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Topics - kenty191

Pages: 1 [2]
General Discussion / FreeLancers Tavern: Portal Gone
« on: August 01, 2006, 05:49:25 pm »
[SIZE=13]Hi, I'm not sure whether this is intended or not but to me at least it seems the portal has dissapeared since tonights server restart. I dont think this qualifies as a bug or even a problem, I suppose it was there at the freelancers discrecion in the first place, but I was just wondering whether it had just dissapeared on its own?[/SIZE]

General Discussion / Xeenite water summons - advice
« on: July 20, 2006, 05:50:40 pm »
Hi all,
  Since I created Karn who is a follower of Xeen I have wanted to give him his deities summons rather than the good aligned ones I have now. However, it seems Xeen's summons are water elementals who are quite fond of drowning everyone in the immediate vicinity. As a bard (whos not the best fighter ever, shock horror!) I use my summons a lot when Karn is alone. Also considering the censer changes summons perminantly I was wondering if anyone would advise such a switch given the fact it would be preferable RP wise but might cripple Karn's ability to survive alone in any capacity.
  What are peoples thoughts on these summons? At the moment Karn summons celestial animals and they are quite useful however not really in keeping with his personality.
  (edit) Also the drown pulse attack is fort vs. death! Karns lowest save is fort...

General Discussion / Busy weekend of travelling!
« on: July 15, 2006, 03:35:18 am »
Hi all, just to let those who have grown accustomed to seeing a feather-hatted sailor around Hlint these past few days know. I'll be travelling between places in the UK this weekend and well into next week, so Karn should be back sometime on wednesday, hopefully for a while, but weekends are usually awkward for me anyhow.
  Just thought those I RP regularly with deserved not to be left wondering where he had dissapeared to!

Wild Surge Inn / Red Dragon Sighted Near Hlint!
« on: July 11, 2006, 04:49:21 pm »
[SIZE=18]Today, I, Karn bring grave news to the fair folk of Hlint. Earlier this evening during my expedition to the hills near the red light caves, a great roar was heard and suddenly a collossal red dragon swooped from the sky and landed before me. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=18]Myself and a dwarf witnessed the beast land and taunt us both with threats of being chewed into a mushy pulp! [/SIZE]
[SIZE=18]Finally the beast warned that the dragons were coming and that I should be careful not to be eaten![/SIZE]
[SIZE=18]I bring you this news fair townsfolk in a time of great uncertainty.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18]Be on your guard, at all times.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18]Signed [/SIZE]

Confessions of a Sailor ~ Karn's Memoirs


Living aboard a ship since birth can give you a slightly skewed view on things, especially when
you are suddenly left 'cast-away’ on land for the first time. This is the experience of a
young Karn who had until recently never spent more than one night on land.

Since his
birth, Karn’s family had been his crew-mates together with his elven mother, Lilaa. The
crew had been together for much of their lives and many of the ship’s crew were elven,
despite the tolerance of other races, they rarely if ever chose to spend the whole of their
lives on the ocean waves.

Karn grew up on the Euryalus and spent almost all of his time there. He was a valued crew
member who by day would work hard above deck, doing whatever was needed of him,
despite his meagre strength. By night however, Karn’s job was to entertain the crew, and
that he did.

As a child Karn’s mother gave him a flute and taught him well how to play it, yet he would
soon surpass her playing abilities. During his childhood and on into his adulthood Karn
became well known aboard the Euryalus as the ship's entertainer, a role he revelled in
given that most of the crew were Xeenite, and highly regarded those who could bring
others pleasure.

The nights of revelry and drinking continued for many years, and over time Karn caught the
attention of the ships captain, a strong and well-travelled elf by the name of Erion. One
evening Karn played in the ships galley, where the crew would gather after their evening
meal. Before a crowd of drunken sailors, Karn played the small flute his mother had given
him as a child. Within moments the crew stood in awe of the melodious sounds of the
flute Karn stood playing. Most enthralled of all, Erion the ships captain later met with
Karn after his performance.

Thus began a long relationship between the ships chief entertainer and its captain, the pair
were often seen together, and while the crew thought it unusual, the crew’s motto of 'live
and let live’ ensured the pair were able to solidify the special bond they enjoyed for many

While the captain saw a great enthusiasm for life and love in Karn, the young bard also saw
the emotional strength and courage within the captain. The pair were almost direct
opposites in every way, Karn being so naïve to the world outside the ship, and Erion,
being all too wise to its horrors. While Karn was intrigued by his captain’s experience and
tales of battle, the captain was almost envious of the simplicity of the sheltered life Karn
had led.

As the pair grew older, their relationship developed and the pair became well
known as partners among the crew.Erion would tell Karn tales of his battles and the creatures
he had fought before he became captain of the Euryalus, and Karn
would sit for hours listening to his lover enthralled by tales of
far off lands and deep underground caverns.

Yet Karn’s life was set to change. Their relationship lasted fifteen long years, merely a blink of
an eye for an elf, but the pair were to be separated under the most unusual of
As Karn slept in Erion’s arms early one morning, outside a storm was brewing in the seas near
Leilon. As many of the crew slept the waves came rushing at the hull of the Euryalus, and
the ship began to rock violently in the wake of the storm. Far worse than any of the crew
had ever weathered, all crew members were called upon to steer the Euryalus safely.

This was to be the final night Karn would spend in his beloved home. The waves encroached
harder and more frequently, the sky darker than ever before, the morning had not come and
a dark mist covered the sun.

Erion gave his lover one brief last kiss before he left to take the helm. This was the last time
Karn ever saw him, moments after he left the room the whole ship shook. Hardened sailors
with years of experience screamed out as the ship crashed into a group of rocks near the
port town of Leilon.

Much of what happened after the crash Karn can no longer remember, and it has been four
months now since the darkness and the storm came and the Euryalus was destroyed. A
vague recollection of being washed up on Leilon docks still haunts him, yet anything more,
or the survival of any other crew members remains a mystery to him.

Today Karn still mourns the loss of his partner, and will do so for the rest of his life. Yet
adapting to a life on land, which Karn has never been exposed to, is by far his greatest
challenge for the moment.

Lost, alone and in a strange new society outside of the friends
he has known all his life, Karn wonders his way to the small town of Hlint...


Karn's Latest Portrait! (Updated April 2007)

General Discussion / Dragon Summoning still?
« on: July 05, 2006, 09:26:52 am »
I have just decided to submit a new PC but have hit a problem. Since Bloodstone (I think) is no more, is the dragon still summoning PC's as it always did? Or is there a new system now for this?
  Just want to make sure to ensure my submission runs as smooth as possbible.
  Thanks All.

General Discussion / NWN2 In Game Footage
« on: May 10, 2006, 03:10:42 pm »
After seeing the trailer earlier today I decided to do a little digging around and found three clips on IGN that show NWN2 in game and are very exciting! Sorry everyone if these are old videos, but they certainly show more of what the finished game will be like than the trailer!

Some interesting points:
1) Spell effect range indicators - shows where the spell will hit before it is cast! Great for mages in layo!
2) Fully controllable henchmen and the ability to pause and control each henchman to do a specific task before unpausing!
3) Character Generation System - Just wow! Probably not on a par with the sims or similar but still much improved

Obviously these videos do not show what the final game will be exactly but they give a good indication.

Note: I was going to add to the existing trailer threads, but these videos arent exactly trailers and also I didnt want anyone to miss these videos that I found really amazing!


General Discussion / Shifting Drow of the 7th House
« on: May 08, 2006, 08:44:41 am »
I recently came across a character submission for a character named Ayreon. The submission detailed the fall of a house of drow known as the 7th house and Leanthar seemed to show some level of interest in this background, and requested more detailed information.

The thread can be found here:

The idea of shifting drow, so as not to attract unwanted attention is very interesting to me and I would be keen to hear more of this background, perhaps from the player who created Ayreon.

More can be found on the house here in Ayreon's character dev thread:

Also I was wandering whether it would be acceptable, once I have obtained as much detail on the history of this group, to create my own shifting drow and use the background and incorporate it into my own characters bio, should I make one, and be accepted.


General Discussion / Bardic magic
« on: April 15, 2006, 06:29:49 pm »
I confess to being increasingly interested in the Bard class, yet I have never played one before, either online or in solo-gaming. I have been thinking around the idea of this class and have come up with some questions about the magical abilities of a Bard.

How do Bard's cast their magic - I know it is spontaneous, but is it through musical manipulation or song in some way? Or is it entirely through more 'traditional' ways of casting? ie. sorcerers and raw energy.

Having played many sorcerers and wizards as well as other casting classes (druid, cleric) I am finding it difficult to get my head around the ways in which a Bard casts.

Aside from this if anyone has any links to useful bard information I would be very greatful. I'm working from scratch more or less and any information is useful at the moment!

Many Thanks

General Discussion / Wild Elf ESA?
« on: April 15, 2006, 07:40:41 am »
Hi I was just wondering if someone could clarify the ESA for a Wild Elf in game. It seems the handbook and the website have slightly different information.

(Note) For any that know but dont know what ESA is. It is basically what stat increases and decreases a character gets in game. It is the basic racial modifiers (NWN) plus the layonara ones.

Thanks Everyone!

General Discussion / Plane of Shadow?
« on: March 29, 2006, 07:15:47 am »
Hi all. I was wondering about the plane of Shadow and how layonara deals with it, this not being FR and all. But I just read in the handbook that layo deals with the planes in the same way as FR.

So my question is, can anyone tell me anything about the plane of shadow?
I was hoping layo might have it's own setup I could follow but it says FR planes, which I don't know much about.


Just thought I'd post a quick note to thank everyone who accompanied Kali and Dervish last night. It was a great party (even though we lost and gained a few!) and kept me on my PC until 2.30AM! ouch! I think layo sort of destroys sleep patterns....oh well!

Time to write it all in Kali's journal much!

Thanks again all!

Development Journals and Discussion / The Grimoire of Kali Syndani
« on: March 17, 2006, 03:41:45 pm »
[SIZE=16]*You glance upon the black leather bound tome before you. It seems almost ethereal as you examine the symbols seemingly scattered randomly over its cover. The book is rather unusual and makes you feel slightly uncomfortable as you look closer, yet an undenyable energy seems to beckon to you from within it.*[/SIZE][/b]

General Discussion / Wizards spell book item
« on: March 16, 2006, 01:52:34 pm »
Hi all I was wandering if there was any way to obtain a book item that could be read for use as a roleplaying tool for wizards as a spell book? I heard they are available for 100gp but I'm not sure where. Thanks

General Discussion / Trees and other placeables white.
« on: March 14, 2006, 11:37:22 am »
Hi I just thought I'd ask whether trees and other placeables showing up as white shapes might be to do with running the game on a low graphics laptop or whether it could be something to do with the settings on NWN? I usually play on my new PC but I'm away from home at the moment. So hoping I could still play on layo I tried it on my boyfriends laptop, but its not the best in the world and it seems now half the placeables are white, but not all, which led me to think it was only the custom placeables I was having a problem with.

Has anyone else ever had this problem? I am just interested to know if it is the system I'm using or perhaps
something to do with the HAK's or how I have installed them perhaps? Are there minimum graphics card requirements?

I dont really know if anyone can answer any of those questions, but it would be nice if I could do something about these white trees if anyone has any suggestions!


General Discussion / Wizard Familiar Question
« on: March 12, 2006, 09:17:43 am »
I was wondering what the feeling is among those playing on the server who see a non-evil wizard who has a traditionally 'evil' familiar in toe. For my latest character (who is TN) I was hoping to choose the Imp as her familiar for its ties with illusions and magic, also I havent seen too many Imps wandering about as familiars. Is there any reason why she could not or should not choose the imp as her familiar? Other choices for illusion based familiars could be the faerie dragon I suppose. (The fairy just seems too powerful-rogue abilities and all!)

Hopefuly I can get some feedback here before I select the familiar.

Thanks All

General Discussion / Shifter PRC Details
« on: February 06, 2006, 04:38:37 pm »
[SIZE=13]Having conducted a search of the forums and the LORE database I dont seem to be able to find any specific information on the Shifter PRC, its requirements or how it is implimented on Layonara.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]For reasons of RP, my character Tiden Di'Ren may decide to try and attain this prestige class via a CDQ sometime in the future. I would like to have some info on this PRC though and how it works in Layonara so I can RP more convincingly and with stronger conviction.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]Just to let everyone know, the PRC section of this site does not feature the Shifter so any links to that info are unhelpful.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]If anyone knows anything that would be great. I am also eager to hear from those players whose characters have already made the change to Shifter.[/SIZE]

« on: February 01, 2006, 06:56:54 pm »
[SIZE=16]*Tiden Di'Ren hammers a note to the inn door over the top of the many other notes. Its message is clear.*[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]Adventurers and Druids alike are warned! Today, Autumn Harvest 15 three small Bibliths and one larger one attacked and killed a druid in the Harmony Grove.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]All who would travel to this once calm region are warned to take extra care when travelling alone in these parts.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]*The notes before you are written in an elegant and fluid elven hand and contained in a leather bound book dyed a deep blue*  Having lived in and around Hlint for just over a year on the continent of Mistone I have come to understand the land walkers far more than I could have imagined. Yet there still remains many elements of their culture which confuse me. Since my banishment from the seas I have strived to communicate in the common tongue as much as possible so as to integrate myself into life above the ocean waves. It seems many of my bretherin do not make such an effort and I have been told I speak well in the common tongue. For this I am glad but I will continue to learn this tongue with equal vigour. I decided early on the seas were no longer a welcome home to me, yet I often think back to my childhood fondly and I have spent many a day sitting at the docks in Lelion, my feet gently bathed in the comforting waters. [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]*A series of marks on the paper follow as if the author is unsure how to continue* [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]In any case I must continue to make friends and continue to learn of this culture as the sea is now long behind me and I aim to forge my own future above land. Since I arrived in Hlint I have met with new people every day. I have saw creatures that are unheard of in my homelands, huge creatures such as gients giants and orges both shocked and intruiged me when I first saw them, since then I have almost come to accept them as normal in my attempts to 'fit in' with the breathless. I have also saw the openess of expression within Hlint, people of different races walk around freely and many different religions are practised throughout the lands. It seems my affinity with the lady Mist is not so despised here as it was in my restrictive homelands, and for this I am glad. [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]In my time here I have made new aquiantences and ventured out with them on adventures. Some months ago myself, and a small group I met in Hlint ventured out to the Dragonn Isles where I saw monsterous trees and other unnatural creatures. I stood in awe of Ranéwin as she cut down swathes of the monsterous creatures, as I stood behind pitifully throwing small was then I vowed to train to become stronger. It seems I am no longer strong enough above land to face all that is coming....and it is coming, I can sense great evil stirring. The earth itself is almost unnerved by some dark presence. Perhaps it is this Blood I hear of? Perhaps it will be worse. All I know is I must be ready to face whatever comes my way when the time comes.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]*The author seems disturbed by the topic and quickly scribbles the first part of the next sentence* I have alsomet a halfling by the name of Acacea. She is a little excitable, and constantly seeks to insult everyone around her, but I am in no doubt of her good nature. All of what she does seems to be in good jest and her comedy is a welcome distraction from the dark stirrings and the recent deman demonattacks...although I do confess to not understanding all she says, maybe she is insulting me?[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]On the topic of demons I have also met a man which upon first glance I assumed such a creature.It turns out he is what is known as a Ty-fling...Tifling? Tiefling! In any case the man in question, Zweck, seems a strange sort although I confess to being intruiged. He is readily accepted by most of the towns folk, despite some obvious reservations from some. Yet he is allowed to remain. It is sad to think how one such as Zweck would be treated in my home lands and I am glad Hlint at least seems somewhat more accepting.[/SIZE][/i]
  [SIZE=16]I will continue to learn new things about this world everyday, as well as improving my abilities. *The author seems excited as if he has just remembered something* Ah! I have finally learnt to channel pure lightening and call it from the air! Such a feat is not an easy task and I am pleased to be able to finally truely revel in the storm. I feel so much more connected to the air and the earth! I am sure I will continue to grow in power as my connection with the world deepens. [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]I feel humble before the might of nature, yet powerful as I stand by her side...[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=24]Tiden Di'Ren[/SIZE][/i]
  [SIZE=16]*the entry ends here. It is dated Autumn Harvest, 7, 1395*[/SIZE]

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