leapt into the air to evade it. The storm seemed to surge towards the fleeing creature and just as it reached it a huge blue skinned shape emerged from the storm. Lightning issued forth from its open maw along with hundreds of tendrils of electrical energy from the storm it had created. The massive discharge enveloped the fleeing Cult dragon and when the flash dissipated dust and ash, all that remained of the dragon drifted slowly towards the desert floor.

With a deep throated roar the Long Storm circled the city, the storm he and his kin had created starting to dimish, leaving a thick layer of sand over the entire city.

With another deep roar, answered in kind by two smaller dragons, a gold and a slate coloured one that rose from the city to join him. The three dragons headed west once again.

And as the dust settled, the people emerged to behold the wonder of their salvation from the Cult dragons.
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

The Dragon Storm Campaign / State of play on the War
« on: February 25, 2011, 06:28:37 pm »
//Over the last few 10 months of the war the following has occured in sequential order. Some of course have taken more time than others to complete but this is the general state of play and order of events.

The Blackford War Council implodes then reforms without Moraken to continue the role it was formed for,

Sederra has negotiated an alliance with Rael and Sucession and now faces destruction or being saved by accumulated forces on Dreger,

the Cult fleet bears down on Audiria,

two dragons keep Sederra locked down,

allied forces are busy sailing to Alhon and then marching to battle lines drawn up by the Blackford council and those on the ground in Hilm itself including Sir Lance and Lord Alexander,

Nesar has thrown off the shackles of the Cult with the help of the Corathites and Pyrtechonites,

PC forces seek the location of the Broken One,

the Cult Army in Vilsa with Cyn Chen marches on Nith,

a small Cult force drawn from those that marched on Sundance march towards Fort Miritrix,

the Sederran navy that left Audiria are smashed before even reaching the Cult fleet,

Cult forces secure southern Hilm and move towards the Fort of Last Hope from Sundance and Briardusk,

A very large Cult army has reached the border with Hilm having marched from Swarm lake and rumours are that Molvaren has been seen in this army.

A secondary Cult Army being led by Commander of the Drachs, Jaedan Siphe have marched from Briardusk towards Hilm Castle slowly so they can secure the lands north of Fort of Last Hope. Running battles have been occuring constantly with forces deployed from Hilm Castle to slow these advancing forces down. Heavy casualties have been taken on both sides but the allies have steadily lost ground to this army as it advances north.

Hilm castle has been preparing for the inevitability that they will be under seige within a few months by Cult armies from Swarm lake and those advancing northwards from Sundance.

Fort of Last Hope has also been preparing for Seige as Cult armies form the south secure southern Hilm and armies form Briardusk begin to cut off supply from all avenues except through the moutains to the east. This avenue only possible due to agreements made with the Shindalerians to guide supply ships through the reefs to shore near this location.

At the end of ten months;

Fort of Last Hope is about to beseiged (within the week),
Nith about to be attacked (within two weeks),
Fort Miritrix about to be attacked (within the month),
Audiria about to be attacked by a Cult fleet (within two weeks)
Castle Hilm about to be advanced on (over next 2 months)
A PC led assault on a place within Kuhl will be undertaken (2-3 months away)

// Please note time on layo for all intents and purposes of the PLot has slowed somewhat and may be out of sync with different events. This post is to try and give you some perspective on the time lines as they are ongoing. Any questions or things you feel should be added please PM me. As we move into the final stages time will slow even more in an ooc sense otherwise things don't make a lot of sense in the overall scheme of the war going on, if you know what I mean!
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

General Discussion / Earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand
« on: February 25, 2011, 08:32:45 am »
As some of you might have heard you might have heard of the Earthquakes that have hit Christchurch.

Just to let you know that I am safe, I am in Wellington so no injuries here.

However Christchurch earthquakes have been really bad to the city.

To date there are 100 or so casualties including some  two young 6-7 month babies.

The city buildings are very badly damaged. Christchurch is experiencing aftershocks.

I have three videos that you may watch if you are wanting to find out whats going on (combined an hour in total of footage):

YouTube - Christchurch Earthquake Special: 60 Minutes NZ - How it Unfolded - Part 1

YouTube - Christchurch Earthquake 2011 - widespread damage, multiple victims and many unaccounted for

YouTube - Christchurch Earthquake Special: 60 Minutes NZ - The Saddest Story - Part 2

Our international friends from USA/Australia/Japan have brought along search and rescue teams and helped out tremendously.

I just thought you might like to know whats going on in more detail just in case you saw on the news there.
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

The Dragon Storm Campaign / The Triple S: Dragon Hunting in the Desert
« on: February 21, 2011, 03:53:38 pm »
Messages go out to known members and supporters of the Triple S. Willing members are requested at Blackford of Trelania to prepare for a trip to Sedera in order to engage the rampaging dragons. Further details to be provided upon arrival.

/// Feel free to PM me - this event is not set yet, and it may simply become attached to the Sederan defense quest coming up, but get out your dragon-slayer swords and your best armor. You're going to need them. ;)
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

Layonara Server / Version 3.30.2 is online!
« on: February 14, 2011, 12:20:35 am »
[SIZE=32]Version 3.30.2 is online![/SIZE]

This one took longer than expected for the sole reason of me not being able to get to things as quickly as I'd have liked.  My apologies to those who have been waiting on some of this.

There are no downloads required for this one.

  • Minor fix to 121 Leringard Arms
  • Functional kitchen added to 137 Twin Dragons Inn
  • Full remodel for 165 The Silver Buckle
  • Cat added to 150 Krandor
  • Kelin's Inn in Krandor now under new management
  • Furniture set up in room used for the Blackford War Council, for convenience
  • Rename Fort Gorge back to Fort of Last Hope.  Just pretend it was always called Fort of Last Hope.
  • Changes to Fort Vehl to reflect Coalition GCDQ outcome
  • GM Placeable Objects (signs, etc) will change their examined descriptions now along with their usual mode of operation.
  • Fancy Fountain housing placeable will give water now like the Fresh Water Keg does
  • Adjustment to a CNR area (no, I'm not telling which)
  • A few area changes due to plot reasons. You'll know them when you see them.
  • A couple GM-only things I'm not mentioning here
  • East gate in Hlint now properly auto-closes
  • Fixed activation of one of the powers of Alandric's WLDQ reward
  • Fixed offset ground tiles in Port Hempstead, Crimson Eagles Memorial
  • Adjusted PvP settings for Port Hempstead
  • Pickpockets in Lor should no longer affect invisible or G. Sanc'ed PCs
That's it!  Thanks to Alatriel, RollinsCat and whomever else may have contributed to this but about whom I've forgotten.  

The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

The Dragon Storm Campaign / War hits Dreger again..
« on: February 10, 2011, 01:47:50 am »
First it was Dark Elves in Rael, then Rael and the southern independent cities and now its the Cult dragging other nations into war on Dreger.

In response to a sizable Cult and Silver Cresent Fleet approaching Sederra's coasts Liege Lord Roland has issued a new decree to all the Lieges. They have been forced to supply thousands of soldiers from each area for an army to march to Sederra. The request has been met with some hostility from some areas but according to law they must abide by the request.

Forces have been ordered to assemble in Castle Succession before they will proceed to Northfort along the desert road and from there across the desert to Audiria. Lord Roland has also announced that in lieu of a head of his army he will place the army under the control of Lord Raels campaign General, a Deep Dwarf called Orvaar T'sek.

Meanwhile over twenty thousand Rael soldiers are already making their way to Orcs Watch and from there to Sloven where they will advance along the coastal road towards Audiria.

The roads to the south east of Rael are also clogged with thousands of Rael soldiers making their way to Seawatch Fort destined for the war effort in Hilm.

The Sand Sea Synod has now officially declared they are denying the Cult any and all access to their lands and seas and are mobilising forces up and down the coast. Audiria has turned into a city on the brink of war with the plaace rapidly turning into a centre for the coming battle. Everyone knows that if the Cult capture Audiria Sederra will be untenable and allied forces will have to retreat across the burning deserts to the mountains and try and hold the Cult there.

Boyer is sending several heavy infantry units and other army divisions to Point Dart in the event that the Cult capture Audiria and turn north instead of west.
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Rumors from Blackford Castle
« on: February 07, 2011, 08:06:20 am »
*There have been a couple tense days in the Blackford War Council rumored to be mostly centered about Lord Rael's offer.  After one day, supposedly Moraken set off a frightening display of magic and dismissed everyone.  The next day everyone reconvened, but for some reason it was dismissed again shortly, and the Queen declaring the Council Chambers off limits for the next day.*

Man:  "A woman shouldn'a talked ta no man like she done, specially not no mage like that.  Now yer tellin' me he done started packin' up all that magicky stuff an' is leavin'?  I don' blame 'im!  No woman shouldn'a talked ta no man like that.  She coulda cost us all our lives by tickin' him off!"

Woman:  "That ain' jest any woman Horrace, an don'cha be fergettin' what cooks yer meal ever'day!  Sides you men're all jest babies iffn ya cain' get yer feelin's hurt some."

Man:  "Betsy, I'm jest sayin'... "

Woman:  "Naw, you jest stick ta the barns where ya work an' I'll stick ta the kitchens in the castle.  I seen councils like this before where they don' do nothin' but argue fer the first few days, an' it won' be the last one neither.  Dif'rence is, these people're all tryin' ta fight a war an' their tensions're real high.  Norm'ly it's over silly stuff an' they're STILL high.  Give em all time ta come out with what they needa do.  The Queen wouldna brung all these people together if she thought they wouldn' get the job done.  Trust yer queen, an' no more fussin' else I ain' gonna tell ya any more o' what I heard.

Man:  "Fine... but if that woman cost us this war I'm gonna..."

Woman:  "Yer gonna what?  Poke her with a hay fork?  That'd be a sight."  She laughs at the thought

Man:  "Aww... shut it"  He grumbles and heads back off towards the barn.
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

Trade and Market Hall / Wanted For The War Effort: Stone And Lumber
« on: January 28, 2011, 01:24:56 am »
[INDENT]For the war effort against the Green Dragon Cult, wanted the stone[SIZE=10](1)[/SIZE] and the lumber[SIZE=10](2)[/SIZE]. Please be donating to your local agent[SIZE=10](3)[/SIZE].

Please be mindful from where you are collecting, and not to be ravaging the environment.

~Argali Trueaxe
Blackford War Council

[SIZE=10](1) powdered limestone as the collectible
(2) planks, any type
(3) I am hoping donation to the "Mistone Defence Fund" will be sufficient, unless "Hilm Defense" or "War Against The Green Dragon Cult" gets set up[/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Blackford War Council - Ports And Golems
« on: January 26, 2011, 10:03:13 pm »
// So as not to clog up and/or confuse the [POST=1712778]current[/POST] discussion. Also, this would likely occur after Argali returns from this. //

Argali addresses the War Council, asking for any objections to pursuing the following four points:

  • Send a message to the Tower Academy for magickers who have any expertise with golems.

The Roughlands in the south of the Hilm Protectorate are littered with broken golems. With the Cult occupying Sundance, we need something to harry them with, even if we are not yet engaging them on the battlefield. The golems could provide a suitable distraction.

  • Establish an east port on the point on the coast of the Hilm Protectorate due east of the Fort of Last Hope (aka Fort Gorge) (see map).

This will necessitate finding a path through the coral for the ships. To that end, contact the Children of Shindaleria at the temple of the Bay of Carocsa, the temple at Lan's Port, and the temple at the Fort of Kings to ask if they would provide swimmers to find a path through the coral.

  • Establish a south port on the southern coast of the Hilm Protectorate (see map).
  • Start collecting stone and lumber to build the piers at these two sites.
Argali awaits any response.
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Logistics for armies against Kuhl
« on: January 24, 2011, 11:16:10 pm »
// This thread is to outline what FIGHTING forces are where for those involved in the war against Kuhl. Players can ic make requests or suggestions to the authorities (ie Lance or Daniella) on placement of troops. I will add more as we go along. In some cases you will see eg 50/500 this represents 50 of those troops are present out of a promised 500. If I've missed any let me know.

These are where troops are at at this current time:

Toranite Shock & Elite Cavalry (Hands of Toran) (50 Paladins, 1200 heavy) Lost: 29 Paladins, 480 cavalry)

Heavy Infantry (shields and spears) (8,000)   Lost: 2900
Light infantry (Arrows) (3000)                      Lost: 1509
MIxed archers/crossbows (2000)                 Lost: 674
Heavy Lancers (1000)                                 Lost: 436
Light Lancers (1000)                                   Lost: 370
Ex pat Kuhl Mixed infantry (Langovales devoted) (300)  Lost: 167
Black Crow Orc infantry (600)   Lost: 349 (RH)
Red Beaked Vultures Orc Infantry (800)   Lost: 395 (RH)

New forces recently arrived to Hilm:
Toranite mixed forces (3000)          Lost: 802
Voraxian mixed forces (1500)          Lost: 410
Voraxian mixed forces (1500)          Lost: 126
Rofireinite mixed forces (2000)        Lost: 626
Other Faiths forces (1200)             Lost: 393

North of Hilm just inside Great Forest in Horn:
Giant warriors of Grannoch (550)    Lost: 285

5th, 8th and 10th Boyer Infantry Units (1500)     Lost: 375
Boyers Eaglemont Regimental Cavalry (250)         Lost: 114

Sederra Conflict: Point Dart Regular Boyer Archers (300)   Lost: 185 (RH)

Redfern Scouts unit (50)          Lost: 19  (RH)
Mixed mages (25)                    Lost: 8

10,000 Heavy Infantry            Lost: 3387
4 Engineers Units (200)           Lost: 43
Sederra Conflict: Engineers (200)  Lost: 186  (RH)
Sederra Conflict: Heavy Infantry (10,000)   Lost: 3680  (RH)
Sederra Conflict: Elite heavy Infantry (3500)   Lost: 2650  (RH)
Sederra Conflict: Mixed support forces (500)   Lost: 235  (RH)
Sederra Conflict: Mixed Light infantry and scouts: (5000)   Lost: 2950  (RH)

Lor/Golden/Castle Mask
Unified Regiments of Lor light infantry (500)  Lost: 196

Runic Anvil (Dwarven)
Heavy Dwarven infantry (350)   Lost: 88  (RH)
Mixed dwarven troops (150)     Lost: 43  (RH)
Sederra Conflict:Elite Runic Anvil heavy Infantry (1000)  Lost: 476  (RH)

Sederra Conflict:
Mixed vanguards of Infantry (5500)   Lost: 3200  (RH)
Light cavalry (1500)                        Lost: 1150  (RH)

Sederra (Sederra conflict)
Synod Cabalists (750)   Lost: 470  (RH)
Synod Infantry (2500)   Lost: 1540  (RH)
Synod Light cavalry archers (500)  Lost: 280  (RH)

Bloody Gate
Combined Dwarven Heavy Infantry (1000)     Lost: 254
Combined Dwarven Heavy crossbows (500)    Lost: 190
Combined Mixed dwarven troops (150)          Lost: 142

Wolfswood Rangers Elite Scouts (20)    lost: 11 (RH)
4 Warships  Lost: 1  (RH)
Supply Ships (Ongoing)
Eastern passage and Shindalerian Docks troops - Fort of last Hope:
2000 Mixed Infantry          Lost: 757  (RH)
Healers and Lower-Level Mages (undetermined at this time) (RH)
15-20 Higher-Level Lucindite Mages from Imjam's School   Lost: 7  (RH)

1500 Mixed infantry   Lost: 12

Queens 3rd, 9th and Hawk Heavy Cavalry Regiments (600)  Lost: 385 (RH)
Blackford Special Forces Blue Helms (120)  Lost: 92  (RH)
Lucindites (22)             Lost: 8  (RH)
Other mages (35)         Lost:19  (RH)

Haven Special Guards Unit (150)    Lost: 37  (RH)
Krandor Enlisted Guards Unit (150)  Lost: 42  (RH)
Brelin Golden Pikes Unit (250)  Lost: 62

No known support forthcoming bar the Rofireinites as allocated

Ulgrids (Dwarves)
Kings Stone Fists (heavy infantry) (500)   Lost: 123
Queens Crossbows (200)  Lost: 45
Voraxians (accounted for under Hilm)

Dorandites (50)       Lost: 18
Mixed race infantry (150)   Lost: 56

Telish Throne
Fort Morlass Dejan Archers (150)  Lost: 82 (RH)
Toranites (as allocated)
15 Navy Ships          Lost: 4 ships (RH)

Grain and supply ships(19)  Lost: 7 due to storms and tsunami

Battle Academy of Stort Mixed elite infantry (200)     Lost: 45

Dragonsong Dominion
Dragonblades 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Heavy Infantry Units (1600)  Lost: 793
Dragonclaws Tyr-Song, Yalian and Westerngate Archers (1200)   Lost: 576
Rofireinites (as allocated)

Rofireinites - Secondary Force dispatched to Kuhl/Stormcry Hollows now at Briardusk
Infantry/archers (1800)  Lost: 430
Knight Cavalry (500)   Lost: 137
Clerics, mages etc (500)  Lost: 148

Toranites - Secondary Force dispatched to Kuhl/Stormcry Hollows now at Briardusk
Infantry/archers (2000)   Lost: 525
Order members & cavalry (450)  Lost: 75
Clerics, mages etc (250)  Lost: 55

Eastspirit Archers (500)    Lost: 174

Southern Vale Arcane Archers (25)   Lost: 8  (RH)

Nesar Conflict:
Nesar - Hilm (Sundance)
Fort Miritrix & Holar Mixed infantry (6500) Lost: 1750 (RH)
Peasant infantry (3000)  Lost: 1256  (RH)
Holar & Miritrix Archers (650)   Lost: 220  (RH)
Wormbone Fort Heavy Infantry (600)  Lost: 73  (RH)

Nesar - Kuhl (Amaria & Zolinar)
Nith, Orin & Arnax Field Legions (4500)  Lost: 756  (RH)
Peasant Infantry (1500)  Lost: 645  (RH)
Nith, Orin & Arnax Archers (2000)  Lost: 544  (RH)
Wormbone Fort heavy infantry (400)   Lost: 113  (Rh)
Black Raven Heavy Cavalry (400)  Lost: 43  (RH)
Corathite clerics, mages, followers (75)  Lost: 14  (RH)
Undead (250)    Gained: 375 more  Current total: 625  (RH)
Nesar - Briardusk
Arnax Elite Heavy Infantry (1000)   Lost: 27

Hilm - Briardusk
Siphe Garra Elite Heavy Infantry (4000)

// Updated 4 months after Molvaren leaves Castle Hilm. From when the Oil pump station at Briardusk is destroyed.
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

Layonara Server / Dragon Storm Campaign Finale! -- EVERYONE PLEASE READ
« on: January 24, 2011, 11:05:45 am »
Dear Layonara Community,
As you have likely noticed, events pertaining to the Dragon Storm  Campaign plot have been picking up as late and seeming to point toward a  significant conflict at some point in the near future.  This would, in  fact, be a correct assessment. In order to help you and us prepare for  this, we'd like to advise you of the following planned timeline of  events.
The plot finale will occur approximately two months from today on or  around the weekend of March 19th, 2011.  This is subject to change  depending on scheduling and other considerations, but that is currently  our target.  The finale may actually be multiple events, structured to  let characters of varying level ranges and interests to have meaningful  participation. We haven't worked this out with 100% certainty yet, but  this is at least the plan. We'll try to have something firm within a  month prior to the event so you can plan accordingly as well.
Between now and the finale, you, the community, may use this time to  prepare and plan. If there is something you want to try to do or  investigate, let us know as soon as possible so that we can plan for  them and assist you in your efforts.  What you do now will shape the  landscape for the finale.  Whether that ends up being a good thing or a  bad thing is up to you.
As a word of advice, we strongly suggest you talk amongst yourselves,  hold meetings, review every bit of information about the campaign so  far, no matter how old it may be. I know that recent events have made  personal security something of a concern for PCs and their  friends/families, but if you all need a safe place to meet, there is a  room designed just for this in Bydell Castle now (added as of version  3.30). It is adjacent to, but not part of, the Aragenite library/temple  there, but it has a separate door and is not consecrated ground, so  clergy and paladins need not worry about violating their oaths. Use this  time wisely. Ask questions, send letters and make plans.
For disclosure and transparency, we have already determined the conditions  for success and failure to varying degrees.  There are multiple  conditions for each and a spectrum of success and failure, so there is  no "One Right Way" to pass the campaign. We are not "railroading"  anything, but rather we have come to an agreement upon what sorts of  things constitute an "ideal" success, partial success and so on. The  better prepared you are to face the challenges ahead, the better things  will hopefully go.  Also, in this case, preparedness is not just a  matter of having plenty of weapons, scrolls and potions (though they'll  surely help) but also of having some important pieces of information at  your disposal.

I would also like to give this one piece of advice:
All keys needed to unlock the best possible outcome of this Campaign are  out there. For the best possible outcome, you'll need more than muscle.  Play smart.

On that note, good luck!
Lastly, I know there's been rumors floating around that the end of this  campaign means the end of NWN Layo.  I want to set anyone's mind at ease  who may be thinking this and state that this is not the plan.  For the  foreseeable future, NWN Layo will continue under the same conditions it  has for the last couple of years. This of course may change as time goes  on, but it will not be due to the campaign wrapping up.
If there are any questions about this post, please ask below or via PM.
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

General Discussion / Plot requests from all players
« on: January 23, 2011, 11:21:25 pm »
We understand everyone is getting excited about current events in the world and thats fantastic.

I'd just like to make some requests on our behalf of the player community during this time.

1/ Kuhl is effectively locked down and inaccessable anymore without GM interaction. You can in game still travel those areas and kill myrdrachs and drachs and the like but for all intents and purposes that in game activity is separate to actualy gm run events of that same nature and will have no bearing on anything related to the PLot.  We have to ask that you keep that sort of 'adventuring' outside the realm of the Plot. ie from this moment forth plot stuff will have to be handled through GM interaction, guidance or involvement.

2/ Please be patient, there are only a few on the plot team, we are doing our best to keep the momentum happening and help people as much as we can with the things they want to do.

3/ Please try to keep things in perspective. The Cult are a highly organised force with very fast response tactics available to them and large and powerful armies. To the average soldier one Myrdrach could eliminate one, two or even three units of soldiers before it is taken down (approx 60 men), maybe even more, and the Cult have a large number of these. The Cult also have Dragons close to their borders which can cover a lot of terrain in short times, these dragons are capable of carrying nets with Drachs in them or even Drach Ori and others. They are no small pushover and please do not assume they are.

4/ We want to try and make this enjoyable for everyone as we can but when people try to force emote or push certain avenues that seem unreasonable and are not willing to work with us then it makes it frustrating for us and for them and puts a whole negative spin on things.

5/ We are doing the best we can, please try and be happy with what you get.

6/ Have fun...thats an order :)
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

General Discussion / A Fond Farewell
« on: January 08, 2011, 11:39:05 am »
Hi everyone,

I have to say ... it's been a great run! That said, this post is to let the community know that I have just stepped down as a GM. The decision to retire was actually some months in the making, but I stayed on a little longer to make sure my work with Center rolled out smoothly, and to finish off my last commitments to CDQ requests.

Time. If only we all could have enough! But with my university days over and my full time job becoming more full time by the day, I know in my heart that I don't have the time for the responsibilities of GMing anymore, and it is time to step aside.

My deepest thanks to the community. You are what makes GMing here worth the time we give up. So thanks, for your commitment and passion to the world, for your creativity on quests and during every day roleplay, and for all the support you give the GMs as we try our best to weave stories for you, puppeteer a dozen NPCs at once, and keep the monsters on a short enough leash that you can at least try to solve the world's problems in a non-combative fashion. Mine were always a little unruly, and apologies to whoever they took a swipe at accidentally during a quest. I do seem to recall a few strand refunds during my tenure ... ;-)

I can say with honesty, it has been my sincerest pleasure to eavesdrop on all your RP conversations, snoop through your character's backpacks and leave the occasional surprise, bash you on the head with the XP wand from time to time, and torture your characters through development quests!

Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

General Discussion / And thats it....
« on: December 21, 2010, 10:15:37 am »
Well, this might have been seen coming, but its time I hung up the GM gloves.

RealLife has took a wonderful turn in the form of two crazy, mad-cap spawns of Mini-Me's, whom continue to suck and drain every ounce of will to live that I have ( kidding of course! ;)  )

Add to that various other things, and sadly I just don't have time for GMing anymore, so I'll put the GM Wand back on the self, and hope someone else will pick it up and have a wave.

But I do thank you for the opportunity I had to bring about some chaos, fun and laughs to this wonderful little world you've all created. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for the MMO when it's released, and likely bring about some great ancestor of the Tempest's to see it.

I wish you all well, and of course a Happy Christmas!
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

General Discussion / Happy Turkey Day!
« on: November 25, 2010, 02:03:00 am »
To all who live in the states....  


eat way to much food..and enjoy the time with your families :)
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

Layonara Server / Version 3.30.1 is online!
« on: November 16, 2010, 10:16:59 pm »
[SIZE=32]Version 3.30.1 is online![/SIZE]

In keeping with my recent post about updates, here's a small one.

  • Add road travel system to Lake Splendor and Windjammer's Bay
  • Tweak Ilsare's summons to bear her colors in some way
  • Fix Guard Ashley's description to mention the correct city name
  • Fixed some broken/buggy giant spawns in the Great Forest
  • Renamed the Weary Traveler to the Silver Buckle due to change in ownership
  • Undead Shape and Construct Shape have been disabled due to lore conflict.  They will likely be replaced with something else down the road.
  • Some adjustments of some spawns somewhere in the world
That's it!  Nothing major this time.
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

Layonara Server / A note on future updates
« on: November 06, 2010, 12:41:47 pm »
Hello Layonara Community,

I just wanted to let you all know that I'm trying something different with the way I've done updates.  To put it briefly, I'm going to try doing smaller, more frequent updates.  Some of them may also be "stealth" updates, meaning that I may not announce them at all.  Others may be quick-fix updates, such as those I have done since 3.30 has gone online.

So what does this mean?

Well, I'm not making any guarantees, but simple changes and quick fixes will hopefully find their way into play more quickly. Also, I'm hoping to keep better pace with plot-relevant changes as well as possibly add some unexpected variability into the world. Such things may not be frequent, as it is still subject to my rather full schedule. However, this is my intent, and I wanted to let you, the community, to know what is going on, so that when you go on your "usual" and find bugbears instead of ogres, for example, you will know why.

We'll see how it goes, I guess!
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

General Discussion / Computer issues
« on: October 26, 2010, 06:26:16 pm »
I came home from work to find my main computer dead.  Its going to the shop tomorrow and I can still check the forums and such but it was the machine I had NWN on so I cannot be in game in GM or player capacity until I either get it repaired or install NWN on my back up machine.
 Just a heads up - prolly won't effect much but you know how murphy's law is and as soon as I can't do something I'll need to.
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon

Layonara Server / Significant update coming soon!
« on: October 17, 2010, 10:24:28 pm »
Hey all,

I'm sure you've seen by now at least one mention of me saying "in the next update" and "almost done" and the like.'s really almost here.  The last few details are being sorted out, and while I'm hesitant to give a specific day (yet), you can count on seeing it in the very near future.

[SIZE=-1]In preparation of this, you'll need to download some files: (HAK) (HAK) (TLK)

You can download these files now and place them in their appropriate locations.  They will not impact your ability to play before the update.

Regarding the HAKs, the first one listed, the "res" HAK, is new.  The old "control" HAK was getting kind of large, so I split off all the large graphical resources that had been stuck into the "control" HAK up to this point, so that future HAK updates in the "control" (now "ctrl") will be smaller and easier to manage on my end and yours.

That's it!  Happy downloading!
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