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Topics - IDii

Pages: 1 [2]
General Discussion / See you all in 3 weeks - TJ 61
« on: May 08, 2005, 10:05:00 am »
Yah, I won't be able to read these forums from the 11th May to the 27th May as I'll be playing war somewhere in the forests of Northern Finland...

Won't be playing the next two weekends either as I'm kinda there, heh. Anyway, positive attitude is everything as we all know. Going to have lots of fun! Be it freezing in snow, rain doing stupid, pointless things... hehe. :)

And yah, 61 isn't a bad number.... Next time we see it'll be 42, which is well... low. But that's then.

Anyway, see you then. IDii out.

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