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Messages - PoD

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The shadowy figure returns to the establishment - once again fiddling with the chests, walking past the signs...

His raven familiar Vispilio drops off some parchment in his claws, it reads:

"Sir Riven,

As much as a good bounty gets the heart pumping there is no need to threaten me with a good time. Your items are returned...they weren't my colour anyway.

Yours, Nathan"

Vispilio seems to be enjoying eating some nibbles from a nearby chest before flying off.

Bill me.

The following users thanked this post: Chuckles_McChuck, Riven

A dark figure leaves the shop after snooping around...

Truly what has become of these trusting in this day in age. Decor..tacky at best. I found some rings (End+1) and a Necklace (Als End+1) that caught my eye. As per your...charming note of borrowing now and retturning can fetch it off my cold dead corpse, should it be needed sooner. Until then...ill return once my power is restored.

I hope you learn from this rather large error in pitiful security and organisation. If anything, I am helping you grow. You're welcome.

Signed..Nathaniel Birch

//SORRY, found this forum post AFTER the fact. I did drop a bunch of sand/clay / glass, runes , all i had on me to the general value as best I could.
The following users thanked this post: Chuckles_McChuck

Introduce Yourself / Prince of Darkness returns...
« on: August 11, 2024, 03:57:38 pm »
Hey guys thought id make a quick post - as also been chatting on forums. Ancient OG player here , Nathan Birche also known as the Prince of Darkness ...for making bad look good :)

THe game and name had such an impact on me i forever became knoiwn as PoD in real life, even have a tattoo of the name. :)

Dude behind the PoD is Graham :). Me and my friends, Doogz, Callum, Scott found Layonara and loved it. Expanding on from Baldurs gate 1 and 2, Icewind dale, NWN we looked for something permanent. We would LAN these games most of the time in university where we all met. Being 20 something odd at the time.

Also Doogz and I being in IT industry, we did a lot of the early coding as well. Doogz more heaviltiy, Callum and I more on the DM side. I am told...some of our code comments still in there :)

Anyway, sadly i would probably blame WoW and the time difference for our departure. Being in UNI lifestyle, playing late and joining our American friends was very easy.  But times changed as they do and we were unable to keep up with the time we wanted to give the world, so fell apart. Still some of the best memories i have.

20 years later and nostalgic. Found some old notes from Layonara and went searching again. Covid changed the world and i work from home, so finding flexible time to join again at later hours definitely possible. The funny thing is i remember barely how to play, from simple controls to using NWN EE, to our crafting. So i truly dont have to work hard to do the memory lost roleplaying... And so happy to start again and learn from scratch, but please dont be disappointed as I am quite as intimidating now in game as i used to be...

PoD :)
The following users thanked this post: Chuckles_McChuck, Riven, davidhoff, willhoff

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