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Messages - Cherry

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Layonara Server / Version 3.54 is online!
« on: March 21, 2015, 01:14:42 am »

Version 3.54 is online!

A lot of performance improvements under the hood that probably wouldn't excite you much and a few new goodies.


  • Complete reworking of rest logic. No more double messages, nicer coloured feedback. Interrupted rests now only require player level/5 minutes before another rest. So a Level 15 would only have to wait 3 minutes. Any interrupted rests now reset the player's HP to what it was before resting. DMs can now drop a safe rest tent anywhere with =c makeplc dm_safe_rest

  • Fixed the spell tracking system to be much more efficient. Also spells should cast a fractionally quicker time

  • If a player is bound to a no longer existing bindstone then set it to Center

  • North Point Craft Hall stairs should no longer get players stuck

  • Fixed an issue with the Wildflower Heaven token.

  • Crafting Top 10 now shows active players in last 90 days in the top 10 not just those that have recently crafted (and gained crafting XP).

  • Server status now keeps a better track of players logged in instead of a lag before they're off it should be fairly immediate (well within the 1 minute refresh)



    Updated Cave of the Snake on Dregar[/li][li]

    New Spellbook Saving/Restore System, type =c sb or read this.[/li][/list]

Other updates:

  • Significant reworking of the database. I'd get into the nitty gritty but I doubt many people would be interested.

  • Move some variables from the database to the Gem of Rememberance

  • More performance improvements in many areas, crafting, death, logging in

Also thank Guardian-452 for the update area, hopefully more to come!


The following users thanked this post: Cherry

Layonara Server / Coming Soon! Saved Spellbooks
« on: March 15, 2015, 10:22:16 pm »
Are you tired of constantly rearranging your spellbook depending on where you're heading or who you're with? Well I'm please to introduce a new system that saves your spellbooks to the db which you can restore at any time.Here's how it works:Get your spellbook all prepared and then use the =c sb save command and specify a name for your spellbook, for example =c sb save defaultNow say for example Plen is going to craft a bunch of raise dead scrolls so he replaces all his spells at Level 5 and Level 9 with Raise Dead (he uses Quickened Raise Dead spells so he can craft more at once). Once he's done he can restore his spellbook with =c sb restore default and all the spells he had set up before are replaced once again. Note: When using this system all spells are restored as used up, so it's best to do this right before resting.Now Plen realizes that it would make sense to actually set up a spellbook for crafting Raise Dead scrolls, so before I craft my scrolls I'll set up a spellbook for that with =c sb save craftraisedead that way before he crafts Raise Dead scrolls again he can just use =c sb restore craftraisedeadNext time Plen is out with a group of people he may want to save his spellbook once it's all set up, he may have many depending on how many people are with him or perhaps his planned role (healing/defensive/offensive). So he might do =c sb save partyof5 once he's all prepared, then he can restore that again later in the future when he's with close to or the same sized party.Other associated commands:
  • =c sb list will list all your spellbooks
  • =c sb describe bookname will show all the spells (and their metamagic if applicable) for each level in that book
  • =c sb delete bookname will remove a spellbook entry
  • =c sb replace bookname will overwrite the current entry for that book with your current spells
The system takes the first class that is a caster class with a spellbook (Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Wizard) when using the =c sb save command. If you have more than one casting class with a spellbook then you must use one of the following commands:
  • =c sb savecleric
  • =c sb savedruid
  • =c sb savepaladin
  • =c sb saveranger
  • =c sb savewizard
So for example if you had a Wizard/Druid character (Wizard being your first class), if you used =c sb save default for example then it would save your wizard's spellbook under the name default. Then you would have to use =c sb savedruid defaultdruid for the druid's spellbook. Note, all spellbook names must be different per character, even if they're for different spellcasting classes.If for some reason you have more spells memorized in a spellbook then you have slots available for restoring (maybe you were wearing more modifying jewelry when you saved) then it will just fail to populate those missing slots but everything else will work.If you just type out =c sb[/b] you will be told all the available commands.I hope you enjoy this new feature, it should be coming with the next update which won't be too long away. I'm also working on a similar system for Quickbars too. Not sure if that will be ready in the same update or will be in one down the road. 
The following users thanked this post: Cherry

I'm frustrated to report there was a bug with the storage system not saving containers within crates/chests properly. I have compiled a list of the players impacted and we will have to restore from backups which were before the server move. If you have made any changes to the contents of the boxes that were stored in these containers then we will happily restore them. Unfortunately I'm still at work and can't get in game to perform the restoration from backups so I won't be able to assess everything until later today. Based on storage logs the following players are impacted.
  • Ferrit Pandorn
  • Daniel Benjamin Poetr
  • Olmae
  • Cherry
  • Ryubi Jingles
  • Celador Blackleaf
The latest module update should no longer have this problem.-orth 
The following users thanked this post: Cherry

General Discussion / Server Is Down
« on: February 27, 2015, 02:49:12 pm »
Hey all!Server is temporarily down for some fixes. Orth's working on it at the moment and he's hoping for 20 min down time but could be longer. We'll let you know as soon as we can!
The following users thanked this post: Cherry

Just for Fun / Magnar's Latest Attempt at Baking
« on: February 25, 2015, 10:05:59 pm »
"Hmmm, they came out better than I expected!"
The following users thanked this post: Cherry

Layonara Server / The NWN server is going to be moved again
« on: February 26, 2015, 09:12:38 am »
Hello all,As you know we've been running our server for the past 2 months on a new host and while for the most part it has been acceptable there have been issues with random "blue screen of deaths" killing the entire server as well as intermittent lag spikes. While trying to debug these I started considering another server where I could get an equally good deal and came across one that was Linux though. I wondered to myself how difficult and how capable our current world would be to run on Linux especially with our NWNX plugins. So I tested it locally and fixed a few bugs here and there and things seemed okay. At that point I wondered if there were any new NWNX plugins for Linux that I could tap into to help the world. This is when I really got excited and started greatly considering we'd move from Windows to Linux. There are  many plugins that are now available that can enhance our world.This is how and why I was able to introduce the Dynamic Names system.  Some of the other plugins give us functionality for many other ideas we've always been limited by the capabilities of what Bioware gave us. Not only that, there are performance improvements that these plugins provide to help the world run smoother and faster with less lag.I hope you understand that this move shouldn't be much of a blip on the radar and should hopefully lead to a smoother world with some exciting new features coming as well.Here's a taste of some of these new features:
  • GMs can now create transitions wherever they want. Whether its a "hole" showing up in the middle of Center or a doorway that leads to a Quest Area, they can plop them down on the fly.
  • Players can set their character's description any time they want. Title any parchment "My Description" then write on it and use =c setmydesc and your player's description will change to what's on the parchment.
  • The login process is faster. Some of the checks have been moved to not even allow players in the world instead of booting them after the login. Other processes that only need to be done once a reset are now doing so.
  • Dynamic never ending NPC quests.  If a pawn broker over hears you talking about something, you might want to listen to what he has to say. "Speaking of trading, Firg Knucklebar in Fort Llast was looking for some help with making a run to Dregar." (More on this to come!)
  • You can now ox unidentified items.
  • GMs can rename areas.
  • Increasing fortune for diversifying your exploration with groups, the more the merrier.  The more unique areas you visit the higher the rewards become! (more on that soon too)
  • Improved performance on NPC creature spawn/loot
  • Complete restructure of a lot of the database, much cleaner and faster
I was originally planning to get this entire move and update done this weekend but it may be delayed a few days as I want to get some thorough testing in plus (!!) the missus has been extremely patient with me this past fortnight as I've coded away so I'd like to reward her tomorrow. Some of these features may not make the first update after the move but the framework is laid out and the coding is started.I'll keep you all posted as things progress.All the best,orth
The following users thanked this post: Cherry

Layonara Server / Version 3.40.2 is online!
« on: January 24, 2015, 12:25:34 pm »

Version 3.40.2 is online!

No new downloads required for this one. Just a few tweaks and nice to haves added here and there but a significant set of new areas added by Dorganath as well! 


  • Glyph of Warding was never working well, fixed that.

  • Fixed silver/titanium enhancements to apply piercing damage bonus for slashing weapons. You can fix existing slashing weapons by wielding the weapon and typing: =c fixracialslashing

  • Cleaned up some high lag areas due to way too many spawns which didn't present more of a challenge

  • Fixed an issue with Captain Trent's conversation in Port Hempstead referring to an older quest



    Unused undroppable items can be removed by the player with =c noneed . For example =c noneed emotewand. Type =c noneed on its own to get a list of items you can have removed[/li][li]

    Added some brewer's yeast and empty bottles to the Great Spikes outpost. [/li][/list]


    More bosses now give XP[/li][li]

    Over 35 new areas added. Explore to discover. [/li][/list]

    Other updates:

    • General module cleanup of old unused files.



    The following users thanked this post: Cherry

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