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Messages - ArthurMcStorm

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I have noticed that it is amazing just how many non-elves get taught elven by elven PCs...

I can’t help but wonder why?

Elves, even non-grey elves are by their very nature.....arrogant

Yes, you can argue that adventuring elves are much less so but they were STILL brought up as elves, they will have still been taught to look down on the 'lesser’ races during their childhoods.

So why are they happy to teach their musical and beautiful language to those lesser races?

Before some bright spark says...”so X can understand me” X being a friend, lover, husband, pet dog...

You BOTH speak already have a SHARED language....why do they need to learn elven to understand you?

I’m not saying that all those who have taught elven have done so for daft reasons, I’m just saying that elves are a little arrogant, so why the heck would they be sharing their language so much?

I mean, it’s kinda like the Jewish community teaching everyone Yiddish.

NB....I mean no offence to Jews or non-Jews, it was just the first example I could think of.

So basically.....if you’re thinking of teaching elven, for the love of chocolate can you stop, think and check it has a sound RP REASON for your character to do so.  Why is your elf happy to share their language with a non elf they can simply speak common to?

Now...I am not trying to have a go at anyone who has taught elven to others....I’m just trying to raise the point that the elven race is an arrogant one....I’m sure those on Ed The Ket’s present quest will back me up on this.  As such, people need to be remembering their heritage in situations like this.

It’s not quite the same as everyone loving Drow and Orc’s on sight, but it is something that should be considered.

I know, that each application has to be approved....But the Character approvers have to walk a fine line between ensuring the integrity of the world and that people have fun and let’s be honest, none of us (including myself) is above pointing at someone else’s submission and saying “How come they got it and I didn’t” as such, I just want people to think and take a little responsibility for the integrity of the world onto themselves for such things
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Just for Fun / Just to Make You Smile #3
« on: January 01, 2008, 04:35:43 pm »
I always say this in my pm's. So here's to everyone else! :)


YouTube - Free Hugs Campaign. (music by Sick album out)
The following users thanked this post: ArthurMcStorm

General Discussion / Responding in RP
« on: December 27, 2007, 03:36:30 am »
Last night I was running an small sessionto liven things up just outside Hempstead, it was good RP between those involved. However I did notice something that no one else seemed to at one point.

An orc turned up killing some kobolds, possibly saving the group, the group showed no fear or anxiety to the orc, he was accepted like most would be.
This is the first part I find odd, Orcs aren't socially acceptable generally, and I found it amusing aswell as annoying, how can some one ignore a huge green man infront of them wielding a spear.

Later on, in the fields, another orc, which confused me as to where it actually came from at first, but again, the orc ran admidst the group, not a flinch from anyone.

Just want to point out to people this sort of RP isn't the way it should be, people should be acting upon what is happening, not ignoring other PCs due to the fact they have fought some kobolds that aren't normally there.

I have noticed the same for my PC G'ork recently, most just don't react like he is a problem, some even (somehow) manage to pluck up enough courage to take a close look at his axe. Infact, most strangers do sadly.

I don't know about you, but if I was an elf and saw an orc on the roads, I'd probablyavoid them, or atleast keep my eye on them from a distance, but would be weary. It's an orc/half-orc/half-giant/goblin - it really doesn't matter, monsterous races should be RP'd as odd creatures. Not cuddly toys.
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