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Topics - Chazzler

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LORE Bugs / Goblin - Languages
« on: June 06, 2010, 05:46:31 am »
Under the [lore]Goblin[/lore] page, one of the goblin race's languages listed is Hobgoblin, however, I was told that this language does not exist as an ear (not sure if I've ever even seen a hobgoblin either IG!).

So I recommend removing it from LORE to speed up character approvals and for consistency

Trade and Market Hall / Buying Walnuts
« on: May 15, 2010, 05:11:35 pm »
Buyin Walnuts, 2000T per box, needin aht least 4 boxes.

Görmungard B.

Fixed Bugs / Unther Hardhammer - Implosion & Divine Relations
« on: April 19, 2010, 03:24:40 pm »
Description: Unther Hardhammer's spell, Implosion won't start it's havoc wreaking even if I cast it on the ground near the foes, and/or on the foes, and wait for even 15-20 seconds after doing so, not making any other actions, not even moving at times.
Also, Unther's divine relations seem to be a little out of order.
I have been receiving "Dorand is Neutral towards your target", even when targeting characters that have a deity field. As I understand it, that message is displayed when the character in question has a blank deity field.
Also, which surprised me, was that Alazira (Ilsarean) and a few others displayed the correct status while in the Card Emporium ("Dorand is Enemied towards your target'S Deity") ("Dorand is Friendly towards your target's Deity").
Attached below is a short log file displaying Unther entering West server, using divine relations on Storold Doesscha and then on Alazira and the two others.
 Location: N/A

 Verified: N/A

 Reproducable: Yes, on both servers and after logging off and back in.

Trade and Market Hall / Buying Ginger & Greenstone Dust
« on: April 18, 2010, 03:10:34 pm »
I ahm looking te buy eh box ov Ginger, an' eh box ov Greenstone Dust, 350 pinches ov eht.

Oi'll pay yeh 2000T fer thar Ginger.
An' oi'll pay yeh 3500T fer thar Greenstone Dust.

Ifn yeh cannae do both, oi ken take separate purveyors ov goods.
One box ov each taken, as fer now.

Unther Hardhammer

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / Ingot Recycler to Runic Anvil Clanhome?
« on: April 06, 2010, 05:22:26 pm »
Well as it is, there's no ingot recycler in the Mount Norand's Runic Anvil - Clanhome. Would be great if one could be placed there :)

Ask A Gamemaster / Terrifying Rage effect duration
« on: April 01, 2010, 01:09:51 pm »
Now, LORE says the effect is 1d6 rounds (as does the game manual I believe), but then again, NWNWiki says it's actually 1d3 rounds on a non-modded system.
Which one is true for Layo?
I think the 1d3 rounds, since it seems to not ever last for longer than about 3 rounds.

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / Mangled metal from weapon crafting
« on: March 21, 2010, 07:20:39 am »
Could it be possible to make weapons give the same percentage of mangled metal for ingots per try upon a failed crafting attempt as there is for armor crafting?

Nowadays the mangled metal is as follows.
Full plate = 10 ingots, failed crafting attempt yields 5 mangled metal.
Large Shield = 5 ingots, failed attempt yields 2 mangled metal
Dwarven Waraxe = 10 ingots, failed attempt yields 1 mangled metal
And all other weapons yield only 1 mangled metal per failed attempt as well.

Thanks for considering :)

Fixed Bugs / Voltrex's Docks
« on: March 02, 2010, 10:38:35 pm »
Description: There are Map Pins saying Saldinia Shops, but the transitions from the doors don't take you anywhere.

 Location: Voltrex, Saldinia, Elven Island, Docks

 Verified: N/A
 Reproducable: Seen them before and after server resets.

Just for Fun / Imperial March with Jedi Zap
« on: March 01, 2010, 12:02:36 pm »
Some guy makes a Faraday-suit and plays the imperial march from Star Wars with a Tesla coil :D

YouTube - Arcattack: Faraday Fun- Imperial March

Trade and Market Hall / Selling Beryl's Stardusts
« on: February 28, 2010, 02:06:07 pm »
I have two Stardusts of Beryl for sale, asking 2000T per dust.


Fixed Bugs / Epic Spell: Hellball
« on: February 09, 2010, 09:12:38 am »
Description: The Epic Spell: Hellball deals Negative Energy Damage each time a PC casts it, I think the damage is 10d6 to him. It does not deal this on enemies, and even if the caster is not in the range of the explosion (ie: ran away) he will get the damage applied to him. This is effectively countered by Shadow Shield though. But strange still..
I can provide logs or screenshots if needed, just let me know.
 Location: Everywhere on Layo
Seen it happen many times between different server resets when casting as Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir.

Poetic License / Görmungard's Theme
« on: February 09, 2010, 08:52:18 am »
"I just came from the mountains nigh sky,
I'm not very big and awfully shy,
the lasses say as I go by,
'there goes that dumb bruiser'.

I put on me kilt and let the wind blow high and the wind blow low,
through the streets and the guilds I go,
and all the lasses say 'hello,
how do you do dear bruiser?!'"

Trade and Market Hall / Buying orangutang juice
« on: January 29, 2010, 08:53:29 am »
Oi'me interested in buying ten bottles of Orangutang Juice, squeezed from the
freshest of orangutangs.
Now oi know 'em orangutangs grow on trees on da southern parts o' da lands.
Oi'll pay 100 per bottle o' dis stuff!

Görmungard B.

//Basically this is a RP post, but if a DM with time and liking wants to rename a batch of 10 apple juice to orange juice, Görmungard will buy that from a well doing merchant NPC or PC :D

I'm looking for 2 boxes of ginger roots, I will pay 2000T per box for these.

Also looking to give young adventurers and whatnot some coin, so 500T for a box of cotton. Only those that are starting at roaming the lands or are totally without coin need to go for the cotton.

Görmungard B.

General Discussion / A trip for mithril and emeralds?
« on: December 26, 2009, 04:09:35 pm »
How does that sound? Today, starting at 5-6pm EST, Miritrix, come with!

Trade and Market Hall / Two emeralds for sale
« on: November 25, 2009, 09:32:58 am »
My client Görmungard Boulderanvil is selling two emeralds at 40,000T each.
He wants it to be known this is not an auction, but a first come first served sale.

In place of Görmungard B.
~Martin C.~

Fixed Bugs / Minor tileset bug in Prantz Main Gate District
« on: November 22, 2009, 03:02:56 pm »
Description: When entering Prantz's Main Gate district from the Eastern Gate district, the transitioning makes you face the doorway, instead of outwards from the doorway, can be confusing sometimes.
 Location: Prantz - Main Gate
 Verified: Last time I was there, yep
 Reproducable: I don't see why not?

Trade and Market Hall / For Sale, raw emeralds
« on: November 19, 2009, 10:25:57 am »
For sale, not for auction, two (2) raw emeralds at 50,000T each.
I can also cut and polish them for you and you can keep the dusts if you need this done.
I also have a fair chance of enchanting them, but I shall not try to set them into jewelry, as I am not as good at that as I would wish to be.
Provide the materials, and I shall cut, polish and enchant them for you.

Remember, this is not an auction, so first come is first served.

25% of the final price of each emerald is donated to the Hempstead Tsunami Relief Fund.

~Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir

Trade and Market Hall / For sale, polished emerald
« on: November 10, 2009, 05:51:50 pm »
For the first one to claim, is a polished emerald, for sale.
This is not an auction.
The asking price is 50,000T.

G. Boulderanvil.

Trade and Market Hall / Görmungard's wares
« on: October 24, 2009, 07:15:04 pm »
I am Selling the following items for the first one to claim interest.

[strike]Bracers of Sigil, 10,000T //+2 Intelligence, +4 Lore, level req. 10[/strike]
Lesser Gauntlets of Ogre Power (2 Available), 1000T //+1 Strength, level req. 4
Belt of Eluding, 5000T //+2 Reflex Saves, +3 Hide, +3 Move Silently, +3 Tumble, Expeditious Retreat 1/Day
Master Adventurer's Robes, 7500T //Damage Reduction: Soak 10 Damage +3, level req. 19, Usable by Wizard/Sorcerer
Cloak of Resistance +2, 10,000T //+2 Universal Saves, level req 9
Sunlight Sling, 5,000T //AB +2 (+3 vs Undead), Light (white) 10m, level req. 14
Nymph Cloak, 12000T //+2 Charisma, level req. 9
Cloak of Fortification, 15000T //+2 Universal Saves, +2 AC (Deflection), level req 14
Ilsare's Fiery Eye Longbow, 10000T //+2 Attack Bonus, +4 Spot, Usable by: Arcane Archer, Ranger, Good, Neutral, Creates Fiery Arrows 1/Day (Read bow's description!), Weight Reduction 10% (0,3 lbs), level req. 17
Chain Shirt +3, 5000T //(AC +3 (Armor), level req. 15
Shadon's Trapping Bow, 12000T //+2 Attack Bonus, +2 Disable Trap, +2 Open Lock, Create Electrical Arrows 1/Day (Read bow's description!), usable by: Arcane Archer, Ranger, Rogue
Bow of the Guardian, 10,000T //AB +2, +1 Mighty, Bonus Feat (Alertness), Spot +5, True Strike 1/Day (+20 to attacks for one round), level req. 15
Iron Chain Mail, good for a berserker, 1000T //+1 AC (Armor), +3 Discipline, level req. 8
Cloak of Elvenkind, 5000T //+10 to Hide, level req. 4
Selian's Love Cloak, 10,000T //+4 AC (Deflection) vs. Undead, +2 Universal Saves, Purple Light (15m), level req. 15

Görmungard Boulderanvil

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