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Messages - oneqtbebe

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Introduce Yourself / Who is Dorganath?
« on: March 12, 2007, 09:13:37 pm »
Hello all!

Behind the veil of semi-secrecy that the Internet and these forums provide, I am known as Dorganath, a Layonara player, GM and developer.  On the other side of the great electronic veil, I'm known as Steve, a 36 year-old husband to one, father of two and brother to one.  

I got my gaming start back in elementary school...hmmm...maybe 4th or 5th grade when my best friend introduced me to this D&D thing, and I've been hooked ever since.  I was at one time a proud owner of the "Purple Box", though sadly the only thing that survives of it are the dice...which I'm pretty sure are hardened against nuclear radiation. I also still have many of my old, 1st Edition AD&D characters. Over the years, we tried out several different PnP gaming systems but always heavily favored D&D.

Fast-forward several years, then several more...and probably add a few just to be safe...and some of those same people I used go game with got together and we started running through Icewind Dale 2 in multiplayer.  And then rumors of a new game on the horizon started to float on the wind this new game, Neverwinter Nights, that held the promise of being able to bring a tabletop, GMed gaming experience to a group of nostalgic old gamers who no longer live within a 15-minute drive.

Like most grand plans, this never quite materialized, however in late 2004, the very same friend, who first got me started with D&D and who GMed most of our gaming sessions in my early years, told me about this NWN persistent world called Layonara.  In October of 2004, I submitted my first character and I've been hooked ever since.

I played for about 8 months or so before applying to become a GM, and a couple months later (and just before the birth of my second child), Leanthar asked me to take on the module updates and maintenance tasks. To put it simply, I was excited by the offer, floored by the opportunity, and nervous as heck, but I did it anyway, and I've never regretted it.

So that's how I got to this point, at least.  As far as other things about me...Well, as I mentioned, I'm a father of two, both daughters and both quite naturally the cutest kids in the world. This has been certified by many committees, mostly imaginary. As cheesy as it may sound, I have to give my wife a boat-load of thanks, mostly for putting up with me and understanding my rather time-consuming addictions.  

For the job that pays the bills, I'm a mild-mannered Programmer/Network Admin./Tech Support/Server Admin./Workplace diplomat/Web guy/Technology Guru/Database Admin./Probably-other-stuff-I'm-forgetting Guy, which means on any given day I'm generally pretty busy and/or quite far behind.  

Living near Chicago but not being a native, I've grown accustomed to only having two seasons: Road Construction and Winter. During the winter,  I huddle inside being very glad I'm not out in the wind. During the Road Construction season, I engage in such outdoor activities such as lawn mowing, landscaping and "picking-up-after-those-darned-kids-throwing-trash-in-my-yard" *shakes a fist*.  

I also enjoy music, when it's not geared for people under 16, catching up with whatever I have recorded on my DVR at the time, or kicking back with a good movie with explosions and/or gratuitous fight scenes and/or any other assortment of "grown-up" themes.  More often, however, I hear the theme songs to "Blue's Clues", "Arthur" or "The Backyardigans", with shows and/or movies to match and where about the only thing that gets blown up is a balloon.

For those who are curious, the name Dorganath originally came from an NPC in one of my all-time favorite one-off adventures out of a magazine, which also got used as the name for one of my own characters. When I started playing NWN, it seemed an appropriate bit of nostalgia to that for my login name, and so it has stuck with me.

I suppose there's more, but it's time for me to slip back comfortably behind the curtain of pseudo-anonymity and let you all wonder about the rest.

*disappears to a Cheshire Cat grin*
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