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Messages - DiegoBastet

Pages: [1]
The Dragon Storm Campaign / Two upcoming mini-questseries
« on: January 12, 2010, 02:10:43 pm »
Hi guys,

I have two series of quests planned that are highly involved in the world plot, the Dragon Storm Campaign. Each quest series should not stretch for more than 3-4 sessions max. The timezone will be primarily GMT friendly, but I am willing to work with one of the two groups with regards to involving weekends.

One was initiated by a player (Miltonyorkcastle) and begins on Monday (if it suits him and those that tag along). It is much dependant on player choices and actions, so once we get to it there may be a quest and there may not be. It depends on the players involved. ;) To participate here you need to contact Steel in game (forum name: Miltonyorkcastle) or be contacted by him. If you don't your character will not know that anything is taking place. This quest has the possibility to involve actions/choices that may not suit your character. It is perfectly acceptable to walk away, even though it is a plot quest.

Another series is soon to begin and is aimed at characters that are involved with the nature faction (druids, rangers and clerics/priests of appropriate deities), at least to begin with. I imagine that it will be opened up after the first or second quest session. These quests are mainly aimed at lower level characters.

I hope to see you out there! :)

The following users thanked this post: DiegoBastet

General Discussion / The Ups and Downs
« on: May 09, 2007, 05:42:13 pm »
You know how some times you have "good" days and "bad" days?  Being part of the Layonara community is like that too. defines community as, "A social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage."  There's no need for me to point out the truth in each of those aspects of community; I'm sure you all can think of examples that would qualify.

When I logon, there is often some sort of expectation or goal in the back of my mind.  XP, getting a tidbit for a story, crafting, etc.  There are times I logoff disappointed, having not accomplished the goal.  Other times, though, I logoff quite pleased even though I did not accomplish the goal.  Why?  Because of the community.

A two hour boring stand-around-hoping-to-see-someone can be changed in a moment by a chance encounter with a sum total of five minutes of RP.  Or it can be discovering that "~[The sky is falling" will write on a piece of parchment in a language ear.  Yes!  Bee can write in brownie!  He can even read it back with "~~translate" command.

Those bad times, though, can sometimes overshadow the exciting times.  It easy to forget that the GM/project team is working hard behind the scenes.  Sometimes our perspective of the pace things get done is skewed by the fact that we alternate between RL and playing whenever we want.  They have to multiplex their schedules between RL, playing, preparing quests, running quests, scripting, toolset, etc., etc.!

I was rightfully chided today to have "patience young Skywalker!"  That is true.  What is another week or two for a new system?  What is a week before quest is run, or a level gained?  Sometimes that week can seem interminable but on the other side of the fence that week is rushing past too fast to accomplish everything that must be done.

A wise fellow once said, "No! Try not. Do or do not. There is no try."  A community ebbs and flows just as our perception of time ebbs and flows.  Do not try to have patience, do what you can when you can and enjoy it.
The following users thanked this post: DiegoBastet

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