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Topics - miltonyorkcastle

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Poetic License / Closet Demons
« on: March 27, 2005, 01:24:00 pm »
Closet Demons

I couldn’t hide my eyes from them
Forms floating from my frayed mind’s bend.

Ghouls and cruel demons ruled my
By the leering yellow closet light.

My blanket gave a haven from
Terrible, I twitch to explain.

Growing bolder, my foes close to harrow my soul
Slyly slipped sideways across my brain’s floor:

When did my tendency begin to lend me to
Might was more my method of maneuver.

With this pillow built of holy feather
Crush their cackling carcasses to the ground.

But up opened the cuts of my
Awake before butting the beasts from my bedside.


Development Journals and Discussion / Travels of The Norseman
« on: February 06, 2005, 02:07:00 pm »
Well, after leaving Blackford's castle and my shortlived military career, I have not managed to make it much further than Hlint.  Krumk traveled with me, and continues to be as loyal a friend as ever.  If you know him as I do, you know he has a subtle cunning that escapes the notice of those who cannot look past his hide and stilted speech.  Together we have managed to procure a minor amount of notoriety in and around Hlint, as well as garner a little wealth.  I must admit, while some of it went to good use, the rest I have squandered on booze and the wiles of women.  But it all cam at a cost.  Both Krumk and I have fresh scars, and I only narrowly escaped death, thanks to some honorable comrades who, at risk to their own lives, dragged my dying carcass to a priestess, who was able to revive me.  However, I have gained more than wealth and wounds.  I have continued to train with my blade, and I can feel my body and the claymoor uniting.  My strength and skill with it is impressive to those who watch me fight, but I cannot somehow help but feel that there is more, that I am not yet a master.  And I will master the sword, as I have mastered my body.  My blade will lead me in the exploration of my world, Layonara.

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