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Topics - darkwulf365

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General Discussion / My deepest apologies
« on: June 22, 2006, 06:55:01 pm »
Tonight I was supposed to run the conclusion of Honora's CDQ but had a freak accident take place instead.  And here are the gory details...

At about 6:50, just as I was finishing setting up. I heard this strange popping noise, then my background music stuttered for a second, then froze, I lost IRC, IE, and all my other background programs.  Forcing a shutdown I started feeling and sniffing around the motherboard thinking I had blown a capacitor.  Motherboard was cool to the touch, along with the CPU.  Now I'm fearing a HD crash so I restart the system, and it picks up both hard drives, but freezes at 'GRUB2 loading stage 2'.  Force another reboot, and go into PC health status.  Main voltage is good, system temp is reading a balmy 77 degrees, looking up at the CPU temp it's reading 80, I scratch my head and look again...I was reading the Celsius side of the temp.  By now it's hitting over 90 degrees celsius and still climbing.  Got it shut down again as the CPU just crested 195 degrees fahrenheit.  I touch the heat sink and it falls off the CPU.  

Apparently, 3 of the 4 tabs on the heat sink holder broke off, seperating the sink from the processor.  I scramble to tear apart my system about to throw the hard drive into my spare K6-2, but the old BIOS doesn't like 160 GB hard drives (plus booting windows XP would probably take about half an hour).  

After getting kicked out of the Toledo Public Library (PM if you want to know why, it was stupid).  I bust over to my mom's house to use her computer (to make this post), but I forgot she's not home and I have no key to her apartment.  I then drive almost across town to Best Buy, where the salesperson has no clue as to what I'm talking about.  I then remember the small computer store that's not too far from my end of town, unfortunately it closed about 10 minutes after I arrived.

I then come back home, scratching my head some more, and finally come up with the bright idea of zip tying my heatsink into the main board, and reattaching my...ummm..."accessory" fan.

An hour later, it's working again, at least for tonight, so again, I apologize to Honora, Jil, Yard, and especially L, Freldo, and Rhiz whom I said I would correspond with much earlier in the night. Tomorrow it will be fixed for real, even if it means getting a new mainboard/CPU.

First level in the cave under the Lake of Salt, the spawn trigger is too close to the AT.  Also, enemies are spawned too close to the trigger, therefore they approach after taking a few steps away from the AT.

Just for Fun / Not quite the Pepsi Challenge but...
« on: June 15, 2006, 04:34:52 pm »
Due to a sort of OOC...discussion :) I would like input as to which the server would we go...

Fixed Bugs / 257 Haft Lake -- not updated
« on: June 14, 2006, 03:19:39 pm »
Floorplan is the same as the original

Edit: There is a chance that there's something messed up on my end...I just don't know what that could be though

Wild Surge Inn / *Written hastily on a piece of parchment*
« on: May 25, 2006, 03:53:37 pm »
Ta whoever left their paladin horse fer dead, t'was raised up an led ta the temple of Toran in Pranzis.  Ye know who ye are, an ye might wanna think 'bout some prayers before ye go get it though.


Trade and Market Hall / Enhancements for sale
« on: May 07, 2006, 04:14:50 pm »
*Daren posts this advert in crafting houses, inns, and taverns throughout Mistone, and Dregar.  A styleized FW can be found at the bottom corner of the neatly printed add*

Elemental Enhancements/Resistances for sale.
Current Inventory:
2 Crystal rod II's (unenchanted, will finish upon request) 5,000 gold pieces
2 Crystal rod III's (unenchanted, will finish upon request) 14,000 gold pieces
1 Crystal rod III with a frost enhancement: 14,000 gold pieces

Currently making enchantments of the frost,fire, and electrical kind.
Inventory is currently small, but orders will be filled as quickly as possible

Layonara Server / Writing Writer pt IV.
« on: April 25, 2006, 07:55:14 pm »
After much internal deliberation, this quest will start off on Central, at the Merchant's district in Pranzis.  6:30 PM (EST), 3:30 PM (PST), 10:30 PM (GMT).  The calandar has been changed accordingly, here .  The party is now open again, although judging by the signup list, it is pretty much full.

Rumour Has It / Murder in Pranzis
« on: April 19, 2006, 04:16:34 pm »
Murmurs run through the streets of Pranzis.  A delivery gnome from the Farwall Scriptorium making a run to the Hotel Layonara was assaulted and killed inside a guest's room today.  Mertillia, proprietor of the scriptorium reported that the delivery of blank mahagony scrolls was sent for by a man who only identified himself as "Alrick".  This person was not available for questioning by the authorities.  City mages also report a large burst of magic tinged with negative energy seeming to eminate from the hotel at the same time the incident was brought to light.

Layonara Server / Just to keep those involved informed
« on: April 03, 2006, 01:04:00 pm »
For those who are trying to get into the Pranzis Army Officer's Corps and those that attended the intro to The Writing Writer, I had planned on this being the week that those events would pick up again.  Unfortunately (for you guys at least) My father whom I've seen twice in the past 3 years is coming to visit this week sometime, so all plans for quests this week had to be pushed back.  I haven't forgotten about you all, and things will continue, hopefully a little more smoothly than before.

I also have a request to make of those who have applied to the PAOC:  I have reserved a slot on the 15th of this month for your first little...umm...we'll call it a trial :) I need PM's from those who have applied (and those 6 only) telling me a time that will work for everybody.

Anyways, thanks for being patient all, I *will* get the hang of this whole job/work/social/fantasy life one of these decades :)

Right, good news, I've decided to start this off in Velensk and will edit the calander entry accordingly.

Second, bad news, this past weekend I botched a Linux install badly, far worse than anything I've done in the past 10 years.  But by sheer stroke of luck finally got my system to boot back into Windows for the time being.  I'm also looking at a lot of mandatory overtime at work this week.  So there is a chance that this quest will have to be pushed back a few days, or maybe even till next week.

My backup system still functions (yay!!) but that's about only good for forum access so if anything changes for the worse, I will be able to give you all plenty of notice.

A pre-thank you for your understanding

Rumour Has It / As recounted to a town watchman...
« on: March 19, 2006, 03:37:29 pm »
"Yes, yes, thank you."  The fat little merchant said.  He seemed quite pompous even with his finery splattered with blood and mud.  He pressed the wet cloth to the wound on his head.

"But how am I supposed to recoup my losses?"  His voice took on a whining note.  "This setback will ruin me for the year, maybe forever."  His hands went to his face in a gesture of woe.

"What's that? How dare you...of course I'm in the good graces of Deliar. And I will NOT pray harder.'re just sitting there.  Why aren't you out hunting these brigands down?"  The merchant was instantly angry.  It was almost humorous in a way.

"I don't care that this is the 4th caravan robbery this month.  I don't care what the tales are floating about the swill hole.  All I want is for YOU to tell ME, how MY taxpayer gold is going to be put to good use by YOU getting MY goods back."  Each you, me and my were accentuated by the man poking a pudgy finger into the guards armored chest.  A steely sound echoed through the night as the guard drew his sword.  Sometimes, people just had to be reminded of the realities of the situation.

"No, no no...Fort Velensk isn't that nice this time of year.  I really meant, thank you sir.  Yes, my life is very precious and thank you for reminding me.  Yes, I think I will just be on my way.  Thank you for your time."  The little merchant picked up his few remaining belongings along with his pride and headed toward the inn.  A few minutes ago refered to as the local swill hole.

General Discussion / Litterbugs
« on: March 16, 2006, 06:08:29 pm »
Daren found something tonight at about 9 PM PST in Port hampshire, tell me what he found and where he might've picked it up at and you can get it back.  Otherwise, it goes into donation at the temple of Az'atta.

Trade and Market Hall / Admantium Battle Axe For Sale
« on: March 16, 2006, 01:05:09 pm »
Askin' 23,000 fer this weapon, well cared fer an enchanted wit' a sec'nd circle electric magic.  I c'n also add a diff'rent elemental magic if'n tis so d'sired.

Rumour Has It / *A fine neatly posted parchment*
« on: March 16, 2006, 11:25:48 am »
*These fine white parchments are posted on civic buildings throughout Pranzis and Lorindar.  A few creased and travel stained find their way into the various port cities of Mistone.*

The stakes in the war against Sinthar Bloodstone are rising rapidly.  In this time of need, leaders strong of heart and mind are needed.

The Pranzis Officer Army Corps is opening it's doors for enrollment.  See your recruiter as soon as possible.

//See here or here on the calendar

Fixed Bugs / Raw feline meat
« on: March 07, 2006, 07:35:38 pm »
Don't know if this applies other kinds or just feline (haven't tried yet).  Tried to cook raw feline meat at the oven in the house on Central, ate it automatically instead, no fort save.  Ate the meat directly out of inventory, no fort save.  Logged onto West, and tried eating directly from inventory again, still no fort save.

Just for Fun / LARP Lightning bolt video
« on: March 01, 2006, 06:38:53 pm »
Does anybody have a good link to this? I've been searching and cannot find it anywhere valid.

General Discussion / *Sighs and shakes his head*
« on: February 27, 2006, 06:35:54 pm »
First, I'm not really one to complain, or gripe, and I hardly ever post anything that isn't at least a little humorous, but this irks me to no end.  Daren and Jil were travelling through Rilara on horseback, got to the Dinen forset and were set upon by no less than 5 Dwarf mercs.  It goes pretty much without saying that Daren and his wife got owned by said mercs.  Along with they bought sunday.  40,000 gold down the tubes in less than 2 minutes.  Now, Daren doesn't ride with his armor on (due to a texture glitch), plus it's (IMO) bad RP for an Az'attan to go around armored up all the time.  Second, this happened right after entering the area.  I know how tough those mercs are, and to gain a double spawn, since this happened at a decently laggy time, I can understand.  Armored and buffed though, the fact remains that we were first hit right at the AT.    So I ask that any player, no matter what level, or no matter how long you've been here, be more considerate and know that other people are playing in the same world that you are.  Don't go where your character can't handle, don't lure enemies to the AT in your attempt to run away.  Don't lure enemies to the NPC's hanging around.  We're in DT free time, no penalties besides the loss of gold and possibly XP, so fight your fight and die if you must, but don't risk runining the experience for others.  Yes, it's just a horse, and yes this really is just a game, but a lot of RL time and effort was spent on earning, selling, and saving in order to get this done, by both Jil and myself.  I know I would've rather spent time conceptualizing, scripting or even programming or just plain relaxing here in Layo.  I am making a post in the grievance forum but even if it gets turned down, but it would be very nice to have an apology from anybody who might've contributed to this madness.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Ummmm....
« on: February 15, 2006, 08:09:52 pm »
Sorry if this seems to jump all over the place, but I'm really tired and if I don't post this now, I might forget later.  And I apologize for the length, one day, I'm going to out word Rhiz :)

I have a quest idea, based upon the same staple that so many "horror" television shows have been based upon (Friday the 13th: The Series, and I think Haunted is a new one).  Basically several strange, cursed items have been placed around the world, ending up in innocent hands.  Eventually corrupting the innocent and turning them into great (or maybe not so great, those shows were never really the best) evil.  And after all the items are gathered together the evil (usually the devil) etc etc, I think you get the picture.

This seems fine for a single series and if nobody draws any partiality to it, I might run it as such.  But then I started thinking about what PenNPopper posted here and thought that this might be a good way to try his idea out.  By trying to get that world quest feel, and still include the world (most of it at least).

Since demons have been running wild without Xandrial.  And due to their chaotic nature, they really are unsutable for such a subtle long reaching idea.  But in keeping with PenNPopper's world quest idea, I started wondering if a new wannabe general of Blood could pull something like this off, I mean, you have to apply for the job somehow.  And a being of that stature would certainly be an epic foe.  Keeping the quest initially centered around certain cursed items leaves it open for lower and mid levels to go after them.  And it also leaves the true story behind (and their relationship between) them all hidden until the proper time.

The way I envision this is that there may be one series run one month centered around one item by one GM.  Then maybe another series another month by a different one, or maybe not even one month apart.  All of different CR's (all the way up to epic levels for some even) and themes (maybe one a survival horror, a dungeon crawl, murder mystery, whatever you guys want to think up).  And being that they're run by different GM's would help mask the true intent and also free up more people to enjoy this.  The only common thread between all of these "little quests" being the cursed items at the end. 2.5 cents on this.  Comments please.  But keep the "Man, you're just nuts" replies to less than 20 if you would please :)

General Discussion / Fire and Ice Pt III
« on: February 01, 2006, 02:20:39 pm »
For those very tolerant souls that went on parts I and II, I have moved Part III to next Thursday of next week (the 9th) but still at 7 PM EST.

Reason(s) being, having a late night with 3 nights left in my work week is difficult at best.  Second, Munnin is running his first quest on that particular Tuesday, and I thought it might be helpful if he had free reign so to speak.

Also, any who would wish to/want to/think it might be a good idea to talk to Kir'atai anytime before the next installment, just send me a PM and we'll work something out.

Finally, thank you to all my players, for putting up with my misjump that killed most of you.  For Ael for rolling that 1 at the wrong time, and for your very very careful investigation of that "other" passageway :)

Fixed Bugs / Horses and 2 handed weapons
« on: January 29, 2006, 08:35:56 pm »
Maybe not a bug per se, but at the least an oddity.  Last night, Yardislan was riding his horse (*snickers* Tulip, now a victim to the Broken Forest), able to weild his great sword, but couldn't equip a long sword and a shield.  

I could see maybe using a one handed weapon only while riding.  And using a one handed weapon and a shield, since even using a shield, your off hand is still free to hold the reins.  

Or even a two handed weapon after taking as riding proficiency feat, since you'd be guiding the animal with your legs only *trying to remember the wording from the Player's Handbook/DMG*

This sounds like it might be a bug (or maybe on purpose *shrugs*) with the offhand weapon slot.  But are there reports from anybody else who actually takes their horses into combat?

EDIT: Cleaned up the wording since I'm tired and this didn't make much sense before

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