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Messages - Mykah

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Introduce Yourself / Another belated introduction ~ Lynn1020
« on: June 30, 2008, 06:04:54 pm »
[SIZE=16]I finally caved in to do an intro myself. My real name is Tiffany. Lynn1020 comes from my middle name (Lynn), 1020 is from my wedding anniversary, October 20th. I am a southern girl and from what I have found out, I still have a very southern accent. I grew up in Kentucky until I married and moved with my husband. After moving to several different states (including a three year vacation in Hawaii) we now live in the Northwest, near Seattle. It never fails though; anytime I speak I am asked where am I from.

I have been a military wife for almost 18 years now, and also a stay at home mom to three kids (four if you count my husband). Two boys aged sixteen and thirteen, who both play Layo from time to time, and one girl age six. She plays the NWN single player version. I had to finally tell her she could start playing with us when her reading and writing improves. She will lecture me when she watches me play. "Mom do you want to keep playing Emie? Well stop going out alone and wait for your friends!"

I have to say I love that I get the chance to stay at home with the kids, even though you will often find me moaning and complaining. Especially now that I have been nursing a broken foot for the last couple of weeks, and the kids are out of school for the summer and I can't even drive! But at least it does give me an excuse to be in Layo even more.

My husband played Layo for two years before I started. In that time I have to say I hated Layonara. All I knew about it was that it was a game that kept my husband on the computer for hours!! Many times he tried to get me to watch him and try it out. I refused. I was happy with my scrapbooking and Zelda games. Then it got worse! He got our two sons playing it! It drove me nuts having to listen about it all the time. Well to make a very long story short, he finally got me to try it. Emie was born! That was almost two years ago so needless to say I was hooked and haven't left since. Now the whole family plays together at times. I never thought a game could make me laugh and cry as much as this one has.

I have never played any type of D&D game before Layonara. So there was so much I didn't understand and I am still learning. That being the reason Emie started out a lot like me...shy and quiet. Boy has she changed in the last two years!!
The following users thanked this post: Mykah

Layonara Server / The Gauntlet: Quest Announcement
« on: June 11, 2008, 10:37:30 pm »
[INDENT]The Gauntlet - Quest Announcement.

Esteemed archaeologist and retired adventurer, Terrance Copper The Third, has spent most of his lifetime in and out of dungeons collecting artifacts of obscure, powerful, and rare nature for dealers, collectors, and artifact connoisseurs worldwide. But now days he is a "retired" adventurer who is purported to have felt the icy grasp of the soul mother one to many times. Meanwhile, something he has sought for years, the pinnacle of his career, and his magnum opus of finds is finally within his reach.... but simply out of grasp without aid.

His search goes out for adventures across the land. He solicits an agile, strong, and intelligent group who is willing and able to seek this item for him.

But.. there is a catch. Rather than risk the chance of a lifetime on any such group Terrance and his wife Jonina Copper have devised a trial to test the hopeful adventurers, since only the best of the best will do.


This timed quest pits individual teams of 6 (PC levels 4-17) against the clock, and consequently against one another. The winning team (The one who completes the trial with the best time) unanimously earns Terrance and Jonina's respect and The Contract to help him in completing his life's work. The Contract will be a summer quest series run by the two of us in the winning team's time zone. The Gauntlet is currently scheduled for five time slots*, spanning [strike]four[/strike] three different time zones between June 24th and July 8th as marked on the calendar by .  The time slots will be first come first serve (and yes, there is one for the Aussies!) and can be reserved by the team captain by PM-ing the two of us your 6 team member’s names. All sessions will be run on QUEST server unless otherwise noted.

So now for a few rules and helpful hints:

1. PC must be between levels 4-17** at the start of the quest.
2. There must be 6 PC’s in your party.
3. Your party is on a timer at the moment they start into the Gauntlet.  We will pause this for a short 10 minute AFK at an appropriate time if requested by your party.
4. Resting: Resting is not restricted*** but must be done, as a group, and it will cost you.  Each time your PC’s  “rest” it is considered a full nights rest and will add 1 RL hour to the clock (unless otherwise noted).
5. Skill checks should be put to silent (/o C toggle check_silent) at the start of the quest..
6. Emoting precisely what your PC is doing will get you furthest.  If you merely emote that your PC “Looks around the room.” We get to decide what they are looking at.
7. Think outside the box.  NWN has limitations that the mind does not. Don’t be afraid to get creative. If you have a question about the appropriateness of something, ask.
8. Please, do not spam the dm channel with skill rolls.  Most of the time if you do something that merits a roll, we will request it.  In some cases we may just take a peek at your character sheet and make the roll ourself.
9. Each player  can only have one character participate.  Nobody will be allowed to have one character on one team, and a different character on another.
10.  Keep it IC.  It is to your benefit as a player not to tell others who have yet to be tested what is on the test. (If we find out about you doing this OOC your team will be disqualified and the series is subject to being canceled). With that said however, If your PC does figure out through IC means the members of another team, feel free to mess with their heads, if your character would do so that is..
11. Your actions have consequences.
12. Finally, this is meant to be challenging, exciting, and above all.. fun.  

Interested parties please keep an eye out for in character posts, rumors,  and opportunities to roleplay into the quest, as well as more helpful hints.


[SIZE=16]Anank? & Pyro[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10]The fine print:[/SIZE]

* If the five time slots fill up we will try adding another at one of the same times listed.  Please show some initiative ~ and let us know if you have a group and still need a spot.

**We realize that in an improtu intro to the quest some parties were mis-informed that the level limit would be under 20.  After careful consideration we feel that this is a better balanced challenge for players below 17 and above 4.  We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and hope that those who this may affect have characters that will fit the level requirement as they are now.

***Resting still must be done in an RP appropriate place.  5 feet away from angry frost giants.. not a good idea.[/SIZE][/INDENT]


EDIT 6/15/08:  Due to certain circumstances and our summer/work schedules we had to remove the Sunday GMT time slot from the quest line up.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

EDIT 6/17/08
:  Forgot to mention that the quests will be on quest server.

EDIT 6/18/07
: Updated the fine print.
The following users thanked this post: Mykah

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