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Topics - miltonyorkcastle

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Just for Fun / Forward Unto Dawn
« on: October 23, 2012, 01:56:04 pm »
Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn - Part 1 (Live-action Halo Series) - YouTube

It actually has a decent budget to work with. And I want the Warthog they're driving around!

See here:

The messages that arrive are hand delivered by couriers, most of whom are Al'noth users of some sort.

The message is as follows:

To those who claim membership in the Triple S, renewed or anew, your skills are needed for a unique mission such as will not likely be duplicated in ten lifetimes. It involves the Pits, and of course, dragons. Report to Hilm within the week. Magical transport is suggested.

/// This is your invite to the following quest. Beware, there's not likely to be a resurrection stone in the Pit to which we're going.

Rumour Has It / Messages arrive...
« on: September 18, 2012, 05:24:27 pm »
... at locations where known adventurers and sell-swords can be found. It's said the messages are in leather cases, sealed in wax, and stamped with three S's. It's also noted that some of those that receive these messages make immediate plans to leave town, kingdom, and continent. A few of them also visit with the guarantor of their last will and testament before leaving town.

Just for Fun / Calling all graphic designers...
« on: August 23, 2012, 02:18:24 pm »
... I've been pondering over a design for the Triple S call-sign. Then I realized, "Hey! There are a lot more creative people in the community, so let's see what other people can come up with." I was thinking of a design with three letter S's, but I'm open to anything, really, if it looks cool, heh.

(For those of you that don't know anything about the Triple S, here are a few threads:,, .... unfortunately, the original thread got eaten in a forum hiccup we had some time back. "Triple S" refers to "Steel's Suicide Squad".)

Just for Fun / Self-Control, will power, and success
« on: June 14, 2012, 11:03:40 am »
It's a long article, so be prepared, but holy moly is it eye-opening:

The secret of self-control : The New Yorker

Rumour Has It / Off the northwest coast of Dregar...
« on: May 29, 2012, 04:50:55 pm »
... a few dozen stranded sailors and passengers were hauled out of the sea, each claiming that their ship caught fire mid-voyage between Hurm and North Point. The story goes that the whole ship went up in a blazing inferno, the passengers and crew diving overboard, only to turn and see the inferno take the shape of a massive dragon before the whole ship went down in a steamy haze of white smoke. Those who rescued the stranded lot discredited the tale, attributing it to delirium from hunger or shock, but some wonder how so many 'delirious' people came up with the exact same tale.

General Discussion / Pyrtechon Quest Today: Update
« on: May 27, 2012, 01:35:11 pm »
Quick time change: bumping it to one hour later to ensure I have enough setup time.

Starting point is Hurm.

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Seen around Belinara...
« on: May 24, 2012, 01:02:30 pm »
After the retreat of the Cult's troops back in Kuhl, Steel practically disappeared from Belinara. Lately, however, he has been spotted more and more often around the Hilm Protectorate and Nesar. His return to Belinara coincides with further unrest within Hilm. They say that blood follows the demon of Leringard, but very few have actually seen the masked devil draw his sword- at least, few that are still living.

One way or the other, he's returned to Belinara for a reason...

Just for Fun / Starcraft Terran Theme: Metal Version
« on: May 23, 2012, 11:07:06 am »
Throw up your devil horns and stick out your tongue. This rocks.

Starcraft Terran 1 theme: The metal remix 2012 - YouTube

General Discussion / PnP Reminder
« on: May 08, 2012, 08:04:49 pm »
As per this thread:

The show is off for a few weeks.

Just for Fun / Yes, we are.
« on: March 27, 2012, 10:25:46 am »
When someone asks you what you are, or makes fun of you for your obsessiveness over a hobby, or calls you a nerd, point them to this article.

Dear Fake Geek Girls: Please Go Away - Forbes

Layonara Server / Power And Prestige: Cancellation Notice
« on: March 20, 2012, 03:45:33 pm »
The session scheduled for Tuesday, March 20th, is officially cancelled. We'll pick back up next week.

Our sincerest apologies. Master is buried in RL work, and I'm buried in a move to a new house (I'm still trying to get internet working at the new place, even).

General Discussion / Power And Prestige: Cancellation Notice
« on: March 20, 2012, 03:45:33 pm »
The session scheduled for Tuesday, March 20th, is officially cancelled. We'll pick back up next week.

Our sincerest apologies. Master is buried in RL work, and I'm buried in a move to a new house (I'm still trying to get internet working at the new place, even).

General Discussion / Notice: Power and Prestige Forum is up and running.
« on: February 22, 2012, 10:33:38 am »
Those involved in the quest simply need to request to join that forum, and Masterjack or I will add you to the viewing list.

To request to join the forum for those who don't know how, open up your private messages. Look at the menu on the left-hand side, toward the bottom. Click on 'Group Memberships'. Then find 'Power and Prestige', select the 'join group' bubble to the right-hand side, then click the 'join group' button at the bottom of the list.

We wanted to start it, oh, a month earlier, but alas, vacations and work and that thing called life has somewhat slowed us down. But never fear! The series is on the calendar now! The show starts February 14th, though we'll be dropping some lines in the rumor thread before that to get the juices flowing.

Questions? Comments? Feel free to drop some here. We'll also be starting a long running series forum a little closer to the actual start of it all. In the meantime, I've got a bit more paperwork to do....

Forum Discussion / Database Error when new player attempts to register
« on: November 25, 2011, 01:04:02 pm »
My youngest brother was trying to register on the forums. He checked the box to say he agreed with the rules and hit the continue button. The next page that came up looked like the attached picture.

Fixed Bugs / Missing transition in Fort of Last Hope area.
« on: November 10, 2011, 01:53:29 pm »
Description: The AT to the Shadison Viper temple exterior is missing from the Fort of Llast Hope area, cutting off access to all the temple areas.

Area: Fort of Last Hope

Verified: Not yet.

Reproducible: Assuming it is verified, then yes.

Rumour Has It / From the Taur'en Hills...
« on: November 03, 2011, 12:48:43 pm »
... news of the latest and boldest move by the kingdom of Sagewald to force Taur'en to relinquish its hold on parts of the mineral-rich Hills circulates among the port cities and the royal courts of other Alindoran Kingdoms. A large Sagewald army set up camp half a day's ride north of Fort Angle, well inside Taur'en territory, as if daring the Taur'en military and the commanders of Fort Angle to attack.

Messenger birds went tearing off toward Castle Bydell, and within a day troops were marching from Bydell toward Fort Angle and a small cabal of Taur'en wizards teleported directly to the Fort. The Fort commanders prepared for an attack, but none came. After a few days, the Taur'en commanders sent a messenger to the Sagewald camp carrying a letter explaining that the army was on Taur'en soil and must return to Sagewald immediately. The messenger returned to Fort Angle, strapped to his horse and missing his head, the letter stuffed where his head should have been. Angered, the Fort commanders decided to wait until the reinforcements from Bydell to arrive, then to attack the sitting Sagewald army from two sides and send it packing back across the border. In the meantime, the Sagewald troops remained camped at the position to the north, harassing anyone that moved too close to their camp. This all occurred over the course of several weeks, from the time the Sagewald army was discovered to the time the Bydell reinforcement troops arrived and the Taur'en army was assembled outside the Fort.

The day before Taur'en planned to attack the Sagewald intruders, a scout arrived from the southeast of the Fort. The scout was injured and visibly exhausted, a mercenary unknown to those parts. The scout warned of a Sagewald force on horseback that had hidden itself in the hills and forests to the southeast. Realizing that was Sagewald's plan all along, to lure the bulk of the Taur'en forces out of the Fort into an engagement with the northern camp while the cavalry to the southeast swooped in to either flank the Taur'en forces or assault the thinly-manned fort, the Fort Angle commanders ordered half the assembled troops to turn and engage the smaller cavalry force to the southeast, while moving the rest of the troops and supplies back inside the Fort.

The larger Taur'en force easily routed the hidden cavalry unit without much of a fight. The Sagewald cavalry had apparently begun cutting down trees, leaving the early makings of siege weaponry and hook-ladders strewn about the forest floor when they scattered in retreat.

A few days later, the Sagewald camp north of the Fort packed up and made its way back toward the Sagewald-Taur'en border. The precarious stalemate between the two kingdoms continues.

Rumour Has It / Job Posting in Leringard
« on: September 16, 2011, 03:01:33 pm »
Word spreads through the various corners of Trelania:

Now Hiring!

The Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern is seeking to hire one or two full time cooks and an event planner. Please contact Lily at the Arms if you are interested. You will be notified of a time to meet for an interview.

//// Either send a PM or post her if your character is interested. ////

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