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Messages - Riram

Pages: [1]
*The journal seems to be written in chicken scratch, and is covered in different types of stains.*

I have decided to write this journal so when something starts to confuse  me I can check back to it to try to make sense of it.

My first few days in the strange city of some Fort. Was not long before some man who called himself Aiao offered to show me around. I figured I may as well take him up on it. We parted ways after a short time, and after buying a few things that looked important I noticed I was running shy on coin. My belly was grumbling so loud it could wake the dead. I ended up taking some job hunting some deaders, but there was swarms of them. After cracking a few skulls it became clear I best pull back. By chance I met up with Aiao, who offered to help me because he was in need of fresh corpses for some reason. I was glad to have the help, but then he did not put on any armor, or draw a blade. I figured he was going to end up as dead as the things we were fighting, but he could smash things with his hands better then any I have seen. After a long battle the job was finished, and I had enough to eat for quite some time.

Met some more strange people. A halfling I think it was, who's name escapes me was quite interesting. She seemed to share my love of talking about giant mushrooms. Then a dwarf by the name of Kurn who as far as I am concerned is the only one I have met who knows battle like I do. First thing he said to me was I wore a fine choice of armor because the spikes coating it would double as a weapon. I was glad to meet such a wise dwarf, and look forward to meeting with him again even the others we were with called him a brute.
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