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Topics - Gunther

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Trade and Market Hall / Gunther's Junk for sale
« on: June 11, 2006, 01:18:23 pm »
Gunther has been roaming about for awhile and has gathered an assortment of odds and ends.  Contact Gunther in game or send a message if you are interested in any of these items;

Robes of Acid resist - 10/acid
Lesser Monk Armor - +1 ac
Wand of - Neutralize Poison, Lightning bolt (x4), Melf's acid arrow, and Bull strength
Cowards Blade - Short sword +1 & expeditious retreat
Iron Full Plate
Bronze Longsword
Bronze bastard sword
Bronze Full plate
Adamantium half plate
Robe of sparks - 5/electrical resist
Dissertation on Divination book - Bard, cleric, sorc, wizard - Find traps, Identify, clairaudience/clairvoyance
Ranger Book - Invisibility Purge, Mass camoflouge, Onw w/ the land
Paladin's Primer - Aura of Glory, Bless weapon, Prayer
Noisemaker Helm - Save v. Fear +4, Concentration -1, Reflex -1
Belt of Acquisition - Dex +1, Pick pockets +4, Expeditious retreat
Bloodfall Longsword - Attack +2, Enhancement +1
Gloves of the scouts - Dex +1, Hide, Listen, Move silently, parry, spot all at +2
Archers edge belt - AC +1
Bloody lash (whip) - Bonus feat - Disarm, On hit - wounding DC16
Lesser mage's armor - AC+1, lore +1, spellcraft +2
Utility belt - Dex +1, Disable trap +5, Open Lock +5, Set trap +5, Wis -2, Hide -8, Listen -2, Move silently -8


Phenalope - 41
Fire opal - 68
Feldspar - 4
Topaz - 29
Sapphire - 4
Garnet - 8
Aventurine - 20
Fire Agate - 7
Alexandrite - 11

General Discussion / Into the Underdark - Rescuing Darren
« on: May 31, 2006, 12:45:24 pm »
Sadly, Gunther wont be able to make it today in the attempt to rescue Darren, mainly because it's 80 degrees outside, sunny, and I'm going to play golf this afternoon.  Sorry Darren, buddy, you'll have to languish in the depths without Gunther's assistance today.

Trade and Market Hall / Clearing House
« on: February 21, 2006, 10:37:22 pm »
Gunther has collected a large number of completely useless (to him anyway) items.  Make a reasonalbe offer and any of the following are yours;


Web - 8

Magic Missile - 4

Exp Retreat - 3
Sleep - 6
Identify - 9
Darkness - 5
Bless - 11
Summon Creature II - 6
Light - 2

Endurance - 6
Grease - 1

Bull's strength - 2
Summon Creature I - 1
Dispel Magic - 1


Aventurine - 41
Malachite - 25
Phenalope - 30

Fire Agate - 6

Greenstone -3

Critter Skins

Dire Wolf - 3
Dire Boar - I'm embarrased to say how many of these I've killed.  If you want their skins contact me
Tiger - 19

Wolf - 1
Leopard - 11
White Tiger - 1
Lion - 3


Spider Silk - 13
Skullcap - 9
Lore Potions - 5
Minor Frost Trap kit - 1

Crafted wand of lightning bolt - 1
Bronze bastard sword - dmg bonus +1 slashing, +1 piercing no level req
Bronze longsword - dmg bonus +1 slashing, +1 piercing no level req

Minor spike trap kit
Minor holy trap kit

I hereby promise to never collect this much junk again.  If this stuff isnt given a good home by the end of this week, its going in the nearest trash can.

Oh yes...and one iron longsword with a 1d6 lightning enchantment on it and continual flame.

Trade and Market Hall / Looking to buy strengt items +2
« on: January 22, 2006, 01:03:32 pm »
Gunther looking for someone selling either a diamond bull's strength amulet or ring.  Also looking for someone who can turn Gunther's diamond into one of the above.

Trade and Market Hall / Wand of lightning
« on: January 07, 2006, 09:05:00 am »
Gunther has wand of lightning for sale.  50 charges/5charges per use.  (Level req of 9 or higher).  Bidding starts at 5k and will go for three days or until an unseemly price is offered.  Please post below.

Wild Surge Inn / Lannisport
« on: December 31, 2005, 03:05:00 pm »
...A bedraggled sailor posts a notice on the tavern wall...An abnormally large number of trolls were seen moving about the Swamp of Lost Souls.  Even more so than usual.  Several invaded Lannisport, but were deterred by one Gunther N'diknik.  This halfgiant reported that the gates into Karthy were locked and there seems no escape except by sea.  The majority of the trolls were berserkers and shamans.

Trade and Market Hall / Gunther's armor and stuff
« on: August 24, 2005, 08:10:00 pm »
Gunther making good metal armor for folkses that needs it.  Gunther will make iron armor on request and now has Iron full plate, half plate, chainmail, kite and heater shields in stock.

In stock now:

Iron Heater shields
Iron full plate
Iron kite shields
Iron Half plate
Iron Chainmail

1 suit of Platinum full plate for sale

1 suit of cougar leather

1 Iron Dwarven waraxe (only dwarves can use)

Several Gems for sale as follows:

Garnet - 3
Fire Agate - 6
Topaz - 6
Amethyst - 7
Feldspar - 5
Sapphire - 4

Gunther can make any iron armor for you and will make platinum armor on request (but expect a substantial price)
Will also make Bronze armor, etc.

Prices will be set at standard costs

Leave a message here or contact Gunther in game

Wild Surge Inn / Miner guild
« on: July 21, 2005, 09:25:00 pm »
Tacked to the wall in shaky script is the following;

"Gunther see lots of people want iron, but no one wants to go get it.  It pretty tough in those mines by yourself Gunther knows.  Maybe we all join up and go squish those ogres together and take iron then.  If it work we maybe plan regular trips to go get iron.  You sign up under this note if you interested and we all try to find good time to go."

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