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Topics - Verideth

Pages: 1 [2]
Ask A Gamemaster / Pickup requested
« on: August 25, 2008, 03:42:43 pm »
I spoke with Darkstorme yestarday, barring he cant make it, can I please have a DM pick up 38 glass ingots for the Lyn 151 housing request?

I can be on tonight around 8:45PM EST (GMT-5)

Mucholious Gracias!

Trade and Market Hall / Buying
« on: August 17, 2008, 10:09:44 pm »
*Note posted in Port Hempstead, Haven and Hlint*

Looking to buy:

100 Mahogany Planks-250 trues each
200 Iron Spikes-Going rate ?
60 Glass Ingots-65 trues each
One Iron Lock-Going rate ?

Contact Verideth Lightbringer or leave a message here.

Trade and Market Hall / Bag found in Alchemy bench
« on: July 19, 2008, 04:17:56 am »
*note tacked up in Port Hempstead*

Someone in the orchbashers guild please contact me.

Verideth Lightbringer

Fixed Bugs / Greater Magic Weapon Bug - Behaves As Intended
« on: June 03, 2008, 12:46:29 am »
Bug Report

Description: I have Eschew Materials I and when I cast Greater Magic Weapon(3rd level mage spell) it says I need the componet "Powered Carbon".

Location: Everywere I try it.

Reproducable: Tried three times now. Rested then logged and tried again. Same.


Development Journals and Discussion / Notes of Laenela Maaw
« on: May 27, 2008, 12:22:01 pm »

The timing of it all. Sun wanted me to become more. She wanted to leave Leringard and see more of the world.... We do this and then, BANG! A Dragon attacks after we leave. And he hits the docks even! I know I would have been there working it...


I have met all sorts of things... A gaint, deaders, orcs, goblins, priests, elves and even possibly nice people... Those were the strangest to me. I just don't believe it. Everyone knows Razeriem. And everyone holds their women close around him. I met too many people, made my head spin. These adventures are so different.  I want to smack them. They are so trusting and giving. Everyone gave us so much... Why? I don't know them.

My apprenticeship with Razeriem is ended. After two weeks I can do everything he can. Razeriem... I am even beating Wyatt at cards. One thing I admit, Razeriem was right about most people. Play dumb and they will underestimate you. Some people directly me to this Elly. I actually found her sitting with this human in Hemp. I can tell this Elly is a do gooder. I want to scoff again. Sun believes all this is real and I lived an extreme life. I am just not ready to accept nice and cuddly. Either way I will study under this Elly. Sun wants me to become more and I will do it.

Met this guy and he told me were to go mining. May try my hand at it. Then met these two elves. They knew Razeriem and asked me to take some things to him. They were so funny. All arguing and acting like they were married. I offended them, image that... I can tell this elf has money. Maybe I can suck up to him and learn something. He gave me some pretty nice stuff to give to Razeriem.

I did meet one person that... Reminded me of my Father. Rodlin. Beside Sun, I have never felt I could trust someone immediately. This Rodlin saw me talking to a half orc and some elf named Leshariel. She had some things for me to give to Rzaeriem. Who desont?! Rodlin knew Leshariel and came over. Rodlin gave us both a warning about hanging out with this Muhk. Rodlin is some leader. I knew the orc was up to no good. He mentioned his gang and then tried to play all coy. Gangs are bad news. Some Angels group. Hey! I may be young but I am wise to the streets. Rodlin really made an impression on me. He even said I could come and spend time with him and learn about elven traditions. My Mom always made sure I could talk but it has been forty years since I have spent any time with any kin. Never wanted to until now... Well until Sun came along. I do not know why I long for this...

I am so clumsy and ignorant! I have been pondering all this stuff and all the people I have met recently. I played the stupid card right but offended almost everyone. The words never come out right. Sun has such a better way and is so comfortable with people.

I do say this one thing. Dwarfs are insane. All they want is to kill. Met one with a gnome. He kept hitting himself in the head and bitting his shield. Kept yelling and loved killing kobalds. Then met another. I greeted him like the other dwarf greeted me. He got up close and said he would kill me if I did that again. Who the hell does he think he is? One day, alone in the dark I will slit his... Ok... The old ways... I kept calm, played stupid and just walked away. Oh Sun, something inside of me is so glad I met you.

I can not even image what these next few days will bring. Probably a pink dark elf that sells candy to children and everyone loves him...

Ask A Gamemaster / Lore in the world
« on: May 19, 2008, 01:57:12 pm »
Does Layonara have any basis for a Mystic Theurge or Geomancy class?

Maybe somone famous that succeeded in doing so or old legends?

Trade and Market Hall / Magical Helm
« on: May 06, 2008, 06:40:45 pm »
*note left by bank door in Port Hempstead*

I have a helmet made by a local magician that casts two spells of protection and helps with one's focus.

Contact Verideth if you would like to purchase it.

OOC: Helmet of Armor II: Barkskin & Mage Armor x2 day; +4 Discipline

Trade and Market Hall / Eggs for sale
« on: April 15, 2008, 10:25:02 am »
*posted in Port Hempstead*

Box of eggs for sale. Have 20 bottles of milk as well.


Ask A Gamemaster / Diety Lists
« on: April 02, 2008, 04:25:01 pm »

I sent a PM out a few weeks ago about joining the druid forum but never heard back.

I have since showered and combed my hair and brushed my teeth.


Anyone send me to the right place?

Byron player of Verideth

Trade and Market Hall / Purple Mushrooms
« on: March 20, 2008, 04:46:05 pm »
*posted in Port Hempstead and Hlint*

Box of Purple Mushrooms for sale.

Contact Verideth or Aerimor.

Ask A Gamemaster / PVPed without my consent
« on: March 16, 2008, 10:08:03 am »
bumped to correct forum.

Trade and Market Hall / Note tacked up in Fort Vehl
« on: March 14, 2008, 10:59:22 am »
I have a box of purple mushrooms. Let me know if any wish to buy them and were to meet.

Dew Wine

Development Journals and Discussion / Journal of Verideth Lightbringer
« on: March 13, 2008, 04:53:08 pm »
Written in Elvish:

First day in this new land. It's... Everything is dirty. No one is out in the streets. They have a stupid half orc at the front gates! He just stares at everyone. I can image his thoughts, umm kill, umm no kill. Umm no kill....

I digress.

The chickens were very straight forward. More talkative that most in the city. I pondered freeing them. They wanted food. I assume they would not be able to care for themselves. I moved on. Perhaps if I find some corn or wheat I will come back. I found some water I think is drinkable...

Left the city and went west. I saw a tree sprite! I was over joyed, until it stared chasing me down. It refused my presence!!! To top it off I ran into a restless spirit. Dont forget the dwarfs... They grabbed weapons and watched me go by. This place is cursed.

To the east is a dangerous looking pass. To the North the woods.. I can hear them creak. I have heard there is a darkness bellow the city. Perhaps I will go cleanse it. My brother ran down there at first word.

Dew Wine

General Discussion / Looking for a Sun Elf
« on: March 05, 2008, 06:57:16 pm »
Any NPC or PC Sun Elf's out there?

Looking to prop up a new PC. Possibly wanted to tie in existing plots or history.

My thanks!

Introduce Yourself / Hellos
« on: March 05, 2008, 05:28:45 pm »
Hello folks.

I'm Byron, hope to be a new player soon. Got on IRC and chatted around about my concept and wanted to post for an answer I couldn't get.

Are there any established Sun Elf family's that players or GM's have made?

I don't mind making up my own, got a good one. Just prefer to bend in with the community.

My thanks!

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