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Topics - Polak76

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Fixed Bugs / The Old High Forest - Screen Transition
« on: May 09, 2007, 02:15:41 am »
This is only a minor issue.

I can't remember the new names but when you pass from the forest with the oak tree's into the forest with the aloe and treants you end up facing the wrong way.  

As i said its just a minor irritation.


// New Journal for Alandric Vensk.  

His existing journal is here:

His original character submission is here:

My perspective on life is changing.  

I was once a troubled teenager, angry with life for being so unkind and unyielding.  I would cry with self pity some nights and lash out with hatred on others.  I was temperamental, emotional and irrational but most of all I was weak!

Not any more!

Through the years under the guidance of the church I feel that all my feelings and emotions have dissipated.  My father paved a road for me to follow, a legacy to carry his tribulations.  I am, however, my own man and I will carve my own destiny.  
All I aspire to these days is my work, my studies and my obedience to the dark one himself.  I have proved myself as Mage of many talents.  All in the halls now bow at my passing.  Whether it’s from fear from my power or fear of my scientific ambitions they all cower with obedience.

The races in this world are such pathetic creatures.  I even include my own race...humans.  We are all so weak, so compassionate, loving and tender.  How did we ever become entrepreneurs of this volatile world?  
Many times I journey with adventures performing so called deeds of greatness.  I journey to watch and observe these creatures interact.   It takes a disciplined mind not to lose patience.  For such short life spans we tend to waste time with mundane deeds and idle chit chat.  Many go to lengths to aid worthless individuals who will never contribute anything of value in their lifetime, even to a point of risking their own life and the lives of many to do so.  When did we grow so irrational?  When did the evolution of man weaken?  I am glad to be above all that.  The mere thought of being a sheep of this doomed flock makes me nauseous.    

Through my studies I have learnt much about the anatomy, strengths and weaknesses of many races.  Through knowledge I’ve tapped in their psychology and mannerisms.  Through many tomes of history I’ve also learnt of their beliefs morals and etiquette.  But my interest lies in the corruption of these natural facets.  I want to test the boundaries, test the mind and bend it till it beaks, push the body to its physical limits until it finally succumbs.  How can one learn if one does not push the boundaries of nature?  We must charter the unchartered waters of science and explore the mysteries of magic especially the forbidden realms of black magic.  Black magic indeed!  Only the weak and frightened create such names for areas of the unknown.  

I will test all these aspects through a combination of Science and Magic

Science and Magic are two things that are argued separately but are yet one and the same thing.  I truly believe magic to be the manifestation of science to perform actions through a disciplined mindset.  Only astute individuals can bend their minds to perform feats of magic.  I do not include Priests as their gods grant them their powers.  They are merely a conduit to their divine rulers.  Sorcerers are interesting individuals.  They are born with the ability and learn to harness the wild and raw magic over time.  I doubt they ever truly understand the intricate aspects of magic itself.  Mages, however, are the true rulers of the weave.  I aspire to become one of the greatest and unlike the others I will utilise the school of necromancy where so many forbid to venture.  That alone will be my key to greatness.

With regards to magic and science however, I’m intrigued with what actually happens when I cast necromantic spells?  Am I indeed tapping into the negative material plane?  Furthermore what actually happens when the spells target living creatures?  Does the life essence ebb into the plane itself?  Energy is neither created nor destroyed.  Our bodies thrive on electric impulses which power the heart and brain, communicate with our nerves which course through our bodies.  How does necromancy affect this on a cellular level?

Can Necromancy twist and mutate cells rather than destroy or heal?  

These are questions that plague my mind endlessly.  I need a laboratory.  I need a place to study these fundamental aspects.  I require the tools to test my theories and implement them in the real world.

Imagine if I could create a race or creature that wasn’t undead like most of the servants of the Mad One, but additionally wasn’t alive. These creatures were somewhere in between but not quite Vampires.  They could survive through sunlight yet require no food or water, feel no pain and mindlessly perform tasks that I command.  Could it be possible?

What if I could create a disease that could destroy towns and villages and only I hold the key to surviving it.  That would be a weapon worthy for the High Priestess and one that would be worthy of many accolades.

Imagine a poison that only a mere drop could cause excruciating pains far worse than any scourge or rack could warrant.  It would be far more efficient than the current tools used in the torture chambers.

What constructs could be manufactured from the freshly deceased?  I have heard rumours of golems made from the flesh of once living creatures, some from even demons being manufactured.  How is this possible?  

There are so many exciting endeavours with such limited resources.  My first objective requires a laboratory.  I will seek audience with High Priestess Chanda and beg for her permission to incorporate one here in the temple, preferably beside the torture chambers.

She has already granted permissions to utilise the remains from fallen victims.  I have already dissected many humans, elves and dwarves.  I’ve also collected many specimens from my adventures and have now begun collecting the blood of the fallen.  My first vial taken by Chanda herself was the blood from Jack Honeydale, a halfling male.  I will archive these specimens for possible future uses.
When the time comes I will seek permission to test my theories on the living prisoners within the temple.  Chanda is so fond of the brutal old-fashion torture techniques it might be difficult to convince her to try something new.  I’ll have to give her a reason to do so.

Funding will be the main issue.  I will need to accumulate much wealth.  Knowledge will need to be gained.  Already I have gathered many tomes and scribed many books from the great Library and the temple of Aragen as per Siphers instructions.  But what else lies out there.  What knowledge lies buried beneath the sands from civilizations long forgotten.  What secret alchemic theories lie hidden in some remote village or arcane conceptions locked away in hidden crypts?

These aspects must be addressed if I am to succeed where so many others failed.  Hence I begin this journal to document my progress and measure my success.

Thus I title this journal 'Necrology – The Union of Science and Necromancy.

General Discussion / PC Tech issues - 1934 IEEE firewire port
« on: April 29, 2007, 08:35:58 pm »
Greetings all.

Thought I'd post this here as there are so many PC gurus on Layo.

Anway as the story goes you have a baby, buy a video camera, film the baby and try to download the pics through DV firwire and 'BING! Houstan, we have a problem'.

Now the weird thing is that the first time I plugged it in everything went sweet.  immediately windows XP Home picked up the device and automatically started rewinding and captured the tape.

Then a month later i wanted to do it again but failed as windows failed to recognise a connection between the PC and Video Camera.  The odd thing here is that the VidCamera says DV In yet the PC says otherwise.

So here I began a journey trying to fix it.  All my drivers are up to date.  My firewire is on an Asus Premium motherboard (can't quite remember the model) and I've got all the right software for capturing.  The main issue is that none of the software can pick up the VidCamera.

LAstly just to throw a curve ball, if i uninstall the 1394 Firewire connection form device Manager, plug in the Video Camera, nothing happens.  Then if I unplug the Firewire Cable i get the typical sound of a plugin and the port reappears....very odd.

Anyway if anyone has had similar issues please let me know.  I was close to testing the impact strength of my Video Camera versus a gyprock wall with the amount of frustration it has costed me.


General Discussion / Evil Character Submissions
« on: April 22, 2007, 08:28:21 pm »
Greetings all.

I felt that this topic is worth a discussion.

Whilst I enjoy reading all the evil character submissions and am in the process of submitting my own, I'm a little worried how the community reacts to reading them.

Understanding that this is a family server could some of these submissions be too graphic?  I feel that good detail is needed for writing a good bio, yet if there are youths playing online it might be a little 'overkill' (excuse the pun).

So I was thinking, would it be feasible to have either a seperate site for evil character submissions that have an 15+ age classification or a disclaimer that states these characters are fabricated for RP value and are to not be taken seriously?

With what transpires in the Real World these days, I think these aspects deserve some attention.

On a final note I feel ths community is mostly mature and such things may not be neccessary.  This is just a precaution.


NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Ropes/Grappling Hooks for Climbing
« on: April 11, 2007, 08:44:05 pm »
I was wondering if it could be possible to have ropes offer a bonus to climbing checks if used or equiped.  Nothing is more frustrating when a member of the party has too little strength or Dex to scale certain areas.

I know on other worlds I've played there is a Rope and Grappling hook able to be purchased from vendors.  If these could add +3 or +5 to a climb check, it would make it more sensible to carry one around when adventuring.

After all I doubt many people would be crazy enough to free-climb rock cliffs in RL.


Fixed Bugs / Animal Skins from path to Ire Mountiains
« on: April 05, 2007, 02:10:42 am »
The animals (worgs, boars, jaguars.etc) in the area where the corn is don't leave skinnable corpses.  

I didn't notice any comments before posting this.


Just for Fun / Pretty funny DnD animation
« on: March 19, 2007, 01:45:31 am »
I'm sure this has probably been seen by most of you but I found it again whilst cleaning my old bookmarks.

I found it hilarious.  Reminds me of the first RP sessions with the good old red boxed set many years ago.

YouTube - Digital Rendition of Dungeons and Dragons


Fixed Bugs / Skulcap from outside the Lizardmen Cave
« on: March 11, 2007, 11:09:16 pm »
I'm not sure the new name of the area, however, i was collecting skiulcap and noticed one of the plants was placed on the trunk of a tree that could not be collected.  I tried gathering it from all angles, unfortunately it failed to be picked.  

Now it might have been a prank from a GM to see how long I'd keep at it before resigning to the fact it just not going to happen (nice one) or it's definately a bug.


Fixed Bugs / Rat Skins
« on: March 11, 2007, 11:05:54 pm »
I tried skinning the rats from the sewers in Hempstead and it makes mention of me acquiring meat and skin, yet in my inventory only the meat is actually present.

Introduce Yourself / Greetings from Polak76
« on: March 11, 2007, 10:55:23 pm »
Gday all! (yes thats the typical Aussie 'hello' coming from Sydney Australia)

I began life in Layo about three years ago.  It came about one day as I was fooling around NWN in single player and my mate asked me had i ever tried playing it online.  It tickled my  curiosity and until then the only online game i played was Diablo I & II.  Anyway I explored the multi-player option and previewed a couple of worlds and Layo just so happened to be the first world that appealed to me (not to mention the best after sampling many other worlds since).  

Anyway from that point I was hooked, much to my partners displeasure.  Since that time I've been married and now have our first child at 6 mths (yes, there are more to come).  I work for a large Chemical Company in Australia and live about 1/2hr northwest from Sydney itself.

Layo has been great for that much needed escape from the fast busy lifestyle. Other than Layo i enjoy soccer & fishing, a drink with the lads and most of all spending time with my wonderful family.

When people ask me what Layo is, the best way I can describe it is an ongoing, interactive online story that you as a character/player have an opportunity to shape.  That to me is it's greatest hook and what keeps me here to this day.


General Discussion / Mini-Quests in V3
« on: March 08, 2007, 03:02:09 pm »
I've been lugging around 10 of these Oasis Giants heads for quite a while now and am wondering if it's pointless.  North Fort seems to be eliminated in the transition to V3 and I haven't heard or read if this is going to be a permanent thing.

Can anyone shed some light here?


Greetings all.

I brought it up last night and it got some positive feedback.

Since we have ships to take us around the ports for approximately 350true, how about we set up some Horse and Carriage system for approximately 100true to make traversing through certain regions more efficient.

I realise part of the fun is avoiding dangers whilst travelling so these paths can be flagged as too dangerous for travel.  However, safer routes such as Hlint to Leringard to Llast, to Wayfare..etc might all be part of a safe transport route.  I get a little lazy and my time online is limited so anything to speed transport will be fortuitous in my opinion.

You could even spice a Horse & Carriage system with an element of risk where there might be a 5% chance of a goblin AMbush or Gnoll raid.

Anyway these are just some thoughts.  


Trade and Market Hall / Seeking Eggs
« on: March 07, 2007, 02:30:22 pm »
*Posted on various message boards*

Currently seeking boxes of eggs.  

Anyone capable and willing to earn some true should leave their details below where I'll arrange a time and place for the transaction.

*the note is left unsigned*

General Discussion / Buffing Summons/Familiars/Pets
« on: March 01, 2007, 03:12:07 pm »
I was on the Suggestions thread and it made me think of this topic which i was interested about.

Should Summons/Pets be privy to all the spells that PC's are privy to.

Now i believe if the pet or summon is a living & breathing entity, it probably should, however, it has always niggled at me when I see people healing Golems and casting spells like regeneration, stoneskin, barkskin...etc.

This is only my opinion and I welcome and feedback.


General Discussion / Cleric spells versus their Deities
« on: November 20, 2006, 05:38:17 pm »
Greetings all.

I'm curious how people interpret this argument.

If a cleric follows a good or neutral God, should they be able to cast spells such as destruction, slay living, harm..etc?

I've seen clerics in my time following all manner of Deities from Aeridin to Toran, Rofirien etc, casting all of the above spells and then some.

My feeling is that a cleric prays to their Gods and through this divine faith, they are rewarded by acts of greatness such as magic, turning undead, inhuman strength etc.  Now would a cleric of Ilsare who see's some foes pray to their god asking for them to tap into the necromantic weave and destroy their enemies?  ((this is just a created example and not directed at anyone)).  I wouldn't think so.

Necromancy as we know also governs healing, I agree, however the destructive side of it I would have thought would only be utilised by the more evil inclined gods and their clerical disciples.

I simply feel that some people make clerics for power building and forget the RP aspect behind them.  You can't have the best of both worlds.

Anyway this is my opinion.  I'm interested in other views.  Feel free to scorn me.


NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Spell suggestions/aslterations for V3
« on: November 15, 2006, 04:16:53 pm »
I've decided to create this after reading Eightbits thread + the thread in General discussion:

It seems spells are the flavor of the month so lets expand on it.

As Dorganorth suggested, if we're serious about making new spells or alterations they really need to be posted here.

Personally I like this list of spells already.  I would only like to make some slight changes to them.  Most of all I'd like to see spells that are mostly useless altered to become useful rather than adding new ones.

The first one I'll start with is Animate Dead (Cleric3/Wiz5)
Is there a possibility to modify this so that Wizards can pick it up at caster level 3 was well?

My reasoning is that the summons change depending on the level of the caster (tyrant Fog Zombie, Skeletal warrior/ Skeletal chieftan.)  If mages pick it up at caster level 5 they will obviously not have the opportunity to summon the lesser undead and simply jump straight to the skeletons.

This is just my thoughts and I'm interested in peoples feedback.


NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Barbarian PrC's
« on: November 12, 2006, 06:20:47 pm »
As far as I'm aware, the class orientated prestige classes for barbarians are Battlerager (dwarf only) and bear warrior.  However from memory NWN2 has introduced the 'Frenzied Warrior' which is something like the the Battlerager but for all races.

I've always wanted make a battlerager but can't stand playing dwarves.  I'd love to have this PrC introduced or have the battlerager modified for all races.

Anyone agree/disagree?  Has this any potential??


General Discussion / Character attitudes towards each other
« on: October 31, 2006, 08:03:43 pm »
Well it hasn't been all that long RPing my new Corathite and as usual I'm already getting the typical metagaming issues I used to get a while back.

I would just like to remind people to rethink their characters attitude towards others whom we all know OOC worship an evil or unliked god yet IG have no idea.  Many of you may argue this but I promise you it happens all to often.  

This not only occurs to me but other friends I RP with on our Time zone. Each of them have also commented on similar issues. I'm not wishing to single anyone out, nor am I angry, I'm simply a little disappointed when people metagame to give their characters an edge or buff their ego's.

Now dont get me wrong, I'm all for people hating my characters. Thats the fun part.
I just don't like when I meet someone for the first time whom has no idea about my char, yet seems to already hate me because in reality they've seen under server status 'Corath' as my Deity.

Additioanlly even though you might hate a person's dry attitude, sarcasm or unwillingness to aid others, it does not mean you've learnt their Deity or allegiencs.

Hate for the right reasons and we'll all have some fun.


NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / NPC Shopkeepers
« on: October 19, 2006, 11:48:08 pm »
Greetings all.

I love the idea of setting up a market place where one could create a NPC as a shopkeeper and load them with items that their PC’s have crafted and wish to sell.  
I think this has been discussed before and comments such as lag and RP interface were huge points.

Well to work on the lag issue, perhaps we could set up an alternate market server that can be entered from numerous points over the continents…eg, a tent in Hlint could be set up and when you walk in you are transferred to a separate server and unique area that is one huge hall with many NPC’s representing guilds and factions.
These tents could be all over the continent, all bringing you to the same area.
To access the NPC shopkeepers, a specified PC(s) would have a token or badge that enables them to sell/buy at zero cost.  This is strictly to alter the inventory only.  Secondly the appropriate PC(s) could also draw from a pool of gold that the shopkeeper sums over time.  We could also have that every transaction a player makes is taxed by the server thus reducing the surplus of gold from the world.  We could assume that this tax is due to fees for employment, rent and advertising.

As to RP interface, well there really is no way to remedy this.  In truth is does take a little away from bartering/haggling, however, one can still discuss their wares in game – eg “Go visit my shop keeper Joe and ask for that iron shield you’re after”…etc.

I’m only keen on this idea since myself and most of my mates don’t get online much, and when we do it’s at the good ole Aussie time with hardly anyone around.  
Secondly I’ve used this system on other servers and it seemed to work well.

I do enjoy crafting and besides my uncanny ability to roll chains of 1’s I find it relaxing in some bizarre way.  I’m simply hoping for another means to sell items and in the same token purchase them.  


Development Journals and Discussion / Echo
« on: October 15, 2006, 05:11:35 pm »
Echo’s of a Shadowed Mind – Journal of Alandric Vensk

Here I begin.

After what seems an eternity of rigorous studies I finally leave the confines of the temple and journey abroad.  
Many within the temple muse at my rapid progression.  They believe it to be the bloodline passed from my deceased father.  Apparently he was well known for his deeds for the temple namely his final act of failure and the retribution from the black sun.  Now his reputation mocks my ambitions.
Like him I also have a gift for the dark arts, a lure to mastering the arts of the dead or rather undeath.   I will succeed where he failed.

Overall I feel the presence of the Mad One, ever watchful over my progression.  Whether I please him or not has yet to be conveyed.  I am certain I will be put to the test one day.  I must be ready.  I must be powerful!

There is strength within the place.  I breathe in the cool dark air around me.  The chill invigorates me, the darkness giving me strength.  We are a faction in growth.  Like a wave of darkness we will rise above all and consume the land with our glory.  That day is fast approaching and our numbers grow with every passing day.


Unlike other places I’ve been to, Hlint is a place of opportunity.  
The place is stricken with quandary.   Additionally it is a mercenary’s gold mine.  A person can amass a tidy sum of gold by aiding those too weak to remedy their own predicaments.  They lack pride and that leads to profitability.

People here range from all races and religions.  Even though I walk the streets in solitude, discreet yet purposeful, I cannot seem to avoid uneasy eyes or glares from bystanders.  Overall I like the way my presence demands attention, though it often causes discord.  At times I receive contempt from those brazen enough to assume my allegiance.  Their childish assumptions coupled with their feeble minds are bait for my antagonism.  They hide behind gleaming armour, feel confident from their weaponry and temper their egos with mundane lesser god’s and weak ideologies.   I revel in their sheepishness, the way my eloquence can baffle and confuse the most confident of assailants.

An interesting portend occurred today.
I was visiting the Crypts in Hlint, in particular the second crypt, a place where others of the path are rumoured to gather.  As I opened the large wooden gates I was confronted by the sight of conflict as skeletal warriors emerged from the ground to smite a group of adventurers.  
I simply observed the spectacle, watching to see what would evolve from the conflict.  What I did find interesting was that the restless children did not seek me as a target.  Rather they left me at bay and focused on others.  I was impressed by this evaluation and stretched my senses to depict the source of the creation.
To my amazement I could feel the familiar taint of the Dark Lord nearby.  The air was rank with his essence.  I searched further and realized that during my trance the battle had ceased and one of the combatants stood holding a black stone, a pile of bones and debris surrounding her.  Stepping closer I could feel the power radiate from the stone.   Others were also nearby, discussing the nature of the stone.  It then suddenly afflicted her with some sort of magical pain causing her to drop it to the floor.
I briskly walked to retrieve the stone and was halted by the woman, poised to smite me should I reach for the stone.  How dare she!  The pathetic wench was willing to strike me yet showed no contempt to any others.
Again I am confronted by the same wretched individuals who deem their actions above all.
The others also began to mob with her like sheep and with great reluctance I let the stone go.  I will not forget this woman.  We will revisit this confrontation when I am ready.  For now it will stew in my mind, heightening my ambition for power.

The stone ended up being destroyed in the Rangers Vale.  I observed the how they did it, noting everything.  I am certain that there will be other stones like this.  Where they came from, how they were created I am yet to know.  What I will do is search for others like this immediately.

Quest: Beset By Enemies Dezza (DM)

*The following passage is written with poor quality, the usual elegance lost though unmistakable trademarks depict it to be from the same author*

The pain is relentless. It grips my muscles, the very fragments of my bones, contorting and rhythmic yet ever present. My mind is blurred by fever, hallucinations mocking my demise, hindsight abusing my demeanour, my solitude torture for my weaknesses.

That is the way of the Dark Lord

This is my punishment

The black clerics revived me just enough to allow the toxins which pollute my body to work at their upmost potency. Alone in this dark cell, shackled to thwart any attempt of self relief, my agony is my purification. Through clenched teeth I bellowed and howled, much to the glee of the clergy. No doubt my suffering enforcing the way of the church.

Eventually the toxins dissipated from my body. The cold cell now a cesspool of my own wastes. The puncture wounds swollen & festered from lack of hygiene. Upon my release they hand me a cold bucket of water and stiff brush to clean the cell first then myself. This signifies that the punishment never ends. I stand resolute and do not falter in my task.

This is the first time in weeks my hands function enough to grasp a quill. I write this now briefly lest I forget my demise weeks ago. I must not forget! I must not allow this to happen again!
It began from a journey through a jungle, some meandering treasure hunt for lost relics. In truth I longed for adventure after spending long months scouring texts to further my advancements in necromancy.
We were lost in a pigmy infested tropical rain forest, a group of callous adventures lead by a masculine yet striking woman. The island was volatile filled with diminutive natives who laid cunning traps and attacked with barbaric courage. No doubt evolution donated an inherent bestial instinct for sniffing out prey and protecting their dwellings. Their reputation for cannibalism also added to the suspense, however, this concept left me intrigued to learn more of this unevolved race.

After traversing through an array of ambushes and traps I spotted the entrance on a mountainside between to statues. It was at that point in my elation that for the briefest of moment I allowed my concentration to slip. My last words that resonate through my head…”Wait!”
At that point I felt a loosening of brush and a defiant click. In that split second I saw the trap spring into action. Spikes from both sides of the small trail snapped shut around me. The sharpened sticks, green from being doused in poisons piercing my body in four places. After the initial pain I fell to the toxins and into darkness, only to awake here.

Apparently Revone had me dragged back to the temple. In the darkness I heard the faint murmurs of prayer. My mind was plagued with a sense of dread. I could almost feel the Dark Lords cold breath on my soul. A feeling of both vulnerability and fragility. In that moment I knew that I was being judged. I realised the impact of failure, that I must not enter his realm again unless beckoned.

Thus I end this entry with a hard lesson learnt but one of great importance.
Aid no one other than those aligned to his unholy grace. Do not fail for it leads to a path of suffering. Fear the Mad One for through him I will fear nothing else.

Death by Minotaurs

*The elegance of his writing returning to its normal grace as Alandric eagerly notes his days passing*

Surely the Mad One judges me worthy.

There we were ambushed by Minotaurs as we chipped away for adventurine. Chaos echoed through the cave from the clashes of steel against steel. Their large axes were desperately parried by my party as we hastily sought a weakness or point of retreat. *he smirks* My escape was insured from a minor incantation and slight gesture. Invisibility surely is the most useful spell in my repertoire. After some time I tested that the ability of the shamans could not penetrate my spell, then I simply watched the foray unfold. One by one my party fell to their brutal axes. Never did I aid my party. That is the lesson learnt from harsh experience. Better to save what abilities are available then to risk life and limb for others.
Soon my comrades were slaughtered. Their blood soaked the earth with limbs and bodily entrails cast about forming a mosaic of death incarnate.
The battle was over and there I stood alone in the midst of carnage. The Minotaurs bellowed their triumph and began rummaging through the belongings of the deceased. With caution I trod carefully and exited the cave without making a sound. Once outside I trembled from exhilaration but not fear! I will never fear again since that day he touched my soul *shivers slightly*. I will never allow it.

But I survived. I was the only survivor. Surely he has plans for me. No doubt they will be revealed in due time.

Dungeon with no name

Something is happening to me. Something grand!
I can feel my powers increasing yet still I am far from supremacy. I need to grow faster. I require power!
But this affiliation with the dead is peculiar. Many in the temple who pass nod and acknowledge me as the son of Ramanon, yet I am not he. I am Alandric Vensk! They will learn to revere me in time. It is like I am a shadow of his glory. A mere spectre in the mist. I must prove myself.
Yet like my father I have this innate ability or rather kinship with the dead. Again I am perplexed with intrigue.
Today I ventured deep into a dungeon that has no name. It is located around the outskirts of Haven. I was accompanied by a small group of travellers yet one whom was a priest of Corath. Sipher was his name. We spoke briefly and it seemed the man knew something extra of me. This comes as no surprise since most priests of high ability can retrieve some insight of a person much like the High Priestess Chanda did the day I entered the temple. Yet he seemed to want to discuss something but was unable to at this point. I hope to locate him again soon.
Sipher and Revone joined me with some other stragglers and we ventured below.
Time after time we slaughtered a number of Xorn and Hulks. I protected the group from the mind boggling powers of the Hulks and the swordsmen made short work of their towering masses.
Then we reached a new level. The environment changed considerable from a natural tunnel into a crafter dungeon. We stepped within and immediately were confronted by undead. Vampires they were, hunger evident in their eyes with their elongated canines eager to pierce flesh and draw life’s essence.
With haste I cast many spells to defeat the children of the Dark Lord. These were not in command of one from the temple. Renegade undead, feral and frenzied from lack of blood.
They butchered our group in moments. The air buzzed with negative energy and all but a few fell victim to it. Once again I found myself in a familiar predicament. The air was rank with the taint of the Dark One yet who was I to deny them glory. Again I vanished from sight, leaving my comrades to challenge their fate alone.

Only Sipher, Myself and one other exited the halls. Again it seems that coincidence was not a factor. I almost get the feeling Sipher had this planned, as if the outcome was calculated to perfection. He commented a few times and had a twisted smirk as we left. Odd are the mysteries behind the Dark Priests yet intriguing none the less.

It was the early hours of the morning and Alandric was busily scribing some scrolls found during prior adventures. The candle on his desk had just about expired leaving a bulbous mass of viscous wax, crowned with a weak flame, barely illuminating the room sufficiently to comprehend the alien inscriptions of the scrolls. So immersed was he that he hadn’t noticed the stocky form of Gard quietly standing in the doorway, not daring to interrupt a mage while engrossed in matters relating to the arcane. It was his odour that gave away his position. Alandric, startled at first relaxed back into his chair placing both hands together, fingers stretched apart touching the opposing fingers, flexing to and fro to increase the blood flow through the hand after long hours of writing. In the idle and seemingly awkward quiet moments that followed, he soaked in the image of Gard standing at the door. Even though he was mute, Alandric had learnt from the many times spent together to pick up the tell-tale signs that more than made up for his speech impediment. In Alandric's mind, Gard had changed since he first joined the Corathites. When he first met Gard, he learnt of his slavery and volatile journey through life, yet he truly felt that only during recent times did Gard seem at the pinnacle of his expertise. It was as if he had been searching for a missing piece to his own life’s puzzle and found it here in the Corath faith. The well built stocky dwarf was intimidating, that much was certain to Alandric. His silence made him all the more menacing and his eagerness for adventure and appeal to deal punishment adding to the aura. But why was he here now?

Alandric gazed over the dwarf, carefully evaluating his motionless form. Where was it? Where is the sign that portrays Gard’s intention? His brow furrowed with both concentration and frustration. Alandric prided himself in being clever for his age. He liked to be two steps ahead of others, yet Gard’s posture was eluding him. Then as he was just about to ask Gard he saw it…the sign! It grinned back him, a freshly sharpened silver crescent that gleamed wickedly in the eerie candlelight. Gard’s axe! Alandric looked back into Gard’s eyes, and the Dwarf already had an evil smirk, matching that of his blade. Alandric also grinned. Want to play hey?
Gard’s grin broadened.
“Very well”, Alandric commented. He rapidly stood up rolling the scrolls and placing them into their cases and closed his heavy spell-book. Turning he walked past Gard into the gloomy hallways. “Lets go! I really needed break anyway and a chance to test these new spells”

They disappeared into the darkness.

**Alandric hunches over a writing desk, busily scribing notes in the dimness of a single candlelit room. He completes his note, signs it off and folds it thrice. Melting some red wax he takes his fathers ring, a basic silver ring with a flat surface and ornately engraved rams skull and presses it into the rapidly cooling wax, sealing the note. The note reads:**

High Priestess Chanda,

I your humble servant have made contact with an entrepreneur with a unique talent. It seems this man has an art for extracting poisons of various forms with unique and intriguing results. He is a shifty, back-stabbing businessman, selfish and arrogant yet articulate and conniving. In other words he is the perfect candidate to conduct business with. He is known as Arkolio here in Mistone though I’d imagine he’d have many pseudonyms depending which areas he travels.

The weak minded and fragile citizens in the trade hall view his actions as an abhorrent taint against their petty community. I see a means to strengthen our force, providing another form of ammunition for his unholy malevolent grace.

I am quite certain that this business of his is only a minor part of what he is capable of supplying. He is a profiteer, one that can be bough with relatively little complication. I will gain his favour and evaluate what other features this man can offer.

I will keep you well informed on my progress.

Your devout disciple,

Alandric Vensk

**Later the following night he enters the temple and hands the note to the first Acolyte of the White Skull he notices. Then with a quick pirouette and slight gesture he disappears from sight and exits once again to the shrouded chill of the Sword Rust Mountains.**

I have been growing increasingly frustrated with the lack of information regarding science and medicine.  Lately I have supplemented my Arcane studies with natural science, in particular common diseases and various poisons.
I have been researching all the common places of information such as the Great Library and exhausted all information gathered from my travels.

 As fortune would favour I happened to bump into Sipher yesterday.  We spoke at length about my dilemma and he mentioned that I should enter the Temple of Aragen and study there.  He briefed me on the common attire and manner in which I should conduct myself there to avoid detection.  Apparently Sipher studied there many years ago and suggested it would be a haven for the information I seek.  I look forward to journeying there and will set forth in two days time.

Arkolios CDQ

Finally I have found time to write.  The last few days have been interesting.
Arkolio requested my attendance in Hurm regarding matters of logistics among various roguish factions.  Apparently our contact with the Red Bear has attracted Arkolio’s fancy and he has been busily dabbling among the cohorts and members of Red Bear and Saviar’s men.  
From our meeting in Hurm I gathered his intention was to secure Red Bears hold in Hurm by impeding any arrangements between the Salvers and Savier himself.  We did this by intercepting a gathering of Slavers in the Viper Mountains.   The meeting began with conflict as we caught them off guard.  Later Arkolio and his companion climbed the mountain and intercepted the main gathering.  I am uncertain what transpired but he returned rather pleased with himself.

It amuses me this dangerous game he performs.  He will get so tangled up in conspiracies and subterfuge that one day his skulduggery will have him floating upside down and gutted in the harbour.  In the mean time I wonder what his schemes may offer me.  It would be well to have a contact among the pirates and low-life criminals.

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