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Just for Fun / Choosing targets
« on: August 04, 2007, 06:39:34 pm »
Was on as GM this morning, my 6 year old sitting on my lap and we were watching a group making their way through the Rift.

I said to him, 'Who do you want to mess with?' His response was to point at the little man in yellow (Sallaron) on the screen and say 'That one Daddy, he said 'bloody', that's a rude word.'
I said, 'He's on 9 DTs, he might not think that was funny.' My boy looked at me, quite seriously and said, 'Not the little ones (Beli and Beasty), get THAT yellow one!'

Just thought this was funny. :)

Wild Surge Inn / Posters appear overnight in Fort Vehl
« on: August 04, 2007, 05:33:10 pm »
Hundreds of posters appear overnight all over Fort Vehl

Bloody and brutal times.

Drakes rain fire from the skies and goblinkin ravage and pillage without fear of reprisal. The innocent, the starvelings, the children are the victims of the madness. Unbenownst to most, we are mere pawns in a cycle of violence perpetuated by the church of Rofirein and it's rivals. It is not our misdeeds that have brought this trouble upon our homes.

How do we, the so-called common man, resist such treatment of our person? That of our families? How do we cast off the shackles placed upon us by this church that cares not at all for us.

The church of Rofirein and it's high and mighty knights, do they hear our plea? Nay. They deal in violence. They deal in punishment. They build their glistening temples of marble and gold while we starve in the dirt at their feet. Beneath notice. They lack any mercy for those not of their order and we can no longer show them more compassion than they give us.

Let any who bear the device of the Dragon God know fear. Let them know the fear that has been their weapon for far too long strikes both ways. The knife in the hand of the child can bring low the mighty knight when it is wielded with righteous fury.

Bloody and brutal times. No longer just for us.

Rumour Has It / Posters appear overnight in Fort Vehl
« on: August 04, 2007, 05:32:19 pm »
Hundreds of posters appear overnight all over Fort Vehl

Bloody and brutal times.

Drakes rain fire from the skies and goblinkin ravage and pillage without fear of reprisal. The innocent, the starvelings, the children are the victims of the madness. Unbenownst to most, we are mere pawns in a cycle of violence perpetuated by the church of Rofirein and it's rivals. It is not our misdeeds that have brought this trouble upon our homes.

How do we, the so-called common man, resist such treatment of our person? That of our families? How do we cast off the shackles placed upon us by this church that cares not at all for us.

The church of Rofirein and it's high and mighty knights, do they hear our plea? Nay. They deal in violence. They deal in punishment. They build their glistening temples of marble and gold while we starve in the dirt at their feet. Beneath notice. They lack any mercy for those not of their order and we can no longer show them more compassion than they give us.

Let any who bear the device of the Dragon God know fear. Let them know the fear that has been their weapon for far too long strikes both ways. The knife in the hand of the child can bring low the mighty knight when it is wielded with righteous fury.

Bloody and brutal times. No longer just for us.

Trade and Market Hall / No ordinary glass flask
« on: July 27, 2007, 11:44:01 pm »

[size=+1]The Last Stand of Sinthar Bloodstone[/size]


The years of the not too distant past flew by without a glimmer of hope of victory in the hearts of men. Surely the eternal foe, Sinthar Bloodstone, was unassailable, his forces invincible? A savage and terrible hatred fueled the awesome strength of his endless minions. The mighty hosts that had gathered at his call shook their weapons, loud as thunder, and their howls of lust and hatred rocked the world to it's core. First Belinara, then Roldem ... all Layonara stood poised on the precipice of eternal servitude.

Death and despair were ever close. The end had come. The last great battle, however futile, was to be fought. The twilight of Man was at hand. The earth shook, mountains crumbled, heaven and earth was rent and all thoughts of love and hope were lost.


Then, the mighty few stood tall for all of us.


The Dragonbane stood, covered in the grime and gore of battle, his pride, his overweening arrogance yet undiminished. Gathered around the immensity of his form were the heroes of the Dragoncalled. How had they managed to resist his power? How had they managed to thwart his plans, aeons in the making? How did this happen?

Yet, still Blood smiled. His grin was cold and mirthless and those gathered knew their fight was not yet won. They beheld with fear the smile of a being who knew a terrible secret that would yet win him this day. Blood raised a simple glass flask to his lips, it's contents unknown yet undoubtedly infused with the mightiest of magicks. Not all present saw this but those who did knew their end was imminent.

It is said it was at this very moment, as the swirling liquid barely touched Sinthar's lips, that Triba, unassuming heroine of the lands, plunged her blade into the back of the eternal foe, ending his life. The flask reputedly fell to the ground, it's contents, Blood's last great hope, spilling and lost. In the explosion and confusion that followed all that was able to be recovered from this battle was the simple glass flask, the vessel holding Sinthar Bloodstone's unknown greatest hope.

I have heard rumors that it was perhaps an elixir that would have granted him power equal to that of the Gods. Some say it was the soul essence of Lucinda Herself and had he consumed it, all magic that existed in the world would have left forever. Why did he not drink it earlier? Answers to such questions can now, sadly, never be answered. It shall ever remain a mystery.

How I, Arkolio de'Averlain, simple man that I am, came upon such an artifact I cannot divulge. Suffice to say, men and women have killed and ... aye, killed and died in turn, to gain it's possession. The possession of such a priceless artifact.

The flask is safely hidden and shall only be revealed to the successful bidder. Threats against my person shall not succeed in me divulging it's location to any but the winner of this auction. Why do I part with it now? I am hoping the winning bidder may perhaps be representing a museum or such and this item might eventually find it's way to a place where it can be appreciated by many. Many, who hopefully will remember the deeds of the brave and how perilously close we all came to oblivion.


What bid you for such an artifact?

General Discussion / Why I still visit the Forums
« on: July 18, 2007, 07:59:49 pm »
Some days you read the forums and you get a bit discouraged right?

This person not happy about this, this person not happy about that. One gets tempted to leave the forums pages well alone and just play the game. I get enough negativity at work, I don't need to get it in my play as well. I'll just remove from my bookmarks, I think i'll just enjoy the game for what it is ...

Which prompts my question to myself, Why do I still visit the forums every single day?

My answer,

The community.
I love knowing the player behind the character. I love knowing the names of DMOE's kids. I love knowing how different Polak is in RL to how his character is in game. I love knowing that Dorg, despite every reason to have lost it during his long reign as dispute handler, retains a great sense of humour. I honestly care about people's wellbeing here, Interia, Solarina ... I hope Nibor is okay. Maybe he's run off with Minnie Driver? How do I know we share an unrequited love for Minnie? The PM system in these forums. I like knowing that LordCove and I could be friends in RL, Sall's sense of humour and flawed nobility has to come from somewhere.

I love reading each and every one of lonnarin's posts, no matter what the subject. The guy is irrefutably a legend. I cannot wait to see Darkstorme's and jrizz's and Acacea's perspectives on new submissions. I love a submission where the player has invested the time and thought. I love Lynnjuniper's CDT for Rhynn, Fatherchaos' for Durthak, Scriptwrecked's for Vlanin, Dezza's for Leisa, too many to name. I love writing in mine. I purposely write provocative Trade Hall advertisements because I enjoy reading the responses OOC as much as I write them that way for any IC reason. I think it's great that Filatus and I agree on so much in these forums and yet our characters are on the verge of PvP every time they meet in game. I voraciously digest any discussion on RPing alignments and attributes. I was more educated by a forum discussion on global warming that took place on a thread here a little while ago than my accumulated knowedge on this subject from any other media. I love reading posts written in dwarven accents.

I think Honora is one of Layo's greatest assets. Everything she writes, I enjoy reading, and believe me, I know it ain't easy to write this stuff. Much harder than it seems. I put my hand up maybe 6 months ago to write some stuff and in that time have maybe generated 10 pages? This woman is amazing. I cannot wait for the handbooks. Which leads me on to her hubby, every post he writes I feel like clicking on the thanks button.

The owners/administrators, Orth, OneST8, Thak, the big L. They all have a bigger capacity for copping ungratefulness on the chin with a smile than I do. Thanks to you.

I love being involved in the various faith forums. I play one Corathite ne'er-do-well and, amusingly, one less well known Aeridinite priest. I enjoy questions of faith interpretation for both of these from people that have invested a lot of thought on the matter. I admire and respect Ed for holding and organising this huge store of lore in that head of his.

The Just for Fun thread. A little bit of flippancy never hurt.

Why do I still visit the forums every single day?

Maybe you have some of your own reasons, these are some of mine. Focus on the positive!

Trade and Market Hall / Wanted - Circlet of the Confidante
« on: July 12, 2007, 01:49:56 am »
Life is unfair. There can be no doubt.

I find myself possessed of a great attraction to members of the opposite sex yet the Gods, in their cruelty, have seen fit to bestow upon me, by my mother's own admission, at best an average handsomeness.

As such, I am seeking one of the items known as a Circlet of the Confidante.

Take pity on this poor mortal forsaken by covetous and possessive Gods and Goddesses who maliciously withheld their gift of comeliness.

// Take pity on this poor player who treated Charisma as his dump stat. //

Contact me with information if you are able to help.

Arkolio de'Averlain

Trade and Market Hall / Amulet of Shield for Sale
« on: July 12, 2007, 12:58:06 am »
Aeons ago these items were common, yet in these dark times they are now rare as emeralds, however, regardless, I am offering one of these prized items for auction.

It is reputed by some students of history that this particular amulet once graced the swan-like neck of our sadly missed Queen Allurial. Though it is highly likely that this information be the truth, I cannot one hundred percent verify this fact with evidence other than a signed certificate of authenticity signed by my good self. I also will provide a signed certificate of authenticity verifying the veracity of this first certificate.

If those perusing these boards could keep the information of this sale to themselves ... if knowedge of someone willing to part with such a prize escaped to the wider community I would surely be certified insane and incarcerated in an institution for the mentally deficient for the remainder of my life.

However, desperate times call for desperate measures.

I can assure all bidders that none of the sale proceeds will go to the rebuilding of the city of Stone. To my knowledge it's citizens having done nothing at all for yours truly ever and I owe them nothing in return. Instead, I will most likely spend the proceeds at either the Scamp's Mug or the Temple of Xeen.

Bid soon, I am booked in to see a sawbones in a week (//RL time) about my probable insanity in selling this item and must end this auction before then.

Arkolio de'Averlain

Rumour Has It / Posters appear overnight
« on: June 17, 2007, 08:40:31 pm »
Posters go up during the night all over Port Hempstead and Vehl.


Toran, Rofirein and Aeridin.
Gods of the nobility.
Gods of the priveleged few.
Gods of those who can afford the luxury of an idealogy that goes beyond basic survival.

We see the well-fed adventurers, dripping with their jewels and gems, bearing the devices of the so called 'Gods of Good'. We see their derision. We see the contempt they hold for us.

What do they know of pain?
What do they know of hunger?
Do they know what it feels like to hold a starving child in your arms and have them suffer while you weep, powerless to do anything?

Is it right that a man is charged and jailed by the Rofreinites for the 'crime' of trying to feed his family? Is it right that the Toranites talk of their noble motives of purity and virtue whilst clad in shining armor that costs enough true to feed an entire village? Aeridinites who are so focused on ensuring the return of abominations to the great cycle yet they forget about the suffering of all those around them here and now.

Have all the Gods turned their faces from us, only blessing those with enough true to fill their church coffers? These Gods and their servants sneer at us - the 'common' folk. Let them sneer and ignore our suffering no longer.

They ignore our suffering, They laugh at our pain. No more shall we fight amongst ourselves as they would have it. No more shall we suffer in silence the indignities of the ruling classes and their uncaring puppet religions.

It is time to take what is rightfully ours. Time to end the suffering of our children. Do not fear my friends, fear is the tool of our enemies that for too long has kept us under their bootheels. Let our hunger, our suffering, our pain, our oppression be not their weapons.

Let them be ours.

Wild Surge Inn / Posters appear overnight
« on: June 17, 2007, 08:39:15 pm »
Posters go up during the night all over Port Hempstead and Vehl.


Toran, Rofirein and Aeridin.
Gods of the nobility.
Gods of the priveleged few.
Gods of those who can afford the luxury of an idealogy that goes beyond basic survival.

We see the well-fed adventurers, dripping with their jewels and gems, bearing the devices of the so called 'Gods of Good'. We see their derision. We see the contempt they hold for us.

What do they know of pain?
What do they know of hunger?
Do they know what it feels like to hold a starving child in your arms and have them suffer while you weep, powerless to do anything?

Is it right that a man is charged and jailed by the Rofreinites for the 'crime' of trying to feed his family? Is it right that the Toranites talk of their noble motives of purity and virtue whilst clad in shining armor that costs enough true to feed an entire village? Aeridinites who are so focused on ensuring the return of abominations to the great cycle yet they forget about the suffering of all those around them here and now.

Have all the Gods turned their faces from us, only blessing those with enough true to fill their church coffers? These Gods and their servants sneer at us - the 'common' folk. Let them sneer and ignore our suffering no longer.

They ignore our suffering, They laugh at our pain. No more shall we fight amongst ourselves as they would have it. No more shall we suffer in silence the indignities of the ruling classes and their uncaring puppet religions.

It is time to take what is rightfully ours. Time to end the suffering of our children. Do not fear my friends, fear is the tool of our enemies that for too long has kept us under their bootheels. Let our hunger, our suffering, our pain, our oppression be not their weapons.

Let them be ours.

Just for Fun / Catching up to Dorg
« on: June 11, 2007, 10:46:11 pm »
Have you seen how many thank-you's that guy has??? Sure, he's helpful, generally polite, solves grievances fairly and all that ....

*ponders a moment*

Hey, isn't Leanthar doing a great job!

Hey, aren't those bad drivers who do not move over or open up a space when possible to let you merge into that lane really annoying?

Racism, terrorism and sexism is wrong!

Go ->insert your sport's team's name here<- !!!

Save the ->insert fluffy, endangered animal here<- !!!

*shifty eyes*

Rumour Has It / The Fair Damsel
« on: June 04, 2007, 09:45:41 pm »
The stage production - The Fair Damsel - opened to rave reviews at the Scamp's Mug last evening. Not even stories this morning of a daring robbery during proceedings could dampen patron's enthusiasm for the,

Quote from: Hempstead Broadsheet News

... Brilliantly acted, stunningly choreographed! Contained special effects that amazed and delighted child and adult alike. Previously unknown actors steal the show ...

The Show is reportedly booked out until the end of it's current run.

Just for Fun / Rules for writing a fantasy novel
« on: May 18, 2007, 09:14:30 pm »
Inspired by a couple of recent threads on favourite books and authors, coupled with way too much time on my hands here at work, I have decided to create (yet) another Just for Fun thread .... this one entitled,

"Rules for writing a fantasy novel"

I'll get the ball rolling to give you the general idea!

#1. The grizzled ex-champion
There is always a grizzled ex-gladiator/champion who teaches our would-be hero how to fight. At first, the ex-champion (who had been demoted from his original position either due to having being defeated in melee by the main enemy or, more likely, by adhering to his iron code of honour even though it would inevitably lead to his banishment/firing) rubs our hero up the wrong way with his gruff manner and blunt manner of speech. Eventually the two become inseparable, the hero winning the implacable teacher's respect and admiration when he eventually disarms him during a training session.

Just for Fun / Joke
« on: May 10, 2007, 10:01:45 pm »
// I think this is fairly PG //

One day there was a young swordsman who wanted more than anything to be the greatest fighter in all of Layonara. He practiced every minute of his spare time, but he knew that he wasn't yet first-rate and that there must be something he was doing wrong.

Sitting in the Wild Surge one Saturday night, he recognised an elderly dwarf standing at the bar who had the reputation of being the doughtiest fighter in the West. The young swordsman took a place next to the oldtimer, Kobal Bluntaxe, bought him an ale and told him the story of his great ambition.

"Do you think you could give me some tips?" he asked.

Kobal looked him up and down and said, "Aye lad, show me your stuff."

The swordsman took out his sword and rattled off a few moves.

"Well, for one ting, you're holdin' your sword too high laddie. Hold it a little lower on da handle lad."

"Will that make me a better swordsman?" asked the young man.

"Sure will" replied Kobal. The young man did as he was told, whipped out his sword and did an amazing riposte that took the bow tie off the piano player sitting nearby.

"That's terrific!" said the hot shot. "Got any more tips for me?"

"Yep," said old Kobal. "Cut a notch out of your scabbard where the blade exits. That'll give you a smoother draw."

"Will that make me a better swordsman?" asked the younger man.

"You bet it will" said the dwarf.

The young man took out his knife, cut a notch in the scabbard, stood up, drew his sword in a blur, then cut a cufflink off the piano player in an amazing move.

"Wow!" exclaimed the swordsman. "I'm learnin' somethin' here. Got any more tips?"

The old dwarf pointed to a large can in a corner of the inn.

"See that axle grease over there? Coat your sword with it."

The young man went over to the can and smeared some of the grease on the handle of his sword.

"No" said the grizzled old dwarf, "I mean smear it all over the sword, handle, blade and all."

"Will that make me a better swordsman?" asked the young man.

Kobal grinned, "No, but when Remi gets done playing the piano, he's gonna insert it where the sun don't shine and it won't hurt nearly as much if it's all greased!"

Just for Fun / Lord Bloodstone on Lichdom
« on: May 04, 2007, 07:27:33 pm »
Was browsing the internet this morning searching for inspiration for my nasty character's CDT entry when I ran across this ...

Illusionary Minds Chat

Funny stuff.

General Discussion / Character Approvers
« on: May 04, 2007, 03:14:08 am »
Inspired by Merlin34Baseball's 'good post' I just wanted to make another positive statement!

People have been so quick to denigrate Layo of late. See L's recent post - can you blame the guy? Anyway, I cast my mind back to when I started here and submitted my first (of many!) character and then .... waited .... and waited .... and waited .... and waited for approval.

How good/responsive/thought-provoking/constructive are those on the character approvers team now?!!? I think they are doing an unbelieveable job. I can't quite work out when they must sleep or work or whatever but I shouldn't question my fortune (as a member of the layo community) to have these people in the job that are there now.

I applaud their efforts.

PS. If you agree with me, don't forget to tick the thanks button, Tanman is beating me! hahahahaha

// OOC stuff of (maybe) import!


Performing low level quests. Pipe Clogger. Fort Vehl crypts. Silkwood Cave. Kobold's medicine stick. Astork's goblin ears. Mage Dalton and the Essence. Ltnt Jursen.


First IC encounter with undead in Vehl Crypts. Hears of other undead in Krandor and Storan's Crypt. Told not to go there until he is more experienced. (4/24)


Meets other Corathites - Cora Blake, Eyafores, Dalbaeth. Doesn't think much of them ... falling into the stereotypical Corathite mold. (4/25)


First IC pilgrimage to temple. Strange things are afoot. Unexplained intrusions. Eorendil's mini quest. (4/26)


IC interaction with Alandric, son of Pale Master Ramanon ... discussion of path of PM. Discussion of practical alliance - buffs for protection. (4/29)


Meets Dread Priestess Chanda. Witnesses powerful summons. Gelugon, Glabrezu, Doom Knight. (4/30)


First trip to Arindor's Demise with Chanda and Alandric. Almost gets killed (repeatedly) by vampires. Vows to return to plumb it's depths ... and secrets. (5/1)


Visits the Leringard house owned by Marcus Perrin, Chanda and Cassandra Demonbane and peruses the library which contains Ramanon's writings as well as various scrolls written by other members of the Cult of Corath. (5/4)


Mistaken for a paladin for the third time ... maybe not relevant but funny and indicative of his public perception. (5/6)


Starts making small donations to the temple of Rofirein - again for RP purposes - maintenance of public perception. (5/7)


Purchases ticket in the Great Raffle to support rebuilding of Stone - another (expensive) public relations exercise. (5/9)


As he gets more powerful (8th lvl) is starting to attract more attention in the ranks of the Corathite Church. Talks to Chanda re place a Pale Master might hold at the temple. (5/11)


Goes through some of the mid-level quests. Oil of Vukas. Red Light Cavern Leader. Bugbears at Bear Island. A few trips to the Silkwood caves and the Redlight caverns gathering ore. (5/12 - 5/16)


Concentrating on crafting, now around levels 4-5 in tinkering, food crafting, smelting and wood crafting. Speaks to Alandric IC about the reformation of the Arm of the Ram guild to finance Corathite misdeeds and his own advancement. Speaks to Ferrit as he purchases an oak bow (for Kit's quest) and makes gentle enquiries about how one might join the Angels Guild. (5/17)


First SS loss fighting Greater Earth Elementals in the Wolfswood. Starts to have thoughts that the organised church of Corath on Mistone may not be his ideal partners when he starts to walk the path of the PM. Sees the rituals of subjugation and pandering that goes on as illogical and unnecessary for his own advancement. (5/21)


Devises plan of alleged multiple deity worship to counter people casting Divine Relation on him and asking the hard questions. Works out a less offensive deity than Corath that comes up as unfriendly or enemy to other casters and claims he occasionally offers up devotions to them to cover specific events in his day (eg, Mist - travel, Deliar - trade, Vorax - fighting, etc) (5/24)


Travels with Ron and Katrina. Maintains jovial facade, only slipping briefly when she caught him with a fireball. (5/25)


Travels Dregar with Alandric. Completes Captain Rord's quest wit hthe assistance of Jacrum, Hilda and Kuguar. Decides he really doesn't like Dwarves ... even less than he likes everyone else. (6/1-3)


Meets Mirrim Cade ... charms her with his courtly manners. :-) Travels the Forest of Fog with Shamur, Alandric and Kalin. (6/6)


Various journeys - more and more time on Dregar and Alindor (as opposed to Mistone) ... starts concocting plans IC and OOC to further the will of Corath and cement his position in church ranks. (6/8 - 6/13)


Organises poster campaign implicating good churches in the ills, sufferings and tribulations of the 'common' man. Costs 20,000 true but good experiment. (6/17)


Dezza's Quest: When the Hunters become the Hunted. Reaches 10th level, booked in for CDQ for Palemaster levels. (6/22)


Loses 2nd soul strand to bugbears whilst travelling with Leisa. Grrrrr. Travels with Sabrissia Ice and learns of her old teacher, now a lich and a few little secrets about rivalries that exist within the ranks of the Church of Lucinda. Interesting. (6/23)


General Discussion / A thought on PvP
« on: April 29, 2007, 06:02:06 pm »
As the title says, a random thought on PvP.

This is a RP server. I believe the (relatively) new limited PvP rule was brought in to enhance the RP experience, not detract. Player vs Player should, in my opinion, be at the end of RP interaction, not as the 'port of first call'.

Respect those that, for reasons IC or OOC, do not wish to engage in PvP.

'That's what my character would do' only carries so much weight with me. Enjoy your character and 'do' what you think they would up unto the point where it may detract from another player's enjoyment of their character.


General Discussion / Stand alone quest Info Thread
« on: April 26, 2007, 09:54:45 pm »
Please note, the starting point for my Monday night (AEST) stand-alone quest is now the Stormcrest Crossroads (no longer Port Hempstead).

As such, feel free to bring your wemics, your drow, your orcs, your half-giants or any other such that might have earned disapproving stares as they walked through the gates of Hempstead.


It has been suggested to me, as a criticism ... AS A CRITICISM?? ... that I lack humility.  How can this be considered a weakness? How can one possibly perceive this might be a fault that needs to be remedied?

To embrace the notion of humility suggests that we, as discrete mortal entities, are dependent on some arbitrary notion of luck and are wholly subject to the whims and cruelties of capricious Gods and Goddesses. To embrace humility suggests that we need love. That we all share the same existential condition. To embrace humility suggests that, despite our differences, be it race, be it colour, be it gender, be it form or function, we, at our core, are all the same. It is a fanciful story fit for children before they are tucked into bed for the evening.

I reject humility. I embrace vanity, pride and hate. To embrace humility is to reject the importance of our strength, power and intellect.

Humility is a weakness.

Humility is a crutch. Humility is the crutch ... the prop ... of the man who will never ascend from his primeval origins. I do not pity those weaker than I. I do not accept weakness. I do not accept that we all share the same conscience ... I do not accept that we all spring from the same source. I once read a book written by a man of supposed great learning and intellect. He wrote,

"Isn't it true that the one who you indicate as a slave was born from the same seeds and enjoys the same sky as you, and breathes, lives and dies as you, and that you can see the master in him and the servant in you?"**

I remember closing the book shortly thereafter, my scornful laughter earning me disapproving looks from the others in attendance at the Great Library. To embrace hate, to reject humility is to place one's feet on the path to greatness. It is only right to feel hate and contempt for those who are weak. It is Corath's word and more than that ... it is logical. To think otherwise is a nonsense.

One must realise that power and strength are the mandate of Corath. It is a sign of favour when a strong man is more than a weaker man, a hungry man, a powerless man. I have been granted an entitlement to dominate, devour and destroy the weak, the hungry, the powerless. This essential truth of what constitutes strongest, fastest, fittest and most deserving among ourselves has led to accusations of a lack of humility?

It is a ridiculous statement made by weak observers that seek to perpetuate the artificial moral framework that does not apply to their betters. I reject humility.

Lack of humility allows man the clarity of perception to see his adversaries as undeserving and unworthy and leads one to proclaim the right to dominance. It is a fundamental truth.

I reject humility.

** // RL quote - Seneca, Letters to Lucilius

Fixed Bugs / Storan's Crypt
« on: April 21, 2007, 10:48:05 am »
Pre-emptive: Excuse my ramblings ... tired.


1. Half of the shadowy guys in the room with the locked door do not seem to ever attack ... just stand there looking dopey even when attacked. This has happened each time in the 3-4 times that I have been there.

2. The corridor between the room with the warrior mummies to the door to Storan was buggy ... all players present reported characters walking in mid-air, doing a Michael Jackson type arrangement walking in one spot, etc. Happened both times in both directions.



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