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Topics - Lynn1020

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Trade and Market Hall / Looking to buy
« on: June 01, 2009, 07:59:41 pm »
[SIZE=18]I am looking to buy boxes of the following.  Mr. Tod seems too busy to be able to get them.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[SIZE=18] Bodak teeth [/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=18] Purple mushrooms[/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=18] ginseng[/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=18] skullcaps[/SIZE][/FONT]

[SIZE=18] ~Amanda Doesscha     [/SIZE][/FONT]

[SIZE=32]I can pay in full with coins. [/SIZE]

Trade and Market Hall / Items for sale
« on: May 28, 2009, 12:57:37 am »
[SIZE=24][SIZE=48]Items for Auction.[/SIZE]

Cloak of Vestments
[SIZE=18] Starting bid 10,000[/SIZE]
[/COLOR] [SIZE=16]
[SIZE=16] +5 Soak
 5 Damage
Only usable by: Good
Level Requirement: 17

Cloak of Fortification +2
[SIZE=18]Starting bid 5,000[/SIZE]

[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][SIZE=24][SIZE=16] Armor Bonus +2 (AC Deflection Modifier)
+2 Universal Saves;
Level Requirement: 14

[SIZE=24]Bracers of Sigil
[SIZE=18]Starting bid 10,000[/SIZE]

[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][SIZE=16] +2 to intelligence
 Lore +4[/SIZE]
Level Requirement 14
[/I][SIZE=24]Nymph Cloak +2
[SIZE=18]Starting bid 10,000[/SIZE]

[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][SIZE=16]Charisma +2[/SIZE][/FONT][SIZE=16]
Level Requirement: 9

Contact me with any questions before bidding.
~Amanda [/SIZE][/SIZE]

[/I] [SIZE=18]



//Auctions will end on Monday the 1st and noon PST

General Discussion / To those on the trip to the Deep today.
« on: May 16, 2009, 07:46:33 pm »
[SIZE=18]Thank you all for all showing up. I am sooo sorry it ended it the way it did. Even more so for all the soul strands that were lost. I feel really bad. :(

I did not know it had changed that much or I would have not asked people to go there.  We should have turned back the first time. What use to be there is no longer. :(  All of that was for nothing.

There was a little loot but nothing major. If want to know what I have catch me in game or send me a pm.

[SIZE=16]Edited to add... I have to say it was fun and exciting up to that point. Thanks to L for dropping in on us. :)[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=18]

Rumour Has It / *A note is posted at inns and taverns*
« on: May 14, 2009, 01:13:47 pm »
[SIZE=24]Storold and Amanda [/SIZE][SIZE=24]Doesscha[/SIZE][/I][SIZE=24] would like to invite those that would be
 interested in heading out for a few days of travel and adventure.
 Everyone is welcome but I do want to make it clear that the lands we
 may travel into is guaranteed to be deadly to young and new
 adventures.  I only ask that if you come along that you are willing to
 work with those around you and not do silly things that will bring
 them harm or even worse death.  Once everyone has gathered we will
 decide what direction to travel first.

[/SIZE] [SIZE=24]
[/SIZE] [SIZE=24]So if you are interested, pack a bag of food, and your own healing kit.
 We will be meeting in Miritrix on Threas, Apreal 5, 1449, 14:00.

//Highly recommend levels 20 and above. Come prepared to rp and have fun!! :)

Wild Surge Inn / *A note is posted at inns and taverns*
« on: May 14, 2009, 01:01:01 pm »
[SIZE=24]Storold and Amanda [/SIZE][SIZE=24]Doesscha[/SIZE][/I][SIZE=24] would like to invite those that would be
 interested in heading out for a few days of travel and adventure.
 Everyone is welcome but I do want to make it clear that the lands we
 may travel into is guaranteed to be deadly to young and new
 adventures.  I only ask that if you come along that you are willing to
 work with those around you and not do silly things that will bring
 them harm or even worse death.  Once everyone has gathered we will
 decide what direction to travel first.

[/SIZE] [SIZE=24]
[/SIZE] [SIZE=24]So if you are interested, pack a bag of food, and your own healing kit.
 We will be meeting in Miritrix on Threas, Apreal 5, 1449, 14:00.

//Highly recommend levels 20 and above. Come prepared to rp and have fun!! :)

Trade and Market Hall / Dorand's Brace
« on: May 13, 2009, 12:35:50 am »

Up for auction is this fine belt.

[SIZE=32]Dorand's Brace [/SIZE]
(+2 strength +2 concentration +2 discipline)

Starting bid 25,000

Please post all bids here. Please contact me with any questions you may have before bidding.

manda [/I]Doesscha

[SIZE=16]//Auction will end on Monday 18th, 12pm PST[/SIZE]

General Discussion / Arrows
« on: May 06, 2009, 10:12:45 pm »
With the new training bows, I have been asked often what each arrowhead and feathers do. So I have made a new list.  If you see anything that should be corrected or added please let me know and I will make the changes.


[/SIZE] Copper, just the regular plus feather damage.
Bronze extra damage to beasts and animals
Iron extra damage to construct
Silver extra damage to undead and shapechanger
Plat extra damage to magical beasts
Adamantium - Extra damage to outsiders
Colbalt extra damage aberration
 Titanium - Extra damage to giants
 Mithril - Extra damage to dragons
[SIZE=16] Feathers[/SIZE]

Falcon = piercing damage.
Stirges = negative energy
Raven = bludgeoning
Owl=  slashing

Hickory - +1 damage bonus
Oak - 1d4
Mahogany - 1d6
Yew - 1d8

Trade and Market Hall / ~~Looking for mithril dagger~~
« on: April 24, 2009, 03:05:33 am »
[SIZE=16]I'm looking to purchase a dagger made from mithril.

Contact me if you have on you are willing to sell.

~Emie Meadows

Trade and Market Hall / All types of bows
« on: April 23, 2009, 02:09:08 am »
[SIZE=16][SIZE=24]I am cleaning house and getting rid of all my bows.  If in need for certain bow just ask I most likely have it. [/SIZE][/SIZE]
Here are just a few of examples but able to produce all craft able bows [/SIZE]
 [/SIZE] [SIZE=18]
Mahogany Compound Longbow -- (Attack Bonus +2, Req’d Lvl 13)

  Compound Yew LongBow --(Attack bonus +3, Req'dLvl 15)
 Yew Longbow of the hunter
 Yew Longbow of the hunter with a mighty +3
May also fill orders and /or add bow parts (Mighty +1, +2, +3 ) if there is something you want that is not listed here.
Send message to Emie Meadows.
[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][SIZE=16]  //Any method of contact is fine.

[SIZE=18]   //Once one Yew item sells, the others will be removed from the market.  [/SIZE]


Trade and Market Hall / Smoking pipes
« on: April 11, 2009, 12:11:19 pm »
[SIZE=18][SIZE=24]~~For Sale~~[/SIZE]

Smoking pipes made from the finest mahogany and yew!

We can discuss price at the time of delivery.

~Emie Meadows


Trade and Market Hall / ~~Auction for an uncut Emerald~~
« on: April 03, 2009, 02:42:57 am »
[SIZE=18][SIZE=32]~~Up for Auction~~

[/SIZE][SIZE=24][SIZE=32]One Uncut Emerald [/SIZE]

When a group I was with ventured down into the dept of the
 Rift we were fortunate enough to find an small piece
 of emerald. We have decided to put this emerald up for
 auction.  The true will be divided among the group.  

I personally will be donating the share I receive  to
 help in the aid of the western coast of Tilmar where
 the tsunami struck.

      ~Amanda [/SIZE][/SIZE]

Wren has asked that his portion go to the rebuilding of the Ovdear.
[/I] [SIZE=18]  

//Auction will end Thursday 9th at 12 noon PST//

Wild Surge Inn / Those that went on the trip Rift trip
« on: April 02, 2009, 05:09:06 pm »
[SIZE=18]I have sent a personal message to each one of you, but thought this may best to post a note here so each one can make it public what they would choose for us to do with the mystery mineral that ended up being an Emerald.

Do we put it up for auction and the true from it go to help with the tsunami damage on the western coast of Tilmar? (People in the party could bid on it as well)

Do we meet up and roll for it?  If we roll for it I ask for it to be of your own use and not to trade or sell.

I ask for only those that were on the trip reply to please reply to this note.


Wild Surge Inn / A lady in need of diamonds
« on: April 01, 2009, 02:04:56 pm »
[SIZE=24][SIZE=18]I am in need of a couple of diamonds for a belt I am hoping to have made for myself. So once again looking for a few adventures to make the trip in the the Rift in search of these gems. Depending on how many show up we may head deeper in. So bring picks if you are a miner! Any true or goods found will be shared in the group. [/SIZE]

Everyone is welcome to come along.
I just ask that you be respectful to others around you.

Meeting in Dalanther.

[SIZE=32]A[/SIZE]manda Doesscha

[SIZE=18]// Starting time may vary. Depending on the ending of quests scheduled for today and to give those that are on them a break before heading out. [/SIZE]

Trade and Market Hall / Eggs
« on: March 25, 2009, 08:55:00 am »

[SIZE=18]I am looking to buy two boxes of fresh eggs. [/SIZE][/SIZE]
I will pay well for them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18] ~Amanda [/SIZE][SIZE=18]Doesscha~[/SIZE][/I]

Trade and Market Hall / Boxes of goods
« on: March 10, 2009, 01:16:49 am »
[SIZE=24]I have a box full each of the following for sale

  • [SIZE=24]Eggs[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  • [SIZE=24]Silk[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  • [SIZE=24]Chestnuts
  • [/SIZE][/I][/COLOR][/FONT]
Leave message here and I will deliver them to you.


Fixed Bugs / Shard of Hraykirlar's Portal
« on: February 28, 2009, 11:34:08 am »
Description: The shard drops without charges.  

 Location: Great Ruins
 Verified: Yes by Dorganath
 Reproducable:  Yes

General Discussion / Happy Birthday!
« on: February 23, 2009, 07:29:37 pm »
[SIZE=18]If the calendar is correct then it is...    merlin34baseball birthday!! [/SIZE]

[SIZE=18]:) Happy Birthday hope you have a great one! :)[/SIZE]

Wild Surge Inn / *A note is posted at inns and taverns*
« on: January 12, 2009, 12:50:01 am »
[SIZE=24][SIZE=32]Looking for strong adventurers of all kinds!!![/SIZE] [/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
 [SIZE=18]We have come to believe there are several portals placed around Mistone that may have been used to allow undead to travel through. We found the first portal now its time to discuss when to go find the others.  This has been put off to long.

 If interested in more information or want to lend a hand our next meeting will be in [/SIZE]

[SIZE=18] ~Amanda Coyle~
//This goes along with the  on going quest of [/SIZE]
[SIZE=18]Te'thalus' Tome. If involved you can request acess to the Te'thalus' Tome section of the forms. There are several characters that you can also get more information from in game. [/SIZE][/I]


Trade and Market Hall / ~Bodak Teeth for Sale~
« on: January 09, 2009, 01:23:44 am »
[SIZE=24]I have three boxes of bodak teeth that I am putting up
 for sale.  Please consider the time it takes to gather
 this many teeth when making your offer.

[/SIZE][SIZE=24]~Amanda Coyle [/SIZE]

Trade and Market Hall / Wanting to buy
« on: January 02, 2009, 08:11:08 pm »
[SIZE=18]I have recently moved in to a new home and have found out there was someone .. or maybe I should say something already living there.  To my surprise while I was studying in front of my fireplace a mouse came running by my foot. He stopped long enough to look at me and run off under my bed.  So I am looking for one house cat that needs a new home.  Must be good at catching mice!  

~Amanda Coyle

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