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Topics - Hellblazer

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Fixed Bugs / Weapon showing but not actually in hand
« on: June 22, 2011, 12:28:04 am »
I've been plagued lately with a strange occurrence that appeared only after the last update. It's being doing it before and after I reinstalled the game, so I know it's not on my side of things.

It would seem that while I'm seeing my character (ty out of the most of them) with her bow in her hands, in fact it's not always in it as I would notice in the inventory menu. Causing me and others to cast GMW on her bare hands instead of her bows.

I've seen it happens about 10 times now, but I don't know what's causing it or how I can reproduce it.

Fixed Bugs / Arrows and Enchantment.
« on: June 06, 2011, 02:58:16 am »
I made a bunch of arrows today, ranging from hickory to yew, with bronze, platinum, adamantium, cobalt and titanium heads. I took the levels of those and they can be found here. I found that the only thing that determined the level of the arrow was the type of wood used. Yew arrows have a level requirement of 17. But then I went on and added different enchantments level on them to make a chart and noticed that with the enchantments, the yew arrows dropped level requirement considerably.

Arrows/Bolts with Elemental Enchantments|hickory|oak|mahogany|Yew  
Lesser elemental enchantment|8|10|10|11
Moderate elemental enchantment|8|10|10|11
Intermediary elemental enchantment|11|13|13|13
Greater elemental enchantment|?|?|?|?[/table]

Is this normal?

Good day to you all crafters and adventurers alike.

I'm looking for two specific items to help me in my travels as I am getting older. Those item would be a dorand belts either the medium strength or the greater one, and exceptional gloves of fury or the other pair of gloves that does the same thing.

If you have those items and are willing to part with them, please contact me.

Sil'via Serissa In'Darsus.

Trade and Market Hall / Silk..SILK!!!!
« on: May 28, 2011, 02:35:57 am »
You got silk? I'm buying it.

2000 per box

Fehriel Cailomel.

Trade and Market Hall / Auction of some stuff.
« on: April 21, 2011, 10:47:25 pm »
Many Items, some rare some less. Make your offer. To be auction separately or as a whole. Best price wins. Bids can be posted until Monday noon (est time)

Sil'via Serissa In'Darsus

222 Titanium nuggets Current bid 100 000. Sehky Winner

1 ingot of Titanium

6 mithril ingots Current bid 40,000 T S.A. Winner

In honor of shadow belt  
( AB vs undead +4 ac deflection, DR acid resist 10/- SR 20, L19)

Dragon Scales Bracers
(DI fire 5%, +1 to Cha and Int, Concentration +4, SC +2, L21)

1 noble suit of comfort 5000 Miss Dragonheart. Winner
(BAC 0, ACP 0, ASF 0%, feat none, wis +1, apprasie/persuade +4, L10)

1 yew tower shield 5000 Ygraine Ursus. Winner
(BAC +3, ACP -10, ASF 50%, Feat shields, AB vs bludgeoning +1, AB vs piercing/slashing +3, DV fire 25%, Animal empathy/concentration +6, L19)

1 queen dark armor
(BAC 1, MDB 8, ACP 0, ASF 5%, Feats light armor, AB +3, IST negative energy +3, hide/ms +4, L23)

1 blackhound Belt 5000 Stalker. Winner
(agent of the realm/assassins/Rogue/Shadow dancer, +3 to appraise/disable trap/GI/open lock/pick pocket/search/set trap/UMD, invisibility(3) 1 use/day, L14)

I've got a few greater enchantment to sell.

5 acid 4
1 fire 4

Each to be sold for 9 k.

Tyillaan Selaama.

My prayers and hopes are with you with the major earth quake that just happened and tsunami. Praying that you and your family are safe.

Just for Fun / Happy B
« on: February 14, 2011, 01:05:21 am »
Link! hope you had a good one.

Trade and Market Hall / 1 full box of mahogany sand papper
« on: January 08, 2011, 03:07:49 am »
Buying one full box of mahogany sand paper for 10 000 true. Try not to raze a whole forest please.

Fehriel Cailomel.

Trade and Market Hall / 4 box of regular silk.
« on: January 08, 2011, 03:05:48 am »
Buying 4 box of regular silk at 2000 true each.

Fehriel Cailomel.

Fixed Bugs / Forum time
« on: November 19, 2010, 11:00:16 pm »
The forum time seems to be one hour behind compared to the clock on the forum.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Faction system for NWN.
« on: October 21, 2010, 11:40:51 pm »
Now I know this would be a major thing, but heck if we don't throw ideas up, none will ever land anywhere.

What I'm seeing here is a type of faction system that would apply to clerics, paladins, druids and rangers. Ie those that are most likely to be more pious in a sense or an other if they have their deity field filled.

What I see is a deity faction that would actually give some rp benefits/consequences.

Here I go and I will give examples.

Those classes could have an item that would make what ever that item is bonded to go neutral to the character and wouldn't make that "thing" attack him unless the player decided to have his character attack it. Upon let's say 10 times the player break the alliance with the said type of "things" the character would lose the item and could only gain it back by going through a cdq tailored to get the character back in sync with the "things". If the character lost the item again, then the character would lose for ever that connection and even loose his connection to the deity he was following. The item it self would be an ooc item that would have the script on it that would allow the "thigns" to know not to attack unless attacked, basically changing the faction of either the player or the "things" to be neutral to one an other until a server reset.

Now here are the examples of the things.

Az'atta = anything / everything except dark elf what ever they try the dark elf would never see them as neutral or even friendly unless they were. az'attan in the first place.
Aeridin = that's an other one I have no clue.. anything elf maybe. Except once again dark elves.
Aragen = an other unknown, something the team would agree could. represent aragen in the NPC spawns type of things.
Bareon Ca'duz = spiders.
Beryl = anytype of gem golems.
Branderback = Anything shadow like (like the shadows in storans crypt).
Corath = anything / everything undead.
Deliar = halflings.
Doran / Vorax = dwarves except for the deep dwaves.
Folian = Wolves (all kind from the cub to the legendary dire uber alpha wolf).
Goran = could be all things gnomes.
Grand = orcs.
Grannoch = giants.
Ilsare = npc bards.
Katia = npc druids.
Kitharein = falcons (Can't think of anything else for that one lol)
Lucinda = Magical beasts of all sorts.
Mist = Water elementals.
Prunilla = Scarcrows, shambling mounds stuff like that.
Pyrtechon = I'm tempted to say anything kobald since I remember the kobalds in the firesteep seems to have his emblem on their shields.
Rofirein = drakes and anything dragon like.
Shadon = Npc rogues.
Shindaleria = I don't remember the name of the fishmen down in the deep when you head through the under the ocean maps, but those types.
Sulterio = Deep dwarves.
Toran = Anything celestial.
Vierdri'ira = Dark elves.
Xeen = No clue.. anything human?

Now yes I know this would mean a great deal of coding.

And yes I know when you are in party that it's hard in the mist of battle to not attack things, but I'm sure that while playing you are able to differentiate things and stop yourself from killing that thing, change target or simply run out of a cave of only that type of things. But if you are a cleric/paladin/druid/Ranger with a filled diety field, then you should already expect having sacrifices to be done. It's a RP server after all.

This would give a deeper depth to having a deity filled beside the small perks of seldom rps that comes with it. An automated and tangible thing that could have repercussion to the character. Which would lead to having to reconnect through a gm event.

And overall I can only see more rp being brought in to this server with this. Before going to the trip, if you know what you will face, during the trip the why's and how are you not killing things or why you're frowning upon such things being killed. And after, if you went against the favored thing of your character God, losing the neutrality to those things and worst if you lose it a second time, the character connection to his god permanently.

And yes I know it wouldn't be for this update.. or the next.. but still something that I think would be nice to see.

Ask A Gamemaster / Need help down in the rift
« on: October 10, 2010, 10:41:28 am »
I need help down the rift please, so if A gm would kindly help me out I'd appreciate it.

Still logged in, in a safe place.. well I hope it's a safe place...

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Chests logs time and date
« on: October 04, 2010, 08:38:43 pm »
I had to go through the logs today due to the money disappearing in a chest bug. and all the dates are IG dates. I was wondering if could be switched to RL dates. It would be easier for anyone I think to know at a glance when something happened in the chests without having to use the time converter.

Just for Fun / OOh I soo wished
« on: October 04, 2010, 12:15:04 pm »
I was the lucky guy  sitting in one of those seats on that flight.


[SIZE=10]*I really really don't like lady gaga personally. But darn, that did look fun to watch.[/SIZE]

Just for Fun / The human waterhose
« on: October 04, 2010, 11:46:52 am »
Tired of watering your lawn? Hire this man.

General Discussion / Happy birthday
« on: October 01, 2010, 12:07:06 am »
happy Birthday Silverdraco!

General Discussion / Happy birthday to...
« on: September 21, 2010, 12:44:42 am »

hope you have a happy 21rst birthday. Legal and all!

Where: 195 wayfare

Bioware: Fehriel

Char :Fehriel Cailomel

My book shelf gets turn around each time the server restart and it leaves the access to our back shop open to any one.

Verified: yes

Reproducible: I'm sure it can be done since it keeps happening.

Just for Fun / For lonnarin
« on: September 17, 2010, 03:27:10 am »
For some reason when I heard that, I just thought of you mate!

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