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Messages - Solara

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Introduce Yourself / *Bounces around*
« on: September 08, 2011, 09:46:21 pm »
[SIZE=13]Ello! My name is Jennifer but I go by Jen or Jenny usually. I live in an EST time zone though I was born in Scotland and I'm now in my early 20s. I'm a little hyper so ignore the title, it seemed appropriate at the time and I couldn't think of anything better.

Last night about this time I was sitting around on a different Neverwinter Night's RP server that my boyfriend and I had discovered only 3 days ago. Despite the fact it hadn't been long enough for the feeling of novelty to wear off we were already growing tired of it. Not because we disliked the people or the setup and I wont name the server for posterity sake. Lets just that they are very grind heavy and we don't have the time to dedicate to grinds which keep us from role playing anywhere but 1-2 low level zones.

So I started googling other possibilities using my amazingly awesome google skills!... he did most of the searching. :p  

Eventually we found the main page for this community, Lyonara, which roped us in almost immediately. The further we dug the more excited we became over Layonara and the prospect of the role play that could await us here. About 2 hours into our informative research frenzy (which consisted of one of us going to the other every 2-5 minutes and exclaiming "Look at this!" or "Oh wow they have ---- here!" sometimes "dcbhd,mv,.ifdf" but that only happened when the cat walked over my keyboard) my boyfriend discovered you had an IRC chat.

He then proceeded to join it without telling me and started magically answering all the questions we had not been able to find direct answers to or at all. Of course I refused to be out-done and nearly sent myself into a tizzy trying to find answers before he could spout them to me. That is until he casually informed me he was asking people in a Layonara IRC chat all his questions.

She was not amused. >:/

So we both spent the next 15 minutes getting me set up and connected to the IRC chat where upon joining I had the delight of meeting several Layonara members. I have to say thus far you all seem like a very friendly and welcoming group. Further more I think the world you have created with meticulous detail and care is simply exquisite and I cannot wait to join it as soon as possible with boyfriend in tow.

I'm pretty sociable on most days so feel free to ask me any questions and just poke me to chat if the mood strikes you. :D [/SIZE]

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