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Topics - scifibarbie

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Guilds and Councils / is this the right place?
« on: May 12, 2007, 06:48:53 pm »
I am requesting to have access to the Farstriders Guild Forum.

Not sure if this is the right place for it or not. :\\

Grena Rockbasher was just invited and accepted intohte guild.


Development Journals and Discussion / The lonely journey- Brunhilde
« on: April 15, 2007, 10:24:36 pm »
I have decided to leave the tavern and seek my fortune. My family has all but banished me and I have nothing left. I cannot stay any longer. I have no reason to stay.

A diary....never thought I would keep one. Funny that such a small thing helps me to clarify my mind and help me think.

Maybe if I die on my journey, it will at least return to my family nad give them some insight into my life.

I will not return home until I can prove myself with to my family.

*This journal starts just prior to Brunhildes deaprture from the Bloody Gate.

General Discussion / CD Threads
« on: April 08, 2007, 06:05:56 am »
I was wondering if there is anyway to insert a thread in between 2 others already created? Example: #24 should actually insert between #10 & 11

I tried doing it a little while ago but had no such luck.

It was a nice backstory that woudl fit better there. I hate being all tacky and inserting a 'this belongs here' note into it.


Introduce Yourself / Its Scifibarbie!!!!
« on: March 17, 2007, 06:43:45 pm »
People HI!

You may know me in game as Grena Rockbasher, Erk and former miss Hlint Mistone....Sa'kura Firesteed (the pink lion).

As far as the scifibarbie goes...funny story that. My roomie always said I was such a barbie. I even had a cute little barbie car for awhile. I tried getting something cute for an email nad various logins, but they were all taken. My friend suggested scifibarbie since I was and am an avid scifi geek (can you say MST3k). And yes, star wars rules!!!

My current best bud says I need to be a viking like her, both of us being tall blonde and bad-*%$#. Her words. :)

My current profession is full time student at Midwest College of Oriental Medicine studying to be an Acupuncturist. Yes I am going to be sticking needles in people and doling out chinese herbs for all sorts of wonderful and various ailments.

My favorite hobby is a fun past-time called Kendo. Ive been practicing for about 15 years and love it. I am an avid martial artist and my training also includes jiu-jutsu and iaido. So dont mess with me!   :)

I first discovered D & D while serving in the Army and and played the PnP fora  couple of years. I didnt start playing the computer version until NWN came out and my roomie at the time got me hooked. She later got addicted to Evercrack. Somethin I never understood or condoned. I mean how could someone get hooked on a videogame.
Yes Im being fascetious (did I spell that right?), since I highly enjoy Layonara. And just cause I play alot, doesnt mean i have a problem. I dont have an addiction to believe me dont you? No!! You cant take my computer away, I dont have a problem, just leave me alone!!!! Oh yeah, its my first online RPG too.

Sorry if this post is abit chaotic, Im just perpetually hyper and have the mindset of a 12 yearold (at least thats what people tell me)...just a bit more responsible...sortof.....

So thats it. Questions? Comments? Words of wisdom?
Then have a nice day.

[SIZE=13]*this journal is written i dwarvish script that is not very neat and probably only legible, if barely to Grena herself[/SIZE][/i]
  [SIZE=13]I have come to Fort Hempstead on my way to Hlint and have found many strange people. I have met a few dwarves also. They have been most generous in aiding one of their own.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]I must say that Grohin Silveraxe was most generous and aided me without a second thought. A great cleric of Vorax he is. May his axe never dull and his beard never fall out.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]Another I have met is Dalan Stoneaxe. A good dwarf who asked what i thought of his new suit when we chanced to meet in the craft hall.  He looked like he could be one of the thanes on the clan council. A right handsome dwarf he was, adn later proved he was just as strong with his axe.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]I think the stranges thing I have come across in my journey here is the fact the many seem to respect and love drow. I cannot understand this. [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]*the letters are now look like they pressed deeply into the page as if the writer was writing very angrily...[/SIZE][/i][/COLOR]
  [SIZE=13]Drow lovers?! Though the people themselves seem nice enough, how can they be taken in by those deceitful, murderous, childkilling backstabbing filth! If i ever see one I will kill them on sight or die trying![/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]*the writing now appears a back to normal[/SIZE][/i]
  [SIZE=13]I have met several new friends along the way and travelled with them. I recently travelled with a group calling themselves the Farstriders. As we wandered the lands smiting evil, I found they referred to themselves as a pack, their term for a family or clan. Everythign they said bespoke of how we dwarves are within our clans. I find I like them much, especially Karana. She would be a great dwarf if she wasnt so tall. I think the way she swings that battle axe of hers an how she carries herself in battle, that many dwarfs would be attracted to her as if she were a dwarf. She reminds me of my sister Greta, may Vorax keep her.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13] I have also been travelling recently witha fellow named Zergon, an elf mage who seems like an alright fellow. He must have suffered greatly for I have never seen his face as he always wears his helmet. He must have been scarred greatly by his tormentors. [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]//OOC note: Grena has no idea Zergon is a drow. Though several inferences have been made to it by her companions and Zergon himself, and also the way he acts. To see if she picked up on it she rolled a Wis check and it was 2 and an Int Check which was a 6. She has no idea of his actual lineage. Just that he is odd elf, not that any elves are normal.  :p  [/SIZE]

The is Grena's character submission.

Trade and Market Hall / Boots for
« on: February 15, 2007, 01:40:23 am »
I have a few items up for auction.  Bidding ends 2 days after last and highest bid.  
  Blue Suede Shoes for sale
  //Chr +1; Dex +1; Perform +2, Tumble +2.....Lvl 10 required.
  Bids start at 5000 true.
   Winners will be notified by messenger to arrange for delivery.
  Erk the Dwarf

General Discussion / Good fun for the dwarves!
« on: February 13, 2007, 04:04:05 pm »
[SIZE=13]Thanks for the fun varka! THe dwarven war party was a great success..[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]Good RP guys!!! Though i think erks head is gonna hurt for awhile! [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]Cant wait for the next one! Hopefully it will get bigger and better. [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]I think we even terrifed a few locals showing em dwarven might! LOL[/SIZE]

Trade and Market Hall / Need hazelnuts
« on: February 06, 2007, 11:33:41 pm »
[SIZE=16]Seeking boxes of Hazelnuts.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]I am willing to pay 1500 coin per box.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]Seek out erk the dwarf.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]*a brief description of hte dwarf follows*[/SIZE]

Development Journals and Discussion / My book-A.F.
« on: February 04, 2007, 02:29:16 am »
The journal is written in the flowing and lovely scribbly script of a girl about 10 yrs old. The book is bound in leather dyed a beautiful shade of blue. Upon its cover written in gold filligree is the name Abigail Firesteed.

My Abi Firesteed.

[SIZE=13]Uncle Dalan gave me this neat book thingy. He calls it a journal. He says I am supposed to write things in it. That it helps keep my thoughts. He says he keeps one. He showed me it. I cant read any of it. It wasnt written in common. Uncle Dalan is so strange sometimes.  :) How is he supposed to read his journal if he cant read his own writing!

He also saw my letters. He says I need to practice.  :( He said my teacher was upset that I wasnt practicing hard enough.  He said it would make my daddy happy if I could write well. I suppose I should try then. He gave me some charcoal and a piece of bark to write on. He said this is good for practicing cause I can wash off the charcoal and use it again.

Maybe I will draw a picture for uncle Dalan and daddy on the wall of the house. That way they can see it whenever they come to visit.

[SIZE=13]*she locks the golden clasp on her journal and sticks it under her pillow in her room.[/SIZE]

Trade and Market Hall / Dark Spider Silk for Sale
« on: February 01, 2007, 11:52:01 pm »
[SIZE=16]Attention to all tailors.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]I have 3 boxes of dark spider silk available. I am asking 3000 per box.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]Please contact Erk[/SIZE]

Trade and Market Hall / silks for sale
« on: January 27, 2007, 04:39:52 pm »
I have 2 boxes of spider silk available for sale ...2500 true per box

I also have 2 boxes of dark spider silk availavble at 5000 true per box

please contact erk

Trade and Market Hall / malar pelts for sale
« on: January 03, 2007, 12:09:37 am »
I have recently come into possesion of 5 malar pelts.

I am willing to let them go for 2000 each as I have been told this is the going rate.

contact erk

Trade and Market Hall / polishing oils for sale
« on: December 29, 2006, 07:54:51 pm »
I am Erk.

I have 28 polishing oils for sale currently. I am asking 20 true each.

See me if you want them.

Trade and Market Hall / polishing oil for sale
« on: November 19, 2006, 03:43:19 pm »
I have 30 plus oils available for immediate delivery.
i am asking 20 gp per or a reasonable bid for the lot.

Trades will also be considered.

erk the dwarf

Development Journals and Discussion / Journal of a dwarven mage
« on: November 12, 2006, 02:59:49 pm »
*This journal is written in the dwarven language....The script is crisp and neatly rendered*
  I begin this new journal to help collect my thoughts as I begin this next stage in my life.
  I have recently arrived in a strange town called Hlint. Most of its inhabitants are varied and colorful to say the least. It attracts those who are inclined to travel the world and possibly try to make their mark upon it.
  I have met men of honor and high standing and those who are legendary. This humble dwarf has been overwhelmed by it all.
  Upon my first arriving, I met a halfling named Rose. She was kind enough to show me around the city. Some parts of it are better than otheres to say the least. The sewers and crypts were not the most pleasant of places! After my tour we ended up at the local inn where I offered to buy a pint to my tour guide. Several actually...young Miss Rose sure likes her beer! It was then that I met my first auspicious begiining. A drunken Rose introduced me to none other than Ozymandious Llewllyn! I have read of his exploits many times from my former mentors library. He was pleasant enough, though I think he was more concerned that Miss Rose didnt fall drunkenly on top of him! Such a sight to behold!
  A few days later, I met a friendly dwarven brother named Dalan. As we were walking out the gate we came across a man who required Dalan's help in wording a notice. It was a notice of a room for rent and upon Dalan's recommendation he even agreed to let me room. It was the Hand of the Shining Hand, one Master Quantum Windword. This is truly a man worthy of honor. He was quite the gentleman. I would have thought him to be more dark nad grim considering his duty to Toran. I am sure he has much weight to bear upon his shoulders, especially with what has recently transpired in Hurm.
  I have met a few of my kinsman here in Hlint. Paladins of Vorax. They are honourable dwarves. May their beards grow long. I am not sure what they make of me. I was rather evasive when it came to them asking about my occupation. Dwarven wizards are rare breed indeed, and normally not trusted overly much by our fellow dwarves.
  So begins the next chapters of my life.

Trade and Market Hall / Sa'kura's Enchanted Sundries
« on: September 17, 2006, 10:43:48 pm »
[SIZE=13]For anyone is interested, please contact Sa'kura Firesteed.[/SIZE]  [SIZE=13]Enchantments:[/SIZE][/i]  [/U][/COLOR][/FONT]Minor: Cold, Fire and Lightning - 3000 //2 points of elemental damage  Lesser: Cold, Fire and Lighting - 4500 //1d4 points of elemental damage  Intermediate: Cold, Fire and Lightning - 13000 //1d6 points of elemental damage   [SIZE=13]Elemental Resistance:[/SIZE][/U][/i][/b]  [/COLOR]Lesser: Cold, Fire and Lightning - 4500 // 5/- elemental damage reduction   [SIZE=13]Arcane Inhancing Jewellery:[/SIZE]  Amulet of Shield - 3000 //Shield 1/day, level req. 4  Lesser Ring of Wizardry - 3000 //3 extra level 1 spells, level req. 6  Intermediate Ring of Wizardry - 7000 //3 extra level 2 spells, level req. 9  Greater Ring of Wizardry - 15000 //3 extra level 3 spells, level req. 12   [SIZE=13]Silver Coatings:[/SIZE]  [/i][/b][/COLOR][/FONT]Minor Silver Coating - 3000 //2 points of damage against undead and were-beasts  Lesser Silver Coating- 7500 //1d4 points of damage against undead and were-beasts  Intermediate Silver Coating- 15000 //1d6 points of damage against undead and were-beasts   [SIZE=13]Lesser Ability Rings: //+1 to attribute, level req. 6[/SIZE][/b][/i][/U]  [/COLOR]Ring of Bull's Strength I - 2500  Ring of Fox's Cunning I - 2500  Ring of Owl's Wisdom I - 2500  Ring of Cat's Grace I - 2500  Ring of Eagle's Splendor I - 2500  Ring of Bear's Endurance I - 2500    //Information reguarding the lvl req. for weapons with enchantments added can be found here
  Discounts:  When more than 1 item is bought a discount is given as follows:
  2 items 5%  3 items 10%  4 items 15%  More than 4 items 20%  Disclaimer: We will not allow abuse of this system, so don't try, if we suspect you are trying to abuse our generosity you may be subject to forfeit of you discount, and amark upon you name will be given to any and all respectable crafter, Thank you for not taking advantage of our system.

Trade and Market Hall / enchanted iron sword for sale
« on: September 17, 2006, 10:36:02 pm »
I am selling an Iron Katana with level 2 lightning enhancement and level 2 silver enhancement.

I am asking 10000 gold.

Anyone interested should contact Sa'kura Firesteed

Development Journals and Discussion / La'ranthia- unanswered questions
« on: September 03, 2006, 02:12:22 am »
This mnuscript is written in appears to be written in elvish. But hte flowing scripts is shaky nad unsure in some if the writer was nearing the end of a very long life.

Hmmm...where to begin...truly this is a problem.

I write this journal in the hopes that someday it may help ease some of the burning questions you may have for me my daughter. Although, I fear in my heart it may lead to more questions than I have answers for, or more importantly, I am willing to divulge. Some things are best left alone.

The most important thing I can truly tell you is that even though we have only had a few scant months with which to get to know each other all over again. These twenty years that have passed, know that the thoughts of you safe and away from the vile demon who imprisoned me kept me going.

Please understand that the most important thing I can tell you is that I love you. And that no matter what is discussed in these pages, that is the guiding truth behind all that I have written down.

You will have undoubtably noticed that I have destroyed many of my journals. These contained things for which you are not yet ready to learn and some things that no longer matter as they pertained to the war with Blood and the reasons for my travels.

Trade and Market Hall / Stable Sale: Everything Must Go!!
« on: August 17, 2006, 08:18:49 pm »
Barion and I are trying to clean out all of the stuff cluttering our house. Too much crafting and not enough space. Everything is priced to go. Once its gone..Its gone.

Most things are listed, but not all. If you are looking for something in particular, please ask. We may actually have it!

See Barion Firesteed or Sa'kura to purchase any items.

Copper Rings
Copper rings with Greenstone - 300 +1 save increase vs. poison, level req. 1
Copper rings with Malachite - 300 +1 save increase vs. disease, level req. 1
Copper rings with Phenalope - 400 +1 save increase vs. cold, level req. 1
Copper rings with Feldspar - 700 +1 save increase vs. death, level req. 4

Bronze Rings
Bronze rings with Alexandrite - 800 +2 skill Dicipline & Taunt, level req. 1
Bronze rings with Sapphire - 800 +2 skill Spellcraft & Concentration, level req. 1
Bronze rings with Fire Opal - 1800 +1 reflex save increase, level req. 3

Platinum Rings
Platinum rings with Greenstone - 1400 +2 save increase vs. poison, level req. 5
Platinum rings with Malachite - 1400 +2 save increase vs. disease, level req. 5

Bronze Amulets
Bronze rings with Topaz - 1400 +2 skill Hide in Shadows & Move Silently, level req. 1
Bronze rings with Fire Opal - 1600 +1 reflex save increase, level req. 3

Various Items & Armors
Dragon skin buckler - 23000 Copper buckler, +1 AC shield, no spell failure, level req. 14
Cowards blade - 3500 Iron short sword, expeditious retreat 1/day, level req. 8
Swashbuckler sabre - 11000 Iron rapier, 1 AC deflection, +4 parry, level req. 12
Last defence - 13000 Iron great sword, +3 vs. monstrous, level req. 11
Robes of Acid - 700  Acid resistance 10/-, level req. 2
Gloves of Spellcraft - 300 Spellcraft +3, level req. 1
Lesser Gauntlets of Ogre Power - 1800 //Strength +1, level req. 4
Utility Belt - 18000  -2 Wis, -8 Hide, -2 Listen, -8 Move Silently, +5 open lock,
             +5 Disarm Trap, +5 Set Trap, level req'd 13
Bracers of the Scout - 6000  +1 AC Cast Camouflage, Cast Darkness 1/day
Lion Gloves - 3500 Unarmed attack bonus +1, level req. 3
Cape of the Panther - 4000 Hide +3, Move Silently +3, level req. 2
Lesser Cloak of Az'atta - 300 Sanctuary 2/day, level req. 2
Lesser Mage Robes - 2200 AC +1, Lore +1, Spellcraft +2, level req. 8
Lesser Monk’s Armor - 2200 AC +1, Discipline +2, level req. 7
Cougar - 2200 Tumble +3, level req. 1
Iron Chain mail - 5700 AC +1, Discipline +3, level req. 8
Iron Splint mail - 5700
Iron Half plate - 6700 AC +1, level req. 6
Tooth of the Viper - 13000 +1 Attack, Poison on HIt DC-16 1d2 Con
Iron Weapons:
         Medium - 1800 Attack bonus +1, level req. 5
         Large - 2200 Attack bonus +1, level req. 5

General Discussion / Lost oxe- poor rosy must be lonely
« on: July 31, 2006, 01:14:07 am »
I have been logging in an out a few times now, and my ox has not appeared. She was alast seen in hlint. Any help would be great. I searched and searched for her, but there was no sign of her anywhere.

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