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Topics - miltonyorkcastle

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General Discussion / Warning: Whining ahead.
« on: June 12, 2008, 03:41:47 pm »
Stop tempting me to make a new character! I just don't have the time!

*grumbles about so many neat-looking quests belonging to below lvl 20, despite recalling a time when many grumbled about so many plot quests being only 17+*

;) ;)

For instance...

[SIZE=10]Disclaimer: I'm glad the GM's choose the levels appropriate to the quests they're running, and I'm especially glad there are those for lower level players, especially since we actually have a plethora of lower level characters again. Moreover, there is usually at least one open quest per week... if only I didn't need to sleep. And yes, I run open quests and quests aimed at higher levels... but if I'm running them, by default I don't get to play my character in them, heh.[/SIZE]

Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern / The Tossed Coin
« on: May 27, 2008, 01:48:00 pm »
Two weeks after Snowtooth laid waste to Leringard's docks, Steel bursts into the Arms. The hour is late; most are asleep, weary from the work to restore the city. He slams the doors, marching into the tavern area. He marks a direct line. All in his way, tables and chairs included, he tosses to the side. Finally stopping in front of the statue, in front of the sword, Steel rips off his masked helm, tearing apart the customized straps designed to hold the helm in place. A moment passes, the sound of the helm bouncing off the floorboards echoing through the empty tavern. Steel falls to his knees, pounding both fists into the ground, hard enough that the wooden boards splinter and his blue knuckles bleed. He screams and roars and cries in a single breath, loud enough to be heard throughout the tavern, and even those nearby in the streets. The statue, however, hears something else, almost whispered.

Forgive me. I chose poorly.

Those who answer the scream and investigate the tavern find the broken helm, over-turned furniture, and blood-stained floorboards, but Steel is not to be seen.

General Discussion / The Thunder Peaks and the Impending Update.
« on: May 14, 2008, 10:13:20 pm »
As a direct result of the Essrantor's Veil quest series, the Thunder Peaks changed quite a bit. This change will be reflected in an update that is very soon in coming. (Thank Chongo, and wish him well. He's having his first child this week. The update will happen after he settles into that fact.)

Until the update, we ask that travel to the western Thunder Peaks be avoided. Really, traveling through the Peaks right now would be like your character is leaping backward in time to before Essrantor's Veil and its aftermath. We will place NPC reminders around the area, but even if you don't see them for some reason, please avoid the Thunder Peaks until we notify everyone that the update has happened.

Also, to clear up a few things in-character, new rumors and bard's tales are on their way. Hopefully this will help people get a better idea of what actually went on in each separate leg and how they connected in the end.

EDIT: The "Thunder Peaks" refers to a rather large mountain range. While we show off a bunch of areas in the western part of this range, Essrantor actually only rules a section of the mountains, and that is the part with which most seem to be familiar. I didn't want to say the whole mountain range is off-limits, because technically it's not. Only that part affected by Essrantor's rule, which is, in fact, the western half of the mountains. The Western half of the Thunder Peaks is also not to be confused with the Darkland Mountains. The Great Rift separates the two mountain ranges with the Thunder Peaks to the east and the Darkland Mountains to the West. Mechanically (what you see represented in-game) you can only reach the western half of the Thunder Peaks through Dalanthar, as ScriptWrecked pointed out. You can visit other parts of the Thunder Peaks, however, and again, they are not off-limits as they are not affected by Essrantor's Veil.

Feel free to comment and ask questions in this thread, so long as it stays civil and constructive (the usual requests).

General Discussion / Done.
« on: May 10, 2008, 01:24:21 pm »
I have a master's degree. Got the piece of paper yesterday, after sitting very bored through a two hour ceremony in a robe with sleeve-wings.

I think my family was more happy than I was.

And now it's back to an 8-5.

On the upside, I'll be more consistent with Layo time now. :p

P.S. To those on the "Reveal the Storm" quest, see the layo server forums. I finally got a post in there, and yes, I pretty much just woke up.

Layonara Server / Essrantor's Veil: Reveal the Storm
« on: May 08, 2008, 10:27:56 am »
So, I tried to take on a bit more than I could actually fit in one day. I'm bumping the quest to tomorrow morning, at the same time or an hour earlier. Sorry for any inconvenience and the late notice.

General Discussion / Finally!
« on: April 04, 2008, 06:31:42 pm »
So I just turned in the final copy of my portfolio for approval. I'm so close to getting my master's degree I can taste it.

(And yes, that means I'm starting work on all those CDQ's sitting in my que, heh. Not to mention quests in general. Oh... and playing.)

General Discussion / Hear Ye, Hear ye.
« on: January 26, 2008, 02:27:46 pm »
I've got me a new LORE Team. So, all of you folks that think you can find an error in LORE, or just have an idea, drop a line in the LORE suggestion forum. I do actually read through those.

I'm trying to get LORE nice and clean before the new handbook comes out, so when it does we'll be ready to add all the new...well, Lore. :)

General Discussion / Prophets: continued.
« on: January 10, 2008, 12:28:37 pm »
Right, now that I've got my schedule for the new semester, both work and class, it's time to start back up the series.

Sadly, I won't be able to run the quest on Tuesdays this semester. In an effort to keep roughly the same time of day for the series, however, I can run it on Thursdays. So, Thursdays at 12:30 or 1pm CST.

Those of you involved, does this work for you? I have a little bit of room to maneuver to other days if need be, so I wanted to check with folks that have gotten pretty involved in what's going on before I post on the calender.

Layonara Server / Now Accepting LORE Team Applications
« on: January 02, 2008, 04:26:19 pm »
Okay, with the exception of on little change, I borrowed this from Talan's '06 application opener, but the words still apply:

While LORE has a lot of content already, there is still much more that needs to be done, and the list keeps growing!

Applications for the new LORE Team are opening today and will be open through march 2nd.

If you're interested in a position as an official LORE Editor post your application in this thread!

"So what's this LORE team do anyway?"

The LORE Team is responsible for keeping LORE content up to date with game events and rule changes, editing current content for errors (grammatical or content errors) and most important at this point, creating new pages and adding the content that isn't up on LORE yet.

LORE Editors will coordinate with Orth, OneST8 and myself to organize tasks and approve content. We will also be coordinating with Loremaster Ed and the writing team to bring new content to LORE.

Skills needed:

- Good writing skills
- A bit of patience and the ability to coordinate with the rest of the team via the forums and IRC
- Available time to spend a couple hours a week on LORE editing and tasks

Skills not required:

- Fancy computer knowledge: The LORE editing syntax is very simple. As this is a content oriented position good writing skills are the most important.

We are looking for responsible people for this team since the LORE Editors will have a direct impact the public image of Layonara through LORE. Those that get urges to draw moustaches on people while they're sleeping need not apply. just kidding  

Interviews will likely be held near the end of and/or after the application period by darkstorme and myself.

For your application just put your forum name and a brief statement describing your writing/editing skills, what interests you about LORE and what you would like to see your role as on the LORE Team.

I'm looking forward to having some more help aboard!

That's it. You want the chance to contribute to Layo outside the game but don't have the cash? Here's your chance.

General Discussion / End of the Innocent Investigations quest...
« on: January 01, 2008, 01:49:40 am »
Since I had to leave before we finished, if someone who was topside with Steel could PM me a log of the stuff after I left, I'd appreciate it. 8)

General Discussion / Prophets: postponed.
« on: December 18, 2007, 11:34:55 am »
Yeah, my daughter's had a running high-grade fever for the last two (making this day three) days. We spent some time in the ER, we spent a lot of hours just holding the poor kid, and the rest of the time we've pumped tylenol and ibuprofen in her to keep the fever manageable. Thankfully she's holding her food down. If it's not because she's teething, then my guess is she has an infection. Since her fever still hasn't gone away, we had to set up an appointment with her pediatrician. And guess when the available time-slot landed? Smack in the middle of the quest. I've already had to take off work, so I suppose it's par for the course.

The series will pick up again next year, though I'm debating doing it on the first or waiting until the week after. Anyhow, happy holidays. The Troll King shall return after the big ball's dropped.

Just for Fun / The many "nods" of Steel
« on: November 11, 2007, 09:36:54 pm »
Somewhat in response to this thread, I've decided to list the variety of "nod" emotes Steel uses. If you can think of others, pile it on, whether Steel uses the nod or not.

**nods a bit**

**nods an affirmative**

**nods in understanding**

**nods slowly**

**nods once**

**curt nod**

**tired nod**

**nods and points**

**nods and holds his hands out palms up**

**shrugs and nods**

Rumour Has It / Ogre Maintenance
« on: November 11, 2007, 12:08:36 pm »
News of the Bi-annual Ogre Maintenance plan reaches dwarven communities in Mistone, especially those near the Hammerbound Peaks. This year was a success, despite thinned dwarven forces after the long wars with Bloodstone. Hundreds of ogres were exterminated, minimizing the ogre threat to the Hammerbounds.

Rumour has it that Toranite allies were summoned to aid in the task, lending to the mission's success. However, dwarves were disturbed to discover that these same allies prevented the deaths of numerous ogres after the main battle had been fought. Naturally, ogres should be put down like all vermin.

Just wanted to say, ROCK ON.

Yeah. TPK. We still kicked a lot of booty and explored like crazy and saw some really freakin' cool stuff and made fun of each other and squabbled, etc. Almost made it through, too. So close.

Thanks again, to everyone that made the adventure a great memory.

Chongo, oh Chongo, why doest thou take my time slot with your much more epic and longer running series!

... ahem.... yeah... here's the thread we try and figure something out. If you're involved, you know who you are. And when I say involved, I mean the party's pretty much reached its max size, so please only respond if you've been involved so far. (this could change but only time will tell)

General Discussion / A new series of Dread Blade seminars
« on: September 22, 2007, 06:27:24 pm »
Remember the Axioms!  :p

Alrighty. Grad school kicked in, combined with GM duties and some IC stuff with Steel all leading to a break in Dread Blade seminars.

But fear not! I yet have some grand and nifty ideas for this player event.

As such, I'd like those that are still interested, or newly interested, to rattle off some good times for this event to occur. Due to my busy-ness, I'm going to try and aim for this to be a once a month thing, instead of every week like before. So, let's pick a time and date in October that will work for most people. Naturally, the meeting would occur at the Fort Vehl Arena.

For those of you who don't know, the Dread Blade is a gathering of mercenaries, fighters, thugs, and anyone who makes their living by the sword (axe, knife, etc.). In-character, you'd find rumors of its existence in taverns, brothels, and seedier establishments.

Axiom #4 - Everything dies!

Trade and Market Hall / Small Auction: Silver
« on: September 12, 2007, 11:04:18 pm »
**A large poster**
[SIZE=32]One crate of Silver ingots on auction.
Starting bid: 18,000 True
Write bids and contact information below.[/SIZE]

**The poster has numerous lines below the enlarged text on which to place information.**

//// To clarify, one crate = 30 items ////

Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern / An Advertisement for Work
« on: September 05, 2007, 12:09:40 pm »
**On fine parchment in exquisite handwriting**

I need the services of an escort. All who wish to apply, meet at the Leringard Arms during the time listed below. Payment to be arranged.

Time of Meeting.

**signed and stamped with the shadow of a raven**

-Lyn Tobias

Just for Fun / Favorite Disney animated film
« on: September 01, 2007, 11:58:51 am »
I have a four month old daughter, so these things have begun to pop into my head lately. Favorites usually don't apply to me (I don't have a favorite color, favorite car, tv show, etc.), though in this one case I do have a favorite, and twidget's avatar reminded me.

My favorite Disney animated film is "Robin Hood."

What's yours?

Character Development Quests (CDQ's) / The Troll King - (CDQ/GCDQ)
« on: May 06, 2015, 10:26:45 pm »
Check out my mini-profile under the "Ask a GM" forum to get an idea of what you can expect from me as a GM. I'm in Texas (GMT -5 or -6, Daylight Savings pending). Currently, my times are "by appointment." However, I'm usually around: 9pm CST/CDT - 11pm CST/CDT (Mon thru Fri) 10am CST/CDT - 10pm CST/CDT (Sat and Sun)Current CDQ: 1. Nym2. Andulf3.In Planning: 1. Ulkazzar2.3.4.Backburner: 1. Storold2. Danny3. Tobias4. BorisSpecial project: 1. BeliKeep rockin'.Special Note: Due to possible conflicts of interest, I will not run any CDQs/GCDQs having to do with the Leringard Arms, the Angels Merchant Guild, or the Tower Academy.

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