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Topics - Niles09

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
General Discussion / Loose demon!
« on: May 23, 2006, 12:53:44 pm »
Dont go anywhere near bone hill, there is a demon loose there. Not sure if it has run furter into delwin river. Be very careful it spots anything.

General Discussion / Back from Turkey and Cyrodiil
« on: May 10, 2006, 06:47:57 am »
Weeee Im back!
Well what to say, I went to Turkey to see the sun eclipse, and when I got home I bought Oblivion. Since then I (Noras) have been battling valiants in honourable head to head fights, sneaked past nasty monsters and saved the poor farmer. But, oh well, I started to miss human company, the chance to really RP my char, and ofcourse this very nice forum.
So Noras is taking a break, while Zan sharpens her sword, strengthens her bow and return from the woods :)

Either way Ive now and then scrolled through the forums here, too be a bit updated. I think I heard something about no death penalties and ofcourse there have been alot of fuzz about nwn2. Should you need someone to make concept art for the nwn2 mod, I'll be glad to help ;)
I'll check around the forums too see if anything else have happened.

uh! and dont forget to check my album Ive made a huge update!

anyway its good to be back :)

Poetic License / Zan - the warrior
« on: March 26, 2006, 05:26:04 am »

The equipment is a bit outdated though since I started on it when Zan was on lvl 9.
compared to the other picture she should look a bit more experienced here.

Trade and Market Hall / Dragonskin buckler for sale
« on: March 26, 2006, 01:56:39 am »

  [SIZE=18]Dragonskin Buckler for sale, good for mages - 20000 gold [/SIZE][/i]
  [SIZE=18](//speciel properties: -05% arcane spell failure (so the shield got a total of 0 spell failure) + 1 AC (+ the ordinary protection from a buckler lvl requirement 14)[/SIZE][/i]
  [SIZE=18]Please reply on this message, if you're interested.[/SIZE][/i]
  [SIZE=18]*the note is unsigned*[/SIZE][/i]

General Discussion / Need DM help, now!
« on: March 18, 2006, 01:13:18 pm »
Zan and Kloss are guarding Ash that is standing at the spawning place in broken forest. Appearently the materiel char didnt dissapear as the player logged off, so now we dont know if we should leave, what apperantly have turned into and NPC, to death. a Dm please log on!

General Discussion / You've played too much Layo when you...
« on: March 05, 2006, 02:32:35 am »
Number 10 have happened alot to me!

Wild Surge Inn / A far cry!
« on: February 20, 2006, 09:16:14 am »
*a little mouse carries a note*

Im trapped in Storans second chamber and are in desperate need of help, Ive stayed hidden here for days, but my supplies is running low, and I dont know how much more I can stay hidden for the real nasty undeaths. Im in desperate need of a rogue, or anyone that can crack the door.

//If you see Zanirth on the server, and you're up for a little resque mission, I could really use some help!

General Discussion / The begining of a cartoon - name help! French needed!
« on: February 14, 2006, 01:00:40 pm »
Got this great inspiration for a cartoon, I mean really big inspiration never had such an great idea.
Anyway Im writting it all down and I need a bit of help. The names... Since this is the for me best know international place, Ill ask here. I need a frensh name for this guy
Short said, he is a powerful and wise wizard, though not ultimate like Gandalf or Dumbledore, actually he aint proud of his past and is pretty uunderstanding about it. In the start he seems pretty perfect, though as the main character evolves he sees that the wizard is also just a human, who makes misjugdements and mistakes.
So for the name, I know every name has a meaning (mine is something like peoples' victory :S, old king name!) and that is very important in this case.
So give me a french name and tell me the point of it. The cartoon happens in our world in the 19th century. A last name would be good too, its a bit more free there, french is best, but other would be good too, should be something from the middleage or 19th century.

Ill be very very very happy for any help.

Layonara Server / 100 vs Soul mother
« on: February 11, 2006, 08:06:17 am »
I might have missed a topic, but since the soul mother was defeated, or whatever she was, It looks like everytime I die, I automatic hits a 100 in the save vs sould mother. Is this as it should be?

Wild Surge Inn / Looking for enchantments
« on: January 21, 2006, 12:48:06 am »

   I seek someone who can either improve my oak bow, or iron sword with enchantments or compound. Please reply on this message

   //max lvl 9 weapon :P

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / LORE
« on: January 18, 2006, 06:24:56 am »
It would really be nice if I automatic could logon to LORE, as well as see the dates the "latest files" was updated. :)

General Discussion / Invading Dregar
« on: January 13, 2006, 05:03:00 pm »
I just wanna thanks the people who joined this "quest." It was fun, and it was a challange. Also Zanirth got a great change for evolving, duing all the hill after hill with cutted down trees, and sorry if she was a bit hyperactive, but such things just make her crazy ;)
Ive made the same event next week
hope to see you there :)

General Discussion / Suddenly lag :(
« on: January 13, 2006, 12:32:00 pm »
This day my connection to Laonara have been very bad. The browser is very slow to reach this site, and it takes time to get around in here:(, often the site cant be found. Ive logged off the server two times today, cause nothing was responding. I havent had problem reaching other sites (but ok its not like I have been surfing around) so I just wanna ask, if its my internet that has a problem, or have this happened to all today? :o

Wild Surge Inn / Exploring
« on: January 13, 2006, 11:19:00 am »
Together we are stronger! Im going to Dregar soon (//tonight) to see different sights of nature, but a helping hand from fellow adventures would do good.
 Meet in Hlint.
(//this is just a simple explanation for this quest join in!)

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Potraits
« on: January 13, 2006, 06:17:00 am »
Instead of people needing to download every portrait from the many replies in the portrait topic in general discussion, coulndt you just update the portrait file? (as far as I can see it was last uptade a half year ago)

General Discussion / Cant log in!
« on: January 10, 2006, 11:30:00 am »
It should probaly be in another forum, but I coundt find any... Anyway i can't log on to the west server, I dont think its because of the maintain cause Ive logged on since that (earlier today). I typed and it worked fine earlier. Now it dont. First, it cant find my bioware name, but it havent stopped me before, when I log on it gets past the two first phrases (server found andtrying to log in, I think), but then there goes minuttes without anything happening? :(

General Discussion / Wallpapers?
« on: January 02, 2006, 06:54:00 am »
Have anyone maked wallpapers with the pictures from Layo? If not, it could be cool if someone did. I think many would be happy for it.

Layonara Server / bugs after the new (layo) patch
« on: January 01, 2006, 12:57:00 pm »
Looking down this forum I see several others have experienced some strange things happening after the update, in one or two hours it happened for me that:
Cooked meat was threated as raw meat
Scribing errors (many times!)
Battlemusci ended after a few seconds and then starts again in combat (keeps doing that several times, though it happened only one time)
While digging clay at Haven the first four deposits ended before I got started
Day graphics while night sounds and skyboxes
I couldnt craft more than one thing at the time, since it happened for others as well I asumed it was made to prevent massproduction (this happened doing tailoring) though I could make more items at once while smelting or tinkering.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Dark green
« on: January 01, 2006, 10:54:00 am »
It would be nice with a very dark green (dark angels green if anyone play warhammer) to leather and clothers. :)

General Discussion / Im back... (MUHAHAHA!)
« on: December 21, 2005, 06:55:00 am »
Hello everybody, Im back!

I dont hope things have gone too loose without me ;) if they havent, Im back to make them go loose :D
nah, joking apart. I hope things are going well, it is here at home, now that I got holiday which mean more time to play a night on Layonara. I soon to see some of the old faces, and some new too.

and take a look here I got the idea from the usual holiday things at Blizzard, hope you like it.

Merry christmas everybody, and see you in-game.

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